It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 90


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 90

The initially panicked youths all stepped back, clearing a space around Lin Su. "It's him."

"He's Ian, don't take us!"

"He is..."

They collectively retreated, leaving Lin Su standing alone. A faint smile touched his lips. He didn't feel betrayed; rather, he found it ironic that, in comparison, Ian seemed much cuter.

Celtic approached Lin Su, casually tilting his head to get a glimpse under the hood, then raised an eyebrow. "Are you Ian?"

His demeanor was nonchalant yet captivatingly refined. As he leaned in closer, the allure intensified to its peak, visually befitting of a vampire prince.

Lin Su merely nodded, lowering his eyelids after a brief glance at him.

Though handsome, he didn't quite fit the image of a cute little thing.

Celtic clicked his tongue and lifted Lin Su's chin. "Not bad-looking, no wonder they kept you under tight guard..." He leaned in close, suddenly sniffing. "Your blood smells delightful."

The warm, flowing sensation through his body, the taste must be exquisite.

Feeling a bit restless, he glanced at the surrounding vampire stewards. "Take your people back."

Grabbing Lin Su's arm, Celtic effortlessly lifted him under his arm and leapt onto a tree, disappearing before any other vampires could react.

Being held in such a position, head downwards, Lin Su experienced this for the first time. The high altitude combined with rapid movement would cause any human's head to throb and vision to blur.

They landed not at a castle, but in a wooded area where a carriage was parked, with a steward waiting.

The steward greeted Celtic respectfully. "It seems the master's journey went smoothly."

Celtic stood casually, setting Lin Su down and lifting his hood, revealing his beautiful golden hair. He exclaimed, "Truly a beautiful rabbit."

In the next moment, he pushed Lin Su aside towards a nearby tree, his fangs descending upon him.

It was entirely out of character for Lin Su to expose himself so vulnerably under fangs, yet his body tensed momentarily before relaxing.

With silver hair so close, the moment Celtic's fangs pierced his skin was painful, but the tingling numbness that followed was akin to a slight intoxication.

The reason why the first embrace of a vampire was called the first embrace was because some vampires liked to create new vampires in bed. To enjoy the act, resistance from the bitten one couldn't be allowed. The feeling of losing a lot of blood intensified the numbness. Lin Su reached out and pressed his hand against Celtic's head, an attitude that represented indulgence.

The swallowing sound at the neck stopped, and when Celtic looked up, his lips, tinged with fresh blood, curved slightly. "Hm? You don't seem to fear me?"

Even though the action of a vampire biting into a blood vessel didn't cause pain to humans, those weak humans like rabbits would still struggle and appear helpless. Yet this person seemed as calm as if he were indulging himself, which was quite novel.

"Fear doesn't solve any problems. Are you a blood-sucking demon?" Lin Su asked calmly.

Selt licked his lips, savoring the unprecedented rich taste. He was in the mood to answer the food's question a bit. "No, I'm a vampire, and you are vampire food."

Being told he was food of another species while still a human, this weak-looking person should be scared, right?

"Like just now?" Lin Su touched his neck, where the wound had already healed without leaving a trace of pain. "If it's like that, I can accept it."

The systemic pill was very effective; other humans might not have such good blood-making ability.

"Accept it?" Celtic paused, then burst into laughter. He squinted and chuckled, "Although just a human, you're quite an interesting one."

He stepped onto the carriage, and Lin Su followed quietly, sitting quietly on the side.

Such an attitude made Selt gaze at him involuntarily. Previously, the humans brought to him were not worth his attention. Their demeanor upon entering the castle was like feeding rabbits to wolves—panicked, fearful, restless, begging for mercy at the slightest approach, even attempting to escape.

Having seen too many such prey, he found them tiresome. This human, unlike those before him, piqued his interest.

However, one who could dwell with that ancestor vampire should not be a mere rabbit.

Celtic approached Lin Su, his arm resting on his shoulder. “You don't seem like someone born in a slum.”

