The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 108


| TBBOTOF | 108

Tang Xu pouted and looked at Tang Erhu with a pitiful expression,his eyes filled with accusation.

His demeanor left the elders in the house feeling deeply distressed. 

Unable to bear it any longer, Wu Guizhi shot a glare at her second son and then comforted Tang Xu, "Xu Ge’er, having a small bowl won't hurt. Your belly isn't that big right now anyway. Speculating about how many babies you're carrying is pointless. Oldest daughter-in-law, hurry up and roll out the noodles. Your father-in-law will be back from the fields soon." 

Luo Pingping sighed and added to Tang Erhu, "Brother-in-law, don't be too anxious. Maybe Xu Ge’er has just gained weight recently from eating more. We'll go to the county and have a doctor check his pulse." With that, she lifted the curtain and headed straight for the kitchen.

Tang Xu sniffled. For breakfast this morning, the family had eaten noodles and buns. He had a large bowl of noodles, but they were quite watery and didn't fill his stomach.

Seeing his dad still looking serious, he knew his father was worried about him. "Dad, don't glare at me. I really didn't eat enough."

"If you didn't eat enough, why didn't you eat more?" Tang Erhu retorted coldly, his hands cold at the thought of the possibility that Xu Ge’er might be carrying triplets. The uncertainty weighed heavily on his heart; if it turned out to be true, it would be a difficult situation indeed.

Tang Xu sighed and leaned his head on Grandma's shoulder, gently patting her arm. "Then I won't feel like eating dinner. I wasn't hungry just now, but Auntie made hand-rolled noodles must be especially delicious. I'm craving it!" 

His eyes sparkled with anticipation. Before Tang Erhu could resist, Tang Dahu, impressed by his thoughtful and affectionate nephew, interjected, "Eat, eat, eat! Your Auntie's hand-rolled noodles are amazing. Have a big bowl later. Don't listen to your dad; Uncle wants you to eat." 

If he had such an affectionate and caring ger, he would have spoiled him!

Then this man glared at his lame-legged brother disapprovingly and scolded him, "Xu Ge’er is pregnant now, how can you starve him!"

Tang Erhuo: "...” Who is he doing this for?

Seeing his dad being reprimanded, Tang Xu quickly said, "Uncle, don't blame my dad. My dad is doing this for my own good."

The old lady felt relieved to hear this and gently patted Tang Xu's hand, her face softened with a benevolent smile. She said, "Eat a little warm food to fill your stomach. Grandma will stew meat for you at noon." 

"Eat less meat, we've been eating meat every day at home lately." Tang Erhu said before his mother could rebuke him, explaining, "We eat a lot of meat every day. I never thought I could handle so much meat." 

"We've been eating meat at home these past few days. It's New Year's Day, so there's definitely a lot of meat and fish." Wu Guizhi supported his opinion. 

In her view, it was right to eat more meat during the New Year's Day, and she turned to Tang Xu, who was sitting beside him, asking, "Xu Ge’er, what do you want to eat? Grandma will make it for you. “

"I want to eat stewed sour cabbage. We've run out of sour cabbage at home and haven't eaten it for two days." Tang Xu sighed and thought of the taste of sour cabbage, unable to resist swallowing a sip of saliva,

"Sour cabbage fish, when Ah Dong comes later, let him go to the river to catch a few fish. I'll make a meal of sour cabbage fish for Grandma and Grandpa." He said, looking up at Tang Dahu, "Uncle, are you not going to visit your relatives?" 

After all, the old Tang family had many relatives, and many of them moved back and forth. Tang Dahu shook his head and said, "I am going to accompany my uncle's mother-in-law. We'll be back in the evening. Only you guys will be here."

"Okay okay, I'll make more and leave it in the kitchen. When you come back tonight, just let Auntie heat it up for you," Tang Xu suggested. 

