It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 72


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 72

The conversation between Lin Su and Jiang Heng lasted a long time, continuing until it was almost time to sleep before they were called to stop. 

When they parted ways, Jiang Heng clearly felt reluctant to leave. Thinking about his current situation, he sighed, "If there's a chance, I hope to see you again."

"There will be a chance," Lin Su stepped forward and lightly embraced him before parting, "I'm really glad to have met you today."

It was just a simple gesture of courtesy, but Jiang Heng suddenly took a deep breath and his eyes reddened, "Until we meet again, my friend."

In this chaotic world, there were few who truly understood his thoughts, and even fewer who could be regarded as confidants. 

His original assistants and companions had been killed while fleeing. Although he was temporarily safe here, once the owner lost patience with him or obtained what they wanted, his fate could be easily predicted.

Encountering a true friend was rare, yet their time together was brief.

"He's someone the boss has taken a liking to," Tang remarked from behind Lin Su.

"This is the first time you've actively reminded me. Well, I'm a bit happy," Lin Su smiled faintly, walking towards his residence past Tang's side.

Tang's gaze was drawn by that smile, but when he turned around, he only saw Lin Su's back. "I'm just looking out for your life. Don't stir up trouble," Tang said.

Lin Su waved his hand without facing him. "Don't worry, I won't do anything to him."

He made such assurances, but Tang recalled Jiang Heng's almost teary eyes after they embraced, still feeling somewhat uncomfortable in his heart.

This person used to be a scammer. Although Tang couldn't judge his current self based on past actions, this person indeed had the ability to easily make others drop their guard. 

Jiang Heng had been extremely resistant to revealing anything about ‘future’ in front of his boss for over a month, yet in front of Lin Su, he had almost shed tears and revealed everything he was thinking.

That ability to understand people's hearts, perhaps even Tang himself had fallen into his trap step by step, like a frog in boiling water. 

Even if he understood his own plight and situation, he didn't want to escape... didn't think of escaping.

Carl... Lin Su...

Is this a genuine love or a long-planned revenge?

His heart told him it would be the latter, but he hoped for the former.

Jiang Heng's state after being escorted back was clearly not right. Although Lu Yan listened to the conversation relayed by his subordinate, his brows twitched slightly when he saw Jiang Heng's eyes. "Have you cried? Who made you cry? Lin Su?"

Jiang Heng glanced at him but turned his head away directly. "No. It's none of your concern."

This attitude was quite cold. Even though the words relayed by his subordinate were just straightforward reporting, it was still much better than talking directly to him.

"Jiang Heng, I arranged for you to meet the person you wanted to see. Right now, I'm just concerned about you. Is your attitude towards me like biting the hand that feeds you? Failing to recognize kindness?" Lu Yan's face showed no anger, but his words were akin to granting a favor, which made Jiang Heng unable to hold back his temper.

"Kindness? What kind of kindness are you talking about? Sending people to arrest me, imprisoning me here, restricting my personal freedom, wanting to take away my research achievements. You say you're protecting me, but how are you any different from those outside who want to seize ‘future’?" Jiang Heng retorted defiantly.

After enduring such anger, which wasn't new to him today, Jiang Heng felt loss without a friend, combined with anxiety and constant pressure, and restrictions on his freedom. 

Even the unexpected incident with this man, Lin Su, had left him feeling uneasy.

He was no different from those people. Jiang Heng had kept his patience, taking everything in stride, but upon experiencing a hint of freedom and sharing his emotions with a newfound friend, he finally erupted after their separation.

"Do you know how many people have been spying on the Destruction Headquarters over the past month? How many spies we intercepted?" Lu Yan's smile faded from his lips as he stepped closer to Jiang Heng, watching him retreat step by step until he was cornered. "I'm different from them. I've allowed you to live here. Although I've wanted to extract information about ‘future’ from you, I've never resorted to torture. But do you know how they would treat you if you fell into their hands?"

