It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 122


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 122

"Do you have someone you like?" The girl's mood was somewhat downcast.

Lin Su glanced at the white hem of clothing peeking out from a nearby corner and nodded, "Yes, I do have someone I like, so I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. But can I still be your friend?" the girl asked.

"I don't need friends, and I don't want him to misunderstand," Lin Su smiled slightly, "Alright, you should go back; class is about to start."

The girl left, feeling dejected, but Lin Su showed no intention of stopping her. She slowly walked away. 

As she left, a piece of clothing noticeably disappeared for a moment, but after a while, it reappeared in the same spot.

If you're going to hide and watch, at least do it properly. Lin Su brushed off the cigarette in his hand and laughed softly, "Class monitor, how long do you plan on hiding?"

The hem of the clothing was quickly pulled back, and the next moment, Ye Huaitang emerged from that corner.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Peeking isn't a good habit, class monitor."

"I'm supervising early relationships out in the open," Ye Huaitang walked over to him. 

Lin Su was clearly not as thin as he used to be. Just standing there casually, he gave off the vibe of a fashion street photo shoot, with the cigarette adding a touch of lazy allure. It was a stark contrast to his usual demeanor—irresistibly attractive.

"Class monitor, I just turned her down," Lin Su smiled, "Shouldn't I be praised for that?"

Ye Huaitang stood in front of him, reached out to remove the cigarette from Lin Su's mouth, and to Lin Su's surprise, he grabbed his collar and kissed him directly. 

Their lips met, and the forceful contact caused a bit of pain from their teeth clashing, but the soft, slightly tobacco-flavored sensation was unexpectedly pleasant.

After the kiss, Ye Huaitang took a deep breath and said, "Now you should be criticized."

He couldn't bear it any longer. Instead of holding back and risking Lin Su being taken away by someone else one day, it was better to confront it head-on. Just like Lin Su had said, he didn't need friends—either they would be together, or they would go their separate ways.

Ye Huaitang stared intently at Lin Su, his heart pounding as if he were facing a fateful judgment.

"You like me?" Lin Su touched his lips and asked.

【The host just got kissed!】System 06 was glad to have quickly recorded it.

【It wasn't bad.】Lin Su smiled.

With a do-or-die attitude, Ye Huaitang said, "Yes, I like you. So, what do you think? Do you find me disgusting... as a friend?"

"How could I?" Lin Su raised his hand to gently touch Ye Huaitang's neck, where his pulse was beating wildly. With a firm movement, he pushed Ye Huaitang against the wall and said, "I just wanted to tell you that what you did just now was biting. A real kiss is like this."

He lowered his head and kissed him again, pulling him into his arms. 

Ye Huaitang's eyes widened, but he instinctively grabbed the fabric of Lin Su's clothes at his waist.

A kiss is a very intimate act, so intimate that their breaths intertwined, like they were sharing life itself.

This feeling was pure joy, so joyful that all worries melted away, leaving only a strange sense of sweetness.

When they parted after the kiss, Ye Huaitang could clearly feel his palms tingling, and when he clenched his fists, they were full of sweat.

"You..." His voice came out hoarse, and after clearing his throat, he tried again, "You..."

"I like you," Lin Su kissed the tip of his nose, "I had planned to confess to you on a romantic weekend, but I didn't expect to get kissed in this old, abandoned school building. Class monitor, all my efforts have gone to waste—how are you going to make it up to me?"

Ye Huaitang had never felt such joy, not even the first time he won an award or received everyone's praise. The two of them were so close that he could feel the familiar warmth of Lin Su's body through their clothes, making his cheeks feel a bit warm. 

As their gazes met, that ticklish feeling in his heart was impossible to control. "What if I give myself to you as compensation?"

Being mutually in love with Lin Su was the outcome Ye Huaitang had always longed for; he truly, truly wanted to be with him.

"You already belong to me, so compensation has to be something else," Lin Su said, brushing his fingers over Ye Huaitang's slightly trembling eyelashes.

"What do you want?" Ye Huaitang felt that no matter what Lin Su asked for, he wouldn't refuse.

"Let me think." Lin Su pondered for a moment, "How about going on a trip together as a couple during the winter break?"

