It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 70


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 70

"No need to be nervous, everyone. If I wanted to harm you, there would have been plenty of opportunities over the past month. I wouldn't be foolish enough to release you first and then make a move," Lin Su spread his hands to show he meant no harm. 

Unfortunately, the four people present all felt he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

After all, the mission time had ended, and even Tang hadn't managed to kill him.

However, what he said made sense.

When they were locked up in the prison, he could have easily killed them by any method. There was indeed no need to release them before taking action. Generally, people wouldn't be that crazy.

Zong picked up a cigarette from the table, lit it, took a deep drag, and sighed, "Do you think he's an ordinary person?"

Hui, with a wooden expression, replied, "Then what can we do?"

They realized that there wasn't much they could do. So, they followed the servant to take a bath and change clothes, dressing as if they were attending a banquet before entering the understated yet luxurious dining room.

The food on the table exuded a tempting aroma, and the freshly opened wine, with that satisfying pop of the cork, truly delighted the senses. 


"Tang, don't you think this feels a bit like the Last Supper?" Yin tried to make conversation.

And was met with Tang's cold rejection, "No."


"Please, enjoy your meal," Lin Su said with a smile, raising his glass.

He didn't have the habit of maintaining silence while eating. People usually feel the most content while dining, a state of comfort that lowers their guard. Many business deals are struck at the dining table under such circumstances.

Conversation was inevitable while eating. Previously, the four of them had come to kill him, and he was the target. Now, they sat at the same table, drinking and chatting.

"None of the four of us completed the task. We'll definitely get scolded when we return," Yin complained as he cut into his steak. "With skills like yours, you could do anything, but you chose to be a businessman and constantly mess around with us. But if you joined the Destruction Mercenary Group, you'd be highly valued."

"If there's a chance, we could collaborate," Lin Su said with a smile. "Tang, what do you think?"

Tang ignored him. Once the mission was over, they would go their separate ways. This man would be just another name on the list of former targets in his eyes.

"That's just his temper," Yin remarked, "He's like a chunk of ice pulled out of an ice hole."

"I find him quite charming," Lin Su laughed. "Does he have any hobbies?"

"Hobbies? Does a fascination with new weapons count?" Yin replied.

Zong, holding a cigarette, coughed, "Yin..."

An assassin's hobbies shouldn't be casually exposed to outsiders.

"I know what I'm doing," Yin retorted, rolling his eyes at Zong. "Such small interests aren't going to tempt anyone."

Lin Su seemed thoughtful. He clapped his hands, and Abu brought over a handgun, placing it beside him. 

The moment Lin Su touched it, all four of them tensed up and watched him warily.

"Don't be nervous, it's a gift for Tang," Lin Su said, pushing the tray towards Tang. "This is the M96A1 pistol, newly developed by our group. It has a longer range and doesn't use conventional bullets; instead, it fires laser beams."

Yin, though attracted by the gun's rugged appearance, knew that light tends to scatter and is affected by environmental and weather conditions, which dampened his enthusiasm.

Tang asked, "How is it different from previous laser guns?"

"This gun has a range of up to five miles," Lin Su said, tossing the gun to Tang. "Take a look at its mechanism."

Tang caught the weapon and aimed it at a wall. When he pulled the trigger, it left a pin-sized hole that was hard to spot unless you looked closely. The focused beam was strong enough to kill silently in close combat.

Thinking for a moment, Tang aimed the gun at a crystal chandelier on the ceiling. The chandelier had numerous facets, and Tang expected the laser to scatter. However, the beam remained focused and converged into a single point when it hit the chandelier, causing it to shatter and crash to the floor.

The other three, initially unimpressed, were now intrigued. It was well-known that light refracts, which made conventional laser guns less effective than regular handguns. But this gun was different.

"How did you manage this?" Tang examined the laser gun.

"It has an intelligent recognition system inside," Lin Su explained with a smile. "It adjusts the direction of the laser based on the target, making it a highly effective weapon. Tang, are you satisfied with this weapon?"

"You're just telling us this directly?" Hui looked at him. "Aren't you afraid we'll figure out how it works?"

"Feel free to try," Lin Su said confidently, trusting in the weapon's sophisticated technology.

Although this era is interstellar, deciphering the secrets of this gun is still far from possible. In any era, the most advanced technology is always the most profitable.

