The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 51



In a certain classroom at St. Petersburg University.

"Students, there are three minutes left before class ends. Those sleeping, playing with their phones, or planning to leave through the back door, please stop." The old professor leisurely unscrewed his thermos, took a sip, and sat down on his black chair.

The rustling in the classroom quieted down, and everyone looked towards the podium.

The old professor coughed, "We have one more section left, which I'll save for next week. It might have unexpected changes, this course will end then. The specific exam schedule will be announced by the academic affairs office, so pay attention."

He paused and scanned the room, "As for the key points, don't skip class next week. Those who are here, remind your absent friends."

Cheers erupted from rows of seats.

At the same time, the bell signaling the end of class rang.

The old professor waved his hand, "Alright, class dismissed."

Xu Mu tidied up his desk and stood up.

Lou Haoyu was still fussing with his drawings. Seeing Xu Mu getting up, he glanced over, "Bye."

"Well, bye," Xu Mu nodded.

His lightbrain vibrated.

[Xing Pu: Is class over yet? I'm at the school gate.]

[Xu: Coming over now.]

After replying to Pu Liu’s message, Xu Mu prepared to turn off the screen.

A new message popped up:

[Bai: Okay, I understand.]

The message above is from Xu Mu, sent half an hour earlier:

[Xu: Brother Nian, I'm attending a gaming event tonight, so I'll be back late.]

Fuxin Architectural Design Firm

"I'm really fed up with Old Gao. He's so idle, assigning tasks left and right. He doesn't have to work overtime when he goes back, but we have to accompany clients for drinks?!" Jin Fei ripped up a piece of scrap paper and angrily threw it into the trash can.

Tang Wanwan also felt a headache coming on as she lowered her voice, "He just wants to please the big shot who parachuted in, aiming for the position of design vice president for the Science and Technology Park project."

Jiang Yuntao on the side looked up. His hands, which had been sorting through documents, slowed down and eventually stopped altogether.

Jin Fei sneered, "Does he deserve it? No reputation, no capability, no diligence. All he does every day is flatter people!"

Tang Wanwan said, "He's old. After sticking it out with the studio for so long, the boss will give him some face."

Jin Fei crossed her arms and scoffed, "Get real. I bet the boss will be vague about it at the meeting. He just wants someone capable for the team, right? Think about it, this is the studio's golden signboard. If it gets ruined, we all lose our jobs."

Tang Wanwan agreed deeply.

Jin Fei prayed, "Oh God, let Old Gao, this tumor, go to Team Three, and let Brother Bai take over Team Two."

Tang Wanwan said, "That's hard. After the last quarter's cases are finished, Brother Bai will probably be transferred to a team."

Jin Fei sighed, "Yeah, otherwise, Old Gao wouldn't be in such a hurry. Brother Bai is the one—"

She stopped abruptly, her expression becoming awkward. "Oh, Brother Bai, you're back? Are you feeling okay?"

Bai Nian smiled at Jin Fei and replied softly, "Nothing serious."

Although he said so, his face was extremely pale, and there was a slight dampness at his temples, making him look unwell.

Jin Fei hurriedly said, "Just now, Director Gao came and asked us to free up some time to accompany clients for dinner tonight. What about you, Brother Bai?"

Bai Nian spoke slowly, "I won't go. I'll inform Director Gao about it later."

“Okay, got it.”

"Brother Bai, do you want some hot water?" Jiang Yuntao suddenly appeared from behind, holding a cup of hot water.

Bai Nian waved his hand politely, "No, thank you."

Jiang Yuntao's expression remained unchanged even after being declined, and he continued to ask with concern, "I've noticed you've been to the rest area several times. Is there something wrong with your health?"

Bai Nian paused for a moment. 

He had been experiencing uncontrollable restlessness due to his estrus period these past few days, and today's situation was particularly severe.

 In just one afternoon, he had wet several pairs of underwear, not wanting anyone to smell the strange scent. He had to change his underwear frequently.

His expression remained indifferent as he replied, "Just a bit dizzy."

