It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 136


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 136

"Give it a taste," Ming Tang said with a friendly expression. At least to an outsider, he didn’t seem like he was picking a fight.

Since the apocalypse began, low-level zombies were everywhere, biting indiscriminately. 

Because they were mindless, they felt no psychological burden. However, for someone like Cheng Song, who had regained his consciousness, remembering the bloody and gory past, there was sometimes a bit of… reluctance when it came to eating meat.

Cheng Song smiled as well, picked up the meatball, and put it in his mouth, saying, "Hmm, Brother Ming’s cooking is indeed special."

If this little black lotus kept asking, it would probably mean he was genuinely suspicious.

Given this level of observation, once he was exposed, there might be some things that could never be hidden again.

Ming Tang propped his chin on his hand and smiled, "I made it a bit spicy today. Is that okay?"

Cheng Song: "..."

Here it comes.

Couldn’t he have just picked a pretty face without a brain?

Cheng Song glanced at Lin Su, but Lin Su immediately lowered his head, not even bothering to respond.

"Or is it that you actually can’t handle spicy food?" Ming Tang asked with a bright smile.

Cheng Song had no sense of taste, so he couldn’t answer this question. If he said it was fine, Ming Tang could easily say that it was actually sweet, and that would clearly be a trap.

Seeing Cheng Song in such a state, Wang Tai, who was standing nearby, felt torn and cautiously asked, "Brother Ming, are you interested in someone who calls you 'sister-in-law'?"

Ming Tang paused, blinking in confusion. As he turned his head, he happened to meet Lin Su's gaze. 

Ming Tang wasn’t just picking on Cheng Song for the sake of it; he felt that this person had ulterior motives, and now, he was even beginning to doubt Cheng Song's true nature.

In the apocalypse, experts like Cheng Song didn’t worry about where to go. Even if they weren’t arrogant, they wouldn’t bow down just because they admired a low-level ability user.

And yet… 

Ming Tang silently turned to glare at Wang Tai. "Of course not. Focus on eating. Not paying attention while eating can stunt your growth."

Wang Tai, who was even shorter than Ming Tang: "..."

After the meal, Ming Tang led a group out to hunt zombies. It was rare for him to go out, so naturally, a large group followed, making quite a spectacle.

Cheng Song, standing behind Lin Su and observing the scene, said, "Brother Lin, your little lover might be suspicious of my identity."

He could easily hide his true nature from low-level ability users, but for someone like Ming Tang, a high-level ability user, especially one who could transcend levels, there were bound to be challenges.

Cheng Song wasn’t worried about being discovered by others; in a world where survival depended on strength, whoever had the most power would outlive the rest. 

However, the person who might uncover his secret happened to be someone Lin Su cared deeply about and protected at all costs.

Lin Su calmly replied, "Then show more signs, let him find out."

Cheng Song's expression turned intrigued. "What do you mean by that, Emperor?"

"There are some things you can’t hide forever. It’s better if he knows now and makes his judgment. If he can’t accept it later, the pain will be worse," Lin Su explained.

The identity of the Zombie Emperor was not something that could be casually revealed. 

Unlike ordinary secrets, being a zombie in this apocalypse would make one a target for everyone. 

And to be in a relationship, sleeping beside them every night, even engaging in more intimate acts—if that truth were to come out, Cheng Song found the thought both thrilling and dangerous.

He wondered what kind of expression the little beauty, who had troubled him at lunch, would show.

"What if he can’t accept it and tries to harm you?" Cheng Song asked, seemingly with genuine concern.

Lin Su smiled. "Then we’ll have to leave the human base and survive on our own."

Cheng Song thought Lin Su didn’t really believe Ming Tang wouldn’t accept him. "That would be quite tragic."

As they spoke, they both seemed to reach an understanding.

It's difficult for a zombie to hide their nature, but revealing it is surprisingly easy. There are telltale signs like a body temperature being significantly lower than normal, effortlessly hunting zombies, and never using the same utensils as others.

While the Zombie Emperor can perfectly seal away the zombie virus, Cheng Song hasn’t reached that level yet. 

