The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 97


| TBBOTOF | 97

It's said that good news doesn't travel far, but bad news spreads a thousand miles. 

Even though the villages are far apart, the collapse of Tang Erhu's house roof due to snow accumulation, and Tang Erhu getting his leg broken from the collapse, have been the topic of discussion in recent days.

In the winter with little work to be done and snow blocking the way out, the hundred or so households in the village are feeling restless.

Having something exciting to talk about has really stirred them up.

As a married ger who married into the family, Tang Xu has received some criticism from the older women in the village for bringing his parents and siblings to his husband's home, but there are also a few who praise his filial piety.

Wei Zhonghong was unaware of this matter. She has been busy cleaning the house recently, seeing that the New Year is approaching and she needs to buy a lot of goods. She's been so busy she hasn't had time to rest.

If her eldest daughter-in-law, who is pregnant, hadn't gone out today and heard people chatting about it, she would still be in the dark.

Wei Zhonghong brought over a dozen eggs. After all, they're relatives by marriage. With such a big thing happening, she had to come and see.

After hearing her intentions, Tang Xu smiled and said, "Auntie, you've come at an unfortunate time. My father was taken to the town by Ah Dong to get his wounds treated. It's not a big deal, though. The doctor from Huichun Hall said he just needs to take care of it slowly and he'll be fine."

Wei Zhonghong sat down on a nearby stool, holding a bowl of sweet soup. The warmth from the soup dispelled the chill she had when she came over.

"How can everything be fine when father’s leg is broken? Why didn't you say anything? We have so many people in the family, we could have helped."

Tang Li sneaked a glance at her eldest brother, and because of the presence of an outsider, Tang Rui put down the kitchen knife he was holding and stood up straight.

Tang Xu's hands were covered in paste as he added strips of meat to the pot and stirred them around with long chopsticks made of bamboo, ensuring the meat strips separated.

"As soon as the incident happened, neighbors came over to help. Two rooms collapsed on my father's side, and other rooms were affected, but luckily, no one else was hurt," he glanced at the mess of meat chopped by Tang Rui and said to Wei Zhonghong, "It wasn't a big deal, so I didn't bother telling Auntie."

"You, are you still treating me as an outsider?" Wei Zhonghong glanced at Tang Rui and said, "This is your younger brother, right? The one that’s studying?"

"Yes, Ah Rui, this is Wei Dong’s eldest aunt. Say hello," Tang Xu signaled to Tang Rui.

Tang Rui smirked, somewhat awkwardly greeted Wei Zhonghong, and followed Tang Xu in calling her aunt.

"He's a bit shy. He volunteered to help me here, but got embarrassed when you came over, Auntie," Tang Xu explained to Wei Zhonghong.

Tang Rui glanced at Tang Xu and pursed his lips.

"Auntie is family and takes care of me very well. Ah Rui, there’s no need to feel embarrassed. Quickly finish mincing the meat filling. There’s still onions to chop later!" Tang Xu smiled beautifully at him.

Tang Rui trembled inexplicably and quickly picked up the kitchen knife to mince the meat filling.

He remembered what his eldest brother said: no work, no food.

Seeing him mincing the meat filling again, Tang Xu smiled satisfactorily and turned to Tang Li, saying, "Pack up some of the freshly fried ones for Auntie to take back and taste."

"Why are you giving me things again?" Wei Zhonghong waved her hand, seeing him busy, and didn't intend to chat more. She stood up and said, "I'll be going now. Come over to my house with Dongzi for dinner on the third day of the New Year."

Tang Xu nodded and said, "Auntie, I won't see you off. Xiao Xi, go and see her off."

Tang Li quickly grabbed a large bowl from the side and scooped some fried snacks from the basin, placing the bowl in Wei Zhonghong's basket.

Wei Zhonghong didn't refuse and waved goodbye with a smile.

Tang Yang and Wei Xi escorted her to the gate. Wei Zhonghong patted their heads one by one and left with a cheerful smile.

Tang Xu put the fried meat strips into a large bowl and placed it aside, putting the rest into the basin.