Jiang Yuntao was about to say something else, but Bai Nian interrupted, "Have you finished the final draft from last week?"

"...Not yet."

"Please hurry up."

"Okay, Brother Bai."

Bai Nian didn't respond further, lowering his head to continue working.

His lightbrain vibrated slightly, indicating a message from Xu Mu.

[Xu: Brother Nian, after the event, can I request a late-night snack?]

A faint smile crossed Bai Nian's lips.

[Bai: Sure, what would you like to eat?]

[Xu: How about a glass of apple juice?]

[Bai: We have freshly squeezed in the fridge from this morning.]

[Xu: Really? I didn't see it.]

Bai Nian realized that the late-night snack was just an excuse.

[Bai: Maybe it was taken by Ye Ye. I'll squeeze some more when I get back.]

[Xu: Thank you, Brother Nian.]

Bai Nian's smile deepened as he tapped the screen with his fingertip for a moment. He replied with an animated Rabbit Heart circle launch Kiss.jpg.

Suddenly, he felt a spasm in his lower abdomen, causing him to hunch over. He furrowed his brows, and his legs under the table crossed again, twisting gently.

A feeling of numbness surged through him.


Jiang Yuntao glanced at Bai Nian from the corner of his eye. Bai Nian's pale face lacked any trace of color, appearing like a statue carved from ice. His lips were pressed tightly together, and his black-framed glasses obscured most of his face, making it difficult to discern his expression.

Jiang Yuntao felt a lingering sense of resentment in his heart. 

He’s really hard to please...

He was genuinely concerned, yet the other party seemed completely indifferent to it.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuntao's gaze narrowed as he unexpectedly noticed Bai Nian smiling. It was different from his usual gentle and distant smile, with a hint of vibrant and genuine emotion.


On the public aircraft:

"I'm so nervous, so nervous, so nervous! What should I do? They say there will be many famous internet celebrities at the event, and fans will be doing small-scale support activities..."

Pu Liu took a deep breath, gripping the silver pole tightly, and muttered incessantly.

"I'm just a small fry, I probably don't have any fans... but it seems like there will be people live streaming and taking photos at the event. What if someone accidentally takes an ugly photo of me and posts it online?"

Xu Mu said, "If you keep babbling like a monkey, someone might actually take an ugly photo of you."

Pu Liu immediately stopped adjusting his collar, looking around anxiously, appearing genuinely concerned about his appearance.

Xu Mu didn't understand his reaction at all, let alone where Pu Liu's worries were coming from.

"Ah, you just don't get it," Pu Liu said confidently. "Just imagine, if I become famous from the live stream in the future, that would definitely become a dark chapter in my life."

"Being ugly while playing games isn't a dark chapter; playing badly is."

Pu Liu was shocked, clutching his chest. "Are you mocking me?"

"..." Xu Mu was speechless. "I'm just stating facts."

"Oh, having a good face and figure is what makes you popular in live streams. You just have to show that handsome face to the camera, and the popularity will come pouring in," Pu Liu said.

Pu Liu had initially wanted to lean against the cabin wall with a melancholic expression to set the mood, but upon remembering the expensive suit he borrowed, he quickly straightened his posture.

"Quick, take a look at my suit, any wrinkles at the back?" he asked Xu Mu.

Xu Mu replied, "None."

"Good then. Let me see yours—" Pu Liu exclaimed, "Wow, this fits you perfectly. Is it custom-made?"

Xu Mu murmured, "Yeah."

It was the one Bai Nian had gifted him last time for the meeting with Ye Ye.

"Wow, ‘Jerra’ custom-made, not cheap," Pu Liu remarked as he noticed the pattern on the tie, felt the fabric, and inspected the exclusive logo on the back of the suit. Indeed, there was a special mark at the edge of the hem.

Xu Mu was taken aback. "Is it very expensive?"

"It's quite expensive. The starting price for customization is this amount," Pu Liu gestured, "According to the craftsmanship, master, and style, there are different classifications and different marks."


"Did you buy it yourself?"


