It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 53


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 53

"How could this be? Your father has always doted on you," the beautiful woman chuckled awkwardly.

She had never heard such blunt words that left her speechless. If such words were truly spoken, the reputation of the Lin family would be completely ruined. The mistreatment of the legitimate son was enough to cause an uproar among those officials.

"Of course, this son knows," Lin Su smiled respectfully, "So I thought of just selecting a literate servant boy. Father is kind, naturally he wouldn't lecture me on this matter."

Lin Zhuo's beard twitched, gripping the armrest of the chair tightly, "But where did you go? And whom did you buy? A brothel is not a place for scholars to go! If you were upright, why didn't you bring the person back? If your reputation spreads, have you consider my reputation as your father? Have you considered the reputation of our Lin family? I may be loving as a father, but have you ever been filial?"

This accusation was enough to make Lin Su drink a pot of bitterness. The saying "with a stepmother comes a stepfather" was indeed fitting.

"If I were truly indulging in debauchery, I would have stayed out all night. I wonder who is twisting the facts in front of father, trying to sow discord between us father and son. It's truly sinister," Lin Su bowed respectfully, "If it was a servant, such a meddlesome servant should be dragged out and beaten to death."

"No, it's not allowed!" The beautiful woman intervened directly, meeting Lin Su's meaningful gaze, she couldn't help but clench her handkerchief tightly, "They are only concerned about your reputation, after all, if news of your involvement with a brothel spreads, it will be detrimental to your future career. Those entertainers and their lowly origins wouldn't know anything proper. If you find the servant boy unsuitable, your father will naturally find a better one for you. You are in charge, there's no need for others to take the blame. Those degraded ones should be sold off as soon as possible."

Lin Su had many servant boys. If he were to choose again, it would be a hassle, and people would only think highly of this stepmother while finding the legitimate son difficult to serve.

Lin Su sighed, and the beautiful woman sat upright, staring at him intently, fearing he might do something reckless.

But Lin Su was indeed considering something risky: "Forget it, I won't hide it from father anymore. When Zhi Yuan was young, I got lost at the Lantern Festival, and it was the parents of my servant boy who helped me back then. I am filial to father, to prevent people from saying that father lost both wife and son. This is repaying kindness. 

If I had known that my benefactor fell into difficulties and was sold into such a place as a prostitute, how could I bear to let him continue to suffer? I reached out to help him, repaying a drop of kindness with a gushing spring, let alone a life-saving favor. 

I did it out of great kindness, even if he temporarily fell on hard times, others may mock his lowly status, but our Lin family knows how to repay kindness. How can we humiliate our benefactor like this? If this spreads, won't it make people laugh at our Lin family for being ungrateful?"

He could wear a high hat too.

The beautiful woman stood still in astonishment, "Mother didn't know about this, and you didn't clarify it earlier, Zhi Yuan."

Lin Su ignored her and looked at his father, "Father asked why I didn't bring the person back. It was not because of guilt, but because I feared others' gossip. To repay him, I provided him with a courtyard and a livelihood, using father's influence to shield him from interference. Please judge, father."

"You've said everything, good and bad," Lin Zhuo sighed, "Is he truly just a servant, not a prostitute?"

"Father, you can send someone to investigate the signboard of Cuinong Pavilion bearing the characters 'Qing Tang'" Lin Su said respectfully.

He was solemn in his assurance, and Lin Zhuo found it hard to press further, "Fine, it's late now, you go back first. We'll investigate later, and if there's even a hint of falsehood from you..."

"Then the son would be unfilial, and father can remove the son from the family tree if he wishes," Lin Su said directly.

Lin Zhuo waved his hand, "Enough, go back."

After that conversation, both of them felt a pang in their hearts. The beautiful woman wanted to speak up, but the accusations of once there’s a stepmother there’s a stepfather earlier made it difficult for her to find her voice. 

Lin Zhuo kept sighing, and the atmosphere was heavy.

Lin Su entered his small courtyard, where someone had brought hot water. After washing up, he comfortably went to sleep. 

After spending several days at the examination hall and then quickly rescuing someone, he also had to deal with his stepfather and stepmother. Even he needed to rest.

He slept soundly, but at the crack of dawn, he was awakened by voices outside.

