It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 85


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 85

"Okay," Li Yuan said softly, "But now, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Your Majesty to reject those noble ladies."

Having dealt with state affairs, he knew that when the world was not yet peaceful and stable, a nation's emperor having no heirs or not planning to have heirs could cause great turmoil to the country. 

Precisely because of this, Li Yuan found it extremely difficult to argue against it. However, it was impossible for him to personally push Lin Su into this situation. In this life, he only wanted one person, and the Emperor had promised him that one person. If he were to push him away for the sake of the country's stability, he would regret it for the rest of his life and never get him back.

"You can refuse it if you want," Lin Su said, rubbing his head. "Just look at them one by one and then reject them one by one. If they are not more beautiful than my Empress, why should they enter the palace to become concubines?"

"What if they are as beautiful as I am?" Li Yuan asked with a smile, unable to hold back after hearing Lin Su's words.

"In my heart, the Empress is the most beautiful, no one can surpass you. However, if I see them…" Lin Su pulled back a little, looking at Li Yuan. "You usually like simple clothes, white ones. Although they look good, they are not as flamboyant as red ones. Those who want to compare with you will feel ashamed. How about I have the Silk Bureau make you some new clothes?"

Just as the idea of dressing more extravagantly to outshine everyone else came to Li Yuan's mind, Lin Su saw right through him. "As Your Majesty decides."

A loving partner is someone who understands you, and nothing in the world is more beautiful than this.

Lin Su approved the entry of noble ladies into the palace for selection with his imperial pen. The civil officials who were eagerly anticipating the emperor's heirs breathed a sigh of relief. While the wives of various households were selecting among their daughters, members of the Li royal family were sent to the capital of Qi, living next to the former emperors of Lian and Nan.

Even for an emperor, besides reciting poetry, painting, and lamenting the passing of spring and autumn in his free time, he would also pay attention to other people's gossip, especially the gossip of his former opponent, the Emperor Li.

After all, the other emperors entered with clean clothes, and even the former palace women came in well-dressed. 

However, when the Emperor Li entered with his most favored concubine De Fei and his son, it almost made the Emperor Lian mistake them for guests returning from brawling in the red-light district.

Lin Su ordered that they not be treated harshly, so the soldiers naturally weren't too strict with them. If they wanted to inquire about anything, the soldiers would be quite forthcoming.

"Oh, you mean them? That emperor was caught while lying in the arms of a beauty, and that concubine was caught while fooling around with a male lover. They used to have power and influence, but now they have nothing. There's plenty of gossip about their affairs," a soldier said with a laugh.

Emperor Lian suddenly understood. He knew some of the dirty secrets of the Li Kingdom. Seeing his opponent's fate worse than his own genuinely comforted him. "Doesn't his empress care about him?"

"The Empress ordered that they be treated differently from you. They have to earn their own food and clothing through labor. If they starve, so be it," the soldier replied.

It seemed that Emperor Li had truly offended his son deeply. He favored his concubines over his wife and even married off his legitimate youngest son to another country. No foolish emperor would ever commit such a heartless act.

Although they were prisoners and held a low status, knowing there were people worse off than them made them feel quite satisfied.

The Li royal family, once served by many, now had to fetch their own water, make their own fires, and cook their own meals. These pampered individuals had never done such tasks before. 

The formerly exalted ones were now all reduced to the same status, leading to constant squabbles and occasional big fights, resembling common street brawls, providing much entertainment for the other royal captives.

Li Yuan naturally knew about the Li royal family's arrival in the capital. The former Empress of Li, now the Empress Dowager, also received the news. Hearing about their plight, she sighed, "Truly, they are reaping what they sowed."

After all, young love was intense, and now, hearing about their fate, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and lament how times had changed and people were no longer the same.

Li Yuan didn't go to see his father immediately but went to see the Empress Dowager first. "Mother, do you feel sorry for Father?"

The Empress Dowager knew that her current situation was all thanks to her son. If the Emperor of Qi had not taken Li Yuan as his Empress, she would likely be among the prisoners. "I know it's his own doing. It's just that the fall from grace must be very hard to bear."

"Mother, take a look at this," Li Yuan said, handing over a document that had been sent to the capital earlier to a nearby palace attendant, who then presented it to the Empress Dowager.

