It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 78


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 78

Li Yuan paused for a moment upon hearing her words and then smiled, "Do you know who made this hairpin?"

Recalling past events only brings pain, and one must always look forward in life. Bringing it up for no reason only adds to one's troubles.

"Does the Empress Dowager want to buy a few more?" the maid asked.

Li Yuan shook his head slightly and said, "The craftsmanship of this hairpin is exquisite, incorporating some ingenious mechanisms. The creator of this hairpin must know a bit about mechanical engineering. If we could invite him to make some toys, it would help pass the time."

The maid nodded repeatedly, "Indeed. I will arrange for someone to inquire."

"Thank you, auntie." Li Yuan sat there resting her chin in her hand, twirling the hairpin with her fingers.

To create such a finely crafted piece, the artisan must be a master, with extremely rich experience and highly skilled techniques to produce such a delicate item.

"Just mechanical toys?" the Emperor Yuanhe asked.

The palace steward replied, "The maid in the Empress Dowager's palace said that the Empress Dowager, being young, often stays alone and fears he might get bored. He was delighted to see the exquisite hairpin given by Your Majesty and thus came up with the idea to have something to amuse himself."

The higher one's position in the palace, the quicker things get done. Upon hearing that the Empress Dowager only wanted some mechanical toys, the Emperor Yuanhe naturally agreed.

The current Empress Dowager had protected him in the past. Though he was young, he was sensible and never interfered with decisions in the front court or the back palace. Raising one more person wouldn't be a burden, and it allowed the Emperor Yuanhe to show filial piety easily. 

Naturally, he was happy to satisfy some of the nominal elder's living requirements.

"Then have someone handle it quickly," the Emperor Yuanhe said, "If the Empress Dowager is pleased, it would be fine to have that craftsman come to the palace to demonstrate those mechanisms and entertain him."

The emperor agreed, and Master Lin Su naturally received this rather special order: "Mechanical toys?"

The subordinate nodded and said, "That's what the palace servant said. The Empress Dowager saw that your hairpin was exquisitely made and wondered if you could create some mechanical toys to amuse him."

The Empress Dowager, Li Yuan, was the target of this task. He became the Empress Dowager at fifteen when the late emperor passed away, and he was now just sixteen years old.

Being confined to such a palace at sixteen was indeed a bit stifling.

Having business come to him, there was no reason to refuse. Lin Su smiled and said, "Deliver it to him tomorrow."

The mechanical toys of this era were likely similar to puzzles like the Nine Linked Rings, which could be solved once the trick was understood. More complex puzzles, like Rubik's Cubes, which required algorithms, did not exist.

Since he agreed, his subordinate was naturally pleased, "Yes, young master, I will inform the palace servant right away."

Lin Su was very efficient, and he had skilled craftsmen under him, so creating complex mechanical toys was not a difficult task.

The next day, Li Yuan received an intricately crafted wooden item from outside the palace, along with a piece of paper that contained simple instructions.

Li Yuan did not rush to solve it but instead picked up the piece of paper: "Lu Ban Lock, assembled entirely from wood without a single nail or screw."

The note was short, but the handwriting was exceptionally fine and vigorous, with an underlying sharpness. These few strokes made Li Yuan quite impressed, "Such calligraphy cannot be achieved overnight; this master must have been practicing for many years."

To master calligraphy to this level would indeed take decades of dedication.

Li Yuan carefully put the paper away and began examining the large wooden sphere before him, searching for its mechanical structure.

He had to slide it to unlock it. If he makes one wrong move, every step becomes a hindrance. 

Yet Li Yuan solved the puzzle with great seriousness. Each time he extracted a piece of wood, his eyes would light up a bit more. It wasn't until dusk, when the maid came to inform him that it was time for dinner, that he snapped out of his absorbed state. The couch was covered with pieces of wood, and as he moved, more pieces that had fallen onto his clothes dropped to the floor.

Li Yuan felt slightly embarrassed, "I got a bit carried away."

However, he carefully picked up the pieces of wood.

"It's rare to see the Empress Dowager in such a good mood," the maid said with a smile. "You've solved quite a few pieces. It's not too late to continue after dinner."

Li Yuan was probably the most idle person in the palace. He didn't have to go to great lengths to win anyone's favor like the concubines, nor did he need to scheme against anyone. He merely needed to pass the time.