"Young Master came back yesterday and put on quite a show, leaving the master and mistress speechless."

"This trip to the capital has changed him. I wonder if he'll pass the exams, but he's already putting on airs like an official."

"Well, he is a scholar after all, you can't say anything."

"If you know you can't say anything, then why are you gossiping here?" Lin Su pushed open the window and propped his head on his hand, looking at the speakers. "Stirring up trouble between me and my father, you truly deserve a beating. Someone come and beat them!"

If it was just offending the young master, they might not have been beaten, but offending the old master himself deserved punishment.

Lin Su had the offenders beaten and then spread the word about the treacherous servants. Reputation is something that can easily be distorted by rumors.

"Madam, you must speak for us, that young master is too ruthless."

"He just orders a beating, it's truly inhumane."

"We've worked for the Lin family all our lives, how can we be treated like this?"


The cries and complaints filled the air. The stepmother was in a difficult position; she had just heard that someone had been beaten, and immediately after, she heard the rumors circulating outside. If she were to confront Lin Su now, she might be accused of allowing an unscrupulous servant to mistreat the legitimate eldest son.

She had figured it out: that man, who had previously been as submissive as a sheep, was now showing his true nature. He was clearly a wolf, and a bite from him would hurt deeply.

"You all just endure for now. He is the legitimate eldest son of the master. How can I bear the blame?" the stepmother consoled them.

Lin Su was truly unwilling to engage in a back-and-forth with a woman. Rather than beating around the bush, it was better to strike at the root of the problem.

While the stepmother was still trying to quietly endure this wave of trouble, rumors began to spread that the Lin family had no offspring, and it was actually the stepmother who had caused the concubines to remain childless. 

Before the stepmother could react, Lin Su had already confronted her, exposing the fact that she had given the concubines some kind of contraceptive soup.

There were major disputes every three days, minor quarrels every two days, and the whole Qinghe Prefecture was watching the spectacle.

"So, her previous virtuous and magnanimous behavior was all an act."

"I knew it. How could a stepmother treat the children of the deceased wife well? Hypocritical."

"Jealousy is one of the seven cardinal sins."


With rumors spreading everywhere, Lin Su felt much more at ease and could go out to learn about the rules and regulations of this world.

Qinghe Prefecture was not far from the capital, and within a few days, the candidates who had gone for the imperial exams had returned. Someone invited Lin Su to a teahouse or tavern to chat, discussing romance, academics, and some local gossip.

Men are not without a penchant for gossip; it's just that such gossip cannot be discussed in front of women.

"Have you heard? Bo Wen seems to have fallen in love with someone at first sight in the capital." A scholarly-looking student whispered to Lin Su while holding his folding fan. "He is the most talented in Qinghe Prefecture, yet he is still a man that cannot resist beauty."

"Brother Zhi Yuan, you have always been close to Bo Wen. Do you know which family's young lady he has fallen for?" another person asked.

"I would say, but revealing the lady's name might not be good for her reputation," Lin Su said, uninterested in getting involved in Bo Wen's affairs. 

As long as people do not offend him, he would not offend others. There was no difference between protagonists and ordinary people.

"Zhi Yuan, you are truly uninteresting, still such a pedant. But I heard you went to the Cuinong Pavilion the other day and even redeemed someone. I didn't expect you to have such strong tastes," someone teased.

Lin Su smiled and said, "Brother Lu Li, you've misunderstood. It's just that the child's parents once saved my life. When I encountered the son of my benefactors in distress, how could I stand by and do nothing? Moreover, the child is just a servant, not the kind of sordid situation you imagine."

Rumors are always a mix of truth and falsehood, depending on how you explain and act on them. A single wrong word could ruin one's reputation, but if it's based on a debt of gratitude, no one could say Lin Su was wrong; they would only commend him for repaying kindness.

"So that's the reason. Zhi Yuan, you are truly noble. I am in awe," the others said, bowing to him.

Lin Su smiled without speaking, fully accepting their admiration.

At this point, the topic shifted. While some believed his story, others were skeptical. When Yang Cheng was painting at home, someone visited him, seeking future mutual support, and mentioned Lin Su's actions.

