It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 68


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 68

A black figure slid down directly from the rooftop. Before anyone could see clearly, he had already landed on the ground. His pitch-black clothes somehow changed, making him blend into the crowd without standing out.

A deep voice came through his earpiece, "Tang, come back after completing the task. There's a new mission for you."

"Understood." Tang's voice was as cold as if it had been dug out from ice, with an almost mechanical feel to it.

The ring in his hand fell to the ground and transformed into a motorcycle. He mounted it, put on his helmet, and immediately drove towards another road.

The driverless car had its own automated system, and the person inside knew someone was trying to kill him. The only place he could head to was the starport, the only location that would allow him to leave this planet.

Although it was unclear how the man, having been stabbed in the heart and soaked in hot water, was still alive, to Tang, people in this world fell into two categories: the living and the dead.

Lin Su's destination was naturally the starport. With the enemy in the dark and him in the open, the best course of action was to leave this planet as quickly as possible.

System 06 forcefully altered the direction of the car, significantly shortening the time to reach the starport. If the assassin discovered he wasn't dead and tried to intercept him, he would definitely take a shortcut.

The destination was definitely the starport.

And in the time it took to get there, he had enough time to do something.

The hovering motorcycle sped along, passing by so quickly that onlookers couldn't see the rider clearly. Each time he was a step behind the car, Tang would change direction, taking a shortcut to arrive at the destination faster.

Upon reaching the starport, the car arrived as scheduled, following the predetermined route. Tang removed his helmet, gripped the small silver gun hidden at his waist, and walked over as if greeting a familiar person. 

As he opened the car door, he immediately pointed the gun inside, only to find it empty.

His pupils contracted, and he quickly retreated. The car, which had been intact moments before, exploded instantly, causing countless exclamations of surprise.

"What’s going on?"

"What happened!!!"

"It's an enemy attack, it must be an enemy attack! Even Burt's capital isn't safe anymore?"

The flames were extinguished by the guards who rushed to the scene. Amid the chaos, Tang put away his motorcycle and hid in a corner. Watching the turmoil, he tapped his earpiece and said, "Report, the target has escaped again. My return might be delayed."

"Task 096 is temporarily on hold. I need you to do something more important. Return immediately," came the order from the other end.

"Understood." Tang's eyes darkened as he turned to leave.

In what he thought was a blind spot, Lin Su watched the incident and the assassin, whose appearance was strikingly beautiful yet as cold as ice.

Long hair, delicate features, and swift, decisive actions.

The supporting male lead from the original storyline, codename Tang.

【Using the sweetest name to do the cruelest deeds. How interesting,】 Lin Su chuckled.

A counterattack was impossible at the moment. Previously, the enemy was in the dark while he was in the open. Naturally, he needed to force the enemy out to see what was really going on. Being passive was not Lin Su's style.

In the original storyline, the protagonists were a pair of lovers in this chaotic world. More precisely, they weren't lovers yet, but a weapon brought them together.

In the chaos, power depended on skilled individuals and weapons. The main protagonist, Lu Yan, was the leader of the Destruction Mercenary Group, who trained the most elite team of assassins and possessed immeasurable wealth. He was a figure that various countries sought to win over but also feared greatly.

In chaotic times, weapons were essential. Factories were needed to produce weapons, but creating them required even more specialized personnel. Although humanity had the power to easily destroy a small satellite, this was still not enough to deter others in interstellar conflicts.

At this time, the protagonist Jiang Heng announced the creation of a weapon capable of destroying a medium-sized planet, called "Future." This was a power from the future, strong enough to break the current stalemate among the factions. 

Naturally, all sides took action. Lu Yan, too, was very interested in this weapon. In the original storyline, he sent his most capable subordinate, Tang, the current top assassin, to bring Jiang Heng back.

In the original storyline, Tang was sent to retrieve Jiang Heng right after completing a mission. It seemed only natural for the cold-blooded assassin to fall in love with the only person who treated him like a normal human being. 

However, emotional involvement is the greatest taboo for an assassin. Emotions lead to vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

As expected by Lin Su, "Future" became the target of all factions. Jiang Heng escaped from Lu Yan only to be captured again. 

The top-ranked assassin, Tang, laid down his weapon, standing immobile, and was eventually obliterated by gunfire.

