The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 98


| TBBOTOF | 98

Tang Xu had just warned himself not to get angry, but seeing Tang Rui like this, it was hard not to be.

In this era, there are quite a few boys around twelve or thirteen years old who take charge of their families. Tang Rui is already fifteen, yet he understands nothing.

He is even more clueless than Tang Yang, who knows nothing at all. If you say he doesn't understand the ways of this world, but he certainly knows how to always grab money for himself.

Growing up spoiled, it's understandable that his personality turned out this way.

But when trouble arises, you are expected to step up and show some responsibility. How can he just shrink back like a turtle and still find it acceptable?

Tang Xu was so angry that he hit him several times with the rag in his hand, scolding him while he did so: "You shirk responsibility in everything, only know how to open your mouth for money, disregard others' lives, you are selfish and self-centered. Did you learn even a bit of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame in school? You learned selfishness and pettiness to the fullest! And you still dream of passing the imperial exams and becoming an official? Who gave you that confidence?"

Tang Rui was really scared, he was frozen in place without moving.

In his memory, his older brother had always been timid, not even speaking loudly. But ever since the last time he saw him, he had noticed that his brother had changed.

Now, he was even hitting him hard with a rag, so hard that even though he was wearing a padded jacket, his arms hurt.

"Brother, don't be angry, be careful with the baby in your belly!" Tang Li rushed in from outside the door, stopping the furious Tang Xu.

Tang Xu angrily sat back in the chair, pointed at Tang Li, who was obviously frightened and pale, and yelled at Tang Rui: "How old is your sister? Because you didn't leave a single penny at home, she had to brave the scorching sun, taking your even younger brother to make a living by selling things in front of our house. Do you think making money is that easy? You ask for money so freely, but what have you bought for the family? You're never polite when asking for money!"

"Do you think Ah Li doesn't want to play with girls her age? Do you think she wants to spend every day around the stove, so exhausted that she can't even straighten her back?

Are you blind and can't see the hardships of your family? 

You spend all day buried in a book in your room. If you cared even a little about your younger siblings, would it kill you to come home and help out or teach Ah Yang to read and write? Tang Rui, have you been raised to be heartless? Do you even realize if you have done anything right or wrong?"

Tang Li pursed her lips and lowered her eyes, trying to calm Tang Xu down.

"Father takes care of all the fields by himself. When we didn't have a cow, he did all the work alone every year. Haven't you ever worked in the fields? Do you not know how tiring it is? You pretend to be blind, not seeing Father’s hunched back from exhaustion, or your sister going outside to earn money, enduring people's gossip, or your brother helping with household chores and studying hard. Do you see none of this?

You are trying to satisfy your hypocritical facade, what else can you not see?

Are all the farm boys in your school just like you? Disrespectful to their parents and uncaring towards their siblings? If that's really the case, then I have wronged you. It’s not your nature that’s the problem; it's the education your teacher provides. I must go and speak to him!"

Tang Xu rattled off his grievances in a torrent of words, leaving the four younger ones in the kitchen with ringing ears.

No one dared to make a sound.

"I am a married ger who takes care of our father and siblings who cannot fend for themselves. That is my filial duty!

But I refuse to take care of a brother who is already old enough to take care of himself, and no one can say a word against it!"

"I'm saying this now: This upcoming spring, Father definitely won't be working the fields. As the man of this household, if you can't figure something out, then the fields will be left idle. And when we have no grain to sell at the end of the year, don't come to me complaining."

After saying this, Tang Xu snorted and turned to look at Tang Li. 

Taking the young girl's hand and feeling the calluses on her palm, he asked with a sour feeling in his nose, "Brother has an idea. Want to hear it?"

Tang Li nodded and softly replied, "Brother, you say it, I'm listening."

"I was thinking, since we'll be building a house this upcoming spring anyway, and Father's leg will need at least half a year to heal, with him needing to relearn how to walk once the bone is set, we might as well build the house next to ours." Tang Xu pointed outside. "There's still a piece of empty land over there, enough to build a house. I'll buy the land and build a new house there. 

With Father closer, I can take care of him. It will also be more convenient for Ah Yang to come over to study with the tutor. My belly is also getting bigger, and it's a bit annoying to have people wandering around me. Do you think you can help me out a bit?”

The more Tang Li listened, the wider her eyes opened. 

When Tang Xu finished speaking, she excitedly grabbed his hand and asked, "Brother, do you mean we'll be living together in the future?"

"Not exactly living together, since we would still be separate by two courtyards. How about it?" Tang Xu smiled and nodded.

Tang Li didn't say anything, but Tang Yang rushed over, "Brother, I want to live with you!"

"But what about our home?" Tang Li still felt a bit reluctant about the other place.

Tang Xu glanced at Tang Rui and said calmly, "Your elder brother is of the age to start his own family. We can tidy up that place for him. Whether he wants to live there or not is up to him. If he doesn't want it, we can leave it for now. When Ah Yang grows up and wants to get married, he will have a place to call his own and run his household."

Tang Xu spoke casually, but those listening were all taken aback. 

Was Brother planning to split the family?

But they were still so young. Wasn't it too soon to separate households?

Would their father agree?

Surprisingly, their father did agree.

Tang Erhu, who was leaning against the heated brick bed, had a severe leg injury but had been eating well and resting comfortably these past few days. 

Tang Xu had been making medicinal meals to nourish his blood and energy, and this middle-aged man looked vibrant, not at all dispirited despite his leg injury.

When the doctor at the pharmacy saw him today, he remarked on how well Tang Erhu seemed to be doing.

Wei Dong had also bought many medicinal herbs suitable for Tang Erhu's current condition, and Tang Xu was using a clay pot to make a special soup for him.