"He probably just likes those kinds of things and made up the story. A person sold to a brothel, with no traceable parents or siblings, can say whatever he wants," the visitor said dismissively.

Yang Cheng did not stop painting but merely remarked, "A gentleman does not speak ill of others behind their backs. What he said may not necessarily be false."

Even if someone does favor men, so what? If a person were exceptionally talented and unparalleled in the world, even another man might develop an admiration for them.

The difference in status was there, predestining a life of unfulfilled longing.

"Bo Wen, you wouldn't know from staying at home all day, but I've found out that the person who was redeemed wasn't some servant, but an unregistered male prostitute named Qing Xi." 

The man sneered and continued, "The brothel owner even said that he was taken out after being slept with. Do you really think Zhi Yuan is such a good person? 'Saving his life'—he sure has the nerve to say that."

"If that's the case, he's quite the audacious one," Yang Cheng said, looking at the person in the painting and gently fanning it dry. "I suppose that prostitute must be quite good-looking."

"Who knows with all that makeup on," the man continued. "But they say that the prostitute resembles someone. After brother Yu Man came back from the capital, he said the prostitute looks like the son of the Minister of Personnel, Qi... something Yi. You know Yu Man has always had a taste for boys and frequents brothels, so his observation is probably accurate."

"What did you say?!" Yang Cheng's previously calm demeanor vanished. He looked at the man in shock, nearly tearing the painting in his hand. "Who did you say he looks like?"

"The son of the Minister of Personnel Qi. Why? They say he resembles him by seven or eight parts." The man was puzzled by Yang Cheng's reaction. "Is there a problem?"

"Resembles him by seven or eight parts..." Yang Cheng rolled up the painting and paced back and forth. "Taken out after being slept with... Zhi Yuan, could he also... But how could you humiliate him like this?"

A prostitute, how could he ever compare to that man?

The man saw him muttering and was quite confused. "Humiliate who?"

"Qi Qingyi, the son of the Minister of Personnel, is a paragon of scholarly virtue in our time," Yang Cheng said. "Zhi Yuan has met him and must have been infatuated but unable to attain him, so he found a substitute. This is clearly an insult."

The man stood up too. "If that's the case, if Qi Qingyi finds out, Lin Su will be in big trouble."

"No," Yang Cheng instinctively refused. "If he finds out, it will only dirty his eyes and sully his ears. We should go find Zhi Yuan and talk to him about this. Even if he has such preferences, he shouldn't insult that man."

That man was pure and noble; if he knew he was being replaced by a substitute and pressed down, he would probably be furious.

Lin Su took the time to visit that small courtyard to see Qing Tang. He had changed out of the flimsy gauze of the brothel and into plain hemp clothing. His features were still unhidden, and without the air of dust and grime, he looked even more innocent and cute, truly resembling a handsome young scholar.

When Lin Su wasn't around, Qing Tang rarely left the house. Just as Lin Su had said, he kept the courtyard spotless. 

The books and bedding were all aired out, the tables and chairs were scrubbed clean, and even the firewood in the kitchen was neatly stacked.

When Lin Su had first bought the small courtyard, it was barely clean. Now, it was so comfortable that he felt at ease whether walking, sitting, or lying down. 

After sitting for less than the time it takes to drink half a cup of tea, Qing Tang brought over tea and snacks, his eyes eagerly fixed on Lin Su.

After working, Qing Tang had a bit of sweat on his forehead, and his once slender and white fingers now had a few blisters. However, the smile on his face and the light in his eyes were far brighter than when Lin Su first saw him in the brothel.

"Young Master Su, please try these snacks. If they're not to your liking, I'll change them," Qing Tang said, his eyes sparkling as he looked at Lin Su.

Lin Su tried the snacks and the tea, feeling Qing Tang's gaze fixed on him, seemingly waiting for a word of praise. If it were anyone else, they might feel immense pressure under such a stare. 

Lin Su met Qing Tang's expectant gaze and said, "They're very good. I just don't have a sweet tooth. Next time, use less sugar, and they'll be perfect."

"Yes, Young Master Su," Qing Tang said, his eyes curving into a smile.

Under Qing Tang's expectant gaze, Lin Su drank the tea and ate several snacks, giving him enough face. Then he asked, "Have you practiced your writing these past few days?"

