It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 91


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 91

The food, which should have been savored slowly, became difficult to swallow, souring Celtic's mood for sleep. "Butler."

"Yes, Your Highness." The butler did not hurry to leave, as he still needed to cover the coffin lid and take away the cup after his master fell asleep. "Do you have any instructions?"

"What grade is this blood?" Selt frowned and asked.

"This is first-grade blood, freshly collected. Is there a problem?" the butler asked.

First-grade blood is only slightly inferior to special-grade and is still worth savoring. However, today, it was particularly difficult to swallow.

"Go get Ian's blood," Celtic recalled the taste from the previous night and said.

The butler did not move. Instead, he bowed and said, "Master, you have used quite a bit of Ian's blood on your journey. Human blood is not inexhaustible. If you continue to collect it without restraint, he might die suddenly in a few days."

Special-grade blood is extremely precious, with an excellent taste, comparable to gourmet food for humans. However, human hematopoietic function often cannot keep up with the daily needs of vampires.

Vampires need blood daily. They can go a few days without it, but if not in a state of hibernation, issues arise if they go more than ten days without it. Therefore, blood clans returning from slumber need time to recover their strength.

Celtic did not want that person to die in just a few days. He put down the cup and said, "Forget it, I'll just sleep."

After rinsing his mouth, Selt crossed his hands and lay down. The coffin lid closed, darkness enveloped him. The sensation of being surrounded should have quickly lulled him to sleep, but that restless feeling continued to spread, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

According to human blood preparation guidelines, Lin Su needed a period of rest. During this time, Celtic had not come to collect blood from him, making his life quite leisurely.

The painting on the canvas had reached the sixth piece. Although no one admired it, Lin Su painted with delight.

Since the host was not anxious, System 06 naturally was not in a hurry either.

Hunting is all about who has more patience.

Outside, the sun shone brightly. Celtic frowned as he drank a cup of blood, finding the taste somewhat difficult to swallow, akin to a human eating wild vegetables after being accustomed to gourmet delicacies.

Several cups of blood were lined up, and Celtic tasted each one. The taste degraded in accordance with their grade, each one worse than the last.

"Master, is it still not good enough?" the butler asked worriedly.

"The taste is lacking, but it's sufficient for daily needs," Selt replied, propping his head up slightly.

Human lifespans are limited, and compared to the immortality of a vampire, it's like comparing a rabbit's lifespan to a human's. He could keep Ian well-fed and prolong his life, but he couldn't rely solely on his blood.

Being dependent on a human? Ridiculous.

The next time Lin Su saw Celtic was at nightfall. Under the moonlight outside, the beautiful and arrogant vampire sat on the balcony, studying the painting on the canvas. He didn't even turn his head when he heard the door open. "Your painting is quite good."

The canvas did not depict the morning scene from that day but rather roses under the moonlight. The fluttering petals were almost transparent, ethereal, making the entire painting feel serene, as if the only sound was the petals falling.

In the middle of the flower bed stood a person with silver hair more beautiful than moonlight, facing away. Though his face wasn't visible, his fingers seemed to be reaching out to catch the falling petals. Anyone could instantly recognize who the person in the painting was.

Lin Su paused. "Your Highness, are you hungry?"

Celtic indeed felt his teeth itch upon seeing him, but he couldn't rush this person towards him. One must treat food with a certain elegance.

"Who did you paint?" Celtic's fingers brushed across the canvas. Such lifelike artistry was hard to believe had come from someone living in a slum.

"It's you," Lin Su said calmly. "Your posture under the moonlight is very suitable for painting."

He took a few steps to stand in front of the canvas, standing shoulder to shoulder with Celtic. "If you like it, you can have it."

"This doesn't seem like something a human from the slums would know how to paint," Celtic said, looking at the painting. The slight lift in his tone hinted at danger.

"This kind of thing requires talent, and I've been using the money I earn from working to study," Lin Su replied. He wasn't lying, after all. The nature of his work and earnings were defined in this context.

Celtic's tone lifted slightly. "Since it's a gift from you, I'll accept it without hesitation. Do you want anything in return?"

