It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 123


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 123

"What… did you just call me…?" For a moment, Ji Heng almost thought he had misheard.

"Look, Lin Su is peeling shrimp for the class monitor. How about you peel some for me, brother?" Ning Qiu said with a smile.

He said it again. He called me 'brother' again. Maybe he’s the only child in his family, so he needs the love of an older brother.

"Ahem," Ji Heng cleared his throat and said, "Since you called me brother, then I’ll peel one for you."

Ning Qiu: "???"

It seems like he didn’t find it disgusting at all.

Ji Heng started peeling the shrimp. The shell of a crayfish is not the same as that of a river shrimp; it’s easy to accidentally make it splatter, especially for a novice. It’s entirely possible to get it all over your face.

Ji Heng fell victim to an unfortunate mishap, with his face and clothes getting attacked by splashes of spicy oil, making him look quite the mess. 

But with Ning Qiu watching expectantly, he couldn’t afford to lose to a mere crayfish.

Just as he finished peeling the shrimp and was about to place it on Ning Qiu’s plate, Lin Su, on the other side, was holding a peeled shrimp and bringing it to Ye Huaitang’s mouth, his other hand holding a tissue to prevent any liquid from dripping.

"Baby, I’ve peeled it all for you. Say 'ah…'" Lin Su drew out his tone as he spoke.

He was usually considerate, but not to the point of flaunting their relationship so blatantly. Ye Huaitang's gaze met his for a second, and with a slight smile, he took the shrimp into his mouth. 

After Lin Su wiped his mouth, Ye Huaitang said with a smile, "Thank you, brother. You're the best."

"It's nothing. As long as you're happy, that's what matters most," Lin Su replied with a smile.

Ji Heng: "..."

Damn, now they're not even trying to hide it anymore, huh?

Ning Qiu quickly caught on and tugged on Ji Heng's sleeve. "I want my brother to feed me too."

Ji Heng suddenly felt a bit flustered, as if feeding him like that wasn't such a hard thing to accept. "What do your brother and his brother have in common?"

"Nothing really, but doesn't it mean the same thing?" Ning Qiu smiled sweetly, looking both well-behaved and innocent.

If Ji Heng didn't realize he was being played at this point, he'd really be in trouble. "You little brat, you looking for a beating?"

"A gentleman uses his words, not his fists." Ning Qiu stood up, leaned over, and quickly took the piece of shrimp from Ji Heng's hand with his mouth. He chewed it happily and said, "Mmm, shrimp peeled by brother really is delicious. So good~"

His smug little expression was really asking for trouble. Ji Heng didn't really plan to hit him, but he couldn't just let it slide either. With a quick move, Ji Heng's oily hand made its way onto Ning Qiu's fair, slightly chubby cheek.

Ning Qiu froze mid-chew, his eyes widening as he looked at Ji Heng. "What the heck, playing dirty now?"

"You started it." Ji Heng moved to grab him again, but Ning Qiu let out a yelp and quickly slipped under the table. When he emerged on the other side, he was holding Ji Heng's shoe.

"You little brat, stop right there!" Ji Heng stood up, but couldn't run fast on one foot. Walking around in his white socks on the busy floor was pushing his limits. "I won't mess with you anymore, just give me back my shoe, hurry up."

"I don't believe you." Ning Qiu stuck out his tongue, took the shoe, and headed out. "I'll go wash up first; you guys keep eating."

Inside the private room, Ji Heng hopped around a few times before realizing how ridiculous and exhausting it was—mostly ridiculous. He finally gave up and sat down on the chair closest to the door, covered in oil stains and missing a shoe, looking quite pitiful. "I’ve fought dozens of people before and never ended up like this."

"It just means he's your nemesis," Lin Su said with a smile.

"Well, even the Buddha was Sun Wukong's nemesis." Ji Heng tugged at his stained clothes, realizing he'd probably have to throw them away. But then it occurred to him that making the little brat wash them would be even better. "Are you saying 'the more cunning the monk, the more cunning the demon'? This is just the first round; let’s see who’s the Buddha and who’s the demon in the end."

