It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 61


IETSTSMLARA | He Wants a Mermaid | 61

In this world, mermaids are highly sought after, which means that once they come ashore, they are likely to immediately have a husband assigned to them—assigned by the state.

These two mermaids come from the deep sea realm. Even though human technology is highly advanced, there are times when it still cannot compete with nature. That deep sea realm is one such place that human technology cannot explore. The agreement made with humans back then was only with the mermaid tribe.

If they were to return to that deep sea realm, Lin Su wouldn't have any problems; he can survive anywhere. 

However, for Cheng Qi, who was originally an ordinary human, living in the deep sea would be extremely difficult.

Lin Su has no intention of disrupting Cheng Qi's marriage prospects. Since he can be pampered and loved, why make him struggle to live here?

"Help!!!" Cheng Qi swam over from a distance and quickly hid behind the coral reef behind Lin Su, pointing to the shark group in the distance. "Oh my god, this place is too dangerous! Get in here quickly! What if we get eaten? We're so small, we wouldn't even be enough to fill their teeth..."

Lin Su, however, swam towards the great white sharks, which were terrifying to humans. To Cheng Qi, it was like a little white rabbit hopping into a pack of wolves. "Brother, come back!"

Then, in his view, the little white rabbit of a mermaid naturally patted the shark's head, and the wolf-like great white shark instinctively wagged its tail and rubbed against Lin Su, thinking it looked very cute.

Cheng Qi's mouth formed an O shape. At this moment, he really wanted to take out his phone and capture the scene before him, but unfortunately, he didn't have a phone.

Mermaids can survive in the deep sea realm because they possess considerable strength. The battles in the ocean are as fierce as those on land; only the strong can continue to survive here.

The great white shark group swam away majestically, and Cheng Qi, perched on the coral reef, felt a bit down. "I kind of miss home... Lin Su, do you think if we go ashore, we can see our families again? But in our current state, there's no way for us to go ashore."

Lin Su flicked his tail and sat down beside him, saying, "If you want to go, then go and have a look."

Even if you don't want to go, you'll soon be fished up.

"I don't want to be dissected..." Cheng Qi became even more dejected, but his eyes turned to Lin Su's tail. He poked Lin Su's arm with his finger, then squeezed his own arm, saying, "It's not fair. Why, when reincarnated into a mermaid, do you get such a handsome body while I'm stuck with these small arms and legs like a girl? You're really good-looking. If you were a girl... blah blah blah..."

Lin Su activated his ear-blocking technique, automatically filtering out the envious chatter. 

However, before Cheng Qi finished speaking, he was suddenly enveloped by a fishing net that descended from the sky. The net automatically closed without hurting him, but it was made of excellent material, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"Help!!! Help! I'm going to be experimented on!!!" Cheng Qi stretched out his hand toward Lin Su, but before Lin Su could reach him, he was already hoisted into the air, surrounded by the astonished gazes of people on a large ship.

"Is that a mermaid?!"

"How could a mermaid appear here?"

"Can they withstand the pressure of the ocean?"

"It's... it's a deep-sea mermaid! Quick, check its physical condition."

Cheng Qi was carefully placed on the deck, almost suffocating in front of a group of people in white protective suits. However, because of his incredibly beautiful face, his frightened look also evoked extreme sympathy.

"Don't be afraid. We're just going to check your physical condition. We won't harm you."

"Harming a mermaid is a serious crime. We're sorry if we've offended you, but we were also worried our measures might have hurt you."

The gentle voices of the group managed to soothe Cheng Qi's emotions somewhat. He swallowed and said, "You're really not going to dissect me?"

"Of course not. You're a precious mermaid," one person said. "We wouldn't even think of harming you; we only want to protect you."

Cheng Qi's eyes became perplexed. He felt that their attitude upon discovering his mermaid identity wasn't quite right. Maybe mermaids were rare and more valuable for display, like pandas.

But there were no mermaids in human society in the first place! Something was definitely off.

Where was Lin Su? Why was only he captured?

"Uh, can I go back?" Cheng Qi pointed to the sea.

The group fell silent, only looking at Cheng Qi with gentle expressions. He had a feeling they saw him as a cute little creature asking an adorable question, and they only wanted to placate him.

"So, if you take me back, are you going to make money by exhibiting me?" Cheng Qi became dejected. Although he could go back, he was no longer human.

