It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 54


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 54

The astonishment in the minds of those present was comparable to that of Yang Cheng. 

Although Lin Su, the eldest son of the Lin family, had decent literary talents, his essays and poems were not outstanding, and it could even be said that they were rather ordinary. However, to achieve the top honors in the imperial examination was truly remarkable.

Winning first place meant being ranked first on the list, and it guaranteed entry into the palace examination, at the very least securing a position in the second highest rank. If he were to stay in the capital and become an official, even the local magistrate would have to give him some face.

However, although they were surprised, their shock was not as profound as Yang Cheng's, so they did not blurt out any rude remarks.

After the initial surprise, someone stepped forward to congratulate him, saying, "Congratulations to Brother Lin for achieving the top honors. This brings honor to our entire Qinghe Prefecture."

"Now Qinghe Prefecture has two outstanding scholars on the list. They are truly young talents with boundless prospects!"

"That's right. Brother Zhi Yuan, congratulations. This is an achievement for our Qinghe Prefecture."


The people present were all adept at reading the situation. Amidst the chorus of congratulations, 

Lin Su didn't need to put on a serious face. He smiled and said, "Brother Bo Wen, congratulations."

Yang Cheng suppressed his surprise and discomfort, forcing a smile as he replied, "Brother Zhi Yuan, let's work together in the future."

System 06 summarized: 【Fortunes change, and this year it's our turn.】

As Lin Su followed the servant away, although there were people surrounding him, no one dared to block his path again.

As they watched him leave, the bystanders erupted into discussion. "This Lin from the Lin family is truly extraordinary. He has made a grand entrance."

"Do you think he might become the top scholar award?"

"If that happens, our Qinghe Prefecture produced the top scholar, even surpassing those nobles from the capital."

Yang Cheng felt uncomfortable. He reluctantly exchanged a few words of congratulations and got into his carriage with a forced smile. However, as soon as the door closed, his expression turned grim.

He hadn't expected Lin Su to achieve such remarkable results. Although the man's scholarly abilities were not particularly evident in ordinary circumstances, and he appeared rather mediocre in front of them, he had unexpectedly excelled when it mattered most.

No matter how renowned one's reputation and talent are in usual times, once the imperial examination results are announced, everyone would think that Yang Cheng is the one who seeks fame and fortune, while Lin Su is the humble and diligent scholar. 

They both took the spring exams together, Zhi Yuan became the top scholar. Doesn't that mean that Wen Jue fell behind? Could a diligent student like him accept such a gap?

The capital is livelier than Qinghe Prefecture. The news of the spring exam results in the capital was known several days earlier than in Qinghe Prefecture. 

Among the candidates, Qi Qingyi was the most famous. He had previously achieved the top scholar position in this capital city. Candidates had assumed that with Qi Qingyi's talent, the position of top scholar was a given. Congratulations were ready to be given, but then they saw the top name on the list.

"Lin Su from Qinghe Prefecture? Who is this?"

"A top scholar emerged from Qinghe Prefecture. It seems Young Master Qi has fallen to second place."

"I wonder how good this person's essays are."

"Does anyone know who this person is?"

"I do. Brother Zhiyuan is the son of the Lin family, the magistrate of Qinghe Prefecture."

"If the Lin Family produces such a champion, they will truly rise to prominence."

However, there was no great joy in the Qi Mansion. 

Qi Qingyi had assumed he would be the top scholar, even on the day the results were announced, he had been calmly writing at home. 

But upon hearing the news, his pen stopped, and the words he had been writing were scrapped.

The servant lowered his head, afraid to speak. While this young master had a good temper outside, he wasn't so friendly to them, the servants.

Qi Qingyi wanted to continue writing, but he noticed the words were scrapped and simply put down his pen. He asked nonchalantly, "Who is the top scholar?"

"It's said to be Lin Su, the eldest son of the Lin family, the magistrate of Qinghe Prefecture," the servant hurriedly replied.

"Qinghe Prefecture? Not anyone from the capital?" Qi Qingyi sat down nearby, straightened his sleeves, and said, "The capital gathers renowned scholars, yet someone from Qinghe Prefecture took the top spot. It really humiliates the nobles of the capital."

To make enemies before even entering the capital, that person didn't seem very wise.