The document detailed the circumstances under which Emperor Li and his favored consort De Fei were captured. The Empress Dowager, initially puzzled, began reading it. As she read, her slightly worried expression gradually turned icy. "Now that I see this, it feels incredibly satisfying."

The favored concubine had been having an affair, and it was uncertain if their son was even Emperor Li's biological child. It was truly pathetic, hateful, and laughable.

The once intense young love had become so contemptible that the Empress Dowager felt not a shred of pity. "Yuan'er, if you need to act, do not kill them. It would be detrimental to His Majesty's reputation."

"I understand," Li Yuan replied with a smile, then stood up to take his leave.

He had come today to extinguish his mother's last hopes. Filial piety and ritual dictated that a father must be kind to receive a son's filial devotion. His mother had gone missing, yet his father could still indulge himself among beauties. It was truly unforgivable!

After leaving the Shoucheng Palace, Li Yuan called for a carriage to leave the palace. As the Empress left the palace, Lin Su would surely receive news of it.

【The little Empress is going to teach the villains a lesson. Aren't you going to watch?】System 06 asked.

It was bound to be a classic face-slapping scene, just thinking about it felt thrilling and powerful.

【He didn't ask me to go,】 Lin Su continued to peruse the preliminary legal code without any intention of moving.

Anyone in love would want to show their best side in front of their beloved. Confronting enemies with a cold demeanor and ruthless methods was not something a little Empress, who was soft and gentle like a kitten in front of him, could easily exhibit.

He just needed to know that his little Empress wasn't someone who could be easily bullied. There was no need to cover all bases.

【Since when have you been so obedient?】System 06 was perplexed.

【It's very hot outside,】 Lin Su said, leaning his head on his hand.

The former capital of the Lian Kingdom had distinct seasons, which meant that winters were very cold and summers were very hot. For the Empress to go out in the scorching sun to teach those people a lesson, it showed he had a fire in his heart. Asking him to watch a show in such heat would indeed be tiresome and unrewarding.

System 06 let out an "oh," feeling like he had discovered the truth.

The host occasionally took the opportunity to slack off, after all, being an emperor seemed really busy.

Li Yuan went to that secluded residence under the blazing sun, dressed in his full Empress regalia. His ornate headpiece was magnificent but did not appear feminine. Although it was somewhat heavy, it was clear to anyone that his status and position were now highly elevated.

"Her Majesty, the Empress, has arrived!"

The three people in the courtyard, who had been fighting fiercely, stopped their actions and looked towards the entrance.

The young man in resplendent clothing was as beautiful as the moon surrounded by stars. His cold and severe expression seemed capable of dispelling the scorching heat of the courtyard like ice, devoid of any warmth.

"Yuan'er..." Emperor Li, seeing his son again after many years, felt as though he was seeing the former Empress.

But the contrast between his luxurious attire and Emperor Li's ragged clothes, covered in blood, was stark: "Yuan'er, Yuan'er, your father knows he was wrong. It was this vile woman who deceived me! She made me treat you poorly..."

Compared to Emperor Li's nostalgic recollections, De Fei and her son were clearly more afraid: "Li Yuan... you can't do anything to us, we are still members of the royal family."

They were cowering and humble, completely lacking their previous arrogance.

Li Yuan had thought he was coming for revenge, but now it felt like seeing a rabid dog fallen into the water. He didn't even have the interest to beat them.

No wonder His Majesty had not mentioned this place, likely finding it too dull to deal with such people.

"I am not one to kick someone when they're down," Li Yuan said, realizing he might have been influenced by Lin Su, "In fact, I have come to help you."

"What kind of help?" Emperor Li asked, his eyes filled with hope.

"I heard you had doubts about Li Chen's parentage. To ensure harmony between you and your son, it's necessary to prove his lineage, so as not to jeopardize the inheritance of your descendants," Li Yuan beckoned, "Doctor Mo, please conduct the paternity test."

Doctor Mo promptly complied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The imperial doctor stepped forward, and several palace attendants restrained them. Emperor Li was confused, while Li Chen struggled and yelled, "Li Yuan, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to murder your father and brother? Let me go!"

