It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 119


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 119

“You're running a fever. If you don’t change out of these wet clothes soon, do you want to cook yourself into a fool?” Lin Su, noticing that Ye Huaitang's condition wasn’t right, reached out to unbutton his shirt.

Ye Huaitang grabbed his wrist. It wasn't so noticeable in the rain outside, but inside the car, his face was blushing almost to the same color as the light, and his limbs felt weak with no strength: “You’re bullying me…”

“Yeah, I’m bullying you. Who told you you can't fight back?” Lin Su continued to remove his drenched clothes. The boy’s body wasn’t like an adult’s; it was pale and slender. Due to the fever, he was shivering all over. 

Lin Su didn’t look too closely, quickly drying off the rainwater and wrapping him in a blanket. “Take off your pants yourself.”

When Ye Huaitang was wrapped in the blanket, his consciousness was already a bit hazy. He tightened the dry and warm blanket around him. His wet hair, which had been resting on the back seat, fell onto Lin Su’s shoulder due to the lack of support, and his breath was hot and steamy: “I’m so tired…”

His words carried a bit of a coquettish tone, and he unconsciously nuzzled closer. Lin Su looked down at his flushed, sleeping face. Although the rainwater had been wiped away, there were still droplets on his eyelashes, and his eyes were moist as if tears could fall at any moment.

“Really, I owe you one,” Lin Su sighed. He reached in to help him remove his wet pants, and after drying him off, he used a towel to dry his hair.

The class leader’s hair was always off-limits for others to touch, but now he tilted his head, allowing Lin Su to mess with it.

The driver, sitting in the front and driving seriously, felt that something was off. Despite the friendly and affectionate camaraderie between classmates, he couldn’t help but think of how his girlfriend always giggles and covers her mouth whenever she sees two handsome guys together. It was quite puzzling.

They were still minors; he shouldn’t overthink it. Just because two good-looking young men were together didn’t mean their relationship was anything but pure, especially since one of them was his boss.

Damn, picking someone up in the rain really was quite alluring. If his girlfriend were here, she’d probably be squealing.

The driver’s thoughts were all over the place, but he maintained his composure as he spoke: “Mr. Lin, should I take you home or to the hospital?”

“To the hospital.” Lin Su could diagnose that Ye Huaitang’s condition wasn’t good. His mind had been greatly shocked and he had been drenched in the rain; if his temperature wasn’t reduced in time, he could easily develop pneumonia, which would be quite troublesome.

“Alright,” the driver responded, but thought to himself that men’s words could be deceptive. They had agreed to go home, but instead, they were going straight to the hospital. 

Tsk, young people.

Ye Huaitang was taken to the hospital and immediately put on an IV drip. Lin Su even changed him into a hospital gown.

The hospital was very quiet at night. After leaving the ward, Lin Su said to the driver, “I’ll stay here; you can go back now.”

“Shall I pick you up tomorrow morning?” the driver asked.

Although the boss was impressive, he was still a student, and it was rumored that he was one of the lowest-ranked in his class, which was quite puzzling.

“No, just ask for leave for Ye Huaitang, saying he has a cold and fever. As for me, there’s no need,” Lin Su instructed.

Ye Huaitang missing class was understandable. The teachers were used to it, and if he took leave too, the homeroom teacher might suspect that Lin Su had abducted her good student.

After the driver handed over various documents and left, Lin Su sat beside the bed, watching Ye Huaitang, who was deeply asleep, under the dim light by the bedside.

While others were still in their ivory towers, he had spent countless hours and effort learning things that others might not even encounter. To many, he already seemed excellent, and he held himself to rigorous standards. 

Although he appeared strong and capable of taking care of everyone, he was still human and had moments of weakness needing support and comfort.

“Don’t… force me…” The boy murmured as he lay in bed, his fingers unconsciously clenched.

Lin Su held his hand, enclosing the slender, pale fingers in his palm: “I won’t force you. Do whatever you want.”

“I… will try…” Ye Huaitang continued to mumble, tears slipping from the corners of his tightly shut eyes. It was unclear what he was dreaming of, and Lin Su wiped his tears. The warmth of the tears was startling, and even after wiping them away, they fell again.

“I know. You’ve already tried your best,” Lin Su said softly, “That’s really enough.”

Desire is inherent in humans, and self-restraint is a virtue, but that doesn’t mean suppressing all desires; even sages cannot achieve that.

Ye Huaitang’s emotions gradually settled, but his fingers remained tightly clasped around Lin Su’s hand, not letting go for even a moment.

The sound of the rain outside gradually changed from a loud downpour to a gentle patter. When the driver arrived home, his girlfriend was sitting on the sofa, legs crossed, watching a drama. She turned to him as he came in and asked, “Your boss called you out this late? That’s really tough.”

