It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 73


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 73

Tang's pupils suddenly dilated, and an extremely distant sourness surged in his eyes, as if the softest part of him had been pulled out from the tracks of history and ruthlessly squeezed. 

He could indeed afford these things, even more of them. He once thought that the things he longed for but couldn't reach in his childhood would no longer be desirable when he grew up. 

But when this person laid everything before him, he realized that those desires had never disappeared. 

They had just been deeply suppressed because they were unattainable. Over time, he had come to believe that he didn't actually want those things. 

"This is a gift for you. I've been absent from your life for many years and missed giving you many gifts. Now I'm making up for all of them," Lin Su said with a smile. "Do you like it?"

Tang nodded. He couldn't deny it. 

Perhaps it wasn't the gifts themselves that he wanted, but the missing tenderness. 

And this person had invaded through a gap that even he himself had overlooked, weaving a net of tenderness that bound him tightly. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape.

"You really are a cunning person," Tang said, lowering his eyes.

"It's just a room. How does that make me cunning?" Lin Su laughed. "If you don't like it here, you can stay next door."

"Isn't next door your room?" Tang asked, glancing over.

Lin Su shamelessly admitted, "Yes, it's my room. So what?"

Tang liked the gifts, but after all, he wasn't a real child. Anyone could guess what would happen if two people slept together.

But liking someone and being with them didn't seem wrong either.

"I remember it was only our second meeting, and you wanted to sleep with me," Tang said coldly, gripping the hand around his waist.

"It wasn't the second meeting, it was the first. When I first saw you at the starport in the capital of Bert, I wanted to sleep with you," Lin Su whispered, laughing close to his ear.

Tang moved his ear uncomfortably. "You wanted to sleep with me, so you blew up the car?"

Lin Su curled his lips. "Before that, you stabbed me in the chest without mercy. I repaid you with an exploding car. How about we call it even?"

These things happened during a mission. A tool designed to kill must also face the risk of being broken. But wanting to sleep with him from the first meeting?

"You only like my face?" Tang's body tensed. If Lin Su dared to say yes, he wouldn't mind fighting him.

Lin Su poked Tang's waist and felt him slightly shiver, then laughed. "Love at first sight is naturally driven by attraction. Deeper understanding follows over time. Of course, if we want a lifelong bond, it takes more dopamine, with the help of adrenaline and hormones."

Tang might not understand everything about these substances, but he understood enough.

Simply put, Lin Su still wanted to sleep with him.

He should have found Lin Su shallow and lustful, but being treated kindly by someone he liked made him quite happy.

"Of course, sleeping in the same room doesn't necessarily mean anything will happen. We could just chat under the covers. These storybooks might be new, but I tell better stories," Lin Su said with a smile.

Tang knew his psychological defenses were gradually collapsing, but he couldn't resist. "For example?"

"Like a little rose in the garden that blooms beautifully but grows thorns to protect itself. Others fear its thorns and dare not touch or pick it. Only a particularly handsome Earl could smile and soften the little rose's thorns, easily picking it and taking it home," Lin Su whispered in Tang's ear. "The little rose thinks the Earl is a scoundrel, taking advantage of its vulnerability. But no matter how sharp the thorns, they can't hurt the Earl. Do you know why?"

Tang pondered for a moment and replied, "Because... your skin is thick?"

Lin Su was on the verge of failing in his attempt to flirt, encountering someone whose thought process was sometimes different from the norm. He needed to recover strongly. "If my skin were really thick, I would have devoured you, stem and all, a long time ago."

Tang felt both panic and heaviness in his heart. He tried desperately to suppress the sweet and happy feelings welling up inside him, but his palms felt hot and itchy, unable to be subdued.

"How was that story?" Lin Su let go of him, giving Tang a moment to breathe.

Tang unconsciously pinched the tail of the pig plushie and said, "Not very good."

In truth, he thought the story was wonderful. Even though it was improvised, he found the metaphor brilliant.

"Looks like I still need to study more. I'll tell you another story once I've mastered it," Lin Su said, patting Tang's cheek with a smile. "What I said earlier was just a joke. Don't think too much about it. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

Lin Su kissed Tang's nose and turned to leave, as if the passionate invitation earlier was just a playful joke.

But the less Lin Su wanted Tang to overthink, the more Tang did.