The courtyard was bustling with activity, and while other members of the royal family might have come to watch the commotion on other days, today they kept their doors tightly shut, not daring to come out. Even if they were curious, the soldiers guarding the place were not to be trifled with.

"Let me go! You're trying to kill me!" 

"Shut him up," Li Yuan ordered.

An attendant tore a piece of cloth and stuffed it into Li Cang's mouth. Despite their muffled protests, the blood test was completed.

The cup containing the mixed blood was presented to Li Yuan. The blood blended seamlessly, indicating a true biological relationship.

The cup was then brought to Emperor Li, who stared at the mingled blood with wide eyes, yet there was a hint of relief in his expression.

"Unexpectedly, he really is your biological son," Li Yuan said, looking down at the three people's tense faces. "Since that's the case, things will be much easier. Li Chen, do you want to live?"

The cloth was removed from Li Chen's mouth. He realized they had just tested for paternity and seemed to relax a bit, "Of course, I want to live."

He was at their mercy, unable to fight against this man before him.

"It's the peak of summer now, and there's a big tree in the courtyard. I want you to personally tie your father and mother to the tree. If you keep them tied up for two hours, you will live," Li Yuan said.

Lin Su once said that some things don’t require personal intervention. Watching them turn on each other is enough to reveal their true nature, Li Yuan recalled.

De Fei and Emperor Li were both shocked as they looked at Li Yuan, then turned to Li Chen, who had stood up and taken the rope handed to him by an attendant. "Chen'er, I am your father, the emperor! You can't do this to me!" 

"Chen'er, I am your mother! I have protected you since you were a child..."

"It's just two hours, Mother. Just two hours and I can live. Please, I beg you!"

The courtyard echoed with their desperate pleas and frantic voices. To Li Yuan, this painful scene was not satisfying; instead, it felt deeply ironic.

His Majesty had once said that revenge was fine, but it wasn't necessary to hold onto hatred. It seemed that this advice was meant for today.

"Let's go," Li Yuan said, turning to leave.

"Empress, prepare to depart," an attendant quickly announced.

"Your Highness, won't you stay until the end?" asked a close attendant.

"No need. Have someone oversee it and make sure they survive. Once they do, continue to monitor them as before," Li Yuan replied, feeling the place was filthy and regretting his visit.

"Understood," the attendant complied, though puzzled by his mood.

Li Yuan walked away faster than he had arrived. Although the royal families of various countries couldn’t leave their courtyards, they could catch glimpses through the cracks in their doors. 

Some were curious about what charm the current Empress had that captured the heart of the Emperor of Qi, who had unified the land. Others were intrigued by the conflict between the Empress and Emperor Li.

Even glimpsed through a crack, the sight of the young man in resplendent attire hurrying past in the sunlight was enchanting, almost otherworldly.

"With such beauty, it's no wonder the Emperor of Qi is so enamored," Emperor Lian sighed.

"Didn't the Southern Kingdom once say that marrying this Empress would bring peace to the world? It seems to have come true now."

"There's a rumor going around that whoever has Li Yuan will rule the world."

While the other royal families were somewhat indifferent, the former Emperor Yuanhe was truly stunned. Although he was no longer capable of certain things, he still appreciated beauty. The sight of such an ethereal figure was a far cry from the dull and lifeless Empress Dowager he remembered. 

"That's not the Empress Dowager. It can't be... She must have been swapped," the Southern Emperor pointed out.

In the past, his words carried great weight, but now they were dismissed as the ravings of a madman. No one paid him any mind.

Li Yuan felt a sense of relief only after leaving that courtyard. "Return to the palace."

He hadn't left the palace in haste, but now he was eager to return, wishing the carriage could go faster and faster. His mind was filled with the thought of seeing the one who must be waiting for him in the palace.

Upon entering the palace gates and dismounting from the carriage, Li Yuan hurried along. When he finally saw the figure in imperial attire, sitting handsomely and sternly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're back?" Lin Su raised his head and smiled at the sight of Li Yuan's slightly sweaty and breathless state. "Were you too hot? Why are you running so fast?"

"I was eager to see you," Li Yuan said, crossing the threshold and walking toward him.