【Given our current relationship, we should be enemies. By this logic, ignoring him might actually prolong my life.】 Lin Su turned and left the corner.

System 06 was shocked, 【Host, aren't you going to follow the plot?】

【Life is more important,】 Lin Su replied earnestly.

System 06 had no rebuttal. After all, if they couldn't ensure their survival, both missions would fail.

【So, what now?】 System 06 asked.

【Make money,】 Lin Su said with a smile.

He enjoyed a comfortable life, and such a life required money. The Destruction Mercenary Group had a rule: if a target was willing to pay ten times the price offered by the person who hired the assassin, the mission could be canceled.

The task must be done, but to survive in times of chaos, both money and status are essential. The original identity was forged to deceive people, so he decided to make the forged identity real, turning it into reality.

Having temporarily removed the threat, Lin Su successfully left this planet and headed to the most chaotic interstellar transit station, a place teeming with all sorts of people. It was the most chaotic and violent place, but also the fastest way to make money.

It took Lin Su three days to get there, and three days were enough for him to relearn his old martial arts, giving him a slight sense of energy within his body. 

In this chaotic world, survival required personal strength. Without it, one wouldn't even notice danger approaching and could be shot in the head before realizing it.

The spacecraft heading there was crowded, and despite the attendants' attempts to manage the situation, they were helpless against the burly men and unable to face against pitiful women and children. 

Amidst this chaotic environment, there was a man sitting elegantly by the window, his white gloves pressed against his lips as he quietly gazed out at the scenery, was the only refreshing sight in the cabin.

Several tattooed burly men were eyeing this seemingly fat sheep, while heavily made-up women were ogling his looks, whispering and laughing softly, thinking that spending a night with such a man wouldn't be a loss.

"Look at that little body, can he handle women like you?" one of the men sneered.

"Even if he can't, I still want him," a woman in a red dress said as she finished applying her lipstick and walked up to Lin Su in her high heels. 

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the cabin, she greeted him, "Hi, handsome."

Lin Su had naturally heard their discussions. This was just the beginning; the so-called most chaotic transit station would only get worse. If he paid attention to everything, he wouldn't be able to move an inch. He didn't expect someone to actually come up and extend such an invitation.

Lin Su turned his gaze towards her and smiled, "Hello, ma'am. Is there something you need?"

His tone was gentle, which pleased the woman. However, when she met his seemingly gentle eyes, she couldn't shake the feeling of being completely seen through. This feeling was so strong that it changed her expression.

But admitting defeat in a place like this meant missing out on such a rare find.

"Get lost, you old hag!" The woman glanced at the elderly person sitting next to Lin Su and snapped.

The old woman sighed and reluctantly stood up, hunching her back as she moved aside. 

The woman, disdainfully wiping the seat with a tissue, sat down next to Lin Su and smiled, "When we get off, would you be interested in having a meal together? You're unfamiliar with this place, having an acquaintance would be beneficial."

Her glossy red nails brushed against Lin Su's arm, but he swiftly moved away. Before the woman could get angry, Lin Su chuckled, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I think you should find that ring on your finger.”

The ring had a diamond that looked like it was worth quite a sum, finely crafted and exquisite.

The woman looked at her hand and suddenly stood up, shouting in alarm, "Where's my ring? Who stole my ring, was it you?" 

She grabbed the elderly woman who had just vacated the seat, but a search yielded no ring. 

Immediately, several people surrounded Lin Su.

One man grinned and rubbed his hands together, "Kid, you've got sharp eyes, did you do it?"

In this place, doing good deeds without leaving a trace didn't apply. Lin Su smiled and replied, "No."

"Kid, if you won’t accept this kindness, you'll have to drink a forfeit!" The big man had taken a dislike to Lin Su early on and threw a punch at Lin Su's nose. 

Amid gasps, his enormous fist was intercepted directly by the hand wearing the white glove.

The big man tried to move forward but found the resistance immense. Trying to pull back, he realized the grip was tightening, almost feeling like his bones were about to crack.

The man was able to endure the pain at first, but as time went on his face turned pale. "Let go of me!!!"

Lin Su gently released his grip, and the big man stumbled back, clutching his fist. Looking at Lin Su with a mix of frustration and anger, he waved his hand and shouted, "Get him! Kill him, damn it!"

