The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 28



"Master, please be careful on the way," Nades said, "If everything goes as planned, there will be staff from the Federal Conservation Center at the Federal Bank. If they ask you any questions, just answer truthfully."

Xu Mu paused, "But didn't the email say— the loan repayment procedures have been upgraded, and the person needs to be present to handle it?"

Nades said, "My dear master, you're so cute. In this digital age, what can't be done online? If the Federal Center wants your information, they can even know what color underwear you wore last night."

Xu Mu was shocked, "How do you know?"

Nades said, "Don't forget, I helped you wash them. If the police want to investigate you, they would have access to my database, wouldn't they?"

Xu Mu: "..." That’s enough.

Thirteen Avenue, Federal Bank

"Hello, what service do you require? Do you have an appointment?" The robot in the lobby greeted him first.

"No. V45."

The robot replied, "The window at V channel is busy at the moment, you may have to wait for about ten minutes. Please find a seat in the lobby."

Xu Mu made a sound of agreement and walked to the nearest seat to sit down.

The hall was brightly lit with white lights, decorated gorgeously with a grand atmosphere, exuding subtle luxury everywhere.

In front of him, there were dozens of individually arranged "boxes" made of transparent glass, where perfectly smiling synthetic robots could be clearly seen.

Of course, there were also manned windows, with indicators on the top scrolling bar.

Xu Mu looked around, satisfying his curiosity, and then started daydreaming until—

"We have to wait again? What a drag!"

Xu Mu raised his eyes to see a man with blonde hair, wearing a loose denim jacket and jeans, and wore four silver rings on his left ear. His chin was raised high, with an arrogant expression, as he walked in a sloppy manner.

He looked like a delinquent youth.

Xu Mu looked away, no longer paying attention.

The robot said to wait for ten minutes, and the time passed without a second's delay.

At the transparent glass window:

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

Xu Mu's expression was subtle, "Hello."

Originally, wasn't it a synthetic robot sitting there? How did it turn into a real person when he saw it?

"In the past month, the Federal Bank has received your repayments one after another, totaling eighty-seven thousand one hundred yuan, including special discounts and interest-free repayment for students..." The young woman's voice was gentle, her gaze loving. "Do you think the above data is wrong?"


"Okay, Mr. Xu, through the bank account risk monitoring, it was found that there were multiple high-frequency and large-sum transfers in your account in the past month. Are you aware of this?"


"Okay, please watch a video and fill out the questionnaire seriously. All of the above comes from the Federal Conservation Center."

"...Okay." Xu Mu was surprised in his heart, Nades's prediction turned out to be correct.

However, why did the Federal Conservation Center call him over?

Xu Mu's confusion was answered after watching the video and filling out the questionnaire—

They were actually afraid that he might be scammed...

Xu Mu's mouth twitched. The federal data system detected anomalies between his account and the actual situation, fearing that he might be led astray. They accessed his personal account information and asked him to come to the scene for face-to-face verification and questioning.

Even considering his orphan status, humanitarianism permeated throughout, informing him in an extremely indirect way.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, thank you for your cooperation," the staff member smiled. "You are nineteen years old this year. If you encounter any difficulties, you can seek help from the Conservation Center. Focus on your studies for the time being and don't rush to make money."

"Okay, I will," Xu Mu nodded. "Is there anything else? If not, I'll leave."

"No, you can—"

The staff member suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, to celebrate the fifty-fifth anniversary of Federal Bank, we are holding a special commemorative event. You can apply for the 'Namu' card, which is completely risk-free and worry-free. It's free to apply and easy to obtain. You'll also receive a gift package of grains, oils and noodles, and a chance to enter a lucky draw. The grand prize includes a limited edition luxury aircraft~"

A gift package of grains, oils and noodles?

—Only when one becomes the head of the household do they realize the value of basic necessities.

Xu Mu's heart fluttered. "What is a Namu card?"

The staff member explained, and Xu Mu suddenly realized.