“Do you know my origins?” Lin Su calmly replied.

He could certainly feign panic, but to consider himself a rabbit, this handsome vampire would simply toy with him as if he were easily manipulated.

Being like everyone else was quite uninteresting.

Celtic paused, squinting. “Hmm? You're clever, human, but being too clever is your mistake. In my presence, food is only supposed to answer questions. Otherwise…:”

“Otherwise, would you take it out on the food?” Lin Su looked into his eyes.

Taking it out on food was hardly dignified. Celtic's threat was dismantled, but he chuckled instead of getting angry. “I certainly wouldn't take it out on food. That would be quite tasteless. I retract what I said earlier. You are a clever human.”

His nose grazed Lin Su's neck. “Your blood really does smell good. It makes me want to devour you in an instant.”

“Are you hungry?” Lin Su asked calmly.

The slight chill from the graze on his neck reminded him that vampires indeed had a low body temperature. Despite feeling like he was being viewed as food, Lin Su found the man surprisingly acceptable for now.

Celtic wasn't hungry; vampires didn't need to feed extensively. Humans became fat if they ate too much, and while vampires consumed a lot, excessive food made their physique less than perfect.

For such a noble race, how could they allow imperfections to be mocked by their own kind?

“Yes, I am hungry,” Celtic smiled. “I won't take it out on food, but I can indulge myself a bit.”

Normally, Celtic wouldn't care about food, but this calm demeanor really made him want to break it.

"As a human, how can you not fear demons?"

"Fair enough," Lin Su tilted his neck slightly. "That's what a competent food should do."

Celtic narrowed his eyes, fingers tracing Lin Su's cheek, lightly caressing it. "Including the enjoyment of your body?"

This human really had a good exterior. If not for the warmth that he liked, Celtic would have mistaken him for a vampire.

As a vampire, he despised the existence of those lowly creatures. Those who let their appetites control their minds and lost the dignity of vampires were not worthy of existence.

Therefore, he had never embraced any human, granting them the ability to drink blood and long life. Of course, it was also because humans' cowardly demeanor and imperfect appearance did not fit his aesthetic. They didn't even qualify to climb into his bed.

Vampires didn't like others touching their possessions, and the person in front of him belonged to Yi Zhelai. Thus, the ancestor would definitely come to reclaim this "meal." Before that, he shouldn't touch this "meal" to avoid alerting the enemy. But... it was all his, sooner or later, it made no difference.

"If you wish, I won't resist," Lin Su allowed him to touch, saying calmly.

He remained as calm as ever, as if nothing could break his composure.

"I remember you were with another vampire before," Celtic’s gaze darkened. "Are you planning to betray him?"

He was referring to Yi Zhelai. Lin Su smiled faintly, lips curling up. "He's just like you. I exist only as his meal, after all, you know I come from the slums and need money."

He had been calm all along, but now he suddenly smiled, as if a ray of sunlight had penetrated the carriage traveling through the dense forest.

All vampires provided food? All the same? This human was indeed quite audacious.

"What a charitable meal. How dull," Celtic withdrew his hand, reclining to the side to rest with his eyes closed, no longer intending to pay attention to the newly acquired meal.

How can a noble vampire let a human lead him by the nose?

The Holy Church sent people during the daytime, a time when vampires rested, which made Celtic less energetic. He stopped, and Lin Su didn't disturb him further.

Daytime for humans was like nighttime for vampires.

As a prince, Celtic personally came out to receive them, clearly intending to obtain Ian or, rather, Yi Zhelai. So for now, he wouldn't attempt to harm him, but instead...

The carriage headed towards the distant jungle, and Lin Su closed his eyes to rest. Vampires had strong stamina to sustain such powerful movements and speed; there was a tough battle ahead.

The people of the Holy Church bid farewell to the holy sons when their nerves were relaxed. It must be said that when the holy sons gathered here, many people were on edge, afraid of offending a group of future servants of the Lord.