"People from various places in the capital are talking about it, speculating if there was any cheating in the spring exams," the servant whispered.

"We need not discuss this matter further at home. If there was cheating in the spring exams, it would be my father's fault. If he truly wanted to cheat, shouldn't I have been the top scholar?" Qi Qingyi said coldly. "The son of the magistrate may indeed have genuine talent."

"Yes, I will go and deal with those who gossip," the servant hurried away.

Qi Qingyi sat quietly by the window, finally letting out a deep sigh. "Lin Su..."

He had neither seen nor heard of him before. He would have to see where this person excelled over him in the palace exam.

After Lin Su was announced as the top scholar, he was greeted warmly by his family as soon as he returned home.

"Young Master Su, congratulations."

"Congratulations on becoming the top scholar, Young Master Su."

Congratulations followed him all the way inside. In the main hall, a person dressed in official attire from the capital was sitting at the head, accompanied by Father Lin, who was truly beaming with joy.

Upon entering, Lin Su first bowed to his father. "Father, I'm back."

Father Lin's face was full of joy, nowhere near his usual sternness. When Lin Su entered, he waved his hand to dispense with the formalities, saying, "This is a senior from the capital. Come and pay your respects."

Lin Su stepped forward and bowed, neither servile nor overbearing. "My lord, you must have endured hardships on your journey."

"It's nothing. Lin, the top scholar, is indeed filial." The nobleman also intended to establish good relations and wouldn't cause any trouble.

"Thank you for your praise, my lord. My learning is all taught by my father. Without any material possessions, I can only express my gratitude through filial piety." Lin Su's sincerity when he said this was so genuine that even his father almost believed it himself.

In front of outsiders, Father Lin wouldn't undermine his own son's status. He laughed and stroked his beard, saying, "My son Su is always extremely filial. Haha..."

With this statement, it would be almost impossible to use disobedience to make this kid compromise in the future.

After seeing off the nobleman from the capital, Father Lin's stiff smile relaxed, and he looked at Lin Su in front of him. "You have grown up now, but when you enter the officialdom in the future, you must not behave as recklessly as you did before. In the officialdom, the entire Lin family will rise and fall together. You shouldn't stand out too much usually, and when it's necessary to yield, you should yield..."

He went on and on. Although Lin Su had said that with a stepmother came a stepfather, it was only because Father Lin didn't pay enough attention to the original body. The real tricks of the officialdom wouldn't be taught by a stepfather like him.

Whether Lin Su listened or not, he seemed to be seriously attentive. When Father Lin finished rambling, he bowed respectfully. "Thank you for your guidance, father."

He did want to be a responsible father, but unfortunately, his real son was no longer around, and Lin Su wouldn't truly consider him as a father.

After the top scholars were announced, Lin Su would once again hurried to the capital. The carriage was prepared, and this time everything was indeed fully equipped.

Lin Su bowed at the door. "Thank you, father and mother, for arranging everything for me. I am deeply grateful."

Whether Lin Su truly felt deeply grateful, only he knew, but others were indeed touched by it.

"A father's kindness and a son's filial piety should be a model for everyone."

The stepmother could only smile along, trying hard to change her image in the eyes of others.

The carriage was spacious enough to lie down comfortably. Lin Su got on, and Lin Qingtang was already waiting inside. 

Seeing him come in, Lin Qingtang smiled and helped him take off his outer garment, saying, "Young Master is truly filial."

Lin Su lounged lazily, not bothering to explain anything. He hadn't planned to bring Lin Qingtang with him to the capital this time. 

He had intended to wait until after the palace exam to bring him over. However, he might not return to Qinghe Prefecture for several days after the palace exam. 

Once Yang Cheng's position was confirmed, there would be more changes in the future, so he decided to bring Lin Qingtang along.

Lin Su could handle being alone, but the carriage was slow, and the scenery outside became boring after seeing it for so long. 

However, having another person with him changed things.

Lin Qingtang's handwriting wasn't good, so whenever the carriage stopped, he would start writing feverishly, as if intoxicated. 

Lin Qingtang didn't read many books, and Lin Su didn't allow him to read while the carriage was in motion, to avoid straining his beautiful eyes. 

Even though Lin Su could make glasses, it wasn't very attractive to see someone squinting with their beautiful eyes. Lin Qingtang could only ask questions feverishly whenever the carriage stopped.