They were still students, and early relationships were not allowed, especially between two boys. Lin Su wasn't afraid of rumors, but such behavior could disrupt the school's atmosphere. It was best to keep a low profile when necessary.

"That's your inherent right as my lover; it doesn't count as compensation," Ye Huaitang tried to regain control of the situation. "Pick something else."

Lin Su smiled, "Then what do you want to give me? Whatever it is, I'll gladly accept."

"It will be something that satisfies you," Ye Huaitang smiled and wrapped his arms around Lin Su's waist, resting his head on Lin Su's shoulder.

He knew that emotions shouldn't be given away completely, that it was important to be reserved. Being too clingy or too easy to read could make a man gradually lose patience and interest in the chase. 

But knowing and being able to control it were two different things. He liked Lin Su so much—how could he possibly hold back?

"When did you start liking me?" Ye Huaitang asked.

"If I tell you, you can't get mad," Lin Su said, gently stroking his hair.

Before, Ye Huaitang wouldn't let anyone touch him, but now he was clinging to Lin Su as if he craved closeness.

Ye Huaitang shook his head slightly, "I won't get mad."

"Actually, I started liking you right after I got out of the station that time," Lin Su laughed, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have been such a bother, going out of my way to tease you."

He had indeed been quite annoying back then. Ye Huaitang looked up and glared at him, "You've had bad intentions for this long? Why didn't you tell me back then?"

"You wouldn't even let me touch you at that time—telling you would've just led to rejection, wouldn't it?" Lin Su playfully tapped his nose, then glanced at his watch, "It's almost time for class. Let's go back."

Ye Huaitang nodded softly. Lin Su released him and started walking ahead. Ye Huaitang followed, absentmindedly touching his lips, still feeling like the whole experience wasn't quite real.

But when he looked up, Lin Su took his hand directly, "Hurry up, or we'll be late."

"It's still early," Ye Huaitang smiled as he looked at their intertwined hands.

"We need to wash our faces before heading back to class," Lin Su said as he let go of Ye Huaitang's hand after they exited the abandoned school building.

Ye Huaitang looked puzzled. "Why?"

Lin Su raised an eyebrow, pulled out his phone, and turned on the front camera, holding it up to Ye Huaitang. 

Even though the quality wasn't great, it was clear that his eyes were glistening, and his cheeks were flushed, as if he'd just been through something intense. "We should wash up—can't let others think I bullied you, right?"

Ye Huaitang's cheeks reddened even more. "Of course, we should wash."

They made it to class just as the bell rang. Their classmates glanced over curiously, but since the teacher hadn't arrived yet, the student sitting next to Lin Su grinned and asked, "So, what did that girl say to you, man? Did you seal the deal?"

"Seal what deal? She lent me some money when I bought something last time, and I just paid her back," Lin Su casually made up a reason.

Since they wouldn't be interacting much in the future, there was no need to make things awkward for either of them. A failed confession is harder on a girl than on a guy.

"Tch, borrowing money from a girl and not paying it back right away? That's low, man," the classmate lost interest in gossiping.

Most of the other classmates didn't think much of it, but Ji Heng glanced at Ye Huaitang and remarked, "The class monitor looks like he's been crying."

"You're overthinking it. Focus on studying," Ning Qiu also took a quick look, then lowered his head, guessing that the two of them were probably together now.

With those looks and that chemistry, it was like watching the leads in a romantic drama. If they weren't together, he'd write his name backward.

"It's still early," Ye Huaitang smiled as he looked at their intertwined hands.

"We need to wash our faces before heading back to class," Lin Su said as he let go of Ye Huaitang's hand after they exited the abandoned school building.

Ye Huaitang looked puzzled. "Why?"

Lin Su raised an eyebrow, pulled out his phone, and turned on the front camera, holding it up to Ye Huaitang. Even though the quality wasn't great, it was clear that his eyes were glistening, and his cheeks were flushed, as if he'd just been through something intense. "We should wash up—can't let others think I bullied you, right?"

Ye Huaitang's cheeks reddened even more. "Of course, we should wash."

They made it to class just as the bell rang. Their classmates glanced over curiously, but since the teacher hadn't arrived yet, the student sitting next to Lin Su grinned and asked, "So, what did that girl say to you, man? Did you seal the deal?"

