Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 32


| PN | Don't Like Humans | 32

Qi Chao naturally noticed Moss's reaction.

Considering the cause and effect, Qi Chao felt that Moss must still be having a quarrel with Lan Luo.

Initially, Lan Luo was upset for unknown reasons, now it seemed Moss was upset with Lan Luo—these lovely pair of brothers.

Qi Chao glanced at the projection screen, thought for a moment, bid goodnight to the three sitting on the sofa, and then got up to return to his room.

"Moss, do you really want that thing?"

Suddenly, Shen Yuxi spoke in the living room. His tone was indifferent, devoid of emotion, but it made Moss freeze, releasing his grip on the bow.

Moss lowered his head, his voice hoarse and dry: "A bit. It was made according to Father's image, that's why I want it."

Beside him, Lan Luo smiled, clearly still annoyed with Moss.

Shen Yuxi gently smiled, delicately undoing the bow that Moss had messed up, and the bandage on his wrist slipped off, revealing skin covered in scars.

These scars seemed as if they had been inflicted by sharp blades, dense and terrifying. Just looking at these wounds made one's hair stand on end, inevitably wondering if the skin under the other bandages was similarly ravaged.

The expressions of the three present didn't change at all, seemingly long accustomed to the scars on Moss. Shen Yuxi applied a new bandage, wrapping Moss's wrist layer by layer.

"You just want a doll.” Shen Yuxi tightened the bandage and tied a bow at the end, smiling. “Since your birth, I have taught you not to like any humans. I'm telling you this for the second time.”

As he spoke, his gaze fell on Lan Luo. His blue eyes were as gentle as the sea, yet they also harbored complex and indistinct emotions. “I won't say it a third time.”

Lan Luo didn't understand why his father was clearly speaking to Moss, yet looking at him. He fidgeted with his finger on the sofa, "But father, the master is very good to me. He is different from before."

The smile on Shen Yuxi's face faded. He looked at Lan Luo and tilted his head slightly. His golden hair fell on his shoulders as he moved, and his clear blue eyes seemed a little cold.

Lan Luo stood on the floor somewhat awkwardly. After hesitating for a while, he walked up to his father.

“It's the same.” 

Shen Yuxi extended his right hand and gently caressed Lan Luo's cheek. After a few seconds, he slightly lowered his head and kissed Lan Luo on the forehead.

The golden-haired man's expression remained gentle, but his eyes revealed a chilling emotion. “No matter how much he changes, since he has become part of our plan, whether you like it or not doesn't matter, understand?”

Shen Yuxi found this man very strange, almost unrecognizable from the wealthy son he was initially. This situation was intriguing to Shen Yuxi, but only out of curiosity. Regardless of why this person underwent such a dramatic change, whether he was the wealthy son himself was not important. His interest in this person would not alter the current situation.

Shen Yuxi's eyelashes fluttered slightly. Qi Chao's current identity was only one thing: a pawn in their plan.

It was the first time that Lan Luo was kissed on the forehead. He felt a little dizzy and nodded. As for whether he heard what his father said, only he knew.

Moss sat beside him, staring straight at his father kissing Lan Luo's forehead. There was no emotion in his dark eyes, but an inexplicable sense of grievance was evident.

However, his father didn't pay attention to him. After saying those words, he continued watching cartoons. After one or two hours, he got up and went back to his room.

Lan Luo had already gone upstairs to sleep by 8 o'clock. Moss should have been sleeping too, but this time he sat in the living room for nearly an hour before getting up. He stood at the staircase, looking at his father's closed door, lips pressed tightly under the bandage.

He wanted a kiss too.

If his father didn't offer it, Moss couldn't ask for it.

Moss scratched the butterfly knot on his wrist. His already dark eyes seemed even dimmer. He turned around, ready to go back to his room. Just as he took a step forward, the next moment he saw Qi Chao standing in front of his own door, not knowing what he was doing.

Moss thought for a moment, his fingertips twitched slightly, and suddenly a distorted space appeared behind him, roughly the same height as Moss. He stepped his right foot back, and his figure disappeared at the staircase.

Just now, Qi Chao finally finished writing the letter. He hesitated between giving the apology to Moss in person or quietly leaving it at the door. He chose the latter without hesitation.

Hanging the gift bag on the door lock, Qi Chao glanced around. He felt like he heard some noise earlier, but the corridor was quiet, with only him there.

Must have been an illusion.

Qi Chao thought, at this time, both the doctor and the two little puppets should be asleep.

After making sure the gift wouldn't fall, Qi Chao yawned wearily and turned back to his room.

After he left, the door suddenly distorted, a hand wrapped in bandages grabbed the bag, and dragged the paper bag into a vortex in space.

If someone could pass through the space vortex, they would find that Moss was in his own room now. To Moss, this so-called space vortex was more like a magic door.

Moss looked down at the pink bag, took out a doll from inside, and squeezed the soft doll. His dark eyes brightened slightly.

He raised his hand and placed the doll on his lap. Just as Moss was about to throw the bag aside, he suddenly noticed there was a letter inside.

Moss was not like Lan Luo, the little illiterate. His father had taught him the Blue Star language when he was born.

He knew what a letter was. Every year, fans of his father would send many, but his father never read them. Later on, those letters were thrown into an abandoned warehouse by his younger brother and burned in a fire.

This was the first time someone had written a letter to Moss.

Moss looked at the white envelope in his hand, rubbing it slightly with his bandaged right hand. After a few seconds, he opened the letter and started reading.