Hui, reflecting on his inability to crack the electric prison, fell silent. If this person possessed numerous technologies that the Destruction Mercenary Group couldn't decipher, the Destruction Mercenary Group's status would gradually decline.

"Let me see," Yin said, eyeing the gun greedily. But Tang placed the gun beside him, his hand resting on it to signify refusal.

"Stingy. Do you want me to reveal more of your little secrets to him?" Yin threatened.

Tang glanced at him, making Yin close his mouth sheepishly. Turning to Lin Su, Yin said, "Earl Carl, we’re on the same side. How can you favor one over the others by giving him a gift?"

"I’m not favoring one over the others," Lin Su replied calmly. "I’m just pursuing him."

"Pfft!" Zong, who was sipping red wine nearby, spat it out in surprise.

The other three were momentarily stunned. Yin instinctively shielded his food. "Zong, that’s gross. How can I eat now with your spit all over the place?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Hui asked, his face expressionless.

Yin, looking exasperated, pointed at Tang and said, "This guy is incredibly hard to please. Don’t be fooled by how decisively he kills. In private, he’s extremely meticulous. Even his hair takes forever to wash and condition..."

"I have newly developed hair care oil here, unscented, and it protects against all kinds of light pollution," Lin Su said, looking at Tang. "Want me to give it to you?"

Tang turned his head slightly, his long hair falling naturally like silk. Such good hair, even if naturally beautiful, required constant care to maintain its current state.

"I’ll buy it," Tang said.

"Am I not better looking than him?" Yin, with his baby face, felt indignant. Why was no one giving him the latest gun or hair care oil? 

Damn, he was jealous!

The meal ended without any incident. As they were leaving, Yin reminded Lin Su, "Although nothing happened this time, if the person who hired us extends the deadline, new assassins will come. You can evade countless times, but we only need to hit once to succeed."

His seemingly innocent eyes were now filled with a sinister killing intent, but in an instant, he reverted to looking like a harmless young boy. "I'll say this on behalf of Tang, alright?"

Tang kicked him in the butt, sending him tumbling out of the window.

A few seconds later, the boy's frustrated voice came from below, "Tang, I challenge you to a duel! You're trying to kill your comrade!" His voice was full of vigor, clearly unharmed.

Tang immediately leaped out of the window, not even bothering to say goodbye to Lin Su.

Zong snorted, and Hui followed suit, the group leaving together.

Despite traveling at night, they felt content after the meal. They were prepared to be reprimanded, but having nothing to lose, they weren't afraid of the consequences. At worst, they would spend another three months in the training ground.

However, upon returning to headquarters and bracing themselves for punishment, they were informed that the mission had been canceled at the last minute with a payment of three billion universal credits to Destruction Mercenary Group.

Therefore, their mission wasn't considered a failure.

This unexpected turn of events made the other three look at Tang.

The identity of the person who canceled the mission was obvious, as was the reason for the cancellation.

Though spared from punishment, they felt like they had been used as pawns, fooled into facing nearly a month of imprisonment only to return and witness this dog food display of affection.

Had they known the guy wanted to court someone, they would have sent Tang from the start, sparing themselves the ordeal and the dog food they were now metaphorically forced to eat.

Their gazes naturally drew the attention of Lu Yan. "What’s wrong? Did something happen to Tang?"

As assassins, they couldn't hide anything from their boss, especially since Lin Su's new weapon and immense wealth could significantly impact the Destruction Mercenary Group.

Zong, chewing on a toothpick, replied, "The person you sent us to kill took a liking to Tang. He said he wanted to pursue him. The mission cancellation was likely for his sake."

"Oh? He has good taste," Lu Yan remarked, scrutinizing Tang. "Submit a detailed report on his profile. You all can rest."

Tang, expressionless, turned to leave, followed by the other three, who began to whisper to each other, teasingly.

"Spending money like water. That was three billion. How many missions would I need to complete to earn that?"

"With three billion on the table, a romance like that from ancient times isn’t far off."


Though they were referred to as "three people," it was actually just a cover; the other two, one an old rogue and the other a young one, were merely teasing.

Suddenly, Tang stopped in his tracks. Under their surprised gazes, he coldly said, "Challenge."

"Bring it on, who's afraid of whom?" Yin laughed.

Then, both of them ended up beaten to the ground, drenched in sweat and unable to get up.

