It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 94


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 94

"Yes, I understand," the butler said, rising from the floor and kneeling in deference. His master had his own way of doing things and did not tolerate interference. Normally, he had no qualms about using human means, but his approach seemed different when it came to this particular person.

The butler swallowed his thoughts, not daring to voice them.

"Good. There won't be a next time," Celtic said with a glance, then turned around. "Prepare the carriage and find out where that man was last seen. It's time to meet him."

The butler bowed his head in agreement, straightened his clothes, and left.

Celtic looked at the prepared cup of blood on the table, lifted it to his nose, and sniffed. He felt no desire to drink it; it was tasteless to him. He set the cup back down, still full, and rubbed his thumb against his sharp fang, frowning.

The influence that man had on him was starting to take effect. Before it became unbearable, he needed to make him his exclusive blood slave.

As for that audacious kiss... the man certainly didn't seem like a novice.


By nightfall, candles lit the way in the absence of electronic entertainment, and people tended to rest early. When Arnold was called up at dawn, he didn't feel groggy or sleep-deprived; instead, he felt remarkably refreshed.

The night manager was attentive as the guests prepared to leave late at night. While they had arrived on horseback, they were now departing in a carriage. Unlike the typical side-opening carriages of the era, this one resembled a Chinese-style carriage. Arnold got in, and Lin Su half-sat inside the cabin, flicked the reins, and they left the city.

Nighttime inspections were not as strict. Due to the era's peculiarities, legendary demons were believed to be active at night, so it was customary for hunters to travel after dark.

"If you're tired, you can go back to sleep," Lin Su said.

"I'm not tired. I feel more energetic at night than during the day," Arnold said, kneeling on his right side and watching Lin Su drive the carriage by the flickering oil lamp. "Why do you travel at night? It's harder to navigate."

It was difficult for others, but with Lin Su's system, it wasn't a problem. He welcomed opportunities to let it show its usefulness.

"Vampires are more active at night, so we're more likely to encounter them," Lin Su said calmly.

Another reason was that traveling with Arnold through crowded areas would inevitably involve inspections. Exposure to sunlight could be fatal for Arnold.

The human fear and hatred of demons were immense, and Arnold had experienced significant psychological trauma since becoming a vampire.

The name Ivan was working well for him, and he wasn’t ready to change it again. Changing it would make it difficult for the bloodthirsty little one to find him.

As a vampire hunter, Lin Su was naturally unafraid of the vampires that other humans avoided. Arnold responded, then asked, "Can I learn to drive the carriage from you? That way, I can help you when you're tired."

" If you learn to drive a carriage, do you know the roads?" Lin Su asked.

It was like asking someone who was unsure about their driving skills if they dared to drive on the road after getting their license.

Arnold stammered, "…No, I don't."

"Just rest. You can learn whatever you want once we reach our destination," Lin Su said, estimating the distance. They were not far from the Baren territory, just three to five days away.

As expected, they encountered more vampires at night. Some were attempting to attack villages, while others were simply drawn by the scent of Lin Su's blood. Regardless of their intentions, Lin Su dispatched them with ease, as if slicing through vegetables.

Vampires were fast, but Lin Su's movements were always unexpected. Arnold's vision was not impaired by the darkness, allowing him to clearly see and greatly admire Lin Su's prowess.

Passing through villages at night was usually quiet, without any inspections. Under this routine of resting by day and traveling by night, their carriage reached the Baren territory. By this time, Lin Su had collected fifty vampire ears.

After passing through the territory's checkpoint, Lin Su drove the carriage toward a magnificent villa garden. It was surrounded by woods, separated from the general residential areas, and was devoid of human presence except for the sounds of birds.

The woods were vast, and as they approached, they saw a person trimming the bushes. Wiping sweat from his forehead, the man turned his head, hearing an unusual sound.

Their eyes met, and Lin Su smiled, "Long time no see, Ian."

"Mr. Lin?" The laboring man was indeed Ian. He was visibly delighted to see Lin Su. "You're back!"

He used the word "back" rather than implying that Lin Su had stopped serving his master, confirming Lin Su's suspicion. "Is Yi Zhele also here?"

Ian hesitated momentarily, his already flushed cheeks reddening further with embarrassment. "Yi said he had nowhere else to go. Did you have any trouble deep in the demon's territory? We're sorry for what happened before."

Lin Su jumped down from the carriage, sensing no movement behind him. He looked towards Arnold, who was curled up and motionless on the carriage, and said, "Come down, Arnold. Ian is one of us."