He turned to ask, the moonlight reflecting in his eyes, creating a watery, luminous effect. This color was something humans didn't possess, so exquisite and alluring that it could captivate anyone's soul.

Beauty knows no boundaries. Regardless of age or gender, everyone can't help but take a second look when faced with someone truly attractive.

Moreover, this vampire was deliberately exuding his charm.

"Your acceptance is the best return gift for me," Lin Su said with a gentle smile.

His smile had a particularly warm and soothing quality, but this tranquility made Celtic slightly annoyed.

He moved closer, wrapping his arm around Lin Su's waist. Their bodies pressed together, their eyes meeting at a close distance. Celtic narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly and said, "Do you paint me because you have a crush on me?"

A noble vampire’s ability to enchant humans is innate, enabling them to lure prime targets willingly. Human blood is of the highest quality when they are excited. However, when they are fearful, guarded, or anxious, the quality of their blood diminishes.

"God is above, homosexuality would get me burned at the stake," Lin Su said, looking into his eyes.

"Being here, in the vampire’s territory, indicates that the god you believe in cannot save your life," Celtic's tone carried a hint of temptation. "Only by believing in yourself and what you desire can you achieve what you want."

He moved even closer, Lin Su lowering his gaze to Celtic's lips as they approached. Just as a hint of subtle mockery flashed in Celtic's eyes, Lin Su brushed his fingers across Celtic's lips and said, "It seems you have some blood on the corner of your mouth."

Lin Su wiped the corner of Celtic's mouth and then retreated to a safe distance, showing the bloodstain on his fingers like one would show a grain of rice. 

The smile at the corner of Celtic's mouth stiffened slightly, and his eyelids narrowed. "You did this because you saw the blood?"

"No, it's because you're very good-looking," Lin Su said calmly. "If it were someone else, I might not have even bothered to point it out."

Celtic felt oddly pleased. Just when he thought Lin Su was an unyielding piece of wood, he received a new response. Unlike others who might have been tempted, Lin Su's gaze contained only pure admiration, and Celtic certainly appreciated such praise.

"Good boy, you deserve a reward." Celtic pushed Lin Su against the wall, one hand propped beside his head, the other caressing his lips. As he spoke, he bit down on Lin Su's neck, his sharp fangs piercing the skin.

The pure, invigorating taste that coursed through every cell filled him with joy. His fingers tightened involuntarily, and for a moment, he even wanted to drain this person dry.

Until the long-standing emptiness was satisfied, his fangs left the wound, which quickly began to heal, leaving only a trace of blood that he licked away.

The newly satisfied vampire's pupils were a deep red. Lin Su touched the corner of Celtic's eye, kissed it lightly, and said, "Thank you for the reward."

Celtic felt his heart inexplicably skip a beat. For a fleeting moment, he felt a sense of indulgence and being pampered. But as a proud noble vampire, how could he be pampered by a human? It sounded like a joke.

Despite being two different species—predator and prey—they could still sit on the balcony and chat after such a satisfying feeding. To be precise, Lin Su felt he should sleep, but the prince did not plan to leave, wanting to cultivate a relationship.

If he wanted to cultivate a relationship, Lin Su would naturally go along with it. He brought out a chair to the balcony and provided Celtic with blood presented like fine wine for him to savor.

Lin Su's wrist was bandaged, still emanating a faint scent of blood. Celtic had never seen such an accommodating human, but he had to admit that when the food was particularly obedient, he was indeed pleased.

"Hand," Celtic ordered, ignored the wine glass and waved Lin Su's wrist over.

Lin Su extended his wrist, watching as the beautiful vampire unraveled the bandage and then leaned down to lick the wound. The saliva of blood clan members had healing properties; otherwise, anyone whose artery was punctured in this era would die. As the blood was licked away, the wound quickly healed.

The way Celtic licked the wound resembled an elegant cat, arrogantly licking, arrogantly claiming everything, arrogantly declaring, "Your blood belongs only to me. You are not allowed to waste it."

"Am I your exclusive possession?" Lin Su asked as he withdrew his now-healed wrist.

"In the vampire’s territory, survival for food relies on devotion and loyalty," Celtic said, picking up the wine glass and taking a light sip, the pleasurable feeling still lingering. He narrowed his eyes and continued, "If anyone can enjoy your blood, you will become cheap."