Zong, leaning against the wall and gasping for air, muttered, "Damn, we really pissed him off."

Yin, lying on the floor and rubbing his sore face, complained, "He’s clearly jealous of my good looks, punching me in the face every time."

"You don’t have a suitor who spent three billion to get you off the hook," Zong mocked.

"As if you do."


In Destruction Mercenary Group's research lab, a cool, bespectacled woman examined the handgun. "Isn’t this a gift from your admirer? You’re really willing to let us study it."

"He’s not an admirer," Tang replied coldly. "Don’t believe the rumors."

"Fine, the suitor who spent three billion to spare you from punishment," the woman yawned and corrected herself. "You’re really okay with it?"

"Destruction Mercenary Group needs such weapons," Tang said, lowering his eyes. "After the research is done, reassemble it for me. I want to keep it."

The woman’s eyes lit up, and she said meaningfully, "Oh... keep it, huh? Tang, you’re not that young anymore. Destruction Mercenary Group doesn’t prohibit relationships. You could just... hey, let me finish."

Tang walked away swiftly. The woman, wearing gloves, touched the handgun and mused, "Keep it, huh? What are you keeping? A token of affection? Tsk..."

Lin Su's assassination period has ended, and he is currently in a relatively safe state. However, he has also identified the person who hired a hitman to kill him.

Li Chenglin, a weapons trader, is known for his love of money and women. While he has engaged in numerous shady dealings, they were often overlooked and not taken seriously by others.

Previously, the original owner used Li Chenglin's greed to deceive him out of a significant amount of money. 

In retaliation, Li Chenglin hired someone to assassinate the original owner. According to the unwritten rule of retaliation, Lin Chenglin feels indebted to seek revenge, even though he generally avoids such personal conflicts.

Without Li Chenglin hiring the hitman, Lin Su would not have been able to inhabit his current body. By taking over this body, Lin Su feels obligated to settle this debt of gratitude.

In this world, laws typically do not equate financial fraud with capital punishment. The more chaotic the world, the more vibrant and bustling the clubs are. These places are filled with clinking glasses and kissing couples in the open, with some even finding secluded corners for more private moments.

This atmosphere exudes decadence, making Lin Su's presence seem out of place. His attire is too refined, resembling that of a noble who has just returned from a banquet. His striking appearance draws whistles and attention from many.

"Hey handsome, want to join us?"

"Wow, you look gorgeous! Is this your first time here? Want me to show you around?"

"Did you accidentally wander in here? Do you want to have a good time together?"

These admirers come his way, only to be deterred by Lin Su's robust bodyguards who accompany him, visibly intimidating the approaching crowd.

The leader of the bodyguards, Cha Wei, was over two meters tall, a muscular giant whose muscles seemed about to burst through his clothes. His fists were as large as cooking pots, and a blow from them could easily knock someone out.

In fact, he wasn't just intimidating in appearance; he possessed genuine strength.

The crowd parted to make way as they watched the distinguished man being escorted away. Inside and outside the bodyguard's wall, it felt like two entirely different realms.

"They must be here for revenge."

"Who knows? The more refined they appear, the more ruthless they might be."

"This person seems strong, it's best not to provoke them."

"But that elegance and abstinent are truly attractive. I really want to pull him in here. It must feel like dragging a pure angel into hell, a corruption filled with beauty."

If System 06 heard this, he would surely sneer: it’s host was already as formidable as a demon king, even hell wouldn't dare take him in... 

Leaving the dance hall, the door of one compartment was forced open violently. It was dimly lit inside, adding to the debauchery.

The scent of gardenia spread, and when Li Chenglin heard a loud noise, he impatiently looked up: "What's going on?"

But when he saw who had entered, his face changed. He didn't even have time to pull up his pants and rolled under the sofa. "Carl, why are you here?"

A few months ago, this person could still speak sweet words and flattered him, but things are different now. This person is no longer the liar who had nothing before.

Although no one knows how he acquired his hundreds of billions of dollars in assets, the fact is that the strength he possesses is not something he can currently contend with.

If he had not hired someone to kill him, he wouldn't have to be too afraid, but he did it anyway. 

After Carl found out, he canceled the mission for 300 million. 

The canceled mission would not return the money he handed over, so he suffered heavy losses and now he has to face life-threatening danger.

