It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 118


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 118

"Well, there has to be a standard for progress," Ye Huaitang said with a smile. "Advancing by one rank doesn't count."

"How about a hundred places?" Lin Su suggested. "How does that number sound?"

"Alright, do you want to compare answers now?" Ye Huaitang smiled.

It would certainly be amusing to see this guy make mistake after mistake.

Lin Su decisively refused. "Class monitor, it seems like you're bullying me."

Comparing answers with someone who used to rank last or second last in the class with the top student in the grade is practically asking for trouble.

Ye Huaitang laughed. "How could I be bullying you? I'm just helping you know the results in advance."

"Spoilers don't bring happiness," Lin Su said, hands in his pockets. "It's everyone's responsibility to protect the underachievers."

Even after the midterm exams, there would still be weekends off. One reason was to let students relax, and the other was to give teachers time to grade the exams.

Lin Su was naturally referring to the weekend after next. However, Ye Huaitang was curious about what Lin Su meant by "together."

Ye Huaitang's upcoming weekend was still busy. It was impossible not to feel anxious before the results were out. He used to be confident in himself, but this time, Ning Qiu's transfer had put a lot of pressure on him. 

If he lost his top position... No, that wouldn't happen.

The midterm exam results were posted for all to see, with names and scores displayed clearly from first place to last on the bulletin board.

As Ye Huaitang got out of the car and stepped through the school gate, he couldn't shake the feeling that people around him were looking at him with a hint of pity. His heart sank slightly. 

When he reached the bulletin board and looked up, he saw that the name in the first position wasn't his.

The name was Ning Qiu, with a high score of 738 points, while Ye Huaitang's rank was one place lower with 735 points.

A difference of three points, yet it created an insurmountable gap between him and the first place. No one remembers the second place; people only remember the first.

There were some classmates standing by the bulletin board, also looking at the results. Someone said, "It’s just a difference of three points, class monitor, you can still get first place next time."

"That's right, class monitor, don't be upset. The difference between first and second isn't that big."

"Thank you. I just need to study more." Ye Huaitang smiled, then turned and walked away.

Where did those three points go? Was it Chinese? He could ensure that his handwriting was neat and his understanding of the questions was not inferior to anyone else.

Or was it English, or some step in physics that he hadn't written correctly, or some equation in chemistry that wasn't properly formulated?

"It seems like Anyang No. 1 High School is more famous than our A City No. 1 High School for a reason. It was their first month here, and they took the first place in the grade," a classmate said behind him. Although the words were soft, they still reached Ye Huaitang's ears.

"It's just a difference of three points. He did his best," another classmate said.

"I'm saying the overall quality of the teaching staff isn't as good," the classmate retorted. "It's not like it's the fault of our grade's top student."

The voices gradually faded away, and Ye Huaitang pressed his lips together, barely able to manage a smile.

Although the criticism wasn't directed at him, it was clear the responsibility fell on his shoulders. And yet, he still didn't know where he had fallen short.

In the classroom, the report cards had already been distributed. Ji Heng maintained his position at the bottom of the class and the entire grade, providing a reliable cushion for Class 1. He didn't mind, but the sight of the first and last-ranked students sitting together still made many classmates feel somewhat conflicted.

"Ning Qiu, you're amazing! How did you score 738?" a boy asked. "You got a perfect score in math? Did you solve the last problem? How did you do it?"

"I've seen that type of question before and happened to practice it. Just luck," Ning Qiu replied modestly. "If you want to see it, I can show it to you."

"Thanks a lot," the boy said.

The number of people talking to Ning Qiu noticeably increased, partly because of his genuine ability and partly because of his good temperament. After spending a month with him, everyone had more or less gotten used to his presence.

"No problem," Ning Qiu replied, smiling warmly.

Ji Heng sat on Lin Su's desk, glancing at the lively scene around Ning Qiu, then looked at Lin Su's report card. "Brother, you didn't cheat, did you?"