"In the past, the days seemed long. Now, an afternoon passes before I even realize it," Li Yuan said, placing the fallen pieces of wood back in their place. Even as he went to have dinner, he looked back at the puzzle, clearly reluctant to leave it.

The maid, rarely seeing him so energetic and spirited as he had been in the Kingdom of Li, was naturally happy. She thought to herself that the master of the Treasure Pavilion truly had a way about him. "Empress Dowager, watch your step. You're so engrossed in this puzzle that I'll have to keep an eye on you tonight."

"I... I was just looking for something to do," Li Yuan replied. He usually ate slowly, as there was nothing else to do after dinner. But today, he felt the maid was serving too slowly. After just a few bites, he put down his chopsticks. "I've had enough."

He stood up to leave, clearly still thinking about the unfinished mechanical puzzle.

Skipping one meal wouldn't matter much, but the maid hadn't seen him this enthusiastic about anything in a long time. She looked at the table full of food, shook her head, and sighed, "Oh well, the Empress Dowager's happiness is the most important thing."

Living in the palace, most people develop an illness due to the oppressive environment. Experiencing joy even once is more important than a single meal.

After dinner, Li Yuan continued studying the puzzle. This time, he worked on it until the third watch of the night. The maid came with a lantern to remind him to sleep, "Empress Dowager, you should rest and continue tomorrow. If you can’t get up when the Emperor comes to pay his respects, it won’t be good."

"Just excuse him from paying respects," Li Yuan said without looking up. "You go to bed too, no need to worry about me."

As the Empress Dowager, even his closest maid could only advise, not command.

The maid sighed, replaced the oil lamp, and said, "If you get tired, just call for me. I’ll be keeping watch outside."

It was customary for someone to keep watch in the palace at night, in case the master needed something.

"Alright," Li Yuan responded, his hands never stopping. It wasn’t until dawn that he finally unlocked the last piece. When he did, he let out a deep breath and felt utterly exhausted.

He lay back on the couch, feeling a happiness he hadn’t experienced in a long time. Holding the final piece of wood in front of his eyes, he examined it closely but soon drifted off to sleep without realizing it.

The maid had been listening to the sounds inside, dozing off occasionally. When she noticed the silence, she went in and saw the young Empress Dowager curled up on the couch, holding a piece of wood, breathing steadily, clearly asleep.

"Really..." The maid, who had seen many storms over her years and had watched Li Yuan grow up, felt a deep affection for him.

 It's just that the empress dowager always asked her to be polite and self-disciplined in the past to avoid making mistakes.But now, he seemed more like a child, showing a rare moment of youthful defiance.

Sending away the other palace attendants, she carefully moved the young Empress Dowager to the bed and removed his outer garments. He seemed to wake slightly, hugging the blanket and nuzzling into it. The maid gently patted his back until his breathing became steady again.

In the palace, if a matter is not deliberately concealed, it can spread rapidly. For instance, the news that the Empress Dowager kept his lights on all night just to work on that mechanical toy quickly became a hot topic. 

Such an item that captivated the Empress Dowager naturally piqued the curiosity of the concubines, who sent people to inquire about it. Soon, many similar mechanical toys had entered the palace, and even Emperor Yuanhe had heard about it.

"Your Majesty, this item is called the Lu Ban Lock. It is made entirely of interlocking wooden pieces and comes from the Treasure Pavilion," the steward reported.

"This object is indeed ingenious." Emperor Yuanhe reached out to solve it, finding it quite challenging to extract the first piece. After removing one piece, he felt a slight sense of accomplishment, and as he continued, he became somewhat absorbed. After extracting three pieces, he was left wanting more. "This item could also serve well to amuse the concubines. But such finely crafted objects, if used in building structures, would surely be extremely sturdy."

"Your Majesty is indeed different from ordinary people," the steward quickly praised. "None of us would have thought of that."

Emperor Yuanhe put the toy aside. "This is a marvel. Merely observing it, one cannot fully grasp its intricacies. Send someone to invite the master of the Treasure Pavilion to the palace. I want to meet him."

"Your Majesty..." The steward hesitated. "Merchants occupy the lowest rung of society. Summoning a mere merchant might provoke criticism from the court officials."

"Then what do you suggest?" Emperor Yuanhe asked.

The steward immediately knelt down. "Your Majesty, please forgive this slave for overstepping by discussing state affairs.."

