It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 132


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 132

Upon hearing the voice, Ming Tang immediately knew who it was. He rubbed Chouchou's head, stood up, and turned around with a smile, "Mr. Ruan, what brings you here?"

If he came without reason, even if it meant offending the Morning Sun Base, he wouldn’t hesitate to be impolite.

The young man standing before him was truly beautiful, smiling so innocently and purely that for a moment, Ruan Zehua almost believed the young man had good feelings toward him. 

However, the deliberate way the young man blocked the door was clear evidence of his strong wariness toward Ruan Zehua.

 "A few days ago, Chouchou had a fever, and her brother was worried, so he asked me to check on her. Though her temperature was high, it wasn't anything serious. After a few visits, we got to know each other. I mean no harm to you."

"Is that so? Thank you, Mr. Ruan. I noticed just now that Chouchou's fever has subsided," Ming Tang replied with a smile.

The patient was no longer feverish, so if the doctor was still visiting, it could only mean he had other intentions.

"In fact, I didn't come for her; I came to see you. I happened to be near the door and overheard your conversation, so I came over to explain," Ruan Zehua said calmly.

Wang Tai and Lin Su lived close by, so it was indeed easy to overhear conversations at that distance.

"What do you need from me?" Ming Tang asked.

Ruan Zehua’s gaze lowered, and he smiled when he saw the little girl peeking out from behind Ming Tang’s legs. "It’s about the base's cooperation, but now doesn’t seem like the right time for a discussion. Chouchou, do you remember this brother?"

Chouchou's eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly, "I remember, the handsome big brother."

Ming Tang gently pushed her head back and squatted down to instruct her, "Chouchou, you got it wrong. For someone as old as this gentleman, you should be calling him 'uncle'."

Chouchou didn’t quite understand, and she hesitated a little. 

Ruan Zehua chuckled softly. At that moment, Lin Su emerged from the doorway and overheard their conversation. He chimed in, "If Chou Chou calls him 'uncle' and you 'big brother,' then what should you call him?"

The smile on Ming Tang's face disappeared for a moment. He had intended to tease someone, but instead, he ended up being teased. He looked up at Lin Su, who was standing behind Ruan Zehua, and pouted, "Big brother, you're bullying me..."

He started to act aggrieved, embodying the phrase "the wicked complain first."

Lin Su sighed helplessly, "I was just reminding you."

"Big Brother Lin, you're here!" Chouchou clearly liked Lin Su the most out of the three. She immediately clung to him like a little cotton candy. "Big Brother Lin, hug me!"

She stretched out her arms in an adorable way, and Ming Tang, who also liked her very much, knew it wasn’t right to be jealous of a little girl, but...

"Chouchou, girls shouldn't let men hug them casually. Otherwise, when you grow up, you won't be able to get married, you know?" Ming Tang gently lifted the little cotton candy off of Lin Su's leg.

Chouchou looked a bit confused, "But when I grow up, I’m going to marry Big Brother Lin."

Ming Tang glared at Lin Su, who just shrugged. 

Ming Tang immediately clung to him like a koala, "Big brother, you'll only marry me, right?"

"Yes," Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang was very pleased with himself and turned to Chouchou, wrinkling his nose playfully, "Chouchou, Big Brother Lin already has a wife, so he can’t marry you, okay?"

"Oh..." Chouchou touched the little flower on her head, then pointed at Ming Tang, "Big Brother, you’re lying! You said before that you weren’t Big Brother Lin's wife!"

What? Why does this kid have such a good memory?!

Ming Tang explained, "At that time, I really wasn’t. But now I am."

"Then... why didn’t you invite me to your wedding?" Chouchou's eyes welled up with tears like pearls.

Of course, it was because they only slept together yesterday, and there hadn’t been time to hold a wedding. Besides, who needs a wedding in the apocalypse?

"Chou Chou, don’t cry. Big Brother will give you some candy." Ruan Zehua picked up the little girl and placed a piece of candy in her hand. 

The little girl, who was about to start a downpour, immediately switched from cloudy to sunny. "Handsome Big Brother, you're the best."