As Tang lay in bed at night, hugging the pig plushie, Tang thought about every kiss from Lin Su, and thought back to their past. 

He replayed those moments over and over, his heart racing. He wondered if things would have been better if he had acted or spoken differently at the time.

If he had praised Lin Su's storytelling, would they have ended up sleeping in each other's arms?

That man's embrace was so warm. If they held each other, it would definitely feel better than hugging this pig.

Besides, sleeping together didn't necessarily mean he would always be on the bottom.

Tang sat up in bed, legs bent and ready to get out, but as he looked at the strands of hair hanging in front of his chest, he recalled the moment when he had been caught by a fishing line around his throat before.

That person was more skilled than him. If that person invited him, he could still refuse. But if he went willingly...

Tang withdrew his legs from the edge of the bed and lay back down. After a moment, feeling empty, he pulled the pig plushie closer.

Forget it, cuddling the pig was fine.

The assassinations within Tiffany's territory were indeed as Lin Su had described, only more than less.

In this world, lacking strong constraints, those seeking Lin Su's life included not only assassins vying for top reputations but also various businessmen whose paths he had blocked.

Lin Su's industries operated at the forefront of the times, where people naturally chose the best. But with innovation came the inevitable elimination of the outdated.

There were plenty of people who were bankrupted by him, they did not consider how poor their own circumstances were but rather resenting the one who blocked their way.

In just one month, Tang alone intercepted more than a dozen assassins, not including those intercepted by Abu and Cha Weis subordinates.

"Is the Destruction Mercenary Group working for Carl now?" The person clad entirely in black robes spoke with a hoarse voice, incredibly thin. Wrapped in such black robes, he looked like death in the night, particularly terrifying. "Tang, have you fallen too?"

"Mu Gui, my affairs don't need your interference," Tang replied, looking at the person.

"Mu Gui is the fifth-ranked assassin. How did this assassin ranking come about?" Abu was genuinely curious, though his posture clearly showed he didn't hold this fifth-ranked assassin in high regard.

But it wasn't surprising he didn't hold him in high regard. The top-ranked assassin now was almost the boss's significant other. 

Even though their relationship was now slightly peculiar, Abu had seen their first kiss firsthand and it couldn't be faked.

With the top one there, the third and fifth rankings didn't seem quite as flashy

"If you want to know, I’ll tell you when you reach the Underworld," the skeletal-like shadow sneered, and in the blink of Abu's eye, he was already upon him. 

The sharp weapon extended from the black robe seemed to move to take Abu's life, but in the next moment, Tang's dagger was at Mu Gui's throat.

"I'm still here. Did you think I was dead?" Tang's voice was icy cold.

He didn't have an obligation to protect Lin Su's underlings, but he didn't want that man to lose anything either.

Mu Gui chuckled strangely, with a hint of mockery, "I thought love had softened both your bones and your heart. Has your lover not satisfied you enough to move so easily?"

The insult was clear. Lin Su might say such things casually, but this man was clearly mocking him.

"Looks like you really want to die." Tang's fingertip moved, and the blade flashed across. The black robe suddenly fell to the ground, but the person had vanished without a trace.

Abu's eyes widened. Though skilled himself, he couldn't compare to such a professional. "This is damn eerie!"

Tang, however, showed no surprise. The blade disappeared somewhere, and he simply tightened the fine thread that had somehow tangled around his hand. With a flash of fluorescence, a scream erupted from behind a tree, followed by sudden silence.

When Abu and his men investigated, they found Mu Gui's windpipe cleanly severed. This time, he had truly gone to the Underworld.

Tang retrieved the thread from his hand. Despite killing someone, the thread remained unstained with blood.

Abu looked at the lifeless body, then at the calm assassin showing no emotional fluctuations. 

For the first time, he felt a chill down his spine.

Previously, due to the boss's casual attitude, he had thought little of the top-ranked assassin. 

But now, facing the reality that this assassin could execute someone like Mu Gui quickly and easy was chilling.

He didn't know when he had attached the thread, but now he understood its true nature.

"That doesn’t look like a fishing line," Abu cautiously asked.

"He gave it to me," Tang replied after collecting the thread, then turned to leave.

Though the fishing line was strong and hard to break, and thin enough to be inconspicuous, it still carried the risk of snapping. 

Since it had broken last time at Lin Su's place, Tang had been looking for a replacement. 

