It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 137


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 137

When settling scores, it’s important to have a balance and not be too harsh all at once, or it might create future problems for oneself.

Lin Su didn't push him, simply sitting with his legs crossed and watching him quietly, as if admiring a beautiful scene and unwilling to look away.

In the past, Ming Tang liked being watched by him, since he looked really good. Being watched often might even lead to a flirtatious interaction and then having some goji berry tea together to replenish their nutrients.

But now Ming Tang felt that the gaze seemed to be evaluating how tasty he was, like examining the best parts to bite into, knowing that if Lin Su bit him, he’d turn into a zombie.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Ming Tang tried to shrink into the corner like a small mushroom.

Lin Su, fully understanding his emotions, smiled and said, “I’m just admiring your tender, smooth skin.”

“Actually, my meat is quite tough and not tasty at all,” Ming Tang moved further into the corner.

Lin Su leaned on his hand and smiled, “Whether it's tough or not isn’t up to you to decide; you only know once you’ve tasted it. Besides, my teeth are in good shape.”

“Lin Su!” Ming Tang called his name.

When there’s pressure, there’s resistance. Don’t think that just because you’re stronger, you can easily bully him.

"Yes," Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang’s momentum waned. "So, have you really eaten human flesh before? Do zombies live on human flesh? Can they eat chicken, duck, and fish? If not, how do you explain the conservation of energy?"

The sudden realization that his partner might eat people made Ming Tang feel that he was truly mentally strong to be able to ask all these questions instead of packing up and running away.

Zombies don’t eat people; they’re just unconsciously attracted to fresh blood and flesh, gnawing instinctively. 

As for how zombies evolve, it’s not something that can always be explained scientifically, much like how spiritual energy in cultivation worlds isn’t always subject to scientific reasoning.

"Photosynthesis, I suppose," Lin Su said.

Ming Tang looked at him with confusion. "Do you think you’re a plant?"

"Probably a variety like a man-eating flower—doing photosynthesis while catching little treasures like you to eat directly," Lin Su said, taking Ming Tang’s wrist.

Ming Tang instinctively stood up from his seat but forgot he was in a car, he bumped his head against the roof. 

He let out a yelp and sat back down, covering his head with his hands.

Lin Su frowned and pulled him closer, gently feeling the spot where Ming Tang had bumped his head. “Be careful. Does it hurt? You need to be more careful even in the car.”

“You scared me,” Ming Tang muttered, feeling the spot where his head had hit being gently rubbed. 

He looked up at Lin Su’s jawline and felt that maybe he didn’t need to be so worried. 

After all, this person, who seemed to care enough to comfort him even after a small bump, surely wouldn’t…

“Be good. I won’t scare you anymore.” Lin Su made sure there was no bump on Ming Tang’s head, and as he looked down, he met Ming Tang’s eyes, which were staring intently at him. 

He lightly brushed Ming Tang’s eyelashes with his finger and asked, “What’s wrong?”

A man who is handsome while working, and also gentle—someone who stands at the top of the world and could easily take many lives, yet cares about whether his head hurts from a bump… 

He was simply the most incredibly handsome person in the world.

In that moment, Ming Tang realized he was completely infatuated. The idea of dating a zombie king was unprecedented and thrilling.

Ming Tang tentatively hugged him and said softly, “Brother, you wouldn’t want to turn me into a zombie, right?”

This man was definitely hard on the outside but soft on the inside.

“I would,” Lin Su said, holding onto Ming Tang’s waist and leaning down, “If you don’t believe me, we can try it now.”

Ming Tang tried to pull away but found that he couldn’t move because Lin Su was holding his waist tightly. 

He had to press his hands against Lin Su’s chest and said, “No, no, no, no need to try. You would, you would.”

He didn't have such a brother!

Lin Su pinched Ming Tang’s cheek and said, “Actually, it’s not like I would. You look so good like this. If you turned into a zombie, you’d have a blue face and sharp teeth, and you’d lose your body heat…”

“Brother, do you really think that way?” Ming Tang instantly recognized him as his brother again.

With the zombie king protecting him, Ming Tang felt he could navigate the apocalypse with ease.

Lin Su smiled, “But cross-species relationships ultimately don’t last. Whether I can be convinced of this idea depends on your performance.”

