It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 67


IETSTSMLARA | He Wants a Mermaid | 67

Jiang Tang nodded and said, "This ranking is not bad. What's the name you're going to use in the next competition?"

"Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar," Lin Su said with a light laugh.

Jiang Tang: "..."

"Isn't that name good?" Lin Su asked.

Jiang Tang shook his head: "No."

It's just that when he heard this name, he felt as if he had just drunk a cup of fresh ginger brown sugar, his mouth sweet to the point of numbness, and his whole body warming up and breaking into a slight sweat.

"Then there's no problem. The lab's break time is almost over. Let's go back," Lin Su said, not teasing him further.

"Okay." Jiang Tang let out a sigh of relief.

One convenient aspect of mech competitions on the star network is that after your match ends, you can easily go do other things.

The progress in the lab was continually advancing. Even though there were occasional stalls, the progress was something Jiang Tang had never dared to imagine before.

The mech competition lasted a total of seven days, with multiple matches running simultaneously. Each one was spectacular and allowed numerous mech operators to gain their own fans.

"He Jian, He Jian is amazing, I love him, he has to win!!!"

"I love him too. His mech operation is so cool."

"The operations on Clouds' maneuvers are incredible. Undefeated so far, I'm betting on him."

"Too bad the Marshal can't compete, otherwise he would absolutely dominate."

"The Marshal won first place in the competition he entered. If you like him, you can watch the replays. His moves are out of this world."

"Thanks for the tip."

"Don't you guys think Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar's moves are great too? They're straightforward and efficient, without too much flair, but they can take down opponents instantly."

"Pfft, that name! It's way too sweet."

"I watched it. The moves are decent, but clearly weaker compared to the previous ones. Maybe he’s just facing weaker opponents for now. I'll bet a pack of spicy sticks that Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar won't make it to the finals."

"You don't understand. Flashy moves are just for show. I'll bet a pack of spicy sticks that he will make it to the finals."

The mech operators didn't just sit around after the matches. Watching the replay videos allowed them to study their opponents' tactics and prepare in advance.

These days, knowing yourself and your enemy is the key to winning countless battles.

Though Lin Su was confident, underestimating opponents was a cardinal sin on the battlefield. 

After finishing his lab work, he would watch those videos to analyze and compare. Remembering people's special moves and usual tactics was crucial.

Although a serious man is said to be the most handsome, Jiang Tang felt something was missing as he lay on his side of the bed. 

They used to fall asleep in each other's arms every night, whispering softly. He always thought Lin Su was overly skilled in this, but now, with Lin Su busy with his career and no longer cuddling every night, Jiang Tang realized how much he missed that closeness.

In the corner of Lin Su's eye, as he watched the replay videos, he noticed Dr. Jiang, who had been sleeping on the other side of the bed, inching closer. 

Jiang Tang, head tucked under the covers, peeked out to see if Lin Su was paying attention. Seeing that Lin Su seemed engrossed in the videos, he inched closer again.

Lin Su pretended not to notice until Jiang Tang's warm body was right next to him. Jiang Tang nudged his head against Lin Su's arm, feeling content and staying still.

Lin Su, who appeared to watch the screen, moved subtly. 

Just as Jiang Tang settled, he noticed the person he had been snuggling up to seemed to move away slightly.

Puzzled, Jiang Tang looked up at Lin Su and saw that he really was focused on the video. 

Maybe he just shifted because he'd been sitting too long, Jiang Tang thought, and started inching closer again, until... ???

He looked at the arm that was so close yet just out of reach, he hesitated as he glanced at Lin Su. The merman was clearly still engrossed in watching the video.

Jiang Tang scooted a bit closer. Just as he was about to reach the arm, he saw a smile tugging at Lin Su’s lips.

If he didn't realize he was being teased at this point, all his years of study would have been in vain.

Jiang Tang hesitated, feeling both annoyed and embarrassed, his ears turning red. Before he could retreat, Lin Su flipped over and pulled him into his arms, even wrapping his legs around him, cutting off any chance of Jiang Tang moving away.

With their breaths mingling, Jiang Tang's earlier irritation melted away, replaced by a warm, comforting heat.

"I..." Jiang Tang didn't know what to say.

"I kept feeling like something was missing in my arms, and I couldn't focus on the video. Turns out it was you," Lin Su said.

