The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 27



Xu Mu was bitten, but he wasn’t angry.

The two tooth marks were quite cute.

It was extremely symmetrical.

He affectionately hugged the lop-eared rabbit and rubbed his cheek against it, which was fluffy.

"Tutu, do you want to come to my house to play?" He lightly flicked its ears with his fingertips.

Bai Nian was also accustomed to it, pulling back his own ears and staying quietly in the other's hands.

He tacitly accepted Xu Mu's words, or rather, from the moment he transformed into his mimicy, he knew it would definitely be like this when he saw the other person.

Xu Mu was pleasantly surprised. Now the lop-eared rabbit didn't struggle anymore. Did this mean—

It liked him.

Oh, the lop-eared rabbit liked him.


Xu Mu couldn't contain the curve of his mouth. He couldn't hold back and kissed the lop-eared rabbit's head wildly a few times.

Bai Nian also shook his hand while holding his ear, thinking about the analysis of his inner feelings that he had just discussed with his friend…

Despite feeling embarrassed, he still didn't move.

Forget it, just enjoy his mimicry as he likes.

Although at this moment, the young man... seemed a bit strange, like some kind of pervert.

Xu Mu's smile deepened as he hugged the droopy-eared rabbit tighter, ready to take it home.


As Xu Mu walked out of the automatic door, he felt like he had forgotten something.

Ye Ye!

He quickly went back, finding the boy at the entrance staring at him with a puffed-up expression, his little mouth almost like a spout ready to pour oil.

Xu Mu: "..." How embarrassing.

After all, he had promised Ye Ye that he would play with him after changing his clothes, but seeing the rabbit made him forget about it.

He cleared his throat, "Sorry, Ye Ye, I almost forgot about you. Come on, let's go, I'll take you home to play."

Ye Ye snorted lightly, picked up the toy ball, and stomped out.

Xu Mu wanted to hold Ye Ye's hand, but Ye Ye raised his head, "...hmph, bad, daddy's bad, only hug daddy..."

Xu Mu didn't hear clearly, "What?"

Ye Ye loudly said, "Bad!"

Xu Mu didn’t know wether to laugh or cry, well, it was his fault.


Holding the droopy-eared rabbit, Xu Mu accompanied Ye Ye at the toy fake water pool, dangling a plastic fish.

The two even competed, with Xu Mu intentionally losing every round, and after each match, he praised Ye Ye vigorously, making him smile from ear to ear, and as usual, Ye Ye obediently called him daddy.

However, after playing fishing for a while, Ye Ye didn't feel accomplished. He then sat on his favorite toy tank, with colorful light effects on top. He held the "Sword of Courage" and roamed around the house, shouting as a brave warrior.

Xu Mu breathed a sigh of relief; the child was finally appeased.

Bai Nian also watched the young man thoughtfully from the side, realizing that this was how he interacted with Ye Ye.

He was patient, gentle, but not entirely indulgent; strict when needed, lenient when needed. He was very adept at managing the child's emotions.

"Tutu, are you bored?" He carried the droopy-eared rabbit back to his room and lay down on the beanbag sofa.

The droopy-eared rabbit didn't respond.

Xu Mu made a surprised sound and gently flicked its ears with his hand, leaning closer and calling, "Tutu?"

Bai Nian also snapped out of it, looking slowly at Xu Mu.

"Why aren't you responding?" Xu Mu said lightly, "Hey, why are you wiping your face so roughly?"

The droopy-eared rabbit folded its little hands together, rubbing its fur on its face several times, its tiny nose twitching.

Xu Mu was melted by its cuteness, and couldn't help but reach out and stroke the rabbit's fur.

Bai Nian glanced at him without slapping him away, silently accepting his actions.

"So obedient..." Xu Mu held the round little face of the droopy-eared rabbit, affectionately rubbing its neck with his nose, the soft fur brushing against him, making him sigh, "How can there be such a cute rabbit in the world?"

Bai Nian: "..."

He sighed, looks like he's having another episode.

Xu Mu noticed that the droopy-eared rabbit had indeed become much more obedient, gradually accepting his closeness.