Things like saliva can still transmit the virus. Even though the base takes precautions by boiling the utensils after every use to prevent any potential spread, there’s always a risk that something might slip through.

After finally reaching a human base, Cheng Song doesn’t want to turn everyone here into monstrous zombies; otherwise, it would be no different from the outside world.

Deliberately exposing himself, coupled with Ming Tang's already existing suspicions, led Ming Tang to observe him even more closely. 

The more Ming Tang suspected, the more sleepless he became, tossing and turning in bed, worried that if Cheng Song really was a zombie, it could potentially undo all of Lin Su's efforts if things went wrong within the base.

"Can't sleep?" Lin Su’s voice came from above him.

Ming Tang, who had been tossing and turning, stopped moving. Feeling a bit frustrated, he snuggled into Lin Su’s arms and said, "Did I wake you? I was thinking about something."

"What’s troubling you so much?" Lin Su gently asked, wrapping his arm around Ming Tang's waist.

His voice was tinged with sleepiness, and the huskiness in it made Ming Tang instinctively reach up to scratch his itching ear. "I suspect there’s a zombie in our base—a high-level one."

Lin Su opened his eyes, looking down at him. "What makes you think that?"

"High-level zombies have been increasingly resembling ordinary people," Ming Tang explained. 

"In fact, at some of the major bases, they've already encountered quite a few. Zombies at levels six or seven can be nearly indistinguishable from humans. But they move very quickly, have lower body temperatures, and their senses aren't completely intact. Some large bases have even reported that these zombies retain their human memories."

News from other bases is often shared, especially after establishing cooperation with a major base like the Morning Sun Base. They have access to valuable information, particularly regarding the evolution of zombies.

These evolved zombies not only look human but are also intelligent. If they wanted to trigger a zombie wave, it would be all too easy. 

There have been instances in other bases where high-level zombies infiltrated, secretly causing zombie outbreaks. 

By the time smaller bases were wiped out, it was often too late to send out warnings.

With the protection of zombie hordes, hunting high-level zombies has become increasingly difficult, and many human ability users have perished in the process. 

Moreover, once a human ability user mutates into a zombie, their evolution accelerates rapidly, making them even more formidable.

As the balance of power shifts, the growing strength of the zombie hordes makes them increasingly difficult to deal with, filling people with a sense of despair.

In the past, Ming Tang didn’t mind the ongoing apocalypse because he saw it as humanity’s own doing. 

The mountains of trash piled along the coasts, landfills filled with waste, the deteriorating climate, extinct species, and the various pollutants unleashed by human research—all of these had culminated in the creation of the zombie virus, an unstoppable force that turned the world into a living hell.

He believed that humanity deserved to face the consequences of their actions. Even though he possessed supernatural abilities, Ming Tang had already resigned himself to the idea that he might one day die at the hands of a zombie. With nothing to hold him back, he viewed the world as nothing more than a playground.

But now, things were different. He had someone he loved and a reason to keep living. 

Disasters can numb people, but they can also awaken them, making them regretful because there’s no way out. 

The presence of zombies, alongside ability users, might be the world’s final warning and a chance for redemption.

"If a zombie really has infiltrated the base, what would you do if you caught them?" Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang thought about Cheng Song’s behavior. 

That person—or rather, that zombie—hadn’t done anything particularly harmful so far, mostly just observing and staying hidden. But the ones who hide well and seem harmless are often the most dangerous. 

"Of course, I’d kill them and take the crystal core from their brain," he replied with a vicious tone.

System 06 chimed in, 【Host, your crystal core is even more valuable.】

Ming Tang didn’t hesitate at the thought of extracting a crystal core.

"But he hasn’t done anything wrong," Lin Su said.

Ming Tang looked up and touched Lin Su’s chin. "Why are you defending a zombie?"

Lin Su: “...”

Ming Tang continued to press against Lin Su's neck, feeling the coolness of his skin. "Your body temperature is so low, no matter how much I try to warm you up."

Lin Su exhaled softly and looked down at him. "Do you think I'm a zombie too?"