After Jiang Heng's anger subsided, fear crept back into his heart when facing Lu Yan again, but he refused to bow his head. "Do you think I'm afraid?"

"Not afraid? A-Qian, show him the interrogation video of how the Destruction Mercenary Group deals with enemies," Lu Yan said, leaving the room in front of him and pulling Jiang Heng into the projection room by his wrist.

The room was somewhat dark, and the sound of a softly humming machine filled the air. The images appeared on the screen, and even the first scene caused Jiang Heng's pupils to contract, his breathing quickening.

"I...," Jiang Heng tried to avert his gaze, but Lu Yan forcibly turned his head to face the screen, where the brutal and bloody scenes unfolded, almost making him nauseous. "Let go of me, I don't want to see! I don't want to see!!!"

He couldn't tear his eyes away. Even with his eyes closed, he could hear the chilling sounds that made his whole body tremble.

"This is just how the Destruction Mercenary Group handles enemies. You are a guest here. Do you know how other organizations treat guests like you? They would make you wish you were dead, much worse than here, a hundred times more horrific. Death won't come easily, nor will life be comfortable," Lu Yan whispered in his ear.

With those words accompanying such sounds, Jiang Heng was terrified, tears streaming down his cheeks. He could accept an easy death, taking the secret of ‘future’ with him forever buried underground. 

But he still wanted to live until the very end, because living like that was just too terrifying.

"Alright, alright, I said you are a guest," Lu Yan gently comforted him, holding Jiang Heng in his arms. "I won't do such things to you. But if one day you no longer wish to be a guest and want to be an enemy of Destruction Mercenary Group, I can also fulfill your wish."

"I'm sorry... I'm... sorry..." Jiang Heng stuttered clearly frightened.

He was a scientist accustomed to bright, clean laboratories, unlike them who had grown up in darkness, living and growing up there forever immersed in it. It was completely normal for him to feel fear.

Lu Yan believed that after this experience, that guy wouldn't dare to speak coldly to him again.

With this in mind, Lu Yan found that Jiang Heng indeed didn't speak coldly to him anymore, but the fear and unease couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Even though he would do as Lu Yan instructed, he still trembled in fear.

Although being a little scared at times might be cute, being constantly scared and trembling at the sight of him made even Lu Yan feel uneasy.

When there's a problem, he turns to his subordinates.

Apart from the woman in the laboratory who understands this kind of thing best, there's also Zong.

After hearing the boss's decision, Zong's cigarette butt dropped directly onto his leg, causing him to jump up in pain. Looking at his burnt-through black pants, he could only awkwardly glance at their wise and brilliant boss, really wanting to say, It’s over.

They were not lovers or just a casual partner. There was no need to be scared like this.

But the boss clearly called him over to solve a problem, and as a subordinate, he should lead by example: "Boss, I'm a single dog, maybe you should find someone else?"

Zong picked up the ashtray and jumped behind the sofa, saying, "Asking me about this won't help. Isn't there someone readily available who can even charm Tang? If you don't ask now, when will you? Once he's gone, it'll be too late." Putting down the ashtray, he instructed someone to bring Lin Su over.

Naturally, he wouldn't immediately ask such a revealing question about his own shortcomings. 

Instead, he smiled and asked, "Mr. Lin, are you getting used to life in the Destruction Mercenary Group?"

Lin Su took his seat. Although Lu Yan didn't reveal anything, Lin Su guessed there was something he wanted to ask. He replied with a smile, "I'm getting used to it. People in the Destruction Mercenary Group are very enthusiastic."

Enthusiastic enough to create a crisis for Tang every day.

"Good to hear. Is everything going smoothly with Tang?" Lu Yan continued.

Lin Su chuckled, "I think it's going quite smoothly, but recently he seems to be avoiding me a bit. I'm not sure why."

Lin Su naturally knew the reason. Given his past as a master of deception, Tang must be suspicious of his sincerity. 

This was the time to bring Tang into his own territory and let him fully understand this new version of himself, to earn his trust.