"But you are not wrong. Summoning a merchant without reason would indeed draw criticism from the officials. Stand up and share your thoughts freely," Emperor Yuanhe said.

The steward quickly got up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Your Majesty, the Mid-Autumn Festival is in a few days. There will be a banquet in the palace, and performers and theater troupes will be entering the palace. At that time, if Your Majesty summons the merchant, no one will say anything."

Emperor Yuanhe considered this. "Indeed, you are quite clever."

"I only have a bit of cleverness for such minor matters, nothing compared to Your Majesty's great wisdom," the steward replied with a smile.

"Proceed as you suggested. If this succeeds, I will reward you handsomely," Emperor Yuanhe said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The toys that appeared in the palace also began to circulate among the common people, though the materials used for those sold outside were different from those in the palace. This distinction kept everyone satisfied.

"Enter the palace?" Lin Su asked the palace messenger who delivered the decree.

The palace messenger had expected a coarse merchant but was surprised upon seeing Lin Su. "You have quite a handsome appearance."

"It's just a good face, given by my parents, it’s not worth mentioning," Lin Su replied with a smile. 

"However, I have no particular talents. May I know why I am being summoned to the palace?"

"The Empress Dowager likes your toys and wants to meet you at the Mid-Autumn banquet to discuss your ingenious ideas. If you earn the Empress Dowager's favor, your Treasure Pavilion could prosper greatly," the messenger said in a high-pitched voice.

"Thank you for the reminder. I will make thorough preparations to ensure the Empress Dowager's happiness," Lin Su said, seeing the messenger out.

After the messenger left, Lu Ning, standing nearby, said, "What a presumptuous man, daring to speak to you like that, young master. Are you really going to the palace? Entering any palace now is dangerous."

Lin Su laughed, "I always intended to enter the palace; otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted my time here."

He tapped Lu Ning's chest with the folded fan in his hand and said, "You have become more composed in your actions, but the palace is different from the outside world. You don't need to accompany me this time."

Buying hairpins and sending mechanical toys were all strategies to secure an audience. Given his current status, he couldn't enter the palace freely and had to take a roundabout route. 

As long as Emperor Yuanhe was attentive to the welfare of the people, he would notice the ingenuity of the Lu Ban Lock. This device, which could entertain and amuse, could also benefit the common people.

Even those with status must tread carefully within the palace, lest they make a mistake and face dire consequences. Given his current position, Lin Su knew he had to be extremely cautious to avoid bringing about his own demise.

Lu Ning, aware of his own lack of composure, looked somewhat embarrassed. "I lost my temper. Please punish me, young master."

"Why should I punish you? You are young and full of vigor, which has its own merits. With more experience, you will naturally become more composed," Lin Su said with a smile.

【Why do you insist on entering the palace?】asked System 06.

【Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles,】Lin Su replied with a smile. 【All the key events of the worldline happen here; how can I not go and see for myself?】

System 06's data processing was quick. 【There must be more to it than that.】

Lin Su chuckled. 【Of course, I also need to see the appearance and character of the mission target to consider how to change his future.】

System 06 quickly latched onto the keyword: appearance.

This is typical of its host.

When the golden osmanthus bloomed, filling the entire Shengjing City with fragrance, the Mid-Autumn Festival arrived. Families reunited, and the streets were adorned with lanterns.

Lin Su's entry into the palace was not for the banquet. He couldn't take a seat at the table and had to stay with the acrobats and entertainers, watching the festivities from a distance.

This felt like an injustice. Even the steadfast guard accompanying him couldn't help but feel it was unfair. "Young master, you have been wronged."

"They can stay here, so can I. There's nothing to feel wronged about," Lin Su said, referring to the acrobats and performers.

He didn't want to attract attention during this visit to the palace, so he dressed simply. However, his natural grace and handsome appearance made him stand out even when sitting on a small stool. He didn't look like a commoner at all but rather like a noble within the palace. Although others sat nearby, they didn't dare to approach him rashly, and Lin Su enjoyed the quiet.

As the nobles of the southern kingdom arrived one by one for the banquet, their relationships could be discerned from their demeanor and actions. Emperor Yuanhe had not yet arrived when a palace attendant announced, "The Duke of Kang and his family have arrived…"

The sharp voice carried far. The title of Duke was of the highest nobility, granted only to those with significant power and status, usually not outside the royal family.

