It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 131


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 131

As night fell, the two naturally had to share the same bed. Lin Su tried to struggle, but Ming Tang said, “If you’re not interested in me, two men sleeping in the same bed is nothing unusual. Or do you actually have ulterior motives, hmm?”

“Just sleep,” Lin Su said.

With an injury on his back, he couldn’t lie down casually. Lin Su lay on the bed while Ming Tang climbed over from the other side and directly sat on his legs. Leaning over with a smile, he said, “Brother, if we lie like this, won’t you get pressed at night?”

After drinking goji berry water during the day, which could make an ordinary man quite restless, Lin Su lay with his head half turned on the pillow and said, “No.”

“Stubborn,” Ming Tang said, rolling over and lying next to him. He turned his head and fluttered his eyelashes, asking, “Brother, what kind of person do you like?”

His topics of conversation really went around in circles.

Lin Su replied, “Even if you set principles now, when you meet that person, the principles won’t count.”

“That sounds romantic,” Ming Tang said, pulling up the blanket and turning his head to the other side.

The fact that principles won’t count when meeting the right person implies that he still hasn’t met that person yet.

Stubborn straight man, only thinking about marriage and children. Since he’s focused on marriage and children, why bother protecting him?

That night, nothing unexpected happened. It was only in the morning that Ming Tang announced he was going to the Morning Sun Base: “I heard there’s a healing ability user there. I’ll bring him back to heal your wounds, and we’ll be even.”

In the original timeline, the Pojun Base was divided among other bases after Wang Pojun’s death and the lack of subsequent power to take over. 

At that time, Zhao Chengyu and Ruan Zehua had indeed come, but they were there with the intention of rescuing people.

Now that the Pojun Base is intact and even has an ability user more powerful than Wang Pojun in charge, other bases would naturally refrain from taking action at this time.

“I’ll have Wang Tai accompany you; it will be safer on the road,” Lin Su did not stop him from going. The scar that didn’t heal would always weigh on his mind, making him feel guilty.

【What if he finds out you’re lying to him?】System 06 was a bit worried.

【His guilt would at most be gone at once.】Lin Su said.

There’s no reason the little guy can deceive him but he can’t deceive the little guy. That would be like allowing government officials to set fires while forbidding the common people from lighting lamps.

“He’s only a Level 3 ability user; he’ll just slow me down on the road.” Ming Tang got into the car and glanced back at him, “Since you’re not interested in me, stop messing with me. If you do, at least be responsible. Jerk.”

Lin Su was silent for a moment: “Then be careful on the road.”

“Don’t worry,” Ming Tang waved his hand as he drove off. “I’ll take care of that Level 5 zombie for you as well.”

The car quickly vanished from view, and Lin Su paused for a moment before turning back to his residence. 

In reality, he had already left the base and was heading towards the small town he had been to earlier.

The town was much livelier than before, though the commotion was caused by the gathering of zombies. Lin Su was faster than Ming Tang and, upon arriving, found himself face to face with a well-dressed zombie. 

It roared a few times, clearly the fire-type zombie that had been fighting Wang Pojun before. However, it seemed more human-like than last time.

“Leave this place immediately,” Lin Su ordered.

The zombie roared a few more times, indicating it wouldn’t harm anyone inside the base.

“This person will pass through this area. You go and instruct the zombies along the way not to touch him,” Lin Su showed him a photo.

Even though it had not yet regained human language, the zombie had the intelligence of a human. It roared a few more times, knelt and saluted Lin Su, then leaped away and disappeared.

Ming Tang, naturally aware of the zombies' location, searched for them but found nothing—not even a Level 1 or 2 zombie. “Is the apocalypse ending?” 

Unable to find any zombies, Ming Tang could not exterminate them. He continued forward, only to find that it seemed like zombies had truly vanished along the way.

When Ming Tang left, the people in the base started to feel restless, especially those ability users who had inherited the bad habits of the previous leaders and could not accept the idea that ordinary people were not inferior to them in status.

“Brother Lin, ability users have worked hard to protect the base, yet they’re treated the same as ordinary people. If this continues, everyone will be dissatisfied,” someone said.

They only knew that Ming Tang had left but did not know how long he would be gone. When rumors from the Black Widow spread through the base, more people began to believe that Ming Tang might not return.

