It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 60


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 60

【Hmm, I suppose they want to put on a show of switching the real prince with a fake one. Let's just watch the show,】 Lin Su said with a smile.

System 06 felt a bit powerless: 【Host, I haven't said anything yet.】

【What kind of performance can those two put on when they're together?】 Lin Su asked in return.

System 06 felt that the host made a lot of sense.

There were countless congratulatory voices within the Lin mansion, but Lin Su only accepted the sentiments, not the gifts. It wasn't that he was selective about what to accept; he refused everything. Even when people had their gifts returned, they had nothing to say about it.

Lin Qingtang met with some people he couldn't avoid, but for those he found too difficult to deal with, he went inside, picked up a cup from the table, and drank: "There are too many tricks in officialdom. I have to think three times before saying anything, for fear of offending someone."

"That's my teacup," Lin Su pointed to the table.

Lin Qingtang, no longer as easily embarrassed as in previous years, didn't put the cup down but instead asked, "Do you mind, young master?"

"I don't mind," Lin Su smiled. "I just wanted to say that if you want to kiss me, you can do it directly. There's no need to be so roundabout."

For a moment, Lin Qingtang didn't know whether to keep holding the cup or to put it down, his face flushing.

Although he was gradually getting used to it, the young master was always one step ahead.

"A gentleman does not speak improperly!" Lin Qingtang took a deep breath and said.

"Yes, I'll heed to Madam's advice," Lin Su said, for once not claiming he wasn't a gentleman.

But Lin Qingtang's face turned even redder: "The emperor hasn't granted us marriage yet. For now, I'm not your Madam."

"If we aren't considered legitimate, wouldn't that mean we are engaging in illicit affairs without a matchmaker every day? It truly is a disgrace to the world," Lin Su sighed in mock frustration. "If outsiders found out, wouldn't they want to drown us in a pig cage?"

Lin Qingtang found himself at a loss for words. Even though he had become the top scholar, he was still far behind the young master when it came to banter: "You!"

"I was wrong." Lin Su admitted fault so quickly that Lin Qingtang couldn't find it in himself to stay angry. "What were you laughing about just now?"

"I laughed because someone likes to daydream in broad daylight," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"If there is no malice, then even dreaming is harmless," Lin Qingtang recalled his own dreams from the past. Back then, even in his dreams, he didn't dare to imagine his current situation. 

Those dreams were bitter yet sweet, and now the bitterness was gone, leaving only the sweetness.

"What the Madam says is reasonable. As your husband, I have learned my lesson." Lin Su bowed to him, showing a hint of modesty in seeking advice from his junior.

Though Lin Qingtang felt a bit uncomfortable, he tacitly accepted the title. Despite being a man, his lifelong desire was solely for Lin Su. As long as it was legitimate, he didn't mind any form of address.

The congratulations eventually came to an end. Lin Qingtang joined the Hanlin Academy, taking up a position similar to the one Lin Su had once held. Unlike Lin Su, Lin Qingtang wasn't good at socializing and focused solely on his work. With Lin Su's support, no one troubled him. In fact, his diligent attitude earned him some admiration.

Having support yet showing no arrogance made Lin Qingtang quite well-liked.

"I know I'm somewhat foolish. I just want to follow the path of a loyal official and do some real work for the common people," Lin Qingtang said to Lin Su during a night conversation.

"If the lady wants to learn, I, as your husband, will teach you everything I know," Lin Su replied with a smile.

They held different positions and weren't always together. Lin Su waited for a long time, deliberately loosening the kitchen's security, before finally receiving that cup of drugged tea.

The drug was called Xuewuteng, extremely rare. It wasn't lethal but would cause a person to fall into a deep sleep from which they couldn't wake, with no detectable symptoms. The pulse would weaken, appearing as if the person was on the brink of death.

Lin Su could guess the purpose of those two but didn't know their specific plans. He couldn't gamble with Lin Qingtang's life, so he had System 06 recount everything in detail.

Kidnapping a court official is a capital offense, a crime that warrants the extermination of one's entire family. His stepmother dared not take such a risk.