"Young Master Su, I don't recognize these characters." Lin Qingtang would gather his questions and ask them all at once, rather than constantly bothering Lin Su.

And every time Lin Su answered, Lin Qingtang wouldn't ask the same question again.

They hadn't spent much time together before, but now that they were together day and night, Lin Su found Lin Qingtang to be very eager to learn and intelligent. 

With his intelligence and diligence, Lin Qingtang was like a sponge, eagerly absorbing knowledge from the ocean of information. 

This made Lin Su develop a sense of teaching.

"Back the ink string to follow the curve, compete for Zhou's tolerance as the standard. This sentence means going against the standard of right and wrong to pursue crookedness, and striving to please as the rule." Lin Su saw Lin Qingtang's serious learning attitude, so he also taught seriously. "This is the way of flatterers, not the way of loyal subjects."

Lin Qingtang nodded. "This way is not advisable."

"To deal with extraordinary people, you must use extraordinary means. There are no absolutes." 

Lin Su smiled. "When there's reason to speak, speak with reason. But when dealing with unreasonable people, there's no need to insist on reason all the time. Though we may accommodate in certain situations, we shouldn't always yield. We mustn't lose our dignity as men and allow others to bully us."

Lin Qingtang seemed to understand but not fully. Yet, his eyes sparkled with admiration as he looked at Lin Su. "Young Master is really amazing."

Lin Su chuckled. "Do you really understand?"

"Not completely," Lin Qingtang smiled shyly, "but I will try my best to understand."

"Well, you don't have to do everything exactly as I teach. You have your own way of doing things." Lin Su was somewhat curious. "Since you're not aiming for the top scholar position, why do you work so hard?"

"Young Master Su is the top scholar, the pinnacle of existence among all scholars in the world." Lin Qingtang admired, "As Young Master's attendant, I naturally want to be the top attendant in the world, to serve you well, so you can focus on your studies without worry."

Of course, this wasn't the only reason. Even though Young Master, who was already extremely talented in his heart, showed no hint of pride even after becoming the top scholar, as if obtaining the position that all scholars in the world aspired to was just a trivial matter for him. And even after becoming the top scholar, Young Master never stopped studying.

Lin Qingtang knew he was a servant and couldn't compare to Young Master, but if such an outstanding Young Master was working hard, how could he, who was so mediocre, dare to slack off?

He admired him and wanted to learn from him. He didn't want others to mock him for his background in front of Young Master. He also wanted to learn the elegance and scholarly charm that Young Master possessed.

"Your aspirations are commendable." Lin Su didn't care much about whether someone was intelligent or not, but he liked hardworking people.

Lin Qingtang smiled, and his bright eyes reflected the countless stars in the night sky. "It's all thanks to Young Master's good teachings."

Unlike the pure innocence that Lin Su once pretended to have in his eyes, Lin Qingtang's gaze was full of pure attachment and admiration.

"Well, if there's anything you want to learn, I'll teach you. In the future, when you get married and have children, you'll be able to use your skills to please your wife." Lin Su sparked a fire with a smile.

But Lin Qingtang was stunned for a moment. The smile disappeared from his face. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Getting married and having children was something he knew about from his childhood when he attended private school. Every man would do so. 

However, after entering the brothel, he knew that it was wishful thinking for someone to like him and live a peaceful life. 

It wasn't until he met Young Master that he was brought out of the brothel and became his attendant, learning many things that other servants couldn't learn. 

Although he couldn't participate in the imperial exams, he could still get married and live a peaceful life in the future.

It was something he had once hoped for, but now that it was within reach, he didn't want it as much anymore. Human nature was inherently evil. If indulged, it would lead to endless desires. 

The more one wanted, the more one would suffer from not getting it.

"Qingtang is still young. I don't want to think about those things now. I just want to be a good attendant to Young Master." Lin Qingtang picked up his smile again. "Qingtang wants to see Young Master succeed first. If Young Master becomes a high-ranking official, I can also rise with him. Maybe I can marry a very good wife."

"Alright, then Young Master will take you to rise to the heavens with him." Lin Su smiled.

For a man to start a family and establish a career was also filial piety. Lin Su hadn't started a family yet, mainly because of his stepmother. But the current situation could also be considered a blessing in disguise. 