"We were both in the last exam room. You were sitting right next to me. Who could I have copied from?" Lin Su leaned back in his chair.

Although he didn't look particularly smug, Ji Heng couldn't help but find his demeanor quite annoying. "It seems that being tutored by the top student in the grade really helped you. You've improved by 200 places, but you dragged the former top student down to second place. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Lin Su's smile faltered slightly. "735 points. If I could drag you down to that score, it would be worth it even if I didn't improve."

That score was only 15 points away from a perfect score. The college entrance exam questions would be more challenging than the school exams, typically reducing scores by about thirty points. But regardless, this score was excellent.

In the original timeline, Ye Huaitang's score this time was 730. The eight-point gap hit him even harder. If he could, Lin Su could subtly help him by predicting the test topics, allowing him to surpass Ning Qiu in score. 

However, this initial failure was necessary.

No one can succeed all the time. In a better environment, one must be able to accept setbacks. 

Otherwise, how can they adapt to an era full of talented people? Admitting failure is not shameful; what is shameful is being crushed by oneself without any will to fight back, succumbing to despair.

"Alright, you can be proud for now, but next time I'll definitely surpass you," Ji Heng said. Inwardly, he thought that this little academic genius was really something else.

The math problem left him bewildered, and even though he stared at it, he couldn't make sense of it. Yet Lin Su managed to get a perfect score! Perfect score—unbelievable.

When Ye Huaitang entered the classroom, he saw a rather lively scene. Everyone was discussing their scores; some had disappointed expressions, while others wore smiles.

The moment he stepped into the classroom, it seemed to fall into a brief silence. Some people looked at him and quickly averted their gaze, while others greeted him.

"The class monitor is here."

"Class monitor, it's okay to have one setback. It's just three points, no big deal."

"That's right, it's not a huge difference," some classmates comforted him.

Ning Qiu glanced over, feeling a bit awkward. He transferred here and immediately took first place was somewhat of a slap in the face to the class monitor. However, if he deliberately held back, Ye Huaitang might feel that Ning Qiu looked down on him.

Ye Huaitang smiled and said, "You don't need to comfort me. I'll work harder next time."

He remained calm, as if he hadn't taken the result to heart, which made the other students breathe a sigh of relief.

"The class monitor is so composed."

"If the class monitor hadn't spent so much time tutoring Lin Su, he might have kept the first place."

Ye Huaitang took his seat, and Lin Su stood up, placing his report card in front of him. "Class monitor, I've moved up two hundred places. Don't forget about the reward you promised."

The report card in front of him no longer showed the dismal scores that were previously close to zero in every subject. For Lin Su, this was a significant improvement.

Previously, Ye Huaitang would have been genuinely happy for him, but at this moment, he found Lin Su's behavior somewhat annoying.

Others might not understand his feelings, and he could disregard that. But this person also didn't understand, which made it more uncomfortable. Even with just a three-point difference, not achieving first place made him feel bad. He had worked so hard, yet still couldn't get the result he wanted.

Remembering his promise, Ye Huaitang forced a smile. "Alright, what do you want to do?"

Was it because he played too much and neglected his studies? If he had spent all that time studying, would he have gotten first place?

"I found a great place. Let's go relax a bit. Studying has been really tiring lately. You must be feeling tired too, right?" Lin Su said with a smile.

Ye Huaitang smiled and said, "I'm not tired. I just haven't worked hard enough yet. I'll keep my promise to you, but right now, I need to correct my mistakes. Do you want to join me?"

His invitation was, in essence, a dismissal. Lin Su chuckled, "You don't have many mistakes to correct."

"Still, I need to fill in the gaps." Ye Huaitang took out his exam paper and began to scrutinize it without saying another word to Lin Su.

【He seems angry.】 System 06 observed, noting the seemingly heartless nature of the host's current conversation.

【Of course he's angry.】 Lin Su responded with a smile.