Ming Tang considered this seriously. "That’s unlikely. Aside from your low body temperature, everything else seems normal. You have a heartbeat, you can taste things, though your stamina is a bit unusual." 

After analyzing, he waved it off, dismissing the idea. "How could you possibly be a zombie?"

The thought of Lin Su being a zombie was something Ming Tang refused to entertain.

"But what if I really am?" Lin Su asked quietly.

"Zombies carry the zombie virus, right? I've slept with you so many times, so why haven't I turned into a zombie?" Ming Tang said, playfully pinching Lin Su's cheeks and pulling them apart. "I'm being serious here, not joking around."

"You have a point," Lin Su said, planting a kiss on Ming Tang's forehead. "Now, be good and get some sleep."

Ming Tang closed his eyes, a thought flashing through his mind—proving whether Cheng Song was a zombie might not be too difficult after all.


"You're inviting me to go zombie hunting with you?" Cheng Song wasn’t particularly surprised when he received Ming Tang's invitation.

With all the clues he had left, even the emperor’s little lover would have to notice something eventually, no matter how dense.

"Yes, I’ve heard there’s a high-level zombie near the base. It’s better to deal with it sooner rather than risk a zombie tide forming. What do you think, expert?" Ming Tang said with a smile.

"Of course, no problem. It's the right thing to do," Cheng Song agreed readily. "Brother Lin, are you coming along?"

"No need for him," Ming Tang replied. "Taking a lower-level ability user along when hunting high-level zombies would only be a burden."

When they set out, they didn't inform Lin Su. It wasn’t until they were well on their way that Lin Su received the report. 

Wang Tai sensed that something was off, though he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. "Brother Lin, do you think something's wrong?"

"Wang Tai, if one day you found out I was your enemy, what would you do?" Lin Su asked.

Wang Tai looked up, puzzled. "Brother Lin, how could you be my enemy?"

"What if I were a zombie?" Lin Su turned and asked.

He wasn’t joking. If the truth came out and Ming Tang couldn’t accept it, Lin Su would respect his decision and leave the base. 

Since Wang Tai and Chouchou had been with him from the beginning, there was no need to hide the truth from them any longer.

Wang Tai, feeling something was off but not expecting such a revelation, asked, "Brother Lin, are you really a zombie?"

Lin Su nodded. "Yes."

Wang Tai’s mouth dropped open, making him look like a startled chicken, unable to process the shock. 

After a long moment, he finally managed to respond, "You really seem human... No matter who or what you are, you saved our lives from the start, and I’ll always follow you. Chouchou feels the same."

In the apocalypse, the most terrifying and yet most sincere thing is the human heart.

Lin Su gently patted Wang Tai's head and said, "Stay at the base and wait for my good news."

If Wang Tai could accept the truth, then perhaps his little one could too.

【So, was Wang Tai your test subject?】asked System 06.

【Don’t make it sound bad,】Lin Su replied with a smile.

His host remained as cold and detached as ever, scaring the poor kid.

As the car sped through the wilderness, the remnants of once well-maintained roads lay hidden beneath layers of overgrown vegetation. Seeds that had found their way into cracks in the pavement had taken root and flourished, turning the road into an almost unrecognizable path.

Cheng Song was driving, while Ming Tang sat in the back, eyes fixed on him. 

Once they were far from the base, Ming Tang finally broke the silence. "By the way, I never asked—what base were you with before?"

Cheng Song smiled. "A small base. You probably haven't heard of it, Brother Ming. It's not worth mentioning."

Ming Tang leaned forward, resting his hand on the seat in front of him, and tilted his head to look at Cheng Song. "So, what’s your purpose in getting close to Lin Su? His ability level is only at four, right?"

"It seems like you didn't invite me out here to hunt high-level zombies, but rather to pick a fight with me," Cheng Song said, pulling the car to a stop. 

He turned his head and smiled. "Did I do something to offend you?"

"Not exactly," Ming Tang smiled as vines began to crawl throughout the car, wrapping themselves around Cheng Song. "But who said we're not hunting a high-level zombie? You’re the one, aren’t you?"

Cheng Song’s lips curved into a smile. "Brother Ming, you’re falsely accusing me."

