It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 80


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 80

"If we can reach the upper reaches of the southern region, our marching speed will increase by more than double," Gui Jianchou remarked.

His original name was Zhang Peng, he now wore the attire of a general, still carrying his former boldness and roguishness, though he no longer resorted to violence at every opportunity as before. 

After all, the military texts Lin Su had him study weren't for naught.

"That's exactly the point," Lin Su smiled, "What do you all think?"

"Your Majesty is wise, we all obey Your Majesty's orders," the generals replied, one after another.

While the Xiao Kingdom remained vigilant, Lian openly occupied Lin Su's shops. Meanwhile, in the vast plains of Lian's north and south borders, tens of thousands of cavalry appeared, advancing at an extremely fast pace.

The war reports from both sides changed daily, shocking all the nations.

"His target is actually Lian?!" Emperor Yuanhe's brush hesitated on the paper.

Emperor Shengyuan of Li Kingdom, although old and addicted to pleasure, was awakened from his comfort by the impending national crisis.

However, even with the fastest horses, it still took several days for news to arrive. Each piece of news was enough to make the emperors, who originally felt this matter had nothing to do with their countries, worry for their own safety.

And the first to bear the brunt was The Lian Kingdom. 

Inside the palace, the Lian Emperor raged, sending reinforcements. Yet every war report that returned spoke of defeat. The generals dispatched were seasoned veterans, but rumors spread that they were easily defeated by a single spear from the Qi Emperor, captured on the spot without a chance to fight back.

The cavalry marched swiftly, despite the expected shortages in provisions. 

However, Lin Su happened to have numerous shops within Lian's borders, and his troops never harassed civilians along their route. They managed to keep pace with the rapid march by swiftly dispatching supplies from the surrounding areas.

Even when city gates were tightly closed and boiling oil poured down, they couldn't withstand the insiders who were all skilled. Within just half a month, twenty cities had been conquered, and it seemed they would soon reach the capital of the Lian Kingdom.

The Lian Emperor pleaded for help, sending messages to the three kingdoms, emphasizing that if Lian fell, the other three nations would likely follow suit.

Upon receiving the plea for help, the other kingdoms grew even more anxious. After all, Lian's reasoning was compelling, and it caused a heated debate in their respective courts.

"Your Majesty should send reinforcements, or our nation will be in grave danger."

"But the Qi Emperor seems completely innocent in this conflict. If we rush to aid, we might provoke unnecessary trouble."

"It is precisely because of this that Lian Kingdom is unable to defend itself. If we take the initiative to attack, we will be the next one."


"The Lian Kingdom is located upstream. If we march to assist, we'll be the first to face the southern onslaught. Moreover, our own forces are already stretched thin. Further losses could prove disastrous."

"Your Majesty, please send troops to stand with Lian against the enemy. Otherwise, we'll be sitting ducks."


Emperor Yuanhe was newly enthroned and eager to assert his authority, but he hadn't anticipated that a mere forgotten merchant would now possess the power to conquer the world.

"Your Majesty, if Qi Country takes over Liangguo, today's Lian will become tomorrow's southern threat."

"If we rashly close Qi Country's shops now, we might not harm them but instead leave Shengjing City without sufficient food."

"He clearly planned this from the beginning, concealing his ambitious wolfish nature behind the identity of a merchant."

Emperor Yuanhe deeply regretted his momentary pride at the palace banquet for not meeting Lin Su. If he had met him, he surely would have recognized that he was no ordinary man, and he could have acted decisively earlier to prevent him from even leaving the southern capital.

"What do you esteemed ministers suggest we do?" Emperor Yuanhe asked.

The court fell silent, with no one daring to speak up.

Even Lian's fierce Tiger General, who was captured alive with a single shot. Now there are no powerful generals in the territory of the Southern Kingdom.

"Duke Kang was stationed on the frontier before. With the country in peril now. Is it possible for Your Majesty to consider reinstating him?" the prime minister pondered for a long time.

"Duke Kang is indeed a capable general. He has fought against the Tiger General and won more than he lost," a courtier added.

Emperor Yuanhe remained silent. When he had sought to control military power earlier, Duke Kang had been a thorn in his side. Now, wanting to reinstate him was a blow to his own pride.

