Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 52


| PN | Werewolf Game | 52

“This is my friend; you can just call him Brother Shen,” Qi Chao explained to his younger brothers. He then introduced Shen Yuxi to Qi Feng and Qi Ye.

Just a friend?

Qi Feng and Qi Ye exchanged a glance. Qi Feng was the first to greet Shen Yuxi. “Thank you, Brother Shen, for taking care of our older brother.”

“It’s no trouble,” Shen Yuxi replied warmly. He turned slightly to Qi Chao and asked, “Do you need help getting to the restroom?”

Qi Chao glanced at the twins, who seemed lost in thought, and smiled at Shen Yuxi, saying, “Sure.”

Qi Feng and Qi Ye watched as their older brother, supported by the blond man, walked toward the restroom. They could still hear Qi Chao’s murmuring: “It’s already summer, but why are your hands still so cold?”

“It’s always been like this.”

The twins listened to Shen Yuxi’s gentle voice and couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions.

“Let’s go to the hospital for a check-up sometime.” 

After this, Qi Feng and Qi Ye couldn’t quite catch the rest of the conversation. Both were somewhat puzzled. 

In their memories, their older brother had never been so close to anyone before. Even though same-sex marriage is legal on Blue Star and their older brother called Shen Yuxi a friend, was it normal for two men to be this concerned about each other? 

And it seemed that Brother Shen had already been living in their older brother’s house for awhile!

“What do you think, Qi Ye?”

“It doesn’t seem like a typical friendship,” Qi Ye pondered. “But our older brother probably wouldn’t hide anything from us.”

After some discussion, they concluded that their older brother’s relationship with Brother Shen was definitely more than just friendship. It might be a friendship now, but the future was uncertain.

With this in mind, Qi Feng and Qi Ye couldn’t help but mentally label Shen Yuxi as Qi Chao’s future boyfriend, and their attitude became much warmer.

Shen Yuxi naturally noticed the change in the twins’ attitude. While he maintained his gentle demeanor, he was somewhat curious about why their attitudes had shifted. 

However, Shen Yuxi generally didn’t concern himself with matters outside his plans. 

Although he was intrigued, he didn’t dwell on it.

Qi Chao didn’t notice the change in his brothers’ attitude towards Shen Yuxi. To him, Qi Feng and Qi Ye had always been warm and welcoming.

While the four were chatting in the room, Li Bai walked in. Seeing the two new faces, he paused for a moment. Remembering that these were the two uncles who had been nice to him, he showed his little tiger teeth and greeted them.

Qi Feng and Qi Ye’s eyes instantly lit up upon seeing Li Bai. Their older brother’s puppet was known for its impressive abilities, and with Li Bai’s cheerful and lively personality, the twins were particularly fond of the puppet. 

Qi Ye immediately picked up Li Bai and placed him on his lap.

Li Bai didn’t resist and responded with his little tiger teeth showing, his golden amber eyes sparkling with a radiant smile that immediately won Qi Ye’s heart.

“Li Bai, where are Lan Luo and Moss?” Qi Chao asked with a smile.

Li Bai’s hair was already tousled by the Qi brothers, but he looked up at his father and answered, “Lan Luo is downstairs watching cartoons, and Moss is organizing the doll’ clothes.”

“Moss?” Qi Feng asked, a bit puzzled. When they had first arrived at the villa, they had only seen Lan Luo and Li Bai, without meeting Moss.

Qi Ye also looked up at Qi Chao, waiting for an explanation.

“Moss is another well-behaved puppet. He and Lan Luo were both made by Brother Shen,” Qi Chao explained.

Qi Feng and Qi Ye immediately turned their attention to Shen Yuxi. They were surprised to learn that Shen Yuxi was a puppet master and had created Lan Luo, an S-level puppet!

Although Qi Feng and Qi Ye didn’t know much about puppets, they understood that Shen Yuxi, being able to create an S-level puppet, must be an exceptionally skilled puppet master.

“Brother Shen is so impressive,” Qi Feng and Qi Ye immediately began praising him.

No wonder he gets along so well with their older brother, they thought. It turned out that they had similar interests. 

The twins felt that the two seemed to be a better match, with one being handsome and the other beautiful—a visually pleasing combination.

Curious about the unfamiliar puppet and seeing that their older brother didn’t seem as downcast as they had imagined, Qi Feng and Qi Ye decided to go downstairs to meet Moss. Before leaving, Qi Ye even carried Li Bai with him.