Vampire’s had a strong sense of possessiveness, but his words were undoubtedly meant for brainwashing.

Lin Su seemed contemplative. "If I am your possession, would you come to rescue me if someone else took me?"

There seemed to be hope in his eyes. If it were another blood slave, Celtic would kill any vampire who dared touch his food. Whether that blood slave returned or not was unimportant. 

But this human was different. He could endure drinking inferior blood for a while, but he couldn't tolerate consuming such inferior quality for an extended period while awake.

"Of course, I would retrieve you and thoroughly check if any other vampire had touched you," Celtic said, downing the blood in the glass.

Lin Su remained silent, and Celtic glanced at him. "You don't believe me?"

"Yi said the same thing," Lin Su replied calmly.

"But he hasn't come yet," Celtic laughed. "And I personally came to get you."

"My only value is to lure Yi here," Lin Su said, turning his face away. "I'm already here; you don't need to say those deceptive words."

The abrupt revelation of the truth should have made Celtic feel humiliated and angry, but the man appeared calm, as if he were... sad?

Humans were easily bewitched by the appearance of vampires. Just a little kindness would make them think it was love.

The person before him appeared calm but was still merely a human.

"As a proud member of the vampire clan, why would I lie to deceive someone who is merely food?" Celtic scoffed. "Deceit is beneath us."

Yet, deceit was something the blood clan excelled at, especially as a privilege extended to premium food.

Lin Su was slightly moved. "I hope what you say is true."

Temptation must be measured.

Both Celtic and Lin Su had this thought simultaneously. Celtic stood up, picked up the canvas, and said, "I'll take this. Thank you for the gift."

He left as abruptly as he had arrived, leaving only a wine glass on the table with a faint trace of a lip print.

Lin Su picked up the glass, examined it for a moment, then went to wash it clean and carefully placed it in a very special spot in the cupboard.

This was the cup used by the vampire prince. As a humble and admiring human, he could only express his admiration for the prince in such a cautious manner.

Celtic took the canvas to his room and casually handed it to the butler. "Frame this and hang it in my room for now."

"Yes, sir." The butler rolled up the canvas.

As a subordinate, the butler was well aware of his master's intentions. This human was the first to make the master go to such lengths.

Over the next few days, Celtic continued to visit occasionally, sometimes watching Lin Su paint, sometimes engaging in conversation.

"What is life like in the slums?" Selt asked.

Lin Su's hand paused. "It's a bit cramped, with a lot of people, so it can get noisy, but there are also kind-hearted folks."

Such places were filled with people from all walks of life. Ian had grown up there, and because of his gentle nature, he was often ordered around but always accepted it willingly, making his life less miserable.

"Have you ever been bullied?" Celtic asked again.

Humans always tend to bully the weak and those who are different. The person before him was good-looking, yet lived in such a place, and had a gentle disposition. It was no surprise he had been bullied.

"I wouldn't call it bullying," Lin Su sighed, continuing to paint. However, he didn't even notice when his lines went crooked, he was clearly distracted.

"Then am I bullying you?" Celtic walked behind him, wrapping his arms around Lin Su from his shoulders, pressing close.

The slight chill transferred over, but more so the scent of roses. His silver hair was soft, as beautiful as the stars in the night sky.

Lin Su glanced down at his own hands, then lowered his eyelids. "Of course not, you took me in."

He didn’t hear a response from Celtic and hesitated before asking, "Are you hungry?"

"Do you think I only come to you to eat?" Celtic rested his head on Lin Su's shoulder, watching the man's expressive face. It truly amused him.

Humans had a different body temperature than vampires . Their blood carried natural warmth, and drinking such hot blood seemed to bring a bit of vitality to his cold body. Despite relying on a small, fragile heart, they could be so warm.

Lin Su was held for a while and felt uncomfortable, so he moved his arm slightly, hearing a soft laugh in his ear. "What's wrong?"

That voice was so alluring, transcending gender. Lin Su took a deep breath. "My leg is a bit numb."

"Shall I let you go then?" Celtic asked softly.