"No, I was going to say that Sun Wukong eventually converted to Buddhism." Lin Su calmly peeled a shrimp, making it look surprisingly obedient in his hands. With just a squeeze, a twist, and a pull, the shrimp meat came out whole and was placed into Ye Huaitang's plate with a smooth, gentle motion.

Ji Heng: "…What are you trying to say?"

It’s like as soon as a brother gets into a relationship, he changes into a different species.

"Figure it out yourself." Lin Su smiled.

When Ning Qiu returned, his face was still damp, but all the oil stains were gone. He sat down in the seat furthest from Ji Heng, looking incredibly well-behaved on the outside, but his words were infuriating. "Poor brother."

Ji Heng decided not to bother with such trivial matters right now. "Where’s my shoe?"

Ning Qiu let out a sound, "Oh, I forgot. I'll go get it for you."

The shoe was returned, but the clothes didn’t get washed. When Ji Heng made the unreasonable request, Ning Qiu replied, "Sure, take it off right now, and I'll wash it for you immediately."

Ji Heng tugged at his clothes, wanting to take them off, but something felt off. If he took them off, even with an outer jacket, he'd still be bare underneath. 

Walking out like that, even if others didn’t think he was a pervert, he’d feel like one himself.

"Go on, take it off. Why aren’t you taking it off? I can't wait to wash your clothes," Ning Qiu said with a smile.

Ji Heng: "..."

Damn, this little brat is really taking advantage and playing innocent. In the past, he could’ve easily taken down a dozen guys.

But seeing Ning Qiu's smug expression... A grown man acting all cutesy, what’s that about?

The meal was lively, and after they said their goodbyes, Ye Huaitang chuckled, "Judging by the way they left, it looks like this whole winter break is going to be quite eventful."

"Enemies are destined to meet; just ignore them," Lin Su said, gently touching Ye Huaitang's cheek, which had grown cold from the wind. "Let's focus on ourselves."

Winter break would soon be followed by the New Year. While others were returning home, the two of them boarded a plane to H City.

Lin Su had no intention of returning to that home, and his biological father wouldn’t call him back either. It seemed that Ye Huaitang had reconnected with his parents, but he also wasn’t going back.

"Is it really okay not to spend the New Year with them?" Lin Su asked.

"It matters, but I can't leave you alone, can I? Or if you want to come home with me, that’s fine too." Ye Huaitang tilted his head, resting it on Lin Su’s shoulder.

The first-class cabin was spacious, with large seats that allowed them to lean on each other without attracting attention.

Underneath the blanket, Lin Su held Ye Huaitang's hand and said, "Then we can fly to H City, catch the first flight back, meet your parents, and maybe even arrange our marriage as soon as we’re of age."

Ye Huaitang smiled slightly. "Do you really want to marry me?"

"Absolutely," Lin Su whispered.

Ye Huaitang gently squeezed his hand twice. "Then we have to establish a solid foundation first. I'm the only heir of the Ye family; they may accept me being away, but I doubt they’ll allow me to be with another man. We need to be prepared."

He knew he had to work very hard, hard enough to resist the financial control of the Ye family. If that was the price to be with Lin Su, he was willing to pay it.

"Don't worry." Lin Su patted his cheek. "I'll take care of everything. All you need to do is marry me."

"Why are you so sure it’s you marrying me and not the other way around?" Ye Huaitang pinched Lin Su’s waist playfully.

"Well, why don’t we compete to see who marries whom?" Lin Su teased, gently tapping Ye Huaitang's nose.

The flight to H City only took two hours. They spent the time together, watching the variety show they had downloaded earlier, and before long, they had arrived.

Lin Su had meticulously planned every detail of their trip. After they landed, a private car was ready to pick them up, and by the time they reached the hotel, Ye Huaitang hadn’t had to carry anything heavy for more than a few minutes.

"Hello, we have a reservation for one room," Lin Su said at the front desk, holding both of their IDs.

Ye Huaitang, standing beside him, leaned closer when he heard this. "One room?"

"Certainly, please wait a moment." The receptionist checked their IDs and handed over the room key card. "You can take the elevator over there."

Lin Su took the key card, grabbed their luggage with his left hand, and naturally took Ye Huaitang’s hand with his right. "Let’s go."