Ming Tang sat very obediently. “Brother, what should I do?”

He was determined to surpass Lin Su’s powers one day and make him pay for the sins of today.

“Sit here.” Lin Su patted his lap.

Ming Tang shifted and sat down, then asked, “Brother, what else?”

Lin Su grasped his chin and leaned in. 

Ming Tang instinctively closed his eyes, but the kiss he expected didn’t come. 

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Su’s amused expression. Lin Su’s fingers traced his cheek as he smiled, “It seems you’ve picked up some dust. Why did you close your eyes?”

Human patience has its limits, especially when repeatedly teased like this. 

Ming Tang’s frustration reached its peak. He clenched his teeth, placed his hands on Lin Su’s shoulders, and shook him. “What exactly do you want to do?!”

Cats, no matter how powerful their opponents are, will still dare to challenge them. They might risk their lives, but they won’t give up their dignity.

“Change, change! It’s just becoming a zombie, I’m not scared of you!” Ming Tang demanded, kneeling on Lin Su’s lap, looking down from his elevated position. “If you have the ability, bite me quickly.”

He thought that enduring a short pain was better than a long one. If he had to become a zombie, he believed that he’d eventually be able to return to his former self.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and said, “I don’t have the ability.”

He spoke so honestly, so unexpectedly, and so reassuringly.

Ming Tang fell silent, his lips pouting in grievance. “Brother, you’re bullying me.”

“I was wrong,” Lin Su said, holding the now calm Ming Tang. “I won’t dare to do it again.”

Lin Su remained the same as before; his change in identity hadn’t altered who he was. 

Ming Tang realized that his earlier troubles were not out of fear or disgust, but because he was afraid that the change in identity might make this person leave, like a crane discovered and driven away, turning their past into just a beautiful dream.

But his crane was indeed different from the others; even if it was discovered, it did not fly away.

“You’re so capable. Why are you working under Wang Pojun?” Ming Tang felt that this question might have a unique answer.

Lin Su held his waist and asked, “What do you think?”

“Could it be because of me?” Ming Tang voiced the possibility, though he found it hard to believe. 

While he might be good-looking, he didn’t think anyone would like him so much that they’d become a subordinate just because of him.

Lin Su didn’t answer directly but looked down at Ming Tang. The answer was quite apparent.

Ming Tang was astonished. “Really, it’s because of me?! So, you didn’t save me at the beginning, meaning you knew from the start that I wouldn’t be bullied by Wang Pojun, right?”

Ming Tang’s sharp mind had caught on, which was why Lin Su had to be honest. After all, voluntary disclosure and passive discovery yield different results.

Lin Su nodded. “Sort of.”

Ming Tang reflected on those events and felt as if he had fallen into a trap within a trap, digging himself into a pit step by step, unable to climb out even now. “Are you pursuing me because of my looks?”

With Lin Su’s strength, it would be easy to obtain his body, and Ming Tang’s abilities couldn’t resist. 

However, winning his heart was much more challenging, as his emotional barriers were difficult even for himself to overcome. 

Yet, this person had systematically dismantled them.

With such immense power and subtle scheming, if Lin Su wanted to overturn the apocalypse, no one would be his match.

“At first, it was because of your looks, but that’s not the case anymore,” Lin Su said with a smile. “Are you scared?”

The calculated steps had carefully led Ming Tang into a situation where escape seemed impossible.

“Scared of what?” Ming Tang rested his chin on his hand and gave Lin Su a sidelong glance. “I don’t think I’m anything extraordinary. To have the Zombie King go through so much trouble to chase me and then be so submissive and affectionate afterwards, I should actually feel proud.”

If Lin Su truly wanted to hide his intentions, Ming Tang would have never discovered the truth and would have thought him to be just a straightforward, stubborn man.

If Lin Su had merely wanted his body or to conquer him, once he had achieved that, it would have been a done deal. 

No matter how beautiful someone is, interest can eventually wane… 

Yet Lin Su never made him feel even the slightest insecurity.

Sometimes, Ming Tang’s mind was very narrow, but other times it was expansive. 

Lin Su smiled, “I’m actually afraid of you getting angry.”