From Ye Huaitang's perspective, the lack of understanding and even the boastful behavior of his only friend would deeply wound him. Such actions could even be seen as betrayal.

People like to feel favored and unconditionally trusted. Openly supporting someone against reason can be very comforting, though this usually applies only to oneself.

Lin Su had anticipated that Ye Huaitang would be angry and hide his emotions. Rather than letting time gradually erode his rebellious spirit, it was better to intensify it all at once.

After each exam, teachers often hold discussions. Top students are encouraged to keep up the good work, while those whose rankings drop receive concerned inquiries about their current state.

"The teacher reviewed your paper and found that some points in the physics section were deducted unnecessarily. These aren't mistakes you should be making. The teacher has always had high expectations for you," the homeroom teacher said.

When Ye Huaitang was called out, he lowered his eyelashes and said, "I'm sorry. I did make some mistakes this time, but it won't happen again."

"Do you have any concerns? Lin Su's improvement this time was significant, and I know you helped him a lot. Did he cause any trouble for you?" the teacher asked. "If it's causing you distress, I can have other students tutor him. If he keeps distracting you..."

Ye Huaitang instinctively refused, "No need, it's not his fault." 

Despite disliking Lin Su's previous carefree attitude, he didn't want to distance himself from him. Playing games and slacking off were Lin Su's ideas, but it was Ye Huaitang's own fault for not managing his time well.

The teacher breathed a sigh of relief, "Your score is quite high this time. If you maintain it, getting a guaranteed spot in a top university shouldn't be a problem. If you ever feel uncomfortable about anything, make sure to tell me immediately."

"Alright, thank you, teacher," Ye Huaitang replied with a smile.

He understood that the teacher meant well, but the expectations and care at this moment made him feel suffocated.

Lin Su was also called in for a talk. The teacher focused on encouragement but didn't expect him to achieve top ranks. As long as he stayed out of trouble, that was the highest expectation.

"It's good that you're motivated, but don't disturb the class monitor too much. He's probably feeling down about not getting first place this time. Don't add fuel to the fire, understand?" the teacher admonished.

"Yes, I understand. Definitely," Lin Su replied obediently. However, his obedient demeanor only made the teacher more suspicious that he might cause trouble.

"The teacher is serious," the teacher sighed. "Straighten up your attitude."

"Teacher, even in the workplace there's a system of rewards and punishments. I've made progress, but all I get are warnings and criticisms. Anyone else would be discouraged from trying to improve," Lin Su said with a slight smirk.

He was the only one in the class who dared to speak so bluntly. The teacher paused for a moment, clearly taken aback. "Alright then, what reward do you want?"

"I want to sit next to Ning Qiu. Maybe that way I'll improve even faster," Lin Su suggested.

"No way, are you going to latch onto whoever gets first place and mess with them?" the teacher firmly refused. She couldn't risk Ning Qiu dropping in rank too.

"Of course not," Lin Su replied. "They say teachers treat all students equally. Are you discriminating against me?"

Other teachers in the office subtly glanced over at this statement. The head teacher's head started to throb, finding Lin Su even more troublesome now than when he was goofing off. "The seating arrangement is based on grades. If you rank high enough, the teacher won't object."

Although Lin Su had made progress in the grade, he was still second to last in class 1. The third from last in the class was within the top 300 of the grade, while the entire sophomore year at A High had over a thousand students, with seven to eight hundred not counting the humanities classes.

"Alright, you said it," Lin Su smiled.

With his hair dyed black, his appearance improved significantly, which occasionally made the teacher worry about early romantic relationships in the class. 

However, with Ye Huaitang around, Lin Su wasn't necessarily the one attracting girls' attention. The teacher felt reassured about that but still had other concerns. "Yes, I said it."

The teacher thought that simply arranging seats wouldn't cause much trouble. She kept a close eye on the seat next to Ning Qiu, feeling relieved when someone else took it. 