Brothers in difficulties... these four words floated through Lu Yan's mind as he looked at Lin Su and asked, "So, how do you plan to make him stop avoiding you?"

Tang sat cross-legged on the roof eaves, listening to the conversation below. When he heard this sentence, his ears twitched slightly. 

Lin Su replied, "At this point, I can only try to coax him. I can't come on too strong."

Lu Yan, who had just scared someone with his intimidating approach, paused and said, "..."

Why didn't he say that earlier?

"What if being too forceful has made him hide away? How would Mr. Lin solve that?" Lu Yan asked.

Lin Su understood immediately that Mr. Lu had encountered a relationship problem.

Lu Yan appeared gentle but was actually strong-willed. After all, controlling the operations of the Destruction Mercenary Group required decisiveness. However, this strong-willed nature almost met its end when facing Jiang Heng.

In the original timeline, their relationship wasn't smooth sailing either. Jiang Heng appeared outwardly gentle but was internally resolute. Except for uncompromising principles, he had a nature as soft as a rabbit. 

When he met someone like Lu Yan who would show his teeth at every turn, he would just want to run away.

A rabbit that can outrun an avalanche. You can't catch up with it, much less stew it, so you can only coax and smooth its fur.

Lin Su smiled and said, "Mr. Lu seems to be facing a relationship problem. Is it Mr. Jiang?"

Lu Yan's expression slightly darkened. As an assassin of the Destruction Mercenary Group, one cannot develop feelings for their targets. As the leader of Destruction, he cannot let anyone know his weaknesses. "Mr. Lin jests. He's just prey, how could there be any relationship issues?"

A loud clatter interrupted them. Lu Yan looked over to see Jiang Heng's somewhat stiff face. He instinctively wanted to stand up but forced himself to stay seated. "Mr. Jiang, what brings you here? It's not appropriate for guests to enter without knocking."

Jiang Heng knew his place, but never before had he so clearly realized his status.

Prey, guest...

It was always like this. He knew it in his heart, but he didn't expect this man to bluntly speak it out loud.

"Sorry," Jiang Heng turned and quietly closed the door behind him.

Lu Yan wanted to get up and follow, but clenched his fists and forcefully held himself back. He looked at Lin Su and smiled, "I apologize for Mr. Lin witnessing this."

“Actually, Mr. Lu, if you want advice on relationship matters, I suggest you go after him now,” Lin Su said, clasping his hands together. “Human emotions can be resilient at times and fragile at others. With your abilities, if you've fallen for someone, you should have the capability to protect them. What are you hesitating about with me?”

Lu Yan's expression, initially dangerous, softened slightly at this. "He's not like Tang. He doesn't have the ability to protect himself."

He indirectly admitted his feelings for Jiang Heng.

“If you don't want him to be in danger, then from now on, refrain from provoking him. Keep it strictly professional. Mr. Jiang is intelligent and pragmatic. He won't harbor any illusions about you anymore. Perhaps starting tomorrow, that lingering sentiment he's ignored will disappear completely from his heart,” 

Lin Su smiled. “It would be beneficial for both of you. But remember, his safety won't be assured just because he's not your lover. There are still people everywhere in this world who want him. Once they capture him, they will be ruthless, regardless of whether he's your beloved.”

Lu Yan's fists clenched, then he suddenly smiled. “Mr. Lin, you are indeed a clever man.”

He hit his weak spots everywhere.

If Jiang Heng were just an ordinary person, being in a relationship with him would indeed pose a danger to that person. However, since he's already coveted by many, being with him actually offers protection. 

Even though there are despicable individuals who hate the Destruction Mercenary Group and would be ruthless, more people would be deterred by the widespread retaliation from the Destruction Mercenary Group.

"As an impartial bystander, I can see things more clearly," Lin Su chuckled. "In exchange, I want to ask you a question: why is Tang loyal to the Destruction Mercenary Group?"

Tang lowered his gaze from the rooftop. Why was he loyal to Destruction Mercenary Group? Because this place was his home.

