It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 86


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 86

To change the system of a society, it naturally requires repeated challenges to traditional beliefs. Despite the ministers' debates, it was Lin Su who made the real decisions.

On the high seat was the emperor's throne, and on the right side was the empress's seat.

When Li Yuan first entered the court, he walked half a step behind Lin Su. Despite some ministers' scrutinizing gazes, hinting at unease and dissatisfaction, he did not hesitate and only took his seat after Lin Su had sat on the throne.

"Ministers, rise," spoke the emperor from the high seat.

The courtiers stood and looked at the two figures on the high seats, sensing that this new arrangement might bring about a new era for the court. Whether it would be good or bad depended on future developments.

Li Yuan was not adept at wielding power, but in handling state affairs, he had adopted Lin Su's style. The court gradually supported this emperor and empress sharing the court. Ministers also began to appreciate the benefits: political decisions were expedited, and if either the emperor or empress fell ill, it wouldn't delay state affairs.

Initially, the new laws caused no problems and did not threaten the noble families' positions. But as one year turned into two, and five into ten, they noticed the rise in status of merchants and workers due to technological monopolies and flourishing trade. This development alarmed them deeply.

Technological monopolies and the prosperity brought by merchants did enrich the country. However, without restraint, it could undermine the foundations of the state.

Despite numerous memorials submitted, the emperor only glanced casually and remarked, "When the people are prosperous, the nation is strong. If the people are secure, what harm is there in losing some power?"

The affairs of the world should not be decided by one person alone. Under a wise ruler, the people could live in peace. Under a negligent ruler, chaos would ensue. Only through decentralized governance, where everyone's expertise is valued and the capable are appointed, could lasting peace be achieved.

"Your Majesty considers the welfare of the people and does not sacrifice them for your own selfishness.," Li Yuan said respectfully. "I bow in admiration."

Supportive courtiers knelt and echoed their agreement, while dissenters remained few. After all, Lin Su, while decentralizing power, had already sifted out those who sought power without regard for the people's well-being.

"Long live the wise Emperor! Long live the insightful Empress!"

Lin Su and Li Yuan exchanged glances. While all the courtiers were kneeling, they blinked at each other.

After the morning court, the emperor and empress walked together. Li Yuan spoke up, "There are already voices of opposition. At the current pace of progress, I'm afraid it will take decades of hard work before anything can be accomplished."

"This endeavor is indeed difficult. Is the empress willing to walk this path with me?" Lin Su extended his hand.

Li Yuan placed his hand on his and smiled, "Of course, I am willing."

In the tenth year of the New Dynasty, the status of workers and merchants greatly increased, unsettling the noble families. During these uncertain times, instead of suppressing, the rulers encouraged progress, stating that every profession had its merits, and success was not limited to passing the imperial examinations.

In the twelfth year of the New Dynasty, rubber tires appeared, alleviating the discomfort of travel even on uneven roads, despite needing to be inflated.

In the thirteenth year of the New Dynasty, official roads were paved with a substance called cement, which, while not as sturdy as blue bricks, made travel much more convenient.

Road repairs were financed from the national treasury, with laborers receiving wages.

By the sixteenth year of the New Dynasty, transportation networks spanned various countries. Thanks to smooth roads, journeys that once took several days could now be completed in two days or even one.

During the boom in commerce, electricity emerged from the imperial palace. It was proclaimed: "This is the divine power bestowed by the heavens, meant to bless all people."

People rejoiced at the improvement in their lives. Though they initially did not understand its use, the first electric light illuminated in the imperial palace was hailed as a great treasure by the people.

In the twenty-sixth year of the New Dynasty, the first electric-powered vehicle traveled only ten meters, yet it caused a profound impact throughout society.

As industry flourished, traditional long robes were unsuitable for labor. People adapted by shortening the sleeves and tightening the cuffs.

Various cultures flourished, and the control of the imperial court gradually weakened. Of course, if Lin Su were willing to reclaim power, given the admiration of the people, it would have been an easy task. However, he continued to reduce his authority.