He led them so naturally that Ye Huaitang was caught off guard, feeling as if everyone around them was watching. It wasn’t until they were alone in the elevator that he asked, "Why only one room?"

"Would you rather we have two?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow slightly. "We’re in a different city, and you’re so good-looking. What if someone targets you?"

"I’m a man," Ye Huaitang retorted, a bit exasperated. "That’s not going to happen."

"It’s precisely because you’re a guy that you need to be cautious. After all, the law mainly protects girls’ privacy and safety. If something happened to you, where would you go for help? It’s safer to stay with me," Lin Su said with a smile.

Ye Huaitang scoffed lightly, "I’m starting to think staying with you might be the real danger."

The elevator dinged as it opened, and Lin Su continued leading Ye Huaitang to their room. After opening the door and dragging the luggage inside, he didn’t even wait to turn on the lights. 

Ye Huaitang found himself pressed against the just-closed door, receiving a familiar and intensely passionate kiss. 

"You guessed right," Lin Su whispered.

In the dark, the atmosphere was charged with intimacy, amplifying the desires they both held within. 

In a foreign city, alone together, Lin Su wanted to take advantage of the moment, and Ye Huaitang, almost instinctively, wrapped his arms around Lin Su’s waist, meeting his kiss with equal fervor. Deep down, he too longed to be taken over by this man.

The light was switched on in the midst of a haze, and Ye Huaitang blinked, instinctively shielding his eyes from the sudden brightness. 

The bed he was on felt soft beneath him, but the man who had just carried him there was now busy elsewhere.

As Ye Huaitang caught his breath and sat up, he noticed that the room was indeed spacious, complete with a living room area, TV, and sofa—everything they might need. What surprised him, however, was that instead of a single bed, the room had two.

Lin Su was by the luggage, efficiently unpacking their belongings and placing essentials within easy reach in the bathroom. He even pulled out bed linens and started making the beds. His ease with household chores was evident—there was no fumbling as he smoothly fitted the duvet cover and straightened the sheets.

"You booked a twin room from the start?" Ye Huaitang asked, lazily removing his jacket and propping himself up to watch Lin Su’s actions. "No wonder you brought two sets of bed linens."

He had assumed they would be staying for a while and that the extra linens were for changing, but it turned out the room had two beds.

"Yep," Lin Su replied, smoothing out the linens on the other bed before bringing the second set over to Ye Huaitang’s side. "And why didn’t you bring a set of your own, then? What’s your plan?"

After all, Ye Huaitang’s standards of cleanliness were much stricter than his.

Ye Huaitang smiled subtly and got up to help Lin Su turn down the covers. "I thought you brought them," he said, clearly making an excuse. 

Lin Su didn’t call him out on it, and together they finished making the bed.

When they arrived, the snow on the streets had been thick, but it hadn’t been snowing. By the time they finished lunch, however, the snow was falling heavily outside, blanketing everything in sight. Looking out from the hotel window, they could see people playing in the snow on the nearby square. 

Despite the disruptions, large patches of snow remained untouched, a sight that was truly rare in the south.

"Do you want to go down and have a snowball fight?" Lin Su asked, hugging Ye Huaitang from behind as they stood by the window.

Ye Huaitang slightly tilted his head and asked, "Are we spending the New Year here this year?"

"What do you think?" Lin Su asked in return.

Ye Huaitang smiled, "People usually buy New Year’s goods, and I’ve heard that many shops close as the year ends. How about we go shopping for some New Year’s goods?"

"Sure, no problem," Lin Su agreed easily.

The snow outside was heavy, and with temperatures dropping to below freezing, Ye Huaitang obediently layered up with a wool sweater under a thick down jacket. His tall and slim figure made him look like a moving penguin in all those layers. 

Lin Su, equally bundled up but taller and sturdier, looked like a dashing young man.

Holding hands as they walked through the snow was a romantic gesture. Most people around them were either engaged in snowball fights or hurrying on their way, with few paying close attention to those passing by.

"Is this rime ice?" Ye Huaitang asked, looking at the large trees by the roadside, their branches starkly defined and wrapped in white. 