Qi Chao wasn't good at writing. Since high school sophomore year, he hadn't written letters at all. Even when he was writing to Moss, it seemed like he was forcing it, with random sentences and filler words. The only commendable thing was that every sentence seemed heartfelt.

The man's apology was somewhat baffling to Moss because he couldn't remember being upset with him at any point. However, Moss liked the plush doll, and for the sake of the doll, he was willing to accept that he might have been upset about something.

Moss squeezed the doll's little braid and continued reading. By the time he finished the last word, he felt somewhat bewildered.

['Lan Luo really likes you as his big brother. When he went to pick you up initially, he specifically asked me to tell you that he's very obedient and well-behaved, hoping to give you a good impression. At the time, things went awry, and I was too upset to mention it...']

Bringing up this matter made Qi Chao feel guilty because he hadn't found the right opportunity before. Plus, he rarely spent time alone with Moss. He had procrastinated for a week until now to say it.

However, it seemed Lan Luo had long forgotten about it; otherwise, he wouldn't have never asked. Qi Chao felt self-reproachful yet somewhat amused. Writing this letter was a good opportunity to say some kind words and hopefully mend Moss and Lan Luo's relationship.

Of course, that was just Qi Chao's own assumption. Moss, upon reading Lan Luo's words, didn't believe for a moment that Lan Luo would say such things.

Lan Luo was just being obedient to his master.

Moss folded the letter thoughtfully.

He stood up, originally intending to throw the letter directly into the trash. But for some reason, his hand turned, and he placed the letter inside his own handbag.

Maybe it was because it was the first time someone had written him a letter.

Moss thought he should keep the letter, because it might also be the last time.

He placed the doll next to his pillow. The plush doll wasn't as handsome as his father, but Moss didn't mind. He unraveled the doll's braid and set the hair tie on the table. Closing his eyes, he sank into darkness.

The next day, Qi Chao was sleeping in bed when he heard a light knock on the door.

At first, Qi Chao thought he was dreaming. After a few seconds, the knocking continued, and he realized someone was really at the door. He ran his hand through his slightly messy black hair, slipped on his slippers, and walked over.

Normally, at this time, the doctor and the two puppets should all be asleep. Qi Chao couldn't help but wonder who could be knocking at this hour.

Opening the door, he saw Moss standing there. Qi Chao smiled and said, “Moss, why are you up so early today?” He was a bit concerned that something might be wrong with Moss.

The 'young man' wrapped in bandages held a doll in his arms. He lifted his head, revealing dark eyes. His lips under the bandage moved slightly, his voice hoarse and dry, like sandpaper scraping across a tabletop. “I can't comb its hair.”

Saying that, he lowered his head and pinched the doll's hand with his bandaged fingers.

Qi Chao followed his gaze downward. The original braids of the doll were unraveled, with messy strands of golden thread scattered about. He was instantly captivated. It had to be said that anyone, no matter how tough, would feel their heart soften to such a scene, right?

“I'll teach you.”

Qi Chao smiled and stepped aside to let him in.

Moss had seen his father comb hair before, but when he tried to comb the doll's hair, it just got messier and couldn't be managed. He watched as Qi Chao's hands deftly manipulated the doll's hair, and soon the braids resembling his father's were neatly done.

Moss froze, staring at the doll's hair with his dark eyes. His lips under the bandage moved slightly, but he remained silent for a while.

Seeing Moss's reaction, Qi Chao guessed he hadn't understood. This time, he slowed down and gently said, “First, separate a strand of hair. Then, hold another strand with your left hand and wrap it around…”

Qi Chao was skilled with his hands. In his previous life, he occasionally designed hairstyles for the dolls he made. However, since coming to this world, he hadn't combed the dolls' hair even once. 

Lan Luo had short hair and usually did it himself. Moss only let his father change the bandages, let alone combing hair.

As Qi Chao thought about this, he continued patiently explaining to Moss.

Once Moss nodded in understanding, Qi Chao couldn't help but smile warmly, his deep brown eyes filled with gentleness.

After finishing the doll's hair, Moss carried it out of Qi Chao's room. After a few steps, he looked thoughtfully to the side.

In the corner, Lan Luo was staring straight at Moss.

Moss tilted his head, looking down at him from above. His lips under the bandage moved slightly. “What?”

Big brother already has a doll.

Lan Luo looked at Moss. It seemed like his relationship with his master was getting better.

“Father said you're not allowed to like humans,” Lan Luo said to Moss.

Moss was puzzled. He lifted the doll in his arms a little higher and said in a hoarse voice, “I won't like them just because of the doll.”

Upon hearing this, Lan Luo was still somewhat displeased.

Moss ignored him, carrying the doll back to his own room. Lan Luo looked at the tightly closed door, then glanced at Qi Chao's room, which was similarly closed in the distance. After a few seconds, Lan Luo silently returned to his room.

Qi Chao was unaware of what was happening outside. He sat on his bed, thinking about starting his livestream soon. After some consideration, he opened the LightBrain to check out other puppet master's live streams to learn from their experiences.

It was around seven in the morning now. There were few puppet masters live streaming at this hour, and even fewer fans watching.

But every profession had diligent fans. Qi Chao browsed through a few puppeteers' livestreams, but they were not very lively. These puppet master’s either hadn't passed the association's certification or were at the bottom tier of the association.

Just as he was about to close the livestreams and go downstairs to work, his hand slipped, and the screen automatically started playing the next livestream.

Qi Chao saw the screen and instantly felt his previously decent mood sink.

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