It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 98


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 98

The man lying on the bed didn't respond, only the sound of his prolonged breathing echoed in the quiet room. Strands of disheveled hair lay scattered on the pillow. His usually gentle yet somewhat unapproachable features now softened into a completely harmless state.

Being so defenseless, he didn't seem to fear that Celtic would do something to him.

Celtic brushed aside a strand of his hair and brought his lips close to the blood flowing neck. His sharp teeth lightly grazed over it. Just piercing here would allow him to taste that delicious blood again. He smiled faintly, but when he bit down, he didn't break the skin.

As Celtic got up and left through the window, Lin Su, who should have been deeply asleep in bed, stirred under the blanket after a moment. His hand touched the slightly numb spot, chuckled lightly, and fell back into sleep once more.

Lin Su's routine was to wake up and dress when his biological clock signaled morning. After tidying everything up, he would have breakfast. Afterwards, he would decide whether to go out based on the information about vampires provided by Arno and the others.

Such work attitude was undoubtedly convincing. However, today as he descended the stairs, everyone's gaze was fixed on the bright red mark on his neck.

Ian brought breakfast over, his eyes continuously glancing there. He kindly reminded, "Mr. Lin, did you check the mirror before coming out today?"

Lin Su paused in his actions and looked at him, asking, "Is something wrong?"

"No, no," Ian quickly waved his hands, "Nothing's wrong."

Lin Su acknowledged and continued eating his breakfast. Arnold, coming out of the studio, placed today's work on Lin Su's desk and glanced at the red mark, "Mr. Lin, did you check the mirror before coming out today?"

Ian awkwardly scratched his head, and Lin Su responded, "Since I didn't check the mirror, it seems something is indeed wrong."

Arnold looked at the red mark and bit his lip. "You have a mark on your neck. It might not be good if you go out."

Such marks might be unfamiliar to him as a human, but having experienced such things, there were some matters that he now understood without needing further explanation.

Lin Su touched his neck and lowered his head to pick up a nearby report. "It should be fine to go out tonight."

"You..." Arnold hadn't slept at night, but he hadn't heard anything either.

Such intimate marks certainly wouldn't be left by a stranger, but by someone very close, someone allowed to get close to him.

Had the person he said his blood belonged to come?

"Done?" Yi Zelai glanced at Lin Su's neck as he came downstairs.

Lin Su chuckled. "Half done."

"Half done and yet you're showing it off." Yi Zelai rolled his eyes lightly.

"After all, he wanted to leave it sneakily. Covering it up would just prove I'm pretending to sleep." Lin Su chuckled softly.

Celtic's arrival certainly wouldn't escape Yi Zelai, the ancestor of the vampires, definitely possessing that kind of keen perception.

When Lin Su talked to others, he had to be very clear, but when he talked to him, they both understood what each other meant without needing to spell it out.

Yi Zhelai made a slight sound of agreement and, passing by Ian, grabbed his wrist and pulled him close, lowering his head.

Ian asked instinctively, "Are you hungry?"

Yi Zhelai lightly bit his neck. Ian trembled instinctively but didn't feel the process of bloodsucking before Yi Zhelai had already withdrawn.

A vivid kiss mark remained on his fair neck.

Yi Zhelai tugged at the corner of his lips. "Then I'll accompany the host's whims."

Before anyone could react, he turned and opened the door to the basement. "I'm going to sleep," he said.

Ian, left holding his neck, cheeks flushed bright red, stammered, "This... I..."

"It looks quite nice," Lin Su commented after finishing breakfast, observing the mark. He leaned closer to the puzzled Ian and smiled, "But things obtained too easily are rarely cherished by anyone."

Yi Zhelai seemed accustomed to Ian's presence, but between them wasn't love, as the ancestor had mentioned before—vampires don't develop love for food.

Ian was puzzled. "What do you mean by 'things obtained too easily'?"

"...It's fine if you don't understand," Lin Su straightened up and left.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. There's no need to overanalyze everything; sometimes, it's a rare form of happiness.

As Lin Su left, he didn't take the report with him. Arnold picked it up and hurried after him. "Mr. Lin, you left something behind."

