It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 115


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 115

"Okay, you can play it on your own." Lin Su let go and sat to the side, picking up a half-finished English vocabulary book. "I'll study some words."

His action made it seem like Ye Huaitang was the one indulging in games, while he was the diligent top student.

Ye Huaitang didn't want Lin Su watching him, anyway. After all, if he made a mistake... it wouldn't be noticed.

Lin Su sat nearby, memorizing vocabulary, while Ye Huaitang restarted the game. He boarded the plane, parachuted down, landed, and swiftly entered a room to gather equipment, recalling the instructions Lin Su had given him.

All the guns looked the same, and he didn't know what some of the attachments were for.

Before Ye Huaitang could analyze, gunshots and footsteps approached.

At this moment, he needed to locate the source of the sound. The marker appeared above; that's where...

Gunshots rang out, green blood splattered, and Ye Huaitang saw the character on the screen fall. Realizing he didn't have a medkit and seeing another player running towards him, he was quickly finished off with a few more shots.

A square box formed on the ground. The outcome of his first solo attempt was quite sobering.

Ye Huaitang: "..."

He sneaked a glance at Lin Su, who was focused on his vocabulary. Quickly, he exited and started a new game, keeping his eyes on Lin Su the whole time, fearing he would look up. For some reason, he experienced the anxiety of a poor student cheating in an exam.

It was very similar.

The plane took off, and Ye Huaitang chose a more remote location for landing this time. There was no one there, and he could freely gather resources. He even found some decent equipment. Estimating the time, he started running towards the safe zone, but while climbing a high point, he couldn't get up, he helplessly watched as his character turned into a small box.

He made a mistake in operation. There's no reason he shouldn't be able to play such a simple game.

Ye Huaitang quickly exited again and matched into a new game. This time, he perfectly gathered resources, perfectly entered the safe zone, and perfectly got knocked down by a car that suddenly appeared from a distance, his health bar visibly decreasing.

"Brother, I told you we'd end up as boxes."

"Brother, that's a pretty spectacular way to die."

"Players like you, who are bad and still love to play, that's exactly who we're talking about."

"Noobs should get out; you don't deserve to play games."

The comments on the side were very prominent. Hidden behind the anonymity of the internet, some people’s words became very reckless.

Ye Huaitang's fingers tightened around the mouse, but before he could do anything, he felt the warmth of someone coming up behind him, enveloping him, as the sound of typing on the keyboard began.

"There's someone behind the tree, revive me and I'll carry us to victory."

"Can you really do it?"

The car drove off a bit, then turned around and headed straight for the character on the screen. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and the car exploded. A character emerged from behind the tree and revived Ye Huaitang's character.

"Promised me to reach first place."

"No problem," Lin Su chuckled.

The character stood back up. In Ye Huaitang's hands, it had stumbled and fumbled, but in Lin Su's hands, it moved so skillfully it seemed like a different game. He knew where to find vehicles and always managed to get crucial kills at critical moments.

One person with two guns was wreaking havoc.

As the kill count rose, the players who had been mocking them started changing their tune.

"Did they switch players?"

"Brother, you're awesome!"

"I just want to see if he can make it to the end..."

But no matter what others said, Lin Su's attention remained on the screen. Even when surrounded by several opponents, he calmly wiped out the entire enemy squad.

When the words "Victory" appeared, there were several more friend requests.

Lin Su only accepted one, and rejected the others with the reason: "Noobs don't deserve to play. Bad players who still love to play."

Returning the same words, though in a different kind of colorful language, eased the frustration Ye Huaitang had felt earlier, turning it into a sense of satisfaction.

"Want to play again?" The character that had revived Ye Huaitang sent a message.

"I have to study, maybe next time," Lin Su smoothly declined and then looked down, asking, "Still want to play?"

"Didn't you say we'd study after one game?" Ye Huaitang averted his gaze.

"One game?" Lin Su's tone lifted slightly.

Ye Huaitang felt again like he was cheating and had been caught by a teacher. "Is there something wrong with that?"

To play the game well, sound is essential. Although Ye Huaitang had deliberately turned off the sound effects when he restarted, it was obvious that Lin Su would know this was misleading since the game still produced sounds when a character was killed.

"Nothing's wrong," Lin Su clicked his tongue. "Next time, I'll help you set up a secondary account and we can play together."

"No need. This thing can be quite addictive. We're students; it's better to focus on our studies," Ye Huaitang said as he stood up.

One try was enough to experience the fun of the game. The feeling of dominating the battlefield was great, but to develop skills like Lin Su’s would require countless failures, learning from mistakes, and developing instinctual behaviors.