The holy sons who were not chosen were about to be sent back. Arnold and the others seemed visibly downcast. Bishop Bart encountered such a large-scale elimination for the first time, and he wasn't in the best mood facing the remaining people.

"Have you been sneaking in food within the past month?" he asked.

"No, we've been eating under supervision," Arnold replied.

"Yes, we haven't touched meat," another young man added.

They all spoke at once, and Bishop Bart slammed the table. "Then what's going on?!"

The boys jumped in unison, silenced and bowed their heads. Even the previously defiant ones lost their momentum, muttering, "I saw garlic in their meals, but not in ours."

"Just garlic, not meat," Arnold and the others explained. "That doesn't count as eating meat."

"Garlic?" Bishop Bart's gaze turned sharp. "What's the meaning of this?"

Did they already know where the holy sons were being sent? If so, these people couldn't be allowed to return.

"Mr. Lin instructed us to eat it," one boy said. "He's our instructor, so of course we follow his orders. Is there something wrong with that, Your Excellency?"

"Lin Su?" Bart sensed something was wrong. "Did he give you a reason to eat garlic?"

"He didn't say anything."

"We don't know..."

"Is it related to the selection of the holy sons?"

"Oh, yes, the Lord doesn't like the taste of garlic." Bart returned to his usual kindness.

"Why haven't I heard that the Lord dislikes garlic?" Albert stood at the door and asked.

Bart glanced over, unsure when Albert had appeared there.

Albert had hunted down many vampires and knew their weaknesses well—they feared sunlight, silver, and detested the smell of garlic.

He had always harbored doubts about the training of the holy sons for a month. Why vegetarian? Where did the trained holy sons go? Why were they selected annually? And why did Lin Su give garlic to the boys?

He must have known something.

"This is a new mandate from the Pope. The garlic's foul smell is unfitting for those by the Lord's side." Bart blurted nervously.

Albert approached with a serious face, put his arm around Bart's shoulder, and said, "Come with me."

He couldn't let his suspicions be exposed in front of the children. It would be too cruel for them.

Because of his guilt, Bart was forcefully led away until they reached a secluded place. Albert abruptly let go of him, his expression grim. "Can you tell me what's really going on?"

Bart adjusted his disheveled collar. "I'm telling you the truth. The Lord dislikes garlic. If you have any objections, you can ask the Pope."

"Is it the Lord who dislikes it, or is it those vampires who dislike it?" Albert grabbed his collar. "Stop lying to me. If it were the Lord, Lin Su wouldn't have given them garlic."

That man wouldn't let the holy sons, who served the Lord, be eliminated in such a manner.

He's seen vampires, killed vampires, so it's normal for him to understand vampire weaknesses. He must have learned something to distinguish who the real enemies are.

"If Lin Su rashly changes the training of the holy sons, he will incur divine punishment. How can his words be taken seriously?" Bishop Bart had already decided to permanently detain Lin Su here. Anyone who knew too much, even a precious alchemist, could no longer live under people's gaze.

Once the truth was exposed, it wouldn't just be a matter of silver and aluminum artifacts; the entire rule of the Holy Church would collapse completely.

In comparison, even an outstanding alchemist became irrelevant.

Albert stared at him with bloodshot eyes. The fact that such a rascal could become a bishop was the greatest blasphemy against the Lord. "Fine, I'll go ask the Pope."

He turned to leave, but instead of heading to where the Pope was, he went to where Lin Su resided, only to find he wasn't there.

"Master Alchemist went out with Joe," one of the servants there said.

"When did they leave? Was there anything unusual when they left?" Albert asked anxiously.

Lin Su couldn't stay in the Holy Church any longer. Those who hadn't stayed here long-term never knew how powerful the Holy Church's authority was. It convinced and commanded respect, providing spiritual support. People believed the Holy Church could drive away the demons of the night and bring them peace.

Trying to overthrow its power with just a few words was simply wishful thinking.

