It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 74


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 74

The balcony was a wonderful place. After that day, the intimacy between Tang and Lin Su significantly deepened.

At the same time,  Destruction Mercenary Group announced a new rule: to take someone away from  Destruction Mercenary Group, one must give up half of both the organization member’s and the person taking that member away assets.

When this rule was made public, the industry thought the Destruction Mercenary Group must be crazy for money.

"Who would be idle enough to provoke someone from the Destruction Mercenary Group? It's like an old man trying to hang himself, they are courting death!"

If every assassin's value was clearly marked, it would be no different from selling oneself. But the concept of half one's assets was a different matter.

"It's obviously a test of sincerity. The organization member must be willing, and the person taking them must show genuine commitment. Despite the Destruction Mercenary Group's intimidating power, they treat their members fairly well."

In other organizations, leaving is practically considered betrayal. How could one escape without facing dire consequences? In some extreme cases, individuals might even be crippled to prevent future threats.

After all, loyalty is hard to guarantee without the balance of interests and power.

"If they don't have many assets, it's not a big deal. But if they're wealthy, giving up half is unbearable. This is daylight robbery."

"Don't worry about it; it doesn't concern you. No one's forcing you."

 Destruction Mercenary Group's new rule seemed like a joke to many, but when they revealed that Earl Carl of the Weike Empire had given up half his fortune to let Tang leave the Destruction Mercenary Group, people were stunned.

The Weike Empire's military strength was well-known, but what made it desirable was the recently returned Earl Carl. He was renowned for his exceptional looks, elegant demeanor, and charming conversation. His smile had captivated countless women who had seen him, dismissing any rumors that he had once been a scammer.

"If he's a scammer, I willingly let him steal my heart," said a noblewoman, echoing the sentiments of many accomplished women.

"I believe anyone who meets him will be captivated. He's a true gentleman."

"I can't imagine anyone worthy of him."

These were the words before it was known that he liked Tang. When news broke that he had exchanged half his wealth for the release of the top assassin from the Destruction Mercenary Group, countless admirers who had access to this information were heartbroken.

"How could anyone sleep beside such a person?"

"Oh my God, my Earl Carl fell in love with a man, and a killer at that."

"Not only that, but it's said that the assassin once had a mission to kill Earl Carl."

"I refuse to believe such a fate!!!"

"Don't you think giving up half his fortune for a lover is very romantic?"  

"It is romantic, but such romance belongs to someone else."

Some people thought Lin Su had lost his mind, but regardless of what outsiders said, he comfortably took his boyfriend to inspect his various businesses. 

Staying in the castle indefinitely was impossible, as adaptation to changing circumstances was necessary, and the same applied to business development. 

To continually progress, adjustments had to be made according to the evolving industries in each region.

Lin Su's travels weren't entirely secret. In this era of widespread information, learning his whereabouts was easy, and outside the borders of the Weike Empire, bombings became a concern. 

The aircraft roared with the sounds of battle outside, with escort warships engaging enemies, but inside the aircraft, Tang was on high alert, his hand resting on the latest model of handgun tucked into his waistband, while Lin Su was... braiding his hair.

Lin Su's hands were deft, skillfully weaving a section of Tang's long hair into a braid. Despite the simplicity of the braid, it didn't appear effeminate on Tang; in fact, it looked rather attractive.  

"Do you think now is the right time for this?" Tang occasionally felt Lin Su was too laid-back.  

Lin Su's hands didn't stop, and once the braid was complete, he let it naturally blend back into Tang's inky black hair, leaving no trace. 

Tang's temperament was cold, but his hair was incredibly soft, making it irresistible to touch during idle moments on the aircraft.  

"If they fail, there's nothing we can do by worrying." Lin Su had confidence in the fleet he had trained. "Besides, aren't you here?"  

Tang's hand paused on his gun. "You... I'll make sure you're safe."

Even though Lin Su was no longer a target after leaving the Destruction Mercenary Group, Tang would still do everything in his power to protect him, no matter how formidable Lin Su was.

The commotion outside soon ceased. After Abu's report, the aircraft resumed its journey. Lin Su patted Tang on the shoulder, saying, "Alright, you can relax now. To reward Tang for his dedication, how about I read you a book?"

Tang sighed, unable to muster any resistance. "I don't like fairy tales."