With the room now left with only Shen Yuxi and Qi Chao, Qi Chao looked at the energetic departure of his brothers and couldn’t help but laugh. 

The laughter pulled at his chest muscles, causing the initial smile to turn into a wince of pain.

Shen Yuxi looked down at Qi Chao's furrowed brows, his gaze darkening slightly before he spoke in a gentle voice, “Have you soaked in the cardiac care solution today?”

“Not yet,” Qi Chao replied, tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I was planning to do it tonight.”

Seeing Shen Yuxi’s disapproving expression, Qi Chao hesitated and then tentatively suggested, “How about I soak now?”

“Good,” Shen Yuxi responded with a soft smile.

Sometimes, the doctor could be a bit forceful.

Qi Chao chuckled lightly, watching as the doctor got up to start the machine. After a moment’s thought, he removed his shirt and slowly walked over to the machine.

To soak in the cardiac care solution, the shirt needed to be removed, allowing for better nourishment of the heart.

Shen Yuxi, after turning on the machine, turned around to see Qi Chao slowly making his way over.

The man’s abdominal muscles were well-defined, lean, and firm. He didn’t seem to mind being shirtless in front of his friend. His deep brown eyes carried a hint of nonchalance, and it wasn’t until his gaze met Shen Yuxi’s that a trace of amusement appeared in his eyes.

Shen Yuxi’s eyes briefly swept over Qi Chao's abdomen. Seeing the warmth in Qi Chao’s eyes, his fingers twitched slightly. 

He took a step to the side and said, “You can start soaking now.”

After speaking, Shen Yuxi picked up the book placed by the bedside and sat back in his chair, quietly reading. 

Qi Chao soaked in the care solution, the air filled with a faint herbal scent. He felt a slight itchiness around his heart. Looking up at the ceiling, he could hear the sound of Shen Yuxi turning pages, and from downstairs, the boisterous shouts of his two brothers yelling, "So cool!"

“Brother Shen, where is the Wolf King's remains?” Qi Chao asked.

Shen Yuxi's fingers paused as he turned a page. He looked at Qi Chao, his smile unchanged. He replied softly, “I put them away. Do you want to see him?”

Qi Chao continued staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. After a while, he tugged at the corner of his mouth, “No, that's okay. Brother Shen, I'm sure you’ll handle it well.”

“Mm,” Shen Yuxi's eyes remained gentle. “If you ever want to see him, you can tell me at any time.”

As he said this, he didn’t let on that the Wolf King's chest had a large hole pierced by Lan Luo. If Qi Chao were to see the remains, it would surely raise suspicions.

“Mm, thank you,” Qi Chao said, glancing towards Shen Yuxi and laughing softly.

At noon, Qi Chao ordered takeout instead of having Shen Yuxi prepare the meal. His two brothers weren’t picky, eating whatever was available while their eyes remained fixed on Moss with great interest.

"Big brother, Moss looks so cool with those bandages wrapped around him!"

Before leaving, Qi Feng excitedly spoke to Qi Chao, and Qi Ye, standing beside him, shared the same enthusiasm. 

Obviously, Moss's appearance had captured the hearts of the two teenage boys. 

"I think it's super cool too," Qi Chao affirmed with a nod.

Hearing their conversation in the living room, Moss started to undo and redo the doll's braided hairstyle. He lowered his head and looked at the doll, his dark eyes as indifferent as ever, but the air around him seemed to come alive.

Lan Luo, seeing his brother's actions, gave a light snort, his blue eyes full of disdain, clearly not agreeing with their remarks.

Qi Feng and Qi Ye only had one day off each week and had to hurry back for evening study sessions in the afternoon. Seeing that their big brother was in good spirits, they didn't stay long and soon left. 

Qi Chao also returned to his room.

After soaking in the care solution, Qi Chao's wounds were not as painful as before. Thinking about tomorrow's competition, he pursed his thin lips.

According to what Qi Feng said, Zhang Ya had the Wolf King stab him out of jealousy, intending to kill Qi Chao. If the doctor and others hadn't followed him at that time, Qi Chao might have lost his life.

Qi Chao recalled the way Zhang Ya approached him for a conversation before the second round of the competition. He lowered his eyelashes. 

Zhang Ya was an arrogant and conceited person, and it was possible he was jealous. However, Qi Chao didn't think he would be foolish enough to commit murder, especially under surveillance.

There might be some hidden conflict behind this.