Yet, there were few who could stop Qi Country's cavalry, and national dignity and territory were at stake. It was clear what needed to be done: "Issue my decree. Restore Duke Kang's military position immediately and prepare to march."

Upon receiving the imperial decree, Duke Kang could only accept it. However, holding the decree, he couldn't help but feel a sense of irony.

They had naturally received news of Lin Su's actions. Duke Kang had initially been stunned into silence, but later he couldn't help but reflect on how he could have trusted him when they first met.

Nowadays, within the Qi Country's army, there is a Silver Dragon General, leading from the front with unmatched bravery and strength. Though his name is Lin Fan, the news from Lin Su's side claims he is their son.

He now gallops across battlefields, gaining fame and honor. If Lin Su can truly unify the world, such achievements would undoubtedly fulfill his lifelong aspirations more than any palace intrigue.

"I've served the southern nation all my life. Although the late Emperor was senile in his old age, he never mistreated his generals, let alone harm their descendants. But the new Emperor is swayed by personal whims, using both soft and hard tactics, forcing my son to live in hiding," Duke Kang spoke privately to Madam Kang.

"Now that Qi Country seems to unify the world, the southern nation actually lacks the strength to resist for long. Instead of sacrificing the lives of our soldiers, why not go along with the current situation?"

"Wise words, my lord," Madam Kang took his hand. "If His Majesty were benevolent, our son would still be here. I wouldn’t even hesitate to risk our entire household's lives. But he clearly lacks true benevolence and righteousness. It's not worth sacrificing ourselves for."

"The border naturally needs attention, but how to resist is our responsibility in the Duke Kang's household."

It is too wishful thinking to expect them to help the Emperor after he had treated them poorly..

Once again, news spread within the Taihe Palace, but this time even the harem couldn't hide it.

Looking at the map, Li Yuan murmured, "How could it be the Lian Kingdom?"

This was something no one had expected. Yet that person had chosen to act differently, catching everyone off guard.

With such talent, Li Kingdom might not be able to resist.

"Though they have captured many cities, when it comes to the heartland of the capital, they might not necessarily succeed in taking it. The soldiers will fight to the death if it comes to the last stand," His Aunt consoled him.

"No, if we observe Lin Su's treatment of the Chen Kingdom, we know he's not one to annihilate them completely. He passes through without harming the people, and most people only seek to survive. They may not risk everything for a royal family that isn’t dead," Li Yuan rubbed his fingers, "He is too cunning."

"But won't the three kingdoms send reinforcements?" Aunt asked.

"My father is old and swayed by his mother and son. He's no longer the spirited ruler he once was, and would only seek to protect himself. Emperor Yuanhe seems capable on the surface but is stubborn and selfish," Li Yuan lowered his gaze, "He won't send troops. As for the Xiao Kingdom, they may wish to surround the Qi capital to ease the Lian Kingdom's plight, but wouldn’t Emperor Qi also think of this?"

Though newly established, The Qi Kingdom had vast territory, stretching the frontlines. But how could they ignore their own territory and expose it to danger?

"What should we do?" His Aunt fretted.

"The current situation requires the three kingdoms to unite against the enemy, but perhaps they haven't united yet, and their own people are already at odds," Li Yuan leaned back on the couch, "It's hopeless..."

He wanted to act but was powerless. His only consolation was that Lin Su wasn't ruthless, and could settle the royal families of various countries. If the Southern Kingdom fell, he might be relocated, and perhaps he could see his mother again.

After a month, The Lian Kingdom fell. Despite being in his prime, when he saw the young man walking in from outside the hall, the Lian Emperor appeared as old as an elderly man: "With the Lian Kingdom gone. I’m afraid the others won’t be able to protect themselves."

Lin Su smiled, "When lips are gone, the teeth are cold. You understand this principle, but they don't. That's the difference."

"The Qi Dynasty has long since perished. Our ancestors simply acted according to the situation," the Lian Emperor sighed, "You may kill me, but please spare the lives of my family."

"Being alive is better than being dead. Being alive allows me to preserve my reputation. If you are dead, wouldn't I be seen as a tyrant?" Lin Su chuckled. "Though I am not as wealthy as before, I don't lack for food and clothing. Living with the former royal family of Chen Kingdom won't be boring either."