For men, a kiss mark like this wasn't much of an obstacle. Those with families might have their possessiveness triggered, and those without might just get their lovers fired up. But wearing such a mark in a professional setting was undoubtedly careless. Unlike ladies' cosmetics, a high-collar shirt was enough to conceal such a mark.

Working at night meant traveling during the day. Vampires moved swiftly, and delays in acting upon received information could result in irreversible casualties by the time they arrived.

This particular vampire was skilled at hiding, making it challenging for Lin Su to resolve the situation. By the time everything was settled and he had accepted the villagers' thanks, the moon was already high overhead.

Traveling at night was not difficult, but returning now would likely mean arriving at dawn. The young vampire who had just established a relationship with him probably needed rest by now as well.

Just as Lin Su was considering resting where he was, a faint rustling sound broke the silence, and a few leaves fell from the trees. This was normal in the jungle at night, where nocturnal creatures sometimes ventured out to hunt.

Lin Su busied himself setting up the tent, another leaf fell directly onto his hair, hitting its mark perfectly.

Sighing lightly, Lin Su murmured, "Stop playing around and come out."

There was no response.

His hands were swift, and he quickly erected the tent. After finishing, as he leaned out to zip it closed, he poked his head out and said, "If you don't come out soon, you'll be spending the night out here alone."

A faint breeze, and Celtic was already crouched before Lin Su, saying, "How did you know it was me?"

"Intuition," Lin Su smiled from inside the tent. "The moment you appeared, I knew it was you."

"Oh? Telepathy," Celtic remarked, finding the man quite adept at romantic banter. Yet, such understanding and tactful words were far more comforting than straightforward ones.

"How did you find your way here?" Lin Su asked.

Celtic held a note between his fingers and said, "You knew I would come to find you and tried to send me away with just a note? Not happening."

"This time it's urgent," Lin Su stepped aside. "Come in and talk."

He didn't ask if Celtic wanted to come in; he simply invited him. Celtic raised an eyebrow. "In such a cramped tent?"

"Doesn't it look like a coffin?" Lin Su chuckled.

Celtic hadn't thought about it that way, but now intrigued, he took off his shoes and stepped inside. The tent, already narrow, barely accommodated two men lying down. In the darkness without a lamp, their excellent night vision meant they could see each other clearly without intertwining their arms, their breaths seeming to embrace each other.

Celtic reached out and opened Lin Su's collar, examining the now faded mark. "Why cover it up? Are you afraid of being seen?"

"Not afraid, just too much public display of affection invites disaster," Lin Su replied softly.

"That's an interesting way to put it," Celtic said, running his fingers over the area and smiling. "Since you're not afraid, let's make this mark deeper."

Leaning in, his lips touched the skin like a snowflake, cold and tingling. Lin Su naturally wrapped his waist. "If you want to leave a mark, then kiss a bit more passionately."

"More passionately?" Celtic's fangs grazed over the skin. "What if I draw blood..."

"If you draw blood, you'll have to take responsibility," Lin Su's other hand rested on his head, a silent agreement like their first meeting.

"Alright, I'll take responsibility." Celtic got the silent consent, and as his fangs pierced, he almost sighed in comfort upon tasting the rich blood.

Feeling slightly numbness from the neck, Lin Su stroked his hair, speaking as if soothing a cat. "Take it easy; no one's going to steal me away."

Celtic licked his lips, feeling his long drought satisfied as he released the bite. Saliva helped heal the wound, and he half-leaned on Lin Su, asking, "Do you want to be my feeder?"

Lin Su touched his cheek and smiled. "From a man's possessive perspective, I'd prefer not to have other humans' blood flowing in your body."

Celtic wiped his lips and said, "But relying only on your blood, you might die before I'm even satisfied. Humans are quite fragile creatures."

When even their lives aren't equal, how could love arise?

"Do you want to try if I can satisfy your hunger?" Lin Su's eyebrows twitched.

Normal people couldn't, but with his current constitution, feeding one or even ten more wouldn't be a problem.

"Hmm?" Celtic's arms were crossed over his chest. "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I am afraid of death. If I die, I won't see you again, so I won't joke about my life." Lin Su replied, "Do you dare to try?"

Celtict's fingers tightened. The brevity of human life made the vampire sigh. It took him over a hundred years just to set up the Blood Binding Web to capture Ye Zelai, and this person probably had less than half of that lifespan left.

