The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 32



The temperature has dropped again recently.

Every time Xu Mu goes out, he has to mentally prepare himself to face a world without heating.

"Daddy!" Ye Ye came out bouncing with his little backpack on his back.

"Hey, Ye Ye." Xu Mu waved, "Let's go, it's time for school."

Besides picking up Ye Ye from school, Xu Mu has also taken on the task of sending him in the mornings now.

Woo—The cold wind rushed into the corridor.

Xu Mu shivered and rubbed his hands together, trying to generate some warmth.

"Ah Mu," Bai Nian called out.

"Good morning, Brother Nian."

Bai Nian's gaze fell on his hands, his brows slightly furrowed.

Xu Mu immediately dropped his hands, pretending that the previous action never happened.

Bai Nian sighed, "Ah Mu, didn't I tell you to wear gloves?"

Xu Mu nodded vigorously, "Yes yes yes, I'll wear them now." As he spoke, he took out gloves from the storage compartment, preparing to put them on.

But he didn't really like wearing gloves; he always felt like his fingers were constrained and uncomfortable.

Bai Nian walked up and gently held his hand, then let go.

"Before going out, you can put the gloves on the heater to warm them up. That way they'll heat up faster," he said. "Actually, if you don't mind the weight, you can wear self-heating gloves."

Xu Mu's hand hesitated for a moment before moving again.

His voice lowered slightly, "Self-heating gloves are a bit heavy, and I don't like them. They're also inconvenient for drawing and such."

"Yeah, you're right," Bai Nian said, seeing Xu Mu putting on the gloves, then he stopped paying attention.

"We're off, bye." Xu Mu held Ye Ye's little hand.

"Bye, take care on the way."


St. Petersburg University, Classroom C Building

As soon as Xu Mu entered the classroom, he found the nearest spot to the heater, took off the cold and perpetually chilly gloves, and positioned his hands in front of the warm air—

He felt like he came back to life.

"Morning, classmate Xu." It was Nian Yueyue.

He nodded, "Morning."

"Isn't it our group's turn to present today?" Nian Yueyue and Zou Ning walked hand in hand and sat down next to Xu Mu.

"Well, the third one," Xu Mu said.

"The third one..." Nian Yueyue calculated the time, "Then at least it won't be our turn until the second period”

Zou Ning, still half asleep, yawned widely and instinctively responded, "Alright, I can catch a nap then."

Nian Yueyue gave her a sideways glance, "Dream on. 'Brother Gua' loves to ask questions at this time. If you can't answer, the group gets deducted points. Don't drag us down."

Because the teaching staff loved to put students on the spot, they were nicknamed "Brother Gua" by generations of students.

Zou Ning let out an "Oh" and slowly put on her hat, "I'm pretending to sleep, not actually sleeping."

Nian Yueyue chuckled, glancing at the time, "Why hasn't Luo Haoyu arrived yet?"

As she spoke, a casual voice rang out.

"Missing me already?" Luo Haoyu sat down with an air of self-importance. "Ah, I get it. It's my first day back, there's a reason for such enthusiasm."

Nian Yueyue rolled her eyes.

Xu Mu looked up and took a glance.

Ah, he finally saw the "fourth person" of the group who was on sick leave at home.

Luo Haoyu noticed and immediately got up, "Come on, Xiao Ning, let's switch seats."

Zou Ning moved slowly, and Luo Haoyu smoothly sat down next to Xu Mu.

Xu Mu: ?

Luo Haoyu reached out, "Hello, classmate Xu, we finally meet in person after several video calls."

He looked Xu Mu up and down, "Indeed, you look much more handsome in person than online."

As the "face value" representative of the architecture department, Luo Haoyu realized that Xu Mu wasn't using filtered photos or angles in his online appearances. In person, he was even more strikingly handsome. 

He smoothed out his perfectly styled bangs, sighing inwardly: I've lost.

Xu Mu felt inexplicable, but he shook hands in return and politely said, "Thank you, you too."