A group of people surrounded them. However, the one who had just rushed forward was knocked down by Lin Su's kick, causing chaos in the crowd. 

Those who threw punches either ended up with broken palms or dislocated arms. Some even knelt on the ground, unable to get up.

Wails echoed through the cabin, but bystanders were only surprised and made no move to intervene.

The spaceship heading to the transfer station was just as chaotic as that place. One thing to remember in such a place was not to provoke someone whose background you were unsure of, even if they appeared as innocent as a child. 

Otherwise, the next day, your head might be completely separated from your body.

After all, those who could thrive in such a place were either easy targets or people you couldn't afford to offend.

In contrast to the plight of the group, Lin Su remained elegantly seated and smiled, saying, "Why not ask first before taking action?"

"You're so skilled, who are you trying to deceive?" The big man replied with some hidden menace.

But the woman's eyes lit up, stopping the big man, "Just tell me and I'll give it to you, there’s no need to hide it.”

Lin Su's gaze darkened slightly as he pointed to the old woman cowering on the ground, "Have you searched her shoe?"

At these words, the old woman, who had been cowering, suddenly froze and looked at Lin Su, then trembled as she looked at the people surrounding her, "I didn't mean it, spare me, spare me, I didn't mean it..."

As she shrunk back, several people held her down and found a ring hidden in the sole of her shoe.

The truth came to light. Several people punched and kicked her as she pleaded, until she lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

No one in the cabin intervened, and Lin Su naturally ignored it. Only a stewardess called out, "Don't get blood everywhere, it'll be troublesome to clean up, and people won’t want to sit there in the future."

If left unattended, the old woman would surely die here today.

System 06 lacked empathy, but it understood the host's code of conduct: 【Host, are you really going to just let this go?】

【When she was stealing, do you think she considered that someone like me, who was nearby, might be suspected?】 Lin Su indeed had no intention of intervening.

In a normal peaceful world, being suspected of theft would typically only require clarification. But in this world, the consequences could be fatal.

Lin Su wasn't endowed with such kindness or magnanimity to extend empathy to others.

When the spacecraft docked, no one dared offend Lin Su as he picked up his suitcase and disembarked. His strength was undeniable, and those who had underestimated him before now regretted their decisions.

Stepping off the ship, Lin Su entered a chaotic place where ragged and well-dressed individuals mingled. Occasionally, shouts about stolen wallets or scuffles erupting from collisions highlighted the disorder of the area.

You have to fish in troubled waters. How can you catch big fish if the water is not troubled?

Amidst this chaos, Lin Su moved through bustling markets filled with lively bidding. People scrutinized him, but those familiar with martial arts recognized his proficiency.

As he made his way towards his destination, Lin Su encountered three attempts to rob his suitcase. He effortlessly dealt with each, though such minor incidents still proved bothersome when he had to handle them personally.

Finally arriving at the market, Lin Su searched for the specific area he needed.

There, heaps of countless stones emitted constant mechanical friction sounds, captivating onlookers' hopes as tiny stones carried the potential of vast fortunes.

Poverty with one cut, wealth with another, and a breakthrough with linen cloth.

Gemstone gambling was indeed the most convenient and socially acceptable way to accumulate wealth in such a place.

Naturally, there were staff trying to attract customers. 

As Lin Su passed by, one approached him, "Sir, wouldn't you like to see our stones? We've unearthed some fine green gems today, they are excellent glass types with superior water content."

He had an eager look in his eyes, clearly sizing up a potential victim. In the world of gemstone gambling, those who didn't understand the trade were bound to lose.

Lin Su halted his steps and smiled, "Is that so?"

Seeing that Lin Su had take interest, the man welcomed him over, "Please, please, an esteemed guest is here."

Other onlookers initially had objections, but upon seeing Lin Su's attire and demeanor, they quickly cleared a path. Such elegance and poise were beyond the imitation of common folk on the street; he exuded an air of wealth and nobility.

"Sir, please have a look. The stones here are undoubtedly the best," the stone cutter called out. "Why don't you give it a try?"

"I haven't played this before, but I'll give it a shot," Lin Su replied, eyeing the stall and picking up a palm-sized stone. "Let's start with this one."