"That's his past. Why don't you ask him yourself?" Lu Yan looked at Lin Su.

Lin Su fidgeted with his fingers. "It seems the Destruction Mercenary Group respects their human rights. If one day I want Tang to leave the Destruction Mercenary Group, what should I do?"

No one could accept that their beloved was loyal to someone else's command. Lu Yan understood this, yet he felt this kid was eyeing to dig flowers from his garden. "If he wants to leave on his own accord, no one can stop him."

In other words, if the flower with long legs wants to run on its own, he wouldn't stop it.

Confident in this, if it wasn't coercive power, it was emotional attachment.

"Understood." Lin Su smiled as he got up. "We might leave tomorrow. If I develop new weapons, I'll contact you immediately."

Lin Su walked away slowly, having fully exposed his vulnerabilities to Lu Yan. 

Yet Lu Yan didn't seize upon that vulnerability. Instead, he felt that Lin Su's bodyguard might be swayed away.

Tang didn't need protection, but he was a part of the Destruction Mercenary Group, obeying its commands. Such a person should have been Lin Su's weak spot, because if Tang were to change his mind, he would be the easiest target.

However, now Lu Yan wasn't sure if Tang could do anything to Lin Su.

Well, if they continued as cooperative partners, there would indeed be no need to target him.

When Lin Su left the Destruction Mercenary Group, Jiang Heng came to see him off. His spirits didn't seem quite right, and he still seemed indifferent towards Lu Yan. 

However, when Lin Su noticed a kiss mark on Jiang Heng's neck, he understood everything.

It seemed the red thread of fate had connected them.

Jiang Heng's attitude towards Lin Su differed from his attitude towards Lu Yan. His eyes were full of reluctance. "I didn't expect our second meeting to end in farewell."

"Farewells lead to better reunions. I'll write to you often in the future, sharing the latest experiences," Lin Su smiled and shook hands with him. "Don't be sad, my friend. Even though we'll be in different places, our friendship will last forever."

Jiang Heng nodded with a smile, filled with excitement. "Our friendship will last forever."

Lu Yan: "..."

Now, it wasn't about whether Tang could do anything against Lin Su. It was about whether Lu Yan could risk severing their ties by eliminating Jiang Heng's friend.

But until now, he couldn't confirm whether Lin Su had true feelings for Tang even now.

"This round, Boss lost," Zong said, holding a toothpick.

As the aircraft flew away, Lu Yan glanced at Zong, who silently lowered his head, keeping a low profile.

It wasn't his fault. With Lin Su being so astute, he must have seen through the Boss's intentions, otherwise he couldn't have made Jiang Heng so devoted to him.

The spacecraft wasn't spacious, although everything was clear at a glance. Tang had nowhere to hide so he could only sit next to Lin Su with narrowed eyes, on guard.

Until a sweet smell wafted to his nose, Tang opened his eyes and saw Lin Su holding a bowl in front of his lips, teasing, "What's this?"

"Yangzhi Ganluo, eat some sweet dessert to replenish your strength," Lin Su said, placing the small bowl into his hands. "That way, you can better protect me."

Tang looked down at the small bowl, intending to gulp it down with a spoonful, but heard Lin Su saying beside him, "Ginseng fruit."

Tang's hand paused for a moment, then he picked up the spoon and quietly ate.

The cool sweetness spread in his mouth, almost a pity to swallow in one go.

Their conversation was overheard by the people nearby, who looked utterly bewildered.

"What is the Boss talking about?" Abu asked in a low voice.

Cha Wei sat back in his widened seat, eyes closed in relaxation. "Don't know."

"Don't you want to know? Go ask," Abu urged.

Cha Wei remained unmoved. "Don't want to."

Abu: "..."

Damn, they really weren't on the same wavelength.

This kid had none of the curiosity that a normal person should have.

Tang quietly finished eating and remained vigilant. Even though everyone on the spacecraft belonged to Lin Su, who knew if there were traitors among his people? 

