Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 21


| PN | 21

"Brother-in-law, are you too nervous?" Inside the aircraft, it was warm but not to the point of making one sweat profusely. Assistant Xiao Wang glanced at his brother-in-law, feeling extremely puzzled.

Who could the person they were about to pick up be, to make his wealthy businessman brother-in-law so nervous?

"You don't understand. When we pick up the person later, focus on flying the aircraft and don't say a word, don't ask any questions, understand?" Zhao Tan instructed anxiously, sweat beads dotting his forehead. "Don't even look back at the rear seats. It's for your own good!"

Originally, Zhao Tan hadn't planned to bring his brother-in-law along to meet this important figure. But he was too frightened and wanted someone to accompany him. Bringing a bodyguard might give the wrong impression, so he found his brother-in-law unassuming stature more reassuring.

"Okay," Xiao Wang replied, still puzzled. Seeing his brother-in-law's anxious demeanor, he decided not to press further.

Xiao Wang had been woken up by Zhao Tan at three in the morning, and now it was just four o'clock at the parking place. Glancing at his brother-in-law who was nervously tapping his leg and wiping sweat, Xiao Wang quietly began to doze off.

He had been sleeping soundly in the pilot's seat when suddenly, he was startled awake. As he raised his head, he saw Zhao Tan's pale face and heard his trembling voice as he anxiously cautioned, "I'm going to pick them up. After he boards the aircraft, remember, don't say anything unnecessary!"

After being repeatedly cautioned by Zhao Tan, even Xiao Wang, who was not the sharpest tool in the shed, understood that the person they were about to meet was not someone to be trifled with. 

His heart was immediately on edge. After Zhao Tan left, Xiao Wang was left alone in the aircraft, feeling restless and nervously stared at the time displayed on the console.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Tan returned with a man in tow.

He was a very beautiful man.

It was the first time Xiao Wang had ever described a man as beautiful.

Originally, Xiao Wang had thought that the person who could make his wealthy businessman brother-in-law so afraid must be some tycoon in his seventies or eighties, someone whose mere presence could shake the foundations of Blue Star. 

At the very least, he expected a seasoned fox who had spent decades in the business world. He never expected it would be a young stranger.

Xiao Wang had never seen such a good-looking man in his life. But because of Zhao Tan's instructions, he dared not look more, keeping his head down and pretending to be dead while sitting in the pilot's seat.

However, the voices of the two men in the back seat still reached his ears.

"Are you here in the Linjing District this time for business?" Xiao Wang listened to his brother-in-law's trembling voice and could almost imagine his nervous appearance.

"Yes, thank you for coming to pick me up."

Xiao Wang licked his dry lips. This man not only looked good but also had a pleasant voice. 

Just from hearing that voice, he could imagine how gentle the person must be. He couldn't understand why his brother-in-law was so afraid of him.

"Not at all, not at all."

Zhao Tan's voice nearly cracked, as if agreeing with the simple phrase "not at all" might cost him years of his life.

Next came some work-related matters. While Xiao Wang was an assistant, his responsibilities were primarily dealing with Zhao Tan's personal life, not in his business affairs. 

From their conversation, it seemed that the man they picked up was involved in some kind of transaction.

As they talked further, the young man's voice took on a warm, smiling tone, gentle like a spring breeze that lifted one's spirits. 

However, Xiao Wang couldn't help but notice that his usually haughty brother-in-law seemed on the verge of tears.

After delivering the man to his destination, Xiao Wang hurriedly closed the aircraft door and glanced at the back seat. Sure enough, Zhao Tan was really crying. The normally commanding and formidable businessman was now pale-faced, his eyes vacant, tears streaking down his cheeks as he slumped in the back seat in a miserable state.

"Brother-in-law!" Xiao Wang quickly ran to the back seat to help the man up. Meanwhile, Zhao Tan, clearly shaken, muttered something to himself.

 Xiao Wang lowered his head and caught a few phrases: "...write...will...immediately..."

Xiao Wang: ...

No way, brother-in-law, who is this guy that you're already thinking about writing your will?

In the end, no will was actually written.

Because the young man came back again.

The man lightly tapped on the spacecraft window, a gentle smile on his lips, which startled Zhao Tan so much that he hiccupped. 

After a few seconds, Zhao Tan covered his heart and struggled to get up. He told Xiao Wang to stay inside and not move, then nervously walked out.

"Mr. Shen, why have you returned?" Zhao Tan asked cautiously with a forced smile.

"Sorry, it's my first time here, and I got a bit lost. The other party asked me to tell them my current location, but I'm not quite sure," replied the man apologetically.

The man's soft golden hair was braided loosely and held with a hair tie over his right shoulder. His whole demeanor was gentle and warm, making it hard to blame him. He apologized with a smile, his eyes as gentle as water, and his soft lips slightly pursed, seeming somewhat embarrassed.

A clumsy, gentle man like this could evoke goodwill, but Zhao Tan was trembling at the sight of him. No matter how gentle he appeared, Zhao Tan couldn't forget the bloody scene from a few months ago. 

If he continued to stay with Shen Yuxi, he was sure to shorten his lifespan, but he didn't dare to ask him to leave early.