Albert's heart was greatly shaken, but his mind was clearer than ever before. He understood his own powerlessness and why Lin Su had stopped him from confronting that vampire earlier. It was because of the vast difference in strength. Looking up, all he knew was his own insignificance and the impossibility of resistance. But now, he had to ensure Lin Su stayed alive at least.

"They didn't take anything with them directly after the holy sons left. They said they were going out to purchase some things," the servant said. "Is there something urgent, Sir Knight Commander? If they return, I can help pass on a message."

"No urgency," Albert said, pulling at the corner of his mouth.

He went out without taking anything, and he went out together with Joe.

He always felt that someone as smart as Lin Su shouldn't overlook the consequences once exposed. Going out suddenly like this, it didn't seem like he was going out to purchase things.

But this was just his speculation. If Lin Su were to return, he would surely face capture from the Holy Church.

Albert picked up his sword and headed towards the main gate. However, just as he reached the gate, Bishop East intercepted him.

"Sir Knight Commander, the Pope requests your presence," Bishop East said.

"I'm busy right now," Albert tried to push through, but several knights blocked his path.

Many of the knights in the Holy Church followed his orders, but there were also those directly under the Pope.

"If you refuse to go, we will have no choice but to stop you," Bishop East continued. "After all, it concerns a major Holy Church matter. Today, you cannot leave the Holy Church ."

Several knights gripped their sword hilts, blocking his way. Albert's hand rested on his sword hilt as well. "Do you want to see if you can stop me?"

Undoubtedly, he was the most powerful figure in the Holy Church, even if he had lost to that vampire before. He wouldn't lose to a few knights who had long served by the Pope's side.

The knights clearly understood this gap, their hands gripping the swords unconsciously sweating.

"If you force your way through, you will be treated as a traitor to the Holy Church," Bishop East warned him.

Holy Church traitors often faced execution by fire, losing their wealth, status, and life. But his life had been saved by Lin Su. Among the knight's code was a principle of sincerity towards friends.

He could use his life to prove his sincerity.

Albert drew his sword from his waist and faced the several men before him. Just as he was about to swing his sword, a voice from a Holy Church servant in the distance interrupted, "Sir Knight Commander, Mr. Lin has sent a letter for you."

Albert looked over, his tense stance easing. The Holy Church servant ran up to him, sweat pouring down his forehead, bending over to catch his breath. "I forgot to deliver it promptly as you asked earlier. This is a letter Mr. Lin asked me to give it to you."

The letter was on white parchment, sealed with red rose wax, perfectly matching his style. Albert sheathed his sword and took the letter, opening it to read.

The content was brief: Lin informed him that he had left the Holy Church. For further information, he could find Joe at several locations, who would reveal all truths to him. Lin Su added a reminder: 'The spirit of a knight is about bravery and sacrifice, but only by preserving one's life can one help others.'

Albert's pupils contracted. It seemed to him that Lin Su had anticipated his reaction. Knowing Albert's temperament, discovering such truths would surely provoke impulsive actions. But now he understood.

Temporary compromise wasn't submission; it was about preserving strength, avoiding futile struggles, and waiting for future victories.

"Where is Lin Su? The Pope also wishes to see him," Bishop East said. "What did he write to you?"

"Are you interested in a private letter addressed to me? The Lord respects privacy. You must have entered the position of bishop through the back door.," Albert retorted after reading the letter, memorizing the locations mentioned, then crumpling the paper and swallowing it without care. "You won't see it now."

His previous insolence was measured, but now it left Bishop East visibly flushed. "Are you still planning to force your way out?"

"No, I intend to see the Pope," Albert affirmed, hand on his sword.

The Knights were innocent; some had paid with their lives to hunt vampires. They shouldn't be branded for his actions.

Bishop East hesitated briefly. "Very well, follow me."

Albert strode purposefully into the heart of the Holy Church. As the Commander of the Knights, he had met the Pope many times before. He always found the man in the highest seat to be kind and rational, but now he appeared repulsive.