He had worked on group assignments several times with the other three people, so they were getting familiar with each other. They would greet each other when they met, and occasionally sit together in class. In a sense, he wasn't really a "lone wolf" anymore.

Buzzing—his light brain vibrated.

[Bai: Ah Mu, do you like it? Photo.jpg]

Xu Mu enlarged the picture, it was the landscape fountain in the center of the commercial street, frozen into a beautiful "scattered flowers of the heavenly maiden" due to the cold weather.

He observed the shape and organized his words to reply.

[Xu: Beautiful, transparent and crystal clear, like ice crystals]

Bai Nian received the message and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

[Bai: There are snowballs hanging on the green belt, it should be almost time for the Snow God Festival, photo.jpg]

Xu Mu was stunned, Snow God Festival?

Before he could search, the other side sent another message.

[Bai: Is class starting soon? You're in the class now, right? It's 55 minutes, I won't bother you anymore.]

[Bai: Pay attention in class, if there's anything you don't understand, you can come ask me.]

Xu Mu hesitated for a moment, then replied.

[Xu: Yes, I'm in the class.]

[Xu: Okay, Brother Nian.]

Bai Nian lowered his eyelashes, his fair fingertips sliding to the emoji section, and he clicked open—

They were all various Q-version rabbits.

He knew Xu Mu liked rabbits, so he specially downloaded this emoji pack.

He found a milky coffee-colored lop-eared rabbit and sent it.

[Bai: Heart circle launch Kiss.jpg]

[Xu: Classic smiling face emoji.jpg]

The conversation ended.

Xu Mu looked at the emojis for a moment, then stared blankly for a while before quietly closing the page.

It was the fifteenth day.

He thought solemnly, for fifteen consecutive days, he had received this flying kiss emoji pack.

Of course, it wasn't that the emoji "flying kiss" meant anything, but—

Bai Nian seemed to have become a bit strange.

He became increasingly enthusiastic about chatting with him, visiting him frequently, unlike before when they maintained a polite distance, now being very proactive in contacting him.

The words he once said "don't touch" still echoed in his ears, but suddenly, it seemed to no longer exist.

It was like an invisible glass wall being shattered by something, with a crackling sound, leaving debris all over the floor.

Xu Mu stood still, bewildered, not understanding what had happened.

Overnight, the other party had actually changed so much.

Or was it just his imagination?

"It's going to snow the day after tomorrow!"

"Is it snowing so early this year?"

"Not early, the Snow God Festival is coming soon, it's normal to have more snow."

"You guys bought costumes yet?"

"Nope, did you?"


Xu Mu caught the keyword and suddenly spoke, "When is the Snow God Festival?"

Nian Yueyue smiled and replied, "It's next week."

Xu Mu calmly asked, "What are you guys planning to do?"

"The usual stuff, build a snow god, give out glass snow candy or other random stuff. If the school gives us a day off, we might have a costume party," Luo Haoyu said, crossing his legs. "It's the same every year, so boring."

He narrowed his eyes, "The Snow God's birthday has been turned into a day for businesses to make money, but everyone still rushes to spend money."

Xu Mu pondered silently.

"You might be bored, but Ningning and I aren't," Nian Yueyue pushed him, "We just want to have a lively atmosphere."

She held her face, "Pei Ming is going to drop into the Snow God Festival fan group today, I'll interact with him in real time."

Luo Haoyu chuckled, "I'm telling you, can't you pick someone more attractive to idolize?"

"Are you saying Pei Ming isn't good-looking?!" Nian Yueyue got angry, waving her hand to hit him.

Luo Haoyu fled, but there was nowhere to hide.

He shouted, "Ask Xu Mu! See if he thinks Pei Ming is good-looking!"

Xu Mu: "...Who is Pei Ming?"

Luo Haoyu was surprised, "Ah, he's a star who's been really popular lately. He's everywhere, with his fair complexion, he's especially popular with girls—ouch, that hurts, be gentle! I won't talk about your idol anymore."

"Sorry, I'm not into idol culture, so I don't know him," Xu Mu said.