The vines tightened, binding Cheng Song’s limbs so he couldn't move. 

As Ming Tang pressed a blade to his temple, his other hand touched Cheng Song’s chest. "No heartbeat. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I haven't killed anyone since I regained consciousness. Does that count?" Cheng Song looked at him with a smile. "I just want to live among humans peacefully, with no other motives. If you think that’s enough reason to kill me, then go ahead."

If Ming Tang despised zombies without understanding the full picture, things could get complicated for the emperor.

"How can you prove you're telling the truth?" Ming Tang asked.

"Proving it is actually quite simple." Cheng Song flexed his arm, and the vines fell away. 

Before Ming Tang could react, Cheng Song had already grabbed his arm. "The fact that I could easily kill all of you but haven’t made a move shows you my intentions."

"You’re definitely not just level six," Ming Tang tried to move his arm but found it impossible. The zombie who could overpower him had to be at least level seven or higher.

Ming Tang’s devouring ability had taken effect, and Cheng Song quickly pulled away his arm and shook his hand, saying, “Can you see it now?”

He didn’t take further action. Ming Tang snorted in reluctant agreement, but before he could figure out how to deal with the zombie in front of him, there came a knocking sound from outside the car window.

A person outside was knocking and peering in, “Is anyone in there?”

The person appeared to be an ordinary individual, tall and with a muscular build. Despite the normal appearance, Ming Tang found his behavior somewhat strange.

The car window was still closed, and Ming Tang asked, “Who are you?”

“It turns out there really are people inside. I was right about that,” the person outside said with a smile. “I’m an ability user from another base. I’m looking for a new base and wanted to see if we could travel together.”

He seemed perfectly normal. It was common to bring back new humans to the base while hunting zombies, but Ming Tang felt an odd sense of unease about his actions. “Which base are you from?”

“Luhu Base,” the person replied, tapping on the car window. “Could you please open the window? It’s a bit inconvenient to communicate like this.”

Ming Tang glanced at Cheng Song, who looked at the person outside but made no move. 

Instead, Cheng Song gave Ming Tang a subtle wink. He wasn’t the type to flirt randomly, and this wink in such a situation indicated that something was off about the person outside.

Ming Tang remained secretly on guard, and Cheng Song spoke up, “Wasn’t Luhu Base destroyed seven days ago?”

It was a mid-sized base that had only managed to send out a distress signal before its fall. The team sent by the Morning Sun Base to investigate never returned, and no news came back, so it was clearly destroyed.

Although Cheng Song did not command the zombie tides, there were more than just him among the level-eight zombies, as even emperors had appeared in this apocalypse.

The person outside licked his lips and stopped smiling. “So you’re also from a base. Since you won’t come out, I’ll come in.”

He pounded on the car window, and with a single punch, shattered it into pieces. Cheng Song quickly opened another door, and as the two jumped out of the car, they discovered that many zombies had gathered in the surrounding wilderness. 

Unlike the previously seen green-faced, fanged zombies, these were now much more human-like.

The once-intact vehicle was now crumpled and deformed, with a hissing sound of escaping air coming from somewhere, clearly no longer drivable.

“Quite the brute force,” Cheng Song remarked as he landed and steadied himself.

Ming Tang landed next to Cheng Song and looked at the person. “You’re not human?”

“I’m quite fortunate,” the zombie’s eyes lit up when he saw Ming Tang. He whistled and said, 

“Little beauty, are you interested in spending the night with me? I can guarantee you’ll become the most perfect zombie.”

Cheng Song was completely ignored but looked at the zombie with some pity. 

Why pick on this black lotus when there were others to choose from? 

Not only was he difficult to deal with, but his pet Tyrannosaurus could crush this zombie with a single stomp. Isn’t it good to be alive?

Ming Tang, who had initially only been on guard, felt a surge of disgust at the zombie’s words. 

This zombie had to die.

“What are you, to think you can lay a finger on me?”

The zombie chuckled ominously, “What am I? You’ll find out when you’re lying in my bed screaming. Go after them, but don’t hurt him.”