"Were you this smooth in your original world?" Jiang Tang stopped struggling, feeling a sweetness in his heart but suspecting that Lin Su’s charm might come from past practice.

"Such things depend on emotional intelligence, not experience," Lin Su laughed. "Right now, I only like you."

The way he spoke such sweet words was incredibly tender. As a man, Jiang Tang felt he shouldn't always let the merman take the lead, even if this merman wasn’t really a mermaid at heart. He rested his head against Lin Su’s forehead, saying, "Hmm, I believe you."

Lin Su released him and sat up. Seeing Jiang Tang’s puzzled look, he patted his chest, "Come on, hug me, or I won’t be able to focus."

Saying he couldn’t focus because he was missing Jiang Tang in his arms made Jiang Tang swallow hard. He wrapped his arms around Lin Su’s waist and rested his head on his chest. Lin Su’s hand naturally settled on Jiang Tang’s back.

This intimate embrace was far more comforting than just leaning against his arm had been.

Jiang Tang felt a fiery warmth in his heart, but also a deep sense of peace, and he soon drifted off to sleep.

Late into the night, others were also replaying those battle videos. Unlike the average viewers, they operated mechs themselves and understood how difficult it was to execute moves as crisp and direct as Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar's, and hit targets with such precision.

"This person is clearly hiding their true abilities, just waiting for us to fight each other," said a black-haired young man as he watched the video.

"You're the one who's a dog," replied the young man next to him. "But I think Walking on Clouds is more formidable. We need to watch out, especially for that unexpected move; it's really hard to defend against."

"We need to keep an eye on everyone. Can you tell who it is just by their style? They’re using a nickname to hide their true identity."

"No idea."


"Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar, what a name..." Qin Yue murmured as he watched the decisive and efficient battle footage. 

Even knowing beforehand, he found it hard to believe that someone capable of such clean mech operations could be a mermaid.

The name itself hinted at a connection to that person. Missing out on one mermaid isn't a big deal; there will always be better, more beautiful, more understanding, and more compatible ones in the future. 

Yet, why did he feel a heaviness in his chest, as if something thick and sticky was clogging it, making it impossible to break free?

Was this the price of courting too many lovers?

Those who play with fire will eventually get burned. Emotions have never been under the control of reason. 

Lin Su, can you escape such a fate?

The mech competition proceeded without any hitches, at least for the first five days. But when it came to the final selection, the match between Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar and Walking on Clouds ended with Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar's victory.

Even though the competition followed a double-elimination format, the online questioning was relentless.

This was because Walking on Clouds had demonstrated significantly higher prowess than Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar in the first five days, yet this time they inexplicably lost. 

The sudden turn of events left many people taken aback.

"This is unfair! I think there's definitely some kind of hidden rule in this competition."

"It's a star network battle. If someone wanted to add a program, it would be easy. The officials must give an explanation."

"Cheating! This is blatant cheating!"

"The move is theoretically possible, so it might not be cheating."

"If you slow down the move by twenty times, you can see it really hit. It’s not cheating, maybe they were just hiding their true ability."

"The mech competition is a grand event of the Empire. Cheating would be a slap in our own face, wouldn't it?"

The heated discussions continued, but the Empire quickly issued an announcement confirming that Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar had not used any illegal methods during the competition, putting an end to the debate.

"How is that possible? So, they were really hiding their true abilities before?"

"Even His Majesty lost fair and square to the Marshal back then. Who do you think holds more power?"

"True. This Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar appeared out of nowhere. Even if someone wanted to cheat, the audience’s eyes are sharp."

The arguments continued, but on the sixth day, Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar defeated several highly-regarded mech operators, entering the finals with an undefeated record.

Only then did people realize that Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar had never lost before and that each of their battle scores was not low. However, the scores were always just a few tenths lower, and their moves were straightforward, causing them to be overlooked.

Now, entering the final day, Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar had emerged as the frontrunner, becoming the target of everyone's scrutiny.

"Didn't you say that the first bird to stick its head out gets shot?" Jiang Tang was clearly stunned by their position, though he didn’t show it much. His main feeling was worry. "If you're targeted..."

"Don't worry," Lin Su smiled.

Six days were enough for him to gauge the strength and skill levels of all remaining competitors. 

Even if some were hiding their abilities like he was, they were not a threat.

On the final day, the mech competition shifted from the virtual battles on the star network to a live event held over the ocean near the Imperial Capital. 