This was a human. A few small favors and a bit of empathy were all it took for them to offer their hearts sincerely. But it was precisely this ease that allowed them to savor the finest delicacies.

As Celtic made a move to leave, Lin Su quickly grabbed his hand, then immediately let go upon realizing what he had done. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"No matter, I allow you to offend me," Celtic said, kissing his neck. Feeling the slight tremor, a cold and smug glint flashed in his eyes.

The cup in the cabinet had been specially placed, the chair by the bed was the one he had sat in, and even the books he had touched were treasured and kept in special places. Humans were indeed such... humble and pitiable creatures.

Lin Su tentatively touched his fingertip, holding it lightly. "Thank you very much."

"The painting you gave me last time, I had it framed and placed in my room. Would you like to come see it with me?" Celtic asked softly. "And maybe stay there tonight?"

This was an outright invitation. Lin Su instantly straightened, his gaze shifting. "There's no need. As long as you like it."

When humans fall in love, they always feel that the other person is the best and that they themselves are unworthy. This kind of humble emotion easily leads to a loss of self and makes them easy to control.

"Alright, I'll listen to you," Celtic smiled. "I like your warmth; don't keep me waiting too long."

"…Okay," Lin Su lowered his head.

Celtic got up and left, leaving behind a faint scent of roses. Lin Su, who had been anxious, smiled slightly and looked at the deliberately misplaced stroke on the canvas. He picked up the brush again to paint, but left the flawed stroke as it was.

Such subtle thoughts, humble and easily noticeable. It's true that the vampire clan is nearly immortal, but that little guy doesn't have a long lifespan compared to him, which is why arrogance is written on his face.

【  What does the host want to do?】System 06 found itself once again in the blind spot, the so-called area it couldn't guide.

【  To toy with him.】 Lin Su finished a painting and cleaned the ink from his hands.

A vampire’s allure was innate, while his was cultivated. Whether he could take the bait depended not only on appearance but also on emotional intelligence and strength.

If a being he considered incredibly weak managed to toy with him, the expression and scene would surely be interesting.

Facing a vampire, any show of fragility and humility would only make them feel it was deserved.

By his calculations, it should be almost time.

The full moon had come and gone, and as the night deepened into complete darkness, the only light in the room came from the warm glow of a candelabra. 

Lin Su sat reading the books provided by Celtic, who had thoughtfully sought them out after Lin Su expressed a desire to learn to read. In his current role, Lin Su was, of course, deeply touched and took exceptional care of the books. 

Each time he read, he would wash his hands first. Despite having read them multiple times, the pages remained as pristine as ever.

It was the sixth time Lin Su had opened the book, and he made sure not to let any detail slip. The wind outside howled as if it were about to rain. Just as he was about to rise and close the window, a sudden thought made him pause. As he turned, the heavy curtains were swept up by the wind, revealing a man standing there, his gaze cold and blood-red, fixed on Lin Su.

The scene might have resembled a heroic rescue, but Yi Zhelai shattered that image with a single sentence: "I've found you." They had agreed to meet again, not to reminisce but because Lin Su had severed one of his hands.

"You've come," Lin Su said, intending to walk over, but was interrupted by a melodious question from the doorway. "Ancestor, how could you arrive without announcing yourself?"

"Celtic," Yi Zhelai addressed the newly arrived blood prince. "I heard you've been looking for me."

"I only wanted to welcome your return, Ancestor," Celtic replied with a smile.

The gusty wind outside extinguished the candles, plunging the room into darkness. Only the two pairs of blood-red eyes remained visible, like beasts lurking in the night.

Just as Yi Zhelai was about to move, a dark red magic circle rose from the floor, illuminating the room and dispelling the darkness. Yi Zhelai stood at the center of the expanding circle, which seemed to resonate with the dark red beams of light shining outside.

【Blood Binding Net, specifically designed to capture blood clans, a seven-pointed star formation. Such a net in this era would require a preparation of over a hundred years.】System 06 analyzed and reported.

This indicated that Celtic had long coveted the Ancestor's power and had been eyeing it greedily for over a century. The fact that he had spent more than a hundred years preparing showed his immense patience and a nearly fanatical desire for power.

