The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 61



During this time, Xu Mu was busy preparing for the final exams.

His live streaming was starting to pick up, and the daily income was quite considerable.

Although it was far from the peak moments of his previous life, it was still much better compared to simply playing games with others.

Therefore, he basically stopped taking orders and focused on researching new games, making strategies, and thinking about how to improve his live streams.

In the C area, the second-floor meeting room.

"Morning." Huang Wenrui was wiping the table. When he saw Xu Mu come in, he said, "I haven't seen you much lately, and you've scheduled fewer times. Is it because of the final exams in your design major?"

"Yeah." Xu Mu nodded.

"Did you directly apply to the college to reduce hours?" 

"I told the counselor in advance, and they signed and submitted it to the college. The application should be processed quickly. However, the corresponding subsidy will be reduced, which is equivalent to giving up the perfect attendance reward."

Huang Wenrui pondered for a moment.

"You don’t have enough time?" Xu Mu asked.

His leave of absence wasn't purely because of the final exams. It was mostly because live streaming took up a lot of his time, and since he wasn't tight on money, he didn't insist on project subsidies.

Huang Wenrui said, "A bit. I'm in the medical field, and our classes end late. The time for final review is short, and the content is quite extensive. The schedule I arranged earlier doesn't fit anymore."

"Oh," Xu Mu responded, "just tell the counselor, and it will be approved quickly."


The two didn't speak further and worked together to clean the studio, organize documents, and complete today's assigned tasks.

After finishing their work-study for the day, Xu Mu hurried to the self-study room.

Lou Haoyu, Nian Yueyue, and Zou Ning were already waiting for him.

"Sorry for being late."

Nian Yueyue waved her hand, "No, no, we just got here too."

Xu Mu sat down, "Alright, shall we begin now?"

Lou Haoyu said, "Come, come, let me show you the rendering model I stayed up all night working on. Isn't it perfect?"

The screen flashed, and a 3D model slowly emerged, with vibrant colors spread out.

Nian Yueyue complained, "The colors you used are blinding."

"It's convenient to see, isn't it? I'll refine it later," Lou Haoyu said. "Look, isn't the main square and the design drawings identical? Even the potted plants behind the small library, I meticulously designed."

Zou Ning looked up, "Why did you even include outdoor manhole covers? Now we'll have to write a detailed analysis for the animation generation."

"It looks good and realistic," Lou Haoyu scratched his head, "fortunately, it doesn't take much time."

"Then you write it," Nian Yueyue concluded firmly.

Lou Haoyu choked, "Okay, okay."

Xu Mu said, "I've finished the schematic diagram of the innovative structural system, take a look."

"Okay," Nian Yueyue, who was closer, leaned over to take a peek first.

"Not bad, the innovative aspect we thought of seems quite new, we should be able to score some points," she said.

Lou Haoyu laughed uncontrollably, "Finally not just 'green low IQ' anymore."

Nian Yueyue also laughed, "Green is a versatile color, it can be moved wherever it's needed."


"Finally done," Lou Haoyu stretched lazily and exclaimed towards the ceiling.

Nian Yueyue was startled, "Are you crazy?"

Lou Haoyu rubbed his face and chuckled, "I’m just excited."

"Wait until after you finish your final exams to get excited," someone replied.

Instantly, Lu Haoyu's excitement vanished.

Xu Mu silently packed up his things, wearing warm gloves due to the chilly weather.

Nian Yueyue asked, "Hey, Xu Mu, have you finished setting up the 'Water Paradise'?"

"Not yet," Xu Mu replied.

"Yeah!" Lu Haoyu raised his hand. "Me neither."

Nian Yueyue sighed. "It's really difficult to set up. I've simulated it several times, but either the parameters are off or it reminds me that something collapsed or water leaked in, or the operating system is under heavy load..."

She closed her eyes in despair. "I want to die."

Xu Mu hesitated. "Oh, I see."

Nian Yueyue keenly sensed something fishy. "Wait, have you passed the simulation system test? You just need to build the physical model, right?"

"Yeah," Xu Mu confirmed.

Nian Yueyue exclaimed, "!!!"

She suddenly stood up. "Can I take a look?"

Xu Mu opened the system, tapped his finger, and swiped the screen.

Lu Haoyu also leaned in, and at first glance, he exclaimed, "Wow."

"It's a unique design," Nian Yueyue agreed. "It looks like something only found in the sea, with steep sea cliffs, coral reefs, and everything blending so well."