The Duke of Kang, despite being over fifty, still had the vigor of a military man. His presence was strikingly different from the delicate atmosphere of the hall. Following half a step behind was his wife, whose makeup was elegant but not overly elaborate, prompting the other ladies present to rise and greet her.

Traditionally, women had their own seating at such banquets, separate from the men. However, this was the Mid-Autumn Festival, symbolizing reunion, so the seating arrangements were more relaxed.

Following them half step behind them was a young man in a tight-sleeved long robe, smiling slightly. His features bore a strong resemblance to the Duchess, with an elegant demeanor that was both scholarly and graceful. He stood tall and dignified, his delicate and pure appearance resembling a jade figure under the full moon.

This was Kang Baiyu, the protagonist, the one who had captivated Emperor Yuanhe at first sight. Indeed, he was exceptionally good-looking.

System 06's mechanical voice sounded almost elated, 【Host, is he attractive?】

【Yes, very much so,】 Lin Su replied with a smile. 【He's exactly my type.】

System 06 stuttered, 【Then, then, then…】

【Kang Baiyu is currently engaged to a woman.】Lin Su remarked.

In this world, same-sex marriages were not frowned upon, especially within noble households like the Duke of Kang's, where military traditions often valued practicality over formalities. If Kang Baiyu preferred men, it likely wouldn't have been an issue. 

However, since he had an engagement with a woman, it indicated his original preference.

While Emperor Yuanhe could disregard Kang Baiyu's current engagement and forcibly separate him, Lin Su had no such intentions.

【There are plenty of beautiful people in the world. Why hang oneself on one tree?】Lin Su remarked.

System 06 analyzed Lin Su's statement and concluded that while he might be categorized as morally questionable due to his cavalier attitude, he also seemed to have a conscience.

As the nobles and dignitaries gathered in the hall, a proclamation rang out, "The Emperor has arrived."

Accompanied by a grand procession, the Emperor entered, draped in imperial robes that exuded authority and dignity. He was so powerful and had an extraordinary appearance that naturally attracted concubines to come and see him.

Emperor Yuanhe was tall and imposing, with a commanding presence and striking features that drew the attention of the imperial consorts who competed to catch a glimpse of him.

Upon the Emperor's arrival, everyone knelt and paid their respects until he seated himself and said, "Please rise."

Among the consorts present at the banquet were those who held high positions, either due to their noble birth or exceptional beauty. However, amidst the competition for attention and admiration, Kang Baiyu, seated to the left, drew the most eyes simply because of his exceptionally good looks.

As this gentle and refined young man, akin to the gentle moonlight, attracted the Emperor's gaze as well.

Accustomed to the myriad cosmetics and accustomed to the sights of extravagance, Emperor Yuanhe was struck by Kang Baiyu's refreshing presence. His gaze lingered involuntarily until Kang Baiyu sensed it and met his eyes. 

Only then did Emperor Yuanhe inquire, "Who is this?"

Sensing the peculiar gaze, Kang Baiyu didn't dwell on it and simply rose to offer his respects, replying, "Your Majesty, I am Kang Baiyu, son of the Duke of Kang, currently stationed at the frontier with my father as the General of the Valiant Cavalry."

Despite his youthful and upright appearance, dressed as a military man, Kang Baiyu was markedly different from the rugged and loud-voiced generals.

"No wonder I found your face unfamiliar. You grew up on the frontier with your uncle, enduring the harsh winds and cold there. Now that you've returned to the capital, it's good to see the sights of Shengjing. Perhaps you won't want to return there again," Emperor Yuanhe remarked.

Kang Baiyu respectfully replied, "It is my duty to guard the frontier for Your Majesty. I dare not covet the prosperity of the capital."

Such words were those of a loyal subject, yet Emperor Yuanhe felt conflicted. Before he could respond, another proclamation rang out, "The Empress Dowager has arrived!"

The Mid-Autumn Festival banquet was a mandatory event, even for someone holding the title of the Emperor's nominal elder, such as the Empress Dowager. 

For Li Yuan, who was well-versed in the ceremonial procedures, attending this gathering was a routine, and one he had little interest in. Despite his reluctance to join the festivities, protocol demanded his presence.