He hadn't expected Lin Su to directly give him a roll of it—the legendary Sky Silkworm thread, said to be uncuttable by blade or unburnable by fire. It was indeed more effective than fishing line and didn't retain a hint of the bloody smell.

With Abu's men handling the aftermath, Tang returned to the castle. Lin Su emerged from his study just as Tang arrived.

"Thank you for your hard work," Lin Su smiled.

"It's what I do," Tang avoided his embrace. "I'm going to shower. I smell like blood."

Especially since the smell of blood on the old man was particularly unpleasant, it was particularly unpleasant and entirely incongruous with the occasional coffee scent Lin Su carried.

But assassins couldn't afford to have their own scent; it would increase the risk of mission failure and leave evidence behind.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow. "So, you'll let me hug you after you wash up?"

Tang didn't respond, he avoided Lin Su's gaze.

"Need me to scrub your back?" Lin Su teased.

Tang's heart rate, which had remained steady during his recent actions, now inexplicably quickened. He hurried past Lin Su. "No need. I can manage."

He fled somewhat abruptly.

System 06 chimed in solemnly: 【Host, you can't appear too eager; otherwise, your prey might run away.】

【 Oh, learning, are we?" Lin Su clicked his tongue. 【Looks like there's hope for you to get out of singleness.】

System 06: 【...】

It wasn't that Lin Su was eager; such matters were just an added bonus in love. He just thinks it's very funny to see someone like Tang being teased to the point of wanting to run away.

Tang had a reserved nature, accustomed to solitude where he could spend time alone without doing anything. If no one actively disrupted this state, he could maintain this state forever..

People who could be assassins needed strong rational control over their emotions. If Lin Su took a step back, Tang might retract the steps he had just taken. 

The deeper the emotional roots, the cleaner the cut when those roots were severed, showing no mercy to oneself.

Lin Su understood his personality well, so he couldn't leave him with such a way out. After all, Tang wasn't entirely unresponsive, and everyone expressed their love differently.

When Tang emerged from the bathroom, his long hair was still damp. He cherished his long hair and avoided using a blow dryer to prevent any damage.

Lin Su sat cross-legged on the sofa, feeling someone approach. He looked up with a smile. "Need help drying your hair?"

Tang sat down and handed him the towel draped over his shoulders. "Then excuse me."

"Not a problem." Lin Su set aside his book and patiently dried Tang's long hair with the towel.

Despite its length, Tang's black hair was incredibly smooth, without a single split end, a testament to how well he cared for it.

Lin Su dried it patiently until it was slightly damp. "Let it air dry naturally. Drying it further could damage it."

"Okay." Tang took the towel back and moved to stand up, but Lin Su caught his wrist.

"It’s not fair to toss me away after using me. That's not polite." Lin Su applied a bit of force to Tang's wrist, causing him to momentarily place his hand on Lin Su's shoulder for support.

 As he moved to rise, Lin Su looped his arm around Tang's waist, drawing them close together. Even the faint moisture from Tang's hair was noticeable between them.

Tang's heart raced with his close proximity. He had seen all sorts of people, even when he first met Lin Su upon their first meeting hadn't taken his breath away. 

But now, his mouth felt dry. His features were gentle, his pupils deep, his lips slightly upturned and as red as rose petals in a garden.

If he had wanted to wash up, he could have stayed in his room or found a corner in the castle where the night breeze could dry his hair. But instead, he had come down here. Such thoughts were new to him. 

Why did he have them? Perhaps it was all for this moment of closeness.

Slowly, Tang moved closer, held his breath, and kissed Lin Su directly on the lips.

A kiss between men was different from kissing a woman. 

Especially between two strong-willed men, a kiss was about fighting, seizing, conquering, until one conquered the other. 

Perhaps the sensation was too good; that their conquest directly escalated elsewhere, until dawn broke.

When Tang's biological clock naturally woke him, he could feel a large hand around his waist and a warm, gentle breath on his neck. He subconsciously stiffened, he reached under the pillow. But as his consciousness returned and he remembered who was holding him, he relaxed a little.

It was time to get up according to his biological clock. As an assassin, he should strictly regulate his sleep habits and not linger in the warmth of the bed. 

However, as soon as he moved to get up, he noticed... his hair was pinned down.

Tang: "..."

It was impossible to sneak out quietly. The only way was to wake the person beside him.