Ah, it's a subsidiary card of the bank, with the implicit meaning of intimate payment.

However, he only had 328.24 yuan left in his account to deposit. Xu Mu's gaze drifted away. Did he really need to apply for such a card with this kind of account balance? And whom would he give it to? He couldn't possibly give it to Nades—

He paused, looking at the adjacent transparent partition with confusion.

Why was there a small, messy yellow dog?

He remembered that the yellow-haired young man with an arrogant attitude was sitting inside.

"...However, in the new era, there are new understandings, which can extend to more meanings. It can also be used for friends and family. Using money is too straightforward, but using the 'Namu' card is more intimate. Mr. Xu, do you have any interest?"

Xu Mu snapped out of his thoughts. He didn't catch the earlier part of the conversation, only grasping the words "friends" and "family."

He suddenly thought of a suitable person—

Brother Nian.

Seriously speaking, he had been freeloading for over a month. The exquisite food he had been enjoying was definitely more than what he spent on toys for Ye Ye.

"I don't have much money in my main account right now. Can I still apply?" Xu Mu asked.

"Of course you can, but if you don't have money in your account, you won't be able to use the card," the staff member explained.

"Okay, please help me apply for one," Xu Mu replied.

The staff member swiftly completed the process. "We will provide you with a physical card. Would you like to choose a special design to be printed on the card?"

"What designs can be printed?" Xu Mu asked.

"Well... Do you have any favorite celebrities? We have collaborated with 1,900 hot singers, actors, and idols to purchase their portrait rights, which can be engraved on the card," the staff member explained.

"...I don't follow any celebrities."

"Okay, some words or patterns are also possible."

Xu Mu thought for a moment. "Can you engrave a rabbit? A lop-eared rabbit."

The staff member smiled. "Can you describe it?"

"It's milk coffee-colored fur, with a gradient from dark to light. The tail is this long, and the size is about this big," Xu Mu gestured. "Also, the tip of the tail is the lightest color, mostly white, but with a hint of milk coffee. It's very cute, with gray-blue eyes..."

Xu Mu rambled on, and the staff member was a bit overwhelmed. She glanced at the guest's information. Since this wasn’t his mimicry, it must be—

"Mr. Xu, is this card for your lover?" the staff member asked.

Xu Mu was taken aback. "No, it's for a friend."

The staff member's smile remained unchanged. It seemed like he was in the early stages of love. Well, the young man was probably too shy to admit it.

He was nineteen years old, perhaps it was a pure and secret first love.

"Thank you for coming today. Have a pleasant day," she said.

"Okay, goodbye."

Xu Mu stepped out of the glass enclosure, feeling a bit strange.

There was something subtle in the other person's expression, her gaze was filled with... love and pity?


As Xu Mu exited the bank, it began to rain lightly, and within moments, it turned into a downpour. 

He cursed his luck; the waiting area for public shuttles was limited and partially open. Everyone huddled together to avoid the rain, also positioning themselves for a quick dash to the shuttle when it arrived.

Out of politeness, Xu Mu hesitated to squeeze in with the girls. When he encountered them, he usually yielded. In the end, he found himself bumping shoulders with a group of burly, muscular men, feeling like his bones might get crushed.

"Second Young Master, please use the umbrella!!!"

"Get lost!"

"Second Young Master, don't be stubborn. It would be hard for us to explain to the old lady."

"I'll say it one last time, don't follow me!"


Not far away, there was a commotion, accompanied by the sound of rain, making it eerie. The crowd waiting for the public shuttle was drawn to the noise, everyone all turned their heads to look in unison.

Xu Mu was also drawn to the scene.

It was a young man in his early twenties, drenched from head to toe, walking through the misty rain. Behind him trailed a large group of bodyguards, lined up in two rows around the young man in the middle. They all wore black suits, classic black sunglasses, and exuded a cold, imposing aura.

Was this... a scene from a TV drama?