The Empress Dowager's entourage rivaled that of the Emperor in grandeur. The young man leading the procession was strikingly handsome, and while his red attire would normally exude vibrance and freedom, the somber and heavy garb he wore, coupled with his appropriate smile, seemed to stifle any youthful exuberance. This, however, was fitting for the Empress Dowager’s image, and Li Yuan performed his role flawlessly.

Upon the Empress Dowager's arrival, even the Emperor had to kneel in greeting. Li Yuan did not keep them in this position for long; once seated, he promptly instructed everyone to rise and then refrained from further conversation.

Everyone knew that the Empress Dowager held no real power, but his position commanded respect, and none dared show any negligence.

Emperor Yuanhe, interrupted in his conversation, could not immediately resume his line of questioning about Kang Baiyu and had to wait for another opportunity. 

“How is your health these days?” Emperor Yuanhe asked, making polite conversation.

“All is well,” Li Yuan replied, equally perfunctorily.

From the moment Li Yuan had appeared, Lin Su's gaze had been fixed on him, and now he couldn't help but laugh softly. 

Li Yuan, now the Empress Dowager, was the youngest legitimate son of the Empress of the Li Kingdom. At the age of twelve, he had been sent to wed the ailing old Emperor in an attempt to bring luck. Although he received the title of Empress, it was in name only, with no real power or authority.

At merely sixteen years old, Li Yuan found himself in the position of Empress Dowager, despite being younger than Emperor Yuanhe by a few years. This made him the Emperor's "stepmother."

From such a distance, Lin Su naturally couldn't hear their conversation, but the system relayed it to him. Asking a sixteen-year-old about his health showed how insincere this display of filial piety was. 

Of course, the young Empress Dowager had no genuine paternal affection either. They both understood this well, living their lives with clear awareness.

System 06 was curious: 【Host, what are you laughing at?】

It didn't find anything particularly amusing in the previous dialogue.

Lin Su replied with a smile: 【Don't you think that little fellow looks like a child playing dress-up in adult clothes, completely out of place?】

Not only did his appearance seem mismatched, but his demeanor was equally unsuitable. Even though he tried to maintain a dignified posture, his fingers fidgeted under his sleeves, and his gaze, which appeared stern, was actually distracted, more interested in the food on the table than anything else.

Although seated there, everything about him screamed that he wanted to run away.

Li Yuan was indeed calculating the time left for the banquet. The Empress Dowager's crown was too heavy, pressing uncomfortably on his forehead. His clothes were equally uncomfortable, weighing down on his shoulders. 

When would this end? Why were there so many speeches? He should have arrived later.

【Being confined to the palace since twelve must have restrained his nature,】 System 06 remarked.

【Such is the fate of all royals,】 Lin Su replied. However, this boy had an unusual clarity and vitality about him. One day, this vitality might be worn down by the palace, but for now, it remained intact.

Emperor Yuanhe, after making inquiries around, finally found another opportunity to speak with Kang Baiyu: "I wonder if this General is betrothed?"

Kang Baiyu stood up and replied, "In response to Your Majesty, I am already engaged."

"Oh? Which family's daughter has managed to catch Baiyu's eye?" Emperor Yuanhe's tone held a hint of displeasure.

"Your Majesty, the engagement is with the princess of the Northern Zhuo Prince's household, and the wedding date has already been set," Lady Kang answered on behalf of her son.

Northern Zhuo Prince stood and bowed, "Indeed, Your Majesty. Baiyu is of noble character, and I am reassured that my daughter will be well cared for."

"Oh, really?" Emperor Yuanhe's dissatisfaction was evident.

The Empress glanced frequently at Emperor Yuanhe. While most might not discern his true intentions, those adept in court affairs could tell: the Emperor had taken a liking to Kang Baiyu. Otherwise, he wouldn't have repeatedly inquired about a subject's marriage.

Though the Empress refrained from interjecting, Li Yuan, too, sensed the situation. He typically did not concern himself with the affairs of the harem, leaving the management of the concubines' disputes to the Empress. 

However, as he observed Kang Baiyu, not for his appearance but for his hands, it was clear that he was a skilled rider and archer. Achieving the rank of General at such a young age meant he had a promising future. A life wasted in the harem would be a loss for such a talent.

"This marriage indeed seems well-matched," Li Yuan suddenly remarked. "With the Kang family guarding our borders and having earned illustrious merits, this union is worthy. I shall bestow a pair of jade ruyi scepters to bless your marriage with harmony and good fortune."