There was a murmur from the spectators. "Can something worthwhile be cut from such a small stone?"

"Even if it's full, it's not worth much money," another commented.

"Boring, I am not interested anymore," someone else added.

Although the man gestured to leave, he remained in place, undoubtedly a disguised staff. 

Lin Su understood this tactic well. Moreover, his deeper reason for choosing this particular stone was his modest financial situation. While others couldn't discern it from his appearance, he was tight on money.

"Are you sure about cutting this one?" The stone cutter placed the stone on the scale. "This stone is priced at twenty-one thousand. Pay first, then we cut."

"Sure." Lin Su decisively swiped his money on the machine and looked at the man. "Polish and cut."

"This kind of stone can't be split in one go," the man said, somewhat satisfied with Lin Su's straightforward attitude. He tossed the stone a couple of times in his hand, then began preparing to grind it. "Just so you know, if such a small stone yields nothing, it's not our fault."

"No problem, I understand the rules of this trade," Lin Su replied with a smile.

Grinding the stone took time, and hearing Lin Su's assurance, the stone cutter was reassured and focused on his task.

As layers of the stone's outer skin were ground away, the onlookers' patience began to wane. Just when everyone was about to lose interest, someone in the crowd exclaimed, "It's green! I see green!"

"No way, even this small stone has green?"

"Is it just a tiny speck?"

The crowd surged closer, though they kept a respectful distance around Lin Su.

The stone cutter swallowed hard, growing more meticulous with his work. As he continued, the green inside the stone became more pronounced, indicating a substantial amount.

When the stone's outer layer was completely removed and the mud washed away, it revealed a roughly five-centimeter square piece of bright green jade. Its value was apparent to everyone.

"Imperial green, glass type! This is a jackpot."

"No cracks. How many times the original price is this worth now?"

"This luck is unbelievable."

"Sir, we didn't deceive you, did we?" The man who had initially lured Lin Su over was grinning ear to ear. As experienced gem traders, they had thoroughly screened the stones they bought. Who would have thought they'd overlook such a gem? 

"Would you like to take it with you or auction it on the spot?"

A person called out, "I'll buy it." 

"Jade of this quality is rare. If processed further, it could fetch an even higher price than at auction."

Another called out, "I'll buy it too."

"Let's auction it." Lin Su didn't seem as thrilled as the others; apparently, such a precious stone was unremarkable to him.

"Alright, let's do this live," the man said after measuring the weight and dimensions. "Imperial green jade, this quality is rare. If you miss this opportunity, there won't be another chance. I am starting a bid at ten million!"

"Fifteen million!"

"Twenty million..."

"Twenty-one million!"

In the realm of gemstones, Imperial green jade was exceptionally precious, especially when flawless and with such rich color. Its market value far exceeded twenty-one million.

"Thirty million! Come on, are you all so stingy? When else will you find jade like this?"

"Well, since everyone's saying so, let me raise it to forty million!"

The stone was indeed expensive, but with proper craftsmanship, even a small piece could increase its value several times over when used in jewelry.

Those who understood the trade knew its value and were naturally competitive. Lin Su understood this well too. 

However, while money could be taken away, carrying such a valuable piece of jade could make him a target even before leaving this place.

People die for wealth, and birds die for food. Money hidden in an account couldn't be taken even if he died, but physical assets were different. Being such a prominent target was risky.

"Forty-five million," a tattooed man with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing sandals and somewhat disheveled clothes, stepped forward. Despite his appearance, the crowd showed some reverence.

"Who's the seller?" he asked.

"I am," Lin Su smiled.

"You're quite something," the man exhaled smoke towards Lin Su. "How about this price? I guarantee you'll be able to leave this place in one piece with this, kid."

"Brother Hai, that's not fair," someone chimed in.

"It’s just a matter of giving it away or not," the man replied.

Even a powerful outsider wouldn't easily bully a local tyrant, but showing any weakness now would lead to endless troubles. 

Lin Su smiled, "Of course I have to give you face, but there's no need to bully someone under the guise of the rules."

"Where are you from?" the man asked, handing Lin Su a cigarette.