The mechs were provided by the military and no longer had restrictions on materials, endurance, or firepower. This was also a test of physical and mental strength, as even the most advanced mech would be useless without compatible physical and mental capabilities.

"Do you think the big shot might be called Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar?" Cheng Qi, heavily pregnant, asked their Marshal. "Look, Dr. Jiang's name is Jiang Tang. Jiang Tang, Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar—it’s a perfect match."

Ye Jingfan had noticed this as well. Initially, Lin Su's skills didn't seem exceptional, but as the competition progressed, they became increasingly impressive.

A mermaid who had only trained on the star network displayed such combat capabilities. Even if Ye Jingfan personally faced him, the outcome would be uncertain.

Someone with such skills must have extensive combat experience; he couldn't possibly be a novice.

"Maybe. Have you noticed anything wrong with Lin Su?" Ye Jingfan asked Cheng Qi.

"Anything wrong? I think everything about him is great. He’s a high achiever, learns quickly, and seems to know everything. The only odd thing… Oh, petting great white sharks like they’re rabbits—does that count?"

Ye Jingfan: "..."

"...What about you?"

Cheng Qi squinted at him, "Do you want me and your three cubs to be buried in the belly of the fish?"

Petting sharks? That’s a joke unless he’s in a mech. Otherwise, no way.

"Of course not!" Ye Jingfan quickly replied.

However, his internal doubts seemed to be answered. If someone could tame shark packs in the deep sea, they indeed must be battle-hardened. He recalled that when Lin Su and his Dr. Jiang returned from the sea, they seemed to be riding on a whale.

The weak submit to the strong. His initial impression of Lin Su being more than just an ordinary mermaid was correct.

The mech battles over the sea were intense, with each exchange of firepower raising colossal waves that caused the ground to tremble whenever they fell. 

The red mech looked like a blazing flame atop the deep sea, while the blue mech's every movement seemed to resonate and roar in harmony with the ocean depths.

Everyone's attention was riveted on the blue mech. They had never seen such precise, efficient movements or such formidable solo combat capabilities.

The waves howled, and the actions of the two mechs were almost too fast for the naked eye to follow. In a moment of clashing metal, both mechs plummeted from the sky, with one crashing into the sea. The splash was so immense it nearly reached the eyes of the spectators a kilometer away.

"He Jian has lost," Qin Yue said from his prime seat.

Jiang Tang sat beside him. Even as the spray seemed to fly towards his face, he remained calm and unflinching. "That was inevitable."

Regardless of the mermaid’s prowess, he believed Lin Su would emerge victorious.

"You know, I very much envy you," Qin Yue smiled. "I envy you so much that I would exchange all my wealth and status for him, but I fear it would be blasphemy to him."

Wealth can be regained, and status, for him, was always a responsibility, not a shackle. Without him, the Empire would find new representatives and honors. But there was only one Lin Su.

"He’s not an object nor a bargaining chip," Jiang Tang said, watching the blue mech standing tall on the ocean surface.

It was so majestic, so beautifully integrated with the sea. The mech was stunning, but it was the person who could bring out its power who was its true soul.

The blue mech had defeated many opponents—some agile, some strong, some with a myriad of tactics—yet all had fallen to its might. Only one opponent remained, a former defeated adversary: Walking on Clouds.

"Turn defeat into victory! Take first place!"

"Walking on Clouds, I love you!!!"

"Defeat Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar! Defeat Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar!"


"Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar, you're the sweetest!"

"Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar for the win! For the win! For the win!!!"

"The championship belongs to you!"

He had gained many fans of his own. Previously, like a dragon hidden in the depths, his potential was limited by his mermaid identity. Now, soaring to new heights, no one could stop him from showcasing the true power of a mermaid to the world.

Walking on Clouds' mech was silver, and even in the finals, no one knew its pilot's identity. It was the top contender among the defeated, having only lost once to Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar. 

Meanwhile, Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar had entered the final undefeated.

Though it seemed clear who had the upper hand, anyone who made it to the final round was undeniably formidable.

At the sound of the start, the two mechs quickly engaged in combat. Their similar colors made it difficult for the naked eye to discern, and the intense battle scenes required slow-motion analysis for the average spectator to understand. 

However, the sheer intensity of the scene was enough to set hearts racing, even without complete comprehension.



"Walking on Clouds!"

"Keep it up!"

"Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar!!!"