If he sucked his blood without restraint, he'd probably only last a few months at most.

Maybe he could give it a try. If Lin Su deceived him in the end, he could just turn him into a vampire, forever under his lineage's control.

"Do you humans all value longevity? Without moderation, it's like killing the hen that lays the eggs, draining the pond to catch fish. Do you think I'm foolish?" Celtic tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Exactly, you're being foolish," Lin Su teased, his fingers gently caressing Celtic's eyes. He clearly understood the emotions that flashed through him just now.

He used a declarative tone. If anyone else dared call him foolish, Celtic would surely show them who the real fool was. But this person...

"Where am I being foolish? Go ahead, explain," Celtic said with a slight raise in his voice. If he couldn't come up with a good reason today, he would surely let him know how formidable he was.

"Everywhere, foolish as can be. Do you really need specific examples?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

Celtic clenched his fist directly, but Lin Su grabbed it with one hand, and in a twist, his body was already turned over and pressed down underneath.


"Shh, it's time for me to collect my reward." Lin Su lowered his head and kissed his lips.

Inside the tent, it was pitch black, the enclosed space making Celtic feel somewhat comfortable, and the warmth of this man...

After a kiss, Celtic held onto Lin Su's arm, breathing slightly to calm his emotions. "You still haven't answered my question."

"I just like someone as foolish as you." Lin Su lay on his side, hugging him tightly and smiling.

While vampires have a natural seductive ability and understand what human affection looks like, they don't always understand themselves. The silly little vampire in front of him clearly hadn't fully grasped the situation yet.

Celtic inexplicably felt like hitting him, but unlike earlier when he wanted to hurt him, now he just felt some annoyed emotions, burning with nowhere to vent. "But I don't think I'm foolish. You can't think of any examples of my foolishness, but I can think of examples of my intelligence."

Lin Su could easily list examples of his foolishness, as simple as being outwitted by him before, or liking him without realizing it. But those who dare to list such examples are fierce individuals, either ending relationships or enduring retribution.

Lin Su still didn't want to experience how good hospital food can be.

"Key mistake," Lin Su chuckled. "The point of what I said is that I like you, so whether you're smart or foolish, I still like you. And you say you're not foolish."

Celtic suddenly felt a bit foolish in that moment, as the most taboo thing about speaking sweet nothings is when the other party doesn't quite get it. His previous words, which bordered on indulgence, had received the most wooden reaction, making him want to rewind and start over.

He hooked Lin Su's neck and pulled him closer. "Have you ever had other lovers before? Answer me seriously."

Their eyes met, and lies can sometimes be seen through pupils, a talent vampires excel in.

Lin Su looked into his eyes and said, "In this lifetime, I have only had you."

There was no flicker or shift in his pupils, clearly indicating no falsehood in his words.

But how could that be? A natural talent? Celtic hesitated as he looked at him. "You..."

"High emotional intelligence," Lin Su smiled. "Dealing with humans is much harder than falling in love."

Understanding social dynamics is the hardest skill to learn. Those who understand the essence of relationships surely understand love, but it's simply a matter of whether they choose to love or not.

"I find you quite narcissistic," Celtic poked his cheek. "You've got thick skin."

"If my skin weren't thick enough, how could I have won you over?" Lin Su shifted down, hugging his waist and burying his head there. "There’s no pillow, lend me your lap."

He held Celtic in a way that resembled hugging a large body pillow, giving Celtic the feeling that this man seemed to be acting spoiled, which was... kind of cute.

"Aren't you going to ask me?" Celtic asked, lowering his head.

Buried in his chest, Lin Su replied in a muffled voice, "Ask what?"

"Ask about my past," Celtic reached out, holding his head.

The strands of hair in his hand were silky and smooth, like the finest fabric, yet with a hint of firmness, much like the man himself.

On the surface, he appeared gentle, but in truth, he was the kind not to be trifled with.

"Everyone has a past, no matter what happened before, I only care about the person I see before me now," Lin Su slowed his breath.

His attitude seemed magnanimous, but Celtic couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he wasn't that invested.

When humans like someone, even if they don't say it outright, they tend to be dissatisfied with that person's past, perhaps even jealous.