Lin Su glanced over at them, then looked at the little drama queen in his arms, raising an eyebrow slightly. He whispered, "Are you really jealous of a little kid?"

Ming Tang’s flare-up had passed, and though he knew he was being a bit childish, he felt that it was okay for him to think so, but others couldn’t say it out loud. "Anyway, you’re mine and no one else can take you away."

"So, do you want to walk in on your own, or should I carry you?" Lin Su asked, holding his waist.

"I’ll walk on my own." Ming Tang jumped down from his arms.

In the apocalypse, children couldn’t run around and play like they could in peacetime. When Wang Tai was working outside, Chouchou always stayed in the house by herself. 

Though she was young, she was very obedient and never caused her brother any trouble. Now, being surrounded by familiar people to play with, it was clear that the little girl was happy.

It wasn't until the little girl had exhausted all her energy, lying on the bed with her hairpins scattered, that Ruan Zehua turned to Ming Tang and asked, "Can we talk about our cooperation now?"

Ruan Zehua had been very patient, spending the entire morning there, clearly not wanting to waste any more time.

Lin Su had mentioned the base cooperation before, and Ming Tang didn't have much experience in managing a base. 

When it came to operations, he was definitely no match for Lin Su.

The three of them simultaneously decided to move to a different place to talk. However, as they stepped out, they encountered Zhao Chengyu, leaning against the wall by the door.

The man was tall, wearing a T-shirt on top and camouflage military pants below. Even without looking closely, one could tell his muscles were well-toned and powerful, exuding a wildness that was different from Lin Su's refined handsomeness.

Although Zhao Chengyu had been outside the door, he hadn't come in; instead, he chose to wait outside. Ming Tang noticed the way Zhao Chengyu looked at Ruan Zehua and clicked his tongue softly, "Mr. Ruan’s knight in shining armor?"

Zhao Chengyu’s expression shifted slightly. After spending half a day with Ruan Zehua, he had a good grasp of Ming Tang's personality—playful and mischievous, always ready to stir up trouble, but nothing too serious.

Ruan Zehua smiled and said, "Our relationship is different. Chengyu is my best friend, so don't tease him."

Zhao Chengyu asked in a deep voice, "How did the discussion go?"

"There were other things this morning, but we're heading to discuss now," Ruan Zehua said, falling in step behind Lin Su and Ming Tang. He added with a smile, "He's just a kid at heart; don't take it to heart."

"It’s not a big deal," Zhao Chengyu replied, watching the two ahead of them, who were clearly very close, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

As others paired off, the person beside Zhao Chengyu only saw him as a friend. 

Ming Tang clung to Lin Su's arm as they walked, sticking close like wet dough, muttering as they went, "I thought he was smart, but he's just clueless. It's so obvious that 'Yu' likes him, yet he doesn't see it. Are they playing dumb?"

Though Ming Tang's voice was quiet, the two behind him had sharp ears and keen senses, and they both paused their steps in unison. 

Ruan Zehua took a deep breath and was about to respond when Zhao Chengyu, resuming his pace, said, "He might have a point."

As they moved forward, Ruan Zehua hesitated for a moment, feeling a weight in his chest before following along.

Ming Tang's intention to stir up trouble was evident, and Lin Su saw right through him. Despite Ming Tang's youthful appearance, he was an adult capable of handling many things independently, effortlessly toying with people. 

Yet, being treated like a child due to his demeanor clearly irked him.

Stirring up trouble shouldn't be overdone, or it becomes too obvious. Lin Su gently pulled his arm free and patted Ming Tang on the head, saying, "Walk properly, or you'll trip."

Ming Tang understood and, instead of clinging to his arm, held onto two of his fingers, saying, "Brother, look how small my hand is."

His fingers were indeed slender, unusually smaller than most men's hands. Lin Su let him hold on and replied, "Yes, they're quite small."

"They say if one person can wrap the other's hand in theirs, it means they're a perfect match," Ming Tang said with a smile. "Should we try it?"

"We'll try when we get back," Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang had stopped stirring up trouble and was now engaging in what some might call "public displays of affection." 

Although they weren’t doing anything overt, the subtle looks and gestures between them were enough to make others feel slightly out of place. The two following behind found it difficult to describe the feelings brewing inside them.

