The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 143


| TBBOTOF | 143

Tang Erhu's banquet was denied by Tang Xu.

The old father was unhappy. He crossed his legs, turned his head away, and sulked.

He had wanted to throw a grand banquet. After all, his son had passed the imperial examination to become a scholar!

He held his chubby son in his arms.

"Grandma, what's wrong with Grandpa?" The chubby boy held a piece of hard jiangmi bar in his hand. Though his little teeth couldn't bite into the hard bar, he loved the sugar coating on it. He licked and sucked at it, making his mouth sticky.

Wang Cuicui hurriedly used a damp cloth to wipe his mouth. "Your grandpa is angry."

"Why is he angry?" The chubby boy's big eyes were filled with confusion.

The family’s great-grandfather always said, as long as there's food and drink, there's nothing to worry about. So, what was there to be angry about?

Wang Cuicui looked at the sulking Tang Erhu and then glanced at Tang Xu, who was holding a cup of water. She thought to herself, ‘What could he be angry about? He's upset because he has no say in the matter.’

But she also understood. Throwing a lavish banquet just because someone passed the imperial examination to become a scholar? 

What did their family have to flaunt? Of course, she couldn't say that aloud. After all, she had only recently married into the family. Regardless of her relationship with Tang Erhu, she hadn't even met Tang Rui.

"Father, if you throw a banquet now that Ah Rui has passed the scholar exam, what will you do when he passes the provincial exam?" Tang Xu asked nonchalantly. "Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, we're just country bumpkins. Even if we have money, we shouldn't flaunt it. If you want the best for him, keep a low profile and don't be too ostentatious."

Tang Erhu still said nothing.

Tang Xu put down his empty cup and continued to persuade him, "Instead of spending money on a banquet, why not save it for Ah Rui's future wedding dowry? Now that he’s a scholar, ask him about his plans when he returns. See if he wants to continue studying for higher exams or get married first."

Tang Rui was sixteen years old. According to the local customs for marriage, he should already have a fiancée. Whether he plans to marry now or later needs to be decided soon.

Especially now that he has become a scholar at sixteen, he’s quite desirable. Wealthy townspeople without connections would definitely want to marry into the family.

But the final decision should be made after Tang Rui returns.

Tang Xu thought sixteen was a bit early for marriage. It would be better to wait until eighteen.

However, given the circumstances, a sixteen-year-old scholar could not remain without an engagement.

Tang Xu sighed silently and glanced at Tang Erhu, who seemed less angry. He said, "Ah Rui should be back by tomorrow at the latest. Discuss his marriage with him and see if he wants to transfer to another academy. You need to think about these things."

Tang Erhu, feeling a headache coming on, waved his hand and said to Wang Cuicui, "As his mother, you should ask him when the time comes."

"Father, what kind of joke is this?" Before Wang Cuicui could speak, Tang Xu continued, "Auntie hasn’t even met Ah Rui yet. How can you expect her to handle these matters?"

Tang Erhu's face tightened, and he frowned.

Tang Xu added, "Alright, alright, I'll ask him when the time comes. Auntie, don't worry. Father said that the old house over there is for Ah Rui. If he feels uncomfortable living with us, he can move there. I suspect he won't stay home for long anyway."

Wang Cuicui nodded without saying anything.

Tang Xu beckoned to the chubby boy, "Let's go. Come home with Daddy. Your little brothers should be waking up soon."

The chubby boy jumped to the ground and waved, "Grandpa, Grandma, I'm leaving. Miss me, okay?"

Wang Cuicui quickly brought out two small belly bands she had made for Tang Xu and then squeezed the chubby boy's hand, "We'll miss you. Grandma will come over early tomorrow morning." 

Who wouldn't adore such a cute little chubby boy?

Tang Xu took the boy's other hand, waved goodbye, and then headed out.

He thought Tang Rui would start heading back as soon as he heard the news. However, several days passed, then half a month, and there was no word from him.

Not only were the Tang family puzzled and anxious, but even the villagers couldn't help but gossip.

Having passed the scholar examination, why hadn't he returned home? The relationship with his family seemed fine, so what was keeping him away?