"Oh, I see," Luo Haoyu said, "That's alright."

Xu Mu smiled and didn't say anything further.


Fuxin Architectural Design Firm.

"Ah, there's still half an hour left before the end of the corporate slave experience card," Jin Fei stretched lazily, "Anyone want to get bubble tea together? Let's meet the minimum order."

Tang Wanwan raised her hand, "Taro bubble milk tea, less sugar."

"Okay." Jin Fei opened the shop's app to order, then suddenly exclaimed, "Wow, there's a joint promotion today, with discounts, but I don't know what game it's from, the characters look exquisite though... and the mounts' figurines are pretty cute, they'd look nice in the office."

She liked these kinds of trinkets and tried to find someone to split the order with.

"Yuntao, want to split some bubble tea? It's a joint promotion with a game, maybe it's something you guys like."

Jiang Yuntao smiled and walked over, "Let me take a look."

Jin Fei also called out to Bai Nian, "Brother Bai, do you want some bubble tea?"

Bai Nian waved his hand in refusal, "No need, I—"

"...So it's from 'Crimson Earth,' this game is indeed quite popular," Jiang Yuntao said.

Bai Nian paused, feeling the game name sounded familiar, like... a game Xu Mu often played.

He changed his mind, "Does buying bubble tea with this promotion give you game merchandise?"

Jin Fei: "Yes! Buying bubble tea gives you merchandise."

Bai Nian stood up, "May I take a look?"

Jin Fei hesitated for a moment, then quickly handed it over, "Sure."

Bai Nian carefully examined it, scrolling through the pages, the various exquisite illustrations of game characters were dazzling.

"Do you get these sets as gifts when buying the tea?"

Jin Fei said, "Yes."

Bai Nian pondered, "I'll transfer the money to you. Could you buy one of each set for me? I want the merchandise, and you can share the bubble tea with everyone."

Jin Fei looked at him in surprise, "Ah, of course, you can."

Jiang Yuntao glanced over and jokingly asked, "Brother Bai, do you play this game too?"

"I don't play," Bai Nian shook his head, thinking of Xu Mu, a smile touching his lips. "It's someone in my family who likes it."

Jin Fei asked, "Your younger siblings like it?"

Bai Nian smiled gently and didn't elaborate further.

Tang Wanwan chimed in, "Brother Bai, if it's for the game collaboration, you should take the bubble tea back. The cups are also engraved with characters, I think they'll collect various cups."

Bai Nian was surprised, "Really?"

Jin Fei nodded, "It seems like it."

"Well, okay, got it," Bai Nian thought for a moment, "I'll treat everyone to bubble tea, feel free to choose."

As soon as he said that, there was immediate applause in the office.

"Thanks, Brother Bai!"

"Long live Brother Bai!!"

"I want black sugar oolong milk tea, 80% sweetness."

"I'll have matcha milk cap, thank you!"


Bai Nian returned home, just as he opened the door, Ye Ye rushed over and pounced on him.


Bai Nian kissed Ye Ye on the forehead, "Good boy."

"Brother Nian," Xu Mu peeked out.

Bai Nian smiled at him, "What are you working on?"

"Ye Ye's kindergarten assignment," Xu Mu waved the bay leaves in his hand, "He wants to make a boat that floats in the water and can change direction by itself."

He clicked his tongue, "This isn't for kids, it's clearly to challenge parents."

"Thank you for your hard work," Bai Nian slowly sat down beside him, Ye Ye squeezed in between them, shaking his head from side to side.

"Do you need any help?" 

Xu Mu: "No need, it's almost done."

"Mmm." Bai Nian opened the bag, separating the bubble tea from the merchandise.

Xu Mu was surprised, "Why did you buy so much bubble tea?"

"They had a game collaboration." Bai Nian pushed the merchandise over and said with a smile, "I saw it, so I bought it."

Xu Mu's mouth opened slightly, wanting to say something but unable to make a sound.

Bai Nian softly asked, "It's the game you often play, right?"