The sorrow on the beautiful little mermaid's face struck a powerful blow to the men who longed for a mermaid. They had been taught since childhood to take good care of mermaids and never let them be sad or upset. 

After all, owning a mermaid required extremely strict qualifications.

"How could we? You don't need to make money."

"You just need to live well..."

"Where are the clothes? Haven't you brought them yet?"

Cheng Qi was carefully draped with clothes, but every time they got close, he couldn't help but flick his tail. Each flick made the group tense up, fearing his tail might get hurt.

"We won't move, we won't move..." The group was extremely nervous but didn't want to leave the beautiful mermaid sitting on the deck. What if he got sick?

The situation became a deadlock. Mermaids have excellent hearing, and Lin Su, listening to the conversation from the surface, thought it was time to visit human society. Otherwise, this stalemate could last for two or three hours.

"Hey, Cheng Qi, are you okay?" Lin Su cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted.

Cheng Qi's pupils dilated instantly, looking in horror towards the source of the voice: "..."

Brother, you're really asking for it!

Now it's a buy one, get one free deal.

If a voice came from the sea, it meant either someone was swimming or there was another mermaid.

Several people rushed to the side of the ship and saw a mermaid almost glowing in the sunlight. 

His indigo-black long hair floated like seaweed in the water. This mermaid's features were delicate, and unlike the androgynous look of the one on the deck, he clearly had a masculine face, though no less beautiful. His long eyelashes seemed to hold water droplets, and the glow from him overshadowed the sparkle of the sea's surface.

Mermaids are often called sea sprites, praised for their beauty, and this scene truly fulfilled all their fantasies.

"He seems to be a mermaid too."

"What should we do? How do we get him up here?"

Their previous capture was purely accidental. Now, to get another mermaid up, they couldn't use the rough fishing net again. But without the net, they couldn't just catch a fish by hand in the sea.

"My companion was captured by you. Can you let him go?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Everyone on the ship took a deep breath, unable to handle the overwhelming beauty.

"We're sorry," someone reluctantly refused, "but we won't hurt him."

Discovering mermaids living in the sea was incredibly rare. Years ago, when mermaids and humans reached an agreement, mermaids came ashore to live and reproduce. However, due to their low numbers, every mermaid was cherished, and humans longed to have one.

Simply put, if they hadn't caught any, it would be fine. But having caught one, there was no way they would let him go.

This might be human selfishness, but it was also a compromise with fate. 

"Oh..." Lin Su pondered, stroking his chin. 

Despite having been above the water for so long, these people hadn't hastily thrown a net. Their instinct to cherish mermaids seemed deeply ingrained. 

After a moment, he lowered his hand and smiled, saying, "If you won't let him down, can you pull me up? I can't leave my companion alone."

Cheng Qi was now lost in the suspicion that his friend might not be entirely right in the head. Did that multinational company thrive on luck?

Hearing Lin Su's words, the people on the boat were overjoyed. Instead of pulling him up directly, they sent out a small boat with clothes. Lin Su put on the clothes, and with a flick of his tail, it turned into legs. Surrounded by the crew, he walked up, his demeanor more like the owner of the ship than a captured mermaid.

Cheng Qi was astonished by Lin Su's legs, and so were the others on the ship, their mutual glances filled with joy.

"It's truly a natural mermaid."

"Is this a deep-sea mermaid?"

"Natural mermaids are beautiful, but these two seem to be glowing."

"I'm so envious of those who first interacted with deep-sea mermaids."

Amidst the crowd, Lin Su naturally sat on a nearby box and looked at Cheng Qi. "Why don't you change your legs now that you're on the ship?"

Cheng Qi: "..."

How was I supposed to know to change back to his legs?

Not knowing was one thing, but once aware, transforming became simple. Seeing his legs, Cheng Qi almost cried with joy and nearly jumped up.

After calming down and properly dressing, he found his friend surrounded by people measuring his blood pressure and other health metrics. Nearby, a glass of juice he had just requested sat. Lin Su's demeanor was not that of an exhibit but of a leader accustomed to being served.

Realizing this, Cheng Qi understood that the real fool was himself. A boss is always a boss.

Having completed all the health checks, Lin Su lazily stretched out on the deck to bask in the sun. His relaxed manner left Cheng Qi in awe, while the crew watched him with expressions of satisfaction.