“You’re afraid of me getting angry but still bully me?” Ming Tang frowned, gripping Lin Su’s collar. “Will you always love me like you do now?”

He wasn’t afraid of schemes or plots because this person had never harmed him; instead, he had protected him at every turn. 

What he feared was that once he was deeply involved, Lin Su might easily withdraw.

In the past, there was no fear because there was enough strength to crush anything in the way. Even if there was betrayal, he could make them pay. 

But now, his power has been crushed, and he can’t even deal with those he wants to.

“I will,” Lin Su said, looking into his eyes, “I always will.”

Sometimes words alone aren't enough; what really matters is taking action. However, the charm of words often surpasses that of actions.

 Lin Su believed he could follow through on his promise, so there was no need to be stingy with it.

As the car drove back to the base, Ming Tang looked at the faces of those who came out to welcome them and felt a bit conflicted. If they knew that the two people they were welcoming were actually a zombie and a zombie emperor, would they be scared out of their wits?

In the post-apocalyptic human base, having to rely on zombies for protection is quite ironic when you think about it.

The news of the zombies at Luhu Base being wiped out was spread by Lin Su. 

The two Level 8 zombies were both eliminated, and the people in the base were genuinely impressed by Ming Tang’s strength.

 Other bases also started sending signals of goodwill, but at the same time, they subtly inquired about the whereabouts of those two Level 8 crystal cores.

Two crystal cores: one of the thunder element and one of the fire element. In the apocalypse, thunder’s destructive power is immense. 

It wouldn’t be hard for someone like Zhao Chengyu to fight beyond his level. Ming Tang yearned for such power, but unfortunately, he hadn’t encountered any thunder-ability scum before.

 Now, it’s not so easy to find someone with a thunder ability to absorb.

The fire-element crystal core went to Ming Tang, while the thunder-element core caught the attention of the Morning Sun Base, which clearly intended to obtain it. 

This Level 8 crystal core might be the key for Zhao Chengyu to break through to Level 8.

Lin Su wasn’t concerned about the crystal core, but Ming Tang was: “If Zhao Chengyu continues to break through and eventually discovers that you’re the Zombie Emperor, he might come after you.”

Letting his enemy grow stronger obviously didn’t align with Ming Tang’s principles.

“Human bases need a leader to guide everyone out of the apocalypse,” Lin Su said with a smile, “and I can’t stay in a human base forever.”

Low-level zombies naturally submit to higher-level zombies, and as zombies continue to evolve, they’ll become more and more human-like. They’ll recognize the authority of the Zombie Emperor. 

With such a vast zombie horde, Lin Su was destined to be unable to hide forever.

“Then what will I do if you go back to the zombies?” Ming Tang asked instinctively.

“Of course, you’ll come with me,” Lin Su replied with a smile.

Ming Tang hesitated for a moment. His man was indeed very handsome and didn’t look like a zombie at all, but the idea of being among a horde of zombies was unsettling. He didn’t want to live in a trash heap: “If I follow you there, don’t you think I’ll look like a walking piece of braised pork among the zombies?”

Such fresh flesh—any zombie would want to take a bite at the sight of it.

"By then, zombies should generally reach a level similar to Cheng Song's," Lin Su said, gently pinching Ming Tang's earlobe. "To me, you’ll always look like braised pork."

The leader of humanity must be a human, because if it were discovered that the top figure was an outsider, the entire system would collapse. 

Ming Tang was also human, and given his relationship with Lin Su, it would have been ideal for him to take the role.

 However, Ming Tang wasn’t someone who liked to manage things. If he were placed in a leadership position, he’d lose his freedom and might even become a pawn for others to use against Lin Su.

 It was safer to keep him close.

So, they opted for the next best choice: Zhao Chengyu. He was strong enough, and he genuinely wanted to end the apocalypse. He was full of a sense of justice but not so rigid as to be inflexible.

 He was a suitable ally.

Ming Tang never used to oppose Lin Su's decisions, and now he had even less reason to do so. 

However, unlike before, when he was somewhat lax, now he was pushing himself to the limit to enhance his abilities.

When Lin Su asked him why, Ming Tang turned his head and said, "The Zombie Emperor's man must not be weak."

He didn’t want to become Lin Su's weakness.

Pojun Base gave a very positive response. 