If he were to annihilate all the countries and gather their Emperors together, it would be just as entertaining as a grand harem battle, he thought.

The Lian Emperor chuckled unexpectedly. "If that day comes, I'll surely clash with those three Emperors, mocking their extreme foolishness."

"That day will come, believe me," Lin Su's spear handle still bore blood stains, and there were traces of blood on his armor that had seeped in despite being wiped clean. Yet, this did not diminish his handsome appearance; instead, it added a masculine valor of battlefield iron and blood. Despite this, his attitude towards the enemy emperor was as if he were a guest.

The Lian Emperor sighed, knowing that at this moment, everything was irreversibly set. He straightened his robes, adjusted his crown. Even if this was the last time he wore imperial robes, he would still walk out like an emperor.

With the dust settling on Lian's affairs, the other Kingdoms fell into a panic of being attacked.. 

They speculated on the Qi Emperor's next target: the weakest Xiao Kingdom, the downstream Southern Kingdom, or the still relatively strong Li Kingdom.

The three nations, in their peril, sought allies. But while the former Lian Kingdom, now Qi Kingdom, reformed its army, granted general amnesty, and pacified the frightened citizens, there was no intent to raise an army. Each minor military maneuver sparked heated debates in the courts of the three kingdoms, causing even the streets to become chaotic.

Li Yuan watched the current situation with detached amusement. Unlike the Chen Kingdom, Lian Kingdom's vast territory required substantial forces for defense and military campaigns, necessitating rest periods for soldiers. How could they arrive so quickly?

Amidst the incessant quarreling, an alliance between the three kingdoms was far from being negotiated. Each feared losing even a fraction of their interests. It didn't look like three Emperors but rather a disparate group of people obsessing over petty gains.

Having such rulers, how could they possibly resist someone so decisive and eager for battle?

At this moment, a new noble of Qi Kingdom was appointed, titled Kang Boyu.

When this name came out, it shocked the entire Southern Kingdom. The intention of alliance between the other two countries immediately retreated. 

Emperor Yuanhe sat astonished on the dragon throne and asked, "What did you say his name was?"

"He's named Kang Boyu, a fierce general leading the Qi army against us. His real name is Lin Fan, the deceased son of Duke Kang," reported the soldier who hurried into the palace. "Your Majesty, there are already fifty thousand soldiers from Qi Kingdom pressing our borders, led by Kang Boyu, confronting the army led by Duke Kang."

On Duke Kang’s side was his son, on the other side was an emperor who had once oppressed him. Emperor Yuanhe hastily stood up from the dragon throne and searched through the desk for the imperial seal to write orders, saying, "Go, convey my orders immediately to summon Duke Kang back to the capital."

He knew he had been manipulated before, but this also indicated that Duke Kang's household did not fear the crime of deceiving the emperor.

 Once Duke Kang rebelled, the strongest barrier in the Southern Kingdom would be completely destroyed, and his own throne might not last much longer.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the soldier received the decree and hurriedly departed.

At the border of the Southern Kingdom, indeed, the two armies faced off, but neither side's soldiers had yet engaged in battle. 

Instead, Duke Kang watched with tears streaming down his face as he looked at his son clad in silver armor and leading iron cavalry. "Good! Good son!"

The border soldiers had all seen Kang Boyu before and had been deeply grieved when they heard of his death. Now, seeing him again on the opposite side, none of the veteran generals, who had always upheld loyalty and patriotism as their lifelong principles, could bring themselves to criticize him.

The soldiers were confused, but Lin Su intended to make it clear to everyone in the Southern Kingdom: Kang Boyu treason against the Emperor Yuanhe was not due to the subjects' disloyalty, but because of Emperor Yuanhe's lack of virtue.

He did not start a war for the time being, understanding that digesting the vast territory of Lian Kingdom will take time. The soldiers are fatigued and rushing into battle would be unwise, but allowing the various countries to exhaust themselves internally is feasible.

When Lin Su decides to act, he does so decisively. Within days, rumors spread like wildfire in the capital city of Shengjing about the incident when Emperor Yuanhe forced the Northern Zhuo Palace to break off a marriage and intended to marry Kang Boyu into the palace, prompting Kang Boyu to feign death and escape.