"Second Young Master, please go back. The rain is getting heavier, and the old lady will worry about you."

The person addressed as "Second Young Master" looked disgusted. "Don't mention that woman to me! Get lost! She wants me to die!"

"You misunderstand, Second Young Master. The old lady has always cared about you."

The man sneered, "Cares about me? She lost the most important thing to me. She doesn't deserve it!"

The man in sunglasses spoke calmly, "Second Young Master, saying such things will hurt the old lady's feelings. Please go back."

"You are all a bunch of dogs! Disgusting!"

"Second Young Master, if you don't cooperate, we will have to resort to force."

With that, several bodyguards rushed forward, but the man's expression turned cold as he threw punches back at them. While the bodyguards were restrained by their inability to harm their employer, the man unleashed a relentless barrage of punches, aiming for vital points.


Xu Mu sighed in amazement, marveling at the spectacle of this high-drama aristocratic scene. 

The surrounding crowd murmured among themselves, no longer quiet as before. The cool rain seemed to sizzle in the charged atmosphere, becoming intensely heated.

"She lost the most precious thing to me and wants to take me away, she can step over my dead body!" the man roared in anger.

Xu Mu: "..." So dramatic.

Was this "old lady" referring to the man's mother? What precious thing could it be... and wanting to step over his dead body?

Despite being outnumbered, the man was obviously exhausted and his body was swaying.

But he still stared at the person sternly, his face full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

On the other side, the leader of the bodyguards repeated indifferently, "Second Young Master, please go back. The old lady is waiting for you."

The man's face contorted, and he shouted fiercely, "Go back? Keep dreaming! Tell her to give my rabbit back to me!!!"

Xu Mu: "..." Ah, so it's about a rabbit. It makes sense for him to be so emotional—

He's a rabbit lover, so Xu Mu could understand.

Automatically, Xu Mu imagined a scene of a wealthy heir being asked to toughen up, with his mother discarding his most beloved pet as the first step towards making him ruthless. From then on, the man would have a heart of stone...

In the end, the man was still dragged onto the air cruiser by a group of bodyguards.

Xu Mu witnessed the whole ordeal, felt a bit sadden: life is more important than drama.


Xu Mu started school and fell into a routine.

School, home, kindergarten—these were the three places he visited daily.

After some consideration, he decided to sign up for the college's work-study program. With one less expense for tuition, he would have more money to spare each month.

Xu Mu wanted to save up quickly to give away that "supplementary card." After setting aside money for monthly debt payments and living expenses, he needed to have enough left in his main account to activate the card's line of credit.

“Is it still hurting?” A gentle inquiry flowed like a murmuring stream.

Xu Mu hesitated for a moment before lowering his head. "Not anymore."

Bai Nian frowned, clearly not entirely convinced.

"It's really not," Xu Mu reassured.

Bai Nian made a noncommittal sound and continued applying the ointment to Xu Mu's arm, gradually easing the pressure.

"This time, thank you. Otherwise, Ye Ye would have been injured.”

Earlier that evening, while Xu Mu was picking up Ye Ye from kindergarten, they encountered a couple arguing and throwing stones at each other. Pedestrians avoided the scene, and Xu Mu led Ye Ye to take a detour. 

Unexpectedly, a stone fell from above, narrowly missing Ye Ye's head. Xu Mu reacted quickly, using his arm to shield him from harm.

"Thank goodness Ye Ye is okay. Is he asleep now?" Xu Mu inquired.

"Yes, he was probably startled, he fell asleep right after his bath," Bai Nian replied.

"Once he wakes up, let's spend some extra time with him. Children forget when they're happy," Xu Mu suggested.

“Yeah, I know.” Bai Nian's tone softened, his fingertips lightly brushing over Xu Mu's arm. "It's lucky it was your left hand and nothing's broken. Otherwise, it would've really affected your studies."