In his view, most fairy tales were repetitive, with only a few truly interesting ones. Lin Su's impromptu stories were far more engaging. 

"How about we watch a movie together then? This new release seems quite interesting," Lin Su suggested with a smile.

Tang: “...”

Over time, Tang had come to realize that Lin Su, despite his work ethic, also knew how to enjoy life. Lin Su meticulously balanced his time between work and leisure, avoiding the trap of constant busyness. 

As Lin Su put it, earning money was meant to bring happiness. If one sacrificed happiness to make money, wouldn't that be missing the point?

Tang rarely had such moments of leisure. He nodded slightly, and the screen before them lit up.

The new movie was clearly an investment by Lin Su's group, with the company logo prominently displayed. 

This is a suspense film that tells the story of a bizarre and mysterious case happening in a city. Suspense films are accompanied by death, murder, and thought-provoking elements. The police can find clues, but each time they point in a certain direction, new clues and evidence overturn their conclusions.

The pacing is tight, making the audience unconsciously immersed in it.

"Who do you think the killer is?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Tang had already overturned his guesses several times as the case progressed. "I don't know. Do you know?"

"I wrote the script," Lin Su said.

The movie reached its conclusion. This time, the police were completely certain about the clues. 

When they arrived at the location, they were shocked to see the person standing there, covered in blood. It was the first suspect they had caught, now standing there covered in blood.

"Hands up."

The man, surrounded, raised his hands and said, "It really wasn't me. I was tricked into coming here."

"Do you think we'll be fooled a second time?" the policeman holding the gun said.

But just as the man was about to be taken into custody, he suddenly widened his eyes and started frantically clawing at his throat, choking to death in the same manner as the first victim.

Another policeman came forward to report, "Sir, we have found new clues."

The movie ended there, leaving Tang feeling a bit unsatisfied and eager to know what would happen next. "Will there be a sequel?"

"No," Lin Su shrugged, showing no intention of catering to the audience's eager curiosity.

Tang asked, "Is it because the movie didn't have good attendance?"

"No, this movie made over a hundred billion in box office revenue just in the Weike Empire," Lin Su replied with a smile.

The attendance rate was quite high.

"Then why isn't there a sequel?" Other fans couldn't ask the creator directly, but he could.

"The essence of a suspense film is to leave room for the audience to think," Lin Su explained. "Explaining everything in detail makes it the most boring."

Tang thought that Lin Su really had a knack for keeping people in suspense. "You're so good at telling stories, why do you always read me fairy tales?"

Lin Su laughed, "Then I'll tell you a love story next time."

"I want to know who the killer is," Tang insisted, not wanting to hear a story but just the answer to the mystery, acting quite spoiled.

Lin Su stared at him for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "I'm not telling you."

In that instant, Tang really wanted to challenge him to a duel. "What do I have to do for you to tell me?"

"Reciprocity. If you tell me a story I haven't heard before, and it makes me laugh, I'll tell you the answer," Lin Su said, seeing that Tang was getting genuinely anxious.

Tang started, "Once upon a time, there was a prince who went to sea..."

"Heard it..."

"The king had donkey ears..."

"Heard that too..."

"A blade of grass was walking on the road," Tang ground his back teeth calmly, "and while walking, it realized it was actually a scallion..."

This time Lin Su didn't say he had heard it, but his expression remained calm, without any hint of laughter. "Did you make that up on the spot?"

Tang quietly responded with a soft "hmm."

"Not funny, but keep trying," Lin Su encouraged him.

Tang turned away, searching for obscure stories with the same seriousness as if he were taking an exam. Lin Su covered his mouth with his hand, his lips curling slightly upward.

The stories might not be funny, but watching Tang earnestly tell them was quite amusing.

During his inspections around various locations, everything was normal when Lin Su disembarked from the aircraft. 

However, while on the aircraft, his subordinates witnessed a peculiar sight: the top assassin was persistently telling stories to their boss, whose expression was as flat as if it had been drawn with a ruler.

"Are they having a quarrel? No way."

"It's clear that Tang annoyed the boss and is now trying to make up for it by telling stories."

"Who tells stories to make up? That’s like telling the Three Little Pigs. Ridiculous."

"True. If Tang wanted to appease the boss, a kiss would solve it. Why would he resort to storytelling?"

"So, what's really going on?"

"Who knows, but watching Tang chase the boss around telling stories is quite rare and amusing."