"Seal what deal? She lent me some money when I bought something last time, and I just paid her back," Lin Su casually made up a reason.

Since they wouldn't be interacting much in the future, there was no need to make things awkward for either of them. A failed confession is harder on a girl than on a guy.

"Tch, borrowing money from a girl and not paying it back right away? That's low, man," the classmate lost interest in gossiping.

Most of the other classmates didn't think much of it, but Ji Heng glanced at Ye Huaitang and remarked, "The class monitor looks like he's been crying."

"You're overthinking it. Focus on studying," Ning Qiu also took a quick look, then lowered his head, guessing that the two of them were probably together now.

With those looks and that chemistry, it was like watching the leads in a romantic drama. If they weren't together, he'd write his name backward.

Ye Huaitang took a nearby notebook and started working through a problem for him. Though writing with one hand wasn’t as neat as with both, the hand holding underneath remained firmly in place for a long time.

It wasn’t until the bell rang for the end of class that Lin Su pulled his hand away. Ye Huaitang clenched his fist and exchanged a look with him.

At school, they were more reserved. Since they lived together, they also went home together after classes. In school, where there were many eyes watching, their small gestures felt both sweet and thrilling. But at home, when it was just the two of them, the atmosphere of being alone together made Ye Huaitang feel a bit nervous.

"Change your shoes," Lin Su reminded him.

Ye Huaitang pulled back the foot he had already stepped forward with and said, "I didn't forget."

Lin Su chuckled softly, taking the things from Ye Huaitang’s hands and hanging them up together before turning to wash his hands in the bathroom.

Ye Huaitang had thought that while they had to hold back at school, they could be as close as they wanted at home. But once they got home, he realized it wasn’t as easy as he had imagined; Lin Su seemed unaware of this expectation.

Since Lin Su wasn’t taking the initiative, Ye Huaitang figured he could. However, just as he reached the bathroom, Lin Su had already finished washing up and was walking out. 

They bumped into each other, and Lin Su looked down and asked, "Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"…Yes," Ye Huaitang replied, feeling a bit defeated.

Lin Su stepped aside and asked, "By the way, do you want a late-night snack? I can make something for you."

"No need, I'm not really hungry," Ye Huaitang replied as he closed the bathroom door behind him. He sat on the toilet lid for a few minutes, then went through the motions of flushing the toilet and washing his hands.

When he returned to the living room, Lin Su had already opened his computer, seemingly working on something serious rather than playing games.

 Ye Huaitang knew Lin Su was involved in investments, but they had an unspoken agreement not to interfere in each other's affairs.

Even now, Ye Huaitang had no intention of prying into Lin Su's finances. His assets were his own, and even as a couple, there were boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. So, he decided against sitting beside him.

Ye Huaitang poured himself a glass of water and sat on the sofa, his gaze drifting over Lin Su. He felt a bit anxious, unsure of what to do.

"Baby, can you pour me a glass of water too?" Lin Su asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Sure, just a moment," Ye Huaitang replied, getting up to pour the water. That simple request seemed to ease his earlier anxiety.

After placing the glass beside Lin Su's desk, Ye Huaitang was about to leave when Lin Su grabbed his wrist and pulled him down into his lap. "Hey!"

"Don't move. I just realized something was missing from my lap, and it was making it hard to concentrate," Lin Su said with a smile as he picked up the glass. "Turns out, it was missing you."

The anxiety Ye Huaitang felt earlier had completely vanished. Watching Lin Su drink, he asked, "You're not doing this on purpose, are you?"

"How could I? I'm not that clever," Lin Su replied, finishing his drink and returning to his keyboard.

"I think you are," Ye Huaitang retorted, recalling Lin Su's skilled kiss and how he had hidden his feelings for so long without Ye Huaitang noticing. This level of subtlety surely belonged to someone experienced in romance.

"I'm innocent. This is my first relationship," Lin Su said, wrapping his arms around Ye Huaitang's waist. "If you don't believe me, you can investigate."

The truth was, the original owner of Lin Su's body had never dated before. He had been too absorbed in gaming and clashing with his father to entertain the idea of early romance.