The court and the public were shocked. In times of peace, such incidents might have been seen as mere court scandals, but now, in a critical period of governance, it was seen as the emperor forcing his subjects into impossible loyalties.

This controversy turned the tide against condemning Duke Kang's household for betrayal. 

Such discussions proliferated in the Southern court, with numerous explicit and implicit threats to the emperor's personal integrity. Despite Emperor Yuanhe's robust health, the sustained attacks over several days caused him to stagger and collapse suddenly.

While the nations of Li and Xiao Kingdoms were inclined to watch the drama unfold, they were also deeply concerned for their own safety. Surprisingly, at this time, news spread from Qi Kingdom about an impending marriage alliance.

The Qi Kingdom, under its new emperor, though still young, had ascended to the throne without even a concubine to his name. Now, he was aiming to establish his household and stabilize the country, and sought to secure an Empress. 

As the saying goes, 'first establish the family before managing the state and then pacifying the world,' this step was crucial."

At this late stage, seeking an Empress would be unprecedented among the other emperors. With no noble families in the newly established Qi Kingdom, the former royal families of Chen and Lian Kingdoms were out of consideration. The viable candidates naturally came from the royal families of Li, Nan, and Xiao.

If a marriage alliance could be forged, securing a queen's position would likely ease tensions between the two countries, preventing a scenario where the enemy might soon be at their doorstep.

With the Qi Kingdom signaling its intentions, invitations were promptly sent out by various nations. 

Even if there were no suitable princesses of age, there were certainly eligible women from their respective royal households.

Lu Ning has become a great general stationed in a frontier, enjoying his current status. He envies the letters arriving from various countries: "Your Majesty, the princesses from various countries are available for your selection. You should choose one to your liking."

"Of course," Lin Su looked at the envelopes on the table that he wanted to use to establish good relations.

Lu Ning asked again, "I wonder how Your Majesty plans to choose? Should they send the person to the capital?"

"No, I will go see for myself," Lin Su smiled.

Lu Ning was stunned, "Ah? How will you see for yourself?"

"Naturally, I will personally visit each country," Lin Su raised his head, "Otherwise, is there a tool that can transmit voices over thousands of miles?"

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. You are the only one from the Qi royal family. If you rashly enter another country and are assassinated, the great enterprise we have built will collapse immediately," Lu Ning knelt down and said.

"Then instruct them to assassinate me within the borders of whichever country first," Lin Su stroked his chin, "What do you think of this idea?"

Lu Ning: "..."

Is he trying to kill them?

If Lin Su encounters an assassination attempt within any Kingdom's borders, that Kingdom will suffer. If he is killed, it's one thing, but if not, it will cause headaches for the Emperor. 

Naturally, every effort will be made to protect him, but there's always a risk of something going wrong.

And if other countries have grievances against each other, borrowing a knife to kill is indeed as simple as it gets, as long as it does not endanger Lin Su's life.

"Your Majesty is wise," Lu Ning felt that before their armies invaded, their Majesty might play with three countries to death.

Lin Su made up his mind. There were some objections, but when Lin Su conveyed what he had said to Lu Ning to the other three countries, the courtiers raised thoughts similar to Lu Ning's.

Is their Majesty planning to play the other countries to death?

The news spread to all countries, causing everyone to be on guard, anxious and uneasy. Since the reign of Emperor Yuanhe, they had never been subjected to such coercion. But now, they had to bow their heads due to the unfavorable situation.

The first country Lin Su decided to visit was the Southern Country. While the countries of Li and Xiao Kingdom breathed a slight sigh of relief, the capital city of Shengjing became completely guarded, thoroughly inspecting every person who entered or exited.

When Lin Su entered, he brought five thousand elite soldiers with him, and the Southern Country had another ten thousand soldiers guarding him. The distinction between the two sides was clear. If anyone didn't know better, they would think they were about to fight. 

Yet the current scene was peculiar.

Lin Su encountered no disturbances along the way. Even those daring enough to attempt assassination had their actions resolved before any news reached his ears.

Outside Shengjing, five thousand elite soldiers were stationed, while Lin Su entered with only three hundred. Previously, when he came here, he was ignored, and even encountered numerous obstacles in conducting business. 

Now, however, Emperor Yuanhe himself came out of the palace to welcome him.