Lin Su didn't plan to start a family. One reason was that he seemed to have no interest in women. He could appreciate them, but he didn't have that instinctive urge in his body. Another reason was that he didn't want to leave his children behind in the task world.

If he really had a wife, he might end up neglecting her and ruining her life. The current situation was actually the best. But there was no need to mention this to Lin Qingtang. However, when he rose to a high position in the future and truly became a high-ranking official, it would be feasible to find a good wife for Qing Tang.

For someone who has suffered on that path, being able to return to their previous path could be considered a change in their life. They don't need to care about others looking down on them and just live their life peacefully.

The more they spent time together, the more Lin Qingtang admired his young master. "Young Master's skill with the qin is truly remarkable."

Unlike the soft melodies of the brothels, his music was elegant, capturing the beauty of mountains and rivers with each note, whether grand and majestic or gentle and flowing, it filled one's heart with longing.

"The qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting are the four treasures of a cultured person. If you want to learn, I can teach you," Lin Su smiled.

Musicians were considered lowly, but the court music and the refined music of gentlemen were different from those merely for entertainment. They emphasized refinement and avoided vulgarity. There was also the saying that gentlemen made friends through music.

Lin Qingtang hesitated to speak, feeling unsure in his heart. "Can I learn? Will I tarnish this art?"

"You won't," Lin Su smiled. "If you learn it, you'll be considered a refined person even if you leave your current status. You don't need to worry about sullying your reputation."

"Thank you, Young Master," Lin Qingtang's heart was filled with joy.

He had some foundation, but when playing the qin, his fingers tended to be too soft and lacked strength. A piece like "Wo Long Yin" ended up being played with a soft touch, unlike its powerful and robust nature.

Lin Qingtang knew he didn't play well. His face turned red as if he wanted to bleed when he lowered his head. "Young Master, I'm clumsy. Please instruct me."

"You made some mistakes," Lin Su commented, surprised to hear such a robust piece being played. "Are you making mistakes on purpose to make me keep watching you?"

Lin Qingtang had read some books recently and understood his meaning. Knowing he was being teased, his fair neck turned even redder. "Young Master is joking. I didn't mean to."

If he could keep Young Master's attention like this, he would rather play the qin like this forever.

"If you play like this, I'm afraid Zhou Lang won't keep watching, but will leave with a flick of his sleeves," Lin Qingtang said, blushing.

Lin Su smiled and said, "You are a fast learner. This matter is not urgent. You need to learn slowly, improving little by little."

He stood up and sat behind Lin Qingtang. His strong arm half enveloped the person, gently plucking the strings of the qin with a resounding sound. "The strength must be sufficient, but brute force alone won't suffice."

Lin Qingtang felt him approaching, he felt tense all over. It felt as if he was about to become like those qin strings, and be plucked with those fingers, and felt soft.

Lin Su held his hand, plucking it gently and said, "It's this strength."

"Yes..." Lin Qingtang's fingers trembled. He felt as if every part of him close to the young master was as if stuck to a hot grill, about to be scorched. "Why are you shaking so much? Am I a tiger? Can I eat you?" Lin Su asked, lowering his head.

Lin Qingtang shook his head vigorously, "No, no, I, I'm just, just..."

He struggled to find a reason, but even after Lin Su released his fingers and stepped back, he still felt a sense of loss.

He just felt being close to the young master was like a great blessing.

System 06 felt something was off: 【Host, it seems like he likes you.】

【He's still underage. Even if he likes me, should I like him back?】Lin Su countered.

System 06 analyzed: 【There's no need.】

But it rarely sees the host's gentlemanly side, it felt a bit unusual.

【He's still a child, he may not truly understand his own feelings. If I were to lead him on now, he would surely take the bait.】 Lin Su smiled, 【Let him figure it out himself.】

Facing such an adorable young one, the kind who follows by one's side with eyes full of admiration, most importantly, this little one also possesses a fair and tender complexion, pure and enticing. 

If Lin Su had no thoughts whatsoever, it would be a lie. Even if he could restrain his thoughts, this body, untouched for twenty years, would not allow it.

But Lin Qingtang was still too young. 

Falling in love with same-sex love in this era was much more serious compared to the previous world. While not everyone would openly condemn it, it was something that could be mocked by anyone in the world. 