With these thoughts, Zhao Tan kept silent, silently praying for someone to come and pick up Shen Yuxi.

Zhao Tan's wish soon came true.

A few minutes later, a man walked to a nearby tree, activated his light brain, glanced at their location, hesitated for a moment, and then walked straight towards them.

Zhao Tan had been keeping an eye on the man under the tree the whole time. No doubt, the man was strikingly handsome, tall, and well-built, which made him envy his appearance.

When the man approached them, Zhao Tan was delighted. Could this be the person who would finally take away his nightmare?

The man stood in front of them and cautiously asked, "Doctor?"

Zhao Tan instantly lit up with joy. He remembered that this man was known in the circle as Doctor, so this man must be the one here to take away this god of plague!

Shen Yuxi straightened slightly, his blue eyes soft and gentle, a tender smile curling his lips. He spoke softly, "That's me." Then he asked in return, "Are you Chao Dad?"

Hearing this online handle, Qi Chao felt awkward to the point of wanting to dig a hole and hide. He hadn't realized how embarrassing it sounded when spoken aloud in real life.

Despite his inner embarrassment, Qi Chao maintained a calm expression. He nodded and glanced at Zhao Tan. "Is this your friend?"

Qi Chao was about to invite them to his place when Zhao Tan, who was a bit timid but also sharp-minded, quickly declined, "How could I be worthy of being a friend of Doctor? Since you're here to pick up Doctor, I'll leave first."

Only a fool would stay behind without thinking it through.

Zhao Tang smiled politely at Shen Yuxi attentively, who nodded in response, and then hurriedly slipped into the spacecraft and left.

Now, only Qi Chao and Shen Yuxi remained at the scene.

Qi Chao was slightly taller than Shen Yuxi. He lowered his head to look at the doctor's gentle and refined features, feeling unexpectedly nervous.

"I haven't had a chance to say this online. My real name is Qi Chao, I'm twenty-eight, a bit older than you. You can call me Qi Chao or Brother Qi, or whatever you like," Qi Chao said, rubbing his nose. 

He truly hadn't expected Doctor to be so good-looking. In his nearly thirty years of life, he hadn't seen anyone so attractive.

Shen Yuxi's eyelashes trembled slightly, his peach blossom eyes gentle like water, filled with indescribable affection. He smiled softly, "My name is Shen Yuxi, I am three years older than you, so I guess calling you Brother Qi might not work."

Three years older? Doctor was thirty-one years old?!

Qi Chao was shocked. The next moment, his mouth reacted faster than his brain, "That's okay, I can call you Brother Shen, right?"

After blurting out those words, Shen Yuxi hadn't reacted much, but Qi Chao's own ears turned red.

Sometimes, Qi Chao had a habit of speaking without thinking much. Such a comment might be fine when tossed around online, but facing this gentle and refined man in front of him, Qi Chao suddenly felt embarrassed.

Shen Yuxi continued to smile gently, nodding slightly. His voice was soft, "Of course."

Seeing that Shen Yuxi didn't seem displeased, Qi Chao instantly relaxed. After all, they had been online friends for nearly a month, so Qi Chao quickly regained his sense of interacting online and took the initiative.

He led Doctor towards the direction of the villa, teasing, "Brother Shen, I never knew that you would be bad with directions."

Earlier that morning, Qi Chao was preparing today's feast in the kitchen when he received messages from Doctor asking for directions. 

It was then that he learned from the two brother’s mouths that Doctor was not good at navigating at all.

"Because I rarely go out," Doctor explained calmly, his face slightly blushing, seemingly embarrassed about his poor sense of direction.

His skin was fairer than fresh snow in early winter, and the blush on his face made it even more apparent, accentuating his fairness.

Qi Chao glanced down at this scene with some skepticism. Was this person really thirty-one? Why could a grown man of thirty-one still be so cute?

This skepticism lingered until Qi Chao returned home.

Upon opening the door, two brothers stood in the entryway.

One large and one small, a scene Qi Chao was very familiar with.

Qi Chao hesitated briefly, nudging Shen Yuxi forward to make it easier for the little children at home to act coquettishly with their father.

He expected Lan Luo and Moss to rush over and act coquettishly with their father, Qi Chao even picked up his light brain to take a photo to capture the moment.

However, these two dolls only called out "Father" respectively before closing their mouths.

How should one put it?

Qi Chao found that the meeting between father and sons wasn't as warm as he had imagined.

However, different fathers had different ways of interacting with their children.

Someone as gentle as Shen Yuxi might be more reserved in his interactions with the children.

Sure enough, Qi Chao saw Doctor stepping forward and gently inquiring about Lan Luo and Mo Si's well-being. His face was adorned with a gentle smile, his braided golden hair hanging over his right shoulder, exuding a gentle and clean aura that easily put others at ease.

Qi Chao couldn't help but see Doctor as a gentle and harmless father figure.

He glanced at the trio at the door, chuckled lightly, and left them to catch up, and headed into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

What Qi Chao didn't know was that after he left, the gentle Doctor, who had been speaking softly, suddenly stopped. 

The living room fell into an eerie silence.

Or perhaps, this silence was the norm.

Everything before had been a false facade.

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