Li Yuan's interjection surprised many, but once he had spoken, Emperor Yuanhe had no choice but to acquiesce. He gripped his wine cup tightly and glanced at Li Yuan.

Kang Baiyu expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Empress Dowager."

"I have heard that recently you have taken a liking to intricate toys. You seem somewhat weary. Since the toy maker is here in the palace for the Mid-Autumn family banquet, why not have him design more toys to amuse you?" Emperor Yuanhe suggested.

Though it appeared a gesture of filial piety, those present exchanged knowing looks, aware that the Emperor's words were a thinly veiled attempt to dismiss someone. The matter seemed unlikely to conclude peacefully.

Li Yuan felt a slight heaviness in his heart but knew that his influence was limited. Helping Kang Baiyu to this extent had already crossed the boundaries of his role. If he forced the matter any further, he might truly bring harm upon himself. Within the palace, offering help was seen as a small favor, but once it contradicted someone's will, such favors became insignificant.

Li Yuan curved his lips into a faint smile, "The Emperor is filial, which does ease my worries. I shall take my leave for now. Continue with your festivities."

Supported by the eunuch, Li Yuan and his entourage left as grandly as they had arrived. His youthful appearance contrasted sharply with the words of an elderly dowager, making the scene somewhat amusing.

Lin Su smiled, thinking, "This person is truly kind-hearted."

Even while isolated and unsupported, Li Yuan empathized with others, a rare trait within the palace.

【He’s beautiful inside and out. How about this one?】System 06 sounded like a matchmaker introducing a potential suitor to Lin Su.

Lin Su clicked his tongue, 【He is good. If you like him, why don't you go for it?】

System 06 responded, 【Please don't joke about cross-dimensional relationships. Even a Platonic relationship is impossible.】

【I could be the intermediary,】 Lin Su offered with a self-sacrificing air.

System 06 was unimpressed, 【No need, thank you. Doesn't this one suit your taste?】

【He does, but he's already someone else's spouse. Stealing someone else's wife invites divine retribution,】 Lin Su replied as he stood up.

【The former Emperor is dead,】System 06 pointed out.

【Toying with a widow is even more unforgivable,】 Lin Su remarked, looking every bit the upright gentleman. 

System 06 felt that without anyone else to banter with, Lin Su was becoming addicted to teasing the system. Falling in love could ruin one's life.

"Who is Lin Su? The Empress Dowager has summoned you," a palace attendant said, holding a feather duster as they approached.

Lin Su straightened his clothes and stepped forward to bow, "That would be me."

The palace attendant, initially looking down on everyone, raised an eyebrow at Lin Su, "You have quite a good appearance, at least you won't scare the Empress Dowager."

"Yes, that is my honor," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"Follow me," the palace attendant instructed.

Lin Su nodded to his accompanying guard and then followed the attendant. As they walked, the attendant advised, "You were summoned into the palace by the Emperor to make toys for the Empress Dowager to keep her entertained. The Empress Dowager is often idle, so make more to keep him from worrying about mundane matters. If you fail to capture his interest, the Emperor will hold you accountable."

"I understand," Lin Su replied, realizing that this attendant must have been sent by the Emperor.

The Emperor could not openly vent his frustration after being contradicted by the Empress Dowager, so he had to find a way to distract him and indirectly place him under house arrest. 

Even a minor defiance led to such precautions. If the young Empress Dowager ever crossed the Emperor's line, it would likely lead to fatal consequences with no one to seek justice for him.

In the original timeline, this explained why Li Yuan was mercilessly used as a pawn when conflicts arose between Li and Nan Kingdoms.

With Lin Su's current skills, he could probably smuggle someone out, but that would likely condemn them to a life of hiding, which would be worse than living within the palace walls. It simply wouldn't be worth it.

Lin Su entered the Empress Dowager's palace, where a young palace attendant greeted him. 

As he proceeded to the inner chambers, an amiable-looking matron welcomed him and seemed genuinely surprised by his appearance, even smiling a little.

Lin Su was puzzled and respectfully inquired, "May I ask why you are smiling? Is there something inappropriate about my appearance? Please point it out so I don't scare the Empress Dowager."

"No, your attire and appearance are perfectly appropriate," the matron replied with a smile.

It was precisely because he was so appropriate that it was amusing. It was far from what the Empress Dowager had anticipated.

"Follow me," the matron said.