Therefore, he couldn't afford to let his guard down at all. Avoiding the mistakes from last time was crucial. Repaying debts owed to others was manageable, but repaying debts owed to Lin Su was like climbing to the sky.

Tang kept himself on alert, making Abu even nervous when he walked past. It seemed this kid saw everyone as a potential threat. Only their boss was a true warrior.

"Isn't sitting like this boring?" Lin Su remarked, it was rare to see someone maintain the same posture for so long without doing anything.

"Not boring," Tang replied.

Though he appeared composed, Tang was actually observing every movement inside the spacecraft, especially of Lin Su himself.

The man sat quietly too, but compared to his relaxed demeanor, he seemed always busy, either handling affairs or reading books. He could immerse himself in thick volumes, page by page, sometimes adding notes. 

In terms of concentration, he wasn't inferior to Tang.

"I'm bored," Lin Su, half-leaning, said.

"Heh heh, boss, why not play mahjong if you're bored?" Abu, feeling anxious from boredom without any pretty girls to look at or entertainment, would rather have been killed by books, "Want to play a few games? It'll kill time."

Tang had only seen such things in gambling, which were shady and didn't quite match Lin Su's demeanor. He figured such a person wouldn't touch them.

But the next moment, Lin Su smiled, "Okay, go get ready."

Tang: "..."

"Boss is mighty," Abu went away cheerfully.

Soon, the mahjong table was set up. The fact that such a thing could be seen on a spacecraft at any time indicated it had been prepared early.

Lin Su took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and even put his cufflinks into his pocket. His demeanor was truly that of someone ready to play mahjong.

Tang watched him, feeling somewhat inexplicable, but Lin Su dragged him into one of the seats, saying, "We're short of one person, join us."

"I don't know how to play," Tang said.

He had never touched anything like this before.

"I'll teach you, the rules are simple. Beginners often win." Lin Su came around from behind, holding the small tiles and explained the rules to him. "Two identical tiles make a pair... You can claim a discard mid-game... You can't take a tile unless you have enough points..."

His words were calm and unhurried. Tang listened attentively, though he occasionally felt uncomfortable when Lin Su's breath brushed past his ear.

"Got it?" Lin Su finished with a smile.

Tang nodded, "Got it."

"I invited you to play, so if you lose money, it's on me." Lin Su got up from behind Tang and took a seat opposite. "No need to be nervous."

Abu should have cheered; as he was an experienced player and he was playing against a novice, he could easily win.

However, he now felt as if he'd been left out in the cold. "Boss, even if you pay, we won't go easy on him."

"Okay," Lin Su said firmly. "No need to hold back."

The game began, and all three players were quick with their moves, except for Tang, who occasionally hesitated. 

But as a beginner, no one criticized him; even Cha Wei gave him some pointers.

"Pung." Lin Su played quickly, a subtle ease apparent in his movements, though he still felt different from Abu and the others.

After Lin Su discarded a tile, Tang looked at his hand and said, "Kong."

"Good hand. A Kong means more money. Here, draw one from the back." Abu was eager to assist, but when Tang grabbed his wrist while drawing tiles, he asked, "You want to swap my tiles?"

Abu clicked his tongue, "Your eyes are sharp, huh? Alright, alright, take it."

"You forgot his identity," Lin Su chuckled, then looked straight at Abu and said to Tang, "In the gambling world, cheating doesn't count if you don't get caught."

Abu whistled and laughed, "Boss, you're right! Playing cards is all about excitement, about getting your heart pumping."

"Done," Tang replied calmly.

"Done?!" Abu's words trailed off halfway. "So fast?" He leaned over to see, but Tang covered it with one hand and held a dagger against his neck with the other.

"Tang, once it’s done, you can show it now," Lin Su chuckled at his antics.

Tang put away the dagger, and Abu breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright, that was quite thrilling."

He overturned Tang's tiles, confirming there was no difference. "Really, beginners have good luck. Pay up, pay up, let's play again."

