The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 110


| TBBOTOF | 110

It turns out the more you try to escape, the more likely you are to encounter acquaintances.

When Tang Xugang sat on the cart, he hadn't even lifted the thick quilt wrapping around him for warmth when he heard someone call out behind him, "Brother Xu!" 

Tang Xu froze and turned his head. At first glance, he felt like covering his face.

It was Chef Liu.

Internally, he lamented, "Heaven wants to ruin me," but his mouth automatically curved into a forced smile.

"Happy New Year, Chef Liu."

"Happy New Year, happy New Year. What are you doing here?." Chef Liu's eyes glanced over him and then at the sign of the "Huichun Hall," suddenly realizing, "Oh, oh, oh, you're here to check your pulse." 

Tang Xu smiled and replied, “Yes.”

"You're already over four months pregnant! Look how fast time flies. When we first met, you weren't even married yet!" Chef Liu's face glowed with joy.

 Over the past half year, thanks to Tang Xu's connections, the restaurant had earned a good amount of money, and Chef Liu had also made a tidy profit. 

So, Tang Xu was considered his lucky charm. On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, he and Boss Wu had delivered New Year's gifts to the village and had already planned to host a dinner at the restaurant on the tenth day of the new year. He was delighted to see Tang Xugang today.

"Come, come, come! You haven't had lunch, have you? Let's go to the restaurant and have a meal." Chef Liu was very enthusiastic.

Tang Xu felt sick in his stomach when he thought about the fact that he ate too much and didn't exercise, which led to bloating and a big belly due to indigestion.

What is he eating? If he eats any more, his stomach will explode!

He poked angrily at his belly.

Shaking his head, he was about to refuse.

Wei Dong happened to come out from the Huichun Hall's main gate, holding two medicine packets. When he saw Chef Liu, he nodded.

Chef Liu smiled at Wei Dong and said, "Perfect timing, let's go to the restaurant together for lunch and then head back."

Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu, who pursed his lips and furrowed his brows, vigorously shaking his head at him.

Not going, not going, not going!

He can’t eat any more.

Tang Xugang, unable to eat anything more, sat at the table. With one hand holding a bowl and the other chopsticks, he indulged in Chef Liu's freshly served sweet and sour spare ribs, enjoying them immensely. 

After a couple of bites of meat and rice, he looked thoroughly satisfied. He continued to pick at the hot and sour fish slices, the garlicky and salty shredded potatoes, and a bowl of egg drop soup.

Not to mention, the flavors are all tangy and appetizing.

Wei Dong propped his chin on his hand and watched Tang Xugang eat contentedly on the side, smiling as he asked, "Do you want more rice?"

"No, thanks," Tang Xu shook his head. Seeing Wei Dong hadn't touched his chopsticks, he raised an eyebrow. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I'll eat after you finish. You seem to be enjoying it."

"Chef Liu's cooking is really good, and the dishes suit my taste." Tang Xu put down his bowl and picked up a small tea cup to drink water. He glanced down at his stomach, pouting. "I go to the restroom every day, so why is it stuck?"

Wei Dong looked at his own bowl and then at the dishes on the table, sighing. "Bao’er, can you wait until I finish my meal before talking about this?”

Tang Xu gestured with his hand, "Go ahead and eat first."

Wei Dong always ate quickly. Tang Xu watched him gulp down his food and couldn't help but wave over Xiao Mu to bring more rice.

After eating until he was half-full, Wei Dong put down his chopsticks and called Xiao Mu over to clear the table. 

Xiao Mu was bewildered; after eating so much, Wei Dong was still only half-full. If he had eaten his fill, they might have needed to bring over a steamed rice bucket from the kitchen.

Chef Liu came over cheerfully, seeing that all the dishes on their side were finished. He rubbed his hands together, he asked, "How was it? Did you enjoy my cooking?" 

Tang Xu nodded and thanked him, pouring Chef Liu a cup of tea and inviting him to sit down for a chat.

"Chef, why didn't you go back home for the New Year?"

"I did go back. Boss Wu will be back tomorrow, and I returned early this morning with my apprentice to tidy up the kitchen. We need to restock and will reopen on the sixth day. Before this, Boss Wu had booked two banquets for local gentry, so we've been busy these past couple of days."

 Chef Liu sat beside him, he noticed Tang Xu's protruding belly, and asked curiously, "Brother, are you expecting twins or something?" 

Tang Xu's face darkened, his hand resting on his belly, he awkwardly grinned, "No, just ate a bit too much. It's because I've been eating a lot."

He ate a lot, so his belly is big.

It's not because it's full of sh*t!

"Huh?" Chef Liu was stunned, his eyes widening in surprise. "How much did you eat?"

Tang Xu coughed and pointed to the bowls that Xiao Mu had taken away. "Five bowls!"

"Ah, well, uh... you shouldn't eat so much next time, or you'll burst!" Chef Liu chuckled awkwardly.

Tang Xu winked at Wei Dong , urging to leave quickly. He didn't want to stay another second in this place!

Wei Dong sighed and took out some money from his pocket, placing it on the table. "Chef Liu, I'm taking my husband home to rest. He's been busy all morning and needs a rest."

"Alright, alright, take the money back," Chef Liu picked up the coins and handed them back to Wei Dong. "How can I take money from you? Don't forget to bring your family over on the tenth day. We've prepared some great dishes!"

"No need, no need," Tang Xu waved his hand, smiling at Chef Liu. "My grandparents are staying with us for a while, and my father injured his leg. It's too cold to bring him outside. Let's have this meal later. You've just reopened and must be busy. We're old friends; there's no need to be so formal."

Chef Liu nodded in understanding. "Alright then, we'll wait until spring when your father's leg is better. Our restaurant is booming now, thanks to you."