Even without leaves, the white ice crystals were not any less beautiful; in fact, they were even more breathtaking than the scenes captured in videos or photos.

"Yes," Lin Su said, brushing some snow off Ye Huaitang's hat. "Are you cold?"

"No," Ye Huaitang mumbled, burying his nose and mouth beneath the high collar of his down jacket. "I heard that here, your breath can freeze in the air, and a basin of hot water thrown into the air would instantly turn into ice shards."

"Do you want to try it?" Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang nodded, "We can try it when we get back."

"No, we can try it right now," Lin Su said, pulling him toward a nearby stall selling roasted sweet potatoes and corn. The corn was steaming in a pot, and the aroma of the sweet potatoes filled the air.

Lin Su spoke to the vendor, smiling, "Hello, we'd like to buy a few roasted sweet potatoes and corn. Could we also have a ladle of hot water?"

"Are you tourists? Learned this from a video, huh?" The vendor, clearly familiar with such requests, glanced at Ye Huaitang and said, "Sure, how many sweet potatoes and corn would you like?"

Lin Su ordered three of each, and the vendor handed over a ladle of hot water, pointing them toward an open area in the square. "Go over there; it's safer and less likely to splash anyone."

"Thank you," Lin Su said, taking the ladle and signaling to Ye Huaitang. They quickly made their way to the empty spot, and Lin Su flung the hot water into the air. 

As expected, it burst into a cloud of mist, disappearing almost instantly but leaving a stunning visual.

Ye Huaitang watched as Lin Su ran back toward him, feeling a surge of emotion he couldn’t quite describe. All he knew was that this boy, who took even his spontaneous requests to heart, was someone he wouldn't let go of.

"Is that your boyfriend?" the vendor asked, striking up a conversation. "These days, it's rare to see a guy who'd go to such lengths to make his partner happy. You better hold on to him."

Ye Huaitang chuckled softly, "Yeah, I know."

The deep voice of Ye Huaitang clearly revealed he was a man, causing the vendor to pause in surprise. 

Meanwhile, Lin Su returned the ladle with a smile and said, "Thank you, wish you good business."

The vendor handed them their purchases and watched as they naturally held hands while leaving, clicking his tongue and muttering to himself, "These days, all the handsome guys are taken by other guys."

They were oblivious to the vendor's comment as Lin Su pulled out a sweet potato, broke it in half, and handed a piece to Ye Huaitang. "Try it."

Ye Huaitang normally didn't have the habit of eating while walking, but the steaming sweet potato and the person offering it made it hard to resist. He took it in his hands, biting into the soft, sweet flesh that melted on his tongue. "It's delicious..."

"You're easily satisfied with just a roasted sweet potato. You’re really low-maintenance," Lin Su said with a smile, taking a bite himself. He walked and ate without a hint of awkwardness, catching the attention of passersby.

"Excuse me, where did you buy that roasted sweet potato?"

"Could you tell me the location?"

"Hi, I was wondering..."

People are naturally curious and drawn to crowds. They might not have wanted a sweet potato at first, but seeing someone else enjoying it triggered a craving for its sweet flavor. 

Lin Su kindly directed them to the vendor, but some used the opportunity to strike up a conversation: "Hey, you and your friend are really handsome. Can I add you on WeChat?"

The woman in front of them was tall, with long, slender legs accentuated by her tights, and she carried herself with confidence and beauty. 

Before Lin Su could respond, Ye Huaitang, holding a sweet potato in one hand and gripping Lin Su’s hand with the other, smiled and said, "Sorry, he already has a boyfriend."

"Oh, you two are a couple? Well, could I at least take a picture with you?" the woman asked, undeterred.

"No, but thank you," Lin Su replied with a polite smile, pulling Ye Huaitang along as they continued on their way.

The woman didn't pursue further, and Ye Huaitang looked at Lin Su's profile and said, "You're attracting attention."

"With you as my strong deterrent, who dares to come near?" Lin Su replied with a grin, "Seems like the jealousy is quite strong. We won’t need to buy vinegar for the whole year."