The sight was challenging for ordinary people to follow, but for those with S-class physical abilities, it posed no problem. 

After all, if they couldn't keep up with such visuals, how could they pilot a mech in combat?

The clash between the two mechs was intense, with each strike targeting vital points. However, while there were minor scratches, few hits landed solidly. As the battle grew fiercer, the true skills of the pilots became increasingly evident, revealing their hidden strengths.

Ye Jingfan frowned. "The techniques used by Walking on Clouds are reminiscent of those I observed in the Yura Empire."

"So, it's confirmed they aren't from the Empire?" Qin Yue chuckled. "No wonder we couldn't find any information on them."

Inside the blue mech, Lin Su received a message from System 06: 【Host, your partner has confirmed that your opponent is not from the Empire.】

Knowing his opponent wasn't from his home country meant he didn't need to hold back or worry about causing injury. 

An anonymous competitor winning the Empire's internal mech competition would be a slap in the face to all the Empire's mech pilots.

Lin Su smiled. His previously effortless movements suddenly doubled in speed. In the midst of everyone's stunned reactions, he struck the power valve of Walking on Clouds, watching as it fell into the ocean below.

This time, the splash was so immense that it reached the shore, drenching the spectators and causing an uproar of screams.

"Whoa! Did we just get a free seawater shower?"

"Wasn't the spectator area supposed to be immune to the waves?"

"A supposed wave-proof spectator area got us drenched, thanks to Walking on Clouds! I'm on the brink of unfollowing."

"Holy cow, someone actually brought an umbrella!"

All eyes turned to the person holding the umbrella, including those of Qin Yue and Ye Jingfan.

Ye Jingfan and Qin Yue, despite their exceptional physiques, couldn't avoid getting drenched by the wave. 

However, to their surprise, Jiang Tang had brought an umbrella.

"Lin Su said the sun is strong by the sea and advised me to bring it to avoid a heat stroke," Jiang Tang calmly explained.

Although he said this, he couldn't shake the feeling that Lin Su had anticipated this outcome. Knowing Lin Su's subtle smile when he suggested bringing the umbrella, Jiang Tang suspected the soaked spectators might have been part of Lin Su's plan. 

After all, Lin Su had been ridiculed countless times for the name "Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar" until his impressive skills turned public opinion in his favor. This petty side of Lin Su was something Jiang Tang was all too familiar with.

His explanation left the audience feeling both amused and defeated—not only were they drenched, but now they were being fed dog food, so to speak. Prince Lin Su was indeed a thoughtful and considerate person, even if his actions occasionally had ulterior motives.

As for why Dr. Jiang had not brought Lin Su to such an intense competition? The idea of a delicate mermaid participating in a mech battle was laughable; it would surely terrify their gentle hearts.

The blue mech landed on the ground, its towering presence now overshadowing everything nearby. Only then did everyone realize that Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar had secured the final victory.

"We won!!!"

"He really won!! It was worth betting on Fresh Ginger Brown Sugar!"

"I'm crying tears of joy, oh my god!"

"Congratulations to this brave warrior of the Empire for winning the mech competition," Qin Yue, despite being soaked, stood up gracefully. He slicked his wet hair back, revealing a smooth forehead as he offered his congratulations. "You will be awarded the Empire's Warrior Medal," he continued, "and you will be granted the title of Viscount, sharing the Empire's honor."

The title of Viscount came with a territory, though it didn't grant real power, it did provide a steady stream of income. 

"Let's have the champion come forward," Qin Yue announced.

Jiang Tang stood up, folded his umbrella, and looked towards the cockpit of the mech. The mech's lights flickered, the cockpit door rumbled open, and its hand placed gently over its chest. 

As the person inside emerged and stepped onto the mech's hand, the audience in the stadium and those watching online erupted in astonishment.

"Holy shit!!! What am I seeing?!"

"Is it Prince Lin Su?!"

"It's the mermaid prince!!!"

"A mermaid competing in a mech battle? Won't the Empire lose its rights to the mermaid?"

"The real issue is that the mermaid prince won first place in the mech competition! This is a slap in the face to all the Empire's mech operators!"

"Respect is earned, not given. How is this the mermaid prince's fault?"

The uproar could no longer be contained. Lin Su, however, had already descended from the mech's hand to the ground. He glanced at Jiang Tang, giving him a reassuring nod before stepping onto the wet podium and addressing Qin Yue. "Your Majesty, am I worthy of this title?"