Qing Tang's expression faltered for a moment, and he lightly scratched his cheek. "Of course, I have, but it's still far from perfect."

"Bring it here and let me have a look," Lin Su said.

Qing Tang brought over a thick stack of papers, a slight blush on his face as he handed them to Lin Su. "Qing Tang's writing is nowhere near as good as yours, Young Master Su."

The handwriting that the young master casually annotated on the storybook was better than those of his former teachers. He had some confidence in his handwriting, after all, he had attended a private school. But when he compared it with the young master's, he really wanted to throw it away.

Lin Su looked at the writing on the paper. While it wasn't particularly poor, it was somewhat immature and lacked a coherent style. 

It was likely that what Qing Tang had learned in his early years at private school had given him this foundation. 

In the brothel, even though he occasionally needed to recite poetry or couplets, the content was not something typical scholars would use. They likely learned more about how to please their guests rather than proper literary education.

"You do have some basics. If you could immediately match my level, wouldn't that mean my ten-plus years of studying were in vain?" Lin Su didn't reprimand him. 

Everyone has different experiences, and it's unfair to hold everyone to the same standard.

After spending time with Lin Su, Qing Tang knew he rarely got angry, so he was no longer as anxious as in the beginning. 

The more he interacted with him, the more he realized that Lin Su was very different from those pretentious scholars. Hearing Lin Su's words, he smiled sheepishly and said, "You're right, Young Master Su."

"If you want to learn to write, start with the most proper and correct characters, then develop your own style from there," Lin Su advised with a smile. "No need to rush."

He recalled how he had learned to write, practicing each stroke bit by bit. He started with regular script before moving on to other styles like cursive, clerical, and slender gold script. He had simply spent much more time practicing than others.

Lin Su stood up and spread out a sheet of paper. Qing Tang, knowing he was about to write, quickly ground the ink. 

The ink was rich and black, and with a few swift strokes, Lin Su wrote the character "永" (eternity) on the paper. Each stroke was precise and orderly, like hooks of gold and strokes of silver.

Qing Tang blinked. He didn't fully understand the artistic essence of the character, but he could tell that Lin Su's writing was exceptionally good—much better than the casual annotations he had seen before.

"This character includes all the basic strokes found in Chinese characters. If you can master this character, writing other characters won't be much of a problem," Lin Su said, handing him the brush. "I'll be coming here often. I'll bring you some books. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

"Yes," Qing Tang responded, treasuring the character Lin Su had written. He felt that the character embodied Lin Su himself: upright and imposing, like a man standing tall and proud.

He felt reluctant to trace over the character Lin Su had written, he set it aside and carefully copied it onto a new sheet of paper. Each time he wrote it, he felt that achieving the same level of skill as Lin Su was nearly impossible.

Qing Tang wrote with quiet concentration, and Lin Su found the tranquility of the place more comfortable than anywhere else. He decided to sit at the table and, taking some paper, began writing poems and prose.

In addition to copying directly, there was also a method of tracing over model calligraphy. While Qing Tang could be a temporary bookboy, he couldn't remain one for his entire life. If he married and had children one day, he could write letters for others and live a respectable life.

Qing Tang wrote diligently. When he finished a page, he relaxed and glanced over at Lin Su, his beautiful eyes widening in admiration. "Young Master Su, your writing is truly excellent."

"You can trace over these characters to practice in the future," Lin Su said with a smile. "Have you been out recently?"

"I went out once because we ran out of paper," Qing Tang replied honestly.

Lin Su continued writing and then asked, "You must have heard some rumors. Aren't you curious why I said you have done me a favor?"

Qing Tang smiled. "If Young Master Su says so, there must be a reason. I am your servant, and I shouldn't ask questions I shouldn't ask."

He had indeed heard many rumors, some insulting Lin Su and some praising him. People like them were often looked down upon, and he understood that Lin Su was protecting him.

"Aren't you curious why I redeemed you?" Lin Su looked up at him.

Qing Tang met his gaze, his eyes flickering with unease. "I don't know, but I believe Young Master Su has his reasons. Though I can't help but be curious, if you are willing to tell me, I'll listen. If not, I won't ask."

He knew that his current situation was already better than he could hope for and didn't dare to expect too much.