Lin Su, with a knowing look, stood up and embraced the rushing Empress. "I didn't expect that after just a few hours apart, the Empress would miss me so much."

"One day feels like three years when we are apart. Even a few hours felt like months," Li Yuan didn't know why he felt such urgency; he only knew that seeing this person dispelled all his feelings of disgust and coldness, leaving only peace and sweetness.

"Is the Empress inviting me?" Lin Su held him close.

Li Yuan placed his hands on Lin Su's shoulders, marveling at how this person's every feature seemed perfect to him. "Will Your Majesty accept the invitation?"

His feelings for Lin Su went beyond mere affection; it was love, a love so deep that he couldn't let go.

Lin Su smiled and leaned in to kiss him. "I accept."

Such a beautiful person extending such an invitation, naturally, one could not act reserved like Liu Xiahui.

The attendants, all wearing smiles, withdrew. The affection between the emperor and empress was seen as a sign of peace for the realm. If it were a favored concubine, it might lead to accusations of favoritism and neglect of the empress, but favoring the empress was proper and rightful.

Outside, the sun shone brightly, while inside, emotions ran deep.

After that, Li Yuan no longer concerned himself with the matters of the former royal family of Li. Besides his daily duties, he spent his time with Lin Su. Even when reviewing memorials, he didn't find it tedious. Initially, Lin Su would occasionally ask for his opinions, but eventually, he started delegating minor issues to Li Yuan directly.

The selection of noblewomen lasted for three months, and they entered the palace when the sweet osmanthus flowers were in full bloom.

The women, delicate and lovely, favored light, translucent fabrics, which accentuated their slender, graceful figures. Despite their youthful faces, each had a unique charm. If they were to fill the harem, they would certainly add splashes of color everywhere.

The noblewomen chatted and laughed. In the previous dynasty, palace attendants would serve cautiously, always aware that any one of these women might soon rise to prominence. However, the attendants here were dutiful but showed no signs of flattery.

While outsiders might be unaware, these attendants knew well of the emperor's deep affection for the empress. Though these flowers were in full bloom, none could compare to the empress who held the emperor's heart.

"I've heard the emperor is very handsome. Just seeing him, even if not chosen, would be worth it."

"Sister, you must have long harbored feelings for the emperor."

"Entering the palace naturally means having intentions towards the emperor," said a woman dressed in strikingly bright clothes. "Do you have improper thoughts about any other man upon entering the palace?"

Her words made many women shy away. One woman asked quietly, "Who is that?"

"That's Guo Xiang's daughter, Guo Qiang. Chancellor Guo is highly esteemed by the emperor, so naturally, his daughter cannot be easily provoked," another woman replied.

"She is quite beautiful, and it's evident she is determined to win the Emperor's favor," sighed a delicate lady. "But I heard the Empress is also very beautiful, and the Emperor personally went to rescue her."

"The Emperor is truly impressive. If he came to take me, I would follow him willingly," a woman whispered shyly, covering her face.

"How embarrassing..."

Women often dream of a hero, and if that hero loved them so much that he would come to take them by force, their hearts would race with excitement.

Their whispered conversations ceased when a voice announced, "The Emperor has arrived, the Empress has arrived." The women quickly stood still, adopting the graceful postures of noble ladies.

In the hall, the Emperor and his entourage approached. As he entered, everyone inside knelt. "Long live the Emperor, long live the Empress," they greeted.

The Emperor and Empress walked hand in hand through the middle, with those kneeling catching glimpses of their dragon and phoenix-embroidered robes.

The Emperor's robe was black with golden dragons, while the Empress's was bright red with golden phoenixes, starkly contrasting with the women's light and airy dresses.

"Rise," a deep voice commanded.

The women stood, their eyes drawn to the figure of the Emperor. Each blushed slightly, not because of anything else, but because the Emperor was extraordinarily handsome. His demeanor and presence perfectly matched the image of the ideal lover in a young girl's dreams.

Lin Su noticed their gazes but paid them no mind. Instead, he turned to Li Yuan beside him and asked, "What does the Empress think?"

The women then looked at Li Yuan. Initially, they believed no man could be as exquisite and delicate as a woman. However, the Empress, dressed in bright red, was striking and radiant. His headpiece was not as ornate as those worn by women, yet his red attire made them feel overshadowed.