"The concerns of the courtiers are not entirely unfounded. If turmoil arises in the realm, Your Majesty's authority may be at risk," remarked Kang Boyu, who, now in middle age, still exuded a strong aura.

In his earlier military campaigns, he encountered a noblewoman in distress. She had a bold and straightforward demeanor, wielding a long whip that stirred the winds. Unlike typical women from noble families, she captivated him instantly.

United in purpose and virtue, he sought her hand in marriage, with Lin Su's blessing. Following their marriage, she followed Lin Su's actions, effortlessly besting soldiers in combat drills two to one, ensuring harmony in their marriage.

"To control this world, I don't need to hold everything in my hands," Lin Su toyed with flowers in the imperial garden, saying, "I just need the military in my grasp, and they won't stir up waves."

Though he decentralized power, he wasn't reckless. Power was often more effective than wealth because of its strength and influence. To implement policies, sometimes a strong approach was necessary.

Kang Boyu relaxed, saying, "Your Majesty's words are very true."

The emperor was usually good-natured, but he was never a pushover for others to manipulate.

Lin Su plucked the most vibrant flower from the garden and sniffed it at his nose, then turned to Kang Boyu, saying, "Why don't you pick one too?"

"I don't care for these things," Kang Boyu thought the emperor holding flowers was not effeminate, but he didn’t need to.

"I don't care whether you like it or not. Pick one and take it back to your wife," Lin Su walked away, waving his hand dismissively. "No need to follow me."

Kang Boyu: "..."

It was clear that the flower was intended for the empress.

System 06's reflection: 【General Kang has followed the host for so many years, yet still doesn't understand romance.】

Unable to adapt, as they say.

【You've been with him longer than I have.】As Lin Su entered the hall, he placed the dew-dampened flower by Li Yuan's bedside. 

Then, pinching Li Yuan's nose, he listened to his muffled response and chuckled, "Is the little lazy bug still refusing to get up?"

"I'm already in my early thirties, almost reaching the age of forty. How am I still considered little?" Li Yuan grumbled. Last night, he had indulged in some novelty and didn't feel like sleeping. Today was a rare lazy morning after Lin Su's gentle coaxing.

"You're always the little one here with me," Lin Su chuckled. "Do you want to get up?"

"I can't sit up," Li Yuan lay there, stretching out his hands.

Lin Su naturally took his hand and helped him up, supporting his back. "Are you this tired?"

Li Yuan nestled his head in Lin Su's shoulder, hesitating. "Just a little more rest, please."

He had trouble waking up.

After a while of lingering, Li Yuan woke up and saw the flowers by the bedside. "Has Your Majesty gone out? Are there any ministers visiting?"

"Kang Boyu has come," Lin Su replied, fetching Li Yuan's clothes without any help.

After years of understanding each other, as Li Yuan was being dressed, he said, "The Ma Wei clan on the border has been causing frequent disturbances, and the army's frequent movements away from the capital might indicate concerns about your delegation of power leading to trouble."

"They migrated from a far northwestern region, hit and run tactics rather than holding ground like previous rebellions. If they hide within the grasslands, coupled with bitter cold, Kang Boyu may face difficulties," Lin Su was deeply concerned about the matter.

"Wouldn't gunpowder work?" Li Yuan was now fully awake.

"Do you know how vast the grasslands are? Even if we took all of Qi's gunpowder, it would only blast a tiny area," Lin Su said, fastening his belt.

Li Yuan looked at him and suddenly grasped his hand. "Is Your Majesty considering going there personally?"

"Kang Boyu doesn't understand the grasslands. His partial knowledge would only lead to unnecessary sacrifices of soldiers. Only I can go," Lin Su said calmly, looking at him.

As a monarch, Lin Su naturally bore the responsibility for the people, and he couldn't casually allow soldiers to sacrifice themselves.

Li Yuan admired Lin Su's sense of responsibility because that was what defined a ruler. "If you go, I will ensure the safety of the capital inside and out, awaiting your safe return."