“To earn better treatment, one must deliver results,” Lin Su, sitting in the main seat, said. “Ordinary people who contribute significantly to the base should also receive their due rewards, not be treated uniformly.”

Among the 50,000 people, there was bound to be someone with extensive knowledge. The most terrifying thing about the apocalypse was the loss of culture. While some knowledge could be preserved through texts, much of it required human transmission.

As the Zombie King, Lin Su could not let all zombies perish because, when they gained awareness, they became another form of life. From a human perspective, they might need to disappear, but Lin Su was no longer human.

Moreover, even if all the zombies vanished in an instant, the chaos would not end. The relationship between ordinary humans and ability users meant that some issues were bound to continue endlessly—oppression, resistance, and the struggle for power would still bring darkness to the world.

The personal dynamics of the main characters could be easily altered, including Ming Tang’s situation, but large-scale changes in the world had to be made step by step.

“Ultimately, they are just slaves born out of our support,” someone said. “Brother Lin, don’t make the mistake of trying to win over the wrong people.”

“Things that are not obtained through one’s own efforts will eventually be lost,” someone else said.

Lin Su chuckled softly, “To win people over, I see it as the last cleansing.”

“You’re just a Level 4 wood-type ability user. There are many here who are not inferior to you,” someone said, rising from the table. However, an ice spike suddenly formed on the table, pressing against his throat. He panicked, “Wh-what’s going on?”

Lin Su waved his hand, and the ice spike bent, coiling around his wrist: “My wood ability is indeed Level 4, but who told you I don’t have other abilities?”

“Dual abilities?!” someone exclaimed. “Why didn’t you reveal this before?”

“I said this is the final cleansing. Those who were dissatisfied with my decisions just now should leave,” Lin Su said. “Ability users should not worry about their path in the apocalypse.”

While ability users might not worry about their path, the journey itself could cost some people their lives. The previously defiant individuals now dared not even breathe: “Brother Lin…”

“They are no longer necessary once unloyal. Or else you can leave your life here,” Lin Su said, looking at them.

Upon hearing this, those who had tried to negotiate stood up and hurriedly pushed towards the meeting room door, clearing out half of the room. The remaining half were those who had sat quietly.

Perhaps they had their own thoughts, but their lack of intelligence to act as troublemakers was enough for Lin Su to keep them around. True loyalty takes a long time to cultivate.

The base was reorganized once more. With a portion of the ability users gone, ordinary people, though anxious, saw their conditions improve. Those with expertise in medicine, mechanics, electricity, and information technology received better treatment. 

They could now receive standard food and crystal cores for their work without facing unwarranted cuts or oppression.

At the same time, the medical research department at the Pojun Base developed vigorously. Breakthrough research could earn a substantial number of crystal cores.

The Pojun Base sought to recruit new personnel. As long as one worked diligently and earnestly, hunger was no longer an issue.

Coincidences were unpredictable. On the fifth day after Ming Tang’s departure, a team of outsiders requested to enter the Pojun Base.

Three military vehicles arrived, all occupied by ability users. If it weren’t for their relatively friendly demeanor, the guards would have almost thought they were here to invade the base.

“They say they’re from the Morning Sun Base and want to discuss cooperation,” the person in charge reported.

The Morning Sun Base was where the main protagonists were based. In the original timeline, they had come to rescue the Pojun Base after its downfall. Now they wanted to cooperate?

“Tell your people to be more restrained; they’re already eyeing us with suspicion,” Ruan Zehua said, his fingers in his pockets as he sighed. “This show of force doesn’t seem like they’re here to discuss cooperation.”

“The leaders of the Pojun Base might not be easy to deal with; we should still make a show of force,” Zhao Chengyu said, touching the gun at his waist.

The previous Pojun Base was in chaos, and the new leaders were likely even more formidable. In the apocalypse, one should never underestimate the potential of any person.

The door was opened, and a young man, surrounded by others, walked out. The boy had a round face, giving off a somewhat cute impression, but he didn’t look much like a leader.

“Brother Lin is waiting for you inside. Please come with us,” Wang Tai said seriously.

When the person said that, Zhao Chengyu and Ruan Zehua understood that before they made their own show of force, the leaders of the base had already given them a demonstration.

However, they were indeed treated with courtesy. If they quibbled over such matters, it would seem they lacked vision.

“Please lead the way,” Ruan Zehua said with a smile.