"Why would I investigate you?" Ye Huaitang said, still skeptical. "Really? You've never dated anyone? Then how are you so good at this?"

"Because I'm smart. I learn fast," Lin Su chuckled. "What do you think I'm good at?"

"Everything," Ye Huaitang replied, resting his head on Lin Su's shoulder. "You even teased me earlier."

He remembered how Lin Su had deliberately watched him fumble, pretending not to notice.

"My bad. It's just that you looked so cute being all flustered. I couldn't help but watch a little longer," Lin Su said, planting a kiss on Ye Huaitang's forehead. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not," Ye Huaitang glanced at Lin Su's computer screen, then looked away, thinking about the flirtatious tips he had looked up. 

As Lin Su focused on his work, Ye Huaitang lightly brushed his fingers over Lin Su's Adam's apple, just barely making contact.

Lin Su's Adam's apple bobbed slightly in response. He glanced down at Ye Huaitang, who was nestled quietly in his lap, and continued working. 

After a moment, Ye Huaitang gently pinched his earlobe. If Lin Su still couldn't figure out that his partner was teasing him, all his previous relationships would have been for nothing.

"Stop messing around," Lin Su said.

Ye Huaitang kissed the corner of his mouth. "Can you really focus on work with me in your lap?"

"Because you're in my lap, I feel at ease, which helps me concentrate," Lin Su replied, looking down at him. "But it seems you don't want me to focus. What do you want?"

"What do you think?" Ye Huaitang smiled.

Lin Su closed the laptop, picked Ye Huaitang up, and said, "Alright, let's take a bath together. Luckily, my bathtub is big enough."

"Now?!" Ye Huaitang was caught off guard. He just wanted Lin Su to be more affectionate, he was not ready for such intimacy.

Lin Su carried him toward the bathroom. "Why not? We're a couple now, so we should do these things. Don't you want to?"

Ye Huaitang wasn't unwilling, just unprepared. "Of course not, but why so suddenly?"

"It's not sudden. If you start a fire, you have to put it out yourself," Lin Su said, sensing Ye Huaitang's tension. He knew it wasn't easy to transition into an adult relationship, especially for someone's first time.

Ye Huaitang clung to Lin Su's neck. "I didn't mean to. I just touched your Adam's apple."

Did it really have such an effect? When he touched his own, he felt nothing.

"Just?" Lin Su set him down on the couch, his fingers brushing Ye Huaitang's Adam's apple. 

The moment he touched it, Ye Huaitang instinctively curled up, gasping and covering his neck. "Don't touch!"

The sensation was completely different from touching himself. Lin Su's fingers felt like they carried an electric charge, and being touched there made Ye Huaitang feel like prey caught by the throat.

"Got it," Lin Su said, tapping Ye Huaitang's head. "If you don't want me to touch you, don't start fires you can't put out. Where did you learn that from?"

"Online," Ye Huaitang replied, slowly regaining his composure and sitting up straight. He looked quite obedient. "I won't do it again."

But his eyes said otherwise: *I know I was wrong, and I'll do it again.*

Lin Su chuckled, tousling his hair. "Alright, I'll go take a shower now."

This time, he didn't mention taking a bath together, simply heading into the bathroom with a decisive stride. The sound of running water soon filled the space. 

Ye Huaitang, who normally wouldn't have paid much attention, found himself intrigued.

Lin Su looked much better dressed than before. His collarbone was prominent, and when they embraced, Ye Huaitang could feel the strength in his waist and wondered about his abs.

Lost in his thoughts, Ye Huaitang touched his forehead, reflecting on the truth of the old saying that "food and sex are nature's cravings."

【Host, the class monitor has been pacing outside the door for quite some time.】System 06 said.

【Understood.】Lin Su replied with a smile.

The natural inclination of men towards beauty is undeniable. Even the most restrained individuals can lose control when faced with someone they like.

【Do you plan to show him?】System 06 speculated that Lin Su might be about to flaunt his near-perfect physique and abs.

But when Lin Su emerged, he was wrapped up tightly, save for the top two buttons of his shirt undone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He picked up a towel and walked out.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Su said, "Baby, could you help me dry my hair?" 