Qi Qingyi had laughed back then, saying, "We don't have to do anything. We'll make Lin Qingtang go willingly."

Didn't he love Lin Su? To save his life, what harm was there in sacrificing himself to another man?

This plan was undeniably vicious.

Lin Su sniffed the tea and, under the careful gaze of the attendants, drank it in one gulp. In less than a moment, he slumped onto the table beside him, the teacup falling to the ground and shattering. Cries for a doctor soon echoed through the residence.

"Sir, what's wrong?!"

"Someone, quickly, call a doctor!"


Lin Qingtang had just returned home, and the chaotic scene made his heart skip a beat. He stopped someone and asked, "What happened?"

"The master suddenly collapsed!" The servant, flustered, said. Upon recognizing Lin Qingtang, he urgently grabbed his sleeve. "Young Master Lin Qingtang, the master suddenly fainted. The doctor said… said…"

"Said what?" Lin Qingtang asked anxiously.

The servant fell to his knees and said, "He said there's no cure for it!"

"How could this be?" Lin Qingtang stood in stunned silence. The next moment, he took a deep breath, grabbed his robe, and, disregarding his appearance, ran towards Lin Su's room.

The room was crowded. Apart from Lin Su's father and the stepmother, most of those present were doctors.

Lin Su lay on the bed, appearing to be asleep. The doctor checking his pulse stood up, shook his head, and sighed, "It’s exactly as the previous diagnoses indicated. This is clearly a sign of exhaustion. The minister must have been overworked. Now, all we can do is use ginseng to prolong his life and hope for the best."

"You're lying!" Lin Qingtang's voice rang out from the back of the crowd. He had never spoken so harshly before, but now he couldn't care less. "You must be an incompetent doctor. Find another doctor!"

The doctor was about to retort but, upon seeing the official robe on Qingtang, held back his anger and said, "Sir, we have been practicing medicine for decades. How could we risk the life of the Minister? All the doctors in the capital are here now. If you don't trust us, you can only call the imperial physicians from the palace."

However, the palace gates were already locked at this hour. Forcing entry at night could lead to the execution of their entire families. Even if the young master survived, he would be considered as good as dead.

Lin Qingtang's face turned pale as he sat by Lin Su's bed, holding his wrist. "It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that the young master has always been in good health. How could he suddenly fall like this?"

His eyes reddened, clearly holding back tears. The doctor, having seen many people in such a desperate state, comforted him, "For now, we can only sustain him. The Minister has the Emperor's favor. With our skills, we should be able to keep him stable until tomorrow when we can summon the imperial physicians."

"Then please, do your best," Lin Qingtang said, closing his eyes. "No matter the outcome, you will be generously rewarded."

The doctors, needing to earn their living, responded, "Rest assured, sir."

The medicinal decoction was prepared and brought in. Lin Qingtang, not trusting anyone else, personally fed Lin Su the medicine. Though his hands trembled slightly, not a drop was spilled.

"Arrange for the doctors to stay here tonight," Lin Qingtang ordered.

The doctors left on their own, and Lin's father observed Lin Qingtang's actions, feeling that this person truly cared for his eldest son.

In times of trouble, many spouses abandon each other. It was rare to see such careful, unwavering care, especially from a man.

Lin's father, also anxious and troubled, noted that while women in the house could make things chaotic,  he could not: "Lin Qingqiong, have someone else take over tonight. My wife and I will go back now."

"Take care, sir," Lin Qingtang replied without looking at them.

Lin's father said nothing, but the stepmother curled her lips, casting a glance at the bedridden Lin Su, her eyes darting around.

At midnight, while Lin's father, due to his age, slept soundly, the stepmother slipped out through the side door. Upon seeing Qi Qingyi, she flicked her sleeves disdainfully. "You really come when you are called," she said.

Qi Qingyi lowered his head, "What do you want to say?"

"Is your drug really just to weaken someone? Lin Su seems to be on the brink of death. If he dies, everything will belong to our family's Wang'er." The stepmother tested the waters. "Why don't we just make sure he dies and be done with it?"