"I've had other lovers, aren't you bothered?" Celtic asked.

Lin Su chuckled softly, "Even if others are interested, who could capture your eye?"

"Maybe there's someone better than you," Celtic felt strangely comforted by his words.

"If there's someone better than me, why would you choose someone second-rate like me?" Lin Su countered.

Small blood vampires were proud inside and out, and had particularly strong wills. Even if they had past loves, they wouldn't easily show it, and if exposed, they might even become angry.

With such temperament and strength, coupled with an exceptionally striking appearance, they were destined to live solitary lives.

Hearing this response, Celtic felt like this person understood him quite thoroughly. He understood his pride and knew he wouldn't easily fall for someone.

"You're quite smart," Selt lightly scoffed, "Who said I've taken a liking to you?"

"Then is there still someone from your past residing in your heart?" Lin Su raised his head and asked, "Is there?"

It seemed he wasn't entirely indifferent, it was just deeply concealed. Celtic's lips curled up slightly, "What if there is?"

Lin Su's expression became serious: "I don't get involved with someone who still has feelings for someone else, even if I really like you."

System 06 analyzed, 【  Being in a relationship while having feelings for someone else is squarely in the realm of scum behavior. Does the prince really have someone like that?】

Host has passed through countless worlds, but this is the first time encountering such a situation, it was quite pitiful, maybe its host won't want to date anymore in the future.

【  Of course not.】 Lin Su knew where the system's train of thought was going again, but unfortunately, it didn't go the right way.

System 06 still didn't understand humans: 【  What about you?】

【  Appropriate jealousy can make a lover feel that you care about him a lot.】Lin Su imparted.

Completely not being jealous means not caring at all, but being too jealous can cause arguments, even making the other person feel overly concerned or annoyed, or feeling easy to manipulate, and can't leave themselves anymore.

Vinegar is one of the five flavors, so it is naturally an indispensable part of life.

【  Oh.】 System 06 thought it might be the silliest system.

Celtic felt that what he was saying was the truth, not a threat, but if he really had someone else in his heart, this person would not hesitate to leave.

With his strength and ability, he could suddenly appear in his life and could disappear from his life.

"Who do you think someone like me would be attracted to?" Celtic said, slightly turning his eyes

Though his words were harsh, in this moment he knew he had set aside his pride and bowed his head to explain to this man. He didn't want him to disappear, wanted to talk to him, to see him, to be like this moment now, even if it meant intrigue, not knowing which words might entangle him, he still wanted to talk to him.

What this feeling was, he couldn't distinguish for now, because the man who called him foolish once again gave him a kiss that seemed capable of scorching his heart.

The recovery ability of the vampire race was extremely strong, which also made it difficult for Lin Su to leave a kiss mark on Celtic's neck, but the little vampire race could freely plant a strawberry field on his neck.

"This is called reciprocity." Celtic moved his eyebrows slightly, violet eyes full of pride, like a child who had successfully done something naughty.

Lin Su had a good night's sleep. When he woke up, the vampire race lying beside him had his eyes closed, indicating that it was already dawn outside.

The breath of the vampire race was faint, the body not stiff but very cold. Lin Su touched his cheek and got up to tidy up. The sunlight outside was starting to become dazzling.

The vampire race wasn't particularly afraid of sunlight, at least Lin Su had seen Celtic appear in the sunlight before, but such brightness undoubtedly made him uncomfortable.

After Lin Su finished arranging everything, he wrapped the sleeping little vampire race in a cloak and picked him up. When he opened his eyes for a moment, he was confused and then closed his eyes again: "Where is this?"

The body remained cold even through the clothes, but it had to be said that under such sunlight, it was as comfortable as hugging a cooling board. Lin Su wrapped the person tightly and said, "We are still at the place where you slept last night. If you're tired, just sleep. I'll take you back."

Celtic felt a bit dizzy. He didn't know when he fell asleep, even let his guard down and slept in front of a human, a vampire hunter at that.

If news of this got out, the entire vampire clan would probably think his mind had gone bad.

But even with such thoughts, he felt less worried than he imagined, and even somewhat reassured.

"I hate the sun." Celtic tightened his cloak.

No vampire liked this sunlight that seemed to be able to harm them at any moment.