The actions of the Holy Church were undoubtedly dictated by the Pope's commands.

"Your Holiness," Albert greeted with a knight's salute.

"I've missed you dearly, my child," the Pope rose from his high seat and walked down the dais. "You need not speak in riddles. I only ask you, where were those Holy son’s sent?"

Albert met his gaze directly. "You know already, don't you?" The Pope stood before him, eyes filled with what seemed like compassion, almost merging with the divine figure towering above.

Albert tightened his grip on his sword. "Why would you do this? You're sacrificing human lives to those filthy vampires!"

"And how do you think the peace of the Bird Empire was achieved?" The Pope's voice rose, turning his back to Albert. "Humans can fight vampires, can hunt them down, but what you don't know is that above the vampires, there exist the Bloodlines. Their power can only be held at bay by the Holy Church’s barriers. Without such a pact, all humans would be nothing but cattle to them."

Albert remained silent. Perhaps the Pope had a point. Having never encountered such formidable power, it was hard to believe in the existence of these Bloodlines. Perhaps this compromise was necessary, but Albert knew clear-mindedly that this method primarily served to solidify the Church's rule.

"Is there no other way?" Albert asked, taking a deep breath. "We could kill many vampires, the Order of Knights..."

He seemed resigned and powerless. The Pope turned back, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Child, I understand your hatred for vampires, for what they did to your village and family. But to prevent such a scenario, sacrificing a few for the sake of peace, when we are powerless to resist, is the best choice we have."

But was this any different from raising a flock of sheep, selecting the tenderest for slaughter? With such a system in place, all of humanity was merely a breeding ground for vampires.

Albert clenched his sword, almost drawing it to show the Pope the pain and fear when sharp fangs pierce the neck. Disasters that don't strike oneself are easy to disregard, yet he knew he was complicit in this entire affair.

"I support you in continuing to kill vampires, and I even hope you can eradicate them completely. Each time you kill a vampire, the losses are compensated by the Church, aren't they? I haven't told you this because I want you to maintain your devout heart, to do what you wish to do. Can you keep this secret and continue doing what you wish to do?"

Albert bowed his head. "I need to consider."

He couldn't agree too quickly, as it would seem insincere.

"Good, I'll give you time to think. But until you make your decision, you cannot leave the Church grounds or tell anyone about this. If others find out, I may not be as lenient with them as I am with you," the Pope said.

The Grand Knight's abilities were formidable, causing significant damage to vampires, which bolstered faith in the Church. His faith in the Lord was strong, and for now, the Pope didn't want to lose such a valuable asset. However, if Albert persisted stubbornly, despite his reluctance, the Pope would let him go, just like he did with Lin Su, who dared to deceive him.

Albert nodded. "I will comply."

The Pope sighed in relief. "I heard that Lin Su left a letter for you before he departed. He arrived at the Church not long ago and even dared to deceive me, showing a lack of sincerity. Who knows if he sold his soul to the devil."

"It was a reminder for me to watch the Church," Albert stated a partial truth, though it was irrelevant at present.

"He indeed intended to lure you away," the Pope sighed. "Did he tell you where he was going?"

Albert countered, "Why would he tell me that?"

Trust could never fully be restored now. They could only suspect each other's words.

"Yes, a person so cautious almost managed to lure away my dearest child. You may go now. The Church will apprehend him and make him understand the severity of betrayal," the Pope said.

As he spoke, he observed Albert's expression. When he saw no fluctuations, he relaxed slightly. The Grand Knight was occasionally impulsive but loyal. If Lin Su was truly a friend, he wouldn't have been so composed.

"That will be your judgment on him," Albert nodded and departed, his silhouette somewhat dejected.

The Pope tightened his grip on his scepter and asked Bishop Bart, who had just entered, "Do you think I can trust him?"

"I don't particularly like his temperament," Bart said. "He tends to use extremely derogatory language."