The interconnected light array caused the items in the room to collapse and shatter noisily. Yi Zhelai, trapped within, felt as if countless hands had emerged from the ground to grasp his feet, making even struggling an arduous task. "The Blood Binding Net, you were prepared all along."

"Of course, for the Ancestor, only the most grandiose of welcomes would suffice," Celtic replied with an extremely pleased smile.

Lin Su stood silently in a corner of the room, watching the scene unfold.

With his desired prey caught, Celtic didn't spare a glance at Lin Su, instead focusing entirely on strengthening the binding net. Yi Zhelai's feet were immobilized first, then the force continued to creep up his legs. This power was specifically designed to suppress blood clans. If it reached his chest, the ambitious vampire prince would undoubtedly seize his heart without mercy.

Yi Zhelai glanced at Lin Su but would never lower himself to ask a mere human for help. Even the most handsome face twisted with grotesqueness in the throes of a struggle. Veins bulged on Yi Zhelai's face, his fangs lengthened, and sharp claws extended from his slender fingers.

These were signs of him using every ounce of his strength, which only made Celtic's grin widen. "You can't break free. Just be my caged prize."

Celtic could hardly wait to experience the Ancestor's power.

However, Yi Zhelai paid no heed. His rigid fingers began to move, red smoke swirling around him. This action caused the ever-expanding light array to shudder. Yi Zhelai suddenly raised his hand, and the sound of shattering glass echoed.

The red light array splintered like a broken mirror, and as the fragments floated in the air, they dissipated. The aura surrounding Yi Zhelai lingered.

The room shifted from light to dark. Celtic's surprise was momentary, quickly replaced by arrogance. "So what if you broke free? Your little pet is still mine."

Yi Zhelai glanced at Lin Su in confusion, clearly not understanding what the vampire prince was talking about.

His face didn't show signs of anger; instead, Celtic frowned and glanced at Lin Su. "Looks like he doesn't care about you as much as he imagined."

【  Present awkwardness level: 99%,】 System 06 remarked.

There was a premonition that the prince would likely be furious with Lin Su later, knowing he had been trying to play with his emotions. Yet, Lin Su remained silent, head bowed. Yi Zhelai, fed up with the prince's erratic behavior, ignored him completely and swung his claws directly towards Celtic's heart.

However, Celtic was not like a mere human such as Albert; he easily dodged, and as he did, his own claws extended from his fingers. One, recently drained by the Blood Binding Net, the other just a step below an ancestor's level—they clashed, both sustaining wounds in the process.

In a brief pause, Yi Zhelai touched the scratch on his neck, while Celtic dabbed at the cut on his cheek, inspecting the crimson residue. "You managed to harm me even after expending so much energy. Impressive."

Inside the room, everything lay in ruins, doors smashed, and walls shattered as their intense combat shook the castle to its core. Only the fortress's sturdy construction prevented a complete collapse, resembling an earthquake's aftermath.

Lin Su stood on the shattered balcony, watching the Prince in his disheveled state. His shoulder blade was visibly injured, blood staining his elegant attire, his face devoid of amusement, now brimming with hostility.

Yi Zhelai leapt through the breach and landed gracefully on the ground, blood dripping from his claws as he approached Selt. "You are no match for me."

"The power of the Ancestor is indeed formidable," Celtic replied, dusting off flower petals and dirt from his clothes. "But I haven't lost yet."

Yi Zhelai glanced sideways at Lin Su, convinced that the human possessed enough strength not to be ensnared by Celtic. There had to be another reason for his presence here. The real threat wasn't the arrogant prince before him but the man standing silently nearby.

Escaping the Blood Binding Net had drained Yi Zhelai considerably. If he were to kill Celtic now, he might not be able to fight with that man. Perhaps sparing him once was enough; there might not be a second chance.

Lin Su smiled and turned back into the room, his gesture indicating that he wouldn't join the fight. Yi Zelai looked back at Celtic, and Celtic naturally noticed the scene just now. He sneered and said, "I thought you didn't care, but it seems you do."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Yi Zelai said, gathering the power of his claws and attacking.