Lin Su had already met Emperor Yuanhe before. Initially, he was full of vigor and held great power, truly worthy of an emperor. But now, there was a hint of weariness in his demeanor. Despite being reluctant, he could only endure it.

Exiting the carriage, Lin Su wore his traditional black attire from the former Qi dynasty, unchanged.

 Lin Su didn't bother with new customs, adhering to the old ways. When visiting other countries, although not required to wear imperial robes, he was dressed impeccably. While his attire might lack the grandeur of Emperor Yuanhe's imperial robes, it exuded an equal amount of authority.

Upon first seeing Lin Su, Emperor Yuanhe's pupils contracted. Although Lin Su wore a smile, there was a moment during their eye contact where Emperor Yuanhe felt like he was being seen through.


Despite both being of equal stature, he felt a sense of being looked down upon.

"Your Majesty of the Southern Empire," Lin Su greeted with courtesy, to which Emperor Yuanhe naturally responded, "Emperor Qi."

Kang Boyu rode up on horseback and dismounted, approaching behind Lin Su. He said, "Your Majesty, the five thousand elite soldiers have been stationed as planned."

He didn't even glance at Emperor Yuanhe, but Emperor Yuanhe clenched his fists and said, "I never thought I would see Boyu again. If you were unwilling back then, you could have told me directly. Why come up with such an idea?"

After a long time, seeing the man standing in front of him in armor brought back that suppressed feeling like a spring welling up.

Kang Boyu, however, looked at him without the usual respect: "Doesn't Your Majesty feel guilty saying such words?"

If it were before, he would never have dared to be so disrespectful, but now he believed that the Emperor would protect him and wouldn't allow his subjects to be humiliated by another country.

Emperor Yuanhe's face changed slightly. Even though he knew he could no longer use power to oppress Kang Boyu, being contradicted like this still made him very angry: "Are all Qi subjects so insolent?"

Lin Su laughed: "What dissatisfaction does the Southern Emperor have?"

The ministers accompanying the Southern Emperor had never heard such a domineering question, but given the situation, they could only endure and not offend.

Emperor Yuanhe's fists tightened in his sleeves, but he said directly, "The Southern Country has always been tolerant and magnanimous, so it won't argue with a mere subject. All arrangements in the palace have been made; Emperor Qi, please settle down first, and then we can discuss other matters."

If they continued talking, they would risk losing both face and honor.

Lin Su entered the Southern Palace again, and there was a banquet to entertain him. This time, he was in a place of honor, with palace servants attending to him, and no one dared to show the slightest neglect.

A palace servant was pouring wine for Lin Su, bowing so low that his head almost touched his chest. Once the wine was poured, he breathed a sigh of relief and intended to leave, but Lin Su said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere before."

The servant trembled slightly and said in a low voice, "A humble servant like me could never have seen Your Majesty's face."

It was the same person who had led him to the Empress Dowager's palace that day and had also intimidated him. Lin Su remembered clearly; otherwise, the servant wouldn't be so afraid.

Palace servants act mostly under the orders of their masters. Although Lin Su didn't need to regard Emperor Yuanhe seriously, it wasn't yet time to move against him—punishing a dog still requires considering its master.

Lin Su smiled, "I suppose I've mistaken you for someone similar. You may leave."

The palace servant, feeling as if he had received a great pardon, quickly bowed and retreated.

Amidst the swirling wine, seductive music, and graceful dancing, Lin Su raised his cup and said, "Your Majesty of the Southern Empire, now that I am residing in the palace, are there any places where I am not allowed to go?"

There were many forbidden areas in the palace, especially the harem, where men were not allowed. However, Emperor Yuanhe knew that by asking this question, Lin Su was prepared for a response that couldn't be refused.

Emperor Yuanhe raised his cup and said, "In this vast world, Emperor Qi can naturally go wherever he wishes."

Even if he took a liking to one of the concubines, as long as she wasn't the empress, he could have her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty of the Southern Empire," Lin Su seemed quite pleased with this answer.

Women could not freely meet men outside, as it would harm their reputation. Lin Su had no interest in getting involved with Emperor Yuanhe's concubines, whether it was being cuckolded or cuckolding someone else.

He looked at the portraits sent, wandered around the inner palace, but was careful to avoid anyone, never encountering any concubines.