Lin Su, now thoughtful, followed her. As he entered the main hall, he noticed many palace attendants standing around, with a screen obscuring the center of the room. Inner palace women were not to be seen by outsiders, and this applied even to male consorts.

Behind the screen, Lin Su saw a shadowy figure seated. He bowed, "Greetings to the Empress Dowager."

Suddenly, there was a noise from behind the screen, and Lin Su perked up his ears to catch a whispered question, "Isn't he supposed to be an old master craftsman?"

He now understood why the matron was smiling earlier.

"The Empress Dowager jests. The craftsman is indeed young and quite handsome," the matron replied with a laugh.

Silence fell again, broken by a light cough. "Rise. Matron, give him a seat. Was it you who made that Lu Ban lock?"

"Thank you, Empress Dowager." Lin Su thanked him and took a seat. "Yes, it was made by me."

"Did you design this item? Your mind is indeed very nimble," Li Yuan's mood, originally relaxed, calmed further.

"It was not designed by me. I merely learned this technique from a master and crafted this mechanical toy. It is a blessing if it can make the Empress Dowager happy," Lin Su replied.

"To make toys is merely ordinary..." Li Yuan blurted out but abruptly stopped himself. "Could you possibly share the secrets behind it?"

"Naturally. I have diagrams here that explain it. If the Empress Dowager likes it, he can study it in detail," Lin Su smiled.

Originally, the Lu Ban lock was not meant as a mechanical toy but for constructing houses and bridges, effortlessly designed and benefiting the people.

Li Yuan was once the youngest legitimate son of the Li Kingdom and had likely received royal education and could discern the intricacies. However, in his current position, even if he knew or understood something, he couldn't speak openly, lest he invite suspicion.

The matron took the diagrams inside, and Li Yuan carefully examined them. When he had questions, he asked Lin Su, who provided detailed explanations.

Initially skeptical of Lin Su's reputation, Li Yuan now completely believed, "How old are you now?"

Lin Su smiled and answered, "I am at the age of twenty."

So young, yet so composed in your actions. Your future prospects are boundless, Li Yuan was amazed by his age and impressed by his patience in explaining such dry subjects.

He was previously disinterested in meeting male outsiders, Li Yuan was now genuinely curious about what such a person would be like.

It took him an hour to explain such boring things to him, but he didn't show any impatience at all.

"Empress Dowager, it's almost time to lock the palace gates. Master Lin should leave," the matron reminded.

The palace rules were strict, even though he is the Empress Dowager, he couldn't act recklessly.

Li Yuan spoke, "It's getting late now. The diagrams you provided are excellent. You may leave."

His emotions clearly hinted at reluctance, but he had to let go. Even without seeing his face, Lin Su could imagine the expression on his face that looked like petals.

"Farewell, Empress Dowager. Lin Su takes his leave." Lin Su bowed and turned to leave. As he exited, the screen was lifted. Li Yuan caught a glimpse of his departing figure.

With his hair ribbon fluttering in the wind, not adorned in any elaborate attire, but standing tall and straight, Lin Su was quite different from those who bowed and scraped in the palace.

Li Yuan smiled as he held the diagrams. The frustration of the evening had dissipated considerably. He knew he had overstepped tonight and crossed the line. 

The person was the Emperor, and the Southern Kingdom belonged to him. If he wanted something, no one could stop him.

"He told me his name, as if we might meet again," Li Yuan mused.

The matron chuckled, "He excels in mechanisms, and the Empress Dowager enjoys unraveling them. In this capital city, if the Empress Dowager wishes to see him, he can summon him."

Li Yuan lowered his gaze, "A widowed person shouldn't frequently meet male outsiders. I've overstepped today. In the future, I must be more careful. He’s a person of integrity, why would I force him to bow and suffer in the palace?"

Knowing there was no chance of meeting again, he didn't want to meet him again. It would only make him yearn for the freedom outside the palace and give rise to unrealistic fantasies once more.

Lin Su followed the palace attendant out of the palace. There was a carriage waiting outside, but instead of leaving directly, he directed the carriage to stop at a corner of the street. From there, he watched as the Duke and Duchess of Kang, who came out of the palace gates with solemn expressions and smiled briefly.

System 06 sensed that the host might be plotting something mischievous.

Indeed, Lin Su did have intentions concerning Kang Boyu, but not in the way System 06 imagined. For now, he couldn't directly smuggle Li Yuan out of the Southern Kingdom's palace. 