Lin Su took it, leaning in to light it with the man's lighter, showing no hint of fear. It was as if having this man, whom everyone called Brother Hai, light his cigarette was the most natural thing in the world.

Though both were smoking, the man exuded a rogue aura, while Lin Su displayed a slightly decadent elegance. He took a puff, then held the cigarette between his fingers and said, "Brother Hai, your reputation precedes you. The boss should know about you."

In this world, the only one referred to as "the boss" was the most powerful figure.

Brother Hai mulled it over, "How come I don't know the boss has someone like you? Do you have any proof?"

"Forget it, this stone isn't worth it. If you like it, consider it a gift," Lin Su said with a smile, making a gesture to leave.

Giving away something worth over fifty million with such ease astonished the crowd. As Lin Su was about to exit, 

Brother Hai took a deep breath, slapped the back of a nearby person's head, and said, "Get him back here quickly."

Such generosity indicated that even if Lin Su wasn't the boss's man, he was not someone to be trifled with.

Damn, trying to pick an easy target only to find a tough one instead. When Lin Su was invited back, Brother Hai's face was full of smiles, "Look at this, there seems to be a misunderstanding between us. I’m sorry for offending you, don’t mind the earlier offense."

"It’s no big deal," Lin Su smiled. "Is there something you need from me?"

"Nothing much. Since you gave me a gift, it's only right we return the favor. I don't have much to offer. Here's one hundred million. Just consider it as a gift to the boss," Brother Hai said, handing over a card.

"Is this a bribe?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not," Brother Hai insisted, shoving the card into Lin Su's hand. "Refusing it would be disrespecting me."

Lin Su stared at him for a long moment, until Brother Hai started to sweat. 

Finally, Lin Su took the card and said, "I'll make sure the boss gets this. See you around."

His steps remained unhurried as he walked away. One of the henchmen asked, "Brother Hai, what if he's a fraud?"

"Then we consider it as payment for the jade. It's a win-win," Brother Hai licked his lips. "But if that kid dares to deceive me, I'll hunt him down to the ends of the earth. Now, go find out everything about him. Be discreet, or I'll deal with you first."

With a hundred million universal currency in hand, Lin Su could accomplish a lot. Though gemstone gambling could yield immense wealth or poverty, it was merely a starting point. 

For Lin Su, earning the initial capital was the hardest step; making money from money in this chaotic world was relatively straightforward.

While Lin Su invested his newfound wealth to multiply his assets.

Tang had located his target: Jiang Heng, a person who appeared far from healthy but was still alive.

Even in the so-called peaceful Rising Sun Alliance, Jiang Heng lived in a state of extreme instability. 

An armed man had a gun to his head, dragging him forward despite his heavy breathing, and eventually shoved him into a vehicle.

"Move faster, stop wasting my time," one of the gunmen pushed him.

These men were burly and clearly well-trained. The fact that Jiang Heng was the only survivor among many suggested he was extremely important. Important enough not to be killed immediately.

Tang pulled the trigger, disabling the vehicle's engine with a precise shot. The men around the car instinctively took cover, while Jiang Heng curled up, covering his head, unsure of what to do next.

His face was pale and exhausted, a result of days of fear and anxiety. Those fighting over him only cared about his "future" value, not his current physical condition.

Such a weapon should not exist in this world.

"Who is it?!"

"It's a handgun, but we can't tell where the shots are coming from."

"Damn ambush! How are we supposed to get out of here now?"

As they took cover, Tang fired again, taking another life with a single shot. His expression remained calm, as if this was just another task, devoid of any thrill from the kill.

"What do we do? If this keeps up, more of us will die!"

Unable to pinpoint the enemy's location, they watched helplessly as their comrades fell one by one.

The leader's face turned grim. With no other choice, he gritted his teeth and ordered, "Retreat!"

They fled along the wall, disappearing quickly. Jiang Heng didn't dare move, uncertain if the shooter was there to rescue or kill him.

After half an hour, when Jiang Heng's legs had gone numb from sitting still, the car door opened. A strikingly handsome man, almost menacing, looked inside. 

Jiang Heng froze for a moment, then a gun was pointed at his head.

"Get out," Tang said coldly.

No other unnecessary words followed.

Jiang Heng raised his hands and got out of the car, asking, "Can I at least know which organization you’re from this time?"

