The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 62



"So... your working overtime again tonight?" Xu Mu slightly tilted his head up, his slender white fingers slowly moving around Bai Nian's neck.

Bai Nian carefully adjusted his tie and gently said, "Yes, so there's no need for you to wait up for me."

He pulled back a little, looking at his handiwork, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Very handsome."

Xu Mu lightly coughed, "Not too bad."

"Good luck with signing the contract at noon," Bai Nian pressed his shoulders, smiling, "If there's anything you can't resolve, you can come to me."

"Mm, it should go smoothly. I've already discussed most of it with the association people online."

"Good." Bai Nian lifted his head and kissed his chin.

Xu Mu pulled him closer and kissed him firmly on the lips.

"Brother Nian..." he called softly, "Good morning kiss."

Bai Nian's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly returned the embrace.

Their lips parted slightly, releasing a faint minty coolness.

Their breaths intertwined, and their heartbeats gradually synchronized.

"...If work is too exhausting, make sure to rest," Xu Mu gently nuzzled his neck, "You've been in a bad state recently, I'm really worried about you."

Bai Nian softly replied, "Mm."


Xu Mu's schedule went very smoothly today. In the morning, he first took Ye Ye to kindergarten, then went to wait by the prayer statue in front of Seventeen Lane.

After about half an hour, he successfully met with Pu Liu.

The two of them headed to the headquarters of the Muw Association together.

"Watch out." Seeing Pu Liu almost bump into a wall, Xu Mu quickly reached out to support him, "Are you alright?"

Pu Liu, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, weakly said, "I'm, I'm fine, really."

Xu Mu: "Didn't you sleep last night?"

Pu Liu gave a wan smile, "I live streamed all night."

Xu Mu: "...Didn't you catch up on sleep this morning?"


"Take care of yourself more."

Pu Liu sighed, "I had no choice. To get the A-grade contract, I streamed with all my might, and finally gathered enough popularity."

He looked at Xu Mu with envy, "Ah, I wish my stream was as popular as yours."

Xu Mu was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Do you want to play games together online tonight?"

Pu Liu's eyes lit up, "Damn, brother, really?"


Pu Liu nodded frantically, deeply touched, "Play, play, we definitely have to play!"

He opened his arms, ready for a hug, "Come on, brother, let me give you a hug of love—"

Xu Mu: "..."

He coldly pushed him away, "Don't repay kindness with enmity."

Pu Liu clutched his heart dramatically, "Oh~ you're so heartless~"

Xu Mu quickly walked away, ignoring him.


"Why is it always these model-home-like restaurants?" Jin Fei patted her face vigorously with a powder puff in front of a small mirror, "White smoke" swirling around her. "They look fancy, but the food tastes awful."

Tang Wanwan said, "Old Gao, at his age, just loves this kind of landscape style."

Jin Fei snapped the lid shut with a "click," "Tsk, everything is so bland, only the side dishes for drinking are spicy and stimulating enough."

Lu Yao, with her hands tucked in, stomped her feet as the cold wind blew.

"There’s nothing much we can do. Old Gao firmly believes in sealing deals over drinks, and he can really hold his liquor, so he goes all out."

Jin Fei pouted, clearly disliking this "nonsense."

"Hey, Brother Bai." She waved to the back.

Bai Nian and Jiang Yuntao walked up, one behind the other.

"Why did you stop walking?" Bai Nian asked gently.

Jin Fei grinned, "We were waiting for you, Brother Bai."

She jumped up and down, spreading her arms wide, "Our pillar of support, always our backbone, the steady, calm, and gentle Brother Bai, indispensable!!!"

Bai Nian chuckled, "Alright, thank you. Looks like I should lead the way."

Jin Fei, skilled in flattery, said, "Because you're excellent, we little shrimps don't dare to get too close to the big leader, we're too humble. But Brother Bai, you're different. You're experienced, eloquent—"

Bai Nian, helpless, interrupted, "Stop, stop, stop. Don't flatter me, let's be rational."