However, when all the students came in and Lin Su rightfully sat next to Ye Huaitang, she realized she had been distracted. Lin Su's true target had always been Ye Huaitang, not Ning Qiu.

Realizing she had been outmaneuvered by a student, the teacher felt it was a lapse in judgment. However, the seating was now set. Lin Su tapped on Ye Huaitang's desk, saying, "Class monitor, we're desk mates now. Please take care of me."

Ye Huaitang, looking at the blackboard with a faint smile, asked, "What did you do to sit here?"

"Money solves these problems," Lin Su replied smugly.

In high school, where allowances were modest, ten yuan to persuade a classmate to give up a seat was relatively easy. For Lin Su, a few hundred yuan for a whole class was insignificant.

"You should learn to save up," Ye Huaitang advised. "After eighteen, you'll need to rely on yourself. It's not good to be so extravagant."

"But I wanted to sit with you. It makes studying more convenient—it's a reasonable investment," Lin Su explained.

Ye Huaitang acknowledged his good intentions but also found his logic sound. "So, I'm part of your investment?"

"Are you feeling down, class monitor?" Lin Su asked, as if just noticing.

Ye Huaitang had hoped for his awareness, but now he didn't want to admit it. "No," he denied.

“Oh, then I'll study vocabulary.” Lin Su pulled out his repeatedly reviewed vocabulary book. That oblivious and unknowing state made Ye Huaitang feel a lump in his chest that he couldn't get rid of.

He took a deep breath but didn't know what to say. He could only hold his frustration and look at his test paper with the points deducted. The entire class passed, yet he remained stuck on that one page.

“Class monitor, are we having extra lessons today?” Lin Su naturally asked while leaving self-study.

Ye Huaitang directly refused, saying, “No extra lessons. I have something to do today.”

“Okay, then I’ll be leaving. See you tomorrow.” Lin Su waved goodbye casually.

When Ye Huaitang got into his car, he happened to see Lin Su walking out with Ji Heng, who had his arm around Lin Su’s shoulder, and beside them was Ning Qiu. The three of them looked unusual but surprisingly harmonious.

So their relationship had already improved so much in places he didn’t know about.

“Young master, isn’t that your classmate? Aren’t we having extra lessons today?” the butler asked.

“Hmm, let’s go home,” Ye Huaitang sighed.

He knew he shouldn't dislike Ning Qiu because Ning Qiu had earned his results through hard work, and he admired such dedication. 

However, at the moment of losing, he couldn't help but feel a negative emotion, so extreme and childish, yet uncontrollable, leading him to choose to distance himself.

“By the way, your midterm exam results were quite good, right?” the driver said with a smile. “You must have been first in the grade again.”

Ye Huaitang didn’t respond, simply closing his eyes and feeling a bit exhausted.

Results, results—everyone in this world only cares about his grades. No one cares about how he feels, no one cares that he feels sad and upset after making mistakes. No one…

The rain outside had started to fall softly, gradually increasing in intensity, making Ye Huaitang's mood even more somber.

Without his presence, Lin Su could still have a good time with others. He could spend hundreds of dollars, which indicated that his seemingly indifferent father would not deprive him of material things. The idea of severing ties after turning eighteen, the bond of blood, couldn’t be easily cut.

When he arrived home, the villa was brightly lit. Seeing the other two cars in the garage, Ye Huaitang asked, “Are Father and Mother back?”

“Mr. Ye just returned from his business trip,” the driver replied. “Mrs. Ye came back early to reward your hard work. Any parent would be proud to have a child who’s first in the grade.”

“Oh, really?” Ye Huaitang tugged at the corner of his mouth but didn’t manage to smile. Yet again, it’s all about grades?

His father was tall and handsome, with deep lines on his forehead, indicating that he often frowned. His mother was beautiful and spoke gently. They were well-off, and living in such a family, Ye Huaitang should have been the happiest one. 

However, looking at the full table of food and his parents who were gazing at him, he felt as though something was pressing down on him, making it hard to move.