Wang Tai led the way, and Zhao Chengyu and Ruan Zehua followed, while the military vehicles trailed behind at a slow pace.

As soon as they entered the base, they could see the mental outlook here. The Morning Sun Base was managed with strict militarized discipline. 

Even ability users were not allowed to bully ordinary people. Before coming, they had heard rumors about the Pojun Base, but now they found that the people here did not seem as numb as they had imagined. 

Instead, some faces showed signs of hope.

The high-rise buildings, clean corridors, and conference rooms here were quite different from those at the Morning Sun Base, leaning more towards a modern urban feel.

Everything here made Ruan Zehua wonder what the new leader of the base would be like. 

When they finally met the person, a man who stood up from the table and extended his hand with courtesy, Ruan Zehua had a sense of familiarity, as if it was how things were meant to be.

The man was distinguished in appearance and seemed approachable.

“Welcome to our base,” Lin Su said.

“Thank you for welcoming us,” Ruan Zehua replied, shaking his hand.

Lin Su spoke with a gentle tone and an air of warmth. His demeanor was pleasant, and noted that in the original timeline, the little guy had lost his life for Ruan Zehua. Someone who could make the little guy willingly sacrifice himself must have a unique charm.

Introductions proceeded as expected. Zhao Chengyu, clearly with a military demeanor, was accustomed to speaking directly: “We’re here to discuss a potential collaboration with the Broken Army Base. Are you interested?”

“How would you like to collaborate?” Lin Su asked.

Ruan Zehua took out a piece of paper and handed it over: “The general terms are listed here. Bases should support each other; if one base is attacked by a zombie horde, the other bases should respond and assist actively. Excess food and supplies between bases can be exchanged or shared, and research results can be traded or purchased…”

There were many conditions listed, but they were outlined only briefly.

Lin Su reviewed the paper carefully and said, “These conditions indeed benefit both parties. But why consider a collaboration? The Morning Sun Base should be interested in collaborating with other bases as well. Is the collaboration between bases intended to be shared?”

He had hit the nail on the head. Zhao Chengyu squinted his eyes. If he hadn’t initially considered the Pojun Base important, he now fully acknowledged its significance. Regardless of its strength, this man was very smart, and in the apocalypse, smart and adaptable individuals were crucial.

“Because many bases have already begun implementing a system of slavery, where ordinary people are treated like livestock. Long-term oppression is not conducive to ending the apocalypse,” Zhao Cheng Yu said.

Not all leaders had a forward-thinking mindset, especially in an apocalypse that seemed endless. Some were more concerned with immediate pleasures.

“As for the latter, once a major collaboration is established, the security of various bases can be well protected. If we unite into a single force, we can negotiate terms even with larger bases,” Ruan Zehua added.

“Is the Morning SunBase to lead this union?” Lin Su asked.

Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu exchanged a glance, sighed, and nodded, “Yes, if you agree to cooperate, we will provide the latest research results to increase the food production at the base.”

The terms sounded reasonable, and some smaller bases might have no choice but to accept. From their perspective, Lin Su didn’t think they had done anything wrong. After all, compared to using force, they preferred to cooperate peacefully, allowing humanity to survive better.

“I can agree to cooperate on an equal basis, but not with the Morning Sun Base taking the lead,” Lin Su said.

He could not be commanded or subjected to others' control, and he had his own development goals. As long as he was at the Pojun Base, there would be no risk of a large-scale zombie tide attacking.

“We came prepared for the possibility that you would refuse, but I hope you can reconsider,” Ruan Zehua said.

Lin Su also needed to use his healing ability, so he had to wait for Ming Tang to return. “In fact, I am merely the face of the Pojun Base. Our true leader left for the Morning Sun Base a few days ago and should return in a few days. You can stay for a few days and discuss it again when he returns.”

Ruan Zehua looked surprised, “May I ask what his purpose is in going to the Morning Sun Base?”

“He went to bring back a healer. I’ve heard that you have a healing ability user, and he wanted to bring someone back to heal,” Lin Su said.

Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu exchanged a glance, then turned back and took a deep breath, “To be honest, I am the healing ability user. Has someone been seriously injured?”

“It seems he made a futile trip,” Lin Su clasped his hands together and said, “It is me.”

The large areas of corrosive scars looked particularly grim. Ruan Zehua placed his hand on them and said, “Such wounds may require three treatments to heal completely. It might be a bit itchy in the next few days, so please avoid scratching it.”