After Zhang Ya confessed, the investigation on Qi's side was forcibly terminated. Qi Chao watched the projection screen, absentmindedly thinking that maybe the real culprit was indeed Zhang Ya, or perhaps the person who truly wanted to harm him was still in the third round of the competition.

Nevertheless, Qi Chao would not withdraw. Initially, he was only in it for the Double Mirror, but now there was an added layer of obscure emotions.

Everyone in the circle knew that Qi Chao had a good temper, but after years of struggling in society, anyone who truly believed he was a pushover was gravely mistaken. After all, in some ways, this guy was like a mad dog.

According to the usual rules, the main focus of the third round of the competition would be the puppets, showcasing their various qualities through a performance or game format. The specific rules would be announced tomorrow.

"Are you planning to compete tomorrow?" Shen Yuxi looked at Qi Chao.

"I'll compete," Qi Chao smiled. "It's just a minor injury. Even if I have to sit in a wheelchair, I'll be there tomorrow."

Shen Yuxi had anticipated this response. His thin lips curved into a gentle arc, and his peach blossom eyes formed crescent moons. "I'll get up early to make you breakfast tomorrow."

Qi Chao looked at Shen Yuxi. The blonde man's smile was always so gentle and perfect. He chuckled softly and said, "Alright, I'll get up early too."

The next day, Qi Chao woke up early to soak in a heart care solution. Forty minutes later, he stood up, and the transparent medicinal liquid slowly flowed down his waistline. Estimating the time, Qi Chao sluggishly walked down the stairs.

It had to be said that the medical advancements in this world were truly remarkable. Yesterday, Qi Chao needed someone to help him down the stairs, but today he could already make his way down, albeit slowly, on his own.

Li Bai, Lan Luo, and Moss were still upstairs asleep. When Qi Chao walked into the kitchen, he saw the doctor already preparing breakfast. It seemed like his hair was getting in the way; the long golden hair that was usually neatly braided into an intricate scorpion braid over his shoulder was now simply tied back with a blue ribbon.

Seeing his golden hair always made Qi Chao want to rebraid it for him. Just then, Shen Yuxi seemed to sense something and turned around. He smiled at Qi Chao, who looked much better than yesterday, and said, "You can sit and rest; I'll have breakfast ready in a bit."

Shen Yuxi rarely cooked personally. But perhaps because the man in front of him often cooked for him, Shen Yuxi thought it wouldn't hurt to occasionally make a meal to improve his favorability.

Qi Chao walked into the kitchen, found a chair, and sat down, chatting with Shen Yuxi here and there.

Shen Yuxi was always very patient with his pawns. He responded gently to every word Qi Chao said, and the next second he heard Qi Chao say, "Can I braid your hair later?"

"What?" Shen Yuxi was taken aback by this question.

"I think I might have been influenced by Moss. But seeing your golden hair now makes my hands itchy," Qi Chao smiled. "Trust my skills; I'm pretty good at braiding hair."

Qi Chao didn't find anything unusual about wanting to braid a friend's hair. After all, his friend's golden hair was truly beautiful, like silk. Surely, no one could resist touching his golden, shiny hair.

"Your wounds haven't healed yet; it's best not to move around too much," Shen Yuxi said. He had never let anyone touch his hair before. Even if Qi Chao was his pawn, he wouldn't let him touch his hair.

Qi Chao noticed Shen Yuxi's refusal but didn't push the matter. His dark brown eyes showed a hint of amusement. "Alright, maybe next time then."

Shen Yuxi nodded gently and continued chopping vegetables. Although he had refused Qi Chao, he still felt the man's gaze lingering on his golden hair. 

Shen Yuxi's eyelashes lowered slightly. That area was too vulnerable; he couldn't entrust his life to anyone else.

Qi Chao had just mentioned it casually. After being rejected, he took a few more glances at the doctor's golden hair before his attention shifted elsewhere.

After breakfast, Qi Chao and his group set off for the competition venue. Due to his injury, Shen Yuxi sat in the driver's seat this time. When they arrived, Shen Yuxi took a wheelchair out of the trunk.

Although Qi Chao was much better, the rules for the third round of the competition were still unknown. If it required standing for a long time, Qi Chao's physical condition wouldn't support it.

"Dad, I'll do my best!" Li Bai looked at Qi Chao in the wheelchair, his eyes unusually determined behind his mask.

Qi Chao looked at Li Bai, a slight smile tugging at his lips. He ruffled his child's hair and softly said, "Good, but Li Bai, you must remember that your safety is the most important thing to me."

