The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 85


TGMNDIAR - 85 | If-line (4)

Perhaps it was the goddess of luck always favoring them, but Xu Mu and Bai Nian ended up in the same prestigious class in high school. They even lived in the same dorm room. 

The only downside was encountering some "old classmates" they found annoying in the new class.

"Alright, stop staring at them. You won't see anything no matter how long you look," Bai Nian said, turning Xu Mu's head with an exasperated look.

Xu Mu's eyes were dark with displeasure. He said, "Why do we have to run into those guys from elementary school again!"

Bai Nian's brow twitched. He covered Xu Mu's mouth, "Don't use foul language—"

Xu Mu didn't move his eyelids and blew air into Bai Nian's palm.

Bai Nian's wrist trembled, and the warm breath seeped through his fingers.

Xu Mu looked up and mumbled, "I won't say it, okay?"

Bai Nian responded with a nonchalant "hmm" and calmly withdrew his hand.

Xu Mu pulled Bai Nian to sit down beside him. Xu Mu leaned against Bai Nian's shoulder as if he had no bones. Unlike the other new students who were awkward and reserved at their first meeting, Xu Mu and Bai Nian spoke with ease, clearly showing they knew each other before.

"So unlucky," Xu Mu said gloomily. "Tell me, how come these people look exactly like they did in elementary school? It's like a one-to-one copy, with a pair of shifty eyebrows and rat eyes, making them instantly recognizable."

Xu Mu was referring to a few boys who used to bully Bai Nian in elementary school.

Bai Nian's expression remained unchanged, and he said gently, "They've changed quite a bit. You just have good eyesight."

Xu Mu said darkly, "Maybe because I beat them up too much, so the impression is strong."

Bai Nian suddenly laughed, "Hey, don't say that. You were quite different in elementary school compared to now."

He squinted his eyes, as if reminiscing, "You always had a stern face, spoke very little, and looked down your nose at everyone, acting like a little cool guy."

Xu Mu: "…No way."

"Yeah," Bai Nian said with utmost certainty. "I still remember your self-introduction on the podium. You only said your name, with your chin held high, looking extremely cool."

Xu Mu: "…"

"But you're a good person," Bai Nian smiled. "On the first day, when we just became deskmates, you spoke up for me."

Xu Mu clicked his tongue lightly, "That little jerk knocked over your pens and didn't apologize, but he also talked badly about you. Who could tolerate that?"

He let out a cold laugh, "In my opinion, they were jealous of your handsome and fair looks. Seeing you as gentle as a steamed bun, of course they'd bully you... You should have fought back then, hit them hard. They bully the weak and fear the strong. They wouldn't have dared to badmouth you behind your back or deliberately pick on you."

Bai Nian's eyelashes fluttered, his emotions complex and hard to express. It wasn't that he was timid or afraid to fight back; he just didn't want to add to his mother's worries.

His mother was raising him on her own, working two jobs a day to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible. She was already working hard enough to earn money, and he didn't want her to worry more. 

Also, because of his health, he felt that staying away from his peers wasn't a big deal.

At that time, boys always did inexplicable things to show off their masculinity, which was utterly baffling.

Ah Mu...  he was like a delightful surprise in his life, a unique and super gift.

Xu Mu was still grumbling, gnashing his teeth at the thought of those past events.

"And then, they blocked your way and said they were going to teach you a lesson... Fortunately, I often took that route too. If I hadn't run into you, you would have been beaten... You said they wouldn't dare, but I think they were very daring..."

Bai Nian listened quietly to his rant, his heart melting into a puddle.

He gently brushed his fingers against the back of Xu Mu's head and said softly, "Hmm, thank you."

"..." Xu Mu blinked, his voice caught in his throat. "Ah, oh, no need to thank me, it was the right thing to do."

Bai Nian's gaze was soft, "Ah Mu, I can't imagine, if it weren't for you, I..."

"Spit, spit, spit, don't say such unlucky things," Xu Mu said seriously. "Even without me, you would be just fine. On the other hand, I might not have been..."

He pursed his lips, "…this happy."

Bai Nian was startled and responded softly, "Me too."

"Hello... ?" A cheerful male voice suddenly interrupted.

Xu Mu looked up to see a tall boy standing in front of their desk, cautiously greeting them.

"Hello," Xu Mu calmly straightened up.