Ian looked towards the carriage with curiosity, sizing it up. When he saw Arnold's face, curiosity turned into joy. "Arnold, you're here too! Are you here to see me?"

He approached eagerly, his warmth and liveliness causing Arnold to instinctively step back. Once friends, now separated by their differences...

"Oh, by the way, he's a vampire now," Lin Su said casually, turning towards the villa and ignoring the two youths' puzzled expressions.

Arnold couldn't understand how Lin Su could say it so easily. Involuntarily, he tried to explain, "I haven't killed any humans... Not really..."

Ian had been hesitant and uncertain in his emotions earlier, especially after their encounter with vampires before arriving here. If it weren't for Yi Zhelai, they might have been torn apart by now. His fear of vampires was gone, but seeing his friend before him, Ian extended his hand. "I believe you. Come here."

His gaze was sincere, devoid of any disguise, and his momentary hesitation dissolved into eagerness.

Arnols sat there, stunned, feeling as if his icy heart had been placed in a furnace, burning hot. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Ian was taken aback. "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? Arnold, please don't cry."

Ian quickly climbed into the carriage, but Arnold hugged him tightly. Arnold felt grateful and awed by Lin Su; he didn't dare show too much fear. But Ian was different.

Arnold hugged Ian and sobbed uncontrollably, completely losing his composure. Ian was initially bewildered but was inexplicably moved by Arnold's emotions. He held him close, stroking his hair gently. "It's okay now, it's okay."

Turning from a human into a vampire must be an incredibly terrifying experience.

As Lin Su entered the villa, he saw Yi Zhelai sitting in the hall, sipping tea. Yi Zhelai glanced at him and remarked, "You have a strong vampire scent on you."

"I've killed over a hundred on the way here," Lin Su replied bluntly, then asked, "What are you doing here?"

Yi Zhelai paused, his hand holding the teacup. "My food is here."

As an ancestor, Yi Zelai certainly had his own territory. After all, when a castle's master fell into deep sleep, the servants entered a similar state until awakened by the master.

Yi Zhelai couldn't awaken them before due to his weakened state, so he sought food.

Back in his castle, he could have an endless supply of food and even keep Ian locked away.

Lin Su shrugged. "Alright, but if you stay here, you'll need to pay in gold or labor. Also, don't touch the vampire I brought back."

Lin Su turned and went upstairs, his demeanor calm as if he didn't have an ancestor living in his mansion, but rather an ordinary tenant. Before his figure disappeared, Yi Zhelai asked, "You're not going to kill him?"

He was referring to Arnold, of course.

Lin Su smiled slightly. "He hasn't killed anyone yet."

Without pausing his steps, Lin Su was asked by Yi Zelai, "Are all humans so compassionate?"

Like Ian?

"Saving a person is much harder than killing one. You could say I enjoy challenging difficult tasks." Lin Su chuckled and left.

Kindness certainly existed. Helping someone in passing could rescue a person without much effort. Perhaps this seemed absurd in the eyes of the bloodline, but humans lived in communities and were supposed to support each other.

When Lin Su emerged refreshed after washing away his fatigue, he encountered Joe waiting outside the door, seemingly there for some time.

"Sir, you're back!" Joe greeted him with obvious joy.

"Long time no see." Lin Su hugged him briefly. "You've worked hard in my absence."

"Not at all. I've taken care of everything you asked." Joe smiled.

With Ian settled in the Bern Empire, evading the scrutiny of the Holy Church, and also prepare to inform Albert about the long-standing secret dealings between the vampires and the Holy Church, Lin Su had completed his mission, despite its perilous nature.

Lin Su gave him a pat on the shoulder. Joe scratched his head bashfully. "It's all thanks to your good teachings. Please feel free to command me."

"I need to establish a hospital, and also, I want to order some custom made clothes," Lin Su said with a smile.

Just as women dress to please themselves, men also dress up for those they care about.

Joe nodded repeatedly at first, but then he seemed to ponder for a moment. "Sir, do you have a wife now? Is it the one you brought back?"

"You're quite bold to think that," Lin Su chuckled.

Homosexuality was not accepted by the Holy Church.

Joe spoke earnestly, "I am only loyal to you. It's your freedom to choose whatever kind of partner you wish."

"It’s not him. You can arrange a job for him here," Lin Su said, "but indeed, my wife is a man."

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