Lin Qingtang had experienced such encounters before and barely returning to the right path. He needed to figure out what he wanted, and Lin Su couldn't influence his choice. Otherwise, in a moment of impulsivity, it might be too late to regret it.

After all, he was a real child, and not a pretender like Lin Su.

Lin Su washed his hands by the river, while Lin Qingtang fell into a brief silence before diligently correcting his qin playing again. Fortunately, the coachman slept well, and neither the croaking of frogs nor the bustling qin music interrupted his snoring.

In just a few days, they could travel back and forth between Qinghe Prefecture and the capital, and it only took a dozen days or so for the carriage to reach the capital.

After the provincial examination results were announced, there was only a month until the palace examination. Lin Su was naturally meticulous, and most matters did not require much intervention from others. 

However, when he needed something, Lin Qingtang had already helped him tidy up and organize everything.

Even though it was just a temporary residence, the furniture, clothes, and books were all neatly arranged, and he hadn't seen him idle for a single day.

On the day of the palace examination, Lin Su found his clothes neatly laid out by the bedside. The plain blue garments didn't stand out much, but they were just right for such an occasion.

As Lin Su tied his belt, Lin Qingtang was there adjusting the folds of his sleeves, taking care of even the smallest details.

With the hairpin securing the hair crown and the jade belt flowing down, Lin Su looked into the mirror. His efforts over the past few days were not in vain; his appearance now was completely different from over a month ago.

"Young master looks sharp today," Lin Qingtang said with a smile, "You're sure to achieve great success today."

"Then I'll borrow your auspicious words," Lin Su smiled and boarded the carriage.

The grand palace loomed ahead, guarded by the imperial forest army, stretching endlessly.

The scholars gathered here, and in this palace examination, none would be rejected, but they would still be ranked into first, second, and third classes.

Before the appointed time, people exchanged greetings. They knew they would serve together in the court in the future and they wanted to leave a good impression on each other.

"Brother Bo Wen, long time no see."

"Brother Wu Zheng is here too..."

"There are quite a few people from Qinghe Prefecture this time..."

"The carriage from the Ministry of Personnel has arrived," someone called out.

Everyone present instinctively straightened their attire and went to greet them.

"Young Master Qi arrived early."

"Brother Wen Jue."

Qi Qingyi got off the carriage. There were also many others who frequently visited the capital and succeeded in this examination. However, amidst the crowd, Qi Qingyi looked around but didn't see anyone who seemed to be Lin Su.

Someone beside him saw through his thoughts and remarked, "The top scorer hasn't arrived yet; he's taking it easy."

"It's said to be someone from Qinghe Prefecture," Qi Qingyi spoke up.

"People from Qinghe Prefecture are over there," the person beside him pointed out.

Qi Qingyi turned his head to look, intending to glance casually, but met a pair of eyes staring straight at him.

It was impolite for a scholar to stare at others so directly. Qi Qingyi furrowed his brows and asked, "Who is that?"

"It seems to be a son of a magistrate from Qinghe Prefecture. With that kind of ranking, at best, he's just a second-class scholar. Wen Jue, your competitor is Lin Su from Qinghe Prefecture; he shouldn't have any relationship with that person." The person didn't regard Yang Cheng highly, just glanced at him with a frown, "But his gaze seems like he wants to devour you, which is quite unpleasant."

Qi Qingyi also found the behavior rude. Just as he was thinking about it, someone announced, "Brother Zhi Yuan has arrived."

"Brother Zhi Yuan..."

A rather simple carriage stopped, and when Lin Su opened the door, he said to Lin Qingtang who followed, "I don't know when it will end today. You don't have to wait here. Find a comfortable place to stay."

Lin Qingtang was curious about everything in the capital, but he didn't recklessly look around. 

Instead, he smiled and said, "Young master, don't worry. I can take care of myself. You don't need to worry."

Though young, he wasn't flustered. Lin Su nodded and got out of the carriage. Though he expected to be surrounded by onlookers, the sharp gazes still made him pause for a moment.

"Everyone's here early; it seems I've been a bit lax," Lin Su greeted without any arrogance, as respectful as ever.

"Brother Zhi Yuan is being modest. There are still many people who haven't arrived," someone chuckled.