This round of the competition focused on performances, so logically, there shouldn't be any risk of the puppets getting injured. 

However, Qi Chao still warned Li Bai about it in advance, to prevent him from jeopardizing his own safety for the sake of victory.

Li Bai observed the smile on Qi Chao's face and nodded. He pushed the wheelchair into the waiting room, and out of Qi Chao's sight, his eyes unknowingly took on a reddish glow. 

He wouldn't let his dad get hurt again. His dad was so good; whatever he wanted, Li Bai would get it for him.

"Li Bai, why are you looking down? Are you nervous?" 

When he heard his dad's voice, the unusual redness in Li Bai's eyes instantly vanished. His golden amber eyes were clear and bright. He looked at Qi Chao and grinned, showing two sharp little tiger teeth.

After entering the waiting room, the fans in the livestream chat reacted as if it were a holiday, excitedly flooding the screen with welcoming messages.

 However, they soon noticed that the great Qi was sitting in a wheelchair.

[Eh, what's going on with the boss? Why is he in a wheelchair? He doesn't seem to be in good spirits either.]

[He looks similar to Professor Qiao from the other team, but Professor Qiao looks like he could keel over any second.]

The barrage of comments was full of speculation. Qi Chao also noticed Professor Qiao sitting in a wheelchair like him. The already despondent man's face was completely bloodless, looking like a patient on the verge of death.

Professor Qiao also cast his gaze towards Qi Chao. Like a flailing fish, he struggled to nod at Qi Chao. The beastwoman beside him, for some reason, did not have her ears and tail visible, and she looked at Qi Chao with a hostile expression, clearly not liking him.

Qi Chao smiled amicably at Professor Qiao, but when he noticed the beastwoman's glare, he felt a bit puzzled. 

Li Bai, however, was not pleased with her expression and lightly scratched the wheelchair with his fingers.

The damage the Wolf King inflicted on his father had left a significant psychological shadow on Li Bai. Specifically, he was now highly vigilant of all puppets except for Moss and Lan Luo.

He must not let the beastwoman get close to his dad.

Li Bai thought to himself.

The third round of the competition had always been a self-performance showcase for the puppets. 

Although the format varied each time, the essence remained unchanged, with the judges' criteria being based on the audience and the panel.

Before the competition began, the organizers had Qi Chao and the others randomly draw identity cards. Then, the five puppets were led into a sealed room.

"In this competition, the five puppets are divided into two factions: Light and Dark."

"There is only one Dark faction puppet, who will randomly eliminate one Light faction puppet when the lights are off. When the lights are on, the surviving puppets must vote to identify the Dark faction puppet."

"Each puppet has one resurrection right and two voting rights. If the Dark faction puppet eliminates all the Light faction puppets, the Dark faction wins. Conversely, if the Light faction identifies the Dark faction puppet beforehand, the Light faction wins."

"During this period, the puppet masters can only draw identity cards and cannot provide any assistance."

Qi Chao was momentarily stunned upon hearing the rules. Isn't this just a modified version of the Werewolf game?

The host continued, "Of course, faction victory does not equate to an individual puppet winning the competition. The final assessment will be based on the combined scores from the live audience and the judges."

After explaining the rules, the competition officially began. In this third round, the puppet masters could not offer any additional help. Since this competition format was similar to previous ones, unlike the more novel first two rounds, the puppet masters present weren't too surprised.

Qi Chao watched the large screen showing the five puppets sitting in a brightly lit room. Li Bai seemed a bit curious rather than as tense as Qi Chao had expected. 

Seeing this, Qi Chao's dark brown eyes revealed a smile.

Not being nervous was good.

Qi Chao thought, as long as Li Bai gave his best effort, the result didn't matter. At worst, he'd just have to put in more effort negotiating with the association. With this in mind, Qi Chao shifted his gaze from the screen to the other puppet masters competing with him on stage.

When Qi Chao saw Zhao Benben sitting not far away with a smiling face, his gaze paused momentarily before he slowly redirected it. Although Zhao Benben looked friendly and approachable, Qi Chao had a rather poor impression of him—worse even than his impression of Zhang Ya.

It was an inexplicable feeling.

Qi Chao thought to himself as he turned his attention back to the large screen.

The rules introduced by the host were not difficult to understand. All the puppets present were at least A-level, so the simple rules were easy to grasp.

Since the five puppets were unfamiliar with each other, the organizers had arranged an introduction segment for them to facilitate the game. This segment was also part of the scoring criteria.