Ruan Zehua thought to himself, "It really is like young love. Even if I were in a relationship, I wouldn’t be this clingy."

Zhao Chengyu, on the other hand, couldn’t help but glance at Ruan Zehua’s hand, which hung at his side. The thought crossed his mind that if Zehua acted like that, it might actually be quite cute.

"What are you looking at?" Ruan Zehua noticed the glance and, feeling inexplicably self-conscious, put his hand in his pocket.

Zhao Chengyu sighed inwardly, maintaining a calm exterior. "Nothing."

The negotiations that followed were not particularly smooth. Lin Su disliked being controlled, and Ming Tang shared this sentiment. Ming Tang was a free spirit, not one to be tied down, and the only reason he stayed at the base was because Lin Su was there. 

The idea of being bound by any conditions because of the base was simply out of the question for him.

If the previous leader of the Pojun Base were still in charge, Zhao Chengyu might have used his forceful methods to deal with the situation. 

However, the current leadership wasn’t as problematic as before, leaving them without a justifiable reason to antagonize a strong adversary.

"Excluding that condition, the rest of the cooperation can be agreed upon. If you don’t agree, the deal is off. When we no longer want this base, we’ll hand it over to you if you wish," Ming Tang said, raising his chin slightly. "But as long as I’m here, that condition is non-negotiable."

Ming Tang clearly didn’t place much importance on the base itself, but he strongly disliked being constrained. Leaders who lack a sense of responsibility aren’t suited for long-term management of a base. 

However, with Lin Su to compensate for this flaw, and considering that Ruan Zehua had seen leaders of other bases who were far worse—violent tyrants who treated ordinary people as expendable—Ming Tang’s shortcomings didn’t seem as significant.

Morning Sun Base had the potential to rejuvenate bases that were decaying from the inside out, but doing so would require diverting some of its own resources, making this approach unsustainable for all bases.

"What do you think?" Ruan Zehua asked.

The overall direction of the base was still under Zhao Chengyu's control, as he was the true leader of Morning Sun Base. "We can compromise, but Morning Sun Base’s latest technology will only be available to you through trade or purchase. How does that sound?"

Ming Tang didn’t know much about technology, but "latest technology" sounded impressive. Underneath the table, he wrote a message in Lin Su’s palm, "Will this be okay?"

"No problem," Lin Su wrote back.

The brief communication made Ming Tang’s palm itch, and he had to resist the urge to pull his hand back. He didn’t realize it, but his bright eyes widened slightly in reaction.

It felt like Lin Su was teasing him!

Suppressing the urge, Ming Tang looked at the two men waiting for a response and said, "Agreed."

With that, the cooperation was established. Both sides signed the agreement and stamped it with their fingerprints, marking the end of Pojun Base’s isolation.

Zhao Chengyu and Ruan Zehua had come for this cooperation, and with the agreement settled, there was no reason for them to stay. 

However, the atmosphere between them had subtly shifted compared to when they first arrived. Naturally, Lin Su and Ming Tang saw them off together.

“Keep in touch,” Ruan Zehua said with a smile. “If there are any more severely injured people, don’t hesitate to come find me.”

“No problem. Take care on the road,” Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang stood by, clearly eager to stir up some trouble.

【Host, your partner might be up to something,】System 06 had grown accustomed to monitoring such situations and immediately noticed the subtle change in Ming Tang’s expression.

【That’s just his typical behavior,】Lin Su responded with a smile.

If Ming Tang weren’t causing some mischief, he wouldn’t be himself.

“Let’s leave it here,” Ruan Zehua said, looking at them. “Ming Tang, until next time.”

“Mm, next time I hope you two come as a pair,” Ming Tang said sweetly. “It’s the apocalypse; we don’t even know if there’ll be a tomorrow. Why waste time with secret crushes? What if one day it all ends, and you’re left with a tragic love story of separation and—mmph—”

Lin Su swiftly covered Ming Tang’s mouth, saying seriously, “He tends to speak his mind. Don’t take it to heart.”

Ming Tang glared at Lin Su and tried to push his hand away but found it unexpectedly difficult.