Qi Qingyi silently cursed her as a foolish woman but said, "If he dies, Lin Qingtang is still alive. If he reports this to the Emperor, there will be a thorough investigation. You think Lin Su is ordinary? He is a favored minister of the Emperor, a first-rank official. He can't just die like that. Moreover, the blood vine poison was found by accident, undetectable by ordinary means. If we used another poison, it would be easily discovered. If you want to gain benefits, it's best not to cause more trouble. Otherwise, if you are implicated in the poisoning of a court official, your entire family will be executed, including your son."

The stepmother swallowed nervously, "Then what should we do now? Lin Qingtang is going to request an imperial physician tomorrow. If they find out…"

"The blood vine poison can't be detected. This poison is extremely rare, and even the palace has no record of it. The Emperor might send an imperial physician, but not the entire Imperial Medical Bureau," Qi Qingyi explained. "Even if they find out, it won't be fatal. Just blame it on a couple of servants, and they'll take the fall."

The stepmother reluctantly felt reassured, "Alright, then just do what you need to do."

The next day, Lin Su still hadn't awakened. Lin Qingtang reported the matter to the Emperor, who, in his concern for his beloved minister, sent three imperial physicians. However, after examining Lin Su, they all frowned.

Lin Qingtang, having stayed up all night, looked pale as snow, and asked anxiously, "Imperial physicians, how is he?"

All three physicians shook their heads and sighed, "We can only determine that it is a case of extreme exhaustion. Master Lin has only a few days left. You should prepare for his funeral. We must return to the palace to report."

Hearing this, Lin Qingtang closed his eyes, almost fainting backward, but was supported by the servants until he slowly regained his composure.

"Sir, you must take care of your health," a servant holding him said.

"I am fine. You may all leave. I want to stay with him alone," Lin Qingtang waved his hand, dismissing the servants who exited in single file. The door closed, leaving only the two of them in the room.

Lin Qingtang sat by the bedside, holding Lin Su's hand with his head bowed. "If the young master is gone, Lin Qingtang will not live alone either."

The room was silent until suddenly there came the sound of clapping. "Minister Lin's deep affection is truly touching," a voice remarked.

Lin Qingtang looked up and froze when he saw someone standing by the open window. "It's you!"

Qi Qingyi smiled, "I'm flattered you still remember me."

Lin Qingtang's eyes reflected a mix of emotions. He might not remember others, but Qi Qingyi's face and differing family background were unforgettable. He had once envied him, longing to be like him—eloquent and possessing the demeanor of a renowned scholar.

Now seeing him again, Lin Qingtang realized this person had changed. "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Qi Qingyi walked from the window and, entering through the door, stood by the bed. "I'm here to save someone."

His gaze seemed directed at Lin Qingtang but actually bypassed him, focusing on Lin Su. "It's been years, yet Brother Zhi Yuan has become even more attractive."

Lin Qingtang raised his arm to block Qi Qingyi's view. "Even the imperial physicians are helpless. What can you do?"

"Now that you're a minister, you certainly speak with authority," Qi Qingyi remarked, sitting down gracefully nearby. "I remember you speaking softly back then, true to your origins from such a place."

"Now, you and I hold different positions," Lin Qingtang said warily. "If you don't state your intentions, I'll have you thrown out of Lin's residence immediately."

"If you do that, you won't be able to save Lin Su," Qi Qingyi smiled. "He isn't suffering from exhaustion; he's been poisoned. Ordinary doctors can't detect it, and the antidote is only with me."

"You're the one who poisoned him?" Lin Qingtang realized.

Qi Qingyi clapped again. "You quickly catch on. But if you think you can force me to hand over the antidote, I'll bash my head in right here. Three days later, Lin Su will join me in death. After all, I've lost everything; I've got nothing left to fear."

His brazen demeanor made Lin Qingtang clench his fists. He struggled to stay calm, he said, "You must have conditions. What do you want? Money? Estates?"

"Why would I want such trivial things?" Qi Qingyi laughed, first softly, then louder, seeing Lin Qingtang's grim face. "You know exactly what I want, don't you?"