This is the Empress the Emperor seized, born male yet possessing unparalleled beauty. No wonder the Emperor is fond of him; the gentleness in his eyes when he looks at him is unlike how he treats them, arousing envy in their hearts.

From a purely appreciative perspective, these women are undoubtedly carefully selected, all dignified and elegant. However, sitting in his position and seeing these women gaze at Lin Su with obvious affection, it's enough to make one feel quite aggrieved.

"The courtiers' selections are indeed excellent," Li Yuan smiled, "the selection of concubines is, of course, the Emperor's decision. I cannot dictate to the Emperor."

Although he smiled, when he looked at Lin Su, he almost glared at him, his jealousy quite deep.

Lin Su chuckled lightly, pinching his nose, "The Empress is truly magnanimous."

The two of them were intimate, causing these unmarried women to blush, feeling that having such a husband would be wonderful even if it were just chatting like this.

"Your Majesty, please choose quickly; don't keep them waiting." Li Yuan wrinkled his nose. Although these women's looks were not on par with his, it was obvious this person was enjoying seeing him jealous.

"Good." Lin Su turned his gaze, giving the women a direct look, but his eyes were indifferent, far less gentle than those he gave to Li Yuan. "The courtiers are capable, but they don't quite match my aesthetic. Bring another group."

He directly rejected all of them.

The women were all somewhat disoriented. If it were elsewhere, they could say something, but one couldn't be reborn to change one's appearance.

They felt bitter, but the palace servants had a sense that it was just as it should be and came forward to serve, saying, "Young ladies, please leave here."

The Emperor didn't look, so naturally there was nothing to argue about. He simply sent them away.

The women were resentful, frequently looking back, but they could only follow the palace servants and leave.

Li Yuan relaxed a little, but the leader of the women knelt down directly and said, "Your Majesty, I have admired you for a long time, day and night. Even if I could stay by your side as a palace maid, please don't drive Qiang'er away."

The women were all surprised, and Li Yuan also looked over. Lin Su had already intended to get up, but his gaze fell on that woman.

In terms of looks among women, she is indeed good-looking and has the capital to be proud of.

A palace maid beside her lowered her head and said softly, "Your Majesty, this is the only daughter of Prime Minister Guo. It is said that when Your Majesty entered the capital, she saw your Majesty once and developed feelings."

It was common for women to admire noble gentlemen, but Li Yuan saw ambition in this woman's eyes, similar to the late Empress De, who had ambitions beyond just admiring her husband. 

She indeed admired her husband, but she would never willingly become a palace maid; that was just a stepping stone.

"Your Majesty..." Guo Qiang hesitated and bit her lip, looking quite pitiful.

Lin Su didn't answer, but Li Yuan spoke up coldly, "No."

His attitude was very firm, leaving no room for refusal.

He couldn't leave a potential threat within these palace walls.

Guo Qiang looked at Li Yuan and bit her lip, saying, "Your Highness, Your Majesty will reign for generations, and naturally needs offspring. Your humble daughter only wishes to bear a son for Your Majesty and will never vie for favor with the Empress. Please allow me to grant this wish."

She seemed weak and pitiful, which made Li Yuan's unreasonable stance even more evident. Lin Su reached out and held Li Yuan's tightly clenched hand, smiling, "Empress, why be upset with such a young girl..."

As he spoke, Guo Qiang's eyes lit up.

"She left being the Prime Minister's daughter for this, choosing to be a palace maid. The Perfume Bureau happens to lack someone to clean the ceremonial toilet," Lin Su turned to Guo Qiang and smiled, "The girl admires me. I imagine she won't retreat because of this matter. The greatest people endure the greatest hardships."

The noble daughter of the Prime Minister going to clean ceremonial toilets shocked the women who hadn't completely left yet, but there was also some anticipation of watching the drama unfold.

The emperor didn't fancy her, so when she stepped down, even as the daughter of the Prime Minister, if she wanted to climb the branches and become a phoenix, it depended on whether His Majesty was willing.

Guo Qiang stood frozen in place, looking quite pale and embarrassed: "Your Majesty..."