He commanded, and the surrounding zombies began to advance. However, just as they were closing in, Cheng Song snapped his fingers, and the zombies froze in place. “Don’t move.”

The scene fell silent for a moment. Ming Tang snorted and looked at Cheng Song. “You’re really a zombie; you can’t deny it now.”

“I wasn’t trying to deny it,” Cheng Song said with a smile. “Right now, we’re on the same side. We need to focus on the external threat.”

Ming Tang understood. 

Cheng Song could escape easily because he was a zombie; even if he got scratched by fellow zombies, it wouldn’t matter much. 

But if Ming Tang got scratched, it would be a serious problem. They had to be cautious: “Which of them is stronger?”

“Their strengths should be roughly equal,” Cheng Song said. He was determined to ensure that Ming Tang was safely returned; otherwise, this hard-earned life might not be preserved.

The zombie looked at the scene, obviously surprised. He scrutinized Cheng Song and said, “You’re a zombie too?!”

“Would you believe me if I say I’m human?” Cheng Song shrugged and smiled.

The zombie naturally did not believe it. “A zombie like you mingling with humans? Don’t get involved in today’s affair. Let’s part ways amicably and avoid any conflicts. I’m Gao Xiang, by the way.”

“That might not be possible,” Cheng Song replied. “With your strength, you might not be able to stop us, and these zombies won’t be much help to you.”

“Then don’t blame me,” Gao Xiang said, stretching out his hand. Thunderpower gathered beneath Cheng Song’s feet, and when Cheng Song dodged, it scorched the ground.

“Thunder element?!” Cheng Song hovered in the air using the wind force, his expression slightly tense.

Among all the abilities, healing abilities have the least offensive power but the highest benefit to humans, while thunder abilities are among the most lethal, surpassing even his wind blades.

With Cheng Song pushed back, Gao Xiang unleashed another bolt of lightning directly at Ming Tang. 

A water shield appeared in front of Ming Tang, redirecting the electrical power into the ground, but a faint residual shock still made his fingertips tingle.

This zombie was indeed an eighth-level one. Today was going to be troublesome.

However, staying in the base wasn’t entirely safe either. Waiting for the zombie tide to pass would only bring more trouble. It was better to resolve the situation today.

"Little beauty, your abilities are quite impressive," Gao Xiang said, looking at Ming Tang with great interest. "No wonder you’re still so beautiful after all this time in the apocalypse."

"Underestimating people is not a good habit," Cheng Song said as powerful wind blades, swirling with sand, engulfed Gao Xiang. 

The thunder continued within, and a foul smell occasionally emerged. Ming Tang joined in, waving his hand to send countless metal shards into the wind, intensifying the stench.

Even though it seemed like they had the upper hand, neither of them relaxed, because the next moment, lightning struck from the sky, breaking through the wind blades and scattering metal shards everywhere. 

The thunderous force caused Ming Tang’s shield to shatter after only a few attempts.

"Who’s underestimating whom, huh? Heh heh, heh heh..." Gao Xiang stood still, his cut wounds rapidly healing. 

Even though his heart was pierced, no blood was seen. "Gao Ao, I’ll leave that zombie to you. Extract his crystal core; we can level up if we get it."

As Gao Xiang spoke, Cheng Song’s senses were on high alert. From a distance, another zombie that looked very similar to Gao Xiang leaped to the ground.

The new zombie assessed the two of them and said, "Level eight, very impressive. But I still want the little beauty. You have to choose one."

"We brothers always share," Gao Xiang said, wounds completely healed. "We’ve been suppressed by you before, and now it’s our turn."

"Looks like it’s over," Cheng Song said with a smile as he landed beside Ming Tang. "Even I might not make it out of here today."

"You can surrender now," Ming Tang said tersely. "As a fellow zombie, they might spare your life. When you get back, tell Lin Su for me that I ran off with someone else."

That way, Lin Su wouldn’t be too upset if he heard he had died.

Although the devouring ability was powerful, it required physical contact to be effective. Otherwise, it was useless. It seemed that he would not be able to escape today.

"I’d die even faster," Cheng Song chuckled. "Let’s hold out; there might still be a chance to survive."