Tang won the second round as well.

Abu muttered, "...Is a beginner's luck supposed to last this long?"

In the third round, Tang won again, and Abu himself declared a draw.

Tang has sharp eyes. Even if he did cheat, he shouldn't have any luck and win every time.

“Did you cheat?”Abu asked.

Tang looked coldly at him. "I wanted to cheat, but I didn't get the chance."

He had won before he could cheat.

"Fair play," Lin Su half-supportively asked Tang, "Was it fun?"

The feeling of winning was indeed good, and Tang began to understand Abu's eagerness.

"Do you know the rules now?" Lin Su asked again.

Tang felt like he was making a decision of some kind, but he was indeed familiar with the rules now. He nodded, "Mm-hmm."

However, in the fourth round, Tang noticed that his previously favorable cards suddenly turned unfavorable.

Abu exclaimed in surprise, "Going for gold! Now it's just me and the boss with gold."

And Lin Su went for a second gold.

The second gold doubled the stakes.

Abu scratched his head, "Boss, you're playing it safe, but you might crash."

"Thanks for the reminder," Lin Su smiled. When it was his turn again, he went for a third gold.

Abu muttered, "...Boss, isn't doing this risky?"

When Che Wei put down his cards, Lin Su picked them up and said, "Well, I've won."

The other three: "..."

"Boss, has your luck come?" Abu couldn't believe it.

Then Lin Su won two more rounds.

Tang was already considering the possibility of Lin Su cheating, while Abu leaned on the table trying to cheat: "Damn, me and Che Wei, are we cursed? Can we still win? I want to change seats."

Lin Su got up and exchanged seats with him. Tang looked at the man sitting next to him and before he could react, he felt a hand grip his under the table. The person at the table smiled and winked at him.

Despite the subtle gesture, Tang felt his palm heat up inexplicably. Perhaps Lin Su in this state was somehow different from his usual self, exuding a more genuine, personal vibe.

Tang lowered his gaze and continued playing.

This time, Abu finally won a round and was ecstatic, "Damn, turns out this spot of yours is really lucky, boss. Just watch, I'm going to win back everything I lost earlier."

"Go for it," Lin Su chuckled. Then he went for two more golds and won again.

Abu: "..."

Tang glanced at Lin Su's cards, thought about his previous plays, and couldn't shake the feeling that luck wasn't the only factor here.

And this person definitely wasn't cheating.

Lin Su looked at Tang, smiling as he asked, "Did you notice something?"

"Boss, are you really cheating? That's too much!" Abu began to lament.

Tang shook his head, "I didn't see anything."

Then in the next round, Tang won. The reason? His cards were exceptionally favorable, and it seemed like Lin Su knew exactly what he wanted, directly discarding two cards that were exactly what he needed due to two successful intercepts.

"You..." Tang looked at Lin Su.

Did he memorize the cards?

Lin Su chuckled and shook his finger, "Seeing through without revealing is also a rule of the game in the gambling world."

Tang couldn't help but feel that Lin Su... was quite impressive. While his memory was good, reaching this level seemed far off.

"Why are you speaking in riddles? What have you figured out? Is the boss cheating?" Abu sighed, "If you've noticed, why not expose him?"

"He's not cheating," Tang answered truthfully.

Lin Su flipped a card in his hand and laughed, "Did you hear that? Not cheating. My people always stand by me, right, Tang?"

Tang felt he should deny it, but exposing Lin Su could embarrass him in front of his men. He reluctantly nodded, "Yeah."

"I can't play anymore, I am not winning in gambling, or winning in love," Abu jabbed at Che Wei's arm muscles, "Boss, you're simply a winner in life!"

"Then let's call it quits," Lin Su said indifferently.

"No way, no way, how can we just run off after winning money? That's not fair," Abu protested.

"You'll only lose more if we continue," Lin Su kindly warned.

Clearly not buying it, Abu gritted his teeth, "Play a few more rounds, and I'll figure out how you cheat, boss."

