Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 33


| PN | Broadcast | 33

In the live broadcast room, a man was boasting in front of the camera: "In my opinion, that guy Qing Yu's Double Mirror isn't worth the price. The reason it's been hyped up so much is because of the appearance of those two deformed puppets and the promotion by the association. But in reality, although the puppets are said to be S-class, their special ability is merely purifying the air, which is completely useless."

"My work is different." The man said, holding up his own two puppets shells to the camera, "These two puppets are also deformed, with their spines connected. The male puppet has no left arm, and the female puppet has no right arm. How about that? Isn't it creative?"

"There's beauty in imperfection, right? Although my dolls are much smaller in size compared to Qing Yu's," the man's eyes became suggestive as he spoke, deliberately pulling down the shoulder straps of the two puppets, "I paid great attention to body proportions while making them."

Did a mental hospital shut down and release this idiot? Qi Chao felt like throwing up listening to the man's obnoxious words.

The two puppets the man was showing were just rough models, about seventy centimeters in height, resembling the stature of adult men and women. However, both the contours and the craftsmanship of the puppets were extremely crude, no different from a beginner's work. Daring to boast like this was just inviting criticism.

Sure enough, the comments were filled with ridicule, many of them from Qing Yu's fans, who were fiercely attacking the man, leaving him in tatters.

Every winner of the puppet-making competition sets the trend in the industry, easily followed by other puppet makers.

Qi Chao had anticipated that after the last champion Qing Yu created the deformed Double Mirror, there would be puppet makers who would follow suit. But witnessing this scene still made Qi Chao feel uncomfortable.

He didn't leave a comment but directly reported the live broadcast room. Perhaps due to many reports, the live broadcast room was soon banned.

Maybe it was because the previous puppet maker's talk was overly talkative, and very disgusting, leaving an indelible shadow on Qi Chao. When it came to his own live broadcasts, Qi Chao rarely spoke.

However, that was just one of the reasons. Qi Chao was very focused when making his puppet and often forgot he was live streaming. Only when he noticed the camera would he drop a piece of valuable information.

In the morning, there were only a few scattered viewers, but Qi Chao didn't mind. After having lunch, he continued his work.

Unlike other live streams, the camera in Qi Chao's stream was aimed directly at the puppet. Only his hands, clad in black gloves, were visible; Qi Chao himself did not appear on screen.

The main reason for this was that Qi Chao believed the viewers came to the live stream to learn the essentials of puppet-making. A camera focused on the puppet provided a clearer view.

In the afternoon, Qi Chao spoke a bit more, but still only a few sentences, markedly different from the chattering puppet makers in other live streams.

By the end of the day, he had only gained a few sporadic followers. Qi Chao had anticipated this and didn't feel too disappointed.

Qi Chao got up and left the basement, unaware that a viewer who had accidentally entered his live stream and watched for five hours had gone to a forum and posted a question:

#Can someone really sustain their mental focus for five hours straight?#

Eager to Learn_1st Floor: [As the title suggests, the association finally lifted the ban, and I am eager to learn. I rushed to the live stream this afternoon to study. Then, I miraculously found a live stream full of solid content among many others. What shocked me was that this streamer continuously demonstrated for five hours!!!]

Eager to Learn_2nd Floor: [I just want to ask, how high must one's mental strength be to sustain output for five hours? Can it be trained?]

Trying to Gain Followers_3rd Floor: [Fake, right? Five hours? Kid, the last person who lied got locked in my little black room for some special treatment. An A-level puppet maker can manage three hours at most, and now you're telling me five hours?]

Big Brother Rice Wine_4th Floor: [I agree with the above. OP is lying. If that person were an S-level master, I might barely believe it. But a live streamer? Usually, S-level masters don't need to participate in this.]

Friend I'm Coming to Sleep_5th Floor: [No, I watched today too. I don't know if it was the same person OP mentioned, but he did indeed sustain output for a long time.]

What the Hell_6th Floor: [Seriously? Could it be a master coming down from the heavens to help us novices?! Please, someone give me the live stream number. I need to see this!!!]

Eager to Learn_7th Floor: [Probably not a master? He didn't show his face, and his voice didn't sound like any master I know. However, he didn't seem like a newbie either. His puppet-making techniques were very skilled. PS: His voice was super nice, but he spoke very little.]

Detective Me_8th Floor: [So, is he a master or not? There are only a few S-level puppet makers, and they're all famous. Who is he?]

Gururu_9th Floor: [No, you all believe this? S-level masters are rare, and you believe some faceless streamer is one? I don't believe it. Show us the channel if you dare.]


The question post quickly turned into a hot topic, with discussions veering from mental strength to whether the person was one of the famous S-level masters. It rapidly climbed to the top of the forum, with many curious viewers planning to investigate the next day.

If Qi Chao had opened the forum, he might have known about this, but unfortunately, after leaving the basement due to being disgusted today, he tossed aside his optical brain and spent time with his three children watching cartoons to heal himself.

The next day, Qi Chao turned on the camera and started working diligently again. Since he rarely paid attention to the screen, he didn't notice the numbers in the upper left corner suddenly rising sharply.