That year, a heavy snowfall lasted for three days.

After the snow stopped, a messenger arrived at Tang Erhu's house with a letter.

It wasn't that Tang Rui hadn't sent any news; the messenger had been blocked on the road by the snow. The county had experienced snow earlier and had been blocked for almost ten days.

Tang Erhu took the letter, had Tang Li prepare some hot water and food for the messenger, and gave fifty copper coins as a reward.

In the evening, Tang Erhu and his family went to the main house to read the letter.

After reading it, even Tang Xu, who was burping Er Bao, fell silent.

One had to admit, his younger brother was quite a troublemaker.

The letter could be summarized in two sentences: Tang Rui had married the daughter of a wealthy merchant in the county, he would move into a courtyard prepared by his father-in-law, and would attend a new academy.

Tang Erhu was silent for a long time, his face dark with anger.

Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu, took Er Bao from his shoulder, and the little one lying on the kang bed whimpered and looked around.

Tang Xu looked at him; the four-month-old was still small, chubby, but with little weight.

Old Wen had said that young gers were like that, with small frames, making them look smaller.

Now, Er Bao is bigger than the chubby boy was at that age, with notably long legs. Both Old Wen and Old Xu have predicted that the little one might grow to be taller and stronger than their father.

When Tang Xu heard this, his expression changed. Why should he grow so tall? It would just mean more food expenses.

Tang Erhu remained silent for a long time, and Tang Yang looked around before asking, "Is my big brother going to be a live-in son-in-law?"

Tang Xu's mouth twitched, and his eyelids fluttered.

This troublesome child, why did he have to say that?

Although Tang Rui wasn't exactly a live-in son-in-law, it was pretty much the same situation.

There was no way the daughter of a wealthy merchant would move to their village.

Feeling helpless, Tang Xu still needed to comfort his unhappy father.

"Father, think about it this way: our family isn't lacking money, and they must see potential in Ah Rui. He can have a better future."

After he finished speaking, Tang Xu received a blank stare from Tang Erhu.

It was rare for his father to roll his eyes, which Tang Xu found amusing.

"Alright, alright, didn't he say he'd come back before the end of the year to hold a banquet?" Tang Xu picked up the little one and placed him in his father's arms. "Here, hold him for a while and don't be mad."

Tang Erhu looked down at the little one in his arms and then at Tang Xu, unable to help himself from saying, "When you were little, you were like this too, not crying or fussing. Our Xiao Bao is really good."

The baby stared at Tang Erhu for a while, then suddenly turned his head, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Tang Erhu smiled, adjusted the baby in his arms, and gently touched his tiny feet.

The chubby boy climbed onto the kang and lay across Tang Erhu's legs, looking up at him. "Grandpa, are you still mad?"

"Not anymore. Being angry is useless; I can't control it." Tang Erhu tilted his head, pressing his forehead against his, a smile appearing on his face. "Didn't your father say that getting angry is bad for your health?"

The chubby boy nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, my dad said you shouldn't get angry because it makes you old."

Tang Xu burst into laughter and poked the boy's bottom. "When did I ever say that?"

The chubby boy covered his bottom and looked at him, "I don't remember."

He couldn't remember when it was said, but it had definitely been said.

Wang Cuicui was sitting nearby helping Tang Xu sew clothes. Wei Dong had previously torn a large strip off his new cotton-padded jacket while chopping wood in the mountains. 

Tang Xu wasn't skilled with a needle and thread; he could handle small repairs, but sewing such a large tear would be beyond him, and the result would likely be unsightly.

Wang Cuicui had offered to sew it, and now she sat beside them, her head bowed, stitching quickly and neatly. Apart from the seam, the rest of the fabric lay flat and smooth.

"Auntie, have you done sewing work before?" Tang Xu asked, noticing her speed and skill with the needle and thread, clearly beyond what one would typically learn from household mending.

Wang Cuicui smiled and hummed in agreement without looking up. She replied, "In the winter, when there's nothing else to do, I take on some sewing work to earn a few copper coins to supplement the household expenses."