"You decide for yourself. Whether you want to go back and be the Prime Minister's daughter or stay here in the palace and clean ceremonial toilets," Lin Su stood up, pulling Li Yuan along, "Empress, let's go. We agreed to leave the palace today, and it's getting dark."

Li Yuan naturally stood up with him. Today, His Majesty wanted the farmers to plant winter wheat, and he was arranging for greenhouses. They were supposed to go see it today, but now, it seemed there was no room left for Guo Qiang to save face.

But he liked how this man was gentle only to him, indifferent and ruthless to others: "Your Majesty, wait a moment. My robes are a bit too long."

"Shall I carry you then?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

It wasn't that he didn't leave anyone any face; it was just that he had no good feelings for those who took the step and showed disrespect.

He naturally saw through that woman's ambition. Her admiration was real, and her hidden resentment towards the young empress was also genuine. Such a woman absolutely couldn't stay in the palace. He even needed someone to watch over her to prevent any trouble caused by her idleness.

"There are people watching," Li Yuan said as he lifted the hem of his robes. "I'll walk slowly."

"Then shall I carry you when there's no one around?" Lin Su asked softly.

This time, Li Yuan didn't argue back.

The Emperor and empress walked together, clearly inseparable in their deep affection. The departing women were envious but also hoped to find a husband as harmonious in the future. 

Only Guo Qiang knelt in place, not responding for a long time.

Until the rest of the women had completely left, a palace maid approached and asked, "Miss, do you intend to stay in the palace or leave?"

Guo Qiang lifted her gaze, her voice squeezed out as if through clenched teeth, "Leave the palace."

There was no future in cleaning ceremonial toilets in the palace, only oppression and humiliation. But as the daughter of the Prime Minister, she could accomplish many things.

The palace servants watched the carriage depart, shrugged, and went back. If this woman had stayed, they might have respected her more, but by withdrawing directly, unable to endure even a bit of hardship, did she still want to be with His Majesty? She couldn't even compete with the Empress.

Lin Su's experimental farm was thriving as expected. Despite it being the autumn harvest season, the seedlings in the greenhouse were lush and green.

"If we can truly grow two crops a year, the people of the world will surely have ample clothing and food," Li Yuan smiled, "Your Majesty's ingenious ideas surpass me."

"The Empress has her own wisdom; there's no need to compare everything to me," Lin Su looked at the new seedlings, "When this crop matures, shall I send some to the palace for you to taste?"

"Excellent," Li Yuan smiled.

Agricultural affairs were a matter of great importance to the nation. Lin Su was deeply involved, and Li Yuan also took great interest. Every few days, the overseer would report back. Li Yuan, who had previously not understood agriculture, had once thought that scholars only needed to learn poetry, rituals, archery, and martial arts. 

Now, following Lin Su, he understood that archery and martial arts were merely tools for governing the world. To govern well, one must understand the affairs of the world.

He would watch and ask questions when he didn't understand. At first, when Lin Su discussed state affairs with ministers, he had many doubts and felt his knowledge was superficial. Now, he found himself able to follow their thoughts.

Whenever he and Lin Su made decisions together, Li Yuan would often write down his own thoughts on paper first and then compare them. In the past, he couldn't keep up, but now many decision-making methods coincided without planning.

"If our Empress is properly cultivated, he will surely be an emperor not inferior to me," Lin Su looked at the nearly identical answers on the paper.

"Great teachers produce outstanding students," Li Yuan smiled back at him, "Only a teacher like Your Majesty can educate such excellent disciples."

"The emperor Li of a fallen state can only teach indulgence in pleasure and luxury; how could he possibly nurture an enlightened emperor?" His lavish praise was genuine, and compared to his initial shyness and propriety, now he was becoming increasingly open.

【This is what a married couple is like.】System 06 eating dog food while also discerning new flavors from it.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow but remained silent.

Under the reign of Emperor Qi, the people truly never suffered the hardships of war. With divine authority bestowed upon him and the heavenly soldiers and generals descending from the Li State Palace, the people felt that the current emperor was a ruler sent down from heaven.

However, there seemed to be another voice in the common folk from some time ago, claiming that the current empress had been blessed by a Southern Buddhist monk, proclaiming that whoever possessed Li Yuan would possess the world.