He wanted Lin Su. His earlier looks and actions made that clear.

Lin Qingtang shook with anger. "You're delusional!"

"Then let Minister Lin die," Qi Qingyi said indifferently. "I have nothing to lose. Kill me, and I'll accompany him to the afterlife."

"Even if I wanted to comply, the young master would never consent to be with you," Lin Qingtang said. "A person like him can't be forced."

"Then let's change the terms," Qi Qingyi said in a low, eerie tone. "Minister Yang fancies you. Spend a night with him, and I'll give you the antidote. Think about it, trading a man's virtue for the life of a minister—quite a bargain, isn't it?"

His face was crazed. Lin Qingtang spoke with difficulty, "You want the young master to despise me? What did I ever do to you?"

"What did you do?" Qi Qingyi stood up and rushed to his face. "What did you do? You're a whore, born a lowlife. How could you become a top scholar? How could you earn his love? While I, a nobleman's son, was left to be humiliated by a man. How could I not hate you? Your mere existence is an eyesore. I want you to live a miserable life!"

He raised his hand to slap Lin Qingtang, but the sound of the slap never made impact.

Qi Qingyi moved his hand, glancing over at the person who had grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened in shock as he stammered, "You, you’re awake?!"

It was Lin Su who had stopped him. Instead of answering, Lin Su released Qi Qingyi's hand, causing him to stagger and sit back down. 

Lin Su sneered, "The poison is called Xuewuteng. Although it is rare, yes, did you really think the imperial physicians wouldn't recognize it?"

Qi Qingyi was astonished, while Lin Qingtang seemed unsurprised. He stood up to help Lin Su out of bed, saying, "Young master has been lying down too long; get up slowly."

Qi Qingyi looked at Lin Qingtang, bewildered. "You knew all along?"

"Young master told me about your plan as soon as he discovered it," Lin Qingtang replied.

Qi Qingyi found it hard to believe and took a deep breath. "Then why didn’t you arrest me earlier?" he asked, looking at Lin Su as if clinging to a final shred of stubborness.

Lin Su, now out of bed and showing no sign of weakness, didn't rush to answer. Instead, he patted Lin Qingtang’s cheek and said, "You cooperated well."

Lin Qingtang smiled, "It’s all thanks to your guidance, young master."

Their intimate exchange was a thorn in Qi Qingyi’s eyes. He trembled with anger and shouted, "Why? Why did you do this to me?"

"To fail at the brink of success is the greatest blow one can suffer," Lin Su said, looking down at Qi Qingyi. Though his eyes held no contempt, Qi Qingyi could feel the disdain in his demeanor.

"Why did you treat me like this? I loved you so much, and he was just a prostitute..." Qi Qingyi muttered repeatedly.

Lin Su crouched down to his level. "I never meant to target you specifically because, to me, you are no different from anyone else. Your well-being is irrelevant to me, and your love means nothing. Do you know the biggest difference between you and Minister Yang?"

Qi Qingyi instinctively asked, "What is it?"

"Minister Yang understands his current situation and knows that some things shouldn't be touched," Lin Su said with a smile. "That's why, when you were still the son of the Minister, he kept his distance. And when you became his caged bird, he coddled and pampered you, but never dared to risk his family's safety to clear your name. 

You, however, have no such self-awareness. Let me put it this way: back when the Minister of Personnel was at the height of his power, he covered up his deeds so well that ordinary people couldn't uncover them. Though the Emperor openly assigned someone else to investigate, he secretly entrusted the task to me."

Lin Su spoke calmly, while Qi Qingyi's face froze. 

But Lin Su didn't stop. "Those cases, one by one, were all compiled by me for the Emperor. Those accusations weren't slander; they were true. You'll never overturn your case. As his son, you should have been exiled and served as a slave for life. The three-year reprieve was something I requested out of consideration for being previous colleagues. But now, attempting to poison a first-rank court official will likely result in a slow death."

"You're lying! Lying! Kill me, just kill me!" Qi Qingyi's eyes turned red and tears streamed down his cheeks. "What difference does slow death make? What's the point of living?"