The discord between Li Yuan and Emperor Yuanhe stemmed from Kang Boyu. Since there was a cause for the tension and he couldn't directly ease the conflict, he decided to strike at the root of the problem.

"Young Master, your smile is giving me goosebumps," said Lu Ning, who had not entered the inner palace but had come to pick him up.

Who knew the young master wouldn't leave the carriage after getting on it, but instead stared at the palace gate for a long time. 

Although his sudden smile looked pleasant, it sent shivers down Lu Ning's spine.

【I've found my soulmate,】 Lin Su remarked.

System 06 was certain that Lin Su had only thought about it and hadn't actually said his earlier idea aloud. The host was truly becoming clever.

When the Emperor takes a liking to someone, he naturally tries every means to acquire them. Lin Su stayed in the capital city of Shengjing, not idling away. His shop was bustling with customers, and information naturally flowed into his hands.

For example, news spread widely recently that the daughter of the Duke of Beizhuo was ill, and the Duke and Duchess of Beizhuo didn't want to burden the Duke of Kang's household, so they were considering breaking off the engagement.

The ministers all knew what the Emperor intended to do, but as courtiers, they couldn't compete with the Emperor. They could only act accordingly.

When such matters reached the ears of the common people, they would only think highly of the Duke of Beizhuo's benevolence and feel sorry for the Duke of Kang's household; they never suspected the Emperor's involvement.

Just a few days later, the wind changed direction again. Because the Marquis of Kang announced, even if the county princess was already at death's door, their household was willing to accept her into marriage. Even in death, she could be buried in the ancestral tomb of the Marquis of Kang.

With this move, the people all praised the Marquis of Kang's benevolence, unaware that he was gambling his family's fate for the future of his son.

"We shouldn't have come back!" The Marquis of Kang sighed while sitting in his chair. Clearly, he had been spirited at the palace banquet a few days ago, but now he seemed somewhat dejected.

With the Marquis of Kang's lineage at a standstill and having a son in middle age, Kang Bayu was toughened on the battlefield and was a fine young man, just at the age to marry and establish his own family. 

Yet, he had caught the Emperor's eye. If he were truly sent into the palace, leaving aside whether Kang Bayu himself would agree, their family would face extinction.

Ending a family lineage was absolutely a great disaster. Kang Bayu stood in the hall with his eyes slightly closed: "Father, don't ruin your health out of anger. The Emperor has not shown his intentions yet. We must not act rashly. If in the future he forces your child into the palace, it will surely draw criticism from the courtiers. Ending the family lineage is not the act of a wise ruler."

"Now we can only hope for this." The Marquis of Kangguo sighed softly, "It's all because your mother raised you too well."

"If it truly comes to a dead end, I will scar this face with my own hands. A man's actions are not determined by his appearance," Kang Bayu was naturally angry too, but when the sovereign demands a subject's death, the subject has no choice.

"Good, you truly are my son!" the Marquis of Kang said.

Madam Kang sighed repeatedly, "Husband, what are you saying? If he scars his face, when the Emperor vents his anger, how will it affect our clan? You men sometimes act foolishly!"

The atmosphere in the hall was heavy. Outside, a servant hurried in and said, "Master, Master, something has arrived from the palace. They say it's a reward from the Emperor for the young master's distinguished military service!"

A loud crash followed.

Marquis of Kang swept all the tea cups directly onto the floor, startling the servant who promptly knelt down.

"This is too much!" Marquis of Kang roared angrily, his emotions turbulent. "The engagement is not yet broken, yet he is so impatient! It's simply absurd."

"Father," Kang Bayu stepped forward to calm him, "don't let this affect your health. Even regarding His Majesty... such words shouldn't be heard by outsiders."

"Indeed," Madam Kang covered her heart, sighing with relief that her son understood at such a crucial moment. "If His Majesty were to find out, it would be a grave offense. Bayu would have no room for resistance."

Though burdened, he had to smile and graciously accept the decree, giving no one reason to gossip.

News arrived again from the Marquis of Kang's mansion, and Lin Su, holding the message, checked it. 

"Shouldn't the host take action now?" System 06 asked.

"Not until he's ready to burn his bridges," Lin Su chuckled.

When pressured, there will be resistance. When someone is pushed to a desperate situation, their backlash will be even greater.

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