Li Yuan wanted to go with him, but he knew he couldn't. The current operation of the country still required someone to take charge, and only by staying here could he relieve Lin Su's worries about pressures from the rear.

"Be good," Lin Su gently touched his cheek.

Though Li Yuan was well past the age of forty, time hadn't left many marks on him. Instead, it had given him a sense of calm and stability. Li Yuan felt that the tranquility that should have come with growing older as a married couple was constantly disrupted by Lin Su's unintentional actions.

Even the Empress Dowager  couldn't help but marvel, saying he had truly found the right person.

The Emperor personally leading an expedition would undoubtedly shock the entire nation, but frequent disturbances by border troops required swift resolution.

Lin Su excelled in planning, and Li Yuan meticulously prepared everything, from medicines for cold and heat resistance to those for preventing diarrhea, fearing any unexpected problems.

It had been a long time since Lin Su had left the palace. Now, dressed in military attire and mounting his horse with fluttering red tassels, Li Yuan stood on the city wall and caught a glimpse of the majestic figure he once was when conquering various palaces. Even Kang Boyu in his prime wouldn't have matched such a sight.

"The Emperor leading the expedition will surely be victorious in every battle," Kang Boyu stood beside Li Yuan and said with utmost conviction and respect.

"I believe in him," Li Yuan waved towards Lin Su's departing figure, coincidentally meeting his gaze even from a distance.

Li Yuan paused for a moment and then smiled, "His Majesty and I indeed share a remarkable understanding."

Kang Boyu, who already had a wife, “...”

If one did not understand the grasslands, battles there would result in five to ten times more casualties than those fought in fortified cities. That was why emperors throughout history had always been troubled by nomadic tribes like the Ma Wei.

But Lin Su happened to understand the grasslands well. He knew the climate changes, where the fertile lands with abundant water and grass would be, and where swamps might form.

His military maneuvers were unpredictable, yet his soldiers trusted him implicitly. Often, he could surprise enemies and even use their own tactics against them, making him more akin to a nomadic leader than the nomadic tribes themselves.

Despite some issues with adapting to the climate, the wealth of Qi ensured that their soldiers lacked for nothing.

Lin Su set traps everywhere. However, because his movements were so swift, reports returning to the capital often lagged behind. Now, deep in the grasslands, no news of Lin Su had completely reached the capital.

"Your Highness, it has been seven days since the last report. Should we send reinforcements?" a minister asked in the court.

"Suddenly sending troops not only won't catch up with the advance team but might also entangle the reinforcements. Your Majesty is wise; it's likely just a temporary loss of contact, and nothing serious has happened," Kang Boyu stepped forward.

"If General Kang weren't inexperienced in grassland warfare, His Majesty wouldn't have had to go in person. It's indeed shameless to speak so boldly now," a minister retorted. "The grasslands are different from cities. With His Majesty venturing alone and no news coming in, Your Majesty, I urge the Empress to send reinforcements to assist."

"Your Highness, please send reinforcements," other ministers echoed.

Seated on the right side of the throne, eyes half-lidded, Li Yuan displayed a calm demeanor, reminiscent of Lin Su's unflappable nature. "I understand your concerns for His Majesty, but as His Majesty has said, let each person do their job. General Kang has experience leading troops into battle. I agree with General Kang's reasoning."

Seven days without news naturally made him anxious, but in this world, who else could afford to panic? He couldn't.

Li Yuan hesitated for a moment before smiling, "His Majesty's promises have always been fulfilled, and this time will be no exception."

"That day, when His Majesty personally led the expedition, I disagreed. Now, with His Majesty having no direct heir and the only successor being the Empress's nephew, if something were to happen to His Majesty, the change of dynasty could indeed be easily achieved," Minister Zhao spoke out, addressing directly towards Li Yuan seated on the throne.

His words clearly implied that Li Yuan harbored ambitions of seizing the throne during this opportunity.

"Minister Zhao, are you suspecting me of disloyalty?" Li Yuan narrowed his eyes as he questioned.