"That's good then."

Xu Mu looked through the scattered merchandise, feeling a mix of emotions.

He asked softly, "Brother Nian... is it because of me that you bought these?"

"Yeah," Bai Nian admitted frankly.


"What bubble tea do you like? There's Red Bean Overload, Matcha Delight, Rich Cocoa..." Bai Nian read each label, "Which one do you want?"

Xu Mu's throat felt dry, "I... anything is fine."

"Let's go with Rich Cocoa then. It's sweeter but not too heavy, should suit your taste," Bai Nian helped tear open the straw packet, inserted it, and handed it over, "Give it a try." 

Xu Mu silently accepted it and took a sip.

Bai Nian stared at Xu Mu without blinking, softly asking, "Is it tasty?"

Xu Mu thought: It tastes like regular bubble tea.

He said, "It's delicious."

Bai Nian's eyes instantly curved, softness radiating from them. The lamplight spilled over, the beautiful long lashes covering his eyelids, like a small fan unfolding, scattering tiny specks of light.

"As long as it's tasty," he spoke with a hint of a smile.

Xu Mu dared not meet his gaze, stiffly averting his eyes, "Um... you should have some too."

Bai Nian responded with an "Oh," tilting his head slightly.

A few seconds later, he leaned forward, took Xu Mu's hand, and sipped from the Rich Cocoa bubble tea.

Xu Mu seemed to realize something and lowered his head—

Their eyes met, and Bai Nian released the straw, a coffee stain lingering on his lips. He licked it away with his tongue, a touch of pink slipping past before disappearing.

Xu Mu's mind buzzed, he, he, he…

"It's indeed not bad," Bai Nian rested his chin on his hand, "Just a bit too sweet, it’s more suited for kids."

After saying that, he realized something and smiled awkwardly, "Oh, I didn't mean you're like a kid."

Xu Mu: "..."

His wrist shook, his mouth opening a few times, but no sound came out, just exhaling air.

Ye Ye struggled to get his head in between them, mumbling, "I... I want to drink too, I want..."

He reached out to grab the bubble tea from Xu Mu's hand.

Bai Nian held Ye Ye in his arms, "Don't grab from Brother's hand, okay? Let's pick a new one together."

Ye Ye refused, thinking the one in Xu Mu's hand was the best.

"I want... I want... this one..." Yeye reached for the bubble tea.

Bai Nian gently patted his small hand, "No, be good."

Ye Ye pouted, using his ultimate skill—pouting while wiggling his butt.

"Daddy... I want this one, it's tasty... Daddy drinks, Daddy drinks, I drink..."

Bai Nian didn’t know whether to laugh and cry at the same time. He nudged Xu Mu with his elbow, signaling him to quickly drink this cup.

Xu Mu's hand trembled again.

"Ah Mu?" Bai Nian felt puzzled, "You don't want to drink anymore?"

Xu Mu remained silent, silently extending his other hand and gripping his wrist.

He stared at the black straw, his rational mind telling him something was wrong, he shouldn't drink it, he couldn't drink it.

But his body had its own will, defying the commands of his brain.

His head lowered slowly.

His hand moved forward slowly.

The distance between his lips and the straw closed bit by bit.

"Daddy!!!" Ye Ye screamed loudly.

Bai Nian pinched Ye Ye's mouth shut and whispered to Xu Mu, "Ah Mu, if you don't want to drink, then don't, just leave it or..."

Xu Mu bit down on the straw, the sickly sweet taste assaulting his taste buds once again.

He drank it all in one gulp, his throat feeling sticky from the sweetness.

"...Finished drinking."

Xu Mu avoided Bai Nian's gaze, mechanically reaching for the game merchandise.

"Let me see what's here... Luyas... it's pretty good... Bodolier is also good..."

He was well aware that he was speaking nonsense.

But he couldn't stop.

He couldn't control himself.

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  1. I was stressing about a final exam I’m gonna take in an hour but I feel better now. Thanks for the updates!! 😭

  2. Very nice to have the tables turned xD


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