Zou Ning fell onto Nian Yueyue's shoulder, succinctly saying, "Nice."

"Well... actually, it wasn't all my idea. Someone helped me," Xu Mu said, scratching his nose.

He had sketched it out at the time, and then Brother Nian just happened to be nearby and gently offered to help him take a look, then ended up making significant revisions for him.

—- He almost didn't recognize what he had drawn himself.

One in the sky, and the other one underground.

Lou Haoyu said softly, "Okay, I got it, it was your boyfriend, right?"


Nian Yueyue was taken aback, "Wait a minute, you're going to be a stepfather, no, you're together with your neighbor?"

Xu Mu nodded.

He waved his hand, "I'm leaving. If you need anything, you can call me in the group chat."

"Okay, bye."

After Xu Mu left, the self-study room returned to silence.

Nian Yueyue immediately grabbed Lou Haoyu's neck, "Okay, spill it. If you know, why didn't you tell me?"

Lou Haoyu let out a wry laugh, "Cough... cough... Murder!"

Nian Yueyue let go of him unkindly.

Lou Haoyu slumped back in his chair.

"Why are you so nosy in someone else's relationship?" he said.

"I am just curious," Nian Yueyue said.

Lou Haoyu: "I think you're just curious about handsome guys' love lives."

He folded his arms, "Well, well, I understand. We handsome guys always have these kinds of troubles."

Nian Yueyue glanced sideways, "Is that so? I don't have that kind of curiosity about you."

She clapped her hands and said, "Right, because you're not handsome."

Lou Haoyu grinned, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.


Xu Mu picked up Ye Ye as usual and headed home. He had Nades accompany Ye Ye and play with him, but his arm still held a bunch of freshly bloomed hyacinths.

As he stepped out of the entrance hall, he called out, "Brother Nian?"

No one answered.

Kadou said, "Master hasn't returned today."

Xu Mu paused, "Hmm, alright."

He opened his light-brain, but there were no messages.

[Xu: Brother Nian, have you finished work?]

After about two minutes, there was a reply from the other side.

It was a voice message.

"Maybe I'll have to work overtime," Bai Nian's voice was gentle, tinged with a hint of resignation.

[Xu: It's okay, I'll save dinner for you.]

"Okay, you're so good..." The tail of his voice was drawn out, with a hint of a smile.

Like there were little hooks tickling his heart.

Xu Mu's lips curled slightly, he listened to it repeatedly before turning off the screen.

He breathed a sigh of relief, alright, the other party wasn't actually angry this morning. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Bai Nian's temper seemed a bit off lately.

He can’t tell exactly what's wrong, but something definitely felt off.

Fuxin Architectural Design Firm.

"This is insane, insane! Old Gao is calling us out again to socialize!!!" Jin Fei's face twisted in disgust, as if she wanted to tear apart the screen in front of her. But as a corporate slave, she grimly held back her hard-earned achievements.

Tang Wannan sighed, glanced at the time, "It's six o'clock, he'll probably come downstairs to urge us soon."

Jin Fei sighed with frustration, "I just want to go home, not put on fake smiles outside. Who does design work at home but also has to entertain clients? Apart from drawing diagrams, we have to chat with clients about mountains."

Tang Wannan rested her chin on her hand, "Do you think collective resistance would work?"

Jiang Yuntao had already been promoted and joined the team of the second group. He swiveled his chair, saying, "Both the big bosses will be there tonight and tomorrow night, I'm afraid it won't work."

Jin Fei grumbled, "We work ourselves to death overtime, and still have to run after clients ourselves. It's clearly Old Gao trying to boost performance, aiming for brilliance. We could bear it if we got some benefits, but in the end, the fruit is completely plucked—"

Tang Wannan covered her mouth, "Keep your voice down."

Jin Fei rolled her eyes, then asked Bai Nianye, "Brother Bai, are you going?"

Bai Nian nodded faintly, "Jack specifically sent a message."

Jin Fei collapsed completely, "What kind of life is this... Old Gao is really annoying..."

She muttered to herself, and Bai Nian unexpectedly chimed in, "Hmm, indeed."

Jin Fei jumped in surprise, stuttering, "Wh-what?"

Bai Nian ran his finger along the rim of his cup calmly, "Forcing employees to give up their normal rest time is really terrible."

After saying that, he got up to refill his cup at the water station.