As he finished speaking, everyone turned their eyes to him, making him feel uneasy as if he'd done something wrong. "Wha-what's wrong?"

"Nothing, we might have figured out the reason," one bodyguard said.

"Yeah, the reason is pretty clear," another bodyguard added.

The confused man asked, "What is it?"

"Who knows..." someone chuckled.

What could make Tang behave this way was naturally something orchestrated by their boss. 

The truth is simple: it was all for fun.

Tang was a person of immense persistence. His persistence was evident in how he could suddenly think of a story even while sleeping, then stare at Lin Su until he woke up to tell him the story.

Once or twice was fine, but there was one time when Lin Su woke up from a dream to find Tang staring at him in the dark. That moment truly startled him; he almost instinctively struck out.

Then the assassin, who had just given him a fright, began telling him a story: "Once upon a time, a banana was walking down the road, and suddenly its peel fell off. It said, 'Oh no, where’s my peel? I’ve been exposed. I’m not clean anymore.'"

Lin Su felt like this was a classic case of shooting oneself in the foot. Jokes like these wouldn't even make a system laugh.

System 06 was indeed puzzled: 【Is this a joke from heaven?】

【From hell,】 Lin Su replied.

Lin Su laughed a couple of times, this time deciding to play along. "Interesting. The killer in that murder case was actually..."

"Really? Do you want to hear more? I have more stories," Tang said, pausing when he saw Lin Su laughing.

After trying for so long, the sense of achievement from making Lin Su laugh surpassed his curiosity about the killer's identity.

Lin Su: "..."

System 06 started making clicking sounds again.

"I realize I was wrong," Lin Su apologized sincerely. "I won't tease you anymore."

"It's not about teasing. What's important is that I want to tell stories," Tang said earnestly.

This little assassin was clearly not a simple-minded fool. He might have fallen for it at first, but once he realized what was happening, he retaliated in kind.

"Stories are for the daytime. Nighttime is for sleeping," Lin Su said, holding Tang close. He decided to take tangible steps to help his beloved break the habit of telling stories at night.

The correction was very effective. During the day, Lin Su was highly supportive of every story Tang told, even considering publishing a story collection. Gradually, Tang lost interest in this habit.

Inspection of their industries was naturally not always smooth sailing. In peaceful areas, things were fine, but in war-torn regions, not only did Tang become more vigilant, but even Abu and the others were constantly on high alert.

Coming from a chaotic transfer station, they understood well how ruthless people could be when desperate. They knew some might even use children to commit murder.

"Boss, it seems the forces at the transfer station have recently been consolidated by a mercenary group called the Fire Scorpions," Abu reported diligently. "The leader of the Fire Scorpions is a woman named Serpent Scorpion."

"Good name," Lin Su commented with a smile.

While other places might have longstanding powers, at the transfer station, leadership could change at any moment. There, rules didn't matter; only those with the strongest fists held power. Lin Su had initially navigated this chaos to make a living and had saved Abu from being killed in a back alley after a mistake, earning his loyal following.

Their operations here couldn't be abandoned lightly, and dealing with each new leader required different approaches.

"It's a good name, but that woman has always been at odds with the Destruction Mercenary Group," Abu said. "They don't necessarily fight on sight, but they're definitely like fire and water."

"Long time no see, sir, or should I say Earl Carl?" A middle-aged man, surrounded by many people, approached Lin Su and took the cigarette from his mouth. "Long time no see."

The presence of Lin Su and his group drew significant attention, not just because of his good looks, but also because of his identity.

Earl Carl's assets were known to be immense. His considerable wealth meant that the taxes he paid to the Weike Empire each year were enough for them to protect him fully.

Because of his contributions, they considered elevating his title to nobility, but unfortunately, the Emperor's granddaughter didn't marry him as planned, so the matter was put on hold for now. 

Such trivial titles weren't the focus; what mattered was his refusal of the princess because he was with the first assassin, Tang.

"Long time no see, Brother Hai," Lin Su smiled.

"I didn't expect your lordship to remember me," Brother Hai licked his teeth, glancing towards Tang beside Lin Su. "Could this be the legendary first assassin?"

Casually exposing his identity as an assassin was highly disadvantageous for operations, but Tang couldn't bear not being openly with Lin Su.

"I have retired," Tang replied.

He wasn't sure how significant this person was to Lin Su, but he didn't want to lose face.