The sky was still dim, with some people still carrying lanterns. It was a misty morning, and they would have to wait for quite some time.

Lin Su chuckled politely, exchanged a few pleasantries, but didn't see anyone he knew at the time the results were announced. Many people were curious about what he had done to achieve his success. He answered each inquiry humbly, not hurried in the least.

Qi Qingyi watched from afar. This person had a good appearance, unlike the typical frailty of scholars. His actions were orderly, exuding a distinctive elegance and charm.

Logically, such a person should have left a deep impression on him, but he had no recollection of him whatsoever.

"Brother Wen Jue, why don't you go over and greet him? You'll probably be colleagues in the future. If you don't go, those gossipers won't have anything good to say," someone nearby remarked.

Qi Qingyi raised his chin slightly and said, "Even if I go greet him, won't those people gossip anyway?"

Whether he went or not, people would talk. Qi Qingyi had his own pride; he knew these truths but didn't feel the need to please others like everyone else.

He stood his ground but suddenly heard someone beside him say, "Brother Wen Jue, here he comes."

A voice as rich as wine sounded in his ear, with a peculiar rhythm. "Young Master Qi, I'm honored to make your acquaintance."

At first glance, he seemed elegant, but as he approached, Qi Qingyi was momentarily stunned. It wasn't because of his appearance, but rather his black eyes devoid of flattery or arrogance, only carrying a hint of amusement, as if Qi Qingyi were just an ordinary friend.

"Brother Zhi Yuan, you're too kind. You can address me as Wen Jue." Although Qi Qingyi had encountered countless talented individuals, he quickly regained his composure and returned the greeting, avoiding giving others a chance to gossip.

"I've long admired Brother Wen Jue's reputation. Although I was far away in Qinghe Prefecture in the past, I've read Brother Wen Jue's writings. The piece of yours, 'The Sense of Confusion', was truly enlightening." Lin Su smiled.

Though his words were complimentary, there was no hint of flattery; it was more like a friend's sincere acknowledgment.

Lin Su had no intention of ingratiating himself with Qi Qingyi, but neither would he belittle him. 

Although the Ministry of Personnel would fall into disgrace a year later, it wouldn't take much effort to deal with a newly appointed official within that year. There was no need to offend anyone and cause trouble for himself.

"Brother Zhi Yuan, your range of knowledge is impressive," Qi Qingyi said politely, "I'm not as well-read as you."

"It was luck this time," Lin Su chuckled, "I happened to have a better understanding of the provincial examination topics."

He was so modest that Qi Qingyi didn't want to press too hard and appear overbearing. "It's a pity I haven't had the chance to read Brother Zhi Yuan's writings. Could you perhaps summarize one for us?"

Everyone leaned in to listen, but Lin Su politely declined, "Brother Wen Jue, you jest. With the palace examination approaching, if you're curious, you can listen to it after the examination. I hope Brother Wen Jue can offer me some guidance then."

They exchanged polite remarks, each trying to be more modest than the other.

After Lin Su got out of the carriage, Lin Qingtang lifted a corner of the window to glance outside. 

He had been skeptical when Master Su said there was someone who looked like him. He didn't believe there could be someone so alike in appearance unless they were twins. However, when he looked, he saw the unmistakable figure standing in the crowd. 

One was Master Su, and the other was the lookalike. At first glance, it seemed like he was looking in a mirror, but upon closer inspection, there were many differences.

The person stood among the scholars like a bright moon, surrounded by admirers. There was an inherent arrogance in his demeanor, and he spoke with elegance and grace, unlike Lin Qingtang. If he were in such a situation, he probably wouldn't even dare to lift his head.

They had similar appearances, but different destinies. Master Su said he was himself, so there was no need to feel inferior because of external appearances. Everyone had their own way of living; the key was to be oneself.

Lin Qingtang comforted himself with these thoughts and glanced at Lin Su again. He felt that his young master standing among the crowd was not a bright moon but rather the brilliance of the sun. Even if shrouded by dark clouds, he could outshine everyone else.

However, the sun and the stars and the moon shared the same sky but didn't dwell in the same place.

As the carriage moved farther away, Lin Qingtang's throat tightened as he watched Lin Su approach the lookalike. They stood together, truly different yet the same.