Tang Xu nodded, tapping his chin lightly with his fingers.

Wei Dong observed Tang Xu's thoughtful expression and guessed he might have an idea. He asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"We still have some fabric at home. I was thinking of asking Auntie to help make a few sets of clothes," Tang Xu said as he got off the kang and went to fetch the remaining fabric. He hadn't realized how much fabric they had until he started looking through it, and he was surprised.

The fabric he brought back was in various colors and thicknesses, forming a large pile.

Wang Cuicui placed the mended cotton jacket on the kang and reached out to help him with the fabric, finding it quite heavy.

"Why did you buy so much fabric?" Wang Cuicui asked, flipping through the pile and noticing that many pieces were whole and uncut.

Tang Xu was stumped by her question.

Why did he buy so much?

"Of course, it's because we have a big family. Everyone needs a set, and it will always come in handy."

In their household, they didn't buy fabric by its size; Tang Xu and Wei Dong bought it by how it felt.

Scratching his face, Tang Xu explained, "I didn't pay attention when I was buying it. Before I knew it, I had bought a lot. Auntie, just make whatever you see fit. We should all have new clothes for the New Year. Pick out the colors you like."

Wang Cuicui waved her hand. "I don't need any. I still have clothes."

"They're all old clothes. Making a couple of new sets will lift your spirits." Tang Xu rummaged through the pile and pulled out two pieces of maroon fabric. "Use these, Auntie."

Wang Cuicui didn't refuse this time and thanked him.

"What's there to thank? We're family, and we're already asking you to help make the clothes." Tang Xu continued to sift through the fabric, pulling out two more pieces. "This one is for my dad, and this one is for Ah Dong."

Wang Cuicui nodded. "Use that black fabric to make a small cloak for the chubby boy. It'll keep him warm when he runs in and out of the courtyard."

"Great idea. There's still some cotton left. Auntie, take it home with you and make whatever you need." Tang Xu felt like giving away all their stored goods, worried that they might get damaged just sitting in storage.

Wang Cuicui had many ideas in her mind. With so much fabric, she had plenty of room for creativity and could make whatever she liked.

"Dad, we don't really know what's going on with Ah Rui. How about we let Ah Dong go to the county to check on him?" Tang Xu asked as he walked her to the door.

Tang Erhu waved his hand dismissively. "Let him be. Whatever he does, it won't be worse than staying at home."

To be honest, he was disheartened by the whole situation.

Later, as they were getting ready for bed, Wei Dong was cradling Er Bao to lull him to sleep. 

Tang Xu was sitting by the kang, soaking his feet, while gently rocking the crib where Xiao Bao lay. He looked up at his husband and asked, "Do you think Dad will be able to sleep tonight?"

"Not just tonight. Tang Rui will have to come back and kneel to apologize before Dad can sleep well," Wei Dong replied.

Tang Xu sighed, feeling troubled. "We'll have to ask Mr. Xu to prescribe some calming medicine for Dad tomorrow."

Meanwhile, the very person they were worried about, Tang Erhu, was also soaking his feet. Wang Cuicui sat next to him and asked, "Is the water too hot?"

"It's just right," Tang Erhu said, moving his feet a bit. "You should soak your feet too. Stop working."

Wang Cuicui folded the fabric she was handling and placed it in the big chest, smiling. "These are high-quality materials. Xu Ge'er is generous."

"He's always been generous with the family," Tang Erhu replied as he dried his feet and climbed onto the kang, laying out the bedding. "My eldest brother was spoiled by his mother."

Wang Cuicui paused for a moment but said nothing.

Tang Erhu lay down and pulled the blanket over himself. "Forget it. I can't control him anymore. Let him do whatever he wants."

Wang Cuicui opened her mouth to speak but ultimately decided against it.

She had just finished putting the fabric away and turned around when she heard Tang Erhu already snoring on the kang.

It couldn't be said that he was sleeping poorly; he fell asleep very quickly.

She sighed, realizing her worries were unfounded.

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  1. Tang Rui really is a pain in the ass.. He got married without inviting his family not even his father.. tsk.. Maybe his the biggest villain.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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