But after a passionate night, he felt comfortable lying here. He knew it was because this person had taken care of him after everything was over.

Tang paused as he moved to get up, Tang rarely lay so idle in the soft bed. The person's embrace was as warm as he had imagined, and his body carried a unique tenderness.

Because assassins couldn't use scented products, Lin Su had switched to various odorless items, even on the bed, where only the scent of sunlight lingered was better than any fragrance.

Tang glanced sideways at Lin Su's sleeping face. He wasn't lying perfectly straight, and his usually well-kept blonde hair was now slightly tousled on the clean pillow. With eyes closed and without a smile, his expression wasn't as gentle as usual, but his features remained exquisitely refined, as if everything about him was crafted according to his aesthetic.

"Does it look good?" Lin Su asked, opening his eyes.

There was no change in his breathing rate, which caused Tang not to react immediately. So he subconsciously replied, "Mm."

"You little pervert," Lin Su teased, brushing his cheek against Tang's with a smile.

Such intimacy was unprecedented for Tang, leaving him with a peculiar anxiety. "You are my lover now," he declared.

Perhaps due to this unprecedented intimacy, or perhaps because sleeping together felt too comfortable, Tang felt he didn't want to give this person to anyone else. He wanted to completely possess something meant labeling it so that others couldn't touch it freely anymore.

"Are you declaring your ownership?" Lin Su chuckled.

His laughter was gentle, seemingly bestowed upon everyone, even if only out of politeness.

"We are lovers," Tang affirmed.

"Yes, we are lovers," Lin Su acknowledged.

Tang turned his body slightly and met Lin Su's gaze. "If we are lovers, then loyalty is required. If I ever find out you have someone else, I will kill him first, then I will kill you."

He wasn't like this person; he didn't speak sweet words. Once he set his sights on something, he wouldn't allow others to touch it. This was the cost of provoking him. 

Since he had provoked him, he couldn't like anyone else for the rest of his life. Otherwise... he would risk his life to take that person's life.

The hesitation from before was gone, replaced by determination in this moment. He knew he had fallen in love with this man. He didn't know when it started, but now his heart and mind were filled with him.

"Such possessiveness," Lin Su commented without any hint of fear, instead smiling, "It should have been like this long ago, but you're missing one more sentence."

Seeing Lin Su's calm demeanor, Tang's cold expression relaxed. "What?"

“Say you love me,” Lin Su smiled.

Tang's expression showed a moment of hesitation, but he spoke up, "I love you."

"Yes, that's perfect," Lin Su kissed him naturally. "Isn't it too early to wake up? If it is, we can do something else."

In the dimly lit room, even in broad daylight, an ambiguous atmosphere instantly filled the air.

Tang pulled at his long hair. "You're pressing my hair."

Lin Su: “...”

In simple terms, he couldn't get up if he wanted to.

He was wondering how he could lie in bed waiting for him to wake up.

The initially ambiguous atmosphere became slightly awkward. However, Lin Su got up and pulled his long hair out. "It seems pressing your hair down is the most effective way to prevent you from running away."

Tang sat up. "I've killed off the ones who have pulled on it before."

He was simply stating a fact. After many missions, especially in the beginning, he couldn't always escape silently. With his long hair tied up, it was easier for someone to grab it like a tail.

He couldn't cut off his long hair to escape, so he had to choose another way.

But now, it sounded a bit like a threat, especially when he spoke while staring at Lin Su's hand pulling his hair.

Lin Su gently released his grip. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Tang said, tying up his long hair and heading to the bathroom.

Perhaps due to his excellent physical condition, he didn't feel any soreness or weakness, he could still climb trees or rooftops with ease.

Unlike before, today Tang was different. Previously, he would hide in corners or blind spots, making Lin Su spend some effort to find him. Now, he followed directly beside Lin Su.

Though he was harmless in front of Lin Su, it didn't mean he was harmless to others. At least, Abu had grown significantly more respectful towards Tang recently. 

Others were even more cautious, fearing that a small action might be misinterpreted by this top assassin, leading to an untimely departure from this beautiful world.

But Tang's actions were diligent, and even Lin Su couldn't say much about it.

"Do you want to learn my martial arts?" Lin Su asked after finishing his business.

Inner strength is different from relying solely on external force. It can greatly enhance a person's senses, making even the faintest breath easy to detect, which is why Lin Su could effortlessly catch Tang.