As the palace examination approached, Yang Cheng took the opportunity to say a few words to Qi Qingyi. 

However, Qi Qingyi's impression of him was tainted by the previous offensive gaze, and even his response seemed somewhat indifferent.

When the time came, the scholars lined up according to their rankings and followed the palace attendants into the hall. 

Lin Su led the way, followed closely by Qi Qingyi. Although there was a sequence, Qi Qingyi considered himself no less than Lin Su. 

However, when he looked at Lin Su from behind, with the rising sun casting its light upon him, he suddenly felt as if Lin Su could shoulder the weight of the heavens and the earth.

Shaking his head to dispel such distracting thoughts, Qi Qingyi entered the great hall and knelt in his seat after bowing. 

The writing materials were already arranged on the desk, and no one dared to raise their heads. Lin Su, especially, wouldn't risk standing out at this moment.

A young man's voice came from above, asking, "What is the relationship between the people and the officials?" 

The question was repeated three times by the palace monitors, echoing throughout the solemn hall, making the scholars even more apprehensive.

Unlike the provincial examination, this felt more like an interview, albeit one conducted in writing. Lin Su sat upright, contemplating for a moment before beginning to write.

While others were still nervous, some even struggling to come up with an answer, Lin Su had already started writing, which put additional pressure on everyone, including Qi Qingyi. 

Just as he was pondering the question, he saw Lin Su already writing fluently, clearly confident in his response. 

Qi Qingyi couldn't help but furrow his brows in frustration but quickly reminded himself not to lose focus. Suppressing his racing thoughts, he began to write, feeling the weight of the moment.

Lin Su wrote swiftly, not using the original owner’s handwriting but his own style. Although there were traces of his previous handwriting, it appeared as if he had simply changed his front style, without arousing suspicion.

When Lin Su put down his brush, many others had just begun to write. The sound of his pen hitting the table made some people's faces turn pale.

Though Lin Su was not nervous, he maintained a respectful demeanor.

 He was the first person to catch the eye of the Emperor on the high throne, it wasn't his appearance that stood out but the aura he exuded—a confidence and backbone that set him apart from others' timidity.

His appearance was pleasing, and coming from a local official background, suspicions of factionalism were minimal. 

Moreover, his previous writings had indeed been outstanding. The three pieces he had written for the provincial examination were still kept by the Emperor's bedside, evoking different feelings each time they were read.

After Lin Su laid down his brush, the Emperor gestured, and a eunuch swiftly retrieved Lin Su's paper and presented it before the Emperor. This action heightened the tension, and even Qi Qingyi had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself.

The Emperor quietly examined Lin Su's essay. He had initially thought that an essay written so quickly might be superficial, but upon closer inspection, every sentence was worth pondering, and his calligraphy was exquisite.

"I recall that you did not use this style of font during the provincial examination. Do you know any other fonts?" the Emperor asked.

Lin Su bowed respectfully and replied, "Your Majesty, I have studied various styles of calligraphy."

"Do you know cursive script?" the Emperor inquired further.

Although still young, the Emperor was open-minded and not always bound by strict etiquette like an old scholar.

Lin Su replied with respect, "Your Majesty, I do."

"Just who..." the Emperor was about to say something when a high-ranking official in the court coughed. 

At this moment, any indiscretion would be fodder for ridicule among the scholars. The Emperor realized he had been too eager and changed his tone, "I find your essay quite impressive. Which great scholar did you study under?"

This was a more appropriate topic. Lin Su smiled respectfully and replied, "Your Majesty, I have studied under various teachers, and if I were to name them all, I fear it would take quite some time."

"Oh? Just name a few," the Emperor said, finding the nervousness of the scholars rather dull. The old scholars beside him kept reminding him to maintain decorum, but this man spoke calmly and earnestly, providing thoughtful answers to his questions.

Lin Su began, "I learned policy from Master Boxian, poetry and prose from Master Xujian, the Four Books from Master Luohan Hua..."

He spoke eloquently, making it seem as effortless as a gentle breeze. One could hardly tell he was not yet an appointed official, for he carried himself like a seasoned courtier. To be an effective official, one must be respectful but not overly timid. Being seen as timid and easily intimidated would only invite ridicule from the people.