Another minister stepped forward, "Your Majesty, please don't be offended. It's just that historical records mention instances where the imperial harem wielded political power, and upon the emperor's death, the empress directly ascended the throne and controlled the court effortlessly. With such precedents, we cannot help but be cautious."

"And General Kang has always respected the Empress. We believe that if His Majesty is absent, General Kang would fully support the Empress. If the Empress wishes to clear her name, perhaps sending reinforcements and temporarily withdrawing from court affairs, awaiting His Majesty's return, would be prudent," another minister added.

Their concerns were grounded in historical evidence from past dynasties where power struggles in the imperial harem had destabilized the realm, much like the current situation in the Qi dynasty.

Kang Boyu looked at Li Yuan seated on the throne. When His Majesty was present, these ministers wouldn't dare to press so boldly. His Majesty had commanded him to guard the capital precisely to prevent these overly patriotic ministers from troubling the Empress.

Kang Boyu was about to speak again when a cold laugh interrupted from above, "If I wanted to seize power, His Majesty would enthusiastically support it with both hands. Now that His Majesty is away on campaign, whether he lives or dies is a temporary matter. Are you all trying to disturb the rear and cause chaos for His Majesty, front and back? I am the Empress. His Majesty entrusted the imperial seal to me when he departed, clearly stating that all matters should heed my commands. Now, I trust General Kang and will not casually send additional troops to avoid unnecessary losses. Whoever dares to speak further will be immediately punished with court rods."

In the Qi dynasty, there was no such thing as sparing high officials from corporal punishment. 

However, His Majesty would not easily punish officials for their words, even if they occasionally spoke out of turn. But anyone who attempted to destabilize the foundation of the state would face the wrath of His Majesty, something these court officials were not equipped to handle.

The court fell silent. Li Yuan took a deep breath and continued, "Do any of you esteemed ministers have anything else to say?"

"Us Ministers are concerned about His Majesty's safety. Now that His Majesty's fate is uncertain, may I ask how the Empress plans to handle this?" a court official stepped forward.

Li Yuan tightened his grip on the armrest. "We wait. The grasslands are vast. The deeper His Majesty goes, the slower the communication becomes. General Kang, instruct the Southwest Army to be ready to deploy towards the northwest. If we hear no news within ten days, immediately send reinforcements. Even if we have to flatten the grasslands, we must find His Majesty."

"I understand, Your Majesty!" Kang Boyu replied respectfully.

The waiting days were agonizing. When the tenth day arrived and there was still no sign of the messenger rushing into the capital, Li Yuan wrote a decree in the court, clutching his fingers tightly as he put down the pen. Just as he was about to pick up the imperial seal to affix it, the sound of galloping horses echoed from the palace: "Great victory in the northwest! Complete annihilation of the Ma Wei tribe! His Majesty will return to the capital soon!"

Upon hearing the report, Li Yuan's tense spirit relaxed, almost dropping the imperial seal.

As soldiers rushed into the great hall, he immediately descended from the throne to greet them. "Is the great victory in the northwest true?" he asked eagerly.

"Reporting to Your Highness, it's absolutely true!" a soldier kneeled and said, "His Majesty has won a great victory."

"Thank goodness..." Li Yuan stood quietly, tears streaming down his face in relief.

The courtiers had never seen the Empress so moved. At this moment, seeing him like this, they all felt a complex mix of emotions.

With no sign of him, thoughts of him grew heavier. Knowing he would soon return, the urgency in his heart seemed as though it could burst forth at any moment.

Li Yuan tossed and turned in bed, calculating that the army would probably return to the capital tomorrow. The night felt endless, he wondered why dawn was so slow in coming.

Just as he drifted off to sleep, he felt a slight warmth on his face, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, only to see surprise in a man's eyes by the moonlight outside the window.

Lin Su was startled by his sudden sitting up. He had only come to check on the little empress, not expecting him to awaken with such clarity unlike his usual grogginess. "Did I wake you up?"

Li Yuan shook his head, gazing at him eagerly. Once he confirmed it was indeed Lin Su, he immediately embraced him tightly. "You're back!"