"I should have rushed back last night." Lin Su led the horse, lifted him onto the saddle with one hand, and had him sit against his chest. "Sorry, I didn't plan well."

It was indeed very late last night, and human biological clocks were geared toward daytime activity and nighttime rest. Of course, night owls existed, but in this era with limited technological advancement, staying up late was undoubtedly very boring.

Therefore, even he had moments like this when he didn't consider the consequences.

"Just get back." Celtic wasn't going to make a big deal out of this small mistake, especially since he himself had forgotten about it last night.

The embrace was comforting, and as Celtic tightened his cloak, Lin Su waved the reins.

The sound of hoofbeats crushed a few fallen leaves, and they were soon far away.

Simply traveling wasn't difficult. Lin Su's horse stopped in front of the villa just before the sun reached its most scorching moment.

Due to the sound, the door of the villa opened. Ian stuck his head out and glanced, saying, "Mr. Lin is back."

His gaze shifted to the person wrapped in a cloak in front of Lin Su's horse and asked, "Did you bring back a new vampire?"

Celtic was not deeply asleep on the horse, especially when they stopped, his consciousness immediately woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at Ian, asking, "Who are you?"

His face was tightly covered under the cloak, even his hair was hidden completely, but the nobility and allure in his voice couldn't be concealed. It was the voice of someone of high rank, entirely different from a newly brought-back vampire trembling with fear.

Ian's voice softened a bit, "My name is Ian."

"Oh, so you were the one who took someone else's name back then. You're quite cute," Celtic said, eyeing Ian's fair face with some interest. He truly wanted to taste the special-grade blood that had been claimed by the progenitor, but just as he was about to make a move, his waist was firmly held.

Lin Su leaned close to his ear and said, "I have an agreement with Yi Zelei. If you don't cause trouble for him, he won't trouble you. But if you do..."

"Don't I have you too? Are you afraid of him?" Celtic leaned against Lin Su's chest and asked.

"I'm not afraid of him, but if you dare to drink someone else's blood, I'll ensure you never touch a drop of mine again. I mean what I say," Lin Su whispered softly in his ear, full of threat.

Celtic gritted his teeth. He felt restrained by this human again. Just as he was thinking of breaking free from this restraint, Lin Su chuckled, "Besides, his blood isn't as delicious as mine."

"You're not a vampire, so how would you know?" Celtic sensed Lin Su relenting, his tone inexplicably softening.

"If you don't believe me, I can let Yi Zelei taste a bit of mine," Lin Su laughed.

"No!" Celtic instinctively objected. He would never allow other vampires to touch what belonged to him.

"Then how else can you compare and believe me?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

"Let's not compare." Celtic didn't want to gamble on this man's resolve, but his tone carried a hint of malicious compliance.

Lin Su dismounted, grabbed his wrist, and helped him down from the horse, holding him in his arms as they walked towards the door.

Ian watched their movements with widened eyes. Such intimacy was rare; even if the vampires Lin Su brought back were weak, he had never embraced them like this. Yet this vampire was clearly full of vitality.

His surprise was evident, and as Lin Su passed by, he chuckled, "This is my lover, no need to be surprised."

"Oh, okay." Ian nodded repeatedly, not surprised anymore but now intensely curious. What would someone favored by Mr. Lin look like?

"Does he need to rest? There's a newly customized coffin in the basement." Ian followed behind them.

Many vampires lived here, and even Yi Zelei needed a coffin. There was no need to shy away from it like ordinary people.

"Where would you like to sleep?" Lin Su asked quietly, lowering his head.

Celtic raised his hand and hooked it around Lin Su's neck. "In your bed."

Although a coffin was more comfortable for him, as someone new here, he needed to assert his dominance clearly, even against someone like Yi Zelai, the ancestor.

"Okay." Lin Su understood his meaning and carried him upstairs. As they turned the corner, he addressed Ian, who was watching eagerly, "Could you please take the horse to the stable?"

"Of course." Ian snapped out of his daze and hurried off.

Once in the room, Lin Su laid Celtic on the bed, drew the blackout curtains closed, then approached the young vampire who was just removing his cloak. Just then, Celtic raised his hand and pinched his ear, saying, "Isn't he your servant? You are so polite to him."