"Alright." Ye Huaitang's gaze traced over his collarbone, with droplets of water from his hair dripping down. Some of the droplets landed on his collarbone, while others meandered along his skin, and for a moment, Ye Huaitang felt a strong urge to pull at his collar.

The sound of the hairdryer roared. Ye Huaitang felt a bit impatient as he touched his hair, not realizing that his intense gaze was even noticed by System 06.

【One should appreciate subtle beauty; the effect of holding a pipa half-hidden is the most captivating.】 Lin Su said.

Exposing everything outright would make it lose interest quickly; it's not like they're bodybuilders, and showing everything too clearly is too obvious.

System 06 felt that he was still too inexperienced.

On the first night after confirming their relationship, even though Ye Huaitang was restless and excited, they didn’t make any substantial progress, just a warm goodnight kiss before heading to their respective rooms.

Lin Su slept soundly, but Ye Huaitang was so tired the next morning that he rubbed his eyes. He was still groggy on his way to school. 

Lin Su placed a cup of hot milk against his cheek and asked, "What were you doing last night? Why are you so tired?"

Ye Huaitang naturally wouldn’t tell him that he was too excited to sleep. Even though his body was tired, his mind remained highly alert: "Maybe I did too many problems and couldn’t sleep."

Lin Su replied with an "Oh": "It seems that the school’s ban on early relationships is somewhat reasonable."

Ye Huaitang took the milk, lazily opening the lid, and when he heard this, he understood that Lin Su already knew the real reason for his insomnia: "What reason?"

"To ensure students get enough sleep." Lin Su placed his hand on Ye Huaitang’s shoulder, guiding him into the school gate.

"This is just the initial adjustment to a new situation. There’s nothing wrong with being in love; the mistake lies in neglecting everything else because of it," Ye Huaitang said earnestly. "You’re not regretting it, are you?"

"Of course not. If I hadn’t fallen for the class monitor, I wouldn’t have achieved third place in the grade," Lin Su replied with a smile. "What you said is really great."

"Always with the smart talk," Ye Huaitang said, playfully tugging at his ear.

The casual arm-around-the-shoulder between boys was quite natural. Even with a playful tug on the ear, passersby wouldn’t think much of it. This subtly open yet straightforward display of affection clearly brightened Ye Huaitang’s mood.

Lin Su’s gift did not end there. He gave a pair of men’s watches, understated yet elegant, with similar designs but slight differences in details. The back of the watches was engraved with the initials of both of them.

Ye Huaitang recognized the brand and knew that custom-making these watches took quite a bit of time. From the fact that they were both men’s watches, it was clear that Lin Su’s earlier confession was not a lie.

"Actually, if I could, I’d want to give you a ring, but that would be too obvious. Watches are something you can use daily, and it’s normal for brothers to wear the same thing," Lin Su said with a smile as he presented the gift. "Do you like it?"

Ye Huaitang picked up one of the watches and said, "I like it. Here’s my gift for you."

The small box he handed over contained a pair of matching couple rings, similarly understated and simple in style but clearly showing thoughtfulness in the details.

"This is custom-made from a drawing I did myself. You can’t wear it now; let’s wait until later," Ye Huaitang said, feeling a bit of disappointment. He had imagined how nice it would look on Lin Su's finger, and wearing them as a pair would clearly indicate to others that he was taken.

Despite Lin Su's rejection of other girls and the others who approached him, Ye Huaitang still felt a faint sense of irritation.

"Why can’t you wear it?" Lin Su asked, putting one of the rings on his finger and examining it. "It looks great."

"It does look good," Ye Huaitang said, holding his hand. The ring looked just as good as he had imagined on that hand. "But wearing it out like this might cause trouble."

"I don’t mind wearing jewelry," Lin Su said with a smile, placing the other ring in Ye Huaitang’s palm. "You can wear this one on a necklace for now, hanging around your neck. You can take it out when we graduate."

"Actually, yours can also be worn around the neck," Ye Huaitang said, not wanting him to attract too much attention from teachers.

"It’s fine to wear it. This way, everyone knows I’m taken, so I won’t keep getting gifts or love letters, and I won’t have to smell that sourness every day," Lin Su said with a grin.