"Wait a moment, wait a moment. I haven't changed yet. I still smell of blood and soil from the battlefield," Lin Su said, aware that maintaining communication deep within the grasslands was difficult. Knowing the Empress must be anxious, he had ordered a general to organize the troops upon leaving the grasslands and hurried back with his personal guards, eager to see him sooner.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you're safe," Li Yuan replied, unconcerned about the blood and mud. All that mattered was seeing him alive and well.

Unbeknownst to him, he had become so dependent on this person.

Lin Su smiled and hugged him back. "You claim not to be young anymore, yet you cling to me like a three-year-old."

The scent of blood and soil on his body was evident to Li Yuan as he held him close. It spoke of the hardships and trials he had endured, the clashes of steel on the battlefield seemed to follow this scent into the sleeping chambers. Yet, this scent brought comfort as well.

"You said I'm younger than you, so of course I'm going to cling to you," Li Yuan replied, even rubbing his legs against Lin Su's, unconcerned that his pristine white attire was getting dirty.

"Alright, alright. Since you've gone from a little white cat to a little spotted cat, shall we freshen up together, my Empress?" Lin Su stood up, still holding Li Yuan.

Li Yuan nodded from his shoulder. "We can’t waste water."

Knowing exactly how their bath would end, Lin Su removed his light armor and changed into soft clothes. Li Yuan helped him by wiping his long hair, showing remarkable care and attention.

Looking at the aftermath, System 06 asked, 【Was the host really not intentional?】

【If it wasn't intentional, not wanting to wake the Empress would be effortless,】 Lin Su replied, twirling a strand of Li Yuan's hair that hung down.

In his youth, the young Empress was as dazzling as a pearl, but now, with a touch of restraint, he resembled a beautiful jade.

System 06, feeling that the host's words made a lot of sense, commented, 【So not changing your clothes was also intentional?】

【You're learning well,】 Lin Su replied with a smile. Since he had endured hardships, it was only right to let the other party know, as enduring alone was not his style.

【If he finds out that you intentionally disrupted his sleep, he might not be as forgiving,】System 06 analyzed.

Lin Su clicked his tongue, 【Hopeless.】

System 06 fell silent.

Noticing Lin Su's actions, Li Yuan chuckled softly and touched his chin, saying, "You must have been in such a hurry that you didn't even clean up your stubble."

"Could I trouble the Empress with that task?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan smiled, "Of course."

As he moved his fingers, Lin Su grasped his hand, asking, "Which is more important, seeing me or having a good night's sleep?"

"Seeing you is more important," Li Yuan replied without hesitation. "How could I sleep well without seeing you?"

System 06 felt it might never find a system to match its own and sighed at the hopelessness.

The Emperor's return was a cause for national celebration, but the courtiers couldn't help but feel a sense of shame when facing Li Yuan. However, these ministers were not ones to hide their mistakes. Led by Minister Zhao, they submitted petitions. Lin Su read one aloud to Li Yuan: "We measured the heart of a nobleman with the mind of a petty person, and we are deeply ashamed..."

"They know their mistake, and I am not one to hold a grudge," Li Yuan acknowledged, understanding the situation. If he were in the ministers' shoes, he too would have been skeptical. Since they admitted their fault, there was no need to dwell on it.

"The Empress is magnanimous, but I am quite petty," Lin Su said with a smirk. He gestured for Li Yuan to come closer and whispered in his ear. 

Li Yuan looked at him in shock, "You really want to do it now?"

"Yes, now. The country is stable, and years of planning should finally be executed. It will certainly give those ministers a headache for some time," Lin Su said with a smile.

Li Yuan pondered for a moment and nodded, "Whatever the Emperor decides is fine."

"You're not upset that I've left the throne to Chen'er with limited power?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan held his hand, "The position of the Emperor is not one of indulgence. Even someone as wise as you must exhaust yourself. How much more so for Chen'er? With power decentralized, he will live a better life."

People envied the Emperor, but they did not realize that too much power meant too much responsibility.