His conduct was in line with the demeanor of a scholar, earning the approval of many high-ranking officials present. It was better to select someone like him, who had no prior affiliations with the court, rather than promote someone who had built connections through flattery.

The Emperor asked several more questions, and Lin Su responded fluently. Compared to the others whose essays were simply collected by eunuchs, it was clear who would be this year's top scholar.

As they left the palace after the examination, some wore expressions of joy, satisfied with their performance, while others looked crestfallen, but they couldn't show too much disappointment.

Although there were countless talented individuals in the palace, the Emperor kept rereading Lin Su's essay. Suddenly, he asked, "If we appoint this person as the top scholar, can he withstand the pressure from those around him?"

The new Emperor ascended the throne, and there were always some old officials who couldn't discern the situation clearly, hindering his progress at every turn. 

The Emperor, not wanting to be like his father, who was too tolerant of such behavior, knew that if they couldn't understand the principle of "new Emperor, new officials," then they had to be removed.

"I... I wouldn't know about such matters. It's up to Your Majesty to decide," the eunuch said with a smile.

The Emperor glanced at him and praised, "Such exquisite essays are truly rare. They may attract criticism, but they also present opportunities. Anyone who can write such essays would likely not refuse."

Three days after the examination, the results were posted on the golden list, attracting much attention and excitement.

"Lin Su from Qinghe Prefecture is the top scholar!"

"It's really him!"

"Too bad he didn't get second place. If he did, he would have been in third place!"

"Who would have thought Qinghe Prefecture had such talent buried within?"

"The young master of the Qi Family won third place. He's also going to enter the Hanlin Academy."

"Since ancient times, the best-looking person has been the top scholar, and Master Qi deserves the title."

"Just don't let him hear you say that. Young Master Qi hates it when people talk about his appearance."

Once the list was out, news spread quickly to various prefectures. Lin Qingtang hadn't gone out, but when he received the news, he was astonished for quite some time.

"Is it really the top scholar?!"

Another servant boy, who had already been amazed by his appearance, chuckled and said, "Why would I lie to you? Our young master has become the top scholar. That's the glory of the whole Lin family. The master must be ecstatic."

"The top scholar... the top scholar..." Lin Qingtang's face lit up with joy, looking as if he himself had won the top honors.

It was understandable for him to react this way. Previously, even encountering a scholar or jinshi was a rare occurrence, and he still had to address them respectfully as "Master." 

He knew he could never reach such heights in his lifetime. Now, his young master had become the top scholar directly appointed by the Emperor, the top honor among scholars in the whole country.

"Master, Lin Qingtang is going crazy with joy," another servant boy said. "Look at his silly expression."

Lin Su glanced over and indeed saw the boy ecstatic, but as soon as he appeared, Lin Qingtang rushed up with a joyful expression. "Master, you're awake. Are you hungry? I've heated water on the stove. Wash your face first before having your meal."

Despite Lin Su telling him not to wait, Lin Qingtang still waited eagerly like this. Seeing him now, Lin Su couldn't help but smile. "You're as caring as a nanny at your age."

Lin Qingtang blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed. "Wouldn't it be better to let the young master be at ease?"

"Of course, it's good," Lin Su chuckled.

Being looked after so attentively and having everything go smoothly, how could he not be grateful? 

Lin Su thought for a moment and then said, "This matter only needs to be reported back at home. In a few days, there will be a feast in Qionglin. During these leisurely days, you can follow me to learn some characters."

Upon hearing Lin Su's words, Lin Qingtang was delighted. Unable to contain his excitement, he spun around. "If this matter is spread, that the top scholar is teaching me, I wonder how much envy it will bring."

The other servant boy, however, frowned, trying to negotiate. "Master, can you exclude me? I can take care of drying books, chopping firewood, washing clothes. You can just teach Lin Qingtang alone to avoid exhaustion."

Lin Qingtang looked at him puzzled. "Why don't you want to learn?"

The servant boy had the same question as Lin Qingtang. "We can't take the imperial examinations, so learning so much is useless for us. Aren't you tired?"

Studying was the most difficult thing in the world. Lin Qingtang still wanted to learn, the servant feared that his brain had gone stupid.

Lin Qingtang didn't answer him directly, just silently thinking to himself: How could I possibly get tired when I'm with the young master?

In short, both sides thought the other was a fool.

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