It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 102


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 102

He liked that man and wanted to be with him, not allowing anyone else the slightest intention or thought of competing. 

As for why he avoided such feelings in his heart, it was simply because he feared that Lin Su wouldn't respond to him in the same way, afraid that he was only deceiving him for their wager.

The truth was clear. He harbored fear towards that person and dared not approach him, but his heart had already placed that person inside, and no matter how he tried, he couldn't extract him.

Playing with fire will ultimately lead to self-immolation, and unknowingly he had plunged himself into it.

"Master, there is no future between vampires and humans," the butler whispered.

The master always detested the vampire race because they were neither human nor vampire, like a hybrid breed that neither side could accept.

Vampires have eternal life, while humans only have a few short decades.

"I can turn him into a vampire," Celtic asserted, "with the constant infusion of vampire blood, he could even evolve into a vampire."

He liked that person, of course he wanted to be together forever. If he got involved with him, he had to be prepared that he would never be able to escape, whether his feelings were genuine or fake, he had enough time to contend with him.

"But if Mr. Lin becomes a vampire, you will lose the special grade blood, and in the days to come, you will continuously taste the blood that makes you uncomfortable," the butler reminded.

That taste, as if mixed with impurities, was indeed unpleasant, and perpetually feeding on such blood would be absolute torment. But compared to that, he couldn't bear the aging and death of that man.

"Blood will always have new sources, but he is unique," Celtic said.

How could that thing be compared to him?

"If you insist, I can only offer my blessings," the butler said, bowing his head. "I wish you all the best."

Celtic sat up straight in the coffin and stood up directly. "Go investigate the situation at the villa," he ordered.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" the butler asked.

"I can't sleep," Celtic ran his hand through his long hair, pondering in place. "Do you think he will come to see me on his own?"

"Master, being too anxious in love can easily make you be manipulated by humans," the butler reminded.

That human was very powerful. If his esteemed master was really manipulated and deceived, the consequences would be severe.

"Everyone knows this, but if one can restrain oneself, then it's not love," Celtic opened the door and stepped onto the stairs. "I know what I'm doing. You don't need to say more."


At Lin Su's villa, Ian woke up in the middle of the night and found Arnold had already left when the sun was high. He was somewhat stunned.

He didn't question Lin Su about it, just silently pulled weeds, looking deeply troubled.

Lin Su stood behind him and asked, "Are those flowers not growing well?"

"They're fine," Ian replied instinctively.

"Then why are you pulling them out?" Lin Su chuckled lightly and asked again.

Ian looked blankly at the flower branch in his hand, then suddenly snapped back to reality and looked at Lin Su, "No, I'm not, I just spaced out for a moment, let's bury it back now... I..."

"Burying it now won't bring it back to life," Lin Su said.

"...I'm very sorry," Ian lowered his head.

"It's okay, it's just a few flowers. Since we can't replant them, we'll trim them and put them in a vase to let them bloom their last beauty," Lin Su comforted.

"That's a good idea," Ian breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated as he picked up the flower branch, and looked at Lin Su with hesitation, "Mr. Lin, may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead," Lin Su said.

Ian took a deep breath, "I know Arnold did something wrong, but do we really have to drive him away to solve the problem? He's not a bad person, he just occasionally... admires your lover. It's nothing."

He didn't want to speak ill of that vampire. It was someone Mr. Lin liked, and regardless of good or bad, they couldn't be judged. But he truly felt that the vampire wasn't sincere towards Mr. Lin. 

Surely Arnold felt the same, which is why he had spoken out.

"If someone else liked Yi Zhelai and they wanted to compete with you for him, and succeeded in taking him away from you, making Yi Zhelai abandon you and ignore you, would you dislike that person?" Lin Su wasn't angry because leaving for fifteen days made this kind of thing seem to be a shame.

Ian stood stunned in place. If it was as Mr. Lin said, he would definitely hate that person and would like Mr. Ian had always been frank and would say what he thought: "I would hate it, really hate it..."

"If Arnold stayed, Celtic would feel the same as you, even if he had good-intentions, some people just have to part ways," Lin Su said.

Ian could understand Celtic's feelings of someone trying to steal his lover: "Then why won't you go looking for him?"

"Wait a little longer," Lin Su looked up at the sun hanging high above and smiled.

His little vampire must be waiting for him at this moment, but how could waiting be something only he had to endure?

Moreover, he had to give him time to consider his feelings, to face his own intentions, or to cut them off forever and bury those thoughts deep in his heart.

That was his choice, and Lin Su couldn't interfere.