"You are indeed worthy," Qin Yue's declaration silenced those doubting Lin Su's abilities. "No one is more fitting for this honor."

"It's natural for them to have doubts," Lin Su responded with a gentle smile. The sea breeze tousled his hair, a playful lock brushing his face like a kiss from the ocean. "They find it hard to believe that a frail mermaid could pilot such a massive mech, or that mermaids were once the top predators of the ocean, relying not on weapons but on their own strength."

Lin Su grasped the edge of the podium, and the stone railing crumbled into powder under his touch. Such a display of power left no one doubting the legitimacy of his S-tier physical status. 

The audience stared in stunned silence, fully grasping the extent of his strength—it was enough to crush skulls with a single strike.

The crowd: "......"

The people online were in awe. They couldn't help but admire Dr. Jiang for winning over such a formidable mermaid.

"I believe in you!" a voice shouted from across the sea. 

A man emerged from a freshly recovered mech, with a slightly mischievous demeanor stared directly at Lin Su. "You're a mermaid? Can I court you?"

"Qi Yun, so it really is you," Ye Jingfan said.

"Isn't Qi Yun the first in line for the throne of the Yura Empire?"

"He's Walking on Clouds?"

"If it wasn't for the mermaid prince, what was his real goal?"

"I can't even imagine. I'd rather be humiliated by our mermaid prince."

"He wants to pursue our Prince Lin Su? No way! Our mermaid prince already has a fiancé."

Jiang Tang's expression darkened. He spoke firmly, "Sorry, I'm his fiancé."

"A fiancé can be dismissed. Even if you've been together, I don't mind. I've set my sights on you and want you as my wife. When I ascend the throne, you will be the only queen of the Yura Empire," Qi Yun glanced at Jiang Tang, then fixed his gaze on Lin Su. "A mermaid like you should be with someone like me."

"I'm not interested in conquering you," Lin Su replied, looking at Qi Yun, a later antagonist in Cheng Qi's story. 

Lin Su couldn't shake the feeling that he might have taken Cheng Qi's protagonist role. If the plot shifted this much, key events like the Arid Star's fall could be cut or redirected towards Jiang Tang instead.

Ye Jingfan could survive on a barren planet, but Jiang Tang, with almost zero survival skills, would struggle. If Qi Yun continued to harass them, Lin Su might as well merge the two empires. 

Qi Yun was walking towards Lin Su but felt a sudden chill. Looking into Lin Su's eyes, he saw not a mermaid but a hungry wolf, fierce and unrelenting, ready for a fight to the death. 

Qi Yun was both frightened and puzzled by this. "Why?" he asked.

"Who would fall for their defeated opponent?" Lin Su smiled gently.

His words were soft, but Qi Yun felt deeply mocked. "But isn't it pathetic that the vast Empire needs a mermaid to hold its ground?"

"That's because I'm strong enough. It would be the same in the Yura Empire. Aren't you the Yura Empire's greatest warrior?" Lin Su's smile remained.

"Well said, Your Highness!" someone shouted, and soon, voices of support echoed.

Qi Yun's expression shifted before he finally smirked. "So, if I ever defeat you, will you marry me? You don’t need to answer, I'll take it as a yes." He turned and left, abandoning his second-place honor.

The mech tournament concluded with Lin Su's undeniable victory, even acknowledged by foreign opponents. The people of the Empire had mixed feelings, and afterward, Lin Su gave a speech at the mech academy.

"It’s survival of the fittest. God will abandon the weak. If mermaids remain weak, the ocean's gift of nurturing life will be taken away again. Mermaids weren't born weak..."

He spoke calmly, without shouting, simply stating facts. This message spread online, and surprisingly, mermaids voiced the most support.

"Because I can't work, my family has struggled since my birth. My only value is to marry and bear children."

"I want to go out; I want to raise healthier babies."

"I want to go to the gym, to train, and someday swim freely in the sea like Prince Lin Su. It's a pity I have never seen such a beautiful ocean."


The sentiments resonated deeply, revealing a collective yearning for strength and freedom among the mermaid community. Lin Su's words ignited a spark, inspiring hope for a future where mermaids could break free from their perceived limitations and embrace their true potential.

Amidst various voices mixed together, parents and husbands, for the first time, began to understand the thoughts of the mermaids. 