The ease with which Emperor Qi pacified the world was indeed somewhat unreasonable, precisely because he leveraged the empress's influence. After pacifying the Southern Kingdom, it was effortless to bring the Li Kingdom under control, even the Xiao Kingdom surrendered with a letter of submission during the emperor's marriage to the empress.

"Now it seems like the empress helped conquer the world as if he had divine assistance," someone remarked.

"Are you suggesting that the emperor's tax reductions were also thanks to the empress's influence?"

"The empress is truly beautiful, like an immortal descending from the heavens. With just a glance from him, he can captivate the emperor. Surely, his favor is deep, so what are tax reductions in comparison?"

"The empress's mother, titled as the Empress Dowager, and her nephew being adopted as the emperor's sons—has any emperor in history done such things?"

"Perhaps the entire world is being controlled by someone else."

Rumors had always been abundant among the common folk, but these words suddenly gained popularity.

Lin Su remained calm upon hearing these words, but even his silence was enough to unsettle the hearts of the courtiers present.

"What do you intend by presenting such rumors, esteemed ministers?" Lin Su raised his gaze and asked.

The one who rules with anger does not command respect; Lin Su, though young, exudes an aura that none of the civil officials can easily overlook or resist.

"Your Majesty, these rumors are currently circulating only within the capital, but they have stirred unease among the people, causing them to worry about the rightful position of the throne. Previously, some memorials bore red marks that weren't entirely in Your Majesty's handwriting. Furthermore, Duke Kang received favor from the current empress. If this situation escalates, it may lead to unrest and unsettle the people," a minister said, "Please, Your Majesty, take precaution to prevent a major disaster."

"Are you suggesting the empress should be deposed?" Lin Su tilted his head slightly as he looked directly at him.

Ministers often speak with subtlety and would not be so direct, but Lin Su directly inferred the implied meaning from his words, causing the minister to feel uneasy and fearful. "I dare not," he stammered.

"You dare not? You have quite the courage," Lin Su remained calm. Contradiction between the emperor and his ministers was commonplace. If he were to get angry every day, he might end up being driven to death by anger. 

However, he needed to keep these ministers in awe to prevent them from speaking recklessly. "It is said that only by obtaining the empress can one obtain the world. The empress belongs to me, so naturally, the world belongs to me. Now, suggesting I depose her, could it be that you wish for me to lose this world?"

He asked casually, but the courtiers' faces turned pale with fear, and they all kneeled, saying, "We dare not, Your Majesty!"

"Rumors are just rumors. While the law may not punish the masses, anyone who dares to cause trouble or sow discord between the emperor and empress, should not blame me for not showing mercy," Lin Su looked at them sternly, "The empress was given to me by heaven. He is incomparable to ordinary people. Therefore, regarding the matter of taking in concubines, when will you present another person as exceptional as him? Otherwise, offending the empress bestowed upon me by heaven would make it difficult for me, the emperor, to continue."

The courtiers bowed their heads to the ground, knowing the emperor's sophistry well, but none dared to refute him.

"I know you all have the best interests of the country at heart. I have a plan for this matter in mind. You may all withdraw," Lin Su's tone softened as the ministers began to leave, "Prime Minister Guo, please stay. There is something I wish to discuss with you."

As the ministers discussing state affairs departed, Prime Minister Guo remained standing opposite, bowing respectfully, "May I ask what Your Majesty wishes to discuss with me?"

"The rumor of 'whoever possesses the empress possesses the world' didn't just start today." Lin Su stood up from the throne, casually picked up a document, and walked over to Prime Minister Guo. 

He handed it to him and said, "The sudden outbreak in the capital has its reasons. The whole incident and its causes are recorded here. I value the talents of the prime minister, but some matters cannot be easily overlooked."

Prime Minister Guo respectfully took the document and read through the sequence of events. Sweat dripped from his forehead because this matter was not instigated by anyone else; it was his own daughter who had sent people to spread rumors and manipulate the situation.

If this spread throughout the country, it could lead to various conflicts. However, the emperor had clearly investigated and still chose to save his face.

"I am ashamed," Prime Minister Guo covered his face in embarrassment and said, on the verge of tears, "to have raised such an unfilial daughter. I am at Your Majesty's mercy."