"Because you resemble someone," Lin Su said straightforwardly.

Qing Tang was stunned for a moment and then asked, "Is it someone you have feelings for, Young Master?"

"Of course not," Lin Su said with a laugh. "Though he resembles you by about eighty percent and is both talented and handsome, he is not someone I have feelings for. Do you know who this person is?"

Qing Tang speculated, "I suppose he must be someone of high status, someone who has the privilege to be educated."

"He is from the capital," Lin Su explained. "The son of the Minister of Personnel, Qi Qingyi."

Since Lin Su would eventually go to the capital and might encounter Qi Qingyi, it was best to clarify this matter early on to prevent Qing Tang from feeling inferior or thinking of himself as a mere substitute.

"The Minister of Personnel..." 

For Qing Tang, the highest-ranking official he had ever seen was the county magistrate, who wore an imposing official uniform and sat in the courtroom with county officers holding canes—very intimidating. 

He had heard of officials like the Minister of Personnel in the capital, but such people were regarded as almost god-like figures by the brothel owner, far beyond the reach of a county magistrate.

To resemble the son of such a high official—whether it was a blessing or a curse, he wasn't sure.

Scholars would see it as a disgrace if they knew he looked like the son of the Minister of Personnel. It could bring a lot of trouble.

"How could I resemble him so much?" Qing Tang asked anxiously. "Wouldn't that cause trouble for you, Young Master?"

"Now you are my bookboy, not a brothel boy. No matter how powerful Qi Qingyi is, there can't be a law that says no one can resemble him," Lin Su said. "We might leave here and go to the capital soon, and we might encounter him. I'm telling you this because no matter who resembles whom, you don't need to worry. Just be yourself."

"Yes," Qing Tang replied obediently, then gathered the courage to ask in a soft voice, "Since Young Master Su doesn't like him and he has no connection to my family, why did you redeem me and take on this trouble?"

"Though I have no interest in Qi Qingyi, someone else does," Lin Su smiled. "Just think of it as my kindness.”

"Young Master is clearly just trying to find an excuse," Qing Tang said, noticing that Lin Su wasn't angry and smiled even more brightly. "But Young Master is my benefactor. If you don't want to say, I'll wait until you're ready to tell me."

Lin Su acknowledged this with a sound.

The system prompt appeared: 【Host, raising a child is risky. Just because you're not acting as a foster father doesn't mean it's entirely safe.】

This is the experience gained from it’s host, the more innocent and cute someone appears, the more likely they are to be dark and sinister.

【You're overthinking it.】 Lin Su struggled to steer the system back onto the right track, not wanting to be unnecessarily pessimistic.

System 06 was still very worried, after all, Uncle had once been so confident.

Lin Su could only comfort: 【Don't worry, I have cheats he doesn't.】

System 06, as a quasi-existence like a cheat, finally found a sense of being needed: 【Host, I will definitely do my best.】

【Well, I believe in you.】 Lin Su smiled.

He was still very accurate in judging people, whether someone was disguising themselves or genuinely innocent, he could discern it.

Wei Yuan from the previous world also had the ability to discern, but he was distracted by his emotions, blinded by them. If he were to face others, he would not be as tolerant and relaxed as he was with him.

But Lin Su didn't have this kind of trouble, he wouldn't let emotions cloud his vision.

Lin Su didn't linger here for too long, after finishing the calligraphy, he got up and left. Just as he arrived at the Lin Mansion, he heard that someone had come to visit.

"Who is it?" Lin Su asked.

"It's said to be the young master of Yang's household," the servant dared not show any negligence towards people from official households.

Yang Cheng?

He received the message quite quickly. When Lin Su entered the main house, Lin's father was entertaining guests, with a smile on his face that seemed more genuine towards Yang Cheng than towards his own son. 

Coughing lightly upon entering, Lin Su greeted his father with a smile, "Father, I'm back."

Then he turned to Yang Cheng and smiled, "Brother Bo Wen, why didn't you inform me in advance of your visit? If I had come back later, you would have had to wait."

Yang Cheng, who had initially looked unfriendly upon seeing him, found it difficult to directly accuse him at this moment. But Father Lin slapped the table and exclaimed, "You've done something outrageous!"