“Huaitang, we’ve been waiting for you,” his mother said, standing up to take his backpack. “It’s raining so heavily outside, and you’re wearing such thin clothes. The driver should have brought you a coat.”

“It’s okay,” Ye Huaitang relaxed slightly, “It wasn’t cold in the car.”

Perhaps his parents didn’t care so much about his grades but rather wanted to see their child excel compared to others. Because only by winning, continuously winning, could he keep securing opportunities.

“That’s good. Your results have come out, right? I told your father, who just finished his business trip, and I also made some time. We’re taking you out for a few days to relax and travel,” his mother said, guiding him to his seat. “The dishes on the table are from the chef you love the most. Try them and see if they taste good.”

“Thank you, Mother.” Ye Huaitang felt a bit comforted inside. He turned to the man sitting on the other side and said, “Father, welcome back.”

The man’s furrowed brow relaxed. “Hmm, how did the exams go this time? Not too much pressure, I hope?”

“There were a few small mistakes,” Ye Huaitang said, handing his report card to his mother. “I’ll correct my issues next time and won’t make these kinds of mistakes again.”

“That’s good; the score is quite high,” his mother said, smiling as she looked at the score. However, her smile slightly cooled when she saw the ranking. “Second place. Who’s first?”

Seeing her expression, Ye Huaitang’s heart sank slightly. “It’s a student who just transferred from Anyang No. 1 High School. He was first there originally.”

“So he came here and took your first place, did he?” His mother sat down and asked, “What’s his score?”

“738,” Ye Huaitang replied.

“That’s three points more than yours. You said you made some mistakes, so if not for those, the first place would still be yours,” his mother said, looking at him. “You didn’t used to make such careless mistakes. Has something happened at school recently?”

“Nothing happened; it’s just my own carelessness. I didn’t get first place this time, but I’ll definitely get it back next time,” Ye Huaitang suddenly felt that the seemingly lavish table in front of him seemed a bit cold.

“I’m not talking about next time; I’m talking about this time,” his mother said sternly. “Mistakes aren’t scary; what’s scary is making excuses for them and hoping for success next time. In the business world, even a small mistake can lead to huge losses. No one will give you another chance. Why can others avoid mistakes, but you can’t?”

Ye Huaitang tightened his grip on his fingers and looked at his father, receiving a similar disapproving glance. “It’s my fault.”

It wasn’t about the grades but the ranking; as long as he was overshadowed by someone else, it was considered wrong.

“As long as you can correct your mistakes, that’s good. Your mother is just worried about you,” his mother said, placing her hand on his. “You’re the only child in the Ye family. In the future, you’ll inherit your father’s and my business. Your grandparents have high expectations for you. You’re the smartest child in the Ye family; you can’t bring shame to the Ye family, understand?”

“Is it really that shameful?” Ye Huaitang asked softly.

“What?” His mother didn’t hear clearly.

“Is it really that shameful to get second place?” Ye Huaitang asked again, his fingers clenched tightly, as if his heart was contracting violently.

“I’ve told you before, history only remembers the first place; no one remembers the second or third,” his mother said earnestly. “This society is very harsh. Only by surpassing others can you gain opportunities. The Ye family has faced countless ridicule after falling from the top. Only by winning…”

“Then why don’t you do it yourselves?” Ye Huaitang asked.

Despite being inappropriate, he thought of a joke Lin Su had told him earlier: “Some stupid birds can’t fly on their own, so they lay an egg and hatch it, to make it fly in their place…”

The person who told that joke had bright eyes and seemed genuinely amused. Ye Huaitang didn’t find it funny at the time, but now he found it somewhat amusing.

“Your father and I are working hard. Otherwise, why do you think we come home late and leave early?” His mother frowned as she looked at him. “Did someone say something to you? Was it a teacher from school? Or that useless son of the Lin family? We shouldn’t have let you be with him. Look at what kind of person he has become. Do you think your parents are wrong? Think about how much we’ve given you from when you were young…”

Her tone was gentle, but each word made Ye Huaitang’s heart sink a little more. “I’ll make it up to you. Can you stop pressuring me?”