“Understood,” Lin Su said.

Ruan Zehua, a level five healing ability user, worked skillfully and quickly. After the treatment, Lin Su gathered his clothes and said, “Thank you very much.”

“It’s no trouble,” Ruan Zehua smiled. “I’ll be at the Pojun Base for the next few days. If anyone in the base is seriously injured, feel free to come find me.”

He did not mention the cooperation again after helping, not using the favor as leverage, but his gesture made it hard for anyone to ignore.

Healing abilities are extremely valuable in the apocalypse. The ability users at the Pojun Base were clearly pleased upon hearing the news. Even ability users themselves might have hidden injuries from fighting zombies, which current medical equipment cannot heal, but healing abilities can.

Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu were settled in a good accommodation, and since the announcement of the healing ability, the place had become very busy.

Ruan Zehua's reputation at the Pojun Base continued to rise. Within just two or three days, people who had been healed of their hidden injuries and hoped that the base could have such a healer were quite hopeful.

Three days later, Ming Tang drove through the main gate and parked in front of the central district.

His sudden return naturally attracted everyone's attention. Ming Tang ignored the stares and went straight up the stairs. 

As he entered Lin Su’s room, he had planned to give him a surprise. However, when he saw Lin Su sitting with his back exposed, the desire to surprise him disappeared entirely.

“What’s going on here?” Ming Tang asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Ruan Zehua turned around and was momentarily captivated by the young man's appearance. 

Even though he had seen many attractive people, it was rare to encounter someone whose looks could capture everyone's attention at first sight: “Who are you?”

“That’s a question I should ask you. Who are you?” Ming Tang glanced at Lin Su.

Lin Su explained, “He’s a healer from the Morning Sun Base. You just missed him by a couple of days.”

“Let me introduce him. This is the actual leader of our base, Ming Tang,” Lin Su said.

Ruan Zehua was somewhat surprised but also felt it was to be expected. With such an outstanding appearance, it was likely that he had some special ability to survive in this apocalypse: “Hello.”

“Hello, so you’re the one who treated Brother Lin’s wounds. We welcome your arrival.” Ming Tang's expression softened as he walked in and leaned in to examine Lin Su’s back. 

The scars were almost invisible now, revealing a perfectly sculpted waist and figure. “How much longer will it take?”

“A few more minutes,” Ruan Zehua replied with a smile, not bothering to be offended by Ming Tang’s initial lack of courtesy.

He had a refined and gentle demeanor, with a subtle charm that grew more comfortable the longer you looked. Compared to him, Ming Tang seemed almost childlike.

If it weren’t for his good looks, Ming Tang might not have misunderstood the scene before him.

“Thank you,” Ming Tang said with a smile, sitting next to Lin Su and holding his hand as he asked, “Brother, did you miss me while I was gone?”

His attitude was clearly intimate, and the term “brother” was not something you would commonly hear between two men. 

Ruan Zehua's hand trembled slightly, and meeting Ming Tang’s smiling gaze, he felt an inexplicable sense of marking his territory.

Ming Tang’s actions were not overly inappropriate in front of others, but they clearly indicated their relationship. 

Lin Su responded to Ming Tang’s threatening gaze with, “Yes, I missed you.”

Although he was forced to say it, Ming Tang was still pleased to hear it. “Brother, I missed you too.”

Their display of affection was so casual that it made Ruan Zehua feel a bit out of place. He also understood why the young man had shown him some hostility earlier. “Are you two lovers?”

Ming Tang smiled and said, “Of course.”

Seeing this person getting upset when he was with others, even if they were just innocent, still made him feel as though something of his was being taken away.

If he still didn’t realize that he was attracted to this man now, it would be too foolish. Since he liked him, he was determined to pursue him by any means necessary, leaving no chance for others.

Ruan Zehua thought he wasn’t particularly attracted to looks, but he found the young man’s possessive actions more endearing than annoying. 

It was a bit like a child fiercely guarding their favorite toy: “You two make a good match. In fact, I don’t interact much with Mr. Lin; I’ve only been here for the past three days to help with his wounds. Well, this is where I’ll leave it. I’ll be on my way.”

He spoke calmly, with a gentle demeanor like a soft breeze. When he left, he didn’t look back, showing clear disinterest in Lin Su. Or rather, he was willing to cooperate with someone as intelligent as Lin Su, but only as friends.