Ming Tang looked puzzled. "What?"

Before Cheng Song could answer, the two brothers, one wielding fire and the other lightning, began to unleash their powers around them. 

The two of them blocked simultaneously, with Ming Tang’s hair slightly curling from the intense heat of the fire.

The two zombies grew even more rampant, with fire and lightning pouring down recklessly. Cheng Song was initially able to defend himself, but soon his clothes were torn, and his arms were directly burned.

"With the way you’re protecting him, he must be your lover," Gao Xiang said with a sinister laugh. He exchanged a glance with Gao Ao, and both of them raised their hands. 

The combined power of lightning and fire rapidly condensed in the air, forming a sphere that resembled a sun, as if it could obliterate everything around them.

The surrounding zombies quickly retreated, clearing the area. As the massive sphere of lightning and fire descended, a glimmer of despair flickered in Cheng Song’s eyes.

"Damn it, to be taken out by such trash..."

As the lightning and fire exploded, Ming Tang closed his eyes, thinking that if the person who cared about him knew he was gone, he would surely be heartbroken. 

However, with his skills and talents, he would likely be replaced by someone else... Damn it, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became!

Ming Tang had felt the intense heat, but after waiting for a while, he opened his eyes to find that the sphere of lightning and fire seemed to be rising. 

The two brothers were desperately trying to push it down, but it seemed like some force was resisting them.

Cheng Song let out a sigh of relief. “We made it just in time. I was working hard to protect you. You owe me one.”

He was speaking to Ming Tang, but Ming Tang’s gaze was fixed on the man who was slowly descending from the sky.

He was familiar because they had shared a bed the previous night, embracing each other as they fell asleep. 

But he was also unfamiliar because with just a casual gesture, he had made the two zombies that had caused them so much trouble look terrified and bewildered.

As the lightning and fire sphere approached him, the man merely raised his hand lightly. The incredibly terrifying power was extinguished effortlessly, like a candle’s flame, leaving only a wisp of blue smoke.

With their ultimate move neutralized, the two brothers looked at Lin Su, who had just landed, with extreme hesitation. 

The innate pressure from Lin Su was terrifying, and they realized how frightening such power was when it was exerted on themselves, having only previously experienced it in other zombies.

“It’s impossible. How could a higher-level zombie appear now? Who are you?” Gao Xiang asked Lin Su incredulously.

Lin Su looked at the two zombie brothers. They were a thunder-fire duo, incredibly well-coordinated. 

In the original timeline, they were formidable villains, and arguably, some of the most powerful beings in the apocalypse.

However, they were slightly outmatched when they encountered Zhao Chengyu. One of them had devoured the crystal core from the other's brain, becoming a Zombie Emperor, which nearly cost Zhao Chengyu his life. 

Ming Tang had died protecting Ruan Zehua at that time, and now fate had brought them back together.

When the Luhu Base suddenly fell, Lin Su had suspected that a new high-level zombie might have emerged, though it hadn’t been confirmed until now when he encountered these two brothers ahead of time.

The apocalypse is what it is; even if zombies regain human memories, there are those like Cheng Song who have no ambition for conflict but just seek excitement, and there are those who, like these brothers, aim to reach the pinnacle of power through the apocalypse. 

These two were once at the lowest rung of society, but now they wouldn’t miss the chance to seize power.

“Does it matter whether you believe it or not?” Lin Su glanced at them and said, “Will you die on your own, or do you want me to lend a hand?”

The evidence was clear. The innate pressure Lin Su exerted proved their inferiority. Even if they didn’t want to bow, they had no choice but to. 

Gao Xiang clenched his fists and said, “Emperor, we are advanced zombies. We could serve you to unify the apocalypse. Why kill us?”

“What other reason could there be? It’s because you harmed someone you shouldn’t have,” Cheng Song interjected, brushing off his clothes. 

He put a hand on Ming Tang’s shoulder and said, “This person is the Emperor’s lover. If not you, then who should die?”

Very good, the scene when the Emperor appeared earlier was top-notch. It even left the little black lotus completely stunned, Cheng Song thought .