At this moment, hearing what his son had said, Tang Erhu thought for a moment and then said, "Alright, being closer to you will make it easier for us to help each other."

Tang Xu nodded with a smile and handed him some fried twisted dough strips. "Dad, try these and see how they taste."

"How could anything you make not be delicious?" Tang Erhu took one happily, biting into it. It was crispy and slightly sweet. "Next time, make some savory ones."

"Sure, I'll fry some tomorrow morning."

"Finish these first before making more. I heard from Ah Li that you made a lot. These things can easily go stale if left out, and the flavor changes. Don't make so many next time."

Wei Dong came in from outside, carrying bone soup. After placing it on the small table by the bed, he sat down beside it and asked, "What were you talking to Dad about?"

"We were talking about building a new house here," Tang Xu briefly explained his idea. "The land next to us is empty anyway, so we should buy it and build a new house. With Dad living nearby, it will be easier for me to take care of him."

It wasn't feasible to have the family stay with them for too long, and Tang Xu couldn't neglect them either, so he thought of this solution.

Besides,he was worried about asking him to find someone he didn’t know to help with things at home.

Despite her young age, Tang Li was skilled and diligent in her work, and they were family. He felt more comfortable having her help at home than hiring someone else.

Wei Dong frowned as he listened. Tang Xu, puzzled, asked him, "Why? Don't you agree?"

"I agree," Wei Dong replied, looking at him.

"Then why are you frowning?" Tang Xu squinted.

"You are letting Ah Li serve you , are you treating her like a little maid?"

Tang Xu raised his hand to slap him on the thigh, but he didn't do it forcefully.

"What are you saying! Am I that kind of person?" Tang Xu glared at him angrily, but after some thought, he realized it might not be appropriate. He pouted. "Fine, I didn't think it through. So, what should I do? I've already talked to Ah Li about it."

"She's your sister. It's only right for her to help you out a bit. Besides, you're even letting her earn some money," Tang Erhu chimed in.

Tang Xu sighed. "But I can't treat her like a maid. Forget it, let's talk about this later."

"If you want her to help take care of the child, I don't think she'll be able to. She doesn't understand these things," Tang Erhu said after taking a sip of soup, which was deliciously sweet without being too rich. "But she can help tidy up the house."

"Mm," Tang Xu nodded, chin in hand. "Yeah, I was thinking that when my belly gets bigger and it becomes inconvenient for me to do things in a few months, I could ask Ah Li for some help. But now it doesn't seem feasible. I'm afraid she'll be all flustered, and by then, the weather will be hot, and she should be earning some money for the skewers."

Wei Dong nodded, gently stroking his belly.

In front of the elders, Tang Xu blushed a little and patted him. "What are you doing? Don't touch me."

"I haven't seen you all day, I want to be close to my child for a bit," Wei Dong said, pulling him into his arms, circling his waist. "Are you angry with Tang Rui?"

Tang Xu rolled his eyes. "Did those two brats tell you?"

"Yeah," Wei Dong glanced at the person standing outside the door, and Tang Rui quickly moved aside. "Wei Xi said you were really angry and scared them."

Tang Xu snorted lightly. "If I didn't get angry, he'd still be acting stubborn. I didn't want to hit him either. You didn’t see the resentful look on his face. I've been scolding him for days, and he still hasn't apologized to Dad. When I said he shouldn't take all the money from home, he said the family didn't need the money. I tried to endure it, but I couldn't help but hit him."

Tang Erhu put down his bowl and said, "Why are you getting angry with him? I'm not angry anymore. Xu Ge'er, I have let it go. I've worked so hard to provide for them, but I haven't raised him as a filial child. Why should I bother? Maybe he even looks down on us for earning a living like this."

"I have all that land. You can divide it up, and whatever you get, you can keep. Whether you want to sell it or keep growing crops, it's up to you. I don't have the energy to farm that much anymore. Just grow enough for me to eat in the future."

Tang Xu was stunned and bewildered.

"Dad, what are you saying? Are you really not going to care anymore?" He just wanted to provoke a reaction, to push Tang Rui to show some concern.

But unexpectedly, his father was resolute. Once he took action, he didn't care about anyone's life or death.

"I do care, but what can I do? I'm just thinking that when my injury heals, I'll see what work I can do to save some dowry money for Ah LI and some marriage money for Ah Yang. That's all I can do. Ah Rui took twenty taels from me before, and if I count the money spent earlier, it's not less than a hundred taels. What else can I give him? Should I give him my life?"

Outside the door, Tang Rui couldn't bear it any longer. He pushed the door open and knelt down in front of Tang Erhu without a word. "Father, I was wrong. Please don't ignore me."

Tang Erhu looked at him with lowered eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "I didn't say I'll ignore you. I'll support you for another year. When you turn sixteen and reach the age to start a family, I'll give you the old house, and I'll take your siblings to live elsewhere. We'll have a new house built for you there. You'll have a house and land. Isn't that enough? When I was with your grandparents, there wasn’t much to divide among us. At least we didn't have a house."

Tang Rui stared blankly at Tang Erhu.

For some reason, he felt like he had gained a lot but also lost a lot.

Tang Xu did some calculations in his mind and realized that there was indeed quite a bit of money involved.

Rural houses might not be worth much, but the residential land was valuable.

His father was able to make Ah Rui who remained silent until now finally responded, after hearing father’s resounding statement!

Just wanted to give Moo another thank you for providing this chapter~

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  1. Thank you for the chapter !

  2. thank you for the support and update.. ❤️🥰🐾

  3. I needed a big hit to wake up and if that's not enough I don't know what will do it 😩

    Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗


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