To secure the Level 8 thunder-element crystal core, Zhao Chengyu and Ruan Zehua once again came to Pojun Base.

It hadn't been long since they last met, but in the urgency of the apocalypse, people tend to grow rapidly. Zhao Chengyu had become even more composed and authoritative, while Ruan Zehua had become more introspective and reserved. 

The last time they met, there was only a hint of ambiguity between them, but now their actions and gestures clearly showed the understanding shared by lovers.

Lin Su wasn’t surprised by their changes, but Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu were genuinely astonished by the drastic transformation of Pojun Base.

In just a few months, the base had evolved from a place where people barely had enough to eat and wear to something that closely resembled a peaceful city from before the apocalypse. 

Even though the faces of some ordinary people still showed signs of fatigue, they were no longer gaunt. They could even casually chat somewhere or invite others over for a meal.

The base had expanded significantly, and the population had multiplied many times over. It could no longer be considered just a regular medium-sized base.

“This place has developed really well,” Ruan Zehua remarked sincerely.

“It’s all thanks to Lin Su,” Ming Tang responded warmly when greeting them. He remained well-behaved in the meeting room, which only made Ruan Zehua take a second look.

“When did you become so well-behaved?” Ruan Zehua asked with a smile.

The last time they met, this young man had been blunt, saying whatever came to mind. It was due to his candidness that Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu had been able to further their relationship. 

As Ming Tang had said, in the apocalypse, no one knows if there will be a tomorrow. Instead of constantly worrying about whether to be together and getting distracted, it was better to decisively embrace each other.

When people in love are united in their goals, things tend to progress much faster than before.

As Lin Su entered the room, Ming Tang obediently pulled out a chair for him. 

Then, with a smile, he said as he returned to his seat, “Don’t worry, you’ll be even more well-behaved than I am in a moment.”

Ruan Zehua: "..."

His personality hadn't changed at all.

"This is the Level 8 crystal core," Lin Su said without any fuss, directly placing the box containing the core on the table and pushing it toward them.

The box was simple, but the crystal core inside was so beautiful that it was hard to imagine it had come from an ugly zombie.

Zhao Chengyu glanced at it but didn’t reach out to touch it. "I doubt you called us here just to hand over the crystal core. Feel free to state your conditions."

Even though they were in a cooperative relationship, Zhao Chengyu never saw Lin Su as a simple person. 

In Zhao Chengyu’s mind, Lin Su was the real power behind Pojun Base. 

While Ming Tang might appear to be the face of the base, it was Lin Su who made all the decisions, leaving Ming Tang seemingly in a figurehead role.

"What’s your impression of high-level zombies?" Lin Su asked.

Ruan Zehua’s expression turned a bit complex. "They are very close to humans, some even to the point of being indistinguishable."

The higher the level of the zombie, the more human-like they became, even retaining human thoughts and memories. This made hunting such zombies feel like killing people. 

However, because they could trigger zombie hordes and attack human bases, they had to be eliminated.

Zhao Chengyu spoke up, "If you have something to ask, just say it directly."

Lin Su chuckled. "Have you ever encountered zombies that don't harm humans? How did you handle them?"

The meeting room grew tense for a moment as Ruan Zehua and Zhao Chengyu exchanged glances. 

"We did encounter a zombie that didn’t attack humans," Ruan Zehua admitted. "It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but because we could communicate with him—he was just a student when he turned into a zombie, with no intention of harming anyone—we let him go."

For many people, zombies are seen as something that must be eradicated. If word of their leniency were to get out, it would undoubtedly invite criticism. 

But Ruan Zehua didn’t regret it, because that zombie was so human-like. It was as if he had just changed bodies but continued to live like an ordinary human.

“You’re really kind,” Ming Tang said, propping his chin up as he looked at Ruan Zehua. “Since you’ve passed our little test, I’ve got a big surprise for you. Excited?”

The way Ming Tang looked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, was a clear sign he was about to play a prank. 

Ruan Zehua instinctively braced himself to keep his heart from racing. “A little excited. What is it?”

Ming Tang, sticking to his principle of not letting anyone off the hook if he’d been scared himself, looked over at Lin Su sitting beside him. 

In an extremely calm tone, he said, “Actually, he’s the Zombie Emperor.”