Jin Fei giggled.


Social gatherings at the dining table are actually quite boring.

Bai Nian never really liked them, but sometimes, they were unavoidable, so he learned how to skillfully navigate through them.

For example, mixing water with his drink, tipping it over, or taking anti alcohol pills in advance...

These methods weren't particularly clever, but they were effective.

However, it wasn't entirely effective.

"Mr. Bai, you are truly accomplished for someone so young! At such a young age, you already have such an impressive and brilliant resume, very, very..." The drunken man, swaying on his feet, had a flushed face as he raised the drink in his hand and shouted loudly, "Good! Good! Good!"

With each shout, he grabbed the bottle and poured wine into Bai Nian's glass, filling it to the brim, almost to the point of overflowing.

"Come on, Mr. Bai, let's have a drink! May we have a pleasant cooperation in the future!"

Bai Nian frowned but still forced a smile.

"To a pleasant cooperation."

The man, getting even more excited, slapped the table and grabbed a new bottle of wine.

Bai Nian was forced to drink several glasses in a row and couldn't help but press his temples.

"Come on... let's continue..."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted.

"Brother Bai!"

The voice was filled with surprise, trembling, and disbelief.

Bai Nian froze and turned around, the smile on his face fading.

He politely said, "Young Master Qi."

Qi Xin clenched his fists, "Brother Bai, long time no see. I've been wanting to see you—"

"Manager Qi!" The drunken man's foggy mind suddenly cleared as he recognized the young master of the Qi family...

"Hello, hello!" He enthusiastically greeted, extending his hand for a handshake.

Qi Xin impatiently and perfunctorily replied a few words before sitting down next to Bai Nian.

The man who had his seat taken was momentarily stunned, but wisely found a new seat without saying anything.

“Brother Bai, you…” Qi Xin’s thoughts were jumbled as he watched Bai Nian, who was massaging his temples due to the alcohol. He lowered his voice and said, “Have you had a lot to drink? Let me take you home.”

Bai Nian replied coldly, “No need.”

He opened his light-brain device and clicked on the pinned chat window.

[Bai: Ah Mu, I've had too much to drink. Can you come pick me up?]

Qi Xin anxiously said, “Why not? Have you drunk a lot? I’m worried about you. If you go back alone…”

“My boyfriend will come to pick me up.”

Qi Xin's expression froze.


The outdoor wind cleared his mind completely.

The other people were leaving one by one, bidding farewell to Bai Nian, and he smiled and nodded in response.

He slowly walked out of the restaurant, walked along the street, and found a familiar small sign.

Then he began to wait.

“Brother Nian—”

Bai Nian slowly raised his head. On the dim, gray street, a figure seemed to be running towards him.

“Brother Nian!”

This time, the voice was clear.

Xu Mu ran over, his chest slightly heaving, the warm breath he exhaled swirling around his face.

Before he even came to a halt, Xu Mu pulled Bai Nian into a tight embrace. Their cheeks touched, and the biting cold instantly passed between them.

"Brother Nian." Xu Mu's voice was still a bit urgent.

Bai Nian felt the chill and responded a beat slower, "Ah Mu."

Xu Mu held his face, "Did you drink a lot? Are you dizzy?"

The cheeks in his palms were burning hot, and Bai Nian's glasses had slipped down a bit, revealing slightly reddened and moist eyes.

"I'm fine." Bai Nian's eyelashes quickly brushed against his eyelids, casting a shadow. "Not dizzy."

Xu Mu extended a finger, "How many fingers am I holding?"

Bai Nian glanced sideways, grabbing his hand without answering.

Xu Mu was persistent, pressing on, "Brother Nian, can you see clearly? How many?"

"One." Bai Nian was a bit annoyed, and the young man didn't let him rest on his shoulder.

"Yes, correct." Xu Mu retrieved a box from the storage compartment, "Hungry? I brought glutinous rice cakes, they should still be warm... Have you taken any hangover medicine? I brought several kinds..."