While Ye Huaitang was touched by the earlier part, the latter part made him unable to resist hitting Lin Su a couple of times. "Who’s feeling jealous?"

"I’m jealous," Lin Su sighed. "After all, I’m the one carrying all of this alone."

"Idiot!" Ye Huaitang felt a mix of affection and irritation. These feelings, unfamiliar before, were now a daily occurrence. He clearly wanted to hit him but also found himself wanting to get closer, just a little bit closer.

"The ring design is really good. How did you learn to do this?" Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang’s emotions calmed. What he had previously been reluctant to share, he could now freely talk about with Lin Su: "Because I want to become a jewelry designer in the future. What do you think?"

"I think it's great," Lin Su said. "What made you think of becoming one?"

"Because those accessories are really beautiful," Ye Huaitang said, holding the ring on Lin Su’s hand. "Tie clips, cufflinks, earrings, brooches—these small accessories can showcase everything and change a person’s demeanor. I feel like they have a mysterious power..."

As he expressed his aspirations, Lin Su didn’t interrupt. 

After Ye Huaitang finished speaking, Lin Su smiled and said, "If you like it, then go for it. But once you’ve decided, you can’t back out halfway."

"Okay," Ye Huaitang said with a smile. With Lin Su's company and support, he felt fearless.

Lin Su’s sudden wearing of the ring caused a minor stir in the second year of high school. In this school, where early relationships were strictly monitored, such actions were essentially a blatant provocation.

It was normal for teachers to call him in for a talk. The homeroom teacher looked at him and thought that their happiness was short-lived, as this troublemaker had caused another issue.

"What’s with this ring? Which class’s girl is it from? Tell me," the homeroom teacher asked.

Lin Su extended his hand and said, "Teacher, it’s just a ring. It has nothing to do with any girl."

"Are you not dating?" the homeroom teacher asked.

"I’m not dating any girl, I swear," Lin Su replied confidently.

The homeroom teacher couldn’t find any other issues to address, so he said, "Even so, the school doesn’t allow students to wear accessories casually."

"Girls wear earrings too. Why don’t you say anything about that?" Lin Su muttered. "Is this gender discrimination?"

The homeroom teacher felt embarrassed: "This ring is too conspicuous."

"I used to wear a lot more accessories than this," Lin Su said with a smile. "You don’t want me to go back to how I used to be, do you?"

Homeroom teacher: "…"

It seemed like this kid was threatening her.

Thinking back to his previous state—red hair, messy clothes, jingling accessories, tardiness, leaving early, sleeping in class, defying teachers, and poor grades that dragged down the class average—she realized how tolerant and magnanimous she must have been to endure all that without having a heart attack. 

Now that he was doing well academically and following the rules, the difference was startling. A small issue like wearing a ring didn’t seem like a big deal anymore.

"Alright, fine. Wear it if you want, but just don’t let it be too obvious to the other teachers," the homeroom teacher compromised. If she had to see this promising but previously problematic student revert due to a ring, she would really have a heart attack.

"Okay, thank you, teacher," Lin Su said with a grateful look. "I’ll study hard to repay you."

The homeroom teacher smiled kindly, thinking that if he could just argue a little less, she might teach him for a few more years.

"Brother, this is impressive. You're already dating someone, and I haven’t even seen the person yet," Ji Heng said, eyeing the ring in amazement. "No way, when you show them off, let’s have a meal and introduce me to them."

"You’ve actually seen them," Lin Su said with a smile. "A meal is fine, and I’ll make sure to properly introduce you then."

"Who? Who is it?" Ji Heng tried to ask, but Lin Su refused to answer, leaving Ji Heng to guess from the entire second-year class. It would be quite a miracle to guess correctly from random guesses.

"Ning Qiu, who do you think it is?" Ji Heng asked. "Out of the people I’ve met, who could be Lin Su’s significant other?"

"Hmm, you know them, and I know them too," Ning Qiu replied.

Of course, he knew—they are sitting right next to Lin Su, it was someone so close to him that they couldn’t be closer. 

Even though the other ring wasn’t visible, they were already wearing matching couple watches, practically flaunting their relationship to the whole class. 