"I have summoned you alone because I do not wish to blame you, Prime Minister," Lin Su stood before him, lifting his robe slightly as he squatted down, "But how this matter is to be resolved will depend on how you handle it."

"Huh?" Prime Minister Guo was puzzled for a moment, then quickly understood. "I await Your Majesty's orders."

"Your daughter is audacious, but her actions have coincided with mine. Spare her life, marry her off as soon as possible, and do not let her stay in the capital," Lin Su lowered his eyes and smiled, "As for the second matter, I understand the difficulties you face. You shall also labor for me like a faithful dog and horse. Currently, I have no intention to take on a new concubine. If any courtier raises this matter, I ask that you intervene on my behalf."

While the matter of taking a concubine once or twice might make the empress jealous, mentioning it too often could strain their relationship. Lin Su found such matters troublesome to handle; if there were courtiers willing to do so, why should he bother himself?

Prime Minister Guo was stunned on the spot. "Your Majesty, this matter, the old minister..."

"If it touches upon the foundation of the state, it could be a crime deserving nine familial exterminations," Lin Su reminded him with a smile, "Prime Minister, think of your recently appointed heir."

"This old minister will serve Your Majesty with all my heart and soul, even if it means my death" Prime Minister Guo bowed deeply.

"Indeed, you are truly my right-hand minister," Lin Su stood up from the throne and said casually, "This matter entrusted to others would not be as reassuring as leaving it to you. The floor is cold; rise, Prime Minister. Someone, escort His Excellency out."

Prime Minister Guo felt like he had been outmaneuvered by His Majesty, but the emperor had shown great magnanimity. While obstructing the emperor's marriage might add a few more white hairs to his head, it was certainly better than facing the extermination of nine clans.

Escorted by palace attendants, Prime Minister Guo left. Quietly, Li Yuan peeked out from behind the screen like a curious little ferret.

Lin Su waved to him, "The person has left; come out."

Li Yuan blinked and emerged from behind the screen, saying, "Was today's affair really orchestrated solely by Minister Guo's daughter?"

Although she was the prime minister's daughter, spreading rumors so effectively required connections and influence.

"She had such intentions, so naturally I had to fan the flames a bit," Lin Su smiled. "Whoever possesses Li Yuan possesses the world. With a beautiful woman and the world in hand, ruling the world awake and lying drunk at a beauty's knees, who else could enjoy life as I do?"

"And incidentally preventing Guo's daughter from causing further trouble nearby, and sparing you the hassle of dealing with concubines—how many birds with one stone was that?" Li Yuan teased him.

"No matter how many birds with one stone, it's all for you, little ferret," Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

Li Yuan's lips curved upward. "Your Majesty's exceptional favor towards me is duly noted. I feel indebted for a lifetime."

Lin Su chuckled, "What else?"

"And then... Your Majesty mentioned lying drunk at a beauty's knees just now," Li Yuan whispered near his ear. "Today, I've acquired some fine wine. Would Your Majesty like to taste its flavors?"

"As I desired, I dare not decline," Lin Su smiled.

"To rule the world awake and lie drunk at a beauty's knees is indeed a lifelong desire for a man, and the taste of it is naturally excellent."

However, since that day, now and then, the little Empress dared to tease Lin Su, the young emperor. He had stayed in the abandoned palace for three days until Lin Su carried his back on his shoulder, exhausted and weak, saying, "I won't dare again."

Teasing comes with risks; one must be cautious in their actions.

Without the risks of concubines and flatteries, the harem was peaceful. Lin Su had plans for the affairs of the former dynasty, slowly implementing them unnoticed. With the decree "Whoever possesses Li Yuan possesses the world," the empress was much more justified in seeking some authority.

While some civil officials had reservations, the generals led by Kang Boyu were supportive of Li Yuan. After all, the newest type of crossbows crafted by the empress had proven extremely effective in the military. Soldiers trusted not only the emperor but also capable individuals.

Li Yuan didn't immediately manage state affairs, but he was very cautious. Over time, he achieved considerable success. Lin Su timely proposed allowing the empress to attend court sessions, causing an uproar in the court once again.

System 06: 【These people really don't understand the occasional need for the host to rest.】

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