Bai Nian's expression remained unchanged, and he warmly said, "Hello."

"Oh, hi," the boy replied again out of reflex. "My name is Lou Haoyu. We'll be in the same class... uh, do you two know each other from before?"

He curiously observed them, "You two seem very familiar with each other."

Xu Mu nodded, "Yes, we do."

Lou Haoyu scratched his head and said knowingly, "No wonder. While everyone else is too shy to talk, you two are already so close."

Xu Mu: ?

"Haoyu, do you even know how to use idioms?" A girl appeared from behind and smacked him on the head, annoyed. "Is that how you use 'being touchy-feely'?"

"Ouch!" Lou Haoyu covered his head, howling in pain. "Don't be so violent."

After their brief scuffle, the girl noticed Xu Mu and Bai Nian watching them. She withdrew her hand, slightly embarrassed. "Hi, I'm Nian Yueyue. We'll be classmates from now on."

Xu Mu nodded in acknowledgment, and Bai Nian smiled and nodded as well.

Nian Yueyue stepped forward and noticed an empty seat in the front row. She sat down and called to her friend Zou Ning, "Ningning, come on, let's sit here."

Zou Ning slowly walked over, head down. As soon as she sat down, she slumped over the desk, looking drowsy.

Lou Haoyu shouted, "That's the seat I picked!"

Nian Yueyue lifted her chin, "Well, you can sit in the front then."

Lou Haoyu was indignant but didn't dare argue.


Seeing that no one was paying attention to them anymore, Xu Mu quietly leaned back against Bai Nian.

Bai Nian chuckled, "Are you sleepy?"

"Not really," Xu Mu said, yawning. "Should we go to the dormitory to organize our stuff first or go eat?"

"Let's eat first. There's no rush to organize."



Time flowed like water, and in the blink of an eye, more than two years of high school had passed.

In the classroom:

"What do you want to do for your birthday next week? Any particular gift you want?" Bai Nian closed his book and asked.

Xu Mu twirled the pen in his hand, seeming indifferent. "Anything is fine."

"How can anything be fine?" Bai Nianye said, exasperated. "It's your eighteenth birthday; it's special."

The classroom was noisy during the break, with someone on the podium playing videos on the big screen, adding to the clamor.

Xu Mu smirked, "It's just turning eighteen."

Bai Nian flicked his forehead with his fingers, "What do you mean 'just'? It's very important."

Although his voice was gentle, his tone had a hint of seriousness.

Xu Mu grabbed his hand and bumped it against his forehead a few times.

Bai Nian laughed helplessly, "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if it might give me some inspiration," Xu Mu said with a straight face.

Bai Nian pulled his hand back, "Cut it out."

Xu Mu leaned closer, habitually wrapping his arm around Bai Nianye's waist. "Then let's celebrate it the same way you did."

"Make a cake, invite Haoyu and the others for a meal, and blow out the candles together?"


"That's too simple."

"Didn't you do the same?" Xu Mu said nonchalantly. "You were eighteen, I'm eighteen, everyone turns eighteen; there's nothing special about it. Your way of celebrating was great. Aunt Xi and Aunt Tao wanted to throw a big party for me with dancing, singing, and fireworks. I thought it was too much, so I declined."

"You..." Bai Nian was speechless, not knowing what to say.

He asked, "What do you want for a gift?"

"Anything is fine."

"Anything is not an option."

"I like whatever you give me."

"Even if it's just air?" Bai Nian asked deliberately.

"Yes." Xu Mu nodded, nuzzling his neck. He said softly, "As long as it's from you, I like it."

After a pause, he added, "Honestly, as long as you're by my side on my birthday, I'm satisfied."

Bai Nian's fingers trembled slightly, and he lowered his eyelids. "So simple?"

"Yeah." Xu Mu didn't hesitate.

"What are you two whispering about?" Lou Haoyu asked as he came running back from playing basketball during the break. He saw the bell was about to ring and hurried upstairs, afraid of being caught by their homeroom teacher for being late. 

After all, it was February, and the college entrance exams were approaching. The teachers were worried they might injure their hands while playing basketball.

Xu Mu glanced at him and didn’t move, but his expression had already returned to its usual demeanor.

Xu Mu rolled his eyes, his gaze cold and expressionless, just like when he was younger—exuding that characteristic cool-guy vibe.