"You know why." Lin Su lifted his finger. Abu quickly turned on the light, turned on the exhaust fan, spread a clean blanket on the sofa beside him and asked Lin Su to sit down.

Lin Su sat calmly. The woman lying on the sofa, originally about to instinctively tighten her clothes and scream, upon seeing Lin Su’s face, slowed down her movements even in putting on her clothes.

Abu gestured to the bodyguards, and the two of them directly went up, wrapped the woman up, lifted her, and threw her into another room, completely ignoring her waving, screaming, and unreasonable behavior.

Li Chenglin adjusted his pants and looked at Lin Su's posture, saying, "Carl, could you have given me a hint? Your sudden arrival caught me completely unprepared."

"A hint? Of course, you know about the Destruction Mercenary Group, right? You are spending thirty million just to buy my life. Mr. Li really values ​​me," Lin Su laughed, "With such great kindness, how do you think I should repay you?"

Before, Li Chenglin had hoped that this person wouldn’t easily turn hostile, but now he knew better.

He swallowed and said, "You... you can't touch me. I have Brother Liu backing me up. If you touch me, he'll come after you."

"You mean that Liu Hui kid?" Abu pinched his fingers and laughed, "With a flick of my finger, I could cripple him. His father is no match for me."

"Which gang are you from?" Li Chenglin asked nervously, his forehead sweating profusely and his face turning pale.

"Ever heard of Brother Bu?" Abu licked his lips maliciously and smiled.

Li Chenglin asked tentatively: "The one at the transfer station..."

"Yes, it's me." Abu said.

Li Chenglin collapsed directly on the ground this time. Places like the transit station were full of mixed characters, and those who could make a name for themselves there were extremely formidable. 

Among them were the three big bosses, one of whom was Brother Bu, known for his ruthlessness and ferocity in protecting his own. 

Anyone who offended him met a gruesome end. Even the so-called Brother Liu mentioned earlier was unworthy in front of Bu Ge.

Although Li Chenglin didn't understand why someone like this would be under Carl's command and be so respectful to him, the current situation was that the people who could protect him had abandoned him.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me..." Li Chenglin looked at Lin Su, kneeling and kowtowing directly on the ground.

Compared to his dignity, clearly his life was more important.

"Please, I beg you, I know I was wrong, I was just misled by my desires." Li Chenglin continued to kowtow, not even stopping when blood began to flow from his forehead.

Sweat mixed with blood and the previous smell, making him appear truly miserable.

"I'm a businessman, not someone who kills indiscriminately," Lin Su chuckled. "But I spent 300 million to cancel that mission. Mr. Li, shouldn't you repay me first?"

Li Chenglin indeed had assets worth over a million, but producing 300 million would essentially leave him penniless. 

In this world, without money and having offended numerous people in the past, such a move would push him into a dead end.

"... Can’t we negotiate?" Li Chenglin asked, drenched in sweat.

"When I was being hunted all over the world, no one gave me any leniency ," Lin Su smiled. "But there's always room for compromise. You return my money, I return the money I tricked you out of, and we call it even, deal?"

The original owner of this body had tricked Li Chenglin out of at least three hundred thousand, a significant sum. With that money, Li Chenglin might have a chance to start anew.

Gritting his teeth, Li Chenglin asked, "If I return the money, you won't kill me?"

"I won't. I wouldn't want to soil my hands," Lin Su chuckled.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, just let me go," Li Chenglin gasped for air.

Lin Su had already prepared everything for the transfer—properties, shops, deposits, shares—just enough to reach 300 million. He handed Li Chenglin a card and said, "Here's six hundred thousand, double what you lost. Take care of yourself."

Li Chenglin snatched the card, tightened his clothes, and rushed out without anyone stopping him this time.

Once his figure disappeared, Abu leaned close to Lin Su and whispered, "Boss, you're just letting him go like that. Isn't that too generous?"

"Letting someone die easily is the simplest thing; living in pain is the greatest torture," Lin Su smiled.

Li Chenglin dealt in military equipment business, accumulating his wealth in this line of work likely involved offending many along the way.

When he lost his current wealth and was abandoned by those who sheltered him, it was easy to predict how those people would treat him.

Whether he could survive would depend on his own luck.

Lin Su stood up and Abu followed, saying, "Boss, that move of using someone else to do the dirty work was brilliant. It saves you from getting your hands dirty too."

