It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 103


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 103

Lin Su instinctively swallowed, but the strong smell of blood made him frown. When their lips parted, Celtic repeated the action of infusing blood, until his own face turned waxy white. He only stopped when Lin Su grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Lin Su asked, holding him by the shoulders.

"The first embrace of the vampire race, haven't you heard the vampires talk about it?" Celtic leaned against his chest, panting slightly. The significant blood loss had a considerable effect on him as well.

"I know. What I asked is why you infused so much blood?" Lin Su stroked his hair and said, "I've heard that only a sip is enough."

"It’s a complete flush. You will be stronger as a vampire," Celtic raised his head, gently kissing his lips, "That way we can be together forever."

Lin Su looked into his eyes and stroked his lips, "You never asked me if I wanted to become a vampire."

His emotions remained hidden, and Celtic chuckled, "Whether you agree or not, the result will be the same. You can't escape."

"You're really domineering," Lin Su laughed, pressing Celtic's head onto his shoulder. "What reactions will I have when I transform into a vampire?"

"Just sleep, and you'll be fine," Celtic raised his hand to touch his cheek, "There won't be any pain, sleep now..."

His voice sounded hypnotic, and Lin Su slowly closed his eyes, seemingly asleep but actually sighing softly in his heart.

The first embrace of the vampire race would undoubtedly work on an ordinary human, causing the heart to beat slower, body temperature to drop, and turning one into a bloodthirsty yet immortal being.

But it wouldn't have any effect on him. A tasker can't stay in one world forever. Choosing to remain permanently in one world would mean abandoning his original body's world.

Clearly, one could spend star coins to bring their loved one out of this world. No tasker would be foolish enough to give up that option.

【  Simulate eternal youth,】 Lin Su said to 06.

【  Understood, received,】System 06 replied efficiently and dutifully, 【 Do you need to simulate body temperature as well?】

【 If two ice blocks cling to each other, who do you think will freeze first?】 Lin Su laughed.

Eternal youth was essential. It would reassure the young vampire and form the basis of maintaining their love.

If they aged together, there would be no concern. But when one stays forever young and the other grows old and wrinkled, even the best love would be worn away by daily contrast.

Vampires are inherently beautiful and prefer young, pretty prey. Their obsession with appearance is deeply ingrained, an undeniable fact.

As for body temperature, vampires like warm blood. Since he's his vampire now, he shouldn't drink anyone else's blood.

Two ice blocks together generate little heat; otherwise, the reproduction rate of vampires wouldn't be so low. System 06 reflected on its analysis capability and asked, 【  Do dietary habits need adjustment?】

【 No need,】 Lin Su declined.

Having been a vampire before, he had naturally drunk blood. For humans, drinking such a liquid is certainly not easy to adapt to, but for vampires, different qualities of blood truly differ like gourmet food and wild vegetables.

He didn't mind changing his dietary habits, so System06 was puzzled, 【 Why?】

【 Do you think Celtic would let me drink someone else's blood?】Lin Su responded with a smile.

Vampires have an especially strong sense of possessiveness. Moreover, his little vampire was arrogant and domineering. Just as Lin Su wouldn't allow himself to drink another's blood, he naturally wouldn't allow Lin Su to do so either. Fair and just.

If they drank each other's blood, they would gain no vitality, and within a year, they would both fall into eternal slumber.

System 06 suddenly understood, realizing that its long-standing single status might have some reasons.

Celtic felt Lin Su fall asleep, chuckled softly, and stood up, examining the not-yet-faded marks in the mirror. He had never thought he would let a human be so wanton with him.

But when it happened, seeing the man sweating and looking at him with burning eyes was truly irresistible. The action of leaving marks didn't make him feel pain; rather, those possessive actions made him regret not being able to leave more marks.

Casually putting on some clothes, Celtic noticed it was dawn outside. In the long life of a vampire, there were often many idle moments. Celtic sat by Lin Su's bedside, quietly watching him and occasionally touching his nose.

He had never created a vampire before and didn't know the exact duration of the transformation. 

However, he was aware of the changes that should occur, such as the body initially becoming stiff, and the breathing becoming shallow and cold.

But after sitting for a few hours, the temperature he felt was still warm, and even the breathing frequency hadn't changed at all. The heartbeat was just as it had always been, and the scent of the blood was still very enticing to Celtic.

He frowned slightly and was about to get up to call the butler when Lin Su, who had just woken up, grabbed his wrist, "Where are you going?"

The hand that held his was still warm, which Celtic liked, but this warmth made him frown, "To check on something."

Lin Su sat up with his help, spreading his hands, "It seems like becoming a vampire isn't much different from being human."

"The transformation failed," Celtic said, looking down, "You haven't become a vampire."

Lin Su looked up at him, "Which step went wrong?"