"I wonder what Zhi Yuan did to anger Father so," Lin Su said, puzzled.

"Kneel down!" Father Lin ordered directly.

Lin Su's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he smiled, "If Father doesn't explain the reason, I don't know my mistake and won't kneel."

"You still have the nerve to say that? The servant you redeemed, what kind of bookboy is he? You've disgraced the dignity of scholars with your behavior! If it weren't for Bo Wen explaining this matter today, I wouldn't have known that you went to the capital and learned some unsavory things. You even dared to find someone to imitate the son of the Minister of Personnel. I think you're too spoiled!" 

Father Lin was angry, and though his words were harsh, they made it clear. Lin Su understood and smiled as he looked at Yang Cheng, "Brother Bo Wen, you also like to listen to women’s gossip?”

Yang Cheng's expression changed.

"Lin Su!" Father Lin rebuked.

“Father, Zhi Yuan said he's a lifesaving benefactor, and that's what he is,” Lin Su respectfully bowed, "The son of the Minister of Personnel does indeed have outstanding demeanor, so Zhi Yuan couldn't bear to let someone resembling him fall into such a place. What's wrong with that? 

It's Brother Bo Wen who knew of the resemblance and rushed here without delay. I wonder who harbors improper thoughts towards the son of the Minister of Personnel but dares not seek his affection!"

Yang Cheng’s face turned pale and then flushed, speaking coldly, "Brother Zhi Yuan, you can't casually accuse me. If you slander my reputation, this matter won't end well."

Lin Su chuckled, "Brother Bo Wen, why are you so anxious? Did I say it was you? By rushing to admit it like this, are you daring to let that son of the Minister of Personnel know about your fantasies?"

With this statement, everyone present turned to look at Yang Cheng.

Lin Su hadn't named anyone specifically, but Yang Cheng directly retorted, essentially admitting it. Yang Cheng's face looked unpleasant, as did the faces of those who came with him, but theirs were more complex.

"Can you guarantee that you have no affection for Wen Jue?" Yang Cheng asked through gritted teeth.

Lin Su extended his hand directly, "I, Zhi Yuan, swear on my ancestors and my whole family, if I have any affection for Wen Jue, let my family be ruined and my reputation shattered. Brother Bo Wen, I swear. Do you dare to swear?"

His oath was heavy, even Father Lin couldn't stop him, but Lin Su seemed particularly confident. 

In contrast, Yang Cheng was in a difficult position, his face almost as dark as ink.

He couldn't dare, nor could he swear, because he really had feelings for Wen Jue. But if Lin Su dared to make such a poisonous oath, did it mean he truly had no feelings for Wen Jue? Then why did he redeem someone resembling him?

"Did you really redeem him out of gratitude?" Yang Cheng asked.

Lin Su replied, "Of course, even though I had no intention, I can't guarantee that others won't have intentions towards him and try to find a suitable substitute, I had no choice but to resort to this. Brother Bo Wen, you shouldn't mind, right?"

With this statement, Lin Su drove Yang Cheng’s to a dead end altogether.

"Where have you placed him?" Yang Cheng's dissatisfaction was evident. How could he trust someone else with the safety of the person Lin Su mentioned?

Lin Su didn't answer directly, instead saying, "Brother Bo Wen, it seems you didn't swear just now." 

Yang Cheng frowned, "I said I didn't, Brother Zhi Yuan, why are you so aggressive?"

Father Lin hadn't spoken since earlier, but now he said, "Nephew Yang, my son has said what he should, and the unfounded accusations have been refuted. He had good intentions, but if you insist on casting dirt on our Lin family, it's not conducive to the harmony between our families."

Although the saying goes "The higher the rank, the greater the pressure," they were both officials, and there was no need for such bullying.

Yang Cheng was so angry his liver hurt, but he could only swallow his pride and say, "It was a mistake on my part. I didn't expect Brother Zhi Yuan to act out of goodwill."

"We're all scholars, who would have such a dirty heart to do such things? That would mean our studies would have been fed by dogs," Lin Su muttered to himself, making the two who had come to accuse him even more uneasy.

"You shut up!" Father Lin frowned and reprimanded, then turned to Yang Cheng and the other man, "There are matters in the mansion today, so I won't keep you for a meal."