With Ruan Zehua gone and the door naturally closing behind him, Lin Su looked at the hand Ming Tang had placed on his arm.

Ming Tang followed his gaze and then affectionately leaned in closer, “Brother, did you really miss me?”

With their fingers touching and almost half of Ming Tang’s body leaning against Lin Su, Lin Su looked down at him. 

Ming Tang leaned in and kissed him directly.

His kissing technique was clearly inexperienced, but his lips were soft and sweet, carrying a hint of sweetness from whatever he had eaten before arriving.

After breaking the kiss, Ming Tang licked his lips and sat down in Lin Su’s lap, “Brother, you didn’t reject me just now.”

His lips, tinted with a bright color, and the close distance had a pure, almost innocent allure, much like what Wang Tai had described—able to captivate a king and bring an entire nation to its knees.

Lin Su embraced his waist and asked, “What do you want to do?”

“I’m seducing you, I’m making you mine alone.” Ming Tang leaned in close to Lin Su’s ear and whispered, “This isn’t just blowing into your ear; it’s a seduction, Brother. You’re so dense, making me use all my skills without any effect.”

With the beautiful person in his arms, speaking in such an affectionate and ambiguous manner, Lin Su looked into Ming Tang’s eyes and asked, “Do you like me?”

“Of course I like you.” Ming Tang smiled sweetly. “If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t let you touch me at all.”

“Then before…” Lin Su didn’t finish the sentence, but both of them understood.

Ming Tang didn’t care whether others knew about his purity, but he did care about this person: “Do you mind?”

“I care whether you are active or passive. If you were forced, I wouldn’t mind. If you were active, I would,” Lin Su said.

“Would you mind? Have you liked me for a long time?” Ming Tang’s eyes brightened. He leaned in and asked, “I’ve never been touched by anyone but you. Brother, aren’t you going to kiss me?”

If you can endure having your lover be so proactive, then you’re not really a man. Lin Su held Ming Tang’s head and leaned in to kiss him. 

The kiss was a bit awkward and occasionally bumped against teeth, making Ming Tang gasp softly, indicating he was a novice.

With so much experience, pretending to be an expert would only make things worse. The awkwardness suited the image of a straightforward guy.

As their lips parted, Ming Tang touched his lips but didn’t seem upset. Instead, he affectionately draped himself over Lin Su and asked, “Am I your first lover?”

“Yes, the only one in this life…” Lin Su said.

Ming Tang was clearly in a great mood. His fingers traced circles over Lin Su’s heart and he said, “No matter if I’m the first or not, if you ever betray me, I’ll kill you. Your heart is beating so fast.”

He was a bit surprised but also puzzled. “Is it just that you’re cold… are you sick?”

Without much medical knowledge, he could only explain it with conventional theories.

Lin Su pondered for a moment and said, “It seems so.”

Zombies are indeed known for being cold.

“It’s okay. My body temperature is high; we’ll warm up together.” Ming Tang’s hand moved to Lin Su’s waist. “Brother, your physique is really good.”

Though he claimed it was for warmth, it was clearly more about seduction. The way he was acting suggested he wanted to get straight to the point. 

Lin Su stroked his cheek, sighed, and picked him up, “Yours is good too.”

Since he wanted it, Lin Su naturally aimed to satisfy him. The stamina of a zombie king was not something an ordinary person could withstand.

 At least, Ming Tang, who had been so active at first, ended up just wanting to crawl off the bed.

“Brother, I know I was wrong~” His voice was soft and sweet, pleading for mercy.

Lin Su let him go for the time being, pinched his flushed cheek, and asked, “Will you still dare to give me goji berry water next time?”

“Brother is so amazing; there’s no need for goji berry water,” Ming Tang nestled into his arms and held his waist. “It still feels a bit cold, but it’s very comfortable to be held now.”

He was sweating profusely, feeling very cool clinging to Lin Su. After the long journey, feeling jealous, and engaging in intense physical activity, he was finally relaxed, and his consciousness began to drift into a drowsy state.

As he was picked up, Ming Tang wrapped his arms around Lin Su’s neck and asked, “Where are we going?”

“We’re going to take a bath. You can sleep,” Lin Su said, holding him securely.

Ming Tang vaguely responded and fell into a deep slumber in the bathtub.

Darkness seemed to spread deep within the dream. The sound of dripping water felt sticky. Ming Tang wandered through the darkness, and when he saw the source of the dripping water, he froze.