The room fell into a silence so deep you could hear a pin drop. Even though Ruan Zehua had tried to prepare himself mentally, he still thought Ming Tang was joking. 

But how could something like this be a joke? 

He looked at Lin Su in disbelief, while Zhao Chengyu, though still composed, had lightning flickering at his fingertips.

The revelation brought more than just shock. If they didn’t agree to whatever terms were about to be proposed, it was clear they might not leave the meeting room alive.

Ruan Zehua gave a wry smile. “That surprise is big enough, all right. I really didn’t see it coming. But since you haven’t made a move, I assume there’s a condition you want to discuss. What is it?”

“Collaboration with the zombie population,” Lin Su replied, waiting calmly for them to process everything. “As zombies level up, they gradually regain human consciousness. Some attack humans, while others prefer peace. I can organize a peaceful faction of zombies, giving humanity more space to survive, but this will require a peace agreement.”

Listening to Lin Su's words, Zhao Chengyu's previously tense nerves began to relax. "There are many bases in the apocalypse. A peace agreement with just the Morning Sun Base won’t be enough."

In the early days of the apocalypse, the terror of zombies lay in their mindless biting and inability to communicate—they were like monsters. 

But the man sitting before them, even though he carried the zombie virus, seemed like someone with whom one could have a normal conversation, and he bore no ill will toward humans.

With such a leader, zombie hordes could be controlled better than before, reducing unnecessary casualties. 

However, while Zhao Chengyu might trust him, other bases might not. After all, the saying "those who are not of our race are bound to have different hearts" could come into play. I

If not for Pojun Base's remarkable growth and peaceful development under Lin Su, even Zhao Chengyu might not have trusted him.

"So, I need you to become the leader of humanity," Lin Su said, pushing the crystal core toward Zhao Chengyu. "I will establish a society for zombies. Once you achieve your goal, we will publicly collaborate and create a balanced situation. Only then can the apocalypse end more peacefully."

He was the Zombie Emperor, yet he spoke of ending the apocalypse.

 Zhao Chengyu asked seriously, "Do you mean that zombies will disappear without being slaughtered?"

"The only way the zombie population grows is through humans," Lin Su replied, extending his hand. "Even though this body appears powerful, it can only last for a century at most. Zombies are not immortal."

Zombies may seem to fear nothing, and they appear to have no end to their lifespan, but in reality, they do—it’s just that humans haven’t discovered it yet. 

As long as there is mutual non-aggression for a century, all zombies will eventually return to the earth, and the apocalypse will finally come to an end.

Lin Su's explanation undoubtedly brought a glimmer of hope to humanity. Without it, even Zhao Chengyu wouldn’t know how long it would take to completely eradicate the endless zombie hordes.

“I agree,” Zhao Chengyu said.

He had no reason to refuse. The number of zombies was overwhelming, with ratios reaching hundreds to one compared to ordinary humans. Bases with hundreds of thousands of people were already considered large, but humanity’s numbers were dwindling.

“I’m glad you’ve made this decision. I will fully support you in becoming the new leader of humanity,” Lin Su said, standing up and extending his hand. 

Zhao Chengyu reached out to shake it, asking, “Your zombie virus won’t spread, will it?”

“I’ve perfected the containment of the virus, so there’s no need to worry,” Lin Su replied with a smile. “I hope our cooperation will be fruitful. However, if the agreement is breached, I will initiate a full-scale zombie horde.”

The Zombie Emperor's power was terrifying. If all the zombie hordes were ever organized, humanity would face complete darkness.

“I understand,” Zhao Chengyu replied, feeling a heavy weight in his heart. The consequences of such an outcome would be unbearable for humanity in its current state.

He had considered the possibility of eliminating the Zombie Emperor, but the result would likely be the emergence of a new ruler, one who might not be as agreeable as the current one.

The deal was made, the contract signed, and handprints were pressed—just four people, yet they were deciding the future of humanity.

After everything was over, Ruan Zehua still felt a bit dazed. They had actually reached an agreement with the Zombie Emperor, something that would have been unimaginable before.

But what Ruan Zehua found even harder to imagine was how Ming Tang ended up with the Zombie Emperor.