At this moment, Jiang Tang's research institute announced the latest achievement in their studies: the mermaid transformation capsule had been successfully developed. 

By swallowing this capsule, an ordinary human could be transformed into a mermaid after sleeping for three days. 

The transformation is painless, and after becoming a mermaid, one gains the ability to reproduce like a mermaid, freely switch between legs and a tail, and breathe underwater with ease. This capsule has numerous benefits, but there is one downside: the transformation is irreversible.

Clinical trial results had already been released, showing that three volunteers who took the capsule successfully transformed into mermaids. The successful development of the capsule meant that humanity would have more mermaids, heralding a new order and rules in the interstellar realm.

Three years later, Cheng Qi sat in a dessert shop by the roadside, watching the pedestrians pass by. "Actually, it feels much more relaxed not being so noble. Otherwise, it would feel like the entire empire is staring at my belly. I've already given birth to five. How come you, big shot, haven't had even one?" 

Lin Su smiled without speaking. 

Ye Jingfan glanced at him thoughtfully. 

Lin Su's physique was undoubtedly fine. It was more believable that Lin Su was the dominant one in the relationship rather than believing their protection is good.

Qin Yue had seldom bothered Lin Su in recent years, likely realizing this point. 

Of course, the fact that Jiang Tang and Lin Su were married had completely severed any connection between them. 

Their wedding back then was truly magnificent. It was a sea wedding on a huge ship, with whales surrounding them like an island of flowers, various schools of fish gathering, and dolphins constantly leaping as if offering their cherished treasure. 

That mermaid, just like in fairy tales, placed their hand in the prince's hand and held their wedding in that dreamy castle. Except for Ye Jingfan's wedding, none had surpassed it to this day.

Cheng Qi, not getting an answer, wasn't discouraged. "What about Qi Yun? Is he still planning to challenge you this year?" 

Lin Su didn't answer, but Jiang Tang picked up his coffee cup and lowered his eyes. "He would still lose even if he came."

"Is Dr. Jiang jealous?" Cheng Qi looked down at his expression and laughed. "Don't be jealous. Just think of him as an ordinary admirer. Ye Jingfan has countless admirers every year, and I've never been jealous, right?"

Ye Jingfan: "..."

Jiang Tang: "..."

Lin Su: "..."

Poor Marshal Ye.

Time flew by. That mermaid, who had amazed everyone for centuries, finally fell asleep in the arms of Dr. Jiang, who had led the merfolk to prosperity together with him. Their bones were buried in the sea they loved the most.

【System evaluation complete. Task completion rated as S-level. 

Task 1: Earn ten million star coins. 

Task 2: Earn five million star coins. 

Additional reward: seven million star coins. Total: twenty-two million star coins, credited to your account. 

Additional reward reason: Helping the protagonist’s advance the grand plan of human reproduction, with the protagonist bearing more offspring. Keep up the good work, Host.】

【This time, the timeline was quite long. You must be exhausted.】 06, the system, inquired after reporting the settlement, 【Do you want to return to the original world for a break this time?】

The lifespan of a mermaid is very long. Lin Su, having completed his mission, could not arbitrarily end his life and could only live out his natural lifespan.

Three hundred years did not seem too long to him. With someone by his side, it felt like a brief moment.

He had long since experienced many separations and farewells.

【Let's start the next world right away.】 Lin Su smiled.

Simple rest was the most boring.

System 06 evaluated that the host's mental and physical states were stable and initiated the transition to the next world.

【System 06 Prompt: Loading world, transferring memories...】

When Lin Su woke up, he saw a bright ceiling, which was a rare sight. However, in the next second, warm water covered his mouth and nose. 

This time, there was no place like a mermaid's environment to breathe underwater. 

The water was filled with the smell of blood, likely his own, as even though his heart had resumed beating, it was gradually growing colder.

【Automatic minimum life support activated.】

Lin Su gripped the edge of the bathtub, coughing continuously until he could finally catch his breath. 

【Redeem recovery potion.】 

System 06 operated skillfully, allowing Lin Su enough strength to climb out of the warm water, preventing his chest wound from bleeding excessively. 

Lin Su lay on the floor, he took a deep breath and calmly accepted the memories belonging to this body.

The original owner was named Carl. To be killed while taking a bath indicated he was not an ordinary person. 

On the surface, Carl was a glamorous count of the Weike Empire, but in reality, he was a con artist posing as an arms dealer to make money from various sources.