He had clung to life to overturn the case and clear his family's name. Yang Cheng couldn't help him, but Lin Su could. He loved this man, admired him, and longed for him. Being with him would have given him hope. 

Now he was being told that it was this very man who had gathered the initial evidence, the man who had been the driving force behind it all, and who had then acted as a hero. 

He didn't love him; he despised him and thought he was worthless. All his hope was gone; what was the point of living?

"In fact, you still have a relative in the world," Lin Su said softly. "In the 25th year of Tianyuan, your full brother was taken away by a wet nurse. Others only knew the Minister of Personnel had one son, but didn't realize there was another child who was never mentioned again. He is still alive today. For the sake of your only blood relative, you should live on."

"I have a brother? How could I not know?" Qi Qingyi suddenly looked at him.

"You were only three years old at the time. How could you have known?" Lin Su smiled. "If you don't believe me, think of how your mother would always be in a low mood on a certain day each year—that's the proof."

Qi Qingyi grabbed Lin Su's clothes as if grasping a lifeline. "Where is he?" 

"Where do you think?" Lin Su pulled away from his grip and took a step back. "For the sake of the honor of your Qi family, what should be said and what should not be said, Young Master Qi should know in his heart. Someone come, take Qi Qingyi back to Minister Yang's mansion and keep an eye on him. Don't let him out to cause trouble again."

Servants hurried over and escorted the stunned Qi Qingyi, who was sitting on the ground, away.

As the others left, Lin Qingtang looked at Lin Su, hesitating to speak. "Young Master, I..."

"I was lying to him," Lin Su chuckled. "You didn't believe it, did you?"

"Huh?" Lin Qingtang looked confused.

“Whoever your parents are is who they are," Lin Su ruffled his hair. "If Qi Qingyi has no hope, he would kill himself. But such a simple death wouldn't be enough for him, would it? If he thinks you're his real brother, and nearly causing harm to you would torment him day and night, but still be enough to keep him alive."

As for sending him back to the Yang mansion, if Minister Yang liked him, he wouldn't allow Qi Qingyi to have someone else in his heart. Otherwise, it would be a mutual torment between the two, it would depend who could outlast the other.

"Oh... Young Master, you speak so convincingly, I almost believed it," Lin Qingtang breathed a sigh of relief. If Qi Qingyi really was his brother, he would regret resisting the Young Master's attempt to save him years ago. 

If he was his real brother, being threatened like that would have been unbearable. And seeing him in such a state would have been equally painful.

“You're both grown men, why are you still acting so foolishly?” Lin Su flicked his forehead.

System 06, 【Host they are indeed brothers.】

【06, you're foolish too,】 Lin Su said.

【Host, you can't attack indiscriminately,】 System 06 reminded.

Lin Su ignored it. It was only when the Minister Qi's mansion declined that he learned the Minister still had another son. When the Qi family fell, the Minister knelt before him, begging him to treat Lin Qingtang well and preserve the last bloodline of the Qi family.

It was only because both his sons were childless. If it weren't for Lin Qingtang's background, Lin Su might not have bothered to plead for Qi Qingyi from the Emperor. 

Unfortunately, Qi Qingyi was ungrateful, and his efforts were in vain.

But Lin Qingtang didn't need to know these things. Letting the child stay at a brothel would tarnish the Minister's reputation, so it was better to let him stay there. Whether he acknowledged him or not made no difference; it would only add to his troubles.

As for the recent events, Minister Yang learned the truth when Qi Qingyi was returned. He looked at the dazed Qi Qingyi and finally waved his sleeve. "From today onwards, lock up Young Master Qi. Without my orders, he is never to be released!"

After that, Minister Yang took wives and concubines, causing endless chaos in his household, and rumors of being without heirs spread. The Yang family became a laughingstock.

As for the stepmother, she couldn't shake off her fear and anxiety after Lin Su woke up. One day, she was so frightened that she fell into a well and when she was pulled out, her body was already a cold corpse.