Tang Wannan watched his back and murmured, "It's over, even Brother Bai is angry, Old Gao's skinflint ways are really unbearable."

Jin Fei sneakily leaned in, "Hey, have you noticed Brother Bai's been a bit irritable this week?"

"It's been okay," Tang Wannan said.

"I'm serious!" Jin Fei insisted.

Tang Wannan pondered, "Now that you mention it, maybe."

"Yeah, right? Right? Old Gao dumped a bunch of useless tasks on him before, and Brother Bai accepted them calmly, but these past few days, he just refused outright. They almost had a fight..." 

Suddenly, Lu Yao interjected, "It's not almost, they did have a fight."

Jin Fei covered her mouth, "Really?"

"Yeah," Lu Yao nodded, tapping her fingernails, "It came from Lily's office."

Tang Wannan sighed, "Lu Yao, you're our little informant."

Jiang Yuntao speculated, "It doesn't seem like they fought over the useless tasks, mainly it's about vying for a position in the first group, right?"

Jin Fei took a deep breath, clasping her hands together, "Bless Brother Bai. Though I really want Old Gao to leave the second group, I'd rather not see him all smug. That position should still go to Brother Bai!!!"

Jiang Yuntao's eyes flickered.

Tang Wannan glanced over, "Don't be so loud. Just because Sister Wei takes care of you most of the time doesn't mean you can shout like that."

Jin Fei stuck out her tongue, "Sister Wei is really good to me."


The tea in the cup bubbled, emitting fine foam as steam rose. Bai Nian took a sip, the slight bitterness refreshing his mind.

He scrolled through the chat box, checking his conversation history with Xu Mu.

Occasionally, he found something amusing, and a smile couldn't help but tug at his lips. But it quickly faded away. Bai Nian pressed his temples, feeling an inexplicable restlessness surging up within him, unsettling his mind. It was strange; lately, it seemed like he couldn't control his emotions, and he felt completely disarrayed. 

He longed to see Ah Mu, to be close to him, but for some reason, he also wanted to keep his distance.


"Alright, it's about time, I'm going offline, bye." Xu Mu removed his headphones, preparing to log out. Seeing someone continuously sending gifts, he politely thanked them a few times before ending the livestream.


A minute later, Nades appeared at the door.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"Has Ye Ye fallen asleep?"

"Kadou is currently telling a story to the young master, who is in a half-asleep state. It's estimated he'll fall asleep in about three minutes."

"Okay." Xu Mu walked out of the room, leaving a lamp on in the living room. As he moved around, the lights in the entrance hall responded to his presence.

"Brother Nian still hasn't returned..." He quietly sat on the sofa, starting to message the other person. Prior to this, he had sent several inquiries, mostly receiving responses indicating he would be back soon.

"Are you waiting for Mr. Bai?"

"...Let's not force conversation when there's nothing to say."

"You know what you look like right now?"

"What do I look like?"

"Like a resentful husband waiting for his wife to come home."

Xu Mu choked, "If you have nothing to say, then just remove your battery."

"Okay, I misspoke." Nades quickly apologized upon sensing the threat.

Click— the entrance hall floating light turned on.

Xu Mu looked up, unable to hide a smile involuntarily. "Brother Nian, you're back?"

Bai Nian nodded slightly, gently kissing the corner of his lips. "Were you waiting for me?"


Bai Nian's smile deepened, the corners of his eyes slightly red. "You've worked hard."

A faint scent of alcohol filled the air.

"Are you hungry? I saved some food." Xu Mu subconsciously sniffed his neck and pursed his lips.

Bai Nian... had been drinking again.

"I'm not hungry. I ate a lot tonight, I am not feeling hungry now." Bai Nian felt an itch on his neck, the young man embraced him, their lips occasionally brushing against each other.

"Have you been drinking?"

"A little. I came back to take some sobering medicine."

"Brother Nian, this morning, did I accidentally hurt your ear? Please don't be angry..." Xu Mu stared straight at him.

Bai Nian paused, "What?"

Xu Mu looked at him intently.

"Oh, I'm not angry." Bai Nian replied, his ears and tail appearing simultaneously. "You can bite."

"Wait, that's not what I meant, I—"

Bai Nian's thoughts were a bit muddled. "You want to transform into my mimicry, right?"

"Just for a while. I'm a bit tired today, I'll go take a shower and sleep soon."

Xu Mu didn't have time to reply. He just saw his clothes drop, and the lop-eared rabbit quietly lay on top of them.