The palace of Shengjing was quite large, and the imperial garden connected to pavilions and towers, exuding a special charm of the water towns.

It was early spring in March, and the peach blossoms were in full bloom, covering the trees in red. Lin Su usually didn't like wearing overly elaborate clothing, but even his regular attire was exquisitely embroidered.

Li Yuan, upon learning that Lin Su had arrived at the Southern Palace, stopped going out. It wasn't that he disliked Lin Su; he just didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble or unexpected incidents.

Although he had a relatively quiet disposition, staying in the palace all day was stifling. On a leisurely day, hearing that Emperor Qi had apparently left the palace and gone to the market, he went out with his aunt from the Taihe Palace to get some fresh air in the imperial garden.

When they walked under the peach blossom trees, and further along to where the concubines often visited, Li Yuan stopped and sat on a smooth stone. Seeing no one around, he sighed with relief, "Finally, I’m out of the palace. If I stayed in my own quarters any longer, I might have suffocated."

His aunt smiled and said, "The Empress Dowager doesn't need to be so fearful. Back then, it was just an inquiry, and there was no humiliation. I don't think Emperor Qi would blame the Empress Dowager for that."

"That's true."

Li Yuan was about to speak when he heard a voice from above. Instinctively looking up, he saw someone sitting in the tree. The person wore black clothes, blending in with the tree trunk, but among the peach blossoms, his smiling eyes were even more striking than the vibrant flowers.

"Who are you, and how can you wander freely in the harem?" his aunt instinctively protected Li Yuan.

Lin Su smiled, looked at the two under the tree, and jumped down, leaning on the tree trunk. He was very tall, and although Li Yuan was not short, he hadn't fully grown yet, and his aunt couldn't shield him.

"What a pretty little beauty," Lin Su smiled.

"How dare you! This is the Empress Dowager of Taihe Palace. How can you flirt with her so casually?" his aunt's chest heaved as Lin Su approached, and she retreated slightly.

She intended to call for help, but Li Yuan stopped her, saying, "Aunt, this is Emperor Qichen."

Although he didn't recognize him at first, the voice was very familiar. Previously, he had only seen his back. Now that he saw his face, it felt like everything fell into place.

His aunt was momentarily speechless, her expression changed, and she bowed, "Greetings to Emperor Qi. I apologize for my offensive behavior."

"Aunt was not offensive. I was teasing Empress Dowager earlier." 

Li Yuan had not interacted much with this person but felt inexplicably that he probably did not like people who were overly submissive.

Even when in a weak position, the more one saw themselves as inferior, the more they became so.

The young man had grown significantly compared to a year ago, but he seemed to have a more mature and subdued air about him. The liveliness he showed when alone was once again suppressed.

"It wasn't teasing; it was genuine sincerity," Lin Su said as he walked up to Li Yuan. Although the young man tried to appear calm, his body was tense to the extreme. "I've seen beauties from many countries, but the most beautiful one is right here."

He was standing very close, making Li Yuan so nervous that his breathing nearly stopped. This person's actions were unpredictable, but if he retreated now, it would truly make him appear as someone who could be easily teased.

Lin Su leaned closer to his face and said, "Not avoiding me? If you don't move, I'll kiss you."

Seeing him get closer, their breaths almost mingling, his aunt was extremely anxious behind them. Li Yuan could only stiffen his body and close his eyes, saying, "I believe Your Majesty is a gentleman!"

Lin Su chuckled, tapped his nose, and then stepped back. "Forcing things isn't meaningful. Have you figured out the mechanical diagrams I gave you last time?"

Li Yuan instinctively touched his nose and only avoided retreating because his aunt supported him. With a complex feeling, he said, "Thank you for the diagrams last time, Your Majesty. They are indeed ingenious and worth studying repeatedly."

"If you like them, why are you avoiding me?" Lin Su sat on a nearby stone. "Do you see me as someone who arbitrarily punishes others without distinguishing right from wrong?"

Li Yuan straightforwardly said, "I only fear causing trouble."

Lin Su glanced at him and smiled, "You're younger than me, yet you refer to yourself as 'I'. It's quite strange. It's more comfortable when you refer to yourself as you did just now."