Ye Huaitang shoved his sweet potato towards Lin Su’s mouth. "Stop talking."

Lin Su took the sweet potato and teased, "Is this an indirect kiss? Are you so fond of me, baby?"

"Lin Su!" Ye Huaitang scooped up some snow and threw it at him. However, being inexperienced in snowball fights, his attempts were more playful than threatening.

Lin Su started to run, enjoying the crunch of fresh snow under his feet. "Slow down a bit."

"Stop running!" Ye Huaitang formed a snowball and chased after him.

The childhood rule of not engaging in playful fights seemed to fade away as he chased Lin Su. 

The person ahead was running and stopping, seemingly waiting for him, and his laughter was brighter than the sun. This joy was infectious.

Ye Huaitang had never imagined he could like someone so much, finding himself more enamored with each passing moment.

"Stop right there!" He had never shouted so loudly before, but in this unfamiliar place, with no one else he knew except Lin Su, he felt free to express his feelings. Lin Su, always accepting, never minded the different sides of him.

It felt as if he had stepped on a spot where someone had previously walked. In the moment of slipping, Ye Huaitang had no time to react. He instinctively reached for something to hold onto but ended up falling into an extremely warm embrace.

"I told you to be careful," Lin Su's voice came from above.

Ye Huaitang steadied himself with Lin Su's help. As he looked up, he accidentally pulled down Lin Su's scarf and kissed him. "Aren't you here?"

With this person around, he no longer felt as lost and helpless as before. In moments when he needed help or companionship the most, he didn't have to turn around; this person was right by his side.

Their kiss in the snow was somewhat blurry. Passersby merely glanced over briefly, unable to distinguish gender under their hats, only knowing that it was a pair of inseparable lovers.

After the kiss, they rested their foreheads together. Lin Su gently asked, "Did you twist anything just now?"

"You caught me just in time, so I didn't twist anything," Ye Huaitang said softly.

"Are you still angry?" Lin Su asked with a low laugh.

"I was never angry with you," Ye Huaitang said, embracing his neck, with emotions he didn't know how to express. "Lin Su..."

"Yes?" Lin Su responded.

"I love you." Ye Huaitang felt that these three words were the only way to express his feelings. It might be too fast or too heavy for this person, but he truly loved him.

"I love you too." Lin Su nudged his nose against Ye Huaitang's and said, "Let's go. If we don't head back soon, it will be dark."

"Let's hug a bit longer; it's a bit cold outside," Ye Huaitang said, pulling at his clothes.

"You're so clingy," Lin Su stood still and said, "Like a little sticky cake."

"I only cling to you. Don’t you like me being clingy?" Ye Huaitang asked.

"I do," Lin Su said, brushing the snow off his clothes. "If you cling to me, it means you like me. If one day you stop clinging to me, that's when I’d be worried."

Ye Huaitang thought this person really knew how to speak romantically. He didn’t seem like someone new to dating, and though he often used his phone and made calls without avoiding him, he didn't seem to have countless exes either.

Perhaps some people are truly gifted in this regard.

While shopping for New Year’s goods at the supermarket, they didn’t deliberately hold hands, but their conversation and the way they interacted, along with their exceptionally attractive appearances, attracted quite a few glances.

However, neither of them felt awkward. The onlookers only whispered among themselves and didn't approach or say anything, especially with Lin Su’s hand adorned with a conspicuous ring on the shopping cart.

After shopping with two large bags, they called a cab to return to the hotel. By the time they arrived, the night had already grown very dark.

The hotel offered room service as well as the option to cook for oneself. After removing his bulky coat, Ye Huaitang sorted through the items they had bought, putting perishable goods into the fridge and stowing the rest in the cupboards. He then suggested, "How about we order food tonight?"

After a two-hour flight, a busy day of sightseeing, and a long time shopping, anyone would be exhausted.

Lin Su helped with the organizing and replied, "Sure, just order what you want."

The hotel’s specialty dishes were quite good. After organizing the groceries and having dinner, Lin Su pushed the cart out to have it taken away. 

By the time he returned, Ye Huaitang was already in the bathroom.

A hot shower washed away all the fatigue. Ye Huaitang quickly emerged, feeling warm all over, and said, "It's your turn."