Celtic met him head-on. At the moment of approach, he subtly avoided Yi Zelai's heart and grabbed through his shoulder blades. Even though he was knocked down by a knee strike the next moment, a smirk hung on his face. "Just like that."

"You won't be so lucky next time," Yi Zelai said, touching his bleeding shoulder.

As an ancestor, he had never been in such a plight. How dare a mere prince covet his heart's blood?

The gap between a prince and an ancestor was not just about speed and strength. The red mist on Yi Zelai's claws spread again, faster than before, like a shrinking blood-web, freezing Celtic in his tracks as he looked down at his own feet.

He couldn't move, and Yi Zelai's claw was already at his chest.

Was it going to end here?

Approaching eternal life seemed meaningless if he couldn't reach its peak.

Celtic closed his eyes, feeling the power surge through his forehead, but the suffocating pain never came, as if something had stopped it.

Opening his eyes, Celtic stared at the dangerous expression on Yi Zelai's face, just within arm's reach, and the claw that was held back by a hand that reached from behind, capable of stopping the progenitor's full force attack. There shouldn't be such a vampire in his castle.

"Aren't you supposed to stay out of this?" Yi Zelai asked, looking at the wrist that was grabbed.

He knew this man was powerful, but he hadn't expected him to be this strong. Such a human posed a great threat to vampires.

"I don't intend to interfere in your conflict, but the condition is that you can't take his life," Lin Su's other hand wrapped around Celtic's waist, applying just enough force to free him from the restraint.

When Celtic heard that familiar voice, he stiffened for a moment. He turned to see that handsome face, which among humans was exceptionally good-looking. His fist clenched tightly. "You lied to me?!"

Lin Su chuckled and turned his head down slightly. "Seems like you're quite angry."

The teasing, deception, that smug sense of superiority, and this human's bystander attitude all made Celtic feel that the dignity of his bloodline was being greatly challenged.

"No one has dared to trample upon my dignity!" Celtic gritted his teeth.

"You're allowed to deceive others, but others aren't allowed to deceive you," Lin Su pinched his chin gently. "Darling, even though you're handsome, you shouldn't be unreasonable."

Celtic's chest heaved violently. He gathered power in his claws and lunged forward unexpectedly, but his attack was effortlessly blocked by that hand, unable to get even a fraction closer.

"My real identity," Lin Su pinched his fingertips, then retreated three meters away effortlessly, unlike before where he couldn't resist at all.

Celtic's blood-red pupils dilated as he stared fiercely at Lin Su. He laughed in anger, "You're not Ian at all!"

"Why would he think you're Ian?" Yi Zelai asked coldly.

"Because Ian was supposed to come here originally. Didn't he tell you about our swap?" Lin Su smiled as he asked.

"He said you took his place to go to the Divine Palace," Yi Zelai replied with a hint of thoughtfulness in his cold eyes. "So this place is..."

"The Divine Palace spoken of by the Holy Church," Lin Su smiled. "This is the deal between the Holy Church and the vampires."

"He wanted Ian to lure me here?" Yi Zelai questioned.

"The outcome would have been the same," Lin Su shrugged. No matter the reason for this ancestor’s arrival, the Bloodweb would be broken, and Celtic would fail.

In the original timeline, Ian's plea spared Celtic. Now, the outcome would be the same. They conversed as if no one else were present, a dialogue between one human and one vampire. 

Celtic had never been toyed with like this by a human before, even though he had been defeated by Yi Zelai before, his face had never burned like this.

"Do you think I don't exist?" Celtic's fist clenched tightly.

"Darling," Lin Su gestured with his sharp claw, "right now, you can't beat me."

"What exactly are you?" Celtic stared intensely at him.

"An alchemist once of the Holy Church?" Lin Su hesitated slightly.

"There's a limit to lying," Celtic could barely maintain his composure. "Even the Grand Knight of the Holy Church is not my match. You claim to be an alchemist?"

"Right now, I'm more like a free-range vampire hunter," Lin Su rubbed his chin and said. "Yes, that's it."

"A vampire hunter..." Celtic laughed loudly and defiantly. "Then why haven't you killed me?"

Lin Su hadn't answered yet when Yi Zelai suddenly spoke up, "Do you like him?"

