The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 122


| TBBOTOF | 122

With the intention of not letting a good seedling go to waste, Tang Xu originally planned to refuse Liu's offer. 

However, Chef Liu expressed that Tang Xu's ideas were very innovative, and making something delicious with such simple ingredients was impressive. 

Tang Xu covered his face, thinking he wasn’t that skilled; it was just a recipe from the future. 

Even without all the exact ingredients, he could find some substitutes. Chef Liu kept praising him, making Tang Xu feel a bit embarrassed.

Looking at the teenager next to him, who was taller than himself and quite sturdy despite his thinness, Tang Xu asked, "How old are you?"

"Thirteen." The teenager,who was in the voice change period, had a very hoarse voice, but his eyes were clear and sincere.

Tang Xu rubbed his chin and turned to see Tang Li coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of cooked skewers.

"Brother, do you want some?" Tang Li asked with a smile, then noticed the two people next to Tang Xu and greeted them with a smile.

Tang Xu looked at her in surprise, "When did you make the noodles?" He had taught Tang Li how to make noodles from potatoes before, but they had run out. He had planned to make more when the new potatoes came in, to dry and store them for later use, and to make some potato starch for everyday use.

"Recently. I made them near the new house with Dad and Ze Ge’er’s help. Brother, these noodles sell quickly; everyone loves them." Although it was tiring, she was in a good mood because they could make some extra money every day. "I saved some noodles in the kitchen; we can have them with chicken for lunch."

"I'll help." The teenager walked over while Tang Li was speaking and took the heavy bowl from her hands.

Tang Li was startled and looked at him in surprise, then nervously at her brother.

Tang Xu waved his hand, "You all go ahead and do your work. I'll talk with Chef Liu for a bit."

With one tall and one short figure walking out of the courtyard, Tang Xu turned to Chef Liu and motioned for him to sit.

In the courtyard, there was a cool shelter made of bamboo by Wei Dong, with small tables and chairs set up underneath. On the table was a teapot with cool tea brewed by Tang Xu.

"Have some tea," Tang Xu said, pouring a cup of cool tea for Chef Liu. "Try it and see how it tastes. It's good for relieving heat and calming internal fire, and it’s a recipe given by Old Doctor Xu."

Chef Liu picked up the small cup with a smile and took a sip.


It was both bitter and cool, with a lingering sweetness after swallowing. The light tea fragrance filled his mouth and nose, and a refreshing coolness spread to his forehead.


Chef Liu took another big sip. The coolness went down his throat and made him feel invigorated.

"What's in it..." He started to ask but then stopped himself, knowing that the recipe was likely not meant to be shared. Otherwise, this kind of cool tea would probably already be sold at the nearby medicine hall.

Tang Xu smiled and took a sip of tea himself. In reality, the recipe was just an ordinary cool tea recipe with added mint and hawthorn, which made it not too bitter and very refreshing.

Mint was a common herb used in medicine shops, though not in large quantities. Old Doctor Xu had once gone to Yuanbao Mountain, brought back some mint, and planted it on the hillside of their backyard. Mint grew rapidly and abundantly, especially with the frequent rains, so they now had plenty of it.

Tang Xu used fresh mint to brew water, and when Old Doctor Xu saw this, he gave Tang Xu some other herbs to brew together, leading to the final version of mint cool tea.

The chubby baby in the stroller made a humming sound, drawing Tang Xu's attention to him. Just as he was about to pick up the baby, he saw the child suddenly freeze and stop moving.

Tang Xu's lips twitched, and he sighed in Chef Liu's puzzled gaze, apologizing with a smile, "Sorry, my son just pooped."

Chef Liu burst into laughter. "No problem, take your time to clean him up."

Tang Xu quickly pushed the cart back to the house. If he didn't clean up the chubby baby quickly, he would start crying loudly after finishing defecating.

One time Tang Xu didn't pay attention, and the little rascal squeezed out a bit of urine. The diaper got a small wet spot. Others might not notice if it were on them, but the fat child couldn't tolerate it and cried with a red face.

Tang Xu and Wei Dong touched the diapers, but didn't feel it was wet. Then they hugged and coaxed the child for a long time, but it didn't get better.

Later, Tang Erhu heard the chubby baby’s crying from the other side, and picked up the child to comfort him. Could it be that they didn't change the diaper? Upon opening it, there were traces of wetness.

After that incident, Tang Xu knew that his son was a clean child. The diaper must not have any dirt on it, or he would cry.

As he expected, as soon as the small cart entered the house, the chubby baby pouted and was about to cry.

"Oh dear, good boy, good boy, don't cry, Daddy will change it for you!"

Tang Xu quickly unwrapped the soiled diaper, held his breath to clean his buttocks, and then changed it to a new one.

He had done it many times, so his movements were quite skillful, but he couldn't help feeling nauseous because of the strong smell.

Although disgusting, he also remembered Wei Zhonghong's advice to pay attention to the child's stool status. He picked up the fat child and put him in the cart, bent down to pick up the soiled diaper on the ground, and it looked fine.

He pushed the stroller out, washed his hands, and then returned to chat with Chef Liu.

"My younger brother's family has many children. His wife doesn't know what's going on. They have a child every year, all sons, six in total," Chef Liu poured himself a glass of cold tea and drank comfortably. Seeing him come back, he started talking.

Tang Xu raised his eyebrows. Six sons were quite impressive, but having so many sons must be worrying.