He hadn’t even finished his sentence!

Ruan Zehua’s smile faltered. He’d been focused on solving the pressing issues at hand, always thinking he’d deal with personal matters later. 

But Ming Tang’s words weren’t entirely without merit.

“No worries,” Ruan Zehua said as he turned and got into the car.

Zhao Chengyu seemed deep in thought, and after making a gesture toward Ming Tang, his expression lightened considerably.

As the car departed, just as it had arrived, Lin Su gently released his hand from covering Ming Tang's mouth, only to have it immediately grabbed and bitten.

The virus of the Zombie Emperor could now be contained within his body, preventing casual transmission; otherwise, that bite would’ve converted this little darling to the zombie camp. 

Although, this bite didn’t even leave a mark.

“You didn’t let me finish my sentence,” Ming Tang grumbled, feeling like he should be upset, but the way Lin Su had covered his mouth earlier was so powerfully protective—damn, it was really attractive!

“I just thought if you kept going, it might backfire. It’s best to leave it at that,” Lin Su said as he wiped the saliva off his hand, lifting it to his nose with a slight sniff. “Did you eat candy again?”

The little one was not only good-looking but also very meticulous about cleanliness. Since being with Lin Su, he was even more polished from head to toe, almost like he was glowing.

Ming Tang suddenly remembered why he had the candy in the first place. He grabbed Lin Su’s hand and dragged him to a secluded spot, pushing him against the wall in a very dominant manner, his arm propped up as he declared, “Of course, I need to be ready to kiss you at any moment.”

He leaned in without a care for whether the previous conversation was complete or if others were watching. 

However, being half a head shorter than Lin Su, he had to stand on tiptoe to reach him. In the midst of their passionate kiss, he even had to hold onto Lin Su’s waist to keep his balance, which made his attempt at being a "dominant CEO" not so dominant after all.

“Brother, let’s drink goji berry water together,” Ming Tang invited with a playful glint in his eyes.

He said it, Lin Su did it, and they worked together with seamless chemistry. The passionate affection was definitely welcome, but in the end, the one who begged for mercy was also Ming Tang. 

Afterward, he curled up on the bed, looking like a pitiful little thing, muttering and calling Lin Su a "beast."

“Who’s the beast?” Lin Su asked, lying beside him.

Ming Tang buried half of his face into the blanket, his voice muffled as he shifted the blame. “It’s you! I told you to stop, but you kept going…”

Lin Su pinched his cheek, amused. “Hmm? Say that again.”

“You hurt me and then scolded me. The skin on my face is going to get loose from all this pinching. It hurts, hurts, hurts! Hmph~” He pouted and started to act spoiled when he couldn’t fend off Lin Su’s hand.

His delicate and cute features, combined with the soft, sweet voice laced with a slight nasal tone, would make anyone’s defenses crumble up close.

Lin Su let go and began to get out of bed, but the mischievous little guy wasn’t done. Ming Tang extended his toes from under the blanket and nudged Lin Su’s waist, teasing, “Brother’s waist is so nice~”

Though he quickly retracted his foot, Lin Su’s reaction was even faster, catching him by the ankle and starting to pull him out from under the covers. 

Ming Tang immediately switched to a tone of mock surrender, his voice laced with a playful plea, “Brother, brother, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong~ I won’t do it again~”

He looked so genuinely pitiful, like he had been thoroughly bullied.

Lin Su released him and got out of bed, but as he turned his back, Ming Tang suddenly jumped on him, wrapping his arms around Lin Su’s neck. 

The warmth of sweat and a light bite to his ear sent a shiver through him. The boy, who had just been playing the part of the victim, now chuckled softly into his ear, “Brother~ I’ll dare to do it again next time.”

Lin Su directly got up, carried Ming Tang on his back, and went straight into the bathroom. Since the cat was being so troublesome, he decided to deal with it thoroughly.

It proved that the cat's clawing was innate; even after one lesson and nail trimming, its mischief only became more intense next time.

The Pojun Base didn’t request the research results from the Morning Sun Base. 

However, it wasn't long before they announced their own research achievement: they could increase the current crop yield by more than three times and significantly shorten the planting time.