Lin Su still had matters to attend to, and as he was leaving, he affectionately pressed down on Ming Tang's head and kissed his forehead before departing. 

The whole exchange was incredibly intimate and natural. 

After Lin Su left, Ming Tang touched his head, only to meet Ruan Zehua’s thoughtful gaze. “Do you have something you want to say?”

Ruan Zehua smiled. “This might be a bit forward, but can I ask what it’s like being with a zombie?”

Having experienced love himself, Ruan Zehua couldn’t help but wonder if a zombie could even, well, perform.

Ming Tang had been startled by this at first too, but this wasn’t something he could easily share with others. 

He smiled and said, “It’s nothing special, really. Just that his stamina is way better than a human’s—definitely better than your husband’s.”

He spoke about such things without any embarrassment, which left Ruan Zehua momentarily stunned, causing his ears and neck to redden slightly. "Do you always call Lin Su that?"

"I often call him 'brother,'" Ming Tang replied with a smile. "Sometimes I call him 'big baby,' 'hubby,' 'darling,' 'sweetheart'… But wait, do you always just call him by his name? That's so boring."

Ruan Zehua, who indeed used just his name, said, "...We don't use so many nicknames. We're all adults; we should be mature and steady."

Ming Tang squinted at him for a moment before waving his hand dismissively. "Suit yourself."

He actually had a good impression of Ruan Zehua, but they were completely different types of people. 

If they really had to interact more, it would probably be very dull—it's a good thing Zhao Chengyu hasn't died of boredom. 

His own man was definitely better.

Other people's personalities can't be forcibly changed, and Ming Tang clearly didn’t intend to say much more. 

But Ruan Zehua somehow felt as if he'd just been…dismissed.

With the agreement reached, the two didn’t stay long. About a month after they left, Zhao Chengyu successfully broke through to become an eighth-level thunder ability user, becoming one of the few in the apocalypse to reach such a level.

Morning Sun Base's status rose even higher, attracting the migration of many smaller base populations due to the extremely low number of zombies in the area. 

Meanwhile, as all the bases focused on their development, in an abandoned city unnoticed by others, groups of highly human-like zombies were busy repairing the desolate place.

This wasn’t the only location where this was happening, and naturally, Cheng Song wasn’t the only high-level zombie overseeing the work. 

Under the Zombie Emperor's command, many high-level zombies had been summoned. Those willing to serve stayed; those who wanted to dominate their own territories were swiftly eliminated.

In the apocalypse, there were no rules, and among zombies, status was determined by rank. As the Zombie Emperor, Lin Su had absolute authority.

Yet while the leader spoke, the subordinates worked tirelessly. Cheng Song, observing from above the city, was genuinely impressed by the Zombie Emperor’s daring and initiative.

The city's reconstruction was progressing at an astonishing pace. Zombies didn't need to eat and didn't experience fatigue, making their progress many times faster than that of humans.

When everything was repaired, the city almost seemed to have returned to peacetime, except for the absence of people on the streets. 

This newly restored city was, of course, not meant for human habitation. It was for zombies themselves, with households established, registrations made, and even ranks recorded.

Despite being zombies, it felt like there was little difference between them and humans.

Initially, the new city didn’t attract much attention. It wasn’t until an exploration team arrived and saw the nearly intact city filled with zombies that they fled in panic. 

They ran fast but found no zombies pursuing them, and the news spread quickly.

"A zombie city? Do they possess such high intelligence now?"

"Are they trying to replace humans?"

"What is the deal with that city?"

The questions and speculations arose, but no one was willing to venture into a city filled with high-level zombies. 

Even high-level ability users who attempted to investigate were repelled before they could enter, making the city even more mysterious and enigmatic.

Gradually, it became apparent that such cities were not unique. They were grand, mysterious, and impenetrable, yet they seemed to harbor no malicious intent toward humans.

Amidst the many speculations, Morning Sun Base and Pojun Army Base expanded like never before. 

Zhao Chengyu, having broken through to level nine six months after reaching level eight, became the only level nine ability user in this world.

For a time, Morning Sun Base was unmatched in prominence, and even large bases expressed intentions to cooperate with them.

Three years later, a level nine zombie led a zombie horde to attack Haicheng Base. Zhao Chengyu, now at level ten, arrived and almost single-handedly saved the beleaguered Haicheng Base. 