"It’s a bit sour?" Lin Su chuckled, sniffing lightly.

Celtic rolled over on his bed and said defiantly, "I'm not jealous of him."

The young vampire's mood was arrogant, his mouth extremely stubborn. In system terms, one could define him as... tsundere?

Lin Su lightly flicked his forehead. "Underestimating someone can easily lead to stumbling."

Even the most powerful individuals, if they offend or belittle others recklessly, might end up ruined by the very person they look down upon.

"Like you did before?" Celtic lay there, watching him.

The most humiliating moment of his life was due to his own underestimation, when he didn't regard humans highly. This man had shown him firsthand the consequences of such arrogance.

Lin Su sat on the edge of the bed. "You could see it that way."

"Hmph..." Celtic pulled up his blanket, wrapping himself up entirely.

He knew Lin Su was right. Among vampires, many higher-ups had met their end due to rebellion from their servants. 

As such a leader, he couldn't afford a threat to his life. It was akin to wolves competing within a pack: a weakened alpha would be defeated, driven away, or even lose their life. The clan would lose their vital blood and become desolate.

Being in the wrong made him angry precisely because he couldn't argue against it.

"Alright, my bad. I should have spoken to you properly instead of teasing you." Lin Su patted the blanket.

Celtic shifted slightly and mumbled, "I’m going to sleep."

Such a straightforward apology, not forgiving might make him seem like he cared too much, like he was petty.

"Okay." Lin Su patted his blanket again, sitting beside him, waiting until all movements and sounds had settled before lighting a candle in the room.

He sat at the desk writing down secrets to enhance the strength of the bloodline, secrets he had accumulated from his worldly experiences. With everything nearly in his grasp, promises made must naturally be fulfilled; forgetting or going back on them was absolutely not good behavior.

After finishing writing, Lin Su dried the paper still fragrant with ink over the candle flame, folded it, and tucked it under Celtic's pillow while he slept.

Sleeping for vampires was different from humans; they wrapped themselves tightly in their covers, seemingly not afraid of suffocation.

The sky outside had already darkened when suddenly, the previously quiet covers started moving. The vampire lying down abruptly sat up straight. If Lin Su hadn't been prepared, this sudden motion would have been startling, almost like a corpse coming to life.

Unlike noon, this time Celtic merely blinked to regain his composure upon seeing Lin Su, his eyes lighting up. "Hungry."

Since he wasn't allowed to drink others' blood, He decided to let him experience the weakness caused by excessive blood consumption first.

"You need to wash up and brush your teeth before you can eat," Lin Su pointed to the wash area.

Celtic jumped out of bed and, on his way to the washroom, threw Lin Su a seductive glance. "Wait for me," he teased.

"Alright," Lin Su agreed.

Night was the time when humans slept deeply and vampires woke up. When Yi Zelai came out, he noticed Ian repeatedly glancing upstairs, seeming concerned. "What's going on?"

"Mr. Lin brought his lover," Ian said solemnly.

"Lover, really?" Joe, who had just come out of the lab, heard this and immediately hurried down the stairs. "Where? Where is she?"

Someone who can catch Mr. Lin's eye, he finds it hard to imagine what kind of person that would be.

Ian was startled by Joe's loss of composure and pointed upstairs. "They are still in Mr. Lin's room."

Joe hesitated for a moment, his expression turning to admiration. "Mr. Lin is truly extraordinary."

She had just been brought into the house and had been in the room for a long time without coming out.

"You have to stay away from him." Yi Zelai had long anticipated this day. With that man's methods, Selt could not escape.

Ian didn't understand. "Um, why?"

"No reason, it's for your own good," said Yi Zelai.

Celtic was defeated, but that guy was definitely not the type to listen obediently. He had done a lot of things that were said to be one thing but were actually something else. After all, the decision to use others to take Ian away was something he had ordered.

Ian obediently said, "Yeah," got up, and followed Yi Zelai. "Where are you going, Yi?"

"Eat," Yi Zelai said as he headed to the kitchen.

In the refrigerator, there was stored blood for the vampires and for humans here.

"Aren't you drinking mine today?" Ian asked hesitantly as he followed him.

"Do you want to die?" Yi Zelai asked in return.

"Well... not right now," Ian said.