On non-business matters, Lin Su doesn't fuss over trivialities, “Okay”

Then Abu lost more than ten games in a row. No matter who won, he was the one who made the mistakes. He almost doubted his life after making so many mistakes.

"Are you playing again?" Lin Su asked.

Abu fell to the ground and said, "No, I just want to know how you cheated, Boss! Let me die in peace."

"The boss didn't cheat, he memorized the cards," said Cha Wei.

Abu was stunned, and he somersaulted to his feet: "Fuck, is there such a thing?!"

In this age where everyone relies on luck and cheating, he relies on memorizing cards.

"What’s wrong?" Lin Su asked.

Abu felt like crying but had no tears left. "Alright," he said, suddenly energized, "next time let's go to that place together and win big. Boss, with your skills, we'll definitely make them question their lives."

"We are not short on money," Lin Su politely refused. "Che Wei, tell our people not to go to those places."

A little gambling is relaxing, but too much can ruin lives. Once addicted, it can destroy a person's life.

After losing so much and then being banned from those places, Abu collapsed on the ground: "I'm so miserable!"

"As per the rules of the game, the person who wins the most treats everyone to dinner," Lin Su put on his jacket and sat back in his seat.

Tang followed suit and sat down beside him.

Meanwhile, Abu, who had just been lamenting, was now sitting behind them happily plotting, "I need to figure out how to win back all that I lost."

Lin Su smiled silently. Tang sat beside him, feeling like he was beginning to grasp the true nature of the man.

He wasn't pretending; this was who Lin Su truly was.

"Why did you pretend to be that kind of scammer before?" Tang asked curiously. 

Clearly, Lin Su could attract many people without needing to bow or give up his dignity.

Lin Su understood he was referring to his previous actions in his past life, something that couldn't be erased. He chuckled, "Think of it like a bird that remains silent for ten years, waiting only for the chance to sing loudly."

Tang agreed with that perspective.

"Then what about you? Why are you in the Destruction Mercenary Group, why are you loyal to him?" Lin Su asked.

This question Tang had heard when he was talking with Lu Yan, but at that time Lu Yan didn't tell him, instead letting him ask himself.

It wasn't a past that needed to be hidden, Tang just didn't want to bring it up: "My parents died in the war, and I was brought back by the boss's father when I was very young."

In that era when orphans had almost no way to survive, having a place to sleep and food to eat was a great kindness.

Even though he had suffered a lot to become what he was now, that place was his home, and Lu Yan was his master.

"I understand, it’s my wife’s home," Lin Su nodded knowingly.

Tang turned to look at him: "..."

"You are my partner, what's wrong with that being your hometown?" Lin Su smiled and asked.

Tang remembered his previous acquiescence, glanced at the two people behind him who were listening intently, turned his head and said nothing.

His partner?

Could someone whose hands were stained with so much blood really deserve the so-called love?

It didn't take long for Tang to return to Tiffany. That familiar castle, the extremely beautiful flower garden in full bloom, roses swaying within.

In the past, he hid here, harboring malice towards the people here, but now he appeared openly, and he is now protecting that person here.

Tang's eyes fixed on the flower bushes. Lin Su glanced slightly, picked the most exquisitely blooming flower and handed it to him: "Here, for you. This is the latest cultivated variety, it blooms tirelessly throughout the year, though it needs to be replanted the next year."

Tang looked at it for a while, then took the flower: "That's fine."

In a limited lifetime, being able to burn with passion and dedicate the most beautiful moments is indeed wonderful.

"This is indeed good. It teaches us a lesson: when there are flowers worth picking, they should be picked; don't wait until there are no flowers left to pick." Lin Su tore a petal from the flower and pressed it onto Tang's lips, then leaned in to kiss him.

Though separated by a layer, it carried the scent of flowers.

In this limited life, if one cannot love the person they want to love or do the things they want to do, how can they bloom brilliantly?