"Both of you, try it and see how it tastes," he said, placing the bowl on the table.

Tang Rui's arms were sore and weak. He shook his hands vigorously, looking at the minced meat on the cutting board, feeling a hint of pride welling up inside.

"Elder brother, is this okay?" he asked Tang Xu, turning his head.

Tang Xu flipped the meat with the knife and nodded. "It's good. Later, we'll add the green onions and ginger and chop them together. Chop them finer, and it'll be ready to use."

Tang Rui widened his eyes, unbelievably shouting, "We still need to chop more?"

"Yes, chopping the green onions and ginger will enhance the flavor," Tang Xu nodded, sitting down on a nearby chair to drink water. He had been standing for quite some time and felt a bit sore in the waist.

Perhaps being pregnant had softened his temper quite a bit. If it were before, he would never have been so accommodating to Tang Rui.

If he dared not to listen, he'd cut off his food!

Tang Rui pursed his lips, looking unconvinced. "Why am I always the one doing everything? Ah Yang hasn't done anything."

Tang Yang happened to enter from outside and heard this remark. 

He hummed in dissatisfaction, "I helped Elder brother with a lot of things before. Second brother, you only did a little and you are already complaining. That's not fair."

Tang Xu chuckled and pinched Tang Yang's chubby cheek. "You shouldn't speak like that. It's impolite."

"But he's impolite too. He eats more than me, does less work than me, and he's still the big brother. How is that fair?" Tang Yang pouted and glanced at Tang Xu. 

Seeing his water bowl empty, he quickly refilled it and said, "Brother, do you think my second brother is especially unreasonable?"

Tang Xu patted him. "Alright, stop it. Eat your meat strips."

Tang Yang grinned and, holding a large bowl, said to Wei Xi, "Xiao Xi, let's go back to our room to eat. Sister, please fill our bowls too. I'm so hungry."

Tang Li sighed but still filled his large bowl.

The two young boys each carried a large bowl and happily left the kitchen.

Tang Rui watched Tang Yang leave with an annoyed expression.

Tang Xu tapped the table with his fingers. "Come, sit down. Eat something first before you continue working."

Tang Li pulled Tang Rui, and the two sat down at the table.

The fire burning on the stove was transferred to the adjacent hearth, water was boiling in the pot, and the oil in the pan needed to cool down a bit before frying the meatballs to prevent them from burning.

Tang Xu had already washed his hands and was impatient to use chopsticks, he simply grabbed a meat strip with his fingers and took a bite.

The meat was tender and soft, with a crispy outer layer of batter. Each bite produced a satisfying crunch.

After eating three meat strips in a row, he took two egg rolls, nodded in approval after tasting them, and said, "Quite delicious. It's better to eat them cold; they have more texture."

Tang Li followed suit, eating one with her hand, and nodded in agreement. "Big brother, these meat strips are really delicious, especially fragrant."

Tang Rui, more refined than the two of them, used chopsticks to eat. Although he was unhappy, he couldn't deny that the meat strips and egg rolls were delicious.

He silently ate until he was half full, not even needing Tang Xu's urging, before continuing to mince the meat filling.

Tang Li looked surprised and glanced at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow and smiled, signaling to her to pour the chopped green onions and ginger slices onto the minced meat.

Tang Rui minced the meat with even more force, and then he was hit by the pungent aroma of the green onions and ginger.

Not only could he not open his eyes, but they also stung, and tears flowed involuntarily.

When was the last time he had shed tears?

Tang Rui sniffled and rubbed his eyes uncomfortably. Despite the discomfort, he didn't let go of the kitchen knife he was holding. Instead, he gritted his teeth and sped up his chopping, the sound of the knife striking the cutting board echoing in the room.

"Ah Li, go call Ah Yang to grind the beans. We'll make tofu skin," Tang Xu said, looking at Tang Rui and smiling as he spoke to Tang Li.

Tang Li nodded and went out to call someone.