"Well, becoming Earl Carl's lover, wealthy enough to rival a country, why would he risk his life doing assassination work?" Brother Hai chuckled, his words lacking much goodwill. "And Brother Bu, it's been a long time. How's life serving under Earl Carl?"

Tang's fingers brushed the blade hidden between his fingers. Lin Su had no interest in engaging in verbal sparring with him, but Abu decided to mock him directly, "You must have been eating shit to talk with such a foul mouth!"

"Brother Bu, you're not just another stooge at this transfer station anymore; you're a worm crawling beneath Lin Su's feet. How dare you shout here? So what if you're the first assassin or wealthy enough to rival a country? In this transfer station, even a dragon must bow to me." Brother Hai spat at Lin Su's feet.

The Fire Scorpions mercenary group had gained control over this area, including the man before them. Lin Su's cooperation with Destruction Mercenary Group naturally led to mutual distrust.

Lin Su couldn't tolerate their confrontations. As Lin Su prepared to kick back, a backhand slapped the back of his head, knocked Brother Hai down, and left blood pouring from his nose and mouth, with a dislocated jaw on the side.

The bones of a man who exercises regularly are known to be quite sturdy, but a slap had transformed Brother Hai into a state that demonstrated the extraordinary strength of the newcomer.

Standing behind Brother Hai wasn't a burly man, but an exceptionally tall and stunning woman. 

Her figure was accentuated by a fiery red tight-fitting suit, outlining her curves perfectly. 

However, what caught attention were the snake and scorpion pattern tattoos at the corners of her eyes and cheeks, exuding a ruthless aura.

"How dare you disrespect my esteemed guest, it seems like you've grown tired of living," the woman cast a disdainful glance at Brother Hai, then turned her smile towards Lin Su. "Earl Carl, apologies for not welcoming you sooner. I've been looking forward to meeting you."

As she approached, her fingertips hadn't even touched Lin Su's chest when Tang swiftly held a dagger to her neck.

Unperturbed, she glanced at Tang and remarked, "The little assassin of the Destruction Mercenary Group, long time no see. You've grown even more handsome, no wonder you could captivate Carl enough for him to wager half his fortune for you. It's truly envy-inducing that I want to snatch him away."

Tang's gaze turned cold. "If you want to die."

"If you want Carl's businesses here at the transfer station to collapse, feel free to act," the woman leaned closer, "Causing him to lose half of his assets was already your doing. Now, the other half seems just as vulnerable. Tang, a lover shouldn't behave like you."

Tang kept his hand steady, showing no sign of trembling at her words. "What's that got to do with you?"

"It has everything to do with me," the woman stepped back and looked at Lin Su. "I've found an exceptional man. Naturally, I want to claim him for myself. I heard your name is Lin Su. May I call you Su?"

"I prefer Mr. Lin," Lin Su smiled.

With a wave of her hand, the woman signaled for Brother Hai to be lifted up and brought before her. Gripping his hair, despite her seemingly slender arms, she displayed extraordinary strength. 

She dragged Brother Hai in front of Lin Su and asked, "He offended you just now. How do you want to handle him? Should we break him into pieces or twist his head off and put it on display for everyone?"

The method was extremely cruel, and Brother Hai struggled desperately for mercy, "Big sis, spare me! I didn't mean it. I targeted him because he's cooperating with the Destruction Mercenary Group."

"That’s not true. I've investigated. You targeted him the first time he came here and even stole his gem," the woman with the snake and scorpion tattoos grabbed his hair. Her other hand pulled out a string from his chest, dangling from it was a translucent emerald pendant — an Imperial Green. "Luckily, I bought this gem back home. Otherwise, it would've been lost. Mr. Lin, if only I had met you first."

Lin Su smiled, "This is just a commodity. Once sold, it no longer belongs to me. I'm just a merchant, not responsible for killings. So, how you deal with your subordinates has nothing to do with me."

"Nothing to do..." The woman's face changed slightly. She looked at Lin Su, "Believe me, we will have something to do with each other."

She raised her hand and swiftly slit Brother Hai's neck, casually tossing him aside as if killing someone was the most normal thing for her. "Mr. Lin, would you be interested in discussing business cooperation? Such as the operation of this transfer station and collaboration with the Scorpion Mercenaries. Destruction Mercenary Group ranks first, Scorpions second. You can't favor one over the other."