"No," Tang replied bluntly.

Jiang Heng stepped out, seeing the bodies of his captures scattered around, lifeless. The assailants who had just tried to kidnap him were also dead. Moments ago, these people were alive and full of vigor; now, they lay silent, never to speak again.

"I…" Jiang Heng began, but was cut off as handcuffs were abruptly clamped onto his wrist. The young man who had captured him grabbed the other end of the chain and started pulling him forward, clearly uninterested in further conversation.

The young man was strikingly handsome, yet he seemed entirely accustomed to killing.

"There are many people after me. You're alone, and there were many of them. You might not be able to get me out of here," Jiang Heng said. Perhaps his thoughts were naive in a way that was difficult for the world to understand,  but he genuinely didn't want to see more people die.

"Shut up and keep moving," Tang ordered, pressing the gun to Jiang Heng's head.

Jiang Heng sighed and followed obediently. Regardless of his own desires, he realized he had no control over his fate anymore, and worrying about others was a luxury he could not afford.

Subsequent events proved his concerns were misplaced. Killing was a brutal, violent act, one that snatched away lives and was accompanied by anguish. Yet, the young man dealt with every assailant with chilling efficiency.

Tang's kills were swift and precise. No matter how challenging the angle, he executed the moves as effortlessly as eating or drinking.

 In those countless moments, Jiang Heng realized that killing could be done with such cold elegance.

"Though the world is chaotic and killing seems to go unpunished, aren't you afraid about the consequences and how it will affect your life?" Jiang Heng knew it was difficult to reform a killer, but he couldn't abandon hope.

Tang didn't point the gun at his head this time. Instead, he grabbed Jiang Heng's chin and dislocated his jaw with a single motion.

It was Jiang Heng's first experience of such brutality, and he could only stare in shock at Tang, holding his dislocated jaw.

Tang glanced at him coldly and said, "You're too noisy."

This continued until Jiang Heng's jaw was reattached when it was time to eat. The pain taught him a valuable lesson: the person before him was not an ordinary young man but an assassin who, even if he wouldn't kill him, wouldn't tolerate insubordination just because he was important.

Now that the captive was silent, Tang was satisfied.

When Tang successfully led the protagonist Jiang Heng out from the Rising Sun Alliance, Lin Su had already amassed a fortune that satisfied him enough to venture to the Empire of Weike. 

This nation prided itself on the preservation of royal bloodlines, boasting a formidable military and a society of nobles and aristocrats.

Lin Su’s visit was granted an audience due to his substantial wealth. In the Weike Empire, although the nobles held esteemed titles, many relied on inherited estates. 

Some nobles, despite their titles, were devoid of any wealth and clung to their ancestral homes as their only means of survival.

“Your majesty the  Emperor,” Lin Su greeted with a gentlemanly bow, tilting his hat. 

Before meeting him, the emperor and the attending nobles had speculated that this wealthy merchant would be crass and foolish. 

However, upon seeing him in person, they were taken aback by his aristocratic demeanor, reminiscent of the most dignified nobles from the medieval era, making it hard to believe he was merely a merchant reeking of commerce.

“Greetings, sir. Is there anything I can assist you with today?” The emperor, appreciating the young man’s noble bearing and his striking blond hair and blue eyes that hinted at noble lineage, inquired.

“Yes, my ancestors were counts of the Weike Empire. They left the country many years ago, but recently, I discovered my grandfather’s journals and decided to return to my homeland. I hope the empire can restore the honor of the Carl family,” Lin Su presented a worn diary, an authentic artifact he had acquired from a destitute young man whose family name coincidentally matched his own.

Naturally, reinstating the title of count required more than just a diary.

The emperor perused the diary briefly and then said, “I’m afraid this alone cannot serve as proof.”

“As a count of the empire, I am willing to offer half of my wealth to the empire,” Lin Su smiled, “which amounts to approximately fifty billion universal currency. I hope the empire will graciously accept.”

In this world, immense wealth alone was insufficient. A merchant, despite their riches, could never truly challenge a nation. 

However, a donation of a hundred billion, even for the Weike Empire, represented an enormous fortune. This wealth would not fill the national treasury but would rather enrich the pockets of the nobles, elevating their standard of living significantly.