Once the results were released, other bases quickly sent inquiries, including the Morning Sun Base.

“Are we really that impressive?” Ming Tang, holding the research report, found he only understood the results but was nonetheless pleased. “It’s a good thing we didn’t agree to Ruan Zehua’s terms; now they have to come to us.”

“The contract stipulates that research results can be exchanged or purchased,” Lin Su corrected. “Didn’t you read the other terms of the contract?”

Ming Tang: “……”

He hadn’t read them.

“In the apocalypse, food is the most valuable. It’s unlikely that anything equivalent to this research result would be given to us,” Ming Tang said, resting his chin on his hand. “Since that’s the case, why not exchange it all for crystal cores? You’re now a level-four wood-type, so upgrading with higher-level crystal cores should be quicker.”

Crystal cores were the one thing Lin Su had in abundance. The base's ability to quickly produce such research results was naturally due to the experimental report fragments he had periodically submitted, which were collected from unknown sources.

 Exchanging for crystal cores might be a loss, but the little guy clearly seemed to be considering his interests.

“Exchange them for crystal cores that can enhance your abilities. My abilities are currently sufficient with the base’s crystal cores,” Lin Su pondered.

Ming Tang’s other abilities improved easily, but his devouring ability could only be enhanced with crystal cores. 

Although he could absorb abilities from people with a lower devouring ability level than him, if he encountered someone with the same devouring ability, the outcome would still depend on whose primary ability was stronger.

Devouring abilities were rarer than healing abilities, but they did exist in this world.

Enhancing a level-six ability with crystal cores below one’s level was clearly insufficient, but obtaining level-five, six, or even seven crystal cores required a corresponding number of high-level zombies.

The person always seemed to be thinking about him. Ming Tang, resting his chin on his hand, asked, “Are you really going to exchange them for me?”

“Mm, once your abilities are upgraded, no one will be able to bully me,” Lin Su said, pinching Ming Tang’s cheek.

Ming Tang rubbed against his palm, then suddenly seemed to remember something. He looked up, leaned in close to Lin Su, and examined him as if he were studying a rare species.

Lin Su allowed him to look: “What’s wrong? Is something not right?”

“Logically, your ability should only be at level four. Why does my devouring ability seem to have no effect on you?” Ming Tang, who had been too busy with other matters to think about this before, now found himself puzzled by the issue.

It was one thing to be thwarted by this man, but if he faced the same setback with someone else, especially if that person’s ability level was higher, it would be quite troublesome.

Lin Su naturally knew that the little guy had been hostile towards him before. He had planned to address it later, but since Ming Tang brought it up, it was time to settle this: “Did you want to devour my ability before?”

His tone was slightly stern, clearly different from his usual way of speaking. Ming Tang realized what he had said and quickly explained, “I was just testing it before. At that time, we weren’t together…”

Back then, he had thought everyone in the world was bad. He hadn’t considered the consequences of truly devouring Lin Su’s abilities. 

If Lin Su had really become an ordinary person, Ming Tang would have regretted it deeply upon realizing Lin Su wasn’t a bad person after all.

Lin Su stood up and sighed lightly: “Did I really make you dislike me so much back then?”

“No, you know I didn’t trust anyone at that time,” Ming Tang said, standing up and grabbing his arm. “I really realize my mistake now.”

He would not easily bring up his past; mentioning it meant that some things had already touched his heart.

While he needed to acknowledge his mistakes, it shouldn’t be done in such a humble manner.

“Will there be a next time?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang heard the gentleness in his tone and quickly shook his head, saying, “No, I promise there won’t be a next time. I won’t hurt you again.”

When he lost his parents and sister at the beginning of the apocalypse, he was still a teenager. 

The “abandoned cat effect” refers to a cat that, if abandoned once by its owner, will become extremely well-behaved upon returning due to fear of being abandoned again.

To control him, one could manipulate such emotions to make him obedient, but the true nature of a cat is to be sharp-tongued, mischievous, and to do bad things while pretending to be innocent.