Bai Nian quietly leaned on Xu Mu's shoulder, his eyelids heavy, without saying a word.

Seeing his silence, Xu Mu thought he must be feeling unwell from drinking too much. After all, it was rare for him to ask him to pick him up, so he must have had a lot and wasn't feeling well now.

"If you don't want to eat anything, let's go home first." Xu Mu rubbed his hands together. He had left in a hurry, only wearing a hooded down jacket without a mask, gloves, or scarf. The cold wind was sneaking into the gaps in his clothes.

Bai Nian looked at Xu Mu steadily.

He tilted his head up and with a soft "muah," kissed Xu Mu on the eye.

Xu Mu instinctively closed his eyes as soft lips brushed against him. A faint scent of alcohol lingered, giving a slightly intoxicating illusion.

Bai Nian's eyes curved into a smile, "I'm so happy to see you, Ah Mu."

Xu Mu's heart skipped a beat, feeling strangely shy under his gaze.

"Oh, oh, I-I know."

Bai Nian leaned against Xu Mu's chest, his arm hooked around Xu Mu's neck.

"Let's go home—" he said softly, "When's the next public shuttle?"

"I rented a ground vehicle," Xu Mu replied quietly.

"Ah, rented a ground vehicle..." Bai Nian repeated, "That's good, then let's go..."



"Brother Nian, watch your step."

"No worries, I'm fine."

"Wait, that's a tree—"


"Hey, hey, hey, don't walk into the street!"

"I'm not…"

Xu Mu felt a headache coming on, "You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk, I took hangover medicine…"

"It hasn't kicked in yet."


"Do you want me to carry you?" Xu Mu asked, watching Bai Nian stumble, feeling extremely anxious.

"Don't—" Bai Nian refused, raising their clasped hands. "I want to hold hands, not be carried!"

Xu Mu couldn't help but laugh, "I can carry you and we can still hold hands."

Bai Nian tilted his head and, after a few seconds, turned his face away, "I don't believe you."

Xu Mu squatted down, "Try it."

He looked up sideways, eyebrows slightly raised, a smile on his lips. The floating streetlights cast a warm, yellowish glow, creating a half-shadow on his face, making him look particularly handsome and sharp.

Bai Nian stopped walking, his long eyelashes drooping as if he were thinking.

Xu Mu waited patiently.


Bai Nian moved behind Xu Mu and tentatively wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Legs." Xu Mu patted Bai Nian's ankles. "Hold tight, I'm getting up." With that, he stood up, carrying Bai Nian.

His hands didn't shake, and his footing was steady throughout.

Xu Mu was satisfied. All his hard work and daily exercise had paid off.

"Hand..." Bai Nian released one hand and waved it around aimlessly.

His breath brushed against Xu Mu's neck, tickling him. Xu Mu freed one hand and grabbed Bai Nian's dangling hand.

Thin, delicate, and warm.

Much warmer than his own.

"Your hands are so cold..." Bai Nian muttered drowsily, the alcohol eroding his few remaining coherent thoughts.

"Mm, do you want me to let go?" Xu Mu thought he might dislike the cold hand and didn't want to hold it anymore.

"I'll warm you up." Bai Nian blew gently into Xu Mu's ear. "Your ears are red from the cold too."

Xu Mu tightened his grip, his voice strained as he responded with a muffled "mm."

Bai Nian squinted his eyes, opened his mouth, and suddenly bit Xu Mu's ear fiercely.

"There, I warmed you up."

Xu Mu: "..."

Forget it, no point arguing with a drunk.

Back home, Xu Mu half-dragged, half-carried Bai Nian to the bathroom for a shower. Bai Nian had sobered up a bit, but was so sleepy he could barely keep his eyes open, especially under the soothing warmth of the water. 

Oddly, after the shower and once they were in bed, Bai Nian seemed much more awake.