They had been welcomed in, but now they were being dismissed as if chased away. Only Father Lin  and Lin Su remained in the room. Father Lin took a deep breath and said, "Do you really have no intention towards that person?"

Lin Su replied, "Father, do you want me to swear again?"

"No need!" Father Lin's head was buzzing with pain, and he didn't want to offend his ancestors again, "If you have no intention, then what you did was right. You can't offend the son of the Minister of Personnel, even if he resembles someone. The Yang family's actions are too audacious. If this matter gets to the capital, they might not get off lightly, so there's no need to fear them."

"Thank you, Father, for defending me. Your kindness overwhelms me, and I am deeply grateful," Lin Su exaggeratedly complimented his father.

Father Lin looked at him helplessly, "Stop it! This is for the sake of the Lin family. Bring that person to the Lin family and take good care of him. Don't treat him as a mere bookboy. This matter isn't so easily resolved. 

You keep causing trouble every day. When there's nothing going on, study diligently. Don't go wandering around. Do you really think you'll pass the exams? Your father failed the exam four or five times back in the day."

"Father, Qing Tang won't attract gossip if he stays outside. It's only when he's brought into the mansion that people will feel like I'm pampering him," Lin Su respectfully replied.

Despite having family members with questionable conduct and various faults, he couldn't easily abandon them. 

In this era, filial piety was also a criterion for evaluating officials. If one lost filial piety, they might be reported by the Imperial Censor, which could affect their official career. 

Therefore, dealing with these two elders wasn't just about speaking smoothly; unless he could make them lose their temper completely.

"Enough, enough. Deal with it yourself. If you can't handle it, I won't cover for you," Lin's father waved his hand, "Go back."

Although he was impatient with Lin Su, he was greatly displeased with Yang Cheng. He used to see that child as polite and respectful, but now he couldn't make heads or tails of him.

As Lin Su said, if this matter reached the capital, the Yang family wouldn't fare well. While officials wouldn't actively harm each other, if the Yang family caused trouble, he wasn't afraid.

Father Lin wanted to protect his own family, so he had mentioned it to Father Yang a couple of times during their collaboration, but unfortunately, it hadn't resulted in anything good.

Yang Wenyuan solemnly said, "You should educate your son properly. Losing the demeanor of a scholar is the real loss. Zhi Yuan means well, does that mean Bo Wen has ill intentions? If you want to please those in the capital, there's no need to act coy in front of me."

When orders come from above, those below can only listen. Father Lin muttered a few words and left with a sigh.

The Yang family was superior to the Lin family, and their son was the most promising candidate in Qinghe Prefecture. If Yang Cheng entered the court as an official in the future, what significance would the Lin family have? 

There’s no point in pursuing this matter.

Father Lin understood the reasoning behind it, and so did Yang Cheng. It would have been fine if they did not know about the existence of Qing Tang was one thing, but now that he knew, it felt like a fire was burning in his heart, making it difficult for him to sleep at night.

He knew Lin Su had placed the person outside, but this matter shouldn't be pursued too aggressively, otherwise it might lead to unnecessary trouble. Even the previous incident of going to the Lin family had earned him a reprimand from his father.

It wasn't until he explained that he wouldn't really do something audacious.

If he did find the person, he wouldn't really insult the person in the capital by using a servant as a substitute. He just wanted to have someone similar nearby to reminisce about.

But the thought of Lin Su potentially doing something to that person made him anxious and agitated.

"It's just a servant boy, if the hard way doesn't work, try the soft way. Offer more silver and buy him off," someone suggested to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng thought it was feasible, but the person he sent didn't even enter the Lin mansion. The servants only said that Lin Su was punished and couldn't come out, which was unacceptable.

If Lin Su couldn't come out, he couldn't be with that person. 

While Yang Cheng felt relieved, his longing grew stronger. Every time he thought of the scene when they left the Imperial Academy, he felt that no one could match that person's elegance.

If they could serve as officials together in the future and have a chance to talk, it would be worth it.

When Lin Su finally came out twenty days later from confinement, Yang Cheng's people hurriedly came to invite him. 

Lin Su didn't refuse, but when he arrived at the restaurant and took his seat, a thousand taels of silver were placed in front of him. 