“Considering you have a valid reason, I’ll forgive you this time,” Lin Su said, pulling him into an embrace. “Don’t show that pitiful look as if I’m about to abandon you.”

Ming Tang nuzzled against him, saying, “You looked really scary when you were angry just now.”

“That’s because you did something wrong, so I was very angry. When I’m angry, you need to analyze why you made a mistake and correct it,” Lin Su said, looking down at him. “Then I’ll forgive you.”

Ming Tang could tell whether Lin Su’s anger was genuine or feigned. He was truly scared for a moment that this person might leave him, but his words clearly indicated that he wouldn’t leave easily and that even such mistakes could be forgiven.

Why are there people in the world like this man, so incredibly kind?

“I really regret it. If time could turn back, I definitely…” Ming Tang’s words faltered. If time could turn back, he would definitely try again. “I just regret it. Brother, could you give me a kiss? I was really scared just now.”

The regret was real earlier, and now he was being flirtatious.

It’s not an exaggeration that being affectionate can bring good fortune, especially when done at just the right moment.

Lin Su leaned down and kissed the corner of his eye. “Be good and stop making trouble.”

“I’m not making trouble.” Ming Tang’s eyes shifted, clearly thinking of some mischievous idea.

The Pojun Base had set forth trading conditions, and the Morning Sun Base had responded positively. Crystal cores were crucial in the apocalypse, especially high-level ones. 

The last time Zhao Chengyu visited, his ability level was already at seven. The higher one’s ability level, the more high-level crystal cores were needed for advancement.

A leader with a high ability level can advance quickly and better protect the base, while a high crop yield can support and nurture more people.

The Morning Sun Base delivered as promised: ten level-seven and fifty level-six zombie crystal cores, along with the schematic for the metal composite components used in their defenses. In exchange, they received the experimental results from Lin Su.

Although Ming Tang’s various abilities were not restricted by crystal core attributes, Lin Su replaced some of the non-devouring attribute crystal cores with devouring-type ones and doubled the amount.

A box full of crystal cores made Ming Tang visibly delighted. “With these, reaching level seven will be no problem.”

Since the base expansion needed to be done right, and Ming Tang felt he couldn’t contribute much to the hands-on work, he resolved to ensure that no other bases could take advantage of them. 

Moreover, he planned to venture out and uphold justice, believing that more skills would never hurt.

He immediately declared that he would enter seclusion, not coming out until he reached level seven, displaying a demeanor reminiscent of martial artists in their training.

Lin Su pinched his earlobe and said, “Do you want me to make a hole at the bottom of the door to pass your meals through every day?”

It sounded much like a martial artist’s seclusion, and Ming Tang excitedly nodded, “That’s a good idea, so I won’t be disturbed.”

“Alright, I’ll nail the door and windows shut. Everything you need will be provided in one room. I won’t let you out until you achieve your goal,” Lin Su continued.

It initially sounded like traditional martial arts training, but now Ming Tang felt something was off. “Isn’t this just like being in jail?”

In the current environment, with everything sanitary managed in one room and a sewer system in place, it’s manageable. 

However, in the legendary world of martial arts, with only a hole for passing meals and clothes, how would the sanitation issues be addressed?

Without showers, and with convenience issues in close proximity, the dream of martial arts seemed to shatter in an instant.

For someone learning how to be a green tea, having a thick skin isn’t always necessary. Ming Tang clung to Lin Su’s hand, acting cute. “I can’t endure that kind of hardship. I need you to stay with me every day, paying special attention to me. I promise not to cause trouble while you’re working.”

Lin Su lightly tapped his forehead. “Got it.”

When Ming Tang entered seclusion, he seriously focused on improving his ability level. Unlike before, he was unusually quiet and serious, displaying a level of diligence. He was exceptionally smart and grasped things quickly.

【It’s obvious he was a troublemaker before the apocalypse, the kind of student who, despite being troublesome, was so charming and had such good grades that teachers couldn’t bear to reprimand him.】 Lin Su smiled.

【Host, you brushed off the big issue you mentioned so lightly.】 System 06 reminded him.

The host didn’t even scold him, which shows that children who can cry and act cute are indeed given sweets.

【I was just afraid he wouldn’t handle the surprise later on.】 Lin Su laughed.

