The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 128


| TBBOTOF | 128

This matter has been on the mind of his family for a year.

After Tang Erhu divorced Liu Xiangxiang, within a couple of months, many people started making inquiries. Tang Erhu was not only a major contributor to the family income but also supportive of his children. 

He was in his prime, he was strong and tall, an excellent worker. It was no surprise that even some unmarried young women had their eyes on him.

Unfortunately, he later had an accident that broke his leg, and any thoughts of remarriage were put aside. 

Once he recovered and started building a new house, the village gossipers turned their attention back to him. Everyone wondered where he got the confidence and the money to build a new house. 

After all, even if his old house had collapsed, he still owned the land and didn't need to buy a new plot to build on.

When it became known that Tang Xu provided the funds for the new house, the sour remarks were endless. But no matter what people said, Tang Erhu went about his business as usual. 

With the completion of the new house, renting out his fields, and moving into the new home with his children , Tang Erhu, now a single man with children, became a hot topic in the village.

The elder members of the Tang family were always concerned about the second son's situation. 

Seeing his life getting better, they couldn't suppress their desire to find him a new wife. After all, with the children growing up, the household needed a female head to manage things. It wasn't proper to have an unmarried daughter running the household.

Most importantly, Tang Erhu was just in his early forties and it wasn't feasible for him to remain single. 

When Luo Pingping came over to help make mooncakes, the elderly woman of the family talked to her at length, urging her to persuade Tang Erhu to remarry. Despite Luo Pingping's several attempts to broach the subject, Tang Erhu always managed to avoid it with vague answers.

Having no other options, Aunt Luo turned to the two children, knowing that Tang Erhu now valued their opinions greatly. If they agreed for their father to find a new wife, the matter would be halfway settled. Luo Pingping didn't think to discuss it with Tang Xu, mainly because she felt that even though Tang Xu was close to his natal family, he shouldn't be overly burdened with such matters, especially since he was quite busy. As her mother-in-law said, "Nothing is more important than my Xu Ge'er."

Tang Xu sighed, thinking about what kind of wife his father should look for while feeding his baby. Meanwhile, in the study, three young boys were sitting with their chins resting on their hands, their cheeks squished into soft, pudgy shapes.

Wei Xi looked at Xu Ze, then at Tang Yang, and couldn't help but break the strange silence. "Why aren't you two saying anything?"

"What should we say?" Xu Ze turned to Wei Xi, his cheek bearing a red imprint from his hand. "You know what my dad and stepmother are like. If they weren't good to me, Grandpa wouldn't have brought me here." After saying that, he pursed his rosy lips, looking inexplicably cute with his wide eyes.

Tang Yang also lowered his hand, pouting and letting out a small humph.

Wei Xi and Xu Ze turned to look at him, both with puzzled expressions. What's wrong?

"I'm not afraid that my dad will spoil my stepmother and let her bully my sister and me. I'm already a little man and can protect my sister," Tang Yang said, patting his chest with a serious and earnest expression. "And my dad isn't that kind of person."

"Uncle Tang is very nice. He definitely wouldn't do that," Wei Xi nodded in agreement.

Xu Ze, having spent less time with Tang Erhu, usually didn't stay close to him. However, he had observed how Tang Erhu interacted with his younger relatives and thus nodded in agreement as well.

"So what's bothering you?" Wei Xi asked, confused.

Tang Yang sighed like a little adult, propped his chin on his hand again, and pouted, saying, "I'm just thinking about what kind of wife would be suitable for my dad."



Wei Xi and Xu Ze exchanged glances, thinking he was overthinking things. After all, they were still young, and even if they had any ideas, no one would listen to them.

"We should go find Brother-in-law. He'll definitely listen to you," Wei Xi said, pulling Tang Yang. "Whatever kind of stepmother you want, just tell Brother-in-law."

"I don't want a stepmother," Tang Yang pouted, even though he knew his mother wouldn't come back, he still didn't want a stepmother.

Tang Xu was in the house trying to get the baby to sleep. After finishing a bottle of milk and burping him, the chubby baby, who was full of energy, didn't want to sleep. Occasionally, he would let out a soft, milk-filled coo and wiggle his chubby body.

Tang Xu's arms were getting sore from holding him, so he looked down and made eye contact with his son.

"Why are you so energetic?"

The baby gurgled and grinned at him, revealing a tiny white tip emerging from his pink lower gums.

What was that?

Teething already?

A hundred-day-old baby teething?

Tang Xu was astonished and stared at it for a while.

The chubby baby was very cooperative, gurgling and babbling at his daddy.

Tang Xu leaned in to take a closer look and saw the tiny tooth emerging. 

Such a small child already teething?

Not having much experience with babies, Tang Xu wasn't sure if this was normal. He decided to take the baby to find Old doctor Xu. 

Just then, the three little ones lifted the curtain and entered, only to see Tang Xu holding the baby as he came out of the main house, looking a bit surprised.

"Are you two not practicing calligraphy? Why are you here?" Tang Xu was puzzled.

Seeing his expression, Wei Xi asked, "Brother Xu, what are you doing?"

"It seems the kid is teething, so I’m taking him to see doctor Xu." Tang Xu glanced at the three of them. "What about you guys?"