Listening to the sound of the hairdryer in the living room, Lin Su turned and went into the bathroom.

They interacted this way at home too, though they hadn't yet reached the point of sleeping in the same room. When Lin Su came out, the lights in the living room were off, and the room was dark except for the bedside lamp in the bedroom. 

Ye Huaitang was lying on the bed, seemingly playing with his phone, completely relaxed.

Lin Su dried his hair and, lying on his own bed, felt his body relax. He said goodnight and closed his eyes.

With the light in front of him extinguished, Ye Huaitang softly said, "Goodnight."

The surroundings fell into silence. Lin Su gradually drifted into a state between sleep and wakefulness, but that didn't mean he couldn't sense someone approaching, especially when the steps were deliberately light, testing his breathing.

"Lin Su, are you asleep?" Ye Huaitang’s voice came softly.

System 06 activated the night recording feature on the camera at that moment, anticipating that things might get quite exciting.

Lin Su kept his breathing steady. The next moment, the blanket was lifted, and the person who had been standing by the bed climbed in, adjusting their position as if searching for a more comfortable sleeping posture.

Lin Su let out a soft sound, and the movements of the person beside him suddenly stopped, even their breathing seemed to pause.

Feeling that there was no sign of Lin Su waking up, Ye Huaitang let out a long breath, resting his head on Lin Su’s chest and wrapping his arms around him, feeling a surge of affection.

Ye Huaitang had always thought he disliked people getting close to him, but he realized after being in a relationship that he only disliked strangers coming close. 

When it came to someone he liked, he wished he could be attached to them all the time, like a symptom of skin hunger.

Tonight they were sleeping together. Tomorrow, he had to wake up early and sneak back into his own bed before Lin Su woke up.

Ye Huaitang closed his eyes, savoring the close breathing, but the next moment he felt the person he was holding move. The hot breath brushed against his eyelashes, making them slightly itchy.

"It’s a gift from heaven; you can grow big treasures even under the covers," Lin Su said above his head.

Ye Huaitang opened his eyes. In the pitch-black night, he couldn’t see the outline of the person, but the voice was unmistakably clear.

Ye Huaitang tried to move but found that his arms and legs were wrapped up: "Were you pretending to be asleep just now?!"

"If I wasn’t pretending, how could I catch such a big treasure?" Lin Su chuckled softly but lowered his voice, "Do you really want to sleep with me this badly?"

Ye Huaitang’s heart raced, almost drowning out Lin Su’s voice: "Aren’t we a couple? Isn’t it normal to sleep together?"

"Normal, but are you really ready for what comes with it?" Lin Su lightly kissed the corner of his lips, "Being a couple and sleeping together isn’t just about sleeping under the covers."

His voice was a bit more hoarse than usual, making Ye Huaitang's ears tingle as it lingered by his ear: "Why not?"

The rhythm of their heartbeats seemed similar. Ye Huaitang grasped his clothes, feeling like he had jumped willingly into a pit.

Lin Su laughed softly: "Do you want to suffocate me, or do you want to suffocate yourself?"

Despite being underage, their bodies had already matured, and they could be moved by the proximity of someone they liked.

"If you really want it, it's not impossible," Ye Huaitang said, feeling like his heart was lodged in his throat. "After all, we're a couple. It's the same sooner or later."

He didn’t realize his voice was trembling, but Lin Su did. Making his lover feel scared and hesitant wasn’t something that could stir interest.

 Lin Su ran his hand gently down Ye Huaitang's back and said, "Alright, let's forget about it. If you’re this scared, why did you come into my bed?"

"I’m not scared," Ye Huaitang buried his head in Lin Su’s chest.

"Then tell me, what have you been looking up?" Lin Su asked softly.

Ye Huaitang was silent for a long time, and just as Lin Su thought he might have fallen asleep, he finally spoke: "It seems dangerous. Before a man reaches adulthood, that part isn’t fully developed yet. If done recklessly, it could lead to a hospital visit."

Lin Su: "…Who told you that?"

"I found it online," Ye Huaitang muttered. "So let’s wait until we’re adults."