Tang clearly yearned for such power, but probing into someone's internal martial arts was usually seen as a challenge. He couldn't ask directly, so he had to wait for Lin Su to offer to teach him.

Tang had been in his profession since childhood. Even though Lin Su intended to change his career path, it wasn't something that could be achieved overnight. 

Until then, Tang needed greater power to deal with the constantly advancing technical means.

"Yes." Tang's response was concise.

He truly wanted to learn, so he answered as such.

He hesitated for a moment and then asked, "What do you want in return?"

"Tang, we're lovers," Lin Su said, standing up and gesturing for him to extend his arm. He started feeling from Tang's shoulder blades. "As lovers, it's not about one person giving everything, nor is it about expecting equal returns for every contribution. That's something trading partners and collaborators do, not lovers."

Tang nodded, indicating his understanding. "Got it. What are you doing?"

"Feeling your meridians and bones. Starting to practice at your age makes it hard to achieve great success, but I can help you clear your meridians, making your efforts more effective." Lin Su pinched his cheek and smiled.

Tang looked at him calmly, "Are there meridians in my face too?"

“No, that was just taking advantage of you.” Lin Su answered shamelessly.

Tang twitched his fingers, but the man held his arm firmly. "Don't move. If you disrupt the sequence halfway through, I'll have to start over."

Tang suppressed his restless fingers and allowed Lin Su to examine him from head to toe. 

When Lin Su finally stepped back, Tang asked, “How is it?”

“Your meridians are excellent. If you had started practicing earlier, surpassing me wouldn't have been difficult.” Lin Su said.

Martial arts require talent. Tang's ability to become the best was certainly due to his hard work, but talent played an equally crucial role. This talent made him several times more agile than ordinary people, and his meridians were exceptionally suited for martial arts.

“If I start practicing now, how long before I can surpass you?” Tang asked.

“Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?” Lin Su replied, taking a seat at the table to write down internal martial arts techniques suitable for Tang's physique.

Lin Su's original body couldn't match Tang's talent, but the system had enhancements for that, allowing Lin Su to progress rapidly. 

He wasn't worried that Tang surpassing him would threaten his life, but it could certainly upset the balance of their relationship. 

Tang, being naturally competitive, might disrupt their current harmony if he gained the upper hand. 

If Lin Su couldn't match him in strength, he'd have to rely on strategy, which could lead to exhausting power struggles.

Tang looked down at Lin Su's handwriting and asked, “What’s the lie?”

“As long as you work hard, there's hope.” Lin Su continued writing.

“And the truth?” Tang asked again.

Lin Su chuckled and gave two words: “No chance.”

Tang: “...”

This person is truly infuriating!

Internal energy cultivation is quite different from ordinary martial arts. Even though Lin Su wrote down the techniques, Tang could only read them without understanding their meanings. 

While others had to comprehend the locations of the meridians and acupoints by reading, Tang didn’t need to rely on books at all because Lin Su taught him everything personally. Each meridian and acupoint was directly guided by Lin Su, allowing Tang to quickly grasp the concepts. 

Within three days, Tang had already become proficient in the techniques.

During another session where Lin Su used his internal energy to guide Tang, Tang’s eyes lit up as he truly felt that extraordinary power beyond external force.

Lin Su cautioned, “Cultivating internal energy requires gradual progress. You can't rush it.”

Having had the closest contact with Tang, Lin Su noticed many scars on Tang’s body, with some hidden injuries inside. While they weren't a problem now, they could become significant later. 

These injuries came from both careless actions and reckless training.

Internal energy could help heal these hidden injuries, but rushing internal energy cultivation could cause more severe damage than before.

Tang’s enthusiasm dimmed a bit. “How many hours can I do a day?”

“Maximum four hours,” Lin Su said. “Exceeding that will result in penalties.”

Tang nodded in agreement.

“Do not casually teach this method to others,” Lin Su warned. 

It wasn’t that Lin Su was stingy, but the existence of such internal energy could potentially disrupt the world’s balance.

Tang nodded. “I understand. Do you want me to leave the Destruction Mercenary Group?”

“Isn't that your home?” Lin Su asked.

“Yes, but I can no longer fully comply with the boss's orders,” Tang replied.

If Lu Yan issued an order for him to harm Lin Su, he would be unable to obey.