"I won't," Lin Su smiled, "I won't evade issues related to interests."

He had brought many people with him, but this was the Scorpion's territory. Provoking her directly would make it difficult to leave safely.

The Empire would protect him, but a dead businessman was only valuable for his assets, not worth using national power for revenge. Of course, they were just cooperating with each other; Lin Su never had unrealistic expectations.

"Please," the Scorpion cleared the way. The onlookers, startled by the splattered blood, hastily made way.

"I can kill her," Tang whispered as he followed Lin Su's footsteps.

"Making a big fuss about this isn't good. Everything should be resolved peacefully," Lin Su said, pulling Tang's hand that was resting on his waist, and followed the Scorpion away from the scene.

Once they were gone without a trace, the quiet crowd erupted.

"The first killer and the Scorpion leader fighting over a man, who do you think will win?"

"It's definitely Tang. They're in love with each other."

"Love? They don't care about that kind of thing. Lin Su giving half of his assets to Destruction Mercenary Group might have been under coercion. Destruction Mercenary Group could easily take his life."

"Exactly, Tang couldn't possibly fail to kill a businessman. It must be a coercion. Originally, it was all Destruction Mercenary Group's assets. It's ridiculous to talk about giving away half."

"Love is just a deception."

"It's all about how handsome the Earl is. He is clearly a high-class playboy, attracting beautiful men and women one after another."

The Scorpion leader was a woman, and while she looked strong, she had the meticulousness of a woman in her arrangements.

As Lin Su took his seat, she glanced at his legs, but Tang promptly sat in Lin Su's lap the next moment. 

It made the Scorpion leader unhappy, who didn't want to sit beside Lin Su and ended up rolling her eyes and sitting opposite him. "I didn't expect Tang to be so possessive."

Lin Su chuckled, "It's all good, he’s just a bit spoiled. It's not a big deal."

Seated in someone's lap, Tang glanced at Lin Su without rebuttal, actually adopting a boneless posture, vividly displaying his spoiled nature.

System 06 caught on: 【The little assassin is jealous.】

【Very jealous indeed】, Lin Su laughed.

He directly hugged Tang's shoulders and looked at the Scorpion leader, saying, "I wonder what the leader wants to collaborate on?"

"To tame someone like Tang, Mr. Lin really has charm," the Scorpion said, crossing her legs. 

"I'm liking you more and more. How about this: I'll provide you with business conveniences at the transit station, let you take the lion's share, and you just need to accompany me for one night. I guarantee you'll leave here safe and sound."

"That sounds like a good deal," Lin Su said. As he spoke, Tang's gaze dangerously turned towards him, his hand eager to reach for his waist. 

Lin Su held his hand down and said, "But I'm sorry, when I'm with Tang, he made it clear that if I cheat on him, he'll kill the other person first, then me. I fear death and won't dare to seek outside pleasures."

"This is where Tang is wrong. How can you threaten your lover like that?" the Scorpion chuckled. "If you're with me, I'll personally arrange someone to attend to you when I'm away, keeping you in bliss at all times. Much better than dealing with that ice cube."

Lin Su smiled silently, seemingly apologetic.

"Since he might coerce you, then I'll coerce you too," the Scorpion licked her full red lips. "How about this: if you don't accompany me, I'll kill you instead?" 

Her gaze shifted towards Tang. "Tang, don't think killing me will solve the problem. The rule of the Scorpion is that the successor must avenge the deceased predecessor. They can't kill you, but Earl won't live peacefully for the rest of his life."

Tang straightened his body, speaking coldly, "Then I'll start with you, from beginning to end, until there's no one left in the Scorpion."

The two confronted each other, the tension palpable, leaving Lin Su, the coveted one, now seemingly detached and idle.

System 06 exclaimed, 【  Wow, host, it seems you've turned into a heartthrob.】

【Thank you for picking the perfect shell for me,】 Lin Su laughed.

System 06 seemed to analyze Lin Su's emotions and probed, 【 How about picking an ugly one next time?】

【 Rejected】 Lin Su replied.

System 06 understood. The host was not only a judge of others' appearances but also of himself. If a shell was truly ugly, it might get dismantled and thrown into a scrap processing factory.

The Scorpion naturally feared Tang but rarely took interest in a man, especially such a strong interest. If the person was under the protection of the Destruction Mercenary Group or the Mercenary Empire, she would still have to consider it. 