As a sophomore in the architecture program, Xu Mu had many drawing classes, which were crucial for honing his skills. If his hand got injured, it would definitely be inconvenient.

"Fortunately," Xu Mu smiled, trying to reassure Bai Nian. "Really, it's fine, Brother Nian, you don't need to worry."

"How can I not worry..." Bai Nian murmured softly.

A warm current of air gently brushed against his skin, tickling him unexpectedly.

Xu Mu tensed up, his Adam's apple bobbing lightly. He tried to retract, but Bai Nian's fingertips remained on his arm, tracing back and forth, like intertwined vines.

"Did you not eat anything tonight?" Bai Nian asked softly.

"I had a bit of a nutritional solution," Xu Mu replied, feeling uneasy but unable to pinpoint why.

"How about having a late-night snack now?" Bai Nian suggested in a warm tone. "I have some leftover desserts and juice left in the fridge from today."

Xu Mu pressed his tongue against his teeth. "Alright."

The aroma of maple syrup filled the air as the sweet and smooth cake melted on his tongue. Xu Mu suddenly remembered the money he had been saving up, realizing that he might have enough now. 

But he wasn't sure how to give it to Bai Nian. Should he just give it directly? 

Or should he say something? Or perhaps be more indirect about it? 

After all, Bai Nian might not care or want to measure things in terms of "value exchange." 

But Xu Mu couldn't shake off that strange feeling in his heart.

Bai Nian's thoughtfulness really touched Xu Mu. Those little acts of care that seamlessly blended into his life, always claimed to be done casually, but the "casualness" always seemed to perfectly match Xu Mu's preferences.

Xu Mu also wanted to reciprocate in some way.

Money might seem mundane, but in his twenty-seven years of life experience, it was the most tangible and measurable form of gratitude.

"I changed the cream formula for the cake, would you still like to eat it?" 

Bai Nian collected the fallen hibiscus petals from the windowsill that were white as snow. Instead of discarding them, he stored them in a pentagram-shaped jar as decoration.

Xu Mu looked up. "I can still eat it, it's just as delicious as before..."

Suddenly, he was caught off guard by something.

The clouds parted, revealing the moon, and a faint silver light fell upon Bai Nian's face. The gentle breeze from the gap in the glass brushed his forehead, causing a few strands of hair to fall gently to one side, framing his gentle eyes and eyebrows. His lips were pale, with only a hint of pink on the inner edge, and when he slightly parted them, a touch of rosy red appeared.

He rolled up his sleeves twice, revealing his slender wrists. His fingers held the petals delicately, his nails neatly trimmed with a glossy sheen resembling pearls.

"I added some cherries to the grape juice, mixing them together tastes pretty good. I'm not sure if you'll like it, would you like to give it a try?"


"Ah Mu?" 

Xu Mu shifted his gaze, his hand fumbled for the cup a few times before he managed to grab it. 

"I like it, it tastes good," he said after taking another sip of juice. 

Bai Nian smiled gently. "That's good to hear." 

Xu Mu took another sip of juice and asked, "Do you have a lot of hibiscus flowers planted?" 

"Not too many," Bai Nian pondered for a moment. "But if you consider the variety of plants in my family's collection, then yes, it's quite a few." 

"Oh, I see," Xu Mu nodded. 

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable with the scent of hibiscus flowers?"

"No, I was just asking casually." 

He just felt that the scent was familiar, like he had smelled it somewhere before. 

Bai Nian paused for a few seconds, his eyes flickering slightly. "Ah Mu, what are you thinking about?" 

The scent of hibiscus grew stronger, carrying with it the coolness of the breeze, momentarily distracting Xu Mu. 

He saw a slender hand reaching over his collar, lightly brushing against his neck. 

"A hibiscus petal fell here," Bai Nian said, opening his palm to show it to him.

Xu Mu's eyelids fluttered, his palm clenched tightly, and he finished the remaining juice in one gulp. His throat felt a bit sticky, making his voice hoarse. 

"...Thank you."

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