In the 27th year of the new dynasty, Qi Dynasty reformed and established a constitutional monarchy, setting up a parliament and electing a prime minister. On the foundation of the original laws, new laws were enacted, truly placing the Emperor within the bounds of the law.

The new law stipulated that regardless of whether one married a man or a woman, it was to be a monogamous marriage. The law did not apply retroactively, but after this point, taking concubines would be considered bigamy.

The changes in the system caused a great stir in the nation. Even Kang Boyu thought the Emperor might have been hit on the head by the Ma Wei tribe. When he went home to complain to his wife, she called him to the training ground for a whip match, which he lost...

Although he was not particularly good with a whip, his wife insisted on using it.

"The Emperor has his reasons for his actions. In the past, the decline of the aristocracy was met with ridicule. Now, even officials cannot insult people from the brothels. That is the power of the law," Madam Kang said, cracking her whip on the ground.

Kang Boyu cupped his hands, "Madam is absolutely right."

In the 37th year of the new dynasty, the power of the royal family was further reduced, but the lives of the people flourished. At that time, Emperor Qi abdicated and passed the throne to Li Chen. The Emperor and Empress left the capital, disappearing from public view.

In the warm southern region, the courtyard was lush and green. The two sat in a pavilion, enjoying the cool breeze. One of them asked, "Emperor, will the system continue to change in the future?"

"If it's unsuitable, it will keep changing. But that's something for decades or centuries to come. It's beyond our control now," the other patiently replied.


【System evaluation: Task completion rated S-level. 

Task one earned five million star coins, task two earned five million star coins, and an additional reward of ten million star coins, totaling twenty million, has been credited to your account. 

Extra reward reason: Helping the main character become a hero, saving countless lives. Keep up the good work, host.】

In this life, Lin Su was older than Li Yuan. With the system's assistance, he didn't suffer much in his later years. When the time came, Li Yuan held his hand, insisting they stay together no matter what.

Lin Su had no intention of leaving him behind; abandoning a deeply loved partner was an incredibly cruel thing to do. 

In their final years together, Lin Su ensured that the life extension he exchanged with the system would not fail. 

However, Li Yuan often woke up from nightmares, fearing Lin Su would depart first, making those years more challenging than before. Even as Li Yuan closed his eyes for the last time, he was still unwilling to let go, saying, "I don't want you to go before me and leave me alone, but I also don't want to go before you and leave you alone."

"You can go ahead and go first, but wait for me. I won't let you wait long," Lin Su told him, only leaving after watching him take his last breath.

【Host, would you like to start the next world?】System 06 asked, observing the host sitting quietly on the sofa.

Lin Su chuckled: 【Why don't you ask if I need a break?】

【I think you'd prefer to fall in love rather than rest,】System 06 analyzed.

Falling in love had become addictive, increasingly so with each experience.

And during high-quality relationships, the host's emotions and career were evidently in an excellent state.

【I think I'm ready to continue,】Lin Su laughed. 【Let's start the next world.】

【Understood.】System 06 prepared itself.

【System 06 prompt: World loading, memory transmission in progress...】

This time, when Lin Su woke up, he wasn't surprised to find himself lying amidst ruins.

Having completed numerous tasks, Lin Su knew that finding a recently deceased person to inhabit in a peaceful era was relatively easy. However, locating a world where the original timeline's male supporting role died often led to chaotic settings like this one.

Gazing up at the sky, Lin Su felt the emptiness in his stomach. Surrounding him were broken walls and ruins, with vultures and crows circling above, adding to the desolation. A few vultures attempted to land near him but, sensing movement, settled a short distance away, tilting their heads as if puzzled by the revival of what they perceived as food laid out on a platter.

The constant grumbling of his stomach was a reminder of his dire situation. There wasn't even tree bark to chew on in this barren environment.

System 06, with an expectant tone, asked: 【Host, do you need to exchange for food?】

Indeed, with such a capable host, even a mechanical voice could convey anticipation.