Celtic was originally neatly dressed indoors, a time when he should be sleeping during the day. 

Instead, he sat here, looking at the swaying sea of flowers outside the window, clearly bored and yet unwilling to do anything.

His gaze involuntarily turned towards the direction of the manor's entrance. He left in anger, of course he couldn't just go back eagerly, as that would be a complete loss of both his dignity and his reputation.

He was waiting for that person to arrive, waiting for him to come and discuss the aftermath of the matter with him.

But from sunrise to just before the sun reached overhead, there was no sign of that person.

The steward stood beside him with the results of the investigation and said, "Master, Mr. Lin has already sent away that vampire named Arnold. Accompanying him were other vampires and humans, and their destination is currently unknown. I've sent our clan's vampires to follow them."

"Call them back. There's no need to find out where they've been sent," Celtic stared straight ahead and said, "As long as I know that vampire has left."

"Yes." The steward met his gaze and continued, "Mr. Lin hasn't made any moves. Master, if you're tired, you can rest..."

"No need..." Celtic supported his cheek, "I made him wait for fifteen days before. Now, waiting half a day is nothing."

The feeling of waiting for someone was anxious and urgent. If it were someone else who was not punctual, Celtic would definitely let him know the consequences of not keeping appointments. Since he didn't follow the rules of time, giving him more time would be pointless.

But waiting for that person... 

After the steward left, Celtic folded his arms on the table and rested his chin on them.

Since they truly began to interact, that person had always considered his feelings. Even when accused of being possessive, that person stood by his side. Clearly, a human with a limited lifespan, whose life was not even a fraction as long as his own, could still give him a sense of complete acceptance.

If, as the vampire had said, he hadn't cherished him before, then before cherishing him, he wanted to be willful one last time. If he missed this opportunity, he would surely cherish the feelings that person had given him.

However, from midday until the sun set in the west, the blood on the table had already coagulated, and there was not a trace of that person.

Memories that used to bring a smile seemed to have turned bitter. Celtic felt an indescribable discomfort, as if something lost could never be found again.

Lin Su!

The moment Celtic stood up, his ears twitched. The sound of hoofbeats came galloping from afar. He gazed into the distance, where a handsome man with golden hair rode on a white steed, looking almost like a deity.

Though he despised that appearance the most, his heart now boiled like magma, filled with both anger and anxiety.

As the steed approached, Celtic walked a few steps to the balcony. The evening sun still made him uncomfortable, but when he saw the man pull back the reins and lift his gaze, everything became bearable.

"Why did you come?" Celtic couldn't help but speak first.

"I came to calm you down," Lin Su smiled slightly, tilting his head back. "Go back soon. Isn't the sunlight uncomfortable?"

"It's very uncomfortable," Celtic replied, gripping the balcony railing. Without hesitation, he leapt down and landed directly in Lin Su's open arms. His lips curled into a smile. "It's not uncomfortable when you block the sunlight."

The little vampire before him was proud, as if nothing could make him bow his head. Yet, time and again, he lowered his noble head in front of Lin Su. This combination of arrogance and magnificence was incredibly attractive.

"It seems like you've calmed down a bit," Lin Su hugged Celtic tightly around the waist, using his body to shield them from the setting sun. "Have you missed me?"

This wasn't the first time he asked that question, but this time Celtic urgently wanted to answer, "I've missed you."

Waiting for just one day seemed to have reached its limit. He even couldn't understand how he managed to endure not seeing him for fifteen days before. Was his mind messed up back then?

Lin Su's pupils contracted slightly, not in surprise at the words, but in admiration for the little vampire before him, whose eyes reflected only him.

He was captivating in the night, and under the daylight, his silver hair and purple eyes made him look like an angel.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and the change in their gaze couldn't deceive anyone. Lin Su gently held the back of Celtic's neck and kissed him. "I missed you too."

Celtic naturally accepted his deep kiss, offering himself as if in sacrifice. The intimate kiss moved from under the balcony into the room, and once longing was unleashed, it couldn't be contained.

The timing of a flower's bloom depended on the stamina of both parties. Lin Su was always restrained, but when faced with someone passionate and strong-willed, reaching a dozen degrees was truly no issue.

In short, both were very satisfied. After everything was over, Celtic lay on top of him. His teeth pierced Lin Su's neck, deepening the feeling of satisfaction as blood flowed.

Unlike before, this time Celtic showed some lack of restraint. When he couldn't drink any more blood, he bit into his own wrist and fed Lin Su with a mouthful of blood, passing it over to him.

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