Unfortunately, the person had been delivered to her doorstep, on her territory. It would be a waste not to capitalize on it. Whether she liked him after having him was another matter.

Moreover, she believed there was no man who wouldn't stray. She had enough capital to make a man stray.

"What does Mr. Lin think?" the Scorpion asked. "Even if Tang's skills are extraordinary, can he escape a siege by thousands of people?"

Business people were essentially fragile. They couldn't withstand direct confrontations, and even Lin Su couldn't guarantee escaping from a thousand gunmen, let alone Tang.

The transit station was controlled by the Scorpion, and naturally, Starport was also within her jurisdiction. Even if someone could perform acrobatics, they couldn't directly enter the starry sky. 

The world was filled with complexity and lacked spiritual energy for cultivation. Achieving great success in such a short time was akin to dreaming.

"I think I need some time to consider," Lin Su said, holding Tang's restless hand with a smile.

"How long?" the Scorpion asked.

"Three days," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"Okay, we should leave Tang his thoughts. But these three days, please be a guest of the Scorpion. I will take good care of you," the Scorpion said, smiling at Lin Su's smile and Tang's cold face.

She was very eager to separate them.

The Scorpion's hospitality was indeed good. At least, the place provided was quite spacious. 

However, the heavy carpets, exquisite furnishings, and the overpowering scent of perfume in the air made the place somewhat suffocating.

Lin Su loosened his tie, unbuttoned his collar, and sat down. Tang stood in place, watching his movements. Suddenly, he stepped forward, grabbed his tie, and asked, "Are you really planning to spend the night with her?"

"Letting me spend a night with her comes at quite a high price. Is she worth it?" Lin Su chuckled lightly.

"Price?" Tang narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Lin Su reached out and tapped on the spot where Tang's heart was. "Only Tang’s sincere heart, except for this, nothing else could afford it."

Tang's expression relaxed for a moment, his tone softened. "So, what do you plan to do?"

Lin Su's finger rested on his lips. "Don't worry, just wait."

Tang let go of his tie and sat on the armrest of the sofa, no longer pressing the previous question. He knew Lin Su always had a plan. What concerned him was that someone dared to openly covet his person.

The feeling of being coveted by someone else made him feel uneasy deep down.

He remained silent, but Lin Su simply moved him to sit on his lap. Just as he was about to speak, something was pushed into his mouth. His tongue touched it, and the sour-sweet taste spread in his mouth, causing Tang to blink a few times to alleviate the acidity.

"Mmm, it's indeed sour and sweet," Lin Su kissed him on the lips and said.

"Is it candy?" Tang asked.

"The candy's name is 'Sour and Sweet.' Quite fitting, isn't it?" Lin Su smiled and asked.

Tang's ears twitched, understanding his implication. "Are you mocking me?"

"How could I dare? I'm just happy," Lin Su chuckled. "It's rare to see you so jealous."

Tang hugged his waist. "I won't let anyone have you."

When he is with this person, even though his emotions occasionally fluctuate, his general mood is always extremely good, both his eyes and heart are filled by this person.

He previously thought he wouldn't fall in love with anyone, he now understands he just hadn't encountered the right person worth loving.

There are no monitoring devices in the room, but the leader of Scorpion group comes over every mealtime, she leaned against the doorway: "Mr. Lin, how are your considerations going?"

"I have to say, the Boss’s patience isn't good enough." Lin Su faced her without any fear in his emotions. Sitting there, he really seemed like the master of the place, not a prisoner.

And this was exactly what fascinated the leader of the Scorpion group the most about him. She disliked encountering men who panicked in situations and also disliked men who had no backbone to beg for mercy. 

This man seemed to be like a man no matter what environment he was in, elegantly reassuring.

The thought of obtaining him made her heart beat incessantly. If she could win his heart, making him bewildered and infatuated with her, that would be more exhilarating than the moment she became the Leader of the Scorpion group.

"I just want to have you too much." The Leader Scorpion licked her red lips and said. When she came over, she clearly applied makeup again. Her whole person looked extremely hot and glamorous. "You know, in the past, whatever I wanted, I would go and snatch it myself. The waiting time was truly too agonizing. Anyway, the results are all the same, so why not start now?"

Lin Su smiled, "I appreciate people with patience. Waiting naturally has its own value."