He leaned his head, pressed his face, stuck his ears, touched his hands and feet...

"Hiss!" Xu Mu got kicked by the droopy-eared rabbit.

Alright, he shouldn't press against its belly.

"Sorry, Tutu... Don't be angry, I was wrong... I just couldn't help but want to get close to you because I like you so much... Hiss!" Xu Mu got another slap on the face.

Bai Nian also rubbed his belly, his body trembling with embarrassment.

Sure enough, the other party would use such ambiguous and unclear attitudes to test his bottom line. 

Every time he thought it was just like that, the other party would...

He thought angrily: He’s taking advantage of me!

Xu Mu apologized again, even though the droopy-eared rabbit had its back turned to him. He took out some prepared snacks, held its paw to please it, "Come on, Tutu, have some snacks."

Bai Nian glanced over at the other party who was using these childish things to coax him.

But he still silently accepted it.

It seemed like a signal of accepting his apology.

"Do you want to eat it by yourself?" Xu Mu was surprised and gave the snacks to the droopy-eared rabbit.

Bai Nian also tore open the packaging himself, took a piece of mixed grass cake, chewed a few times, and swallowed it all.

Xu Mu was fascinated watching the rabbit eat, its chubby cheeks trembling, mouth slightly open, its silver-gray whiskers swaying up and down with its chewing.

His hand felt itchy, and a finger went to poke the rabbit's face, The downy fur sank in, turning into a circle shadow the size of a coin.

So cute!

After finishing the biscuit, the droopy-eared rabbit then cleaned its own hands and wiped its face and mouth.

The corners of Xu Mu's mouth curved upwards. He was trying to restrain himself but unable to.

It looked very strange.

Bai Nian also lifted his head slowly, his hand pausing as he wiped his face—

Why was the other party smiling so strangely?

"Ahem, Tutu, let me help you clean your hands." Xu Mu didn't know where he got a wet tissue from. Held the soft paw, patiently wiping it, but actually squeezing, touching, and rubbing.

"Muah!" Xu Mu kissed the rabbit's hand.

Bai Nian felt a bit embarrassed and wanted to pull back.

But Xu Mu didn't let him.

The two of them struggled over that one hand.

"So obedient." Xu Mu chuckled and raised the paw he was holding, "Okay, I won't hold your hand anymore."

"I'll give you a little gift, okay?"

Bai Nian also looked over hesitantly, wondering what it was.

Xu Mu seemed to understand the rabbit's gaze, thinking it really was quite intelligent.

"I knitted a little scarf. Originally, there were also a little vest and gloves, but I didn't finish knitting them... Maybe next time." Xu Mu said, taking out a small scarf similar in color to the droopy-eared rabbit.

Bai Nian stared at it without blinking, his hands nervously buried in his belly.

The knitted fur of the small scarf was very soft, the color was a light coffee color, the stitches were a bit loose, but overall, it was still—

Bai Nian widened his eyes, why was it so long?

Xu Mu said awkwardly, "Is it a bit long? I didn't have much experience when I knitted it. I watched tutorial videos for a long time and ended up knitting it too long."

"But it's okay, it can still be wrapped around a few times." He tried to make up for it, "We can wrap it together."

He was proactive; once he decided to do something, he did it.

"How about it, Tutu?" Xu Mu held out a part of the scarf.

"Recently, the weather has been cooling down, there's strong cold air, and heavy rain. I'm worried that you'll catch a cold, so I made this little scarf and gloves for you."

After all, this pet rabbit seemed wild and difficult to tame, it likes to wander around.

—Rabbits are fragile creatures, I wonder how the owner could be so bold as to let it roam freely.

Xu Mu sighed inwardly: Hopefully, the owner is confident in the droopy-eared rabbit's health, rather than being indifferent.

He even considered whether he should go find the droopy-eared rabbit's owner.

However, there didn't seem to be any residential communities around here...

"I'm just afraid you'll get sick. If you get sick, I'll be very worried." Xu Mu hugged the droopy-eared rabbit again and murmured softly.