However, Chef Liu changed the subject and said, "Their family conditions are pretty good. The children themselves enjoy working in the kitchen. With so many sons, they don't have to worry about supporting them in old age. Plus, having children in the middle is not like they are unloved by parents, and there aren't many people who envy that, so they simply send them to me."

"I don't have a son. So sending him over here is like having him be my son, to take care of me in my old age," Chef Liu is really familiar with Tang Xu and trusts him very much, so he is willing to tell him about his family matters.

Tang Xu smiled, "That's great. Your nephew is almost like your own son. I can see he's a good kid."

"He's diligent, capable, and learns fast. He's been with me for just over two years and has learned almost as much as I have," Chef Liu praised enthusiastically, "If he could become your apprentice, he'll definitely surpass me in the future. Don't you think so?"

Tang Xu sighed, "Is there something on your mind? Just tell me straight."

Chef Liu fell silent for a moment, then clicked his tongue.

"My body is no longer suitable for standing and working for long periods of time. Even though I have a second chef and apprentices to help, I still have to do the cooking myself, which exhausts me. Recently, my back pain has gotten so bad I can barely move. I talked about it with Boss Wu and I'm thinking of retiring."

Tang Xu nodded, "You're planning to take a break at home."

"Yeah, Liu Yao is steady and mature for a thirteen year old boy. He understands that I haven't taught him much. He even mentioned working as an assistant in the restaurant to help others. How could I let him bear such a burden? I teach apprentices myself, but I haven't been as meticulous with my own child. You're different. You have a good temperament and surely can teach him well." Chef Liu praised heavily, determined to keep him here no matter what.

Tang Xu looked at Liu Yao coming in from the front gate, carrying a wooden bucket, probably to fetch water.

"The backyard has a well."

Liu Yao looked up and shook his head. "Ah Li asked me to get some ice."

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow when he heard him say Ah Li. It seemed they had gotten along quite well while working together just now.

"You can get the ice from the ice cellar. There's a cover on the side, and when you pull it open, there's a door. Just follow the stairs," Tang Xu pointed in the direction. 

Liu Yao nodded and went to fetch the ice.

Tang Xu turned to Chef Liu and said, "If he stays with me as an apprentice, I won't show mercy." 

He thought about how previously he had suggested to Tang Erhu that they let Sister Li manage a snack shop, and with Liu Yao around, things should progress more quickly. 

However, he had to be honest about it.

"I don't know how others take on apprentices, and I don't have many demands. But if his character isn't up to standard, I'll send him back." Tang Xu planned to have Wei Dong and Tang Erhu both assess Liu Yao when they returned, as they were better judges of character than he was.

Chef Liu was pleased and promised that his child was definitely a good one.

Liu Yao didn't formally become an apprentice, but Tang Xu decided to keep him around for observation first. If he proved to be a good fit, he could then officially become an apprentice.

After Chef Liu left, Liu Yao stayed.

For dinner, Liu Yao cooked. Without saying much else, the taste of his cooking was even better than Tang Li's, and his knife skills were impressive, showing the hard work he had put in. He sliced the shredded potatoes so finely that they could thread a needle.

"Impressive!" Tang Xu gave him a thumbs up.

Liu Yao stayed in the vacant room beside the west wing. When he arrived, he only brought a small bundle with him, not much in terms of belongings. 

Tang Xu brought over a thin blanket, and seeing him making the bed, he said, "You don’t have to be formal with us. Treat this place like your own home. If you need anything, just let me know. I've known your uncle for a long time. Even if you can't be my apprentice, I won't let you suffer."

Liu Yao is taller than Tang Xu, and indeed doesn't look like a thirteen-old child. 

He politely accepted the blanket and said, "It's my fortune to come here to learn your craft. I will definitely work hard."

Tang Xu awkwardly smirked. What skill does he actually have? He's more of an opportunist.

Scratching his head, Tang Xu decided to write a cookbook when he got back, listing everything he could think of, at least to make it seem like there's a tradition. If anyone asks why he knows how to cook, he could make up a story about finding this cookbook!

Of course, these were just his own wild thoughts. In reality, he'd return to the house to discuss things with Wei Dong.

Wei Dong was happily playing with his chubby child on the kang, pleased with his son's boldness. 

After listening to Tang Xu's words, he said, "Sounds good. He can stay to help with cooking and chores. It would give you some free time to rest."

"Let's keep him at home for now. If his character is good, I actually want him to help out at the small shop with my dad and Ah Li." Tang Xu had previously mentioned this to Wei Dong, so when he finished, Wei Dong nodded in agreement.

Both of them just wanted more apprentices and helpers; neither had thought beyond that.

However, what followed was unexpectedly a promotion for Liu Yao's status!

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  1. Oooh nice! I wonder what will happen?!

    Thank you for the update

  2. I have a wild guess.. Ah Li's husband??🤔

  3. Become Tang Xu's brother in law? eheheh
    thank you for the update.. 🐾❤️

  4. Force apprenticeship is really the most hatful thing
    why the MC need to teach other his own money making crafts to other😑
    Why he need to benefits other
    I wish the MC refuse him

  5. I wanted to ask a few chapters back where that second aunt's babygirl had her 100 day celebration... Is there a chapter missing inbetween or some paragraphs? Because after MC and ML came over and talked to the aunt, there was nothing else mentioned and in the next chapter it directly skipped to shortly before MC went into labor... what happened?

    1. That's one of the chapters that I still haven't fixed (where the raws where confusing). I might have time this weekend to fix it but I am somewhat busy, sorry if it caused you any confusion. (´・ɷ・`)


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