"S-level Warlock, Pepper."

The adult male puppet dressed in exotic attire spoke first. He adjusted his posture on the chair, causing his trouser legs to shift and reveal his firm, fair leg lines. His chin was slightly raised, and the intricate silver earrings made a pleasant chime.

The warlock’s livestream chat exploded with comments: [So beautiful, so hot, so sexy! Sister Xiu Mei really understands girls’ hearts. Sob!]

The beastwoman’s ears and tail were still hidden, but she maintained her graceful posture. Resting her arm on the armrest, her pale fingertips touched her lips, and her voice was tantalizing: "S-level Beastwoman, Chao Yang."

Following her, a sultry and seductive scorpion woman introduced herself calmly: "I am S-level Scorpion."

[Wow, sisters, look at me!]

The appearance of two consecutive beautiful puppets stirred even more excitement in the livestream chat.

"A-level Puppet, Yang Shi."

Yang Shi, an adult male puppet, had a handsome and rugged appearance. His father was the only puppet master in this round who did not produce an S-level puppet.

Although Yang Shi was not as famous online as the Wolf King, he had quite a following as another A-level puppet with eight-pack abs. When he casually lifted his shirt, the chat was flooded with comments.

According to the order from left to right, the last puppet was Li Bai.

Li Bai, well-trained in competition etiquette by his father, was unperturbed. He stood up and said crisply, "Hello everyone, I am S-level puppet Li Bai. If I do anything wrong in the upcoming competition, please bear with me."

He then performed a deep ninety-degree bow, flashing a bright smile, with his two sharp little tiger teeth visible on the screen.

This introduction left both the other puppets and the chat in shock. After a brief silence, the chat erupted in laughter.

[Hahaha, what is this? I feel like I’m back in the days of self-introduction at a literary performance.]

[Too cute! My goodness, such a serious look, I’m melting!]

[LOL, while everyone else is putting effort into their style and showing off their charm, Li Bai is just seriously introducing himself. Hahaha.]

The self-introduction segment was less about the puppets introducing themselves to each other and more about showcasing themselves to the audience. During the preparation for this round, the puppet master would go to great lengths to highlight their puppets' charms.

Whether it was the Warlock or the Beastwoman, every move they made was captivating and designed to attract attention. 

For them, this introduction segment wasn't as important as showcasing their beauty and sex appeal.

[To be honest, I’ve already forgotten what kind of poses they did before. All I can think about is Li Bai’s bow.]

[1, I have to admit, me too, haha.]

[That bow, hahaha, I’m dying. How can there be such an honest puppet master and puppet, hahaha.]

Li Bai sat obediently in his chair, ready to start the competition. He recalled the etiquette norms his father had taught him and nodded to himself. 

Li Bai hadn’t forgotten any of his lines and had said everything his father had instructed a long time ago.

In the audience, Shen Yuxi recalled the secret training manual he had read before. His smile grew, and his eyes sparkled with interest, as if he was anticipating something even more exciting.

In a distant corner, Agu, wearing sunglasses, was holding a telescope and laughing exaggeratedly. 

No one knew when Agu had arrived at the venue. On this hot summer day, he wore a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf. His previously colorful, eye-catching shirt had been replaced with a discreet brown coat, which also concealed his distinct ball-shaped joints. To outsiders, A Gu appeared to be an eccentric person with some issues.

The other spectators instinctively kept their distance from him, but Agu didn't mind. He kept his sunglasses on and looked through the telescope towards his father in the distance.

Agu, with his legs crossed and leaning back comfortably, looked up at the big screen. His green eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, were filled with amusement.

They are truly interesting.

Agu was eagerly looking forward to meeting Qi Chao. No matter what, he was determined not to let his father send him away.

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!! 💕

    Ah, Qi Chao is as smart as he is kind. He may not be actively playing the game, but he is, at least, aware that there is some game a foot and keeping an eye on it. Shen Yuxi may think him a valuable pawn, but he’s really underestimating the true depths of what he could get out of Qi Chao.
    Li Bai is once again baby, so cute! Shred the enemy! Win! Win! Also Moss warming up to others~<3~

  2. I am soooo ready for mad dog Qi Chao, also can't wait to see whatever the glowing red eyes mean!!!!! Hopefully violence!!!

  3. The good nature ones tends to be the more violent when provoked, puppets take after their masters so i rly believe it when Qi Chao says he can be a mad dog when rly angry after seeing Li Bai starting to get violent


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