Yang Cheng spoke up, "Brother Zhi Yuan, it was Bo Wen's offense last time. After learning of your good intentions, I deeply admire you. But I heard that your assets are not abundant, and I'm afraid you might not be able to properly settle him..."

Lin Su responded, "Brother Yang, you're so generous. If this silver is intended to aid me, then I won't hesitate to accept it."

This caught Yang Cheng off guard, and when Lin Su stood up, he quickly stopped him, "No, this silver is for redeeming Qing Xi's indenture. You paid three hundred taels, and I'm giving you a thousand. I'll take care of him and won't harm him. Please rest assured, Brother Lin."

Lin Su chuckled, "If I won't harm him, then it doesn't matter where he is, right?"

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand, signaling the servants to leave. He said, "Let's not beat around the bush. Since you understand my intentions, there's no need to make things difficult for our Yang family over a mere servant boy."

Without the task assigned by the system, Lin Su wouldn't have bothered with such matters, let alone pay attention to them. 

But now that he knew about it and had redeemed the person, the task had to be completed.

"It's not about making things difficult for your Yang family. If I were to bring the person to the Minister of Personnel's Mansion, I would receive at least three thousand taels of silver in return. Moreover, I would earn a favor from the Minister of Personnel's Mansion. How could that be considered making things difficult?" Lin Su sighed.

Yang Cheng had never seen Lin Su so sharp-tongued before. Since persuasion didn't work, he had to resort to a more forceful approach.

Yang Cheng sat down beside Lin Su and said, "But right now, we're in Qinghe Prefecture, and my Yang family has a good relationship with a Prefect. Whether you can leave this territory is still uncertain. Don't refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit!"

Seeing Yang Cheng's demeanor, Lin Su didn't panic. 

Instead, he sat down with a smile and said, "Brother Bo Wen, now you're talking. If you want something, just say it directly. It's really awkward to beat around the bush."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Are you willing to compromise?"

"No," Lin Su refused outright.

Yang Cheng's expression turned extremely ugly this time. He felt like he was being toyed with by the person in front of him. "Lin Su, although my Yang family is only one level higher than your father's at the moment, once I enter the court as an official, do you really want the entire Lin family to suffer?"

"Master, master, we've won, we've won!!!" Someone shouted from outside, causing the entire restaurant to become lively.

"Who won?!"

"Our Qinghe Prefecture also has a winner, what great news!"

"It must be the young master from the Yang family, right? What place did he get?"

"A total of three hundred people were selected, and our young master is the ninety-sixth."

"Great!!! He truly is a talent from our Qinghe Prefecture."

"Places like the capital have countless officials and nobles. Being the ninety-sixth is remarkable. The key is still the palace examination."


Congratulations echoed throughout the restaurant. The servant announced from the doorway, followed by several people congratulating Yang Cheng.

"It's your first time winning, Young Master Yang, you're truly extraordinary."

"Don't forget to keep in touch in the future."

"Congratulations, Brother Bo Wen!"

Yang Cheng adjusted his sleeves, no longer displaying the aggressive demeanor he had earlier. He humbly bowed, "You all praise me too much. Bo Wen still has many shortcomings."

Everyone praised him, and Yang Cheng completely disregarded Lin Su, indicating that he no longer saw him as significant.

Amidst the bustling noise, another person rushed in, pushing through the crowd and shouting, "Young Master Zhi Yuan, the master asks you to return home!"

"Don't push, can't you see we're all busy? What's the rush?"

"What's the urgent matter?"

"It seems like something has happened at the Lin residence. Brother Zhi Yuan, you should go back and check it out," Yang Cheng smiled, glancing deeply at him, clearly intending to postpone their discussion for another day.

Lin Su glanced at the servant and chuckled, "Why the rush? You should have informed me earlier."

The servant's face was full of joy as he said, "Master Su, congratulations! You've won first place in the imperial examination. The court specially sent officials to congratulate you. The master asks you to return home quickly."

Although the servant's voice wasn't particularly loud among the crowd, as soon as his words fell, those who had been congratulating Yang Cheng fell silent, creating an unexpected stillness.

Yang Cheng looked at Lin Su with disbelief, exclaiming, "How is that possible?!"

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