Yet, no one thought to connect it to the class monitor, hidden in plain sight.

Brotherly love, the spirit of socialist brotherly love?

"Wow, you know? Who is it? Tell me, I’m too curious to focus on studying," Ji Heng asked eagerly.

"If you had this level of enthusiasm and curiosity for studying, you’d have surpassed me by now," Ning Qiu said with a slight smile, pulling his arm away playfully. "But I’m not telling you. Nyah-nyah-nyah!"

In the past, Ji Heng might have thought he was being cheeky, but now, for some reason, he found it inexplicably cute. Even the tip of Ning Qiu’s tongue, which he stuck out in jest, was a bright red dot that made Ji Heng want to pinch him.

"Fine, don’t tell me then. I’ll find out sooner or later," Ji Heng said, turning to his homework. "Even if you wanted to tell me, I wouldn’t let you. I’ll make you burst from holding it in."

Ning Qiu: "…"

The days of studying pass quickly with someone by your side. Lin Su agreed to introduce Ji Heng to his significant other, but the meeting was set for the winter break after the final exams. 

The reason given was: "I'm afraid if you get too shocked, your grades might plummet, and that would be troublesome."

Ji Heng was already wondering just how shocking it could be. Was the person strikingly attractive? 

But he hadn't met many people who were that striking. Could it be their status that was shocking? Or was it an online relationship?

With many questions in mind, the final exams arrived as expected with the first snowfall. The snow on the roads had been cleared, but walking carelessly still felt slippery. 

Ye Huaitang had wrapped his scarf so high that it covered his nose, and he also had fluffy white earmuffs clipped onto his ears, making him stand out.

"Take them off when you enter the exam room," Lin Su reminded him.

He also wore a scarf, but unlike Ye Huaitang, he didn't look bulky and instead had a gentlemanly air about him.

Ye Huaitang admitted that the scarf was very warm, but he couldn't help but comment: "The scarf I gave you looks so stylish, but this one you're wearing could bury me."

"Catching a cold as soon as it gets cold indicates suboptimal health. Prioritizing style over warmth, are you serious?" Lin Su pulled Ye Huaitang's scarf back up. "Be good, listen."

Ye Huaitang had no temper left to argue with him. The chill from that heavy rain had seeped into his body, and by winter, he had already caught a cold two or three times. He really didn't dare to disobey. "Alright."

They entered the exam room together. Some classmates stared intently at Ye Huaitang's earmuffs, and one of them joked before the discipline was enforced: "Class monitor, those earmuffs are pretty nice."

"If you like it, I can send you the link," Ye Huaitang said as he felt the warmth inside the room. He took off his earmuffs and scarf, finally no longer feeling like a bundled-up ball.

"No need, no need," the classmate laughed.

Earmuffs like those were typically worn by girls; the fluffy style had a cute, girly charm. With Ye Huaitang's good looks, they looked clean and not out of place on him. If any other boy wore them, though, it would probably look ridiculous.

After the first exam, Ye Huaitang snatched Lin Su's simple black earmuffs and put his own fluffy white ones on Lin Su's ears instead.

On Ye Huaitang, they looked like a mischievous rabbit from the heavens. On Lin Su, however, they gave off a vibe of a boyfriend indulging his girlfriend's playful antics.

The classmate who thought other boys would look laughable in such earmuffs was taken aback and changed his mind, realizing that whether earmuffs looked good depended entirely on the wearer's appearance.

"You and Lin Su really get along well, class monitor," the classmate remarked.

Ye Huaitang put his hand on Lin Su's shoulder and said, "Of course."

Ning Qiu, who had watched the entire exchange: "..."

They were practically shoving their lovey-dovey behavior in everyone's face. Could they tone it down a bit?

The answer was no, and so, in addition to racking their brains over difficult exam questions, they also had to endure this display of affection. 

Ning Qiu couldn't help but feel like returning the favor somehow.

After the final exams, the results wouldn't be released until after the New Year, allowing both teachers and students to enjoy a peaceful holiday.

Ji Heng wasn’t concerned about his grades; as soon as the exams were over, he was eager to find out who Lin Su’s significant other was.