"What a pleasant mermaid."

"It's great that he can enjoy life here."

"Even though it's rough living out here, it's best to get back soon; we wouldn't want him to suffer."

Their attitude towards his enjoyment was completely habitual.

Cheng Qi felt like he had entered a remarkable world. What changes had occurred in this world he knew nothing about?!

As he finished his check-up, he sat under a sunshade, sipping a cold drink, and enjoying the sea breeze while people fussed over him, he realized: the boss had the right attitude.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Since they were here, they might as well adapt.

"But aren't you worried they might take us ashore and sell us for money?" Cheng Qi still harbored some subtle concerns.

Supporting his face with one hand, Lin Su said, "No need to worry. In this world, mermaids are highly cherished. Three hundred years ago, deep-sea mermaids and humans made an agreement allowing mermaids to live on land without being dissected."

Cheng Qi's eyes filled with confusion. "So this isn't the Earth I'm familiar with?"

"Logically, it is, but it should be a future branch of a parallel timeline," Lin Su replied, biting on his straw.

"Oh," Cheng Qi said, feeling their crossover states were quite different. Shouldn't normal people react like he did? Or was it that capable people could easily adapt anywhere? "How do you know all this?"

"There's a light-brain here that connects to the star network. I checked," Lin Su pointed to the delicate silver bracelet on his wrist. "It’s this. Is there a problem?"

"No problem, brother. You're amazing. From now on, I'll stick with you!" Cheng Qi realized that while he was still confused, Lin Su had already understood the history of this world and was ahead of the curve.

Lin Su smiled. "No problem."

Cheng Qi felt reassured but still had lingering questions. "But it's strange. Even if we can live on land, they shouldn't be this attentive. Why are they treating us so specially?"

"Have you ever heard the saying," Lin Su smiled, "if you're good-looking, everything you say is always right?"

Cheng Qi knew well how good-looking he was. When he first saw his reflection in the sea, he almost wanted to bow to himself. If it weren't for remembering the hundreds of gigabytes of Japanese films he had watched, he might have fallen for himself right there.

Being good-looking certainly had its perks. In his original world, he had only seen a few people who could match his looks, even with makeup.

Though still feeling something was off, Cheng Qi decided to relax. It wasn't until much later, when he encountered real trouble, that he realized: to hell with being good-looking!

While appearance was a reason, it was far from the most important one.

Unaware of all this, Cheng Qi enjoyed a period of unusual relaxation, being escorted to a top-tier mermaid nursery.

The place was awash in shades of blue—light blue, deep blue, indigo. The setting was minimalist, yet the various fish painted on the walls set the tone.

Looking around at the kindergarten-like decor, Cheng Qi asked, "Are they treating us like children?"

Lin Su laughed. "Mermaid nurseries are always like this."

"What nursery?" Cheng Qi turned his head in confusion. "You mean a mermaid nursery, a place specifically for us?"

"Of course not," a nearby escort said, charmed by the little mermaid's adorable words. "This place primarily handles mermaid health checks, nutrition research, and breeding. The water-compatible clothes you're wearing now were developed by Dr. Jiang Tang here."

Hearing that it wasn't a confinement facility, Cheng Qi felt relieved. As for mermaid breeding, he figured there must be both male and female mermaids. After all, many TV shows depicted mermaids as female, so it shouldn't concern him.

Wait a minute, if he was this good-looking as a male mermaid, how beautiful must the females be?

He immediately posed this question to Lin Su. Lin Su, knowing that mermaids in this era were exclusively male, didn't reveal that. 

Instead, he said, "Have you ever seen a peacock? Don’t you think male peacocks are beautiful?"

Cheng Qi instinctively nodded, "Yes, they're beautiful."

"Well, it's possible that the same principle applies here," Lin Su said, stroking his chin. "In nature, many species have males that are more flamboyant to attract females. What do you think?"

Cheng Qi: "..."

I think you're shattering a virgin's dreams.

He began to feel that his friend had a somewhat different perspective.

System 06 spoke up: 【Host, are you leading the protagonist astray?】

Lin Su replied with a smile: 【As a brother, my own happiness isn't important. What's important is that my brother finds happiness and stays on the right path.】

In a time when humans had expanded into outer space and living space was no longer limited, the top-tier mermaid nursery provided them with the most luxurious rooms for their first stay in the human world.