From then on, Zhao Chengyu was recognized as the top ability user in the apocalypse.

People admired and worshiped him, believing he was the one destined to end the apocalypse. 

Yet, only Zhao Chengyu knew who had laid the groundwork for the current situation amidst all the glory.

Morning Sun Base’s reputation spread far and wide, becoming the safest place and experiencing a surge in population, making it the largest base in the country.

With a population of several million, the base thrived and looked like a modern city—a veritable Eden in the midst of the apocalypse.

In the tenth year of the apocalypse, when Zhao Chengyu broke through to level eleven at an unprecedented speed, the Zombie Emperor appeared suddenly. 

The impact of his arrival shook the entire Morning Sun Base. Amidst everyone's anticipation, Zhao Chengyu took up the challenge, luring the Zombie Emperor to a desolate wilderness.

Countless explosions, earth-shaking roars, and shockwaves spread so widely that even the most advanced equipment could not detect what was happening. 

The battle lasted three days and nights, with neither side gaining an advantage.

When Zhao Chengyu returned, severely injured, he announced that a peace agreement had been reached with the Zombie Emperor. 

The agreement established territorial boundaries between humans and zombies: zombies were prohibited from attacking humans or spreading the virus, and humans were forbidden from hunting zombies indiscriminately. 

Those who violated the agreement would be held responsible for any resulting zombie outbreaks.

The announcement of the agreement sparked widespread debate among the major bases. Some believed that zombies could not be trusted, viewing them as symbols of evil and disaster.

Others believed that this approach could ensure the continued survival of humanity.

Amidst the heated discussions, Zhao Chengyu declared that any base rejecting the agreement would not be protected by the alliance. 

The initially opposing bases soon joined the agreement, with only a few remaining neutral.

Afterwards, people were astonished to find that the bases within the alliance were no longer troubled by large-scale zombie attacks. 

Any solitary zombies that came were dealt with individually. However, bases outside the alliance saw their share of devastation.

Lin Su did not deliberately send zombies to those outside the alliance; instead, he made sure to keep the zombie groups vigilant against straggling zombies to prevent them from drifting into the protected bases.

With so many zombies, it was impossible for each one to follow orders precisely. Naturally, the priority was to protect the bases within the agreement.

Initially, people struggled to accept this agreement, but as time passed and things became routine, it didn’t seem so difficult to accept. 

From hearing about the existence of zombie cities to getting used to the idea of zombies living in a city, as peace settled in and people were well-fed and clothed, the once distressing and tragic events were even considered for documentary filming. 


“Invite zombies for filming?” When Huan Zewu heard this suggestion, he almost wanted to open the director's head to see what was inside.

Even though the situation was peaceful now, zombies with their still-ferocious appearances did not possess human-like thinking and would not hesitate to bite when provoked.

The director nodded repeatedly, “Don’t you think this would be more authentic? Zombie evolution, zombie cities, peace agreements—these are things that many people couldn’t even imagine. It would make an exceptionally excellent film.”

In fact, if it weren’t for the reality of the situation, Huan Zewu would still feel like he was dreaming.

“What do you think?” The director eagerly asked him.

Huan Zewu patted his shoulder and said, “Get a grip. Use people for the filming.”

The director's enthusiasm for his artistic vision couldn’t be easily deterred by Huan Zewu’s objections. 

He began to approach the leaders of various bases, seeking their support and proposing protection for the film, hoping to secure agreements with the zombies.

Many bases, thinking the director had lost his mind, outright refused. Only Lin Su, upon seeing the script, raised an eyebrow and then handed it to Ming Tang for review.

Years had passed, and the once youthful and beautiful boy had grown into a figure of striking allure, his appearance now more captivating and enchanting. 

The passage of time had gifted him with an ageless charm that made him irresistibly attractive. 

The director immediately wanted to cast him as the film’s male lead.

“A handsome youth corrupted by the apocalypse—how thought-provoking!” the director said eagerly.

Although he longed for it, he was well aware that this exceptionally beautiful young man was a powerful ability user and his lover controlled the entire Pojun Base, capable of deciding his fate with a mere flick of a finger.

“Corrupted?” Lin Su said without looking up, dismissing the idea, “No.”