A beautiful young girl lay on the bed with her eyes open, blood continuously seeping from the back of her head and dripping down her outstretched fingers, one drop, two drops… rippling in a pool of blood on the floor.

“Little Moon…” Ming Tang murmured as he approached and tried to embrace what should have been a soft, warm body. 

But the touch only revealed stiffness and coldness. “Little Moon, look at Brother one more time, call me, I will save you. I can definitely save you. The bad people have all been killed, they’re all dead. Little Moon, wake up…”

In the darkness, the once clean room was filled with the corpses of several people. Ming Tang picked up the small body on the bed and crossed over the bloody, disfigured corpses with a composed face. 

Yet, despite walking for a long time in the darkness, he couldn't find the exit.

He walked for what seemed like an eternity, so long that his body went numb, and still no one came to rescue Little Moon. It was supposed to be him saving those people; it should have been him who died. All men in this world should die!!!

“Ming Tang, Ming Tang, wake up…” A voice seemed to come from nowhere, like opening a door in the darkness.

Ming Tang suddenly sat up in bed, gasping for air. Noticing the movement beside him, he instinctively grabbed the person’s neck, “Don’t move!”

Sweat covered his face, his eyes filled with hatred. His usually cute face was marred with a hint of fierceness, yet tears continued to fall. 

His fingers tightened around the neck, and as Lin Su relaxed his grip, Ming Tang, upon realizing who he was grabbing, looked as if he was shocked and loosened his hold, saying, “Sorry.”

This person was different from those others.

That dream had not occurred for a long time. The past wounds had long been washed away with blood, but for some reason, that dream had come back.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Su held his shoulders and placed his head on his shoulder, asking softly.

Ming Tang let out a sigh of relief and wiped away the falling tears, saying, “I had a nightmare.”

“What kind of nightmare? Can you tell me about it?” Lin Su asked gently.

Ming Tang buried his head in Lin Su’s chest and held onto his clothes tightly but remained silent for a long time.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to,” Lin Su said, patting his back.

Ming Tang sighed, “Actually, it’s not that there’s anything I can’t say.”

Compared to the people in the apocalypse who eat others, his experience might seem trivial.

“Do you know the Black Widow?” Ming Tang asked.

“I’ve heard of it. It’s said to be a figure who uses beauty to lure men into an inescapable path of ruin,” Lin Su said softly.

Ming Tang gave a mocking smile, realizing he could describe himself with such a legend: “Actually, I am that Black Widow from the rumors.”

Since Lin Su was his, he should know about his past, accept both his good and bad sides, with no chance of escape.

Lin Su didn’t say anything. Ming Tang looked up at him and asked, “Are you surprised?”

“Actually, I’m not very surprised,” Lin Su said seriously. “Can I know why you did that?”

“Because some people deserve to die...” Ming Tang’s eyes darkened as he said, “At the beginning of the apocalypse, I was still as kind as you, knowing to help others. My parents turned into zombies, leaving only me and my sister. She had a beautiful name, Ming Yue.”

They were many years apart, but his sister had always been his little angel, just like the moon in the sky, meant to be cherished. If it weren’t for the apocalypse, she would have grown up safely, blossomed into a beautiful young woman, and married someone she loved.

But in the apocalypse, with chaos everywhere and no abilities to protect themselves, he had taken in a few people who were being chased by zombies, hoping to help. That’s when the nightmare began.

They seemed kind and tried to play with little moon, but she didn’t like being around them. At first, Ming Tang thought she just didn’t like strangers, but one night, when the door was pried open and those beasts rushed in, he realized how accurate a child’s intuition could be, and how terrifying people could be in the apocalypse.

His awakened ability devoured those people’s powers, allowing him to fight back, but his sister, in the struggle, hit her head on the edge of a cabinet, and the bleeding couldn’t be stopped.

The first experience of killing was confusing, exhilarating, and... sorrowful.

Because no matter how many people he killed, it couldn’t bring little moon back. She would forever sleep underground.

As Ming Tang recounted the story, his face was expressionless, as if he were talking about someone else. 

Until the end of the story, he slowly asked, “Do you think those people deserved to die?”

“They deserved to die,” Lin Su said.

Some people might be inherently evil and cannot be changed. But the little guy clearly had kindness towards some people. 