"Was it a gift from someone?"


"They are quite generous, are you friends?"

"...Sort of."

"Either you are or you're not, is there more to it?"

Xu Mu fell silent for a moment before saying in a measured tone, "We're friends, but not just friends."

Pu Liu grinned mischievously and jokingly asked, "Your crush?"

"...You're being a bit nosy," Xu Mu replied with a hint of annoyance.

Pu Liu burst into laughter, looking as if he knew everything.

Xu Mu turned away, ignoring him.

Half an hour later, Xu Mu and Pu Liu finally arrived at their destination.

The banquet hall was magnificent, with dazzling lights and lively chatter filling the air. People mingled, exchanging pleasantries and attempting to show ten times the sincerity they felt.

Xu Mu had no interest in socializing, so he found a sofa to sit on and grabbed a few pastries to fill his stomach.

Instead, Pu Liu moved through the crowd like a social butterfly, enthusiastically exchanging business cards and adding one friend after another, not at all like he had just claimed to be someone with severe social anxiety.

"This Black Forest cake is so bitter." Xu Mu frowned. He didn't want to eat it after one bite, but it seemed wasteful to just throw it away.

He found a cup of sweet, syrupy fruit juice to wash away the bitter taste in his mouth.

Indeed, the cakes made by Brother Nian were still the best.

Before the event started, there was a free socializing time for everyone. After the music stopped, the venue gradually quieted down.

The general manager of the Muw Association gave a speech, followed by several other leaders, who mostly spoke in official tones, which were quite boring.

Next were the exhibition matches and game sessions.

Xu Mu drew a number near the front, so he was up in the second round of the exhibition matches.

He didn't think too much about it and just played the game seriously as usual.

The host then asked the participants of the exhibition match if anyone wanted to share their thoughts about the Muw Association—

This was generally the part where people would offer flattering remarks to please the leaders.

Xu Mu wasn't interested in this, so he went straight off the stage.

Pu Liu was nowhere to be seen, and Xu Mu didn't look for him either. He returned to the sofa where he had been sitting.

To his surprise, some people came over to socialize and exchanged Star Network IDs with him.

Xu Mu found it strange but still engaged in friendly conversation with each of them.

Suddenly, his light brain chimed.

It was Brother Nian.

[Bai: Ah Mu... When are you coming back?]

Xu Mu was surprised and hesitated for a moment before replying:

[Xu: I'm not sure, maybe around ten.]

A few minutes later, there was a reply.

[Bai: Okay.]

After that, Xu Mu asked again after that, but received no response.

He felt an inexplicable unease and wanted to make a call, but a stranger approached him, holding a wine glass and starting a conversation.

Xu Mu could only nod in greeting, take a few sips of his drink, and exchange a few polite words.

Buzz, buzz, his smartwatch vibrated again.

[Bai: I'm fine]

[Bai: Just checking on you]

Xu Mu read the messages several times, unable to detect anything unusual.

He could only suppress his worry, wondering if he could leave early.


At nine o'clock, Xu Mu returned home with a slight buzz. The house's welcome system, Nades, was in sleep mode, which was unusual.

"No welcome home today?" He patted the robot's head.

The floating lamp on the entryway cabinet cast a faint, warm yellow glow.

He noticed the living room lights were on, the hallway was dim, but a faint light spilled out from under his bedroom door.

Xu Mu paused. Did he forget to turn off the light before he left?

That couldn't be.

Xu Mu walked over slowly. As he got closer, a familiar scent gradually filled his nose.

It was the scent of Brother Nian.

Xu Mu pushed open the door, and the intense fragrance immediately overwhelmed his senses. His head grew heavier, and the dizziness from the alcohol returned.

A bedside lamp, perfect for sleeping, glowed softly, its light falling on the edge of the bed.

There was a man with his back turned to him, hugging his knees and curled up into a ball.

The person seemed to hear the noise, shivered slightly, and slowly turned around, letting the blanket slip down. In the shifting light, their smooth, luster skin gleamed with a delicate blush, a fleeting cherry blossom marking its surface.

