It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 116


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 116

The young man at the door was strikingly handsome, with red lips and white teeth. Though slender, his appearance was well-proportioned and fit the typical adolescent frame perfectly. His black hair fell over his forehead, adding a touch of mysterious calm, but his eyes lit up with a lively expression upon seeing the butler, making him seem out of place in this grand villa.

The butler had seen many people, but few had given him such a contradictory first impression. Despite this, the young man’s clothing was neat, and his clean shirt highlighted his physique. As a guest, he showed no signs of disrespect.

"Hello, I'm Ye Huaitang's classmate. We arranged to meet this weekend," Lin Su said with a smile.

"Master Ye is currently in class. Would you mind waiting inside for a bit?" the butler asked.

"I don't mind. I'll wait for him," Lin Su replied, stepping inside and taking a seat as the butler gestured. "How long will he be?"

Young people are usually less patient, so the butler smiled slightly. "About half an hour. Is there anything I can get for you?"

Lin Su knew that asking such a question might come off as a bit impatient, but showing too much patience didn't fit the typical youth’s nature, excluding Ye Huaitang. "A magazine will do."

The butler brought over a few magazines, and Lin Su picked one up, flipping through the pages without needing any company. As he read, his eyes subtly took in the surroundings of the house.

The villa's interior was high-end, with clean lines and an overall cold, orderly feel. Even the sofa Lin Su sat on was impeccably flat, compelling him to sit with a straight posture. Faint violin music played in the background, quieter than when he heard it outside, likely due to the window of the soundproof room being slightly open.

The melody was the same, played at a steady pace by Ye Huaitang. The butler clearly intended to inform Ye Huaitang of his guest’s arrival only after his lesson concluded. 

After about half an hour, Lin Su heard hurried footsteps and a voice, "Master Ye, please walk slower."

"Why wasn't I told immediately when he arrived?" Ye Huaitang's voice was soft but carried a hint of urgency.

The butler replied, "You were in class at the time. Interrupting you might have disrupted your concentration. This is how we've handled previous visits."

"That's... “ different. Ye Huaitang's words trailed off. Those previous visitors were mere formal acquaintances, wealthy and influential people to be befriended but always according to his schedule. Lin Su, however, was different. "Next time, inform me right away."

Descending the stairs quickly, Ye Huaitang smiled lightly upon seeing the black-haired figure. 

Lin Su had said he would dye his hair black, and he really did. Perhaps hearing the footsteps, Lin Su, who had been looking down, turned his head and stood up with his usual bold, carefree smile. "Ye Huaitang, you're done with your lesson?"

Ye Huaitang had anticipated a possible angry reaction and was prepared to offer comfort, but Lin Su’s cheerful demeanor caught him off guard. Lin Su’s previous attire had always seemed somewhat chaotic to Ye Huaitang.

 He had imagined how Lin Su would look properly groomed, but he hadn’t expected him to willingly wear such neatly fitted clothes. Now, seeing him in person, Ye Huaitang realized Lin Su looked even better in a shirt than he had imagined.

If he showed up at school looking like this, no one would suspect he was a school bully.

"...Finished with my lesson," Ye Huaitang walked over, his gaze moving up and down Lin Su's frame. "Were you bored waiting?"

"Eh, it was alright," Lin Su shrugged. "Do you have anything else to do later?"

"In about twenty minutes, I have a German class," Ye Huaitang said. "I've organized the assignments you need to work on. Would you like to do them in my room?"

Their conversation felt somewhat formal. Ye Huaitang had been worried Lin Su might cause some trouble or do something to annoy the butler, but he was surprised to see Lin Su could act like a well-behaved guest.

"Thanks, but can I work on the assignments in your class?" Lin Su's main purpose in coming here was not just to do homework but to understand Ye Huaitang's weekend life and his family environment. Knowing the cause of his personality would help in making any changes.

"This... let's go to my room. I'll get the assignments for you," Ye Huaitang said with a smile.

Although the butler wasn’t close by, there were other servants in the living room. Ye Huaitang usually maintained a flawless demeanor no matter where he was, but with Lin Su here, he found such pretense exhausting.

"Let's go," Lin Su said.

Ye Huaitang greeted the butler and led Lin Su to his room. Once inside, Ye Huaitang shut the door and burst out laughing. "I thought you’d come in your usual colorful clothes. Why are you dressed like this?"

"Oh, come on, I had to clean up a bit to visit your house. I didn't want to be turned away at the door and embarrass myself," Lin Su said, leaning his hand naturally against the door right behind Ye Huaitang's neck. "So, how do I look in this outfit?"