The rooms featured huge shell beds, beautiful pearl curtains, and a swimming pool resembling a small lake, exuding the scent of the sea. 

Cheng Qi instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw the bed, he was stunned.

"Damn, do they think I'm a girl?" Cheng Qi flicked the pearl curtain, rolling his eyes in an ungraceful manner. "I'm a man, a male, a tough guy to the core."

Lin Su showed no signs of resistance. After all, anyone who could publicly ride a merry-go-round could handle a pearl curtain without a problem.

Mermaids were born in the ocean, and many beautiful things in the sea could be worn as adornments, with pearls being the most cherished, especially sea pearls. They seemed to carry the essence of the ocean, making mermaids feel comfortable wearing them.

While Cheng Qi continued to grumble, he realized he received no response. The only sound was the faint movement of the pearl curtain and the steady breathing. Carefully approaching, he discovered that his impressive companion, Lin Su, had already fallen asleep.

“How can you sleep so easily?” Cheng Qi thought, feeling like he had seen too little of the world compared to Lin Su’s composed demeanor.

Inside the serene room, Lin Su slept peacefully, but outside, the news of the discovery of two deep-sea mermaids had caused an uproar. In an era where natural mermaids were already highly sought after, the reappearance of deep-sea mermaids was nothing short of a monumental event.

“Historical records show that the initial deep-sea mermaids had incredibly high fertility rates, and their offspring, who also possessed rich mermaid bloodlines, have become outstanding figures in various fields.”

“Deep-sea mermaids! I would be overjoyed to see a natural mermaid in my lifetime, let alone a deep-sea one.”

“Oh my gosh, mermaids with such high bloodlines must be incredibly beautiful.”

“To prevent the dilution of their bloodline, any mate chosen for such mermaids would need to be exceptionally powerful and influential.”

The buzz on the interstellar network was constant. Indeed, this discovery had garnered the full attention of the Pacific Empire. Finding two deep-sea mermaids at once was more than just a coincidence. 

However, despite thorough patrols in that part of the ocean, no other mermaids were found.

The newfound deep-sea mermaids were of immeasurable value, and discussions among the elite focused on their future. 

The Empire didn’t permit forcing mermaids into anything, but it allowed them to be pursued. 

Unlike with other mermaids, those pursuing these two had to be the crème de la crème: individuals of high status, with S-grade physical fitness, and an income sufficient to provide the most luxurious environment for the deep-sea mermaids.

“Given their selection criteria, they might as well use machines for matching,” a black-haired young man waiting in the wings remarked with a slightly arrogant smile.

Next to him, a gentlemanly young man chuckled, "He Jian, do you really not want a mermaid?"

The black-haired young man paused for a moment, then snorted, "I just think it might not be my turn. Neither His Majesty nor the Marshal have married yet."

As the two most influential figures, they naturally had the right to pursue deep-sea mermaids. With them in the picture, others could only serve as accessories.

The gentle young man remarked, "Even meeting them in person would be good. Aren't you curious about what deep-sea mermaids look like?"

The black-haired young man clicked his tongue lightly, but didn't say anything. Just as they were waiting, the door opened, and a man bearing the rank of a marshal entered. He stood tall and straight, with a firm countenance, more like someone attending a war council than a candidate.

Marshal Ye Jingfan, in an era where humans lived up to three hundred years, his age of forty only added to his aura of stability.

As he entered, he removed his hat and nodded to everyone present. When he took his seat, he sat upright, causing the young people who had been sitting casually to instinctively straighten their backs.

The process of exploring the universe was very arduous, and without strong physical strength, it would be impossible. Therefore, many people who had undergone military training were now in the ranks. Among them, the most revered figure was their marshal.

And now, they were actually going to compete with their marshal for mermaids, which was indeed a tremendous pressure. However, mermaids were truly important, and differences in status couldn't be a reason to give way.

"Does the Marshal also have an interest in mermaids?" someone tentatively asked.

The others also perked up their ears, thinking that their military god was not interested in mermaids.

Marshal Ye Jingfan sat upright and said solemnly, "I am the same as everyone here."

Their bodies carried the bloodline of mermaids, and their desire for and protection of mermaids was innate.