Xu Mu was stunned.

"Brother Nian... Nian?"

Bai Nian’s eyes were slightly unfocused, covered with a watery sheen that made the corners of his eyes red. His cheeks were flushed, lips moist and slightly swollen, with teeth marks on the inside.

"Ah Mu..." he called out hoarsely.

Xu Mu's mind buzzed. Before he could make sense of the situation, his feet moved on their own toward Brother Nian.

"Are you... not feeling well?"

Bai Nian slowly lifted his head, his fingertips trembling. His lips moved as if struggling to speak.

"Xu Mu—" he mumbled, dragging out the last syllable, "I'm here to... sleep, sleep...estrus period."

Xu Mu was bewildered. What?

In... in... in estrus... His face flushed instantly, as if doused in molten lava, the sound of his blood rushing pounding in his ears.

Bai Nian slowly crawled forward, placing a hand on Xu Mu's arm and giving a gentle tug.

Xu Mu stumbled, barely managing to catch himself with his hands.

Their noses were almost touching, the scent growing even stronger.

"Brother Nian..." Xu Mu swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing, his lips felt dry.

Bai Nian gave a tug, pulling them both onto the bed.

He reached out, softly wrapping his arm around Xu Mu's neck, his breathing heavy. With half-closed eyes, he sought Xu Mu's lips, pressing against them briefly before his tongue hesitantly brushed across Xu Mu's lips and then retreated.

The moist sensation disappeared in an instant. Xu Mu's eyes widened, his hands clenching tightly, knuckles turning white with veins bulging.

He couldn't understand what was happening, his mind went blank.

Bai Nian murmured, "Why won’t you kiss me…?"

"..." Xu Mu was dazed. "Why... so sudden?"

Bai Nian was a bit annoyed, already feeling like he was burning up inside, and the other person was just standing there like a block of wood.

"Why so sudden? Aren't we lovers? Is it strange for lovers to kiss?"

"... lovers?" Xu Mu regained some clarity, his mouth opening slightly in surprise.

When did he and Brother Nian become lovers?

Bai Nian was feeling extremely uncomfortable. He grabbed Xu Mu's tie, staring directly at him. "It's been over a month, and you never seem close to me. Why? Don't you want to? Or are you unwilling?"

Xu Mu was stunned. Over a month?

He realized that something had gone beyond his expectations, quietly diverging onto a path he didn't know about.

"...When I am in my human form, you're so cold. Lately, you've been a little better, but in my mimicry form... you're a bit better, but now you're cold even toward my mimicry form..."

Bai Nian whispered softly, "You clearly said you liked me so much before. You've changed..."

He opened his mouth and bit Xu Mu's earlobe, his tongue curling around it, teeth gently grinding.

"Ah Mu..." Bai Nian guided Xu Mu down, "You said it, you like me a lot... right..."

Xu Mu's pupils dilated, his arms felt as heavy as lead, unable to move.

"I have always hated this natural cycle. It was always so hard before..." Bai Nian murmured, "But now I have you, Ah Mu..."

After speaking, he seemed a bit fatigued, his limbs weak from the effect of his body's hormones. He slowly snuggled into Xu Mu's embrace, resting his head on Xu Mu's chest, listening to the strong, steady heartbeat. He tilted his head, his nose affectionately nuzzling Xu Mu's chin.

"Please kiss me... embrace me... okay?"

Xu Mu didn't move, his mind in a chaotic mess, struggling to process everything that had happened.

Bai Nian’s head was spinning, the hormonal influence on his emotions leaving him in a terrible state—restless, aggrieved, and frustrated all mixed together with no way to vent. He called out softly again.

"Ah Mu."

Xu Mu took a deep breath, gently laying Bai Nian down, his arms braced on either side of him, his chest heaving.

"Brother Nian, wait a moment." His voice was hoarse. "Let's set everything else aside for now. Before anything else, we might need to talk—"

He paused, stunned for a second, then clumsily wiped the tears from Bai Nian’s face.