Lin Su agreed with waiting until they were adults. At that point, they would be fully capable of making their own decisions, and it wouldn’t be considered taking advantage of a child.

However, tolerance was one thing, and misconceptions were another: "It’s not like what’s said online. You definitely need to take proper precautions." 

"How can you prove it’s not like what I read online?" Ye Huaitang clutched his collar. "You haven’t experienced it yourself, how do you know so much?"

"I watched some videos," Lin Su thought for a moment and decided that this reason was the best.

Ye Huaitang immediately responded, "Then I want to watch too."

He seemed out of touch with the resources ordinary boys had. Many things that boys could learn about before reaching adulthood were completely unfamiliar to him.

Ye Huaitang couldn’t possibly be unaware that what’s available online can be misleading. 

Though he didn’t know much, he felt Lin Su was knowledgeable about it, and his bluff was exposed.

Lin Su: "…"

System 06 recorded the scene with mechanical laughter, faithfully capturing the moment.

"So, you’re just waiting here for me, right?" Lin Su placed his hand on Ye Huaitang’s waist and gave a gentle tickle.

Ye Huaitang flinched, curling up his body and instinctively blocking Lin Su’s hand. His pupils widened slightly: "No, don’t touch!"

He had never had anyone grab his waist before, and even such a light touch made him feel so ticklish.

"I won’t touch you if you don’t watch," Lin Su proposed.

Ye Huaitang covered his waist, still feeling uneasy: "I won’t watch, I won’t."

"Good, then sleep well." Lin Su’s touch this time was much gentler. He placed a soft kiss on Ye Huaitang’s forehead, causing him to instinctively close his eyes.


The night fell into silence.

A solo journey might be lonely and grand, but with two people, it was much happier. They climbed mountains together to see the sea of clouds, which on that day gathered into a celestial-like scenery. 

They also admired ice sculptures, each one vivid and lifelike, more enchanting than crystal.

During the day, they saw various scenic spots, and at night, they embraced each other in a warm room. It’s said that a trip can reveal whether a couple is compatible or not.

The travel and heavy luggage, as well as countless small needs, could all be observed. Ye Huaitang couldn’t guarantee that he was a perfect match for Lin Su, but Lin Su’s attentiveness would certainly be appreciated by many.

On New Year’s Eve, as families gathered in joy, the streets returned to their usual quiet. There were no firecrackers, but the annual New Year’s Eve gala provided some entertainment.

The table had dumplings, but they were having hot pot with red broth bubbling and tender beef that made one's fingers itch to grab a piece.

The phone occasionally rang with calls from classmates, and there were numerous New Year’s greetings in the class group chat. They even played a red envelope game, with messages scrolling by almost too quickly to follow.

Ye Huaitang was accustomed to focusing on one thing at a time and rarely multitasked, but he had to admit that it was very relaxing and enjoyable.

Lin Su’s phone was also constantly ringing, with calls from classmates and subordinates, showing that he managed social obligations very well.

Until one call came in, Lin Su put down his chopsticks, stood up, and walked to the balcony: "Hello."

"Is it that now you don’t even want to call me Dad?" Lin Su’s father said coldly on the other end of the line. "Fine, you’re tough. Do you want others to laugh at you for not coming home during the New Year?"

"Just consider me as not having a son like me. You’re not asking anyone for anything; let others laugh at you if they want. It will be like free advertising," Lin Su replied with a laugh.

His tone was clearly mocking, and Father Lin’s anger was palpable: "Without me, do you think you could have grown up well?"

"My life was given to me by my mother. You provided financial support but used it to coerce me. Let’s see how much I’ve spent from your money over the years, and I’ll pay you back," Lin Su said, no longer willing to play along with any father-son games.

"You think you can repay it?" Father Lin Su’s asked.

"Have your secretary send it to me. That's it, goodbye." Lin Su hung up the phone and, upon returning to the room, found Ye Huaitang looking at him with an expression of hesitation.

"It was my dad calling. Don’t worry about it," Lin Su said with a smile.

"Even if he said something unpleasant, don't let it bother you," Ye Huaitang said, holding his hand. "It’ll only make you feel bad."