This world was far from peaceful; various forces and nations were constant in conflict. In the quest for new cosmic resources, fights broke out frequently. In such chaotic times, many people resorted to deceit for profit, and some even made fortunes this way. 

However, the pursuit of such profits came with significant risks.

Lin Su covered his eyes with his hand, recalling the life of this man. Carl constantly lived on the edge, narrowly escaping death several times with his silver tongue. He managed to swindle a considerable amount of money from arms dealers but was poor at managing it, leading a life of extravagance and waste. His ill-gotten gains flowed away like water through a sieve.

Although deceit is inherently wrong, Lin Su, having taken over Carl's body, felt it was not his place to judge the original owner's actions too harshly. 

Carl had deceived many people and met a silent end, a consequence of his own making. It was unclear which enemy had finally done him in.

Once his strength returned, Lin Su exhaled and got up from the floor. He opened the bathroom door and walked out. The surroundings were luxurious and orderly, clearly a layout of a hotel. It was the best suite in a five-star hotel amidst the chaos, but with nearly empty assets, Lin Su silently tore up an expensive-looking shirt to bandage his fatal wound.

It is late at night outside the window, and the soft bed can last until tomorrow noon., a small blessing from the original owner.

However as Lin Su lay in bed, he repeatedly recalled the moment when his heart was pierced. 

The original owner had not closed his eyes but only saw a flash before his heart was punctured. This indicated the work of a professional assassin.

To provoke someone to the point of hiring an assassin, the original owner had indeed left numerous enemies. 

【System 06 task release: 

Task one, survive as the original owner. 

Task two, alter the fate of supporting male lead Tang.】

A professional assassin is always mentally prepared for the possibility that their target might not die in one attempt. With so many people in the world, some have hearts on the right side, some look identical to others, and some can play dead convincingly. Killing a person ten times or more is not unheard of.

Precisely because of this understanding of a professional assassin's mentality, this task posed a significant challenge. 

But at least for tonight, the assassin wouldn't return. 

After all, the original body had been stabbed directly in the heart and left soaking in warm water. 

Even if the heart were on the right side, the chances of surviving with severed major arteries while immersed in warm water were nearly zero.

After a comfortable night's sleep, Lin Su awoke to find that in this era of advanced technology, even fatal wounds could be healed with incredibly expensive medicinal treatments. The system's recovery potion had also performed exceptionally well.

By the next morning, the wound on his chest had completely disappeared, leaving his chest in the mirror flawlessly smooth and fair. 

To successfully impersonate someone of high status, the original owner must have possessed good looks. The reflection showed a tall, well-proportioned figure. Previously existing hidden injuries had vanished thanks to the recovery potion.

With golden hair, blue eyes, and delicate features, his lips naturally curved into a smile. Lin Su gently tugged at the corners of his mouth, and the aura of gentle elegance seemed to overflow from the mirror. 

Indeed, he had a natural advantage.

System 06 remarked, 【Host, I've found that selecting more perfect appearances for you greatly aids in your romantic pursuits.】

Even in the mechanical tone, a hint of pride was evident.

Lin Su smiled, slipping on a pair of white gloves. 【Thanks.】

While he thrived in challenging environments where he could achieve his goals through his own efforts, the advantage of good looks wasn't something easily acquired later in life.

The five-star hotel provided all necessities. Lin Su took out the available makeup equipment and began applying it in front of the mirror. He didn't yet have the strength to directly confront a professional assassin, so he had to disguise his identity through other means. 

As he worked, the gentle appearance in the mirror became stern and imposing. With a change in his demeanor and a black suit, Lin Su left the room, holding an umbrella to obscure the surveillance cameras. He brought nothing with him as he exited the room.

He tossed the umbrella into a corridor trash bin, ensuring he remembered the camera's position, and then repeated his path, leaving the hotel. He hailed a cab and got in.

"Where to, sir?" the mechanical voice of the driverless car asked.

【System 06, alter its trajectory without arousing suspicion,】 Lin Su instructed.

System 06, feeling enthusiastic after being given an important task, replied promptly: 【Understood.】

At the same time, a man dressed in black stood atop the building, his long black hair cascading down to his waist. His cold, emotionless eyes fixed on the person who had just gotten into the car, a rare flicker of astonishment crossing his gaze.

He’s still alive? Impossible!

No matter. If he's not dead, he will have to kill him for sure this time.

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