He almost pleaded. Ye Huaitang’s father frowned and said, “Huaitang, do you think we’re pressuring you? Do you know how many children don’t have the learning opportunities you have? They haven’t suffered, and just this small setback is enough to crush you. If it weren’t for the Ye family, could you study well at A High School? Could you receive education that others don’t have? Could you be well-fed and clothed and argue with your parents here? If you really can be self-sufficient and have the backbone, then leave this family and disown us if you want.”

His words were spoken with firm resolve. Ye Huaitang looked up in shock, unable to believe what he was hearing. At that moment, the acidity in his eyes made him unsure of what to do.

He had previously thought Lin Su’s father was cold. How could a father be so degrading toward his own child, so easily suggesting severing ties without caring about the emotional damage such words could inflict? Such condescension and controlling behavior were unworthy of being parents.

But at this moment, he only felt sorrow because he realized that his seemingly gentle mother and tall father were also trying to control his life. They planned his future, and because he had previously met their expectations, criticism had never come. But now that he couldn’t meet them, and when he tried to resist, their controlling nature was clearly revealed, with no attempt to hide it.

His heart ached violently, almost to the point of losing sensation. Ye Huaitang stood up under their gazes, silently walked to the entrance, and put on his shoes. “Then I’m going.”

He thought their relationship was sustained by love, but now it felt more like one side was merely dispensing charity to the other. Everything he had worked so hard for seemed like an attempt to please and beg for approval.

“Huaitang, what are you doing?” His mother went over to block his path. “You should talk things out properly, no need to be angry with your father.”

“Let him go. If he steps out of this door today, he is no longer my Ye Gaoxiang’s son!” Ye Huaitang’s father said in a deep voice.

“Don’t say any more,” his mother urged.

Ye Huaitang pulled his arm away from his mother’s grasp. “I’m sorry, Mother. I’m very tired.”

Tired of being their son.

He opened the door and stepped outside. The room was warm, but the torrential rain outside brought a cold that made his skin crawl.

No one came out to give him an umbrella because they didn’t want to lose their positions in the Ye family. People live for themselves, and he didn’t blame them for that.

Ye Huaitang walked into the rain, and as the water washed over his body and face, it felt like tears.

He touched his cheek and chuckled softly, “I won’t cry.”

Crying over something like this would be too unmanly. It was just a matter of survival; he could temporarily borrow money for housing and tuition. The only real issue was not having an ID, which could be problematic, and investment opportunities required capital, but that would have to wait until he turned 18.

Ye Huaitang tried to think calmly, but the rain made that calmness elusive. He attempted to call for a vehicle through his phone, but with such heavy rain, no one was accepting the request.

He could call a friend to pick him up, but after flipping through his contacts, he realized that only one friend might come out specifically to pick him up at this time.

As for the others, they were friends with the proud and honored Young Master of the Ye family, not with the ordinary person who would eventually leave the Ye family.

He hadn’t thought much about it before, but now it was clear that there was a tacit understanding among them: interests dictated their interactions. When there was benefit, they gathered; when there was none, they dispersed. Seemingly friendly friends couldn’t withstand even the slightest test, and Ye Huaitang didn’t want others to see him in such a disheveled state.

The villa was a bit far from the city center. Ye Huaitang put his phone in his pocket and slowly walked along the road. The journey seemed endless, but compared to turning back, this path didn’t seem so frightening.

It was just walking in the rain for a few hours while others slept. If he couldn’t endure this small setback, how could he talk about leaving that house and breaking free from the constant control?

【Host, Ye Huaitang has run away from home.】System 06 reported.

Lin Su was currently teaming up with Ji Heng for a game. Maintaining interactions between friends was important; if there was no communication, even the best of relationships could become distant.