Then he looked at Wu Guizhi and asked her, "Grandma, have you talked to Grandpa about staying at my place for a while? I've already cleaned up the house over there." 

Wu Guizhi nodded with a smile, "Yes, we've talked about it. Your grandpa agreed. I've been looking forward to it for days. Why did you come back today?"

"I went to Ah Dong's eldest aunt's house yesterday. I figured there would be quite a few people visiting around the second and first day of the lunar new year, so I didn't come to join in the festivities," Tang Xu said with a smile as he looked at her, not feeling the need to explain further. 

He figured Grandma would understand the implied meaning of his words. Thinking about yesterday's visit to the third uncle's house, Wu Guizhi nodded and said, "You don't know how Li Xiu is these days. She looks so gloomy, with no vitality at all. It's so unlucky during the lunar new year. If it weren't for your auntie stopping me, I would have sent her away long ago." 

Tang Xu frowned upon hearing this. It had been some time since Li Xiu's miscarriage. Why hadn't she adjusted her mindset yet?

However, he wasn't concerned about her at all and asked, "How's Third Uncle? And his children?"

"Your third uncle has aged quite a bit. He used to come over and cheer me up, but now he hardly says a few words. As for Tang Qi and the others, they're still the same. I heard Tang Qi is about to be engaged, but I didn't ask for details. They can do whatever they want," the old lady replied with disappointment evident in her voice, just thinking about Tang Sanhu and Li Xiu made her upset. 

Tang Xu frowned deeply upon hearing this.

Regarding the current situation in Tang Sanhu's family, if Tang Qi really gets married, his mother is likely to vent all her anger on her daughters..

But this had nothing to do with him. If Tang Qi is strong enough, he should be able to have a good life.

Just as he was thinking, there was a commotion outside. Tang Yang ran over shouting, "Big brother! Where are you? We're here!"

From the kitchen, Luo Pingping poked her head out, smiling and pointing, "He's in your grandparents' room."

Tang Yang immediately straightened up, swaying a bit, and cheerfully said to her, "Happy Lunar New Year, Auntie!"

"Oh, Ah Yang is becoming more polite. Your big brother taught you well," Luo Pingping praised.

"Thank you, Auntie. I'm going to find my big brother," Tang Yang greeted her and then ran off.

The others who followed him into the courtyard also greeted Luo Pingping. She asked, "I'm making noodles. Who wants some?"

They all shook their heads, having already eaten a hearty breakfast before coming.

Tang Li headed towards the kitchen and said, "I'll help Auntie with the noodles."

"No need, I've finished rolling them out, I just need to cut them. Come inside where it's warm, you've been in the wind all the way here, don't catch a cold," Luo Pingping waved her hand, insisting Tang Li didn't need to help. 

Tang Li went inside without further ado.

She was still worried about her brother; his stomach had been feeling uncomfortable.

Tang Xu leaned against Wei Dong, reassuring him with a smile to ease his nervousness. In a gentle voice, he said, "I'm really fine. Dad almost got pushed down by Uncle just now, and I instinctively went to help him, which scared me a bit. The doctor said it's nothing serious, and the pain has eased now." 

Wei Dong sat on the kang and pulled him into his arms, his hand gently touching his protruding belly, asking suspiciously, "Is there anything else you haven't told me?" 

Tang Xu: "..."

Tang Erhu was surprised, "How did you know?"

"Dad, you've looked at Ah Xu’s stomach several times. You usually don't look at it," Wei Dong was observant. He wasn't the kind of person who overlooked everything. 

On the contrary, he was more thoughtful than most people, observing more carefully. Ever since he entered the room.

 He embraced Tang Xu and touched his belly. The three elders in the room couldn't help but stare at his hands, as if they were afraid his big palms would harm his belly. 

Tang Erhu sighed and glanced at Tang Xu's belly, saying, "Just now, your grandmother and Aunt said Ah Xu’s belly seems too big to be carrying just one baby." 