Although high-level zombies evolve to be very close to humans, there’s an unspoken understanding that non-humans remain non-humans. Bridging such a gap is still significantly different from devouring abilities.

If the gap to be bridged were just with fluffy cats and dogs, it might be manageable, but bridging to zombies is something most people cannot accept.

However, unlike Ming Tang’s view on love, Lin Su would respect any choice he makes, no matter what.

System 06 thought privately that wasn’t that a shock? It’s quite typical of the host—no matter how cute or spoiled one might be, it’s of no use when it comes to handling such matters.

Although Ming Tang was in seclusion, the reputation of the Pojun Base spread far and wide. It was able to trade with the Morning Sun Base and other bases as well. 

The benefits of the alliance were evident at this time; because of the alliance, even large bases dared only to exert pressure on moral grounds, not through force.

Grains, crystal cores, cloth, rare metal materials—each item was transported to the base, and the influx of people into the base continued to increase.

To accommodate more people, expansion was necessary. The Pojun Base had already surrounded a part of the city. Expanding didn’t require the hassle of rebuilding; it was sufficient to delineate the area, hunt zombies in the old buildings, and then repair the floors to house more people.

As for the fields, the suburban farmland was already surrounded by a large area. Previously, it was manually cultivated. 

With Lin Su’s help in finding abandoned farming machines through the zombies, and after quick repairs and operation by the base’s personnel, many tasks became much easier than before.

Expanding the base required a lot of manpower, and the influx of people provided plenty of job opportunities. 

Of course, high-level ability users still lived better than ordinary people, as only they dared to venture outside the base to explore first. 

Even though Lin Su knew that there were no harmful zombies nearby, they were unaware of this.

The base’s construction was in full swing, and with the arrival of ordinary people came high-level ability users as well.

“Hello, my name is Cheng Song, and I am a Level 6 Wind Ability User.” The newcomer, wearing glasses and looking scholarly, gave off an air of refinement. In the apocalypse, those who lived decently either had very high power or were protected by powerful ability users.

“Level 6?!” The person in charge, instructed not to show favoritism, was still taken aback by such a level. From what he knew, even other large bases only had ability users up to Level 7.

“Yes,” Cheng Song replied with a smile. “Is there a problem?”

The person in charge shook his head repeatedly. “No problem. We just need to record the purpose of your visit to the base with such a high level of ability.”

“Of course, it is to admire Mr. Lin…” Cheng Song said with a smile. “The fact that he could achieve such remarkable research results in such a short time is like a beacon of hope for ending the apocalypse. I really hope to become his subordinate.”

Although everyone knew Mr. Lin was impressive, his ability level was only Level 4. Cheng Song was quite unusual, but experts often had some artistic and solitary traits that ordinary people might find hard to understand. 

The person in charge made a note and said, “Alright, I’ll have someone take you to your accommodation. With your high level of ability, as long as you are loyal, you will surely be valued.”

Cheng Song took the key and went inside, while behind him, a tall and imposing man approached with a young boy: “Zhu Lang, Level 5 Earth Ability User.”

“Who is that beside you?” (TL: There's three people here)

“He’s someone I brought along. His name is Jiang Ruan…”

As the subsequent questions continued, Cheng Song smiled lightly and followed the enthusiastic guide.

A Level 6 ability user could be considered a leader of a base, and having such an ability user join the base definitely made everyone more at ease. 

Naturally, Lin Su had to meet this person personally.

While Lin Su was somewhat courteous in public, when the two were alone, the Level 6 Wind Ability User bent down and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emperor.”

“Level 8,” Lin Su discerned instantly, but not in terms of ability; it was the level of a zombie.

The zombie in front of him was very human-like, with no visible defects at least in appearance.

Zombie evolution progresses to a level where it can dominate other zombies and is termed a King, but a Zombie Emperor is a being that crushes everything. In one world line, there seemed to be a rule: there can be many Zombie Kings, but only one Emperor.

“Yes,” Cheng Song said respectfully.

“How did you know I was here?” Lin Su asked.