Bai Nian felt warm in his heart. He thought of the young man taking care of him when he had a fever, giving him lozenges and cold prevention pills, and couldn't help but reach out and hug the young man back.

"...I really like it... so fluffy and cute." Xu Mu affectionately expressed his liking, his voice a bit hoarse.

He held it close to his chest, gently stroking its back, feeling a sense of satisfaction welling up inside him.

If this were my rabbit... Xu Mu thought regretfully, if he had met the droopy-eared rabbit earlier, when it was still a wild rabbit, he could have been its owner.

He was willing to take care of the droopy-eared rabbit for the rest of its life.

Bai Nian also listened to Xu Mu's heartbeat, gradually calming down, feeling an indescribable sense of peace and comfort enveloping his entire body.

Sometimes, he found it difficult to distinguish where this subtle feeling came from.

Was it because he yearned for this warmth? Or was it because he had feelings for Xu Mu?

Or perhaps both.

His friends worried that he lacked love and judgment, but—

Who doesn't long for love?

"Tutu, I'll take you to see something." Xu Mu suddenly said.

Bai Nian had no objections.

So, Xu Mu mysteriously brought the droopy-eared rabbit to a room.

Bai Nian: "..." What is he up to?

Click—the pendant light turned on.

Xu Mu's eyes lit up, "Tutu, this is the cage I bought for you. If I could..."

He paused, then mumbled, "If I could raise you. I've prepared everything, you see, this little nest is exquisite, and there's even a playground next to it. I've bought all sorts of toys, it's the super deluxe version..."

Xu Mu rambled on about his preparations, his tone betraying a deep sense of regret.

Bai Nian's mind was buzzing, and suddenly, everything seemed to spin.

Upon seeing this fully equipped large cage, all the warmth in his heart vanished completely.

Xu Mu!!!

You're really something!!!

You haven't given up the idea of breaking the law yet!!!

Bai Nian jumped up, using both hands and feet, intending to kick Xu Mu hard to wake him up, to stop thinking about all these strange and bizarre things!

Being kept in captivity! Buying a cage and saying everything is ready!

Is he going to implement this idea next?!

Although orcs relationships emphasize compatibility in mimicry, this twisted fetish of Xu Mu's wasn't just a passing thought but something he had actually prepared for.

Xu Mu thought the droopy-eared rabbit was excited to see the entertainment facilities, so he played and frolicked with it, rolling onto the bed and hugging and kissing it, but always keeping a firm hold on the rabbit.

The two of them played around for a while.

Xu Mu thought the droopy-eared rabbit was tired from playing with him and now wanted to rest.

Bai Nian also thought that under his influence, Xu Mu had abandoned his thoughts of keeping him in a cage, so he lay back.

"Feeling sleepy?" Xu Mu saw the droopy-eared rabbit yawning.

Bai Nian didn't respond. He hadn't slept much last night, and he woke up early today because Shi Lun was coming to visit.

"Do you want to take a nap?" Xu Mu asked softly.

Bai Nian hesitated, and Xu Mu continued, "I won't disturb you, okay?"

It wasn't a bad idea. Bai Nian didn't feel like moving, although shifting into his mimicry wasn't as tiring as before, but the wild kicking just now had still drained his energy.

He clasped his hands together and curled up into a round ball, closing his eyes.

His consciousness gradually drifted into drowsiness…

Xu Mu's gaze softened as he quietly took a small blanket and gently covered the droopy-eared rabbit with it.

After sitting quietly for about ten minutes, listening to the rabbit's steady breathing, he shifted his slightly numb thigh.

Before leaving, Xu Mu couldn't help but gently kiss the droopy-eared rabbit on its forehead.

Dear rabbit, I hope you have sweet dreams.

Have a good rest.


"Hello? Is this Mr. Xu Mu?"

"Yes, that’s me."

"Well, this is the Federal Security Development Center. Due to some loan issues, there have been some procedural upgrades. We kindly request you to visit the Federal Bank tomorrow morning to handle the related procedures."

"May I ask what this is about?"

"We will send the specific details via email. Please check your inbox."

"Alright, thank you."

"Have a pleasant day, goodbye."

"Okay, bye."

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