"We have something to discuss with Brother," Tang Yang leaned closer and reached out. "Let me hold him."

Tang Xu handed the chubby baby to him. Despite Tang Yang being not quite tall enough, he had enough strength and held the baby steadily. Tang Xu kept his arms open, ready to protect the baby to prevent any accidents.

"What do you need me for? Is it urgent? If not, let's go see Doctor Xu first," Tang Xu asked.

The three boys shook their heads together, indicating it wasn't urgent. Nothing could be more pressing than the baby teething.

They arrived at the west wing where Old Xu's room was. The doctor had just woken from his nap and listened groggily to Tang Xu's explanation. He opened the baby's mouth to look and checked his pulse, concluding there was nothing wrong.

"Your child is being raised meticulously, eating and sleeping well. He's growing fast. Teething must be uncomfortable, it will cause more fussiness than usual," the master remarked.

Tang Xu felt relieved, thanked him, and returned to the room with the baby. They placed him on the heated kang, and the three boys followed. They took off their shoes and socks upon Tang Xu's request before sitting around the table.

Tang Xu set the table, brought out some baked cookies, and poured goat milk. The cookies, baked with goat milk and sugar, smelled delightful. They kept a dairy goat specifically for the baby, separate from the wild mountain goats in the hills. This dairy goat was quite productive, providing plenty of milk every day.

As they ate, Tang Xu sat cross-legged, patting and soothing the chubby baby in his arms. After the commotion, the baby soon grew tired and fell asleep.

Tang Xu placed the baby in a small bed and looked at the three boys drinking their milk. "So, what did you want to discuss with me?"

"Brother, have you heard Auntie talking about finding a wife for Dad?" Tang Yang munched on his cookie, crumbs around his mouth. He wiped his mouth and said with some disappointment, "I don't want a stepmother."

Tang Xu sighed. No matter what, it was impossible for Tang Erhu, a robust man in his forties, to remain single forever.

"Ah Yang, I understand you, but you need to care for Dad," Tang Xu gently brushed the cookie crumbs off his face and softly said, "Take the time when Dad hurt his leg, for example. If there had been a woman in the house, Dad would have recovered much faster and people in the village wouldn't have gossiped."

Because he had taken Tang Erhu in to care for him, the villagers had gossiped for a long time. 

Tang Xu didn't care what others said about him, but he knew that Tang Erhu was unwilling to go out because he didn't want to see the strange looks from others.

Tang Xu continued gently, "Your sister has been tirelessly taking care of the household since your mother passed. Don’t you think she gets tired, even if she doesn’t say so?"

Tang Yang pressed his lips together and lowered his head in silence. Though young, he wasn't blind. He saw his sister working hard to earn money and his father getting exhausted from working in the fields.

Having someone to help with cooking, washing clothes, watering the garden, and feeding the chickens and pigs would indeed lighten the load on everyone. Tang Yang took a deep breath, realizing that another person helping out would ease not just his sister’s burden, but his own as well.

"Dad hasn't mentioned remarrying, probably because he's worried you won't accept it. Should I ask him about it?" Tang Xu patted his head. "Don't worry about things that haven’t happened. Your brother won’t let you suffer."

Tang Yang looked up at him, eyes red. "Brother, I'm sorry, I was being unreasonable."

Tang Xu hugged his shoulders and smiled, "You’re already very sensible, Ah Yang. Don’t blame yourself. You and your sister don't need to worry about this matter. It's not something kids should handle. I'll talk to Dad."

Tang Yang vigorously nodded, believing in his older brother.

That evening after dinner, Tang Xu handed the child over to Wei Dong and headed to the new room. Tang Erhu was soaking his feet; although his leg injury had recovered well, he still used herbal packs to promote circulation and prevent lingering issues.

Sweating from the heat of the water, Tang Erhu wiped his brow and saw his eldest son come in through the door curtain.

"Why are you here at this hour? Is something the matter?" Tang Erhu looked puzzled.

Tang Xu grunted, poured out the basin of water, washed his hands, and returned. His father had already finished wiping his feet and was sitting cross-legged on the kang.

"What is it?" Tang Erhu patted the edge of the kang, motioning for him to sit.

Tang Xu remained silent, poured himself a glass of water instead.

Tang Erhu grew even more puzzled, studying him as he took the water.

Nothing seemed amiss.

Remembering Tang Xu's earlier teasing remark about finding a stepmother, Tang Erhu understood.

He didn't say anything, waiting for Tang Xu to speak.

After sitting down and taking a sip of water, Tang Xu got straight to the point. "Dad, what kind of woman would you like to find?"

"..." Tang Erhu twitched his mouth slightly, asking so directly?

However, his eldest son had always been straightforward, so he didn't hesitate. "As long as our temperaments match."

Who wouldn't want a wife? Sleeping alone at night was cold.

"As long as they match?" Tang Xu tilted his head, puzzled. What did that mean? How would you know if they matched without getting to know them first?

He squinted, suspicious.

Tang Erhu coughed lightly, avoiding eye contact slightly.

Tang Xu's eyes widened instantly. "Dad, you're interested in someone!"

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  1. oh wow.. Love is in the air for Papa Erhu.. hehhe
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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