Ming Tang, lost in the daydream of potentially starring in a film, turned to ask, “Why not?”

“The apocalypse is already filled with despair,” Lin Su said, “The film’s theme should be optimistic.”

“True,” Ming Tang said, “How about a romantic story between a human and the Zombie King instead?”

The director found this suggestion both crazy and innovative: “A beautiful youth trapped in the Zombie King’s cage, the contrast between the grotesque and the beautiful—it would be like a painting. Your imagination is truly extraordinary.”

Lin Su raised an eyebrow at this. 

Ming Tang propped his chin on his hand and said, “But the higher the level of the zombie, the more human-like they become. How could the Zombie King be ugly?”

“This is a form of artistic exaggeration; contrast creates beauty,” the director said, clenching his fist.

“No, the youth isn’t blind. Even in 'Beauty and the Beast,' the Beast eventually becomes a prince,” Ming Tang stated.

The director then offered a new suggestion: “How about a handsome youth saving an ugly zombie, and then the zombie becomes a handsome zombie emperor who marries him?”

“That’s a bit interesting,” Ming Tang said with enthusiasm, diving into a heated discussion. The two talked for an entire day, and even as dusk fell, they were still somewhat reluctant to part ways, although their conversation had long since drifted far from the original post-apocalyptic documentary topic.

“Brother~” After the director left, Ming Tang called out with a beaming smile, his sweetness nearly overwhelming.

Lin Su responded, “Which zombie do you want to star in a tragic love story with?”

“Who else but you?” Ming Tang leaned on his knee, looking up from below with a perfect 45-degree angle that made his appearance astonishingly flawless. “Brother, are we filming or not?”

“After we finish, come back with me to Zombie City,” Lin Su lifted his chin and said. “The zombie emperor wants to create a cage for the beautiful youth.”

Lin Su had almost reached his limit staying here. The zombie emperor was an existence that all zombies aspired to, and having their emperor among the enemy was a source of anxiety for all zombies.

Despite this, Lin Su had stayed for a long time, allowing Ming Tang to adapt to human society and personally watching as the once-small Chouchou grew into a young woman.

But there are always limits. Just as wolves cannot stay in a rabbit’s burrow forever, zombies and humans, even if they live in peace, they could never completely lower their guard.

“Alright, alright, alright.” Ming Tang was willing to agree to any conditions to get their documentary filmed.

The two actors, who seemed to have been born with exceptional talent, required no effort from the director. 

What the director had to worry about was how to avoid being devoured in Zombie City.

The director's skills were impressive; the visuals of the film were extraordinarily beautiful. Ming Tang portrayed the young beauty effortlessly, and every frame of the final edit looked like it could be used as wallpaper.

Once the filming was over, Lin Su took over the film personally and banned its release.

“I understand your possessiveness over your partner, but the beauty of this film is different from everyday life. Don’t you want your partner to be praised by many?” the director argued.

Ming Tang ran off right after filming, completely unconcerned with the subsequent results. 

Lin Su calmly said, “No.”

“You’re burying art!” the director said indignantly.

“Your Majesty, should we throw him out?” a senior zombie stood silently behind Lin Su, saluting.

The director, who had been arguing fiercely, was now speechless: “……”

What does ‘Your Majesty’ mean?

It was well-known that the Zombie Emperor vanished without a trace after appearing in a great battle, as elusive as a dragon that only shows its head.

“No need. I permit you to shoot a realistic documentary here,” Lin Su said, raising his hand. “I’ll cover the costs. What do you think?”

A zombie emperor making a zombie documentary.

The director, now as obedient as a little wife, responded, “Okay.”

“Don’t copy Ming Tang’s way of speaking,” Lin Su said.

The director immediately corrected himself: “Understood!”

TL: The is the last chapter of this novel that I have tl, I just want to say once again that I am sorry to any readers that have followed and liked this novel so far.

I am disappointed that I was not able to finish this novel because some arcs had pretty interesting plots that I felt excited to tl but unfortunately the long word counts just made feel a bit burnout.

If anyone is interested in picking up this novel from here pls let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Thanks for the translation

  2. sad to see you go; many thanks for the amazing translation you’ve given us so far.

  3. Thank you for the amazing TL so far--- >v<


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