Ji Heng was quite skilled, and playing with a pro like Lin Su made the experience smooth and enjoyable. “Brother, your skills are amazing. I must have a good eye for talent.”

“You didn’t say that back then…” Lin Su received a report from System 06 in the middle of the game.

He asked, 【Out? It’s raining heavily outside right now.】

【He had a conflict with his parents. His father said he would sever ties, and he directly ran out into the rain.】System 06 said,【He’s basically run away from home.】

Lin Su guessed that he would resist, as in the original timeline Ye Huaitang had also tried to resist, but inevitably failed. He told himself to endure until he could support himself, but he never made it through that summer.

But he hadn’t expected Ye Huaitang to run out directly. With such heavy rain, he was likely to fall ill.

Lin Su stood up, and Ji Heng looked at him curiously. “What’s up?”

“Someone’s calling me. You go ahead and play,” Lin Su said as he dialed Ye Huaitang’s number. The phone rang, but no one answered for a long time.

Ye Huaitang looked down to shield himself from the rain, staring at the name on the phone screen. For some reason, his eyes felt a bit sore. Did he really want to be seen in this pathetic state?

He was a student and shouldn’t have to bear the pressure from the Ye family, which was causing him trouble.

Ye Huaitang hesitated for a long time before finally stepping under a nearby tree to answer the call. “Hello, what’s the matter calling me at this hour?”

He tried to keep his tone calm and not let anyone detect his distress.

“Where are you?” Lin Su asked directly.

Ye Huaitang nearly blurted out his current state but tightened his grip on the phone and said, “Where else would I be on a rainy day if not at home? Your question is really odd.”

“Alright, I see you’re not in a good mood today. Let’s just chat,” Lin Su said, knowing that Ye Huaitang wouldn’t openly share his feelings.

The person on the other end of the line seemed soft and gentle on the surface, but was actually quite tough at the core.

Ye Huaitang responded with a simple “Hmm” and asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Tell me how you felt when you saw your grades,” Lin Su said, moving towards his computer. He placed the phone between his ear and shoulder, minimized the game window, and began typing furiously. Lines of code raced across the screen, and Ji Heng, curious, came over to take a look. The screen was so cluttered that Ji Heng nearly thought Lin Su’s computer had a virus.

In just three minutes, a red dot appeared on the map. Ji Heng watched in amazement as Lin Su, while still on the phone, confirmed the location with a surprised look, instinctively falling silent.

Lin Su confirmed the address and then stood up, grabbing his coat and shoes before heading out. The rain was so loud on Ye Huaitang’s end that it nearly drowned out his voice, yet he still insisted he was at home.

Lin Su went out, and Ji Heng, lacking a reliable teammate, watched as his game character died miserably. But his attention was focused elsewhere. He watched the red dot on Lin Su’s computer and felt like he was seeing a new side of his friend.

A hidden hacker? A legendary figure.

“Damn, that’s kinda cool,” Ji Heng said, licking his lips.

Lin Su didn’t have a driving license yet, but a car was waiting outside. The driver, clearly older but with a respectful attitude, greeted him. “Mr. Lin.”

“Go to this address,” Lin Su said, briefly muting the phone to show the location to the driver.

“Understood,” the driver replied.

Ye Huaitang couldn’t hear their conversation clearly. Standing under the tree, he chatted aimlessly with Lin Su, “What did you do after you got home today?”

“Nothing much, I didn’t get to studying. I played some games with Ji Heng. He wanted to drag Ning Qiu into it, but he got rejected,” Lin Su replied with a laugh.

The driver glanced at the road, occasionally peeking at the back seat through the rearview mirror. Their boss, Lin Su, was usually calm and composed, like the anchor of the company. His decisions were rarely flawed, making it hard to believe that he was still a teenager under eighteen.

Now, Lin Su’s rare gentle tone was evident. Though he was never rude, this gentleness was distinctly different from the polite courtesy he showed others.