An excellent hunter would never allow their prey to be in such a coerced state of mind. Instead, they patiently set up their traps, slowly tightening the net, making the delicious prey willingly take the bait, unwilling to flee even if given the chance.

The Leader Scorpion's predatory nature was nothing new, but her methods were so crude that Lin Su disliked them. 

Naturally, he didn’t reveal his displeasure, but his words did make her feel like she should exercise more patience. She didn't want him to dislike her before getting what she wanted.


She had never cared about the likes or dislikes of those men before. Whether they liked it or not, they had to kneel at her feet and submit obediently. Even if they forced smiles, they had to smile for her. But this man was different; he made her want to win his favor.

It was truly baffling.

The Leader Scorpion came two or three more times but then stopped coming altogether. Tang also stopped constantly fondling his dagger. Perhaps it was due to Lin Su's words, but more likely it was because she couldn't come, not because she didn't want to.

The Mercenary Empire was pressuring her to release their Earl and the Destruction Mercenary Group was also pressuring her to release their people. Even if Tang chose to leave and was no longer under the Destruction Mercenary Group, they were still partners.

"Sister, this can't go on. We need to resolve this quickly," a subordinate remarked, clearly vexed by the situation.

Even though the Fire Scorpion ranked second, facing both the Mercenary Empire and Destruction Mercenary Group was overwhelming. 

Moreover, while that man was very outstanding and garnered the favor of many, seizing someone from Destruction Mercenary Group's subordinates was indeed prestigious, but many others did not agree with offending two powerful adversaries for the sake of one man.

"You can't even hold out for three days?" The Leader Scorpion slapped her subordinate. "You don't even have the guts and courage. How can we talk about surpassing the Destruction Mercenary Group!"

"Yes, yes," the subordinate nodded repeatedly.

But it had to be said that outside, chaos ensued due to Lin Su's imprisonment. People's impressions of Lin Su remained at the level of a businessman. Even though he was popular and held a prestigious status, he was still just a businessman. 

When he was peacefully going about his business, no one thought much about his strength. 

However, now that he was imprisoned, apart from the Mercenary Empire and Destruction Mercenary Group, many societal forces were rallying against the audacious organization of the Fire Scorpions.

"Imprisoning Earl Carl, who does she think she is?"

"Taking on both the Mercenary Empire and Destruction Mercenary Group, she's really pushing herself into a dead end."

"We demand the release of Earl Carl, or the Fire Scorpion Mercenaries will face comprehensive boycotts in business."

"Weapons restrictions..."

"What's the deal with those people?" The Fire Scorpion members's emotions were continually escalating.

By targeting Lin Su, it seemed like she had angered everyone. The subordinate, holding several reports, was also in a state of urgency: "Sister, our aircraft energy supplies are restricted for purchase, and the armament merchants are questioning why you have imprisoned their partner."

"This won't work. Switching to another won't work either?" The Leader Scorpion looked dangerously at him.

“Big Sister, Lin Su has donated a lot to the unemployed and orphaned children. Their strength may be weak, but if they go on strike, non-mechanical processes won't operate, and those conglomerates won't be able to function either." The subordinate hadn't expected Lin Su to wield such immense power.

Merchants pursue profit, and Lin Su had shown himself to never be at a loss. Who would have known he had secretly done so much charity work?

The Leader Scorpion was lost in thought for a moment, then pondered aloud after a long pause, "We can't release him. Things have escalated to this point. If we let go of this bargaining chip now, we'll truly be finished."

The subordinate hesitated to offer advice: "Are you sure about this?"

"He has to be mine, without a doubt," the Leader Scorpion's eyes widened.

She was born into darkness and having committed countless atrocities, that man... If only she had someone like him in her childhood. Well, having him now was just as significant.

Three days wasn't a long time. As the final day arrived, the Leader Scorpion almost impatiently approached Lin Su. "I've given you enough time. Now I hope to receive a satisfactory answer."

"It shouldn't be quite the end of the deadline yet," Lin Su said, seated as he checked his watch.

"What good does it do to delay a little longer?" The Leader Scorpion struggled to maintain her patience as she spoke with him.

"You've already waited for three days. Does a little longer really matter?" Lin Su gestured for her to sit down.

The Leader Scorpion gave him a deep look, surprisingly obeyed and sat down. However, her gaze remained fixed on Lin Su until... a thunderous roar shook the entire planet.

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