"I was just about to check," Celtic said, feeling a bit agitated. He knew the steps of the first embrace clearly, so it seemed impossible for something to go wrong. But Lin Su hadn't transformed into a vampire.

Such a case had never happened with a human before, but Lin Su was different from ordinary humans. If he couldn't become immortal, what should he do?

"I'll help you," Lin Su said as he got up and dressed, soothing Celtic's emotions. "Don't worry, we'll find a way."

His words always had a calming effect, and Celtic exhaled slightly, his gaze fixed on Lin Su. He raised an eyebrow and unabashedly looked him up and down, "I'm not worried at all."

Celtic's gaze was unrestrained, and Lin Su didn't flinch. His movements while dressing were calm and composed, with the grace unique to a gentleman. From the muscular form when undressed to the lean figure when dressed, the entire process kept Celtic's eyes glued.

"Do I look good?" Lin Su asked with a smile as he buttoned his cuffs.

Celtic licked his lips and moved closer, his proximity almost intimate, "You look incredible."

So incredible that Celtic even wanted to pull his collar open. He had never found the top button of a human's shirt to have such an alluring, almost ascetic charm.

Kissing was a normal thing for lovers, but this time it was brief, as Celtic's mind was still preoccupied with Lin Su's unsuccessful transformation.

Lin Su rebuttoned his shirt, covering the marks left by his little vampire, and naturally took Celtic's hand as they left the room.

Celtic followed half a step behind, his eyes fixed on their intertwined hands. He noticed that Lin Su's fingers were also very attractive, and holding hands gave him a different feeling compared to when they were in bed.

It felt solid and fulfilling, with a warmth that spread through his entire body.

The manor was quiet during the day. Though it was a temporary setup, it had a fair number of vampire texts, almost filling the underground library to the brim.

Lin Su picked up a book and started flipping through it. Glancing at Celtic, who was searching nearby, he asked, "Do you like reading?"

"Of course not," Celtic gave him a brief look, his honesty refreshing. "Since I plan to stay here for a long time, I naturally brought some things over. If we can't find what we need here, we'll have to look in the castle. And if we still can't find it, we'll have to break into Yi Zhelai's castle."

The ancestor’s collection would undoubtedly be more extensive.

"You can't beat him yet," Lin Su said with a smile.

"He's powerful but not very smart," Celtic admitted. He had been careless last time, despite preparing for over a century. If he were to face the ancestor again, he would be flawless in his strategy.

Before, he sought power; now, he only wanted Lin Su to have immortality.

【  Are you ready?】 Lin Su asked.

System 06 replied, 【  You can count on me.】

Searching through ancient texts required considerable patience. Celtic appeared haughty and anxious, but once he settled down, he was remarkably patient.

He meticulously flipped through each book, his lowered and focused gaze looking particularly captivating.

Lin Su was initially flipping through the book, but his gaze became fixed on the little vampire. 

From any angle, the little vampire was flawless. When bristling with thorns, he was hard to approach, but in this gentle demeanor, no one could resist loving him.

Lin Su's gaze lingered for so long that even the focused Celtic couldn't help but notice. When he looked up and met Lin Su's direct gaze, he raised his voice and asked, "Do I look good?"

It was the same question Lin Su had asked earlier.

Lin Su nodded without hesitation, "Yes, you look good."

His honesty made Celtic smile, "If I look good, then keep looking."

Celtic was very confident in his appearance, knowing it could withstand scrutiny.

Lin Su chuckled and suddenly thought of something, "Your clan is named after you, Celtic . What is your full name?"

"Dawn. Spold. Celtic ," Celtic said, sitting there with his legs crossed and his cheek resting on his hand. "But your name is quite strange. It doesn't sound like a typical name. Is Lin your given name?"

"Tang," Lin Su repeated softly.

Celtic responded with a gentle hum, "What?"

"Nothing. Su is my given name. It comes from the naming convention of an Eastern country. It's simple and easy to remember," Lin Su explained.

"Su?" Selt laughed. "Your outward appearance might fit the meaning of the word, but your inner self certainly doesn't."

Inwardly, Lin Su was far from the solemnity suggested by his name.

Lin Su sat next to him and said, "If my inner self matched, you wouldn't like me."

A truly serious and solemn personality, strict and rule-bound, would undoubtedly bore the little vampire.

"You do understand me," Celtic gave him a sidelong glance and resumed flipping through the book, but suddenly his gaze fixed on something.

Seeing his change in demeanor, Lin Su focused on the book as well, "What's wrong?"

The book recorded: There are special cases of vampire transformation where the outward appearance, body temperature, and diet remain human-like, but immortality is still achieved. 

The downside is that such individuals remain as physically weak as humans. The first of these special cases lived for three hundred years but did not survive a war.

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