"Don't you think he's quite handsome?" Lin Su chuckled.

"Vampires don't fall for humans, just like humans don't fall for their food," Yi Zelai remarked.

"There are exceptions to everything, just like how humans can marry any race or creature," Lin Su looked at Celtic. "If you think things aren't fair, feel free to come find me."

He turned to leave, but Celtic's finger bones clicked as he grabbed towards Lin Su's back, yet as if his back had eyes, Lin Su swiftly grabbed his claw with a twist, and a silver cross pressed against his heart.

That smiling face was no longer smiling, just bone-chillingly cold. "I told you, you can't beat me. Are you so sure I'll let you off again and again?"

At this moment, his demeanor was completely different from usual, with the silver against his heart capable of ending his life effortlessly, leaving him unable to even resist. This made Celtic tremble; he'd never encountered such a powerful human.

No, was he truly human?

"You think I'm afraid?" Celtic swallowed.

His mouth was tough.

"Of course you're not afraid, but isn't dying like this too much of a loss?" Lin Su suddenly smiled, like ice melting to reveal lush greenery. "If you want to play, you have to surrender. Otherwise, letting you win every time wouldn't be fair. And my power is stronger than Yi Zelai's. Rather than playing with him, why not play with me?"

Celtic loathed weakness and yearned for strength, and the fact that this man's strength was right before his eyes tempted him. He had no resistance to such bait: "Are you willing to tell me your secret to strength?"

"Just as long as you defeat me," Lin Su teased, his fingers grazing his lips as he lifted the other's chin and kissed him on the lips, hooking his small, pointed fangs amid the gasps echoing through the castle. "That will be your reward for being spared this time."

After the kiss, Lin Su released Celtic and turned towards the stables, leading out a horse. "Consider this horse as payment for the blood I've offered during this time, Lord Ancestor. Are we leaving?"

Yi Zelai understood the necessity of saving face today. Vampires possess a possessive nature toward their food, just as humans do toward their lovers. The lesson given to Celtic today had been sufficient. "Let's go."

Disappearing into the jungle, Lin Su tightened his grip on the horse's flank and smiled back at Celtic with a wink of his right eye. "By the way, my name is Lin Su."

He rode off, leaving Celtic standing alone amidst some dilapidated flower beds. Even the steward dared not disturb him, given how he had been humiliated by that human. The prince's current rage was like a volcanic eruption.

Celtic touched his lips, still surprised that someone had dared to kiss him against his will, treating his fangs, meant for weapons, as nothing.

But since he was released, it meant that Lin Su still liked him, or at least liked his appearance. And if he liked this appearance, it meant there was a chance to win.

As long as he defeated Lin Su first, and then acquired the ancestral blood, he would stand at the pinnacle of this world.

Adjusting his collar, Celtic turned and stepped into his castle. The butlers and attendants all bowed their heads. "Your Highness."

"Repair the castle. Also, order the most expensive clothes of the current fashion for me." Celtic smirked, his eyes glowing red.

The real struggle was just beginning now, Lin Su... Hmph...

It had indeed taken Lin Su considerable time to travel from the vampire castle to the nearby human city. Despite his formidable strength, traveling tirelessly like a vampire was still out of reach.

As Lin Su led his horse into the nearby city, he attracted some attention.

"Oh, clearly a distinguished guest," remarked a passerby.

"But he has blonde hair and blue eyes," another girl said. "Could he be the person the Holy Church was talking about?"

"Excuse me, miss, is there something wrong with my appearance?" Lin Su approached with a smile.

The fact that the Holy Church would want to capture him was expected, but creating a portrait to find someone in this era was quite difficult. He just wanted to understand to what extent the Holy Church could go.

The girl blushed as he approached, and shyly said, "Yes, that's right. The Holy Church is after a traitor named Lin... Su, who has golden hair and blue eyes. They say he's very handsome. Anyone with such features in this city will be stopped by soldiers for questioning. May I know your name, sir?"

"Oh, I see. My name is Ivan. Thank you very much, you beautiful and kind lady," Lin Su smiled as he bid farewell, showing no hint of embarrassment about using a different name.

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