Wei Dong was stunned, then surprised, "Does that mean he's carrying two?"

Before the joy in his eyes could fully gather, he noticed Tang Erhu's face turn ugly instantly, his mouth tightening. "Not two, but... three?" He lowered his head to look at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu looked up at him, shrugged, "I told them I was just fat. But Grandma said I don't look fat at all, just that my belly seems a bit too big."

"Dongzi, in a couple of days, take Xu Ge’er to the county to see a reliable doctor. If it really is three, we need to prepare properly; it's no small matter," Wu Guizhi said. 

Wei Dong looked at Tang Xu with a serious expression, gently pressing his belly and asking, "Does it hurt?"

Tang Xu shook his head, "No, it doesn't hurt."

Wei Dong was actually a bit puzzled. It seemed like before the New Year, Tang Xu's belly wasn't this swollen. Why had it grown so much in the past few days? Pressing it, it felt somewhat firm.

"How about we go to Dr. Xu's place in a couple of days and pay him a visit while wishing him a Happy New Year?" Wei Dong suggested.

Tang Xu was taken aback, "Now?"

"Yes, I really can't rest easy like this," Wei Dong urged. "Let Dad and the others stay here for the night. We can come back tomorrow morning to pick them up before heading back."

"Forget it, today's the fourth day of the New Year. They'll definitely have guests over. Let's wait a couple more days and go after the seventh," Tang Xu shook his hand, "I'm really fine. I can eat and sleep well, no discomfort at all. We can stay there for a couple of days when we go, and let Dr. Xu examine me thoroughly then."

Tang Erhu also chimed in, "If you're going out, shouldn't you prepare some bedding? It's quite a distance, and Ah Xu might catch a cold if he's not careful."

Wei Dong was indeed anxious just now, but he was also someone who listened to reason. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Alright, let's go on the eighth. I'll send someone to let them know. Tomorrow, let's go to town and have someone check your pulse. Experienced doctors can tell if it's a multiple pregnancy from the pulse. The doctor who's now at the Revival Hall used to practice in the capital city's pharmacy for many years, so there shouldn't be any major issues in this regard."

"Okay, we'll go to town tomorrow then," Tang Xu nodded in agreement with him.

"Stop chatting and let's eat. Father-in-law is back," Luo Pingping came in from outside, calling them to come eat. "Dad said to eat in the kitchen where it's warm”. 

Wu Guizhi frowned and said angrily, "That old man doesn't have a clue about consideration. There's no space in the kitchen for so many people. Eldest daughter-in-law, bring the noodles over for Ah Xu and let him eat here." 

"Alright, I'll bring Dad over to eat," Luo Pingping said.

"Forget it, he must have already eaten. Don't bother with him," Wu Guizhi grunted. "I'll stay here with Ah Xu to eat. Dahu, you go to the kitchen with your dad." 

Tang Dahu nodded, "Okay."

Tang Li went over to help and brought back two bowls of noodles. Tang Yang smelled the fragrance and leaned forward, but seeing it was just plain cabbage noodles, he lost interest in taking a bite. 

He smiled and said to his elder brother, who was enjoying his meal, "Brother, didn't you make noodle soup with bone broth this morning? It smelled so good, but you didn’t eat much." 

He left the rest unsaid, implying that this was just plain cabbage noodles, so why was he eating with such gusto?

Tang Xu slurped his noodles contentedly, his face filled with satisfaction.

"These noodles have a good texture, the vegetables are slightly sweet, but most importantly, the sesame oil is incredibly fragrant!"

He finished the bowl, feeling warm all over from the meal.

Wiping his mouth, he turned to Tang Yang and said, "They're really delicious, especially fresh!"

Tang Yang smiled inwardly, thinking meat is the only tasty thing; who wants to eat cabbage leaves?

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  1. thank you for the update.. 🐾❤️

  2. I think we will have 3 different gender for babies
    1 boy, 1 ger and 1 girl 😭


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