After Tang Li left, Tang Xu looked at Tang Rui's back and said softly, "You only understand the difficulty of something once you've done it yourself. Otherwise, how can you cherish what you have?"

Tang Rui froze, and his movements in mincing the meat stopped.

"Dad probably doesn’t blame you for the roof collapse due to the snow," Tang Xu continued.

Tang Rui remained silent.

Tang Xu propped up his chin and asked again, "Have you still not apologized to Dad until now? He may not blame you, but it's true that because of your carelessness, the job wasn't done properly, resulting in the loss to our family."

Tang Rui hung his head low, gripping the knife tightly.

"Ah Rui, have you even understood the four virtues of filial piety, brotherhood, loyalty, and trustworthiness? What good can studying bring you? I don't believe you're doing well in school. All you think about is passing the imperial examinations. So tell me, if you do become a scholar, but our family can't afford to continue your education, what will you do?" Tang Xu didn't intend to let him remain silent today. If he didn't speak up, Tang Xu would keep asking questions.

Tang Rui took a deep breath and said, "I can earn money!"

"Earn money?" Tang Xu tilted his head and chuckled. "I've heard some things. I don't know if they're true."

Tang Rui turned to look at him.

Tang Xu examined him with narrowed eyes, from head to toe.

Tang Rui felt puzzled by his scrutiny. "What are you looking at?"

"Seeing if you have the demeanor of someone being sought after for marriage." Tang Xu chuckled, teasingly in a good mood.

Tang Rui's face instantly turned red, whether from anger or embarrassment, he himself couldn't tell.

"Don't act like that. Many people who pass the imperial examinations are sought after by the local gentry in the town. There are plenty who receive money, and it's said that those who become juren even receive beautiful women as gifts. Aren't you envious?" Tang Xu had seen some of this in TV dramas, but he wasn't sure if it was the same here.

But judging by Tang Rui's expression, it seemed like such things were not fictitious.

"Are you going to sell yourself for money, sell our ancestral land for money, or become a corrupt official for money?" Tang Xu asked soul-searchingly.

Tang Rui became agitated. "I won't do that!"

"You won't do that?" Tang Xu sneered. "Then tell me, why did you split the money with Mom when she left Dad? How much money does our family have that you haven't accounted for? After taking all the money, did you ever think about how Dad and your siblings would survive?"

Tang Rui panicked. "We have land in our family, and we don't need to spend money."

"How do you know we don't need money? Even if we don't spend money, do you think it's okay to take everything and leave nothing behind?" Tang Xu felt like smacking his head a couple of times to knock some sense into him.

Tang Rui fell silent.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Xu placed his hand on his stomach. "Now Dad is injured, and whose fault is it? Even if he doesn't blame you, don't you know you should apologize to him? Why do you think he's been avoiding you these past few days? Have you not thought about it?"

Tang Rui hung his head low.

Tang Xu scoffed coldly. "Can't you see how much Dad is suffering inside?"

Tang Rui pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Dad's leg will take at least half a year to recover. What are you going to do about our land after spring comes?" Tang Xu asked.

Tang Rui frowned at him. "I'll listen to Dad."

"Listen to Dad? Will you listen even if Dad says to go to the fields with his injured leg?" Tang Xu raised his hand, picked up the cloth from the table, and whipped it at Tang Rui, shouting angrily, "Besides wanting money, what else can you do?"

Tang Rui was caught off guard by the sudden strike, though it didn't hurt, it startled him. 

Tang Xu stood up, lifted his arm, and struck Tang Rui several times with the cloth, his face filled with anger. "You act like a grudgeful person. Can't you speak properly?"

Not only was Tang Rui shocked by his sudden anger, but the three outside the kitchen were also taken aback.

What happened?

Why did their Brother suddenly get angry?

A special thanks for Moo for providing this chapter and for the next couple chapters as well! Thank you!

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  1. Thank you Moo and thank you to the translator for all the hard work. I always anticipate the new chapters so I'm extremely grateful that you're spending time out of your day to do this for the readers!!

  2. thank you moo and translator san.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾💐


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