The words Xu Mu wanted to say got stuck in his throat, his hands itching.

Well, since there's already a rabbit...

Then rua!

That was Xu Mu's motto.

He greedily hugged the rabbit, sighing contentedly.

The lop-eared rabbit was too sleepy to keep its eyes open, not responding as Xu Mu played with it.

"Brother Nian, are you sleepy?"

The lop-eared rabbit nodded.

"Want to take a shower?"

Another nod.

"Then go ahead." Xu Mu let him go.

The lop-eared rabbit jumped down, and in an instant, he transformed.

Xu Mu: "..."

His ears instantly turned red, palms sweating.

So white... like jade...

Xu Mu felt dazed, not knowing how much time had passed until he heard the sound of water from the bathroom.

He ran his hand through his hair absentmindedly, unintentionally glancing at the bed—

He began diligently collecting the rabbit fur, putting it back into the box from before.

Unconsciously, he had accumulated quite a bit, enough to make a small pillow at least.

After arranging them neatly, he couldn't resist grabbing another handful of fur, playing with it in his hands.

"What are you doing?" came a soft voice.

Bai Nian's face was tinged with a blush, his eyes slightly misty with an imperceptible weariness.

Xu Mu froze, his hand holding the lid hanging in mid-air.

Bai Nian walked over step by step, his legs straight and fair, his knees slightly reddened from the hot water. As he moved, the opening of his bathrobe parted, leaving nothing concealed.

"This is..." he lowered his head, "the fur from my mimicry?"

"..." Xu Mu hesitated for a moment before saying slowly, "Ah, yes."

Bai Nian twirled the fur in his hand, his expression unclear.

"When did you collect this?" he asked.

Xu Mu's heart skipped a beat. "J-just earlier."

Bai Nian raised an eyebrow, looking at him softly. "Earlier? How long ago was that?"

Xu Mu: "...” Great, another piece of evidence deepening the impression of being a pervert.

"The first time we met?"


"The second time?"


Bai Nian seemed to know the answer, smiling gently. "Alright, I understand. If you like it, keep it, though... well, it's a bit strange."

He slowly lay down on the bed, pulling the blanket over himself bit by bit.

Xu Mu propped himself up on the edge of the bed with one hand. "Hey, Brother Nian, sleeping like this must be uncomfortable. You'll probably feel too hot in the middle of the night and stick your legs out, then get cold."

"I won't—" Bai Nian yawned, looking tired and listless. "There's heating and an electric blanket."

"I'm so sleepy." Bai Nian said softly.

"You can't sleep like this. At least put on some pajamas." With his bathrobe loose and his legs folded like that, Xu Mu grabbed his ankle and pushed him under the covers.

"Are you too tired lately? You've been sleepy these past few days." It seemed like no matter how much he slept, it wasn't enough, and he wasn't resting well.

"Maybe. I turned into a rabbit..." Bai Nian lazily said, his two ears and tail poking out. He thought he had transformed completely and closed his eyes contentedly.

Xu Mu pinched the fluffy tail. "You haven't finished transforming, have you?"

Bai Nian struggled to keep his eyelids open. "Oh—seems like not."

He felt a bit irritated, feeling uncomfortable everywhere on the bed.

Bai Nian shifted a bit, curling up his body.

So annoying... I want to change places... Where should I go...

Suddenly, Bai Nian seemed to remember something important and said earnestly, "After I turn into a rabbit, you have to hold me while sleeping."

Xu Mu's heart skipped a beat. "Hold you? But I—"

"You haven't before. You always just put me next to your neck." Bai Nian complained.

"How can I breathe if I hold you in my arms?"

"..." Bai Nian made an acknowledging sound. "Okay."

He tilted his head, his eyelashes trembling.

"I remember you said before that you wanted to raise a rabbit, put it in a cage, and lay down some padding..."

Xu Mu: Wait a minute, why are we suddenly bringing up old accounts?

He swore he only wanted to raise a regular rabbit at the time!!

Not to imprison it!!!

The corner of Bai Nian's lips twitched, but his thoughts were still fuzzy.

"A cage... sounds not bad..." he said lightly, "But I'm so tired today, maybe next time."

The next moment, a soft lop-eared rabbit jumped into Xu Mu's arms, and he even got kissed on the hand.

Xu Mu: "..."

Hiss! Something's not right, really not right.

Brother Nian...

What's been going on with him lately!!!

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