"Don't cry, Brother Nian... What's wrong... Don't cry..."

It seemed like a spell; the more he wiped, the more the tears flowed.

Xu Mu panicked, apologizing randomly, "I'm sorry, Brother Nian, don't cry. Did I do something wrong? Please don't cry..."

Bai Nian murmured, "You actually dislike my body…don't you? You don't want to be intimate with me. You find it disgusting, right?"

"I don't!" Xu Mu immediately denied.

"Then why don't you want to..." 

"It's not that I don't want to. We need to talk about something first," Xu Mu tried to explain. "I think there might have been some miscommunication between us. When did we start dating? Why did I—"

"You want to break up..." Bai Nian muttered, tears streaming down even more fiercely.

"...” Xu Mu said helplessly, “That's not it, Brother Nian. Listen to me."

"I don't want to hear you," Bai Nian’s face flushed abnormally, his speech becoming increasingly incoherent. "You lied to me. You really do find me disgusting..."

He turned his head, giving Xu Mu a shove.

Xu Mu frowned, his shoulder unmoving.

"You lied to me... You don't want to kiss me... You don't want to hold me... You find me disgusting... Why? Is it because I'm"

Before he could finish, Xu Mu gripped his chin, leaned down, and captured Bai Nian’s lips, grinding his teeth against them. He then pried open Bai Nian’s mouth, his tongue plunging into the warm, wet cavern, licking and stirring messily, generating the sound of mingling saliva.

Bai Nian instinctively opened his mouth, letting out a few muffled whimpers. He subconsciously tried to escape, his tongue retreating to a corner, while saliva dripped from the corners of his lips.

Xu Mu pressed his thumb against Bai Nian’s cheek, whispering, "...Brother Nian, stick out your tongue."

Bai Nian hesitated but eventually extended his tongue lightly.

Xu Mu seized the moment, sucking and nibbling on Bai Nian’s tongue. It was soft and slick, making a sound as if savoring something delicious.

Bai Nian started to have trouble breathing, trembling slightly as Xu Mu's tongue pressed deep into his throat, sweeping roughly. His hand, resting on Xu Mu's nape, trembled, and his nails dug into the flesh.

Bai Nian’s mouth slowly opened wider, saliva pooling and leaking from the corners of his lips, glistening on his chin and neck. His breathing became labored as tears streamed down his face.

"Ah... Mu..." Bai Nian called out with difficulty.

Xu Mu paused, pulling away from his lips slowly. He licked the remaining saliva from Bao Nian’s lips and kissed his chin soothingly, his voice husky.

"Okay, breathe. I won't kiss you anymore... Come on, deep breaths..."

Bai Nian shuddered, the feeling of suffocating finally receding. His mouth remained open, swollen and red, with his glistening tongue peeking out, a droplet of saliva gathering at the tip and slowly falling.

After some time, he seemed to remember something and reached towards the bedside, fumbling.

Xu Mu asked, "Brother Nian, what are you looking for?"

Bai Nian didn't respond, handing a small packet to Xu Mu.

"...It's suitable for snakes..." he whispered, "to connect two..."

Xu Mu froze, feeling like sparks had ignited across his body, spreading like wildfire.

He took the packet but placed it back.

"Brother Nian, let's not go that far yet. I'll help you relieve it in a bit."

Bai Nian blinked slowly, "Why...?"

Already in a difficult state, Bai Nian felt even more upset at Xu Mu's words. He curled up as tears uncontrollably falling again.

He spoke with a hint of a sob, "You already know my body..."

Xu Mu reached out, holding him close and kissing away his tears.

"Brother Nian, I'll use a different method."


Clang, a decorative item on the bedside table was unintentionally knocked over. The clear sound didn't disturb the two entwined figures.

The window was slightly ajar as the curtains blew in the breeze.

The ground was bathed in moonlight, which quietly slipped away, leaving only layered clouds in the sky.

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  1. What was the method? 🧐 Thanks for the updates!!

  2. Ahhh its geting spicyyy

    Thank you for the chapter~!!! 🙏😊


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