Lin Su had no habit of eating human corpses, and the meat of vultures and crows was notoriously unpalatable, akin to eating garbage. While Lin Su would consume anything in extremely harsh conditions, his culinary skills stemmed from being quite picky.

【Just a bun will do,】 Lin Su said. 【And also, exchange for a recovery potion.】

The more starved one is, the less they should consume rich foods. The recovery potion was necessary because his body was so emaciated that he could barely lift his arms.

System 06 cheerfully processed the exchanges. Unlike other systems that toiled for their hosts, it found joy in the rare occasions when Lin Su sought its help.

With the system's assistance, Lin Su managed to sit up. Despite the original body's skeletal thinness, his movements were enough to scare off the vultures eyeing him.

As his body regained strength, Lin Su quietly ate the bun. When starved, even tree bark could serve as sustenance, let alone such a fine food.

While consuming the bun and recovering his energy, he began to recall the memories of this world. 

This was an era of chaos, with countless conflicting countries. Whoever owned a city could be called a king. They had armies and wealth, but still had to obey the highest authority, the Pope.

This world also had... vampires.

With supernatural forces at play, the reverence for divine power was natural, as the church held barriers that could prevent vampires from entering. They could even kill vampires, but according to the original timeline, the Pope seemed to have some sort of deal with the vampire clans.

The main character, Ian, didn't stumble into the vampire territory on his own; he was sent there.

As for the vampires that were destroyed, they were simply unfortunate cannon fodder.

Having experienced worlds with vampires, Lin Su could distinguish between vampires and the vampire clans.

Vampires originated from the vampire clans. A human could transform into a vampire through the vampire clan's embrace, which involved being bitten and then consuming the vampire's blood. The more blood exchanged, the stronger the newly created vampire's abilities would be. 

However, to create a new member of the vampire clan required the vampire's heart blood or the birth of a child from two vampires.

Vampire clans had endless lifespans and could exist indefinitely unless their vital points were pierced by silver. However, they rarely bore offspring. Despite their beauty, two cold, corpse-like vampires embracing each other was hardly enjoyable. Lower-bloodline vampires might even bite the throats of higher-bloodline vampires to become stronger.

This cold race clearly preferred the warmth of human body temperature and blood.

If Lin Su had to distinguish, he would say one group had varied appearances, while the other looked like bloodthirsty elves in the night, all incredibly attractive. That kind of natural beauty was rare among humans.

The original timeline began when the main character, Ian, saved a handsome man.

 Ian was a child born in the slums but lived on the territory of Duke Bertha, where he could find work to support himself. 

After betting with friends and leaving the city, he ventured into a forbidden area and encountered the man, his future lover, Ethan. Acting on his kind heart, Ian brought Ethan home.

Ian was very kind, feeding his blood to the man who couldn't eat regular food and needed blood, and kept him hidden.

The country of Bertha was wealthy, and its common citizens were largely kept in the dark about vampires to avoid panic. Even if a vampire hunted humans, the church would cover it up as the work of demons, as they didn't want people questioning the church's power.

Thus, when Ian was selected by the church to become a "Saint," he didn't think much of it and was sent to the territory of the supporting male lead, Prince Celtic.

As an immortal protagonist, Ian naturally had a blood cow-like constitution; otherwise, he would have been drained dry quickly, ending the story prematurely. Ian's blood was incredibly delicious, attracting both Ethan and Prince Celtic. The rivalry between them, driven by ambition or possessiveness, made them see Ian as their possession.

Vampires, being refined and self-proclaimed nobles, wouldn't allow others to touch what they considered theirs. 

However, Ian, out of kindness, shielded a vampire knight who had intruded into Prince Celtic's castle, leading humans to discover the castle. This resulted in Prince Celtic's defeat and, in his weakened state, he chose to commit suicide by ripping out his own heart, rather than die at the hands of humans.

Vampires could tolerate mutual killings but couldn't accept dying at the hands of their prey. Celtic's death led to chaos among the vampires, and Ian was not someone to be trusted, and embarked on a tragic love story with Ethan.