Lou Haoyu witnessed the entire transformation and was amazed. "Your face-changing skills are incredible!"

Xu Mu, ever the double standard bearer, was in full swing!

Bai Nian smiled and handed a can of drink on the desk. "Want some? Da Fei gave it to me earlier."

Lou Haoyu was touched. "Good brother, that's what a true brother is."

Bai Nian said, "Next week is Ah Mu's birthday. How about having cake together in the evening?"

Lou Haoyu exclaimed, "It’s his eighteenth birthday celebration, right?"


"Okay, I'll definitely be there," Lou Haoyu said with a big smile.

"What eighteenth birthday celebration?" Nian Yueyue appeared from behind.

"Ah Mu's birthday," Lou Haoyu said.

Nian Yueyue exclaimed, "Wow, I almost forgot. It’s coming up soon."

Xu Mu propped himself up on his arms. "Yes, next week I'll invite you all to have some cake."

"Thank you," Nian Yueyue said cheerfully. "Such a special day—do you have any specific gift in mind? Maybe you can give us a hint?"

"No need to trouble yourselves, just bring your blessings," Xu Mu replied.

"That won't do," Nian Yueyue shook her head quickly. "We still need to pick something nice."

She whispered to Zou Ning, who was lazily leaning on her shoulder, likely discussing some ideas for gifts.

Lou Haoyu sat on the desk, sipping his drink, and said directly, "How about this? I'll get you the latest game helmet from Shu! What color do you want?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand grandly, "Never mind, I'll just get you a full set."

Xu Mu raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that a bit extravagant?"

Lou Haoyu patted his chest, "It’s necessary!"

"Ring, ring—"

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and the students who had been horsing around returned to their seats.

Xu Mu leaned against Bai Nian's shoulder, unwilling to get up.

Bai Nian gently brushed his hair and asked softly, "What do you want to eat at the cafeteria later?"

Xu Mu replied lazily, "Some stir-fry. They have some new dishes recently. How about you?"

Bai Nian smiled lightly, "We're on the same wavelength."


Xu Mu didn't have any special expectations for his birthday. But seeing Bai Nian busy with preparations, experimenting with flavors and trying new cream recipes all weekend, filled him with an indescribable joy that made the corners of his mouth curl up.

This house was initially rented by Bai Nian and his mother. Later, when Mrs. Bai had more money, she bought it. 

Since it was close to the school, Bai Nian often came over after school or on weekends to spend some time here.

"Aren't you supposed to be my assistant? Why are you wandering around the kitchen?" Bai Nian asked.

"I'm watching you make the cake," Xu Mu replied honestly.

Bai Nian laughed, dipping a finger in some cream and smearing it on Xu Mu's mouth. "Is it sweet enough? Do you want more sugar?"

"Enough," Xu Mu said, rolling the cream on his tongue. "What flavor is this? It’s something I never tasted before..."


"I can't tell, it tastes like a fruit medley," Xu Mu smacked his lips.

"Yes, it is a medley," Bai Nian stood under the pendant light, the halo softening his features. "Do you like it?"

"I like it," Xu Mu said. "There's no dessert you make that I don't like."


"Yeah, since sixth grade, I've been spoiled by your cooking."

Bai Nian thought for a moment, "That was my mom's cooking."

Xu Mu: "..."

He coughed lightly, "Your mom taught you those skills, so it's pretty much the same."

Bai Nian laughed, "I was just her helper. But by middle school, I was making more on my own."

Xu Mu grinned proudly, "Then it’s about the same."

Bai Nian didn't argue, the smile in his eyes lingering as he continued decorating with cream.

Xu Mu habitually draped his arm over Bai Nian's shoulder, resting his chin there.

Bai Nian paused, moved his arm a bit, and asked, "Are you two years old?"

Xu Mu blinked innocently, "I’m just leaning on you."

Bai Nian didn't respond.

Xu Mu opened his mouth, "Ah—let me taste the blue one."

Bai Nian scraped a bit with a spoon and fed it to him.

Xu Mu squinted his eyes, "Blueberry flavor, delicious. A bit more sugar would make it perfect."

Bai Nian ignored him.

Xu Mu rubbed his cheek against Bai Nian's neck, then suddenly buried his nose there.

Bai Nian was caught off guard as Xu Mu hugged him, his neck feeling faintly ticklish. 