"Then let's temporarily trust him," the Pope's eyes turned ominously sharp. "As for Lin Su, label him as a traitor to the Church. Have all nations hunt him down and prevent him from spreading rumors everywhere. I want him to be as despised as a rat in the streets."

"Understood," Bart touched the ring on his finger. "What about the things left in his laboratory?"

"Move everything to the Church's warehouse," the Pope chuckled. "After all, killing vampires does require quite a bit of coin."

The value of Lin's laboratory items would be extremely precious, even a layman could imagine.


Bart cursed inwardly, but smiled, "As you say."


Earlier, Celtic traveled for an unknown distance, and after several days of carriage travel, finally stopped at a place where flowers bloomed profusely.

The white roses in the flower garden appeared desolate under the moonlight. When Celtic got off the carriage and picked a flower to smell, it seemed to add a touch of color to the otherwise pure white flowers.

The moonlight was bright, and combined with the white flowers, it almost seemed dazzling. Lin Su, getting off the car, saw the castle hidden behind the flowers, magnificent and fascinating, perfectly in line with the aesthetic taste of this noble bloodline.

Celtic entered the castle, and without giving orders, Lin Su followed. Wearing a white gown with golden hair, Lin Su walked through the white flowers, giving a feeling of purity.

Celtic caught a glimpse of this scene and slightly pursed his lips, his smile fading. He hated everything sacred, especially those so-called angels. Such purity only made him want to destroy.

Celtic crushed the white petals in his hand and blocked Lin Su's path with his hand. He turned and said, "I want to eat."

Lin Su looked at the vampires coming out of the castle and smiled, "I will serve you. But do you want it here?"

Celtic’s temperament seemed somewhat changeable, but ultimately tasted the taste of frustration. For a while, he didn't know what to do with himself as someone who might be close to intimacy in the future, and occasionally there were flaws.

Celtic naturally noticed the presence of those vampires, and it seemed that the man was somewhat concerned about being regarded as food in such a public place. Well, that's just perfect.

"Yes, exactly, right here," Celtic's fingers touched Lin Su's neck, with a sense of eagerness.

The cold fingers were delicate, and as they brushed over his Adam's apple, they caused involuntary shivers through Lin Su's body. This barely noticeable tremor visibly excited the vampire before him, turning his violet eyes red under the moonlight.

His lips moved closer, truly approaching like a seductive incubus, and mercilessly bit into the side of Lin Su's neck.

Under the moonlight, this scene was somewhat beautiful, tinged with desire. As rose petals danced in the air, it resembled a profoundly passionate love affair.

"No matter how many times I taste it, your blood is always the most addictive for vampires," Celtic released his teeth and licked the lingering bloodstains.

He rarely bit someone's neck, but facing this person always made him feel somewhat uncontrollable, wanting to disrupt his calmness and provoke the emotions he should exhibit as food.

"Thank you for your compliment," Lin Su stepped back, holding his neck. "I am your food. Where should I reside?"

Addicted, indeed.

There were only two things vampires coveted: power and pure blood.

And he possessed both. All he needed to do was patiently wait for the fish to take the bait.

After all, there wasn't much time to savor his blood like this. Taking something so precious from him meant returning it a hundredfold.

Lin Su seemed somewhat displeased, but Celtic felt extremely pleased. The feeling of watching this man change colors could even be compared to the pleasure of drinking such delicious blood.

"Steward, this is my most precious food. Arrange the most splendid cage for him and take care of him meticulously," Celtic smirked, revealing his beautiful fangs, and vanished from the spot with a sense of self-satisfaction.

The steward approached Lin Su, lifted his hand in a gesture of respect, and said, "Please follow me."

In this castle, the master's most precious food was considered more valuable than their own kind, at least until the master lost interest. No vampire could easily offend them.

Lin Su's room was luxurious, with expensive swan carpets, crystal cups, and even a balcony. 

However, there was no electricity; the room was lit only by burning candles, casting a warm glow that gave the room a sense of splendor.