Knowing he couldn't maintain his empress dowager persona in front of him, Li Yuan corrected himself, "As long as Your Majesty doesn't blame me."

"I don't blame you. In the future, you'll be my empress, so how could I easily blame you?" Lin Su said with a smile.

Li Yuan was stunned, "Empress? I… was not among those offered for Your Majesty to choose from, and I was the rightful wife of the previous emperor. Your Majesty shouldn't joke about such things."

"I never joke about this kind of thing." Lin Su said with a smile. "If you are unwilling, I won't force you. But why are you unwilling? Is it because of your status or something else? I need to know the reason so I can give up."

He seemed reasonable. Li Yuan wouldn't be limited by the title of Empress Dowager. Besides, he had never been a real spouse to the former emperor. If he refused, Lin Su would likely turn his attention to another country. When one person likes another, it makes them special; if there's no connection, it has no impact.

Marrying him and becoming Empress would actually be the best way to leave this place. But it would just be moving from one cage to another. Furthermore, if he offered to exchange himself for the well-being of the Li Kingdom, it would be a humiliation to both of them.

Li Yuan replied, "Your Majesty seeks beauties from all over, wanting someone with whom you can be in harmony. We've only just met and don't know each other. If we rush into this, it might lead to future discord."

"Then how about we get to know each other first?" Lin Su took a step back. The young Empress Dowager was indeed a smart person, he understood the situation and was not being stubborn.

Li Yuan, although never truly married to the former emperor, was from the Li Kingdom, which valued modesty, and the Southern Kingdom shared this sentiment. He had never encountered someone so straightforward, but what Lin Su said wasn't wrong.

"How do you want to get to know each other?" Li Yuan felt a strange nervousness. It wasn't fear but an unfamiliar feeling of being observed, but almost like... an affair.

"Today I have some leisure time. May I visit your palace, Empress Dowager?" Lin Su smiled. "This time, we don't need to be separated by a screen."

"Is Your Majesty alone?" Li Yuan looked around and saw no one following. "Didn't Your Majesty leave the palace today?"

"The one who left wasn't me. I merely spread the word. If I hadn't done so, how could I have met the Empress Dowager?" Lin Su stood up and began walking. "I remember Taihe Palace is in this direction."

"I haven't..." Li Yuan started to say but seeing Lin Su moving forward, he could only follow.

His aunt followed with a worried expression. "Empress Dowager, this..."

"Even our emperor cannot resist the power of Qi Kingdom, let alone us," Li Yuan knew his limited influence and could not afford to offend this person. 

Fortunately, although Lin Su wasn't particularly strict with etiquette, he also wasn't fond of humiliating others, making him much easier to deal with than Emperor Yuanhe.

His aunt sighed softly. "But if this gets out, the Empress Dowager's reputation..."

"If the country falls, what use is a reputation?" Li Yuan said softly.

Lin Su's ears twitched, and he heard the conversation behind him clearly. In this palace full of schemes and intrigues, staying clear-headed was essential. 

Their thoughts were not wrong. If Li Yuan married him, his reputation would be preserved. If he didn't, and the country fell, the title of Empress Dowager would vanish, and who would care about a man's chastity?

Of course, even if Li Yuan ultimately refused, Lin Su wouldn't let the world slander him. After all, Li Yuan was his task mission..

When Lin Su arrived at Taihe Palace, many curious eyes followed, wondering how the Empress Dowager dared to bring a man into the palace in broad daylight.

But Lin Su was calm and composed, lacking the kindness he showed in front of Li Yuan. The palace servants dared not openly stare, instead stealing glances and speculating about the man's identity.

Lin Su entered the hall and saw a table covered with drawings and half-carved wooden pieces. 

Li Yuan followed, noticing that although Lin Su walked quickly, he slowed down just enough for Li Yuan to keep up, indicating he was mindful of him.

As Li Yuan sighed at Lin Su's thoughtfulness, he saw the messy table and blushed slightly. "Those are unfinished carvings."

It was a mistake to let an outsider see such a messy side.

Lin Su walked over, picked up a half-finished piece, and said, "The Empress Dowager's craftsmanship is quite good."

Li Yuan followed closely behind and said, "It's just a practice piece and not as intricate as what you made."

This person could lead a country with both martial and literary skills, and still possess such delicate craftsmanship. How did he become so talented?