The doorway, originally spacious, felt narrower with Lin Su's movement. They stood close enough for Ye Huaitang to see his dark pupils and delicate features clearly. When Lin Su had red hair, Ye Huaitang thought he resembled his father(LS’s father), but now with black hair, he seemed different.

It wasn’t the appearance that differed, but the temperament. That man exuded coldness and the stench of money, while the person before him brimmed with vitality, living freely and joyfully. They were fundamentally different.

"You look good," Ye Huaitang said, slipping naturally under Lin Su's arm. "Are you going to wear this to school too?"

Lin Su casually raised his hand, loosened his collar, unbuttoning two buttons that were fastened tightly. He sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Just for today. Wearing this every day might suffocate me."

Ye Huaitang raised an eyebrow at Lin Su's current appearance. "Button up."

The way Lin Su looked now exuded a bit of laziness and nonchalance, a quality that couldn't be replicated just by unbuttoning a couple of buttons.

"Alright, I’ll listen to the class monitor," Lin Su obediently buttoned up.

Ye Huaitang smiled slightly, placing the assignments on Lin Su's lap. "These are the assignments for today. My German class will last about an hour and a half, roughly two periods. If you want, you can sit next to me and do your work, but I don't recommend it."

Lin Su flipped through the assignments. "Why not?"

"I'm afraid you might fall asleep," Ye Huaitang said seriously.

Lin Su snorted lightly. "No way, I don't even sleep in class much anymore."

"I recall you sleeping quite well in the last English class," Ye Huaitang teased.

"That’s because I didn't understand it..." Lin Su muttered. "Don’t worry, I won’t fall asleep in your class. Who knows, I might even help create a studious atmosphere. Aren’t you happy to have someone accompany you in class?"

Having someone to share a class with was indeed more enjoyable.

Ye Huaitang lowered his eyes briefly. "Alright, let's do it together then."

Ye Huaitang handled all the arrangements, and Lin Su got his wish to sit in on Ye Huaitang’s German class. He watched as the foreign teacher, with his prominent nose and deep-set eyes, taught Ye Huaitang one-on-one.

Lin Su, being proficient in German, could tell that the teacher was very professional, with no trace of perfunctory teaching. The pace was swift, as if trying to cram a large amount of knowledge into Ye Huaitang all at once.

Ye Huaitang listened attentively and was able to keep up most of the time, only occasionally encountering difficult parts. Being a top student had its merits; sitting at the top of his grade was not achieved by playing around, but sometimes he pushed himself too hard.

After the German class ended, Lin Su noticed Ye Huaitang subtly raising his shoulders. As he saw the teacher off, the smile that had been on his lips faded almost instantly, and the fatigue in his eyes was evident despite his blinking.

"It's almost time for lunch. How much have you done?" Ye Huaitang asked, standing beside Lin Su and looking at his workbook. "You've made good progress. Let me check the answers for you."

"You should rest first," Lin Su said. "When do your classes end today?"

"Around eight in the evening," Ye Huaitang replied, his smile faint, almost reluctant to appear. Learning so much new material was draining, and he felt no need to put on a facade in front of Lin Su.

"What else do you have to study for that long?" Lin Su asked.

"Etiquette, painting, and finance," Ye Huaitang answered without hiding anything. "You can follow the German class in the morning, but the afternoon might not be possible. If you get bored, you don’t have to wait here."

"Class monitor, you're amazing!" Lin Su gave him a thumbs up and smiled. "Learning so much and still being the top student in the grade. We're all humans with the same brain, but some people are just so smart."

Ye Huaitang laughed, feeling the morning's fatigue lift. "It's because some people's brains are filled with wisdom, while others' brains are filled with a vast ocean."

This person really knew how to talk and make others happy, something Ye Huaitang felt he couldn't match in comparison.

"What's wrong with a vast ocean? It's colorful and lively," Lin Su snorted.

Ye Huaitang chuckled. "True. You can live your colorful life on weekends."

"That's not gonna happen. As friends, we should share the good times and the hardships. Plus, I study more efficiently here," Lin Su said, instinctively wanting to run his fingers through his hair, but stopping to maintain his image. "Is that okay?"

"Of course," Ye Huaitang agreed quickly, as if afraid Lin Su would change his mind.

Lunch, a nap, and the afternoon classes passed. Lin Su didn’t participate in the etiquette class, which lasted an hour and a half, nor the painting class of the same duration. After dinner, the evening’s finance class took two hours.

Watching Ye Huaitang see off his teacher, Lin Su noticed the undeniable fatigue in his eyes. He frowned slightly, realizing some things couldn't be approached slowly.

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