"You'll stay here for now. Your clothes will be brought in the next two days. If you need anything, just ask. As long as you don't try to escape, the master will treat you well," the steward said with a smile.

Although he didn't think much of humans, having such a well-behaved prey was reassuring.

"Thank you. I need a set of painting supplies. Could you arrange that for me?" Lin Su asked.

"Of course," the steward replied with a bow. "You'll see them tomorrow morning. Have a good night's sleep."

He turned and left. Lin Su closed the door behind him and walked onto the balcony.

Every light was on here, clearly the time for vampires to be awake while humans slept. Under the moonlight, the flower field appeared especially soft and exquisite.

Vampires liked gardening because the scent of flowers could mask the smell of blood. After all, decaying blood was as nauseating as rotting food. Beneath the flowers lay the bodies of discarded food, and the more bodies buried, the more vibrant the flowers became, until the entire flower bed turned into a seductive red temptress.

Vampires would fall into deep sleeps when bored, only to awaken at specific intervals. Over long periods, they would forget their past lives, perhaps because those memories weren't important enough to retain. When they woke, it was like starting anew.

For now, Celtic hadn't killed any humans. His arrogant nature, using food to vent his frustrations, didn't align with the dignified conduct of vampires. This was why some vampires despised indiscriminate killers.

Pulling heavy curtains closed, Lin Su shut out all sound and light from the outside world. He washed up and went to sleep. Several days of travel spent on a carriage had made even he feel somewhat disgusted with himself.

It seemed that the old saying was true after all: "Three days without washing your hair it like seven days without bathing."

After a thorough wash, Lin Su went straight to bed, as if this place was a cozy nest rather than a cage.

Celtic landed silently on the balcony, listening to the steady breathing from inside and tapping his chin thoughtfully. It seemed he needed not only to disrupt Lin Su's tranquility but also to win his heart if he was to challenge the ancestor, Yi Zhelai.

The next morning, Lin Su woke to find painting supplies in the room. He didn't know when the vampires had entered, but it was best to pretend he didn't know. He put on the new clothes that had been delivered, grabbed the supplies, and headed downstairs to set up under a shady tree.

The white flower fields bathed in sunlight looked almost golden. Lin Su mixed his paints and began to draw on the canvas. Although it had been a long time since he last used such materials and his hands felt clumsy at first, the familiar sensation quickly returned. The flowers, tinged with gold, blossomed on the canvas one by one, and the nearby castle made the vampire residence look like a paradise.

Vampires did not fear sunlight but found it uncomfortable and weakening.

Celtic had not yet gone to sleep. Seeing the man quietly painting from behind the morning curtains, he found the sight somewhat dazzling. "He's painting? Isn't he from the slums?"

"Perhaps because he couldn't learn there, he wants to try it here," the steward replied.

"He seems to be enjoying himself too much," Celtic said, closing the curtain. A frightened prey could spoil one's appetite, but too much comfort implied a lack of vampire intimidation.

"Master, the coffin is ready. You can rest now," the steward said.

"Understood," Celtic said with a yawn, handing the documents on the table to the steward. "Take care of this later."

Vampires held wealth not merely through plunder but through the accumulation over their near-eternal lives.

"Of course, I will bring you the freshest blood later," the steward replied.

It was the master's bedtime routine. The blood came from blood slaves kept here, who consumed special diets to maintain high-quality blood. These slaves provided blood once a month or longer, ensuring they did not perish quickly. 

Ian, the luckiest of all the blood slaves, had the highest quality blood. Just standing near him, one could smell the rich, intoxicating aroma of his blood. Even the steward found it tempting, but without the master's permission, no one dared touch his food.

"Alright," Celtic responded, changing into his nightgown and settling into the meticulously prepared coffin. The scent of the wood and the darkness inside made him feel secure.

Taking the blood offered by the steward, Celtic took a sip. This was supposed to be a moment of enjoyment before sleep, but the taste of the blood made him frown deeply.

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