Lin Su had been wondering about the reasons behind his actions, and it turned out to be the unbearable pain of the human heart.

He had been doing this for so long, which showed that he hadn’t let go. Killing is not a fundamental solution; it only makes one continuously dwell on the past, repeatedly stabbing their own heart.

Ming Tang smiled, wrapping his arms around Lin Su’s neck and said, “Then you should come with me to do this in the future.”

“Do what?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang tilted his head and said, “Of course, make sure those who force the little innocents to suffer have a bad end.”

“Like the little slave you pretended to be at the beginning?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang, not noticing the danger in his tone, nodded repeatedly, “If you help, it will be much easier for me.”

“So you want me to watch you seduce others?” Lin Su’s tone grew serious.

Ming Tang hesitated and said, “Not really. I can use illusions to create a delusional dream for them.”

He said this, but inside he was a bit anxious, unsure of what he was doing wrong.

“What if I lived under the same roof as someone else but guaranteed that nothing would happen?” Lin Su asked.

The little guy had some scumbag traits, even if he was ignorant.

“No way!” Ming Tang immediately retorted, “You dare?!”

“I can’t, why can you?” Lin Su said. “You have your possessiveness, and I have mine. I won’t allow it.”

After saying this, he got up and put on his clothes. Ming Tang, initially stunned, instinctively grabbed his clothes and asked, “Where are you going?”

Lin Su turned to look at him. Ming Tang stubbornly held onto his clothes. 

Lin Su sighed and said, “I’m going to make you something easy to digest. Stay here.”

Ming Tang released his grip and watched as Lin Su went into the kitchen. He sighed in relief, wrapping himself in the blanket and sitting on the bed. He couldn’t use himself as bait, which meant many things would be restricted. 

But making others the bait was obviously unacceptable; they had no obligation to do so, and it was dangerous if he didn’t do it himself.

He touched his lips, remembering the passionate kiss from before. If someone else had told him “no,” he would have seen it as an obstacle, a hassle. But when that person said “no,” it felt as though his body and soul belonged to them.

Possessiveness? He clearly liked him so much, yet his words were so harsh before.

If he goes ahead and does that, he will definitely get angry. 

But if he doesn’t do it, will he just let those disgusting people continue to trample on those who are merely blessed with good looks by heaven? 

Those people, like Little Moon, are also waiting for his salvation.

Ming Tang thought and thought, but couldn’t come up with a reasonable solution until Lin Su brought over the porridge. He hesitated and said, “Can we discuss this matter?”

“Sure,” Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

“You can only deal with those who bully the innocent, but you can’t take the stage yourself,” Lin Su said seriously. “This is the final concession.”

“...Alright, as long as you’re happy, I don’t mind compromising a bit,” Ming Tang said as he put down the porridge and held his face. “How come you’re so understanding and considerate, big brother?”

“Do you want me to drink wolfberry tea?” Lin Su asked.

When he was begging, he was truly pitiful, but once he had a bit of strength, he started acting recklessly.

Ming Tang stuck out his tongue and said, “I don’t want that. By the way, how is Chouchou doing lately?”

“Pretty good, but she often misses the handsome brother,” Lin Su said.

In the future, he would have to spend a lot of time at the base, so Ming Tang was determined to build a good relationship with Chouchou. 

He did indeed project his feelings for Little Moon onto the little girl, but he also genuinely liked the lively and cheerful girl.

Candy was the favorite treat for children in the apocalypse, so Ming Tang carried a few pieces with him to find Chouchou. The little girl was sitting on a small stool on the balcony, swinging her legs. 

When she saw Ming Tang, her eyes lit up. “Handsome brother, you’re back!”

“Chouchou, come here,” Ming Tang called out to her.

The little girl ran over with her pigtails bouncing, each tied with a small daisy hairpin, looking very pretty. 

Ming Tang patted her head and complimented, “This little flower is very pretty.”

“It was given to me by a very handsome big brother,” Chouchou said, touching her little flower. “Chouchou thinks it’s very pretty too.”

“A very handsome big brother?” Ming Tang pinched her cheek and asked, “How many big brothers do you have? Did he suddenly give you this with bad intentions?”

Chouchou shook her head vigorously, “No.”

She seemed more worried that someone might take her little flower away.

Ming Tang was about to ask more, but he heard a gentle voice behind him say, “It’s just a gift given casually. I have no bad intentions.”

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