Everyone understood, but after a while, another person entered under the escort of the guards. This person was tall with long legs, and his imperial attire accentuated his slender and upright figure. However, his smiling eyes constantly radiated charm.

Emperor Qin Yue.

The Marshal commanded the military, and the Emperor controlled the politics. Although it was an empire, the Emperor's power had been greatly weakened. However, it had to be said that the current strength of the Pacific Empire, standing proudly among nations, was inseparable from the Emperor's excellent political skills and diplomatic abilities.

He was the symbol of the empire. As soon as he arrived, everyone present stood up to pay their respects.

Qin Yue stood tall, and although his countenance was not as resolute as Ye Jingfan's, his steps were extremely steady. As an Emperor with an S-level physique, he truly lived up to his title.

"No need to be nervous, everyone. I am just a competitor like you all, and we are on equal footing," Qin Yue said, pressing his hands together before taking his seat.

The guards left one by one, leaving only these two formidable figures behind. The atmosphere among the young people present was tense, with each feeling a sense of pressure, both from being intimidated and from the competition itself.

There was an inherent sense of competitiveness in men, even when there was an obvious disparity in strength. No one wanted to lose to someone else.

"You all need to wait a bit longer. One of the mermaid princes is resting, and we need to conduct a more comprehensive examination of their physical condition before you can meet them," said the white-robed academic who had entered.

"No rush. If they can sleep here so peacefully, it means they are relaxed," Qin Yue smiled. "What do you think, Marshal?"

Ye Jingfan nodded. "We'll wait."

Lin Su slept for two hours before waking up. Just as he sat up from the shell that made teenage girls' hearts explode, the voice of a polite inquiry came from outside. "Your Highness, are you awake?"

The voice sounded somewhat aloof, and Lin Su responded with a nonchalant "Hmm." Outside, the voice continued, "Excuse me, can you come out? We need to conduct a more comprehensive physical examination."

Lin Su lifted the curtain and met the person's gaze. While Lin Su's expression remained unchanged, the person with a demeanor as cold as their voice had a slight contraction of their pupils.

Jiang Tang had seen a mermaid before, one that was very beautiful and lively, possessing all the physical abilities expected of a deep-sea mermaid. He thought that was probably what a deep-sea mermaid looked like.

But upon seeing this mermaid, it overturned his imagination. This mermaid was very beautiful, with delicate features as if meticulously carved by God. Even his eyelashes were perfectly placed, yet his physique didn't appear slender or delicate.

Three hundred years ago, records described deep-sea mermaids as beautiful creatures, but also as top predators in the ocean. The dominance they exerted in the sea was now visible in the mermaid before Jiang Tang.

Lin Su was also appraising the person before him. At first glance, he exuded refinement and restraint. The buttons of his white shirt were done up to the top, and even his lab coat was worn extremely neatly, without a single crease, giving him an air of disinterest as if he could reject anyone from miles away at any moment. 

However, the frame of his glasses, perched on his nose, added a touch of sophistication to him.

The glasses were frameless, and the blue light refracted from them, along with occasional glints, indicated that they were no ordinary spectacles. What caught Lin Su's attention, however, wasn't the high-tech nature of the glasses, but the mole hidden beneath the corner of the eye, obscured by the glasses.

If a mole grew below the eye, it was known as a tear mole, a sign of a tendency to cry. But if it grew at the corner of the eye, it was considered a beauty mark, adding an irresistible charm even to the coldest countenance.

"Didn't they already check on the sea?" Lin Su remained inside, casually picking up the badge hanging from the person's chest and pulling it closer to read. "Your name is Jiang Tang?"

It was said that the voices of deep-sea mermaids possessed a charm that could enchant passing ships. Although this mermaid's voice wasn't sweet, it carried a velvety quality with a different kind of charm, causing Jiang Tang's ears to twitch slightly.

"I am Jiang Tang. What should I call you, Your Highness?" Jiang Tang's tone remained cold, and he retrieved his badge with a businesslike manner, but he seemed to subconsciously lighten his touch, as if afraid of harming it.

Jiang Tang also had an S-level physique, albeit slightly weaker than Marshal Ye Jingfan and Emperor Qin Yue. However, if he used too much strength, there was still a possibility of injuring a mermaid of unknown constitution.