On the screen, slender hands wearing black gloves gently rubbed the puppet's clay. Every half hour or so, a low, magnetic male voice could be heard from off-screen.

Kangkang Me: [Wow, OP wasn't lying; this voice is really nice! By the way, who are the S-level mental power masters again? Besides the Doctor, Zhao Benben, and Black-clothed Edamame, who else is there?]

Wakakaka: [I want to see what the puppet maker looks like. This content is so solid it's a bit hard to swallow.]

Can't Shake Won't Shake: [Is it S-level? Is it S-level? It doesn't matter if it's not; I'm staying here. After wandering around, I finally found someone who teaches well!!!]

Not Right to Argue: [Doesn't seem like any S-level master I know. I don't believe it. I'll watch for four or five hours and find out who he is!]

Five hours later:

Not Right to Argue: [Damn, still can't figure it out. Is he a newbie? Does this guy never get tired? Does his mental power never run dry?]

Lucky Emperor: [Amazing, amazing.]

Kangkang Me: [His voice is so nice, aww, and his hands look so good too, sob sob.]

On this live streaming platform, streamers with a combination of low audience dropout rates and high online viewer numbers have the chance to be featured on the homepage.

Due to the post from yesterday, Qi Chao's live stream didn't have the highest number of viewers, but the dropout rate was astonishingly low. Soon, his stream was ranked near the top.

Qi Chao didn't talk much while making his puppet, but it was obvious to any discerning viewer that his movements were smooth and confident, clearly indicating a wealth of experience. 

Originally, many viewers had come just to join the hype, but they soon grabbed their seats and stayed to learn.

I Eat Buns: [After the morning stream ends, will there be another in the afternoon?]

Happy Learning: [Probably not, right? Isn't streaming for such a long time in a day enough?]

"Live streaming will continue at 2 PM. If you're interested, you can follow me and join my stream again," a deep voice came from off-screen.

Happy Learning: [Damn, is this guy trying to kill himself?]

I Kangkang: [He works on the puppet in the morning and continues in the afternoon? So dedicated? Even S-level masters haven't done this, right?]

Oh Hehe: [Ugh, is he a newbie or a master? Even if he's not a master, someone in the community should know him, right? His skills clearly aren't those of a beginner! What kind of newbie streams for a whole day making puppets?!]

No one could answer their questions. It was evident that this streamer was shrouded in mystery. After a morning of restrained curiosity, the sense of mystery left the viewers in the live stream as excited as if they were on a caffeine high.

No one can resist the allure of the unknown, nor the satisfaction that comes from uncovering the truth.

He must be someone incredible.

This was the shared sentiment of all the viewers in the live stream.

In the afternoon, all the viewers eagerly anticipated the stream to start early so they could continue their investigation and satisfy their burning curiosity.

At 2 PM, the viewers were right on time, waiting in the live stream room.

This time, not only did they hear the voice of the mysterious puppet maker, but they also heard an unfamiliar man's voice.

"Have you started the stream already?"

"Yes, Brother Shen. If you're not comfortable, I'll turn it off."

Hearing the mysterious puppet maker say this, the viewers responded with a series of ellipses.

"No need. I'll just watch from the side."

The unfamiliar man's tone was very gentle, and even though they couldn't see his face, the viewers could imagine him smiling as he spoke.

The mysterious puppet maker resumed his work in the morning, continuing to make a puppet. Perhaps because of the presence of the other man, he spoke more than before.

The viewers who had been waiting in the live stream room listened to the exchange between the two men. Someone tentatively posted:

【Is it just my imagination? Why does this gentle guy's voice sound so familiar?】

【You're not alone.】


There were very few puppet masters on Blue Star with S-level mental power, and each had an extraordinary background and a large following. Unfortunately, these top-tier puppet masters rarely appeared in public, with the Doctor being the most reclusive. In such circumstances, fans had to hunt for clues to get any updates on the Doctor.

The Doctor's voice was unique and highly recognizable. Plus, this man could quickly point out the streamer's mistakes, indicating he was very familiar with puppet making. In other words, he was likely the Doctor!!! Fans of the Doctor were silently screaming.

Who on earth is this mysterious streamer?! Why does he know the Doctor?! He must be a big deal!

If he's not a big deal, how could he possibly know the Doctor?!

The small live stream room saw a surge in viewers due to the appearance of the presumed "Doctor," instantly surpassing all other streams and becoming the top recommendation.

"Hey, didn't you change the name of the stream?" the gentle man asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I forgot," the mysterious streamer said regretfully. "I'll change it now."

With that, he changed the stream name to [Puppet Maker - Qi Chao].

The viewers, like wolves scenting prey, immediately began searching for the name of this mysterious streamer, wanting to see which well-known puppet master he was in the community.

Soon, they found an encyclopedia entry.

Qi Chao – Eldest son of the richest man on Blue Star, graduated from the top-ranked Igdamon University at 18...

The viewers: ???

The eldest son of the richest man? That's quite a leap!

TL: I have an early trip tomorrow and I am not sure if I will be able to upload this chapter on time, I'll try to set the next chapter to be posted automatically but I am not sure of how that it going to go. I can only hope it goes well. 

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  1. The Doctor is working hard to make the pawn famous


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