"Less talk, more action," Che Wei's hand landed on Abu's back.

Abu took a step forward and said, "Damn, can you not hit people so hard? You could knock my lungs out."

Resolving Li Chenglin hadn't cost Lin Su much effort, and a month later his body was found on the roadside, seemingly a revenge killing. 

In life, he had been prosperous with countless lovers and illegitimate children, but in death, there wasn't even anyone to claim his body.

After observing this turn of events, Lin Su set it aside. This expected outcome was a favor returned in the grand scheme of things for the body he now inhabited.

The headquarters for the Destruction Mercenary Group was quite lively recently. First, rumors swirled about Tang's suitor throwing around large sums of money, then there was gossip about their boss taking an interest in Jiang Heng.

"Spring on this planet hasn't arrived yet, but peach blossoms are blooming everywhere," Yin finished a recent mission and was on vacation. Idle time made for an anxious expert.

"You could try dating someone," Hui suggested.

"No, it's not that. Tang's suitor is handsome and wealthy, but what's so attractive about that weakling, the future researcher, to the boss?" Yin was genuinely puzzled.

While not unattractive, the man in question wasn't a heavenly beauty, miles apart from the boss's previous conquests. It was truly perplexing.

"He's smart," Hui said. "He's very knowledgeable."

Being able to research weapons like those of the future, his IQ is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Are you saying I’m not smart?" Yin asked back.

He looked up at him and turned back expressionlessly: "If you think so, I can't help it."

"Oh, I have such a bad temper!" He went to fight with him.


In the research room, an atmosphere of tension hung thickly, almost bleak. The woman in charge looked disheveled, with severe eye bags and a hoarse voice, but she stood there resolutely: "Boss, while we understand the principles, the issue with the targeting mechanism persists. Reassembling it doesn't yield the same destructive power, and we can't decipher it."

Lan Yan showed no emotion on his face as he responded, "I know you've done your best. What do you think we should do now?"

"There are two options," the woman held up two fingers, "First, find someone more skilled to study this technology. Second, cooperate with the person who created this weapon. If he dares to give it to Tang, he must have plans to actively seek our cooperation since we can't decipher it."

"Someone more skilled..." Lan Yan rubbed his chin. He had a sturdy build, handsome features devoid of the rumored ferocity, which inadvertently lowered people's guards. He controlled everyone here based on his capabilities.

"Go and invite Jiang Heng. Perhaps he can provide useful suggestions," Lan Yan suggested.

"I don't have any objections, but would he be willing?" The woman slumped on the sofa.

"Why wouldn't he?" Lan Yan asked.

The woman scoffed, "Didn't you sleep with him before? Can you honestly say you didn't do it on purpose?"

"It was a misunderstanding. I didn't expect him to show up in my room at that time," Lan Yan chuckled. "Initially, he was willing to share some information about the future, but now he's withdrawn. Even if I wanted to, he would wait until after the matter is settled. The current situation is the most troublesome."

He complained that it was troublesome, yet his face showed no signs of distress.

Everyone was present. Despite misunderstandings, leaving without surrendering the goods was not an option.

When Jiang Heng arrived and saw Lu Yan, there was a noticeable flicker in his eyes.

Prior to coming here, he had endured many hardships. Initially, upon seeing the person's gentle appearance and hearing their soft-spoken manner upon arrival, he had not expected his impression of this person to be overturned that night.

Even a tiger that seems gentle and harmless is still a tiger.

"You're scaring him," the woman forced herself to perk up and stood, pulling Jiang Heng's arm. 

"Mr. Jiang, don't be nervous. We just want you to examine the weapon's design, see if you can figure out the structure. Don't worry, although the boss isn't a good person, he won't harm you so casually."

Jiang Heng was led forward, long accustomed to the fact that women here often had stronger grips than men. Knowing he couldn't resist, even if unwilling in his heart, he understood that futile resistance would only bring more suffering.

These minor matters were manageable, but "the future" was everything.

Such a devastating weapon should not exist in this world. Just one is enough to kill tens of millions of people. Even if it costs him his life, he cannot allow it to fall into anyone's hands.

Jiang Heng carefully studied the data analysis and the entire structure of the weapon. After fifteen minutes, he licked his lips and exclaimed, "This design is truly ingenious! Who created this weapon? I would like to have a personal conversation with this person to understand their thought process."