Tang's heart pounded like a drum. He knew this person could deceive, manipulate, and seek revenge... but none of that mattered in this moment of intoxication.

Tang moved his lips slightly, taking the petal into his mouth. At such close proximity, he felt the man's eyes brighten, and then he received a kiss deeper than any he had ever felt.

The petal had long disappeared, but its fragrance seemed to linger at his nostrils.

When the kiss ended, Lin Su rested his forehead against Tang's. "Does it count as a vampire taking a little rose home?"

Tang composed himself and replied hoarsely, "I don't know."

"Well, take your time to think about it. No rush," Lin Su held his wrist and led him into the castle. "After all, we have plenty of time."

He didn't believe this was inevitable. If roles were reversed and Lin Su had been in his position, having deceived someone, harmed them, and yet received sweet words and affection in return, he would have doubted the person's intentions too.

But with this beginning, many questions ceased to matter.

The two walked away hand in hand, oblivious to others. The castle servants slowly turned around. 

Abu nudged Cha Wei's chest and said, "See that? The Boss is quite skilled. Learn a thing or two."

Cha Wei replied sullenly, "Hmm, first of all you have to be good-looking."

Abu, "..."

Damn, the reality of this world.

If Tang had been approached in such a manner, he might have just ended the person's life with a single stroke.

"Character is important too," Cha Wei added.

Abu looked up at him, "Your mouth is for eating, not talking all the time."

If he continued like this, his mindset would crumble.

Lin Su hadn't directly arranged for Tang to stay in the same room as him, but the distance was just next door. In terms of familiarity with the castle, Lin Su ranked first, and Tang probably ranked second. 

After all, without understanding the layout of this place, some methods could unexpectedly encounter obstacles, though the most unexpected thing here was Lin Su himself.

Having a separate room relaxed Tang's mood somewhat, but when he saw the decor inside, he froze in place.

In rooms arranged in the Destruction Mercenary Group, were all dominated in shades of gray and black. 

Yet this room was filled with bright warm whites and lemon yellows. Though the bedsheet was modestly gray and minimalistic, scattered lemon and strawberry plush toys, along with a massive bear placed to the side, clashed with his own demeanor.

It resembled a child's room, not his.

"Do you like it?" Lin Su asked from behind him.

Tang turned around and saw him holding a smiling pig plush toy.

Such a cute plush toy shouldn't have suited him, yet he not only held it but also poked at the blush on the pig's face, saying, "I initially wanted to find a Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, but the one they made was too ugly. This one looks better. So I’m giving it to you."

Tang had intended to refuse, but inexplicably took the little pig and asked, "Why do you think I would like this?"

"If you don't like stuffed toys, there are LEGO sets here and fairy tale books I've collected," Lin Su said, nudging him towards the back.

The shelves were filled with various toys, the kind little boys yearned for and loved, almost an overwhelming variety.

Those fairy tale books that were a source of teasing from Luo Yue, he had only glanced at a few times, never expecting to find them here.

This room was a childhood room children would have.

He didn’t have a childhood.

He wasn't born a killer, nor did he naturally know how to take lives. In the beginning, he would cry in fear at the thought of killing a rabbit. It's just that those memories had blurred over time.

Perhaps he had occasionally envied children clinging to their mothers for candy, or perhaps he had glimpsed the array of toys he had wanted in his youth when passing by certain places. 

But those were just faint scenes in the endless haze of memories. Now, the softest parts of him were being dug out by the person in front of him in the most assertive manner possible.

Tang's breathing quickened. An assassin shouldn't have weaknesses, shouldn't be soft-hearted because of their emotions, shouldn't long for things that would confuse their minds. 

He shouldn't remember those tearful nights when he held himself.

He trembled all over, but in the next instant, he was enveloped in the man's warm embrace. It was as if countless dark and lonely nights had suddenly gained a hint of warmth.

"I know you could buy all these things with your wealth, but I want to give them to you," he said, speaking words that could pierce straight into the softest part of a person's heart.


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