“Let’s go, I’ll treat you to a meal,” Lin Su said with a smile. “How about I introduce you today? Class monitor, why don’t you come along?”

“Should we invite Ning Qiu? He seems to know who your partner is,” Ji Heng suggested.

“Oh? Sure, let’s bring him along. It’ll be nice to relax together,” Lin Su agreed with a smile.

The protagonist had always been aware of his own orientation, and people like him could often recognize others of the same orientation. It was no surprise that Ning Qiu had noticed it too.

The four of them went to a private room and ordered their meal, but even after the dishes and drinks were served, the new person still hadn’t shown up.

Ji Heng didn’t complain. “Is your partner delayed by something? Maybe you should give them a call.”

“No need.” Lin Su stood up, closed the door to the private room, and then sat back down. He put his arm around Ye Huaitang, who was sitting upright, and said, “Allow me to formally introduce you—this is my partner, Ye Huaitang.”

Ji Heng, who had been clueless until now, was completely stunned.

Ning Qiu, with a well-mannered smile, simply said, “Congratulations.”

His natural attitude made it obvious that he had known all along, making Ji Heng seem inexperienced in comparison.

“Thank you,” Ye Huaitang replied with a smile.

The beer was opened, and the three of them naturally clinked glasses and started enjoying their drinks. Ji Heng, still in shock, stammered, “Wait, you’re both guys?”

How did this even happen? Men with men—he had only ever seen that online, and now life had played a massive joke on him: his buddy had fallen for another man.

"In the face of true love, you don’t need to be so hung up on gender," Ning Qiu said. "It's the modern era, after all."

This made Ji Heng seem outdated, out of touch with current trends, and rather old-fashioned.

"I didn’t say anything against it; I’m just surprised, okay? Surprised, you know?" Ji Heng felt like he was already restraining himself a lot. "But how did you figure it out?"

"Isn’t it obvious?" Ning Qiu replied.

Obvious? Ji Heng thought back to all the times he’d seen Lin Su and the class president together. 

Now that he knew about their relationship, he realized they went to school together, left together, one brought milk for the other, they walked with their arms around each other, swapped earmuffs, and most importantly, wore matching watches. What he used to think was just brotherly friendship was clearly much more.

"Bro, since you like men, you never had feelings for me, right?" Ji Heng suddenly thought of this possibility, and it made him tense up.

After placing a peeled shrimp in front of Ye Huaitang, Lin Su glanced at Ji Heng and smiled. "I may like men, but I have standards."

Ji Heng: "…I’m as handsome as a tree in bloom, how am I any worse than the class monitor?"

"Your grades are," Lin Su teased.

Ji Heng: "…What do grades have to do with finding a partner?"

"He can draw, play the piano, and speak three languages," Lin Su listed.

Ji Heng: "…"

Damn, the class monitor is so impressive, he completely outclassed him.

"Ahem, fine, I admit defeat. I wish you two a long and happy life together," Ji Heng said, realizing he wasn’t into guys but also knowing it wasn’t his place to criticize his friend for liking men.

"Thanks," Lin Su clinked glasses with him.

"Thanks? I suppose you want me to keep this a secret, right?" Ji Heng swirled his drink. "But you’re really bold, aren’t you worried someone other than little Ning Qiu might figure it out?"

"Who are you calling ‘little’?" Ning Qiu wrinkled his nose.

Ji Heng playfully tapped Ning Qiu’s head, "You."

Everything about him was small—except for his big eyes, which were incredibly cute...

Wait, what was he thinking? He couldn’t believe he just thought a guy was cute!

Ning Qiu rubbed his head, deciding this jerk needed to be taught a lesson—he needed to learn that you can’t just touch a guy’s head like that.

Lin Su said, "I’m not worried. We keep it discreet for everyone’s sake, but if it gets out, it’s not like it’s something shameful."

"Ji Heng, I want to eat shrimp too," Ning Qiu tugged on Ji Heng’s sleeve, gently pulling and batting his big eyes at him.

When Ji Heng looked down, he felt like something cute had struck him right in the soul. "Go ahead and eat, I’m not stopping you."

"No, I want my brother to peel it for me," Ning Qiu pouted, acting spoiled.

I’ll disgust you to death, you jerk!

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