"I was in a rush that day, I only managed to make you a Luban lock," Lin Su said as he lifted the hem of his robe and sat down on the couch. "I know a few other toys; would you like to see them?"

Li Yuan thought the Luban lock was already quite exquisite and was intrigued by the idea of more. "That would be wonderful, Your Majesty."

A servant brought fresh wood, and Lin Su took up the carving knife, examining the wood. Without marking lines or points, he started carving directly, skillfully shaping each small piece. Li Yuan watched closely from the other side, but couldn't discern what Lin Su was making.

When Lin Su finally set down the carving knife, he began assembling the pieces into a square shape. The wood's uniform color and smooth construction showed no visible seams. Lin Su twisted it a few times to ensure it worked smoothly, then smiled and asked, "What words would you like engraved on this?"

"Engrave words?" Li Yuan looked at the six-sided square, unable to take his eyes off it. He had clearly seen Lin Su's deft twists.

"Yes, ink can wear off, so engraving is more durable." Lin Su smiled, "If you don't choose, I'll decide myself."

Li Yuan was puzzled. "You made this, so naturally, you should decide."

Lin Su took up the carving knife and began engraving characters. His brow furrowed slightly in concentration as he inscribed different characters on each of the six faces.

"Li..." Li Yuan saw the first character and realized that Lin Su might be engraving his name.

When the second character turned out to be part of his name, he had a sense of certainty. But then came the third character: "Qing?"

Qing... as in admiration?

The fifth character... Lin.

The sixth character... Su.

Li Yuan's breath caught. "I never..."

"I can read them backwards if you prefer," Lin Su smiled, "Lin Su admires Li Yuan, it's the same."

Li Yuan: "..."

How could they be the same?

No matter how rare or exquisite this object was, Li Yuan couldn't possibly show it to anyone else now. This person was truly unexpected.

After finishing carving the characters and polishing the puzzle smooth, Lin Su placed it in front of Li Yuan. "Give it a try."

Li Yuan felt a mix of emotions, he couldn't hide his curiosity when the puzzle was presented. 

The sound of it twisting was oddly satisfying, and he tried to align the characters back together, but they became even more jumbled. He pursed his lips and continued twisting, now determined to solve it, visibly immersed in the task.

Lin Su, observing Li Yuan's focused and persistent movements, gestured to dismiss a servant who wanted to offer tea, and was content to watch Li Yuan engrossed in playing with the puzzle.

The young man's dedication and seriousness were vivid, unable to be suppressed any longer.

Only when the palace lights were being lit and Li Yuan's aunt came to deliver them did he snap out of his trance. He realized how deeply he had been engrossed and hesitated before speaking. "I..."

"Did you enjoy it?" Lin Su asked without a hint of impatience.

Li Yuan nodded. "Yes, it was fun. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long; you should have reminded me."

"No worries. It was quite entertaining to watch you concentrating," Lin Su chuckled.

Li Yuan couldn't help but feel that Lin Su treated him a bit too specially, yet this kind of special treatment was oddly comforting. "Thank you for your patience, Your Majesty. It's just that it seems difficult to solve this puzzle."

"There's a method that can restore it in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea," Lin Su glanced over.

Curious, Li Yuan asked, "What method?"

"Taking it apart and putting it back together," Lin Su smiled.

Li Yuan frowned slightly. "...Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of this puzzle?"

Lin Su took the Rubik's cube, inspected it under the light, and swiftly manipulated it with his fingers. When he stood up and handed it back to Li Yuan, all six sides were restored to their original state.

Li Yuan held the cube in astonishment, never imagining that what had baffled him earlier could be so easily handled by this man, as if it were effortless. "If you could do this so easily, why did you suggest dismantling it first?"

"I didn't want to discourage you. But seeing how eager you were to solve it, I wanted to fulfill your wish completely. Otherwise, you might have trouble sleeping tonight," Lin Su chuckled, brushing Li Yuan's forehead with his fingers and planting a kiss there. "It's getting late. I should go. Rest well, and I'll come see you again tomorrow."

His kiss was gentle, his departure carefree. Li Yuan absentmindedly scratched the Rubik's cube, feeling that this man's control was not just over the puzzle, but over... his thoughts.

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