“Your still up? Were you waiting for me?” The driver changed into his slippers and sat down beside her. “It’s nothing much. Just picked someone up for the boss. In this heavy rain… let me tell you…”

As he spoke, his girlfriend, who had been rubbing her eyes from tiredness, became more alert, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Wow, what a beautiful romance!”

“They’re classmates,” the driver said, although he also felt that something seemed a bit off.

“It’s definitely romance! If I ran away from home and my boyfriend noticed right away and picked me up, I’d want to marry him immediately!” The girlfriend excitedly shook his arm. “What else happened?”

The driver couldn’t quite understand his girlfriend’s line of thinking. “He even lied, saying they were going home, but then took them to the hospital once they were asleep. How deceitful.”

“That’s a kind-hearted lie—so domineering yet gentle, a beautiful romance. Do younger guys these days really know how to do this?” His girlfriend sighed, covering her heart.

The driver: “……”

The world just isn’t fair.

These days, there’s no room left for straight guys.

Ye Huaitang’s IV was finished in the middle of the night. With the medication taking effect, he slept even more deeply.

“The fever has come down now, but there might still be some fluctuations in his condition. We don’t recommend discharge just yet,” the doctor said with a frown.

“He has a fever caused by catching a cold and emotional fluctuations, it is not a viral infection. I’ll make sure he stays warm and rests at home. A few more doses of medication and he’ll be fine,” Lin Su said calmly.

No matter the reason Ye Huaitang didn’t want to come to the hospital, he must have his own reasons. Since he didn’t want to, it was best not to further disturb his emotions at this time.

A fever caused by a cold can indeed lead to body changes, but it’s not a serious illness. Lin Su’s reasoning was sound, and the discharge process went smoothly. In the middle of the night, he called for a car and carried Ye Huaitang home. 

The house was quiet, except for the light in the living room, which seemed to have been left on intentionally.

One guest room was used by Ji Heng, and another was often occupied by the housekeeper. 

After some thought, Lin Su carried Ye Huaitang into his own room. Although the room was decorated with a teenage fantasy theme, the soft bed and bedding were materials Lin Su preferred. Ye Huaitang sank into it, unconsciously rubbing his cheek against the pillow. The movement on the way home didn’t wake him.

Lin Su went to freshen up, washing and drying the wet clothes, then took a few hours of rest on the sofa. Afterward, he prepared rice and porridge and made two refreshing side dishes.

When Ji Heng came out of his room, he smelled the aroma and thought it was the housekeeper. When he saw it was Lin Su, his drowsiness was instantly gone: “Brother, what kind of gourmet meal are you making here?”

Lin Su stirred the porridge in the pot and asked, “How about some Balangen with instant noodles? Want a bowl?”

Ji Heng looked disgusted. “You eat it yourself. I’m heading to school.”

“So diligent?” Lin Su remarked.

Ji Heng turned and went into the bathroom, washing his face while talking. “Hey, I’ve got to beat the top student in the grade. Once you say something, it’s like water thrown out—it’s hard to take back. I can’t let that little bastard think I’m unreliable.”

When boys really get their act together, they can clean up everything in five minutes. Ji Heng easily grabbed a piece of bread from Lin Su’s fridge and, on his way to the entrance, noticed a pair of wet shoes that clearly didn’t match Lin Su’s usual style.

“Brother, did you bring someone home last night?” Ji Heng peeked from the entrance and stared directly at the tightly closed bedroom door. “A man or a woman?”

“Confidential.” Lin Su came out of the kitchen, picked up the wet shoes, and said, “Forgot to dry them. Thanks for the reminder. Goodbye, no need to see you off.”

Ji Heng squinted at him. “You won’t say? No, wait, you brought them home. What happened last night?”

“Nothing happened. Go off and be all lovey-dovey with your little bastard,” Lin Su said as he pushed him out the door.

Ji Heng felt that his brother’s behavior was a bit different from before. This must be what it’s like to be a hidden big shot. “By the way, about that thing you made that looked like it had a virus…”

With a bang, the door slammed shut in front of Ji Heng.

Ji Heng: “……”

So what they say about forgetting your brothers once you have a girlfriend—seems to be true.

“Brothers are like limbs, while women are like clothes.” It means that one would rather lose their limbs than run around naked.

Ji Heng left, and Lin Su tidied up the living room before bringing the porridge and dishes into his own room. 

Ye Huaitang was curled up in bed, completely sunk into the covers. Although he was lying on his side, his posture remained standard.

Lin Su checked his forehead. The fever had gone down, leaving only a slight low-grade fever. 

Lin Su’s hands weren’t cold, but the action seemed to have caused the person who was sleeping soundly to open his eyes in a dazed manner.

“Where is this?” Ye Huaitang’s voice was a bit soft. “Is it morning? Do I need to go to school?”