Their conversation was already commonplace for Joe, living under the same roof with blood relatives and vampires was something he had never dared to imagine before.

Joe was in a great mood thinking about Mr. Lin's future life plans being resolved. Just as he turned around and almost bumped into someone, he quickly stopped and said, "Arnold, what are you doing here?"

Arnold's long eyelashes drooped slightly as he replied, "Ian said Mr. Lin brought his wife back."

"Well, Ian's words should be trustworthy," Joe scrutinized his expression. "Aren't you happy for Mr. Lin?"

"I am happy for Mr. Lin," Arnold smiled slightly at the corners of his lips. "I'm feeling a bit unwell and want to take a day off. Could you help me with that?"

"Sure, I can..." Joe pondered.

"If you're not feeling well, what's wrong?" Lin Su's voice came from upstairs at that moment.

At the same time, another charming voice followed, "There are only two possibilities when a vampire isn't feeling well. One is severe injury leading to exhaustion, and the other is emotional distress."

Arnold had never heard this voice before and stiffened for a moment, lowering his head. "I just want to rest."

"If you want to rest, go ahead," Lin Su chuckled. "I hope I'm not the kind of boss who mistreats employees."

"Thank you, I'm sorry," Arnold replied with his head down.

As Lin Su approached, Arnold instinctively turned aside, watching him pass by with another person. When he lifted his head, his gaze was captivated by the person accompanying Lin Su.

Perhaps this shouldn't be called a person, because this "person" was a vampire, so gorgeously refined that it surpassed countless humans, and the bloodline suppression was undeniable.

The appearance was stunningly beautiful, whether it was the attire, the hair, or those violet-like pupils, all of which made him feel ashamed of his own appearance.

"It's okay, he didn't mean it just now, he's just straightforward. Don't mind him," Lin Su said to Arnold, then left with Celtic.

He seemed to apologize, but he was actually defending him. Watching their backs, Arnold felt they were unexpectedly well-suited, and Mr. Lin's gaze and tone towards the vampire were unusually gentle.

The blood that belonged solely to that vampire, the tenderness and protection that belonged solely to him, and the intimacy that belonged solely to him—it truly made people envious.

"It's nothing," Arnold whispered softly, but instead of leaving immediately, he stood there somewhat masochistically, watching the remarkably well-matched pair.

"You have quite a few vampires here," Celtic should have been satisfied and happy after being fed, but because Lin Su showed no signs of weakness despite him being full, he felt like he had lost a bit.

He had never won against this man, which he could accept, but coming out and seeing a vampire looking affectionately at him—it felt like a wall had been built in his heart.

"I hired them, they have more energy than humans," Lin Su let him sit on the sofa and said, "Would you like something to drink?"

Celtic didn't want anything to drink now, and he suspected this man was doing it on purpose: "Do you think I'm not satisfied enough?"

"Then let me massage your stomach." Lin Su sat beside him, placed his hand on Celtic's waist, and chuckled, "Don't force yourself too much. If you really gain weight, it'll be my fault."

Celtic didn't direct his gaze towards Arnold, but he enjoyed behaving intimately in front of someone he coveted. "Would you dislike it if I gained weight?"

"Of course not. Whether you're fat or thin, it's all you. Do you think I'm that shallow?" Lin Su countered.

Celtic turned to look at him and after a while, he said, "I think you are."

"Then he should be interested in me," Yizelai emerged from the kitchen with a wine glass filled with blood, looking coldly at Celtic.

Once fierce rivals among the vampires, the atmosphere momentarily became tense. Celtic smirked mockingly, "Although the Ancestor is stronger than me, the fact that he isn't interested in you only means you're uglier than me."

His ability to mock was truly top-notch, causing extra embarrassment when enemies meet.

Yi Zelai's fingers holding the glass turned slightly white. Just as the glass was about to shatter, Ian peeked out from behind him and said, "Are you Mr. Lin's lover? You're really good-looking."

Yi Zelai's poised demeanor collapsed instantly. Celtic burst into laughter and remarked, "Where did you find such a sweet talker?"

Ian blushed slightly, "You flatter me."

Yi Zelai set the glass aside and grabbed Ian by the collar, pulling him away directly. "Come here, I need to talk to you."

There couldn't be another incident of causing a scene like this.

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