Historically, titles were often bought with donations of wealth. This practice remained unchanged, merely under a different guise.

The emperor, in his fifties, disliked shrewd merchants but appreciated those who were perceptive and courteous.

"Ah, I remember now. The fiefdom of Tiffany used to belong to the Earl of Carl, didn't it? But it has fallen into disrepair over the years, and now there's only an old castle left. Your Majesty, you shouldn't let the Empire's earls wander abroad; you should bring them back to their country," said a prince, also in his fifties, with a smile.

"Indeed, you're right. Earl of Carl, I will arrange for the restoration of your earldom. You can reside on your fiefdom and manage it if you have the time and energy," the emperor replied with a hearty laugh.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will ensure that I do not disgrace the Empire," Lin Su said with a smile.

Adding or losing an earl in the Weike Empire was not a significant matter. Although nobles held titles, they didn't possess actual power. 

However, they were protected by the Weike Empire, and killing an earl indiscriminately would be akin to challenging the Weike Empire itself.

As soon as Lin Su obtained the title, he spread the news. Given the myriad information channels of Destruction Mercenary Group, such an event wouldn't go unnoticed.

"Over a hundred billion in assets, and he gave away fifty billion just like that. Truly generous," a man said, rubbing his lips. "Inform the buyer that with a change in status, the price should increase several fold. Challenging the Weike Empire is no easy task for the Destruction Mercenary Group."

The message was relayed, and the chubby man on the other end, who was smoking a cigar, nearly burnt his mouth in shock. He grabbed his communicator and shouted, "What did you say? You failed to kill him in time, and now he's become an earl under the Weike Empire's protection. Isn't that your responsibility? Why should I pay more?"

"Mr. Li, you initially opted for a six-month contract to save money. Although the deadline hasn't passed, the target's status has changed, allowing us to demand a higher fee. If you can't pay, the contract will be terminated," a woman's voice calmly replied from the communicator.

"I paid you 300,000 before. How much are you asking for now?" Li Chenglin asked.

The woman on the other end chuckled, "According to our assessment, Carl's current net worth exceeds a hundred billion. For such a wealthy target, the price needs to be at least 30 million."

"Why don't you just rob me!" Li Chenglin took a deep breath, clearly angered by this devilish logic.

"Mr. Li, while we can't provide your information to the person you hired us to kill, we can choose to eliminate you ourselves. Please be respectful," the woman said with a smile, but the underlying threat made Li Chenglin swallow hard.

"30 million is too expensive," Li Chenglin replied, trembling.

Previously, he had been tricked by that kid, which led to his momentary rage and desire to eliminate him. But now that person’s worth had inexplicably multiplied many times over. If the person doesn’t find out, there might still be potential for future collaboration.

“I must remind you, if Mr. Carl discovers it was you who tried to have him killed, we will not be responsible for your personal safety. Additionally, if he offers a price for your head, we will comply,” the woman’s voice maintained a cheerful tone. “Goodbye.”

“Wait! Wait… a moment,” Li Chenglin panted, “I’ll pay. I’ll pay the 30 million. But I want him dead within a month. Otherwise, I’ll spread the word that Destruction Mercenary Group’s reputation is unfounded.”

“Understood.” The woman’s voice retained its smile as she hung up.

“Thirty million, one month, the target is Earl Carl of the Weike Empire. Assign someone to the task,” the woman continued to speak in a sweet and gentle manner, but within Destruction Mercenary Group, no one dared to underestimate her.

After all, the title Black Widow wasn’t something just anyone could be called. Being the boss’s right-hand person required exceptional capability.

Due to the world’s dangers, System 06 feared that the host might not survive long enough to complete the mission. 

Finally finding a use, System 06 meticulously monitored all news sources across the network until it received the latest information.

【Host, that person has put a 30-million bounty on your head for one month.】 System 06 felt the need to alert the host, but the host insisted on not revealing the identity of the one who hired the assassin.

What’s the point of a system then? Just to act cute?

【It would cost 300 million to cancel the hit. That’s quite a deal.】 Lin Su laughed.

System 06 pondered and felt that the host: 【Are you implying the previous 300,000 was too low?】

【Wasn’t it?】 Lin Su retorted.

System 06: 【…】

That wasn’t the issue here.

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