【  System 06 announced the new tasks: 

1. Survive as the original owner.

2. Change the fate of Prince Celtic.】

In this era of chaotic laws, even the church cooperated with vampires. Righteousness was in jeopardy, and adhering strictly to modern laws and morals would only cause trouble.

After all, the original Evan starved to death among the ruins due to economic suppression and balance between two cities, leading to mutual destruction and the desolation of the country of Andra.

Lin Su stood up, looked around to determine his direction, and planned to find a shelter before nightfall.

System 06 looked at his slow pace and asked, 【Host, are you planning to make money first?】

【I remember you have the infinite blood cow pills and premium blood pills. Give me one of each," Lin Su said.

System 06 looked through the store and responded, 【I have them. What are you planning to do with them?】

【I'm going to apply to become the 'Saint',】 Lin Su replied nonchalantly.

System 06 was so shocked that even its mechanical voice trembled. 【Host, are you planning to live a carefree life as a kept man?】

Its moment to shine had finally arrived! The era of the system was upon them.

Lin Su sniffed his clothes and said, 【I still need to earn some money first.】

To be selected as the 'Saint,' one needed to look presentable. Ian, as the protagonist, was seen as a prized possession by the vampires not only because of his unique constitution but also due to his good looks. Vampires, who were all naturally attractive, would also care about the appearance of their food, much like humans appreciating well-presented meals.

System 06, 【…】

The era of the system had ended as quickly as it had begun.

Lin Su planned to earn money by leveraging the characteristics of the era. For example, in this era, gold and silver were not as valuable as aluminum. Aluminum was incredibly difficult to extract, making it a rare and precious metal. In more technologically advanced times, aluminum was common, but here, only kings could afford aluminum utensils.

Using gold panning techniques, Lin Su extracted enough gold from the mud and sand to trade for the materials needed to generate electricity. Bauxite was not rare, so he followed the process to extract aluminum. He then carved intricate and exquisite models, waiting for the liquid to solidify before packaging the beautifully crafted aluminum pieces in a box with a ribbon, ready to be taken to the palace.

His clothes were still relatively tidy, and he no longer looked as emaciated as a monkey as he had a few days prior. His slightly frizzy blonde hair was now more manageable, and although his cheeks were still sunken, his passable face did not prompt the guards to drive him away immediately.

"What business do you have here?" a guard asked.

"I wish to sell something to His Majesty the King," Lin Su said, presenting the box before him. "This is an item most suited for His Majesty, fit only for him to use."

The guard looked at the exquisite box but ordered, "No matter how impressive your claims, we must inspect it."

In the past, there had been assassins who attempted to gain entry to the palace by pretending to present gifts.

"Of course," Lin Su said, untying the ribbon and opening the box. Inside was a pair of extremely delicate utensils, adorned with lifelike olive branches and birds that left people in awe.

"My God, this is precious aluminum!" the guard exclaimed. Initially, he had been very disdainful of someone coming to the palace to sell goods, believing that the best items were already here. 

However, upon seeing the pair of aluminum utensils, he felt slightly dizzy from astonishment.

His exclamation drew the attention of other guards. "Aluminum?"

"My God, such exquisite aluminum utensils! Where did you get them?" one guard shouted.

"Could they have been stolen?" another guard suggested.

Lin Su remained calm and replied, "No, I put in a great deal of effort to extract them. If they were stolen, they would not be worthy of presentation to His Majesty the King."

The idea of "innocence has no guilt, but having a treasure invites trouble" is particularly true in such chaotic times.

"Besides, such precious utensils—what noble could easily own them?" Lin Su asserted righteously.

He showed no fear, instead leaving the soldiers dumbfounded. One of them asked, "Could it be that you are an alchemist who extracts aluminum artifacts?"

With his disheveled hair and sunken cheeks, he indeed resembled those alchemists who were driven to madness by their research.

"Yes," Lin Su affirmed, having just learned that there were alchemists in this world, feeling quite justified.

The soldiers' gazes immediately turned respectful.

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