Xu Mu buried his face in Bai Nian's neck, sniffing left and right, like a little puppy.

"What are you doing?" Bai Nian asked with a suppressed voice.

Xu Mu sniffed from Bai Nian's neck to behind his ear, not missing any exposed skin.

"Weird..." he muttered. "Nian, did you change your body wash recently? The scent has changed..."

Bai Nian pushed back with his elbow, his cheeks turning slightly red. "There's no scent on me."

"It’s a nice scent," Xu Mu mumbled. "It used to be fresh, but now it's a bit..."

He couldn't quite describe it, nor identify the fragrance.

"Sweet," Xu Mu struggled to find the word.

Bai Nian shook off his hand, pushed away his head, his heart pounding wildly.

"Your nose must be malfunctioning," he said steadily, quickly adding, "Go get checked by the medical robot."

"Really?" Xu Mu sounded somewhat dazed.

"Yes," Bai Nian said firmly.

"Okay, I'll go check," Xu Mu touched his nose.

His gaze swept over Bai Nian's neck, the fair skin with delicate blue veins visible. Perhaps due to their earlier interaction, a faint blush spread across the pale skin.

Xu Mu couldn't help but take another step closer, lowering his head. The sweet scent seemed to fill his nostrils, reaching the deepest recesses of his nose.

"It doesn't seem like..."

The warm, moist air swirled past, and Bai Nian suddenly covered the back of his neck, glaring at him. "Don't blow on my neck."

Xu Mu felt wronged. "I didn't blow."

Bai Nian pushed him out of the kitchen with his arm stretched out. "You're getting in the way."

Xu Mu protested, "Hey hey... okay, I'm going."

As Xu Mu walked away, the kitchen fell silent.

Bai Nian stared at the colorful creams absentmindedly, his mind elsewhere. After zoning out for a few minutes, he rested his cheek against the back of his hand.

It felt burning hot.


At No. 17 High School...

"...The next few periods are physiology classes, held in the exhibition hall on the ground floor. They were prepared by a special team of experts invited by the school. Make sure to cherish this opportunity. 

After watching different educational videos, you can seek clarification from the teachers privately. Also, don't forget about the medical examinations. Follow the procedures on the form and make sure to get it stamped in the end."

The head teacher stood at the lectern, the students below whispering among themselves, forcing him to raise his voice.

"Did you all hear me clearly?"

Sparse responses echoed in the market-like classroom.

The head teacher, feeling a headache coming on, tapped the desk with his teaching materials, making a "thump thump thump" sound, finally quieting them down a bit.

He continued, "Stop making noise! The sooner you finish, the sooner you can go home. Hurry up!"

With those words, the students couldn't sit still anymore, bustling out of the classroom.

Xu Mu leisurely followed behind, asking Bai Nian, "What should we do first? Watch the videos or do the medical check?"

"Let's do the check-up," Bai Nian replied casually.

Xu Mu pulled out the form given by the teacher and compared it with Bai Nian's.

"Some of our stuff is different," he noted.

Bai Nian replied gently, "That's normal, after all, we have different mimicry’s."

"Okay," Xu Mu wasn't concerned about that, "We might have to split up. You're mostly on the second floor, and I'm on the second floor."

Bai Nian smiled, "It'll be quick. If there are more machines, it'll be done in no time."

"Then let's hurry over."



Indeed, it was quick. Xu Mu spent less than ten minutes from queuing to getting checked.

He went from the second floor down to the second floor, ready to find Bai Nian.

[Xu: Are you done?]

In no time, he received a reply from the other side.

[Bai: Yes, just finished. What about you?]

[Xu: Same, I'm coming to find you. I'm already downstairs.]

Bai Nian had no objections and replied with an okay, and also informed him of the most eye-catching sign around him.

"Ah Nian!" A loud shout suddenly pierced through the noise.

Bai Nian followed the sound, involuntarily revealing a smile. "Ah Mu."

He took a few steps forward, about to say something.

"Is Bai Nian still here?" The door behind them suddenly opened.

Bai Nian, stunned, answered, "Yes, I'm here."

In the examination room...

Bai Nian hesitated as he sat down, wondering what was going on, as the doctor called him back again.

The female doctor looked at Bai Nian gently and asked, "Student Bai, are you aware of the special conditions of your own body?"