“A Level 6 zombie told me that you are currently in a human base, so I came here,” Cheng Song replied with a smile. “I wanted to see what you are planning and to see if I could be of any help.”

“You should still retain memories of being human,” Lin Su observed.

The higher the level of a zombie, the clearer their rationality becomes. Memories lost due to brain decay slowly resurface, and they begin to recall their human past.

In peaceful times, humanity advocates equality, which contrasts sharply with the hierarchical oppression found among zombies.

In similar worlds before, once a zombie became a King, it was reluctant to approach the Zombie Emperor because it would be subject to natural suppression and had to obey its commands.

Cheng Song did not deny this. “Yes, I retain all my memories from when I was human. It’s just that my senses are incomplete, I have no heartbeat or body temperature, and it feels like I’m trapped in an unending dream.”

His state was clearly not fully evolved yet. Lin Su asked, “What do you want to do?”

“To do something interesting,” Cheng Song replied with a smile. 

“You don’t need to be too wary of me. Being a zombie is really boring. I have human memories, as well as memories of being a lower-level zombie chasing and biting people. Zombies don’t need to eat. I commanded many zombies to exterminate humans, but in the end, all zombies head towards decline. In my current state, I can’t freely live among people. If discovered, it’s a fight to the death. Being a zombie is truly tedious,” Cheng Song said with a smile. 

“You must have experienced this yourself, which is why you returned to live among people.”

Although Cheng Song could understand the growls of zombies, it was different from human interactions. For zombies who had regained their vision, the constant exposure to the elements, their fierce appearance, and sometimes their bare bodies without a shred of modesty could be quite jarring.

“What were you doing before you became a zombie?” Lin Su asked.

No matter whether it's a zombie or a human, Lin Su's approach is consistent: if someone doesn't provoke him, he won't retaliate. If the zombies he encounters are mindless, he will deal with them as necessary. 

However, if they are intelligent, they become assets rather than threats.

An eighth-level zombie has many more capabilities.

Cheng Song took off his glasses and wiped them, saying, “You might not believe it, but before the apocalypse, I was involved in the underworld, the kind of boss who ran protection fees.”

His appearance might resemble that of a school teacher, but the eyes betray his true nature. 

One glance is enough for Lin Su to confirm that Cheng Song’s description was accurate, though his real role was likely even higher than what he admitted.

Cheng Song, noticing Lin Su’s scrutinizing gaze, instinctively retracted his fingers. Despite having once led many people, the title and innate abilities of the Zombie Emperor didn’t compel his submission. 

His interest was purely out of boredom. However, Lin Su’s gaze made him feel as if he were being thoroughly examined, a feeling both unsettling and subtle. Anyone capable of seeing through him so effortlessly was surely not merely a fool relying on their innate abilities.

“Then I'll arrange some interesting things for you, so you won't be bored all day,” Lin Su said as he got up and passed by him. “Looking forward to our cooperation.”

Cheng Song was momentarily stunned, then slightly smiled: “I’ll follow Mr. Lin’s orders.”

It really was all seen clearly.

Author’s Note: 

Ming Tang: Actually, I’m just a vase, right? (What do you mean about relying on my ability…)

System 06: You just need to be beautiful. (After all, the host cares about looks.)

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TL: I have some unfortunate news for you guys. I can no longer tl this novel. As much as I had fun tl this novel, I am mentally and physically worn out from tl this novel. The amount of words in one chapter is just ridiculous and too time consuming. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

It usually takes me two hours to tl one chapter. I know I could just split chapters to make it easier on myself but I personally don't like doing that and it also wouldn't change the fact that it would still take me a long time to tl this novel.

So I just wanted to say sorry for any readers that have followed and liked this novel for so far. I'll be uploading the remaining chapters left for the next few days and then I will be officially be dropping this novel.

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  1. Thank you for your hard work 😭😭

  2. sorry to see you go. reading a chapter everyday has been seriously awesome but i understand it’d be taxing. have a good day!

  3. Thanks for the update

  4. I'm so sorry to read that you'll be dropping this novel, but I see how taxing it would be to keep going with the daily updates, and your health should always come first!
    Thank you for all your hard work, translating this series so far! And see you in your other TLs~~


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