“What are the conditions to leave?” Lin Su asked.

“Half of all my assets and half of my lover's assets,” Tang answered.

“A nice rule,” Lin Su chuckled.

This was the price of training assassins and also a test of the sincerity of the person taking away a member of the organization. 

Lin Su had a lot of wealth, but the wealthier a person, the more likely they were to be stingy. Giving up half of one's assets was something many people could not bear, but if one couldn’t part with even half, their sincerity would be quite limited.

“Do you agree?” Tang asked. “Your wealth now isn’t what it used to be.”

“I’m grateful for such a reasonable rule that allows me to obtain the person I desire most,” Lin Su smiled.

For him, wealth was the easiest thing to acquire, so he never cared much about it. Naturally, this was just the main rule. Other minor rules, like not disclosing  Destruction Mercenary Group's secrets or taking away its weapons, didn’t concern Tang much.

Tang decided to leave and moved quickly, dividing his accounts and calling Lu Yan.

“Are you really planning to leave?” Lu Yan's expression showed no sign of reluctance, as if he had already anticipated this outcome.

“Yes,” Tang nodded.

Lu Yan stared at him for a moment before sighing. “You've always had your own ideas. If things don't go well,  the Destruction Mercenary Group will still be waiting for you.”

Lin Su was a very smart person, adept at both dealing with people and matters of the heart. 

Such a person would be a pleasant partner to work with, but there was no guarantee of their continued loyalty.

After all, from what can be seen now, Tang is firmly under Lin Su's control. For someone to make the proudest top assassin immerse himself in love, that person must have exceptional skills in manipulating hearts.

“No matter what happens, I won't be coming back,” Tang said calmly.

If they stayed together, he wouldn't return to the  Destruction Mercenary Group. If they couldn't stay together, as he had told Lin Su, he would fight with his life on the line. In that case, he wouldn’t be able to return either.

This was how Tang loved—he had already prepared for the worst outcome and would give it his all.

Lu Yan's expression shifted slightly. “You don't have to love so deeply.”

Risking his life for something like this, wasn’t that foolish?

Tang remained calm. “It's not something I can control.”

If it could be perfectly controlled by reason, then it wasn't love.

Lu Yan thought of Jiang Heng. Before meeting him, he never thought he would break his own principles for someone. He was ruthless enough and cold-hearted enough, but none of that worked in front of that person.

“Take care. If you need any help, I'll give you a discount,” Lu Yan smiled.

“Thank you,” Tang nodded.

For so many years, he had always kept himself closed off, and Lu Yan had seen it all. Actually, there was nothing wrong with that. Having no weaknesses and no shortcomings was an excellent quality for an assassin. 

But Lin Su had pulled him out of the fortress he built around himself, making him a bit more like a normal person. He would have weaknesses, and although he seemed strong, he was like a sandcastle on the beach—just a little water could bring it down.

But this was the way he wanted to be. This way… was also good.

Lu Yan initially wanted to say more but was interrupted by a call. When he heard the report on the other end, his pupils dilated. 

After hanging up, he looked at Tang across from him and said, “Why didn’t I know about this rule of giving up half your fortune to take a member from the Destruction Mercenary Group?”

Tang’s expression changed slightly. “Did he contact you?”

“He gave me half his fortune, more than what he gave the Weike family. It's equivalent to  Destruction Mercenary Group’s income for over a decade.

“ If we had a few more like him,  the Destruction Mercenary Group could completely fund itself through romantic relationships,” Lu Yan's demeanor relaxed. “He’s willing to pay such a high price for you, which shows he’s sincere. Tang, I wish you happiness.”

With that much wealth, he could have any beauty in the world. If it were merely about satisfying his desire to conquer, there was no need to pay so much. 

Even for Jiang Heng, if he were asked to give up half of  Destruction Mercenary Group’s fortune now, he would hesitate, struggle, and find it hard to decide. 

In this kind of unreserved generosity, he had lost to that man.

Tang’s fingers tightened, and his lips moved slightly. His usually cold eyes seemed to shimmer with a softness Lu Yan had never seen before. If this had been before he met Jiang Heng, he would have taken action.

Tang said, “Thank you.”

After the call ended, Lu Yan clicked his tongue. First, it was three billion, then new weapons, and now half his fortune. Such actions would certainly be praised to the skies by the women of  Destruction Mercenary Group.