Bai Nian hesitated for a moment before saying, "I know, I was born with a second set of organs."

The female doctor's gaze became even softer as she continued, "According to the examination data, it shows that you're entering estrus soon, but because the development in that area is a bit delayed, you might feel a bit unsure, right?"

Bai Nian felt embarrassed. "Yeah... a little bit."

The female doctor smiled gently and said tactfully, "Actually, I called you in not because there's anything wrong with your body, but to remind you to be careful. The initial reactions might be more intense, so try not to stimulate your body too much, and also, well... try to divert your attention a bit—"

She paused, teasing, "Is there someone you like?"

Bai Nian felt extremely embarrassed, his ears burning. "I, I understand."

The female doctor sighed. "Ah, adolescence. It's normal to experience these things. Just try to take it easy."


Meanwhile, Xu Mu was anxiously waiting at the door, pacing back and forth. When Bai Nian finally emerged, he hurried over, noticing that Bai Nian's expression seemed a bit off.

His heart skipped a beat. "Is, is everything okay? Is there something wrong with your health?"

Bai Nian stiffened slightly, shaking his head. "No, it's nothing serious. I just realized I forgot to fill out a form properly, so I went back to complete it."

Xu Mu wasn't entirely convinced and pressed on, "Really?"

"Really." Bai Nian forced a smile, trying to reassure him. "Let's go, we still need to watch the educational videos. We need to hurry, or we'll miss lunch."

Seeing this, Xu Mu could only suppress his worries and reluctantly agreed.

That evening, in the dormitory...

“Zhou Nan took a leave and went home,” Xu Mu said.

The dorm room was shared by the two of them, with the other roommate named Zhou Nan.

Bai Nian snapped back to attention. “Took a leave?”

"Yeah, he sent me a message," Xu Mu replied.

“What happened?” Bai Nian asked.

“I don't know, he just said there was something going on at home.”

“Oh, okay.”

Bai Nian continued drying his hair, sitting on the edge of the bed, his brows furrowed as if contemplating something. The halo of light illuminated his profile, with a small part of it fading into the shadows. Drops of water still clung to the ends of his hair, dripping onto his shoulders and leaving dark wet circles.

Xu Mu remained silent and began to blow-dry Bai Nian's hair.

After a few seconds, Bai Nian belatedly looked up.

“Thank you,” he said.

“No problem,” Xu Mu replied, his fingers twisting nervously as he struggled to find the right words.

Ever since Bai Nian had a conversation with the female doctor in the morning, Bai Nian had seemed distracted.

No matter how he looked at it, something was wrong.

—Could it be a health issue?

…It must be pretty serious.

Xu Mu's heart froze, waves of anxiety engulfing him.

He took a deep breath, preparing to say something.

"Ah Mu, go to bed early, goodnight." Bai Nian also turned off his bedside floating light, tucked himself in, and lay down directly.

Xu Mu was stunned.

He stood still for a few seconds, then decisively got into bed.

As he pulled the covers over himself, Xu Mu slid into the warm blanket like an eel.

Bai Nian subconsciously made room and leaned against the wall. Xu Mu occupied most of the bed and went closer to Bai Nian, with their legs and feet touching.

"Ah Nian..." He leaned towards the other's cheek, spraying his breath.

Bai Nian shivered all over, a restless feeling rising within him.

He turned his face away uneasily, asking softly, "What's wrong?"

Xu Mu lowered his gaze, his tone serious, "Tell me honestly, what did the doctor want to see you about?"

Bai Nian blinked, his eyelashes covering his eyelids, "...Didn't I tell you this morning?"

Xu Mu didn't believe it, "I think you're lying."

He placed his large palm against the other's face, and put his nose to his, "Don't lie to me."

Bai Nian's thoughts drifted, and his waist and his legs twisted uncomfortably.

"Ah Nian?" Xu Mu saw he wouldn't answer, and kept avoiding his gaze, making him suddenly panicked. Oh no, could it be that he really found out something serious from the checkup?

He clenched his fist, his voice trembling, "…Just tell me directly, okay? Is it… is it…"

Bai Nian was puzzled, having spaced out earlier, he didn't catch it clearly, "Is it what?"

Xu Mu's eyes felt sour, his vision becoming blurry.

He felt extreme sadness, "Is it a…serious illness, or a terminal illness?" 

Bai Nian: ?!

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