"Do you always ask mermaids for their names so directly?" Lin Su chuckled softly and asked.

Jiang Tang adjusted his glasses and replied, "I apologize. I should have informed you that this is necessary for establishing your file, Your Highness. I hope you can cooperate."

Despite his cold appearance, Jiang Tang seemed warm-hearted. Lin Su didn't want to make things difficult for him and said, "I'm Lin Su, from Shuangmu Forest, and Su for silence."

"Your Highness Lin Su," Jiang Tang recorded the information on the light brain and then removed his glasses from his nose, tucking them into his pocket. 

He extended his hand towards Lin Su, seated inside the shell. "Please accompany me for another examination. The equipment at sea is extremely rudimentary, and we want to provide more appropriate diet and environment based on your physical condition."

With the glasses off, his extremely attractive features were fully revealed, but the coldness in his eyes became even more compelling.

Seeing this, Lin Su placed his hand on Jiang Tang's and used his strength to walk out. The two stood facing each other, and Jiang Tang's height wasn't short—at least 1.9 meters by Lin Su's estimate. 

Unfortunately, Lin Su, as a mermaid, stood at 2.5 meters in his mermaid form and 2 meters in his human form.

When Jiang Tang realized he had to tilt his head slightly upward, his expression stiffened. "..."

Why was this mermaid so tall? Weren't they supposed to be delicate and petite?

Lin Su had an excellent physique that didn't appear bulky but rather long and shapely, exuding an undeniable attractiveness.

"Mr. Jiang, is there a problem?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

The appearance of a mermaid was quite striking, and Jiang Tang was taken aback for a moment, feeling that his heart was beating faster than usual.

"Nothing, you look healthy," Jiang Tang supported him out, naturally releasing his hand with a gentlemanly gesture but keeping a deliberate distance.

The white coat already made Jiang Tang appear cold and aloof. Walking alongside Lin Su, his fingers rested in his pocket, and his lowered brows and eyes carried a hint of seriousness.

Observing the seemingly icy demeanor of Jiang Tang, Lin Su searched for any subtle changes in his emotions and suddenly smiled, "Mr. Jiang, did you drop something on the way here?"

Jiang Tang turned his head, his gaze unusually puzzled, "What?"

It was evident that he might have been lost in thought just now, and Lin Su wondered if his own appearance wasn't attractive enough. He chuckled, "You've been looking down at the ground. I thought you might have dropped something."

"One should pay attention while walking," Jiang Tang said seriously, genuinely emphasizing the importance of it. "Tripping can lead to injuries, especially for mermaids."

Lin Su pondered for a moment, "Has Mr. Jiang ever tripped while walking without looking down?"

"No, not me," Jiang Tang emphasized. "I always pay close attention while walking."

Despite his cold tone and expression, Lin Su was one hundred percent sure that the person in front of him had indeed tripped while walking without looking.

"Mr. Jiang is truly amazing," Lin Su smiled innocently.

Jiang Tang scratched his glasses in his pocket, "It's nothing. Let's hurry."

He turned and continued walking attentively, with Lin Su following beside him, pondering over his life.

Jiang Tang's cause of death was due to the destruction of his experimental data. He was an outstanding researcher of mermaids, and his greatest love was his research data and... mermaids.

Out of this deep affection, he had never harmed a mermaid, even providing countless conveniences for mermaids' survival on land. However, he was framed and lost all his efforts, not because of Cheng Qi but because of someone in this breeding institute.

In the original timeline, it was his assistant’s perspective that was recorded, but the main focus was on Cheng Qi and his family. The perspective regarding Jiang Tang wasn't entirely clear, let alone his assistant's.

To change his fate, he had to stay in this breeding institute, by his side.

"Let's check your heart and lungs next. It might feel a bit cold when I touch you." Jiang Tang observed Lin Su's slightly exposed waistline, easily discerning its flexibility and strength. He paused for a moment, then continued his actions with a smooth and professional technique.

However, Lin Su noticed Jiang Tang's earlier discomfort and diversion of gaze.

People in this world naturally cared for mermaids, partly due to education and partly due to the half of mermaid blood in their bodies. Now it seemed that even this outwardly cold person was no exception.

In the records of the original timeline, people were quite enthusiastic about deep-sea mermaids. Someone like Jiang Tang, who conducted himself professionally, was either genuinely uninterested or habitually restrained himself.