When an Elder of the Lin family died, Lin Su would have a three-year mourning period. 

However, the Emperor directly waived the mourning period, citing her as just a stepmother. Though some objected, there was no one to oppose the Emperor's decision.

Though the incident at the Lin mansion wasn't widely known, those who did know the full story understood. Poisoning the legitimate son of a high-ranking official was a crime worthy of the severest punishment. It was unexpected that she chose to commit suicide out of fear. Such a person didn't deserve Lin Su's mourning.

Word spread that she committed suicide out of fear, but even Lin Qingtang doubted that she would take her own life. "Could there be something more to this? There are rumors outside that it was Young Master who took action."

“Do you believe the rumors?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Lin Qingtang shook his head. "Of course not. The young master is decisive in his actions, but he only punishes the guilty and wouldn't easily disregard the law to harm others."

Even if he wanted to punish the stepmother, he wouldn't resort to such methods.

"Believe in me, and don't pay attention to what others say," Lin Su said.

The one who did this was not someone else but Lin's father himself. If he truly sent his wife to the authorities, both Lin Wang and Lin's father would suffer, and the stepmother's family would be implicated as well. Although Lin's father had favored her for many years, for the sake of the family, it had to be done.

Since everyone involved was already dead, Lin Su had no intention of implicating innocent people.

With such reason, Lin Su and Lin Qingtang moved to a separate residence. After his stepmother's funeral, the Emperor bestowed them marriage with a royal decree.

The court and the public were surprised, but Lin Su accepted the decree gratefully, promising the Emperor that one wife was enough for him, and he would not take concubines or secondary wives.

This amounted to cutting off his own descendants. After all, the three imperial physicians had diagnosed the Minister with no hidden ailments, thus debunking the previous rumors.

Some said the Emperor feared Lin Su's power, while others said it was Lin Su's strategy to show weakness. However, women mostly envied his decision, as in this world, women couldn't weren’t allowed to be jealous, but which wife wouldn't feel bitter if her husband favored someone else?

Although some doubted whether the Minister could truly be as faithful as he claimed, their grand wedding nevertheless made waves and was recorded in history books.

Years passed by swiftly, but Lin Su and Lin Qingtang remained as they were, always together. When they walked side by side, they exchanged smiles, their affection evident, they were envied by others. This even led to a trend in the capital, where men followed Lin Su's example of marrying only one wife, and there were many stories of such couples.

【System evaluation: The task completion reward is S-level. Earned five million star coins for task one, five million star coins for task two, and an additional five million star coins, totaling fifteen million, which have been deposited into your account. 

Additional reward reason: Although you did not change the fate of the protagonist’so, you found the protagonist's biological brother, spared him from death, and prevented unnecessary casualties. Please continue to excel, Host.】

Lin Su stretched lazily. In the previous world, he had to maintain his appearance and posture at all times, even though he was naturally disciplined. Sometimes, he wanted to relax.

As for why the task was rated S-level, the tormenting love between Qi Qingyi and Yang Cheng was destined. Even with Lin Qingtang's presence, they would find it difficult to love each other. Even if they did, their incompatible temperaments would lead to mutual torment.

When something is unattainable, it seems incredibly desirable, but when it's within reach, constant friction and unintentional neglect can wear away even the strongest feelings. Sometimes, they may even end up despising each other rather than loving each other as an ordinary couple would.

Lin Qingtang ultimately became an outstanding official, but until his dying breath, his eyes and heart were full of only one person.

Thinking about his gaze, Lin Su smiled. 【Let's start the next world.】

System 06 felt like the host was more proactive than before. 【Understood.】

【System 06 prompt, world loading, memory transfer in progress…】

When Lin Su opened his eyes, he saw a deep blue color. The light shining from above wasn't glaring but rather made the floating sand particles look like fragments of stars.

This was… underwater?

Lin Su lifted his fingers, noticing they weren't wrinkled from prolonged exposure to water. Instead, they were smooth and delicate. Through the light, his skin and bones almost appeared translucent.