Bai Nian clung to Xu Mu, kissing him messily. Xu Mu's fingers threaded through Bai Nian's hair, gently twirling the ends. His hand slid down to the nape of Bai Nian's neck, caressing the thin skin with slow, deliberate movements.

"...Mm..." Bai Nian's skin flushed a delicate pink, his features becoming more vibrant. Tilting his chin up, clear saliva trickled from the corner of his mouth, making his Adam's apple glisten.

Xu Mu wrapped his arm around Bai Nian's waist, holding him tightly. The silky smoothness of his skin clung to Xu Mu's fingertips.

"Ah Mu..." Bai Nian mumbled softly.

"Breathe," Xu Mu instructed patiently, counting the beats, "One, two, inhale; one, two, exhale; one, two, inhale..."

Bai Nian leaned against Xu Mu's shoulder, his eyes unfocused.

Gently laying Bai Nian on the pillow, Xu Mu pulled up the blanket, only to find it a bit thin.

Tsk, Nades had packed the wrong one at noon.

"...Are you leaving?" Bai Nian grasped Xu Mu's wrist.

In the dim light, his gray-blue eyes flickered with a strange hue.

Xu Mu was taken aback. "I'm not leaving. I'll just go get another blanket and come right back."

Bai Nian remained motionless.

Xu Mu continued to explain, "Nades must have packed the wrong blanket at noon. This set is too thin. When the heating automatically adjusts at midnight, it might be too cold."

"It's not that."

"What do you mean it's not?" Xu Mu asked.

"It's not like that..." Bai Nian murmured, "Every time you kiss me and then leave, it's too much..."

Xu Mu was bewildered.

Bai Nian's expression turned sad, his eyes reddening. He grabbed Xu Mu's wrist and pulled.

Although Xu Mu didn't exert force, he found himself following Bai Nian's lead involuntarily.

"Do you not like it here?"

Xu Mu's eyes widened, freezing in place.

"It's impossible..." Bai Nian muttered to himself, "Don’t you like staying here? It's a suitable for snakes to hibernate, and it's warm—"

Xu Mu quickly covered Bai Nian's mouth, his ears turning red, and he awkwardly avoided eye contact.

"Brother Nian, please don't say anymore—" he took a deep breath, feeling a burning sensation in his throat.

Finally, Xu Mu understood.

Bai Nian extended his tongue, lightly pressing it against Xu Mu's palm.

In an instant, a tingling sensation spread through Xu Mu's palm, the confined space feeling like it was being scorched by flames, the temperature skyrocketing.


Xu Mu was scalded and let go.

Bai Nian watched silently.

The room was silent, not even a breath could be heard.

Clothes lay scattered on the carpet, different colors piled together.

Bai Nian's eyes were lazy, with a shimmering sparkle.

He lightly kicked Xu Mu and said, "You worry too much. My physique , it's already..."

He opened a cupboard and threw something over.

"Let's tear this open first."

Xu Mu took the familiar silver box, his wrist trembling. The serrated edges seemed so sharp, yet he still fumbled a few times.

"Let me do it," Bai Nian reached out to take it.

There was a faint sound as the plastic was torn open.

"It's my first time tearing this open," Xu Mu pursed his lips, "And it slipped just now."

Bai Nian lowered his gaze, "It's my first time too."

"...Oh," Xu Mu responded dryly.

"I just randomly chose the model, I picked the most..." Bai Nian paused, his breathing slowing down.

He asked, "Do you think it will fit you?"


Bai Nian's eyelashes trembled slightly. "Really? I feel... I don't know if there's a customized version..."

He let go and looked at Xu Mu, as if conveying something.

Xu Mu remained silent.

He firmly grasped the slender ankle with one hand, pulling it towards himself.

Bowing his head, he kissed the protruding ankle bone.

At this moment, the night slowly began to awaken.

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  1. why are they so wholesomely horny😭

  2. They finally did it!!!!!!😭👏


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