But he was somewhat different from other aloof individuals. While others used ice to keep others at bay, he seemed easily immersed in his own world.

Once engrossed in this state, even Lin Su's direct gaze seemed to go unnoticed.

"All done," Jiang Tang said, opening the data analyzer on the light brain and analyzing the results.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Lin Su stood up. "Is there anything else that needs to be checked?"

"No, all your bodily indicators are excellent," Jiang Tang replied, looking at the data displayed on the instrument. He blinked twice in disbelief.

It wasn't surprising. S-level physical fitness was comparable to the strength needed to punch a great white shark to death. Even in historical records about deep-sea mermaids, only leaders reached such levels.

Previously, the A-level mermaid had shocked everyone in the breeding institute, and now there was another S-level!

Jiang Tang compared the image of a mermaid, usually frail to the point of needing constant care, with the one in front of him. 

According to the discussions on the StarNet, it seemed fitting to say: if anyone upset a mermaid, they'd get their skull cracked open with a single tail swipe.

Lin Su ran his fingers through his indigo-black long hair, tilting his head with a smile. "But Mr. Jiang looks quite troubled."

His expression was entirely innocent and pure, resembling that of a delicate, beautiful mermaid.

Jiang Tang mentally disagreed. Despite the mermaid's strength, its temperament seemed gentle and innocent, unlikely to resort to cracking open someone's skull.

"No, later we need to meet some people who will protect you. They are all strong individuals of the Pacific Empire who can ensure your well-being in this empire. You can choose the one you like the most to protect you." Jiang Tang turned off the device, both hands naturally returning to his pockets as he walked out with a cool and aloof demeanor.

Lin Su followed, finding it quite effortless due to his longer legs.

Talking about choosing a protector was essentially a disguised matchmaking event.

As Lin Su followed Jiang Tang inside, he noticed that Cheng Qi, who was already present, didn't seem to be selecting a protector but rather facing several interviewers. His expression was so tense that he seemed ready to bolt at any moment. 

When he saw Lin Su, his eyes were pleading, as if a comforting word from Lin Su could make him burst into tears.

The people sitting inside turned their attention to Jiang Tang as he entered. If they remembered correctly, there were supposed to be two deep-sea mermaids present this time.

However, they hesitated when they saw the height contrast between Lin Su and Jiang Tang.

Jiang Tang opened the test report and calmly stated, "This is His Highness Lin Su. His physical value is at the S-level. There can be no coercion in this selection process. Incidents like intimidating mermaids are absolutely prohibited from happening again, especially for you, Marshal."

Ye Jingfan adjusted his hat and gestured slightly. "I was just observing him normally."

When his gaze shifted to Lin Su, he didn't speak, only nodding slightly.

Having an S-level physique was something only generals in the military could possess.

Lin Su smiled and, facing the slightly heated gazes of everyone, calmly sat down next to Cheng Qi. 

Although his face appeared innocent and pure, compared to the somewhat anxious Cheng Qi, he seemed more like Ye Jingfan and his group.

However, his exquisite and outstanding appearance, along with his indigo-black long hair, confirmed his identity as a mermaid.

Lin Su glanced at Ye Jingfan but quickly averted his gaze. Prolonged eye contact could easily give away clues to this group of high-ranking individuals. 

After all, despite being a pure and cute mermaid capable of twisting off someone's head at any moment, he still needed to maintain a good facade. It wasn't always wise to stand out in every situation.

Ye Jingfan assessed Lin Su. Despite the mermaid's seemingly non-threatening appearance and remarkable beauty, he still sensed a hint of danger emanating from him. Years of battlefield experience had honed his intuition, saving him many times before, and this time would likely be no exception.

In Lin Su's eyes, this man exuded resilience. His rise to the position of marshal at such a young age was undoubtedly due to his military achievements. His demeanor didn't stem from his appearance but rather from his experiences—tough yet compassionate. It was no wonder he became the Chen Qi official partner among the outstanding protectors.

Lin Su intertwined his fingers but hadn't spoken yet when System 06 reminded him, 【Host, that's the main protagonist.】

【Have I broken up enough protagonist gong and shou?】 Lin Su chuckled.

System 06 was speechless, wishing to start over and never say anything like comparing potential partners again.

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