Lin Su sighed lightly, placing a hand over his heart and said, "Indeed, I’m feeling a bit down. I need my darling’s kisses to cheer me up."

Ye Huaitang cupped his face and gave him a kiss on each cheek, as well as on his forehead and lips. "Feeling better now?"

Lin Su touched his cheek and replied, "Yes, with a taste of hot pot."

Ye Huaitang, annoyed, said, "So, do you want to kiss me again next time?"

"Hot pot flavor has a warm and homey feel. I really like kisses with this taste," Lin Su laughed.

Ye Huaitang smiled on the outside but sighed inwardly, thinking he might never find someone better than Lin Su.

After the New Year, they traveled to the southern coastal regions. After a few hours on the plane, they landed and changed into shirts and light clothing. Even though they knew this would happen, experiencing it firsthand was still amazing.

Traveling was the most joyful experience, so they continued their trip until three days before the school year began.

Ji Heng called: "Brother, were you kidnapped? You went silent right after the New Year."

"Two people’s time doesn’t allow for a third person’s interruption. Did you play a game over the winter break?" Lin Su asked lazily as he lay in bed.

"Playing games is fun," Ji Heng laughed, "and I think I might be starting a relationship soon."

"Oh? With whom?" Lin Su asked.

Ji Heng clicked his tongue, sounding somewhat embarrassed. "You remember that Qiu Ning we met in the game? I think she's really skilled. Although she can be a bit arrogant at times, she's saved me countless times. She's like a born firecracker. I think we have compatible personalities, so pursuing her shouldn't be a problem."

Lin Su couldn't help but think about how Ji Heng used to call her 'Old Auntie' back then.

Lin Su chuckled and asked, "Do you even know how old she is? What does she look like? Is she male or female?"

"Didn't you guys say that true love shouldn't be restricted by gender? I figured that regardless of her age or looks, we shouldn’t be so rigid. We should focus on the beauty of a person’s soul, not judge by appearances," Ji Heng replied.

People in love tend to be irrational, and no amount of analysis from an observer will make them see reason. Lin Su decided not to press the matter further. "Alright, good luck with that."

Ji Heng’s next statement seemed to shift to a more serious tone. "Thanks, brother. Actually, there’s something else I wanted to tell you. You got sidetracked by me. Have you heard about what's happening with the Lin family?"

Lin Su hadn’t been paying attention to matters in City A, so he asked, "What’s going on? Just tell me."

Ji Heng sighed and said, "It seems like your dad has set up some kind of will. According to it, all the company shares and assets will go to your sister after his death. It also says that he wants to sever the father-son relationship when you turn eighteen. The news was even published in the papers."

"Why are you so concerned about this?" Lin Su asked, somewhat surprised.

"The point is not here, okay, brother." Ji Heng said seriously, "My parents are still more concerned about domestic matters. Besides, I've mentioned you quite a few times in front of them. They informed me as soon as they knew. Who would have thought that your parents' honeymoon travel phone lines are unreachable? What did you do to anger your father?"

"It's nothing much, it's not a big deal, don't worry," Lin Su said.

Ji Heng was originally quite worried, but seeing Lin Su so calm and indifferent to money, as expected of his brother, he said, "So what are you planning to do? Use your hacking skills to break into the Lin family's network and make your dad regret it?"

"That's a crime," Lin Su felt he had watched too many TV dramas, "Just focus on pursuing your Qiu Ning and give me good news. Thanks, brother."

After the call ended, Lin Su got up to check his email and indeed found the bill recording all his expenses from childhood to the present. With the addition of this house, it approached ten million. 

Although it looked like a lot, compared to the Lin family's hundreds of billions in assets and the villas and gifts he had bought for his wife and daughter, it was far less. He immediately forwarded the bill to his assistant, and there was no need for Lin Su to handle the subsequent matters.

Lin Su’s subordinates handled things extremely quickly. In just over an hour, a check was sent to the Lin family's headquarters. 

The assistant handed the check to Lin Su's father in person, saying, "Hello, this is Mr. Lin repaying you for many years of support. We also calculated the interest on these assets, and the extra part is for buying your emotional connection."


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