Even though he was underwater, he didn’t have difficulty breathing. Lin Su tried to stand up, but when he saw the fishtail in front of him, he raised an eyebrow.

【06, what is this?】 Lin Su asked.

【According to my research, that is your fishtail. You are now a mermaid with a length of two and a half meters. According to the settings of this world, you also have extremely strong reproductive abilities.】

There is a lot to be said about fertility. The ability to help others have children and the ability to have children yourself are definitely two different things.

System 06 scanned the data and continued, 【But there's a catch; while you have the capability to reproduce, humans itself does not have the function to give birth. So, no matter how many times you 'do it,' it won't have any effect.】

Lin Su understood, amused by the fact that his current body could bear children. Although intriguing, it wasn't something he desired to try. He moved his fishtail slightly, unable to swim at full speed. 

The memories he had were of him and another mermaid escaping from the deep-sea realm, only to encounter a waterspout. Despite being able to survive in the deep sea, they couldn't withstand the powerful pull and both perished.

He was one of those mermaids. As for the other, it was the one who became the host for the reborn protagonist, Cheng Qi.

With the protagonist reborn and their body intact, Lin Su had to exchange for a recovery potion from the system to avoid becoming fish food for the beautiful fish swimming around. 

Since there were no humans around, he didn't need to rush the process. 

After regaining his strength, a few flicks of his tail sent him speeding through the water far faster than any human could swim.

However, the speed made it difficult to control his direction, causing some chaos among the fish before they settled back into their leisurely swimming. 

Lin Su has never been a mermaid, but quickly adapted to his new form and environment. This led him to swim past this area and discover the protagonist, a mermaid with a stunning blue tail, lying unconscious among a coral reef.

The merperson's blue hair floated gently with the current, revealing a delicate, snow-white face with lips as red as roses. Even with eyes closed, the shape of the eyelids and the length of the eyelashes indicated that the mermaid would be exceptionally beautiful when awake.

【Hmm, not bad,】 Lin Su remarked, admiringly.

System 06, with a mechanical tone that somehow conveyed tension, responded: 【Host, are you interested in him? This is the protagonist, and he has his own partner, along with several outstanding secondary male characters. If two mermaid’s end up together, they might face significant opposition from human society!】

【Besides providing the system evaluation, this is the first time I've heard you speak so much.】 Lin Su pinched Cheng Qi's delicate chin and scrutinized, 【He really looks good, it’s very much in line with my aesthetic.】

System 06 wanted to say that all good-looking people fit his aesthetic.

While they were talking, the eyelashes of the sleeping mermaid fluttered, and he opened his confused eyes.

【System 06 issuing tasks: Task 1, survive as the original host; 

Task 2, change the fate of the supporting male lead Jiang Tang.】

The protagonist, Cheng Qi, came from another world with normal men and women. Due to an accident, he was reborn into the body of a natural mermaid in this world and was discovered in the deep sea.

In this world, technology is advanced and has spread to several other star regions. However, the place considered the mother planet of humanity remains the most developed. 

Unfortunately, women were not able to adapt to the radiation of space light and have lost their original reproductive abilities. 

As the number of births in human society decreases year by year and all efforts fail to change this situation, deep-sea mermaids, with their strong reproductive abilities, have made a deal with humans.

When humans combine with deep-sea mermaids, the children born are stronger than before. 

The mermaids born can freely switch between legs and tails as natural mermaids do. However, as the mermaid bloodline gets diluted through generations, non-natural mermaids who cannot freely switch between legs and tails are born. 

Although they still have reproductive abilities, their movement is not as convenient as natural mermaids. Moreover, in terms of appearance, natural mermaids with a more concentrated mermaid bloodline are more attractive.

Due to their bloodline, natural mermaids are more sought after than ever.

They were needed and had to be protected in this society. They should be cherished by everyone as they are heaven's blessing... In such a social environment, the arrival of the protagonist Cheng Qi indeed sparked disputes among the powerful. 

Not to mention the emperor and the marshal, even the top biologist and mermaid research authority, Jiang Tang, became Cheng Qi's admirer.