The more you lose, the more you want to play. Poor skills invite attacks from others, and the combination of failure and verbal abuse only worsens one’s state of mind, making temper unpredictable.

Knowing the consequences, it's best to stop in time.

"If you like it, playing occasionally shouldn't be a problem," Lin Su said.

The person in front of him had very high self-discipline. While other kids were still playing around, getting distracted, occasionally acting impulsively or becoming obsessed with something to the point of causing their parents headaches, he was able to nip his own interests in the bud just because those interests might derail his normal life.

Self-discipline is good, but being too harsh in suppressing one's desires can lead to a path of depression.

"It's not that I particularly like it. Besides, if I wanted to combine work and rest, playing a musical instrument would be better. You can learn something from it, achieving two goals at once," Ye Huaitang said, helping to turn off the computer. He checked his watch and said, "It's about time. I should go."

"Can I come over this weekend to discuss our studies?" Lin Su didn't dwell on the previous topic.

To pull someone out of their old ways, you absolutely cannot let them sense your intentions. Otherwise, just like rejecting the game, Ye Huaitang would firmly reject such a change.

"I don't mind you coming over," Ye Huaitang said, looking Lin Su up and down, "but your hair might get you turned away at the door for looking like a delinquent."

"Then I'll climb over the wall," Lin Su said.

"Our house is covered with surveillance cameras. Do you want me to send you to the police?" Ye Huaitang replied while packing his things.

Lin Su chuckled, "Do you know who did it last time?"

"You already knew who did, didn't you? And you deceived your brother. Ji Heng is still being led around in circles by you," Ye Huaitang glanced at him. "It's the weekend. If you want to do exercises, do them. If not, just wait until school starts. At your current pace..."

"Then if I dye my hair black, I should be able to get in, right?" Lin Su interrupted.

Ye Huaitang was caught off guard but then said, "Actually, you don't have to go out of your way to accommodate me."

Lin Su shrugged indifferently, "It's not just that. Lately, I've felt like having red hair is like having a rooster comb."

Red hair suited a teenager's flamboyant personality, but it clearly didn't match Lin Su's own aesthetic. He preferred blending into the crowd and quietly making a fortune rather than standing out like a walking target.

"It's good that you think so," Ye Huaitang said.

Dyeing his hair black was just the first step. Lin Su's current wardrobe would still make him look like a delinquent, but Ye Huaitang didn't want to forcefully change him to be just like himself.

Lin Su smiled, "You didn't think this way before, did you?"

"No," Ye Huaitang denied vehemently. "I really have to go now. See you this weekend."

He left quickly, as if afraid Lin Su would ask more questions.

After seeing him get into a car downstairs, Lin Su looked at his hair in the mirror and thought, "Finally have an excuse to dye my hair black."

【  Congratulations, Host,】 replied System 06, who had saved the photo of the rooster comb and included it in the host's numerous mishap records.

The life of the student seems slow at times—especially those last two minutes of class when the teacher drags on—but it also flies by. A few exercises, some vocabulary review, a bit of daydreaming, and suddenly it's the weekend.

Ye Huaitang woke up on time every day, even on weekends. While other kids were either sleeping in or playing games after an all-nighter, he had already had breakfast and started his weekend courses.

Etiquette, piano, violin, painting, and various financial and trade courses filled his day completely.

Father Ye did not come home every day. Although Mother Ye was at home, she woke up equally early, got ready, and went out as well.

"Huaitang, study well, but don't push yourself too hard," Mother Ye said.

"Mother, a classmate will be visiting today," Ye Huaitang said softly. "Can they come over?"

"The classmate assigned to you by your teacher?" Mother Ye asked.

Ye Huaitang nodded, "Yes, Mother."

"Will it interfere with your courses?" Mother Ye asked.

"No, I will complete them on time. He is only coming to study," Ye Huaitang replied with a gentle smile.

"Then make sure to treat him well, don't neglect him," Mother Ye said before driving off. Once she left, she usually did not return until late at night.

She wasn't going out to shop or have fun, but to handle her own affairs. She was a true businesswoman, with her schedule just as packed as her son's. Seeing his mother's diligence, Ye Huaitang felt he shouldn't slack off either.

When Lin Su arrived at the location Ye Huaitang had told him, he could faintly hear the sound of a violin. The music was melodious and soothing, yet it carried a sense of the player's anxiety.

After paying the fare, Lin Su walked to the villa's door and smiled as it opened. "Hello, I'm Ye Huaitang's classmate. Is he available now?"

The butler, who had been informed by Ye Huaitang that his classmate might be somewhat different from usual, was prepared to see someone with brightly colored hair. 

However, he was momentarily taken aback when he saw the boy at the door. "Hello, welcome. Please come in," he said, recovering his composure.

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