Lin Su glanced at Cheng Song’s hand, causing Cheng Song to quickly raise both hands to show his innocence.

“We didn’t know this was your lover,” Gao Xiang hurriedly explained. 

Even though he was unwilling, he had to bow his head now. If they could obtain the Zombie Emperor’s crystal core in the future, they would no longer have to fear anyone. “If we had known, we wouldn’t have touched a hair on him.”

“I don’t want to repeat myself,” Lin Su said coldly.

These two zombies were too ambitious. 

Unlike Cheng Song, who was loyal, these two were filled with hostility and had clearly killed many ordinary humans when their minds were still clear. 

Once their power reached a certain level, they would certainly cause backlash. Lin Su never left hidden dangers for himself.

Hearing this, the two zombies’ expressions changed: “Emperor, is there no room for negotiation?”

“No,” Lin Su replied.

The two brothers exchanged glances, and one of them said with a smile, “Then let’s just dig it out ourselves. It’s hard to make the move on our own.”

They quickly moved closer. Lin Su chuckled, “If you’re thinking of surviving by devouring each other, you might as well give up now.”

His smile was laced with contempt, exuding an air of superiority as if he didn’t regard the two zombies at all.

With their intentions exposed, the two brothers decided to go all out and charged towards Lin Su, one attacking directly while the other feigned an attack towards Ming Tang.

Massive vines erupted from the ground, piercing through the two zombies like thorns. They had no chance to fight back and could only watch as their crystal cores were taken away.

As the vines withdrew, their bodies were left on the ground. 

The zombies, who seemed capable of dominating the apocalypse moments ago, had lost their fate just like that. 

Two crystal cores gathered in Lin Su’s hand, which he casually stowed away before walking towards the stunned Ming Tang.

Having witnessed his true power, Cheng Song had no intention of resisting. He quickly retreated a dozen steps and turned to deal with the approaching zombies.

Ming Tang watched as Lin Su approached. When the hand that had seemed so gentle was about to touch him, Ming Tang couldn’t help but take a step back.

Lin Su’s hand paused in mid-air before lowering, saying, “Sorry, now you know my identity.”

Ming Tang swallowed nervously, his voice trembling, “Yes, I understand.”

A zombie—this person was a zombie, and the most powerful among countless zombies. 

Ming Tang felt he should be shocked, should feel deceived, and should be disgusted. 

However, his mind was overwhelmed by a flood of ‘f*ck’, and he didn’t know how to handle these emotions at that moment.


Run my foot—this person wasn’t going to kill him.

He cursed himself as a fool; this guy was the Zombie Emperor. Dealing with those two zombies was like squashing ants. 

What if he got angry and bit him, turning him into a zombie?

No wonder his previous attempts to test the devouring ability had failed; no wonder this guy’s body temperature was always low!

“How do you feel now?” Lin Su wondered if the little guy wasn’t just disgusted, but actually... stunned.

Ming Tang’s mind was racing with various thoughts, feeling like a mess. “Um, still okay.”

When Lin Su’s hand touched his cheek, he felt Ming Tang’s involuntary shiver and chuckled softly. “Are you afraid of me?”

His palm was slightly cool. In the past, Ming Tang would instinctively rub his face against Lin Su’s hand during such gestures. 

Now he realized how fearless he had been before. “Not at all.”

“Then give me a hug,” Lin Su said, opening his arms.

Ming Tang bit his lip and replied, “Give me a moment to clear my thoughts.”

Clearing his thoughts meant he needed to settle accounts later—strike first to gain the advantage, or suffer the consequences.

Lin Su directly grabbed his arm and pulled him into an embrace, lowering his head to kiss him. “What are you thinking about?”

Ming Tang instinctively struggled. “I’m going to turn into a zombie… um…”

Oh no, oh no, if his lips touched a zombie, would he turn into one? 

The thought of becoming a zombie with a grotesque face and biting people was hard to accept. 

But... it felt a bit nice.

His mind was in turmoil, but his body was already accustomed to it. When Lin Su released him, Ming Tang blinked and instinctively licked his lips, feeling a bit dazed.