However, in this era, mermaids prefer the strong. The more robust the physical strength, the better the mermaid bloodline can be continued and even purified to some extent. 

Jiang Tang is strong, but who can expect a researcher who spends most of his time in the lab to surpass a general who constantly battles? To surpass an emperor who rides horses and practices shooting every day? Moreover, he naturally has a cold exterior.

In terms of competitiveness, he was at a disadvantage, and in the end, he was falsely accused by his assistant of harming mermaids for his research. Even though he was eventually cleared, the loss of important data and some irreversible findings were enough to drive a research enthusiast into despair.

【I'm not doing the second task,】 Lin Su said with a smile as he looked into those clear blue eyes.

His tail was deep blue, and his hair was a beautiful shade of blue, blending seamlessly with the ocean. His eyes were even more stunning, like the finishing touch that made the small mermaid, about two meters long with its tail, look as delicate and beautiful as a doll.

System 06's mechanical voice sounded almost tearful: 【Host, you can't do this. The mermaids in this world are all very beautiful. It's like shopping for clothes in a mall; you should look at all of them before deciding which is the best. The next one might be even better. Don't make yourself regret it.】

【People should know how to be content. Why is my system so greedy?】 Lin Su retorted, leaving 06 speechless and on the verge of tears.

Lin Su greeted the little mermaid who had just opened his eyes: "Hi, you're finally awake."

His attitude was casual, as if greeting an old friend, but Cheng Qi instinctively stiffened and slid two meters away. He looked at Lin Su's indigo tail, then at his own, and felt like he was about to faint: "W-What's going on here?!"

"I don't know either. I woke up and found myself here," Lin Su said, looking a bit puzzled. "Judging by your reaction, you weren't originally a mermaid either?"

To infiltrate the enemy, you need to create resonance.

Cheng Qi, who had been extremely nervous, tentatively asked, "You weren't originally a mermaid either? Where are you from?"

"From country Z," Lin Su replied, flicking his tail and sitting down on a piece of coral. "And you?"

"I am too, I am too!" Cheng Qi wanted to grab his hand, but as he flicked his tail and turned, he realized he had swum past him. 

He cautiously moved closer, grabbed Lin Su's hand, and said, "A fellow countryman! I died in a plane crash at sea. When I first saw your tail, I thought I had encountered a monster, but I didn't expect to become one myself. Do you know where we are? Can we return to human society like this? What if we are treated as monsters and studied? What if they dissect us? ... By the way, what did you do before?"

Lin Su's expression shifted from initial interest to indifference, much like a student zoning out during a school principal's speech, looking bored and distracted.

System 06 noticed the change in the host's attitude and asked, 【What's wrong, host?】

【He talks too much,】 Lin Su replied. 【I think what you said earlier was right.】

System 06 was on the verge of tears with joy but held back to avoid damaging itself. 【It's wonderful that you think so, host.】

Although Lin Su was distracted, he maintained the facade of an attentive listener: "I was in international business, with the Xinrui Group. What about you?"

Cheng Qi, just a student, responded: "..."

It sounded impressive. He originally thought he couldn't rely on him, now the opportunity was right in front of him!

"Well, we've both been reborn. The past is the past; what's important is the future. Don't you agree?" Cheng Qi said with a smile.

Regardless of if he was talkative or not, that face was pleasant enough to look at, so Lin Su nodded and said, "Yes, we've been through a lot together. My name is Lin Su. What's yours?"

"My name is Cheng Qi. Nice to meet you. From now on, we're brothers." Cheng Qi extended his hand for a handshake, only to find his hand was now slender and fair. "What the heck, where did my tanned skin go?!"

According to Lin Su's understanding, this merman was also a small bottom before being reborn. The so-called bronze skin was just a sunburn. Well, every small bottom has the dream of becoming a big bronze man, so he wouldn't shatter that dream.

Lin Su shook hands with him and said, "It's okay. We can start over."

Just like that, Lin Su infiltrated the protagonist's inner circle, becoming a good brother.

The mechanical heart that had been raised high by System 06 came crashing down heavily.

With a loud clang, the noise was deafening!

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