"Nonsense, Chef Liu, you're exaggerating," Tang Xu chuckled. He stood up and walked out with Wei Dong, and Chef Liu walked them to the door.

"Chef Liu, you can go back. We'll chat more next time," Tang Xu said as he sat in the cart, wrapping himself in a blanket.

Chef Liu couldn't help but burst into laughter at Tang Xu's state, then pointed to a nearby carriage workshop. "They're open for business over there. Why don't you get a carriage made?"

Tang Xu turned to look and indeed saw the workshop. "It's newly opened?"

"Yeah, been open for about two months," Chef Liu nodded.

Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu and asked, "Shall we go?"

"Let's go!" In the dead of winter, sitting in a carriage would definitely be better than wrapping up in a big quilt.

Chef Liu watched as they headed to the carriage workshop. It was quick since there were ready-made carriages available. 

After paying and specifying the size, they were able to load it onto the cart and secure it front and back in less than half an hour. Tang Xu sat inside the carriage, looking left and right. It felt quite spacious, especially without the chilly wind bothering him.

"Ah Dong, after it warms up, let's go up the mountain and cut down a big tree. Then we'll find a carpenter to make a new cart for hauling goods," he leaned against the carriage door, pushing the quilt onto Wei Dong, "When we get home later, don't tell them I got this belly because I am not pooping properly."

Wei Dong’s mouth unconsciously twitched and he turned to look at him.

Tang Xu was serious, face tense, and bumped him with his shoulder, "Did you hear that?

Wei Dong, feeling helpless, didn't respond directly but instead asked, "Do you think they won't ask?"

Tang Xu pursed his lips, lowered his head, poked his belly, and with a mournful face asked him, "Then what should I do? Should I tell them I'm not expecting triplets, but holding a stomach full of sh*t? They'll laugh at me to death!"

"They won't laugh at you. If they knew you weren't expecting triplets, they'd be as relieved as I am. That way, you won't be in any danger. Just now, didn't the doctor say if you were really expecting triplets, you wouldn't even need to think about whether you could give birth? You'd just need to prepare for the worst." Wei Dong pulled him into his arms, letting him lean against his shoulder, his voice tinged with concern and reassurance.

"It's not triplets, that's a relief."

Tang Xu let out a soft sigh, rubbing his forehead against Wei Dong's shoulder. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"You being okay is all that matters. Let's go to Xujia Village on the 8th. I've already sent someone to deliver the message, and I've informed Doctor Xu about your situation. We'll go see him."

"Are we still going there?" Tang Xu glanced at the two sets of medicine placed nearby and sighed. "I’ll be fine once I finish these medicines."

"No, don't finish all this medicine either. I don't feel that this doctor is reliable," Wei Dong said, leaning down to kiss Tang Xu on the forehead. "Lie down in the carriage for a while. I couldn't sleep well last night watching you toss and turn."

"How can I face them when I go back?" Tang Xu muttered, feeling embarrassed.

Wei Dong patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Just tell them the truth."

The three elders of the Tang family sat at the table in the main hall, looking at Tang Xu anxiously.

"So, it's not triplets?" asked Mrs. Wu, her face tense.

"No," Tang Xu shook his head.

"Then what's going on?" Tang Erhu pressed, his eyes filled with worry. "Tell us quickly, we shouldn't have to ask you step by step."

Tang Guangliang had heard about their speculation that Tang Xu was expecting triplets, and he had been worried all night as well.

"Yeah, if it's not triplets, why is your belly so big?" 

Tang Xu remained silent, unwilling to speak.

Mrs. Wu glared at her husband and retorted, "Can't you talk sensibly? It's good that it's not triplets, at least there's no danger. What, were you hoping for Xu Ge’er to be expecting triplets?" 

Tang Guangliang looked at her speechlessly. "That's not what I meant."

"What do you mean then? If his belly is big, it must be because he's expecting a baby. Can't believe you'd think it's something else! Shut up, I can't stand to hear you speak every time it's annoying." Mrs. Wu babbled. 

Tang Xu, who was listening nearby, immediately raised his hand to cover his face.

It’s not triplets, just sh*t.


"Grandma, please don't scold grandpa. It's just that I ate too much," Tang Xu quickly grabbed her, explaining, "The doctor prescribed digestive medicine. I'll be fine after drinking it for a couple of days."

"Ate too much?" Mrs. Wu widened her eyes, looking at his belly and then at his face, uncertainty asking, "You haven't gone to the outhouse these past few days?"

Tang Xu: "...."

Let me faint!

"Xu Ge’er come here and take the medicine. Ah Li finished cooking dinner, let's go eat." 

While Tang Xu was awkwardly scratching his shoe sole with his toes, Wei Dong opened the cotton door curtain and waved him out. Tang Xu immediately got up, "Coming, coming."

He thanked his husband for saving him from the awkward situation.

Tang Xu didn't sit at the dinner table for dinner, but directly brought a large bowl of rice and dishes back to his room to eat.

Mrs. Wu looked concerned and asked, "Xu Ge’er, are you feeling unwell?"

Wei Dong shook his head, "No, he's just tired. The medicine he drank has some sleep-inducing ingredients, he said he would finish eating and then go to sleep.”

Mrs. Wu relaxed and then started eating her meal.

After dinner, Tang Erhu stopped Wei Dong and asked him, "Xu Ge’er isn't expecting triplets. Aren't you upset?"

"I'm not upset, Dad. I'm glad he's not expecting triplets. Otherwise, I was thinking of having the doctor terminate the pregnancy while it's still early," Wei Dong sighed. "I can't let Xu Ge’er take the risk of giving birth for my sake. Dad, you can rest assured." 

Although Wei Dong's words sounded somewhat harsh, but Tang Erhu was actually quite satisfied.

His Xu Ge’er is lucky!

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