"Can Mr. Jiang decipher its secrets?" The woman's eyes brightened, her spirits lifted, and she was no longer tired.

Jiang Heng sadly shook his head. "I can decipher the other parts of the structure, but the production of this intelligent recognition system requires the source code, and its encryption method is highly advanced. I cannot decipher its secrets. Do you know who this person is?"

"Knowing someone is knowing them," the woman sighed, lacking enthusiasm. "But it ultimately depends on the boss's decision."

The person who sent such a weapon naturally had demands, and those demands were almost laid out on the table.

The person willing to spend three billion and deliver a new type of weapon was exactly what he desired most.

"Tang isn't an object for exchange," Lu Yan remarked.

The woman yawned, lying on the sofa. "Boss, it's not about exchange, it's about pursuit. If that person puts Tang as something exchangeable, then he would be a fool. I think someone who is pursuing Tang should understand love better than you."

Their boss was smart, with a high IQ and strong capabilities, but when it came to love, he was just a fool.

"Why do I feel like you're insulting me?" Lu Yan chuckled.

The woman's snoring could be heard, lying sprawled out on the sofa, completely without any semblance of dignity.

"Do you want to meet the person who made the weapon?" Lu Yan asked Jiang Heng, who seemed eager to retreat into a corner once he left work.

Jiang Heng nodded.

He wanted to meet someone with such ingenious ideas. If he could discuss knowledge with him, it would be an exhilarating exchange.

"When you want to do something, you always have to pay some price for it, right?" Lu Yan said.

Jiang Heng's vigilance deepened. "What do you want?"

"I'll arrange for the person to come. How about you give me ten percent of the data on the ‘future’?" Lu Yan found Jiang Heng's guarded attitude somewhat amusing.

In fact, if he really wanted to deal with this person, Jiang Heng wouldn’t be able to resist at all. 

"You don't need to be so guarded. I have no interest in your bean sprout-like body. It was a misunderstanding that night, and besides, weren't you the one who entered the wrong room?"

Jiang Heng refused, "No, you still took advantage."

People who dealt with Lu Yan were generally well-versed in the ways of the world. Jiang Heng was the first to outright refuse whatever was asked of him.

He's the first to refuse so bluntly.

Unfortunately, he can't do anything to him, no torture, no interrogation. He looks soft on the outside, but inside, he's tough. If he pushes him too hard, he might disappear from this world along with ‘future’.

Perhaps this is the stubbornness of someone devoted to their studies, but for now, Lu Yan has no way to deal with him. After all, there's not even anyone who can threaten him into submission.

Even assistants and such have been completely wiped out by those contenders whose minds are full of nothing but water.

"Alright then, please Mr. Jiang, go back and rest," Lu Yan smiled as he saw him off.

Jiang Heng was extremely cautious as he passed by Lu Yan, and once he was out the door, his frail body practically dashed away, eager to be as far from him as possible.

Lu Yan had never seen someone who disliked him so much before. 

After Jiang Heng left, the woman who had been lying on the sofa burst out laughing, "Hahaha... hiccup... I'm dying of laughter... Haha, haha..."

Lu Yan decided to invite Lin Su for negotiations. It wasn't just because of the laser gun, but also because of the electric prison, handcuffs, and fiber trackers provided by Yin and the others.

As top mercenaries, they must possess technology superior to others. Otherwise, falling behind would put them in a passive position, even becoming pawns in others' games.

As for the conditions of the exchange, although they seemed clear on the surface, it was still necessary to give each other a chance to communicate. To deny everything without discussion would be too arbitrary.

Lu Yan sent the invitation, and Lin Su responded, agreeing to meet at the headquarters of Destruction Mercenary Group half a month later.

"Isn’t it a bad idea if we go directly to their lair? What if they change their minds and detain us?" Abu expressed concern.

Though he thrived at the transfer station, he still feared the Destruction Mercenary Group. After all, there were countless layers of killing methods there, and he didn't have enough lives to spare. Only the boss could capture four people at once.

"Revealing the location of their headquarters would be the greatest sincerity," Lin Su chuckled. "Or do you think they can detain me?"

"…That's not possible." Abu felt that unless they could blow up their entire headquarters, it would be impossible to detain their boss.

Lin Su chuckled, "Then it's settled."