“If you were going to turn, you’d have done it already. We’ve slept together so many times,” Lin Su said with a playful grin, touching his nose.

The familiarity of their physical closeness stirred his usual feelings. 

Ming Tang reached out and nuzzled his cheek. “You’re really a zombie, huh? How come it doesn’t feel any different from being human? Why is a Zombie Emperor like you working under Wang Pojun?”

“Don’t believe me? How about I bite you and see?” Lin Su leaned down, indicating his intention. Ming Tang immediately stiffened his neck and protested, “No, no! Brother you're bullying Tangtang!”

His current strength was no match, so he could only rely on his charm and try to avoid becoming a zombie.

“You never held back when you bullied me before,” Lin Su said, biting his cheek lightly, making Ming Tang nearly burst into tears from the scare.

Fortunately, it was just a gentle bite, without even leaving a mark.

“When did I ever bully you?” Ming Tang asked, covering his face and leaning back.

Then, memories flashed through his mind—pretending to be a green tea, forcing him to drink goji berry water, mocking his sexual abilities, threatening him with violence, and saying they would die together if he tried to leave…

Self-inflicted wounds. 

But even though he recalled it, he had to deny it stubbornly, not giving the enemy any chance for revenge.

Lin Su smiled and said, “Are you trying to back out, my dear? That’s fine; if you want to play that game, let’s settle everything all at once and just turn you into a zombie.”

The little guy wasn’t afraid of death but was terrified of becoming a zombie, which was something Lin Su hadn’t expected.

Ming Tang shook his head vigorously, like a rattle drum. “No, no, no, let’s just settle everything one by one.”

“Alright, let’s start by settling the score for your past seduction with others,” Lin Su said, lifting Ming Tang’s hand and lightly biting his hand’s back, leaving a tooth mark. “We’ll deal with other matters tomorrow.”

Ming Tang used to enjoy Lin Su’s affectionate kisses and bites, often feeling happy and even playfully scratching him in return. 

But now, with his eyes brimming with tears, he dared not retaliate. “Who settles scores like this?”

“Then I’ll just bite you properly,” Lin Su said with a smile. “It’ll save me from having to do it twice.”

“No, no, no!” Ming Tang withdrew his hand, smiling brightly and charmingly. “I think this way of settling scores is quite good.”

He was just hopping back and forth on the edge of becoming a zombie, and... he was a bit scared.

However, his pitiable and adorable appearance made it hard for Lin Su to resist. What had started as a playful jest now felt more endearing than he had expected.

Cheng Song, who was concerned about Ming Tang’s acceptance, decided it was better to silently return to the base. 

Seeing what was supposed to be settling scores but was in reality a show of affection, he felt he should quietly handle the remaining zombies.

The original vehicle was a wreck. Finding a new one wasn’t hard, but finding a driver and coordinating the timing proved a bit tricky.

When the new vehicle arrived, Lin Su glanced at it and felt inclined to praise it.

But Ming Tang looked at the back seat with some discomfort and said, “I want to sit in the front seat.”

In a world with only him as a human among two zombies, Ming Tang couldn't help but think that the apocalypse was truly beyond saving.

"Then I'll drive," Lin Su said with a smile.

Ming Tang, who didn't want to sit with him, replied, "How about I drive instead? You two can sit in the back."

Lin Su raised an eyebrow. "It's alright, I'll sit in the front seat."

"Actually..." Ming Tang tried to protest.

Lin Su began to take note. "Are you rejecting me?"

"I’m not," Ming Tang said, near tears. "Don't accuse me."

This man really held grudges! It was becoming unbearable.

"Then let's all sit in the back. Today, I won’t turn you into a zombie," Lin Su said with a smile, his words clearly carrying a threat.

Ming Tang gritted his teeth, looking like an oppressed servant. He obediently got into the car, sitting as far away from Lin Su as possible.

Great, he was no longer treated as a beloved treasure but as a target for threats!

Lin Su patted his lap and said, "Come sit closer, my dear."

Ming Tang glanced at him and said, "It's cooler over here."

As long as he stayed far away, he wouldn't catch the zombie virus.

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