Ye Huaitang chuckled, “Ning Qiu wouldn’t join you guys for some wild fun.”

After shedding some of the heavy burdens, Ye Huaitang seemed to have softened his view of Ning Qiu, even finding his previous dislike towards him somewhat inexplicable.

“You might think he’s a goody-two-shoes on the surface, but I saw him at the arcade last time when I went out to buy something. He’s pretty good with that gun,” Lin Su said.

The protagonist is definitely not the type to just be a bookworm. From the original timeline, Ji Heng’s transformation from a school bully to a loyal follower, under Ning Qiu’s management, showed that Ning Qiu wasn’t just a straightforward person. His adaptability to new things was much faster than Ye Huaitang’s, though high-achievers often have some skill in playing the perfect student.

“Really? I didn’t expect that,” Ye Huaitang said, noticing the rain intensifying. He realized it would be difficult to leave this place today, so he decided to sit under the tree.

His phone felt cold, but the voice on the other end was warm. Among all his friends, who were only interested in mutual benefits, Lin Su was the only one who truly cared about him.

“If you really got to know him, you’d become good friends,” Lin Su said with a smile.

Ye Huaitang lowered his gaze, drops of water falling from his eyelashes: “Do you really like him?”

“And then you could learn about his study methods, exchange experiences, and surpass him. It’s just a three-point difference. With your effort, surpassing him shouldn’t be too hard,” Lin Su added.

Ye Huaitang suddenly smiled: “You’re really quite the schemer.”

“Aren’t friends meant to be tricked?” Lin Su chuckled as he saw the location approaching.

Ye Huaitang replied with a smile: “Well, if I get the chance, I’ll definitely try out your idea of tricking friends.”

“Why wait for later? You can do it now,” Lin Su said, seeing the figure sitting under the tree. The car stopped, and the driver handed over an umbrella. Lin Su got out of the car and held the umbrella over Ye Huaitang’s head, looking at the surprised face.

“I finally found you,” Lin Su said.

For a moment, Ye Huaitang thought it might be an illusion. But the car’s headlights illuminated the road clearly, and the figure standing there was unmistakably Lin Su.

“How did you know I was here?” Ye Huaitang asked, astonished.

Lin Su extended his hand. “Do you think you can stand up?”

The person under the umbrella, dressed in simple homewear, had clearly come out in a hurry. 

Yet, at this moment, Ye Huaitang found him to be more reliable and comforting than ever.

“I can stand,” Ye Huaitang said, placing his hand on Lin Su’s and using it to pull himself up. As he stood, his foot slipped, causing him to almost fall into Lin Su. The warmth of Lin Su’s body made him exhale in relief, “You’re so warm.”

Lin Su gently placed his hand on Ye Huaitang’s forehead. “It’s not that I’m warm; you have a fever.”

Despite the cold that made his body tremble, Ye Huaitang’s forehead was burning hot.

“You still haven’t told me how you found me here?” Ye Huaitang asked, leaning into Lin Su’s embrace. Though he hadn’t expected anyone to come looking for him, the fact that someone did made him feel unexpectedly happy.

“It’s not hard to figure out with the heavy rain. I’m not that easily fooled,” Lin Su said softly. “Come on, let’s get in the car. I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“I don’t want to go to the hospital,” Ye Huaitang mumbled, resting his head on Lin Su’s shoulder. The combination of illness and a sliver of hope made him seem more fragile than usual, abandoning his usual resolve.

“Then we’ll go to my place first,” Lin Su said. The driver got out to hold the umbrella, and Lin Su gently picked Ye Huaitang up and placed him in the car.

Ye Huaitang sat in the seat, staring blankly. “You’re really strong. The seat’s all wet.”

“Let’s deal with that later,” Lin Su said, grabbing a blanket from beside them. “For now, take off your wet clothes.”

Ye Huaitang instinctively pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I don’t want to.”

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