In fact, the news of Lin Su giving up half his fortune spread throughout  Destruction Mercenary Group that very day.

“Damn, I’m so jealous I could explode,” said Luo Yue, who was usually gentle.

They had seen many things, so there was little that could genuinely surprise them. If an ordinary person gave up half their fortune, they might not be as shocked. 

But this was Lin Su, a shrewd businessman who never let himself get the short end of the stick. His wealth was enough to rival nations. The more one has, the harder it is to part with half of it.

“I want to steal Tang’s boyfriend,” Luo Lin said. “Is it still possible now?”

"You’re too late. Don’t even think about it. There are only a few good men in the world, and by the time you realize it, they’re already someone else’s," Luo Yue said.

"I’m so envious, I’m bursting with jealousy."

"Tang really met someone who loves him."

"His luck is incredible."

A relationship can't be measured in tangible values, but actions can elevate it to the pinnacle.

The members of the Destruction Mercenary Group were cold-blooded. Although they had previously mocked Tang, they clearly thought that the person Tang met might not be a good match. But now...

At least they believed in Lin Su's sincerity. The man genuinely wanted to be with Tang.

"Boss, I think the idea of paying half one's fortune to take away an organization member is excellent," Luo Yue suggested.

Previously,  the Destruction Mercenary Group didn’t have this rule. If a killer wanted to leave, they had to pay a hundredfold the cost of their training, considering the organization's protection and deterrence was crucial for their safety outside work.

 Even at a high price, Tang’s earnings from his missions were more than enough to pay. However, the person wanting to take them should also pay a price.

"Approved," Lu Yan said.

After Tang ended the call with Lu Yan, he felt different when he saw Lin Su again.

Saying something is one thing, but truly acting on it is another.

The man sat there with a book resting on his crossed legs, peaceful and leisurely on this quiet afternoon, as if he hadn’t just given away half his fortune.

Tang wrapped his arms around Lin Su’s neck from behind and said, "Did you already know I was lying to you?"

He's not particularly good at deceiving others, but he's not naive enough to trust someone solely based on heartfelt words. And how could this intelligent man not see through such clumsy tactics?

"I asked Lu Yan about the rules of the Destruction Mercenary Group and understood how others have left," Lin Su smiled.

"Why did you still do it?" Tang's voice lost its usual coldness.

"I said it's a very good rule," Lin Su reached over to touch his cheek. "Being able to use external things to make you trust me, it's worthwhile no matter what."

"Lin Su," Tang called him softly.

Lin Su murmured, "Yes? What is it?"

"Let's do it, I want to be with you," Tang invited.

His heart was filled with fiery emotions that couldn't be contained, he only knew that he wanted to be close to this person whenever he saw him.

The despair and hesitation that had plagued him, the feeling of risking everything alone in love, was dissipating. He realized that love wasn't about solitary sorrow, but about overwhelming happiness and sweetness.

"Here?" Lin Su chuckled, glancing at the balcony which was open and exposed. Below, gardeners were trimming branches, and they might even climb trees to peek here.

Tang hugged him tightly. "Yes."

Lin Su chuckled lightly, then dialed a communication device. "Abu, everyone at the castle is on a day off today with pay. Make sure all the staff leave within fifteen minutes... leave only you behind. Open all security measures here after they've left."

Ending the call, the busy employees seemed to have received the message and began leaving the area.

Lin Su closed the book he had been reading and patted the space beside him. "Come over here."

Tang released him, not to walk away, but to gracefully leap and sit there, directly embracing Lin Su's neck and kissing him.

He loved him deeply, to the point where he couldn't control himself anymore.

"Why did you make them leave? Wouldn't it be more exciting if we were at risk of being discovered?" Tang asked softly as they slightly parted.

"But you are precious to me. How could I allow others the chance to pry?" Lin Su caressed his cheek. "But let's keep our voices down, Abu is still downstairs."

That person was very clever; he would certainly figure out what Lin Su's orders meant and wouldn't roam around at this time.

Indeed, Abu was nestled in the security room, monitoring the status of those protective measures and wondering how long he would be stuck there.

He estimated it would be for one day and one night.

While everyone else was on holiday, he was here eating dog food, or at least imagining it.

"Woof..." Abu barked, smacking his lips, feeling rather authentic.

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