The assassins' headquarters was their hiding place, the core of everything for them, and the safest place. Generally, people wouldn't dare to directly attack someone else's lair, but exposing it directly also posed risks.

Weapons capable of destroying a satellite in one shot could easily obliterate the entire headquarters.

If Lin Su had gone there voluntarily before, they wouldn't have shown such sincerity. By coming to them instead, they were now in a position of equals.

There's no such thing as working for Destruction.

The Destruction Mercenary Group was even more mysterious than Lin Su had imagined. It wasn't tucked away in some corner of a country or star, but on an entire small planet.

Surrounded by various transmitters and detectors, artificial small satellites almost formed a belt.

When Lin Su's spacecraft entered, it underwent over a hundred checks until landing. As the hatch opened, Lin Su stepped out and extended his hand to the handsome and gentle man, saying, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Carl, though you can call me Lin Su."

"Lu Yan, Mr. Lin, pleasure to meet you." Lu Yan assessed the man who was of similar height, noting his noble bearing and gentlemanly appearance were inconsequential; what mattered was that this man clearly exuded the aura of leadership among those welcoming him.

Countless assassins who had attempted to kill him before had underestimated him, mistaking him for an ordinary man rather than the leader of Destruction Mercenary Group. This man was different.

They subtly assessed each other, and Lin Su naturally sensed the true nature hidden behind this man's gentle demeanor.

If the leader of the strongest mercenary organization appeared genuinely mild, then his name was truly well-deserved.

Anyone who could command Tang's obedience was not to be underestimated.

"It feels like meeting two thousand-year-old foxes," Yin muttered on intuition.

Zong lightly patted his hair, saying, "Even if you realize it, keep it to yourself."

One looked handsome and young, the other cunning and experienced. Both were like ancient foxes playing a game of wits—it made for an intriguing tale.

"Tang, long time no see," Lin Su greeted him that same way he did for Lu Yan, like an old friend.

Tang nodded indifferently.

Lin Su smiled again and left at Lu Yan's invitation, showing none of the enthusiasm he had earlier when he said he would pursue someone.

Tang's pupils twitched slightly and followed along. He wasn't worried that Lu Yan would use him as leverage, but he wasn't sure what the man was really thinking.

"Oh my god, isn't he supposed to be chasing someone?" Yin muttered. "Why is he so indifferent? Has he lost interest?"

"He's playing the 'lure and release' tactic damn well," Zong commented as he watched the group walk away.

"What’s the 'lure and release'?" Yin frowned.

Zong tilted his cigarette and said, "Kids these days just don't understand, you can't learn it."

'Lure and release' was about strategy and understanding human nature. Knowing when to lure and when to release required perfect timing, and few were adept at it.

If he could win over Tang using this... Zong could practically give up smoking for life. The chance of Tang escaping was almost zero when dealing with someone so astute.

On the way to the reception area, casual conversation filled the air. Lin Su occasionally exchanged words with Tang, but compared to before, it felt more like polite small talk between acquaintances.

Tang felt something was off. He hadn't anticipated this meeting, and he had often heard rumors about Lin Su, making his frequent appearances seem overwhelming. 

When he hadn't met him, he worried about being overwhelmed by the man's apparent enthusiasm. Yet now that they had met, the disparity made him feel somewhat neglected. His gaze involuntarily followed Lin Su, a difficult-to-explain feeling stirring within him.

Once seated in the guest lounge, Destruction Mercenary Group's hospitality was impeccable. Lu Yan invited Lin Su to sit and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Black tea will suffice," Lin Su smiled.

Each person's drink was promptly served. Lin Su tasted the tea and remarked, "This tea is excellent, brewed with great skill."

"Mr. Lin also understands tea; it seems you're a person of refinement," Lu Yan chuckled.

"I know a little, but I wouldn't call myself an expert," Lin Su replied politely.

They exchanged smiles, and Lu Yan cut to the chase, "Let's not beat around the bush. We're all straightforward people here. Since we're here for business, I wonder if Mr. Lin has any intention of cooperation?"

"You've said it yourself, let's be straightforward," Lin Su toyed with his tea cup with one hand. "I can provide you with the core technology of the M96A1. With this technology, not only bombs but various firearms can be upgraded. My condition is..."

Everyone was tense.

"I hope the Destruction Mercenary Group can ensure my personal safety," he stated plainly.

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