“I asked the teacher for a leave. You’re resting at home today,” Lin Su said, sitting by the bed. “Do you still feel uncomfortable?”

Ye Huaitang was indeed still a bit groggy, but the sensation of being chilled to the bone from last night had disappeared. He blinked and looked around. “Is this your home?”

“Yes, it’s my home. I didn’t take you to the hospital. Are you hungry?” Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang lifted his hand and looked at the needle mark on the back. “Intravenous drip—who gave it to me if we didn’t go to the hospital?”

“I did. My first time administering an IV went pretty well,” Lin Su said with a smile.

Ye Huaitang lowered his hand and looked at him. “You?! Do you know what an air embolism is?”

He was clearly nervous. Lin Su chuckled and tapped his forehead with his fingers. “You're finally back to your senses. Don’t worry, I didn’t give you the injection; I had the doctor do it.”

While Lin Su had administered countless injections himself and would never cause such a medical mishap due to carelessness, it was unnecessary for Ye Huaitang to actually worry about it.

Ye Huaitang let out a small sigh of relief and propped himself up on the bed. “Can’t you use another way to comfort people?”

“Here, class monitor, let me feed you breakfast. I promise to serve you well,” Lin Su said, placing the bowl in front of him. “This is a nutritious breakfast I made myself. Do you feel comforted?”

Ye Huaitang was momentarily stunned as he took the bowl. The edge of the bowl was warm but not hot, and it contained plain porridge—nothing fancy, just a simple bowl of white porridge. But it was made by Lin Su himself.

To Ye Huaitang, this bowl of porridge was more comforting than a table full of delicacies. He lowered his gaze to hide the emotion in his eyes and sighed deeply. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Can I ask what happened last night?” Lin Su inquired.

Ye Huaitang held the bowl and took the spoon Lin Su handed him. The porridge was softer and more delicious than he had expected.

The Ye family followed the rule of not speaking while eating or while in bed, and they wouldn’t be allowed to eat in bed. Yet, doing so now brought him a sense of relief.

“We had an argument,” Ye Huaitang said, looking up. “And I might have to leave the Ye family in the future.”

“Why did you have an argument?” Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang kept running his fingers along the edge of the bowl. “I feel very tired. They have such high expectations of me, but I can’t meet them. Lin Su, is it because I haven’t tried hard enough?”

“No, actually, you already have the answer in your heart,” Lin Su said, reaching out to pat his hair. “Do you have any plans for what you’ll do after leaving?”

Ye Huaitang instinctively reached for his pants pocket. Lin Su took his phone from the bedside and handed it to him. “Looking for this? The phone’s waterproof.”

This person seemed to understand what he was thinking. Ye Huaitang turned on the phone and accessed his account. “The Ye family has frozen the secondary card. They really are heartless.”

“It’s not being heartless; it’s trying to make you give up and come back on your own,” Lin Su said.

People with a strong desire for control won’t lower their pride voluntarily but will use such forceful means to make others submit.

Ye Huaitang was the only child of the Ye family, so severing the father-son relationship was just an angry threat. They would never really allow him to stay away on his own.

Ye Huaitang looked at him with a complex expression and said, “You seem to understand a lot.”

“Don’t you remember how my dad treated me?” Lin Su patted his shoulder. “We’re kindred spirits, fellow sufferers.”

“Kindred spirits can’t just throw around hundreds and regard money as dirt,” Ye Huaitang replied, “Your father at least didn’t cut off your financial support.”

“It was cut off. This money is what I earned myself,” Lin Su said calmly.

“You earned it yourself?!” Ye Huaitang was a bit surprised. “How did you earn it?”

“I invested a little,” Lin Su said with a smile. “I don’t believe you don’t have your own hidden investments.”

People who appear meticulous on the surface often put in extra effort behind the scenes. Even if there’s no overt resistance, their subconscious is always prepared for it.

At that moment, Ye Huaitang felt his heart beat a little faster. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the joy of finding a kindred spirit. “How did you know?”

“I’m smart,” Lin Su said with a laugh. “Otherwise, how could I have picked up a dirty, wet class monitor in the rain? No one else could; only I managed to find you.”

“That sounds like saying the whole world could pick up a cat except for me,” Ye Huaitang put the empty bowl aside and said, “Do you think of me as a cat?”

“Yes,” Lin Su replied with a smile. “I happen to have an empty cat’s bed here. It might not be very spacious, but it can shield you from the wind and rain, and occasionally, there’s homemade cat food. Would the runaway kitten like to consider staying here temporarily?”

“What are the living expenses?” Ye Huaitang thought this indirect offer of shelter was quite considerate, but even among friends, one shouldn’t take advantage of free food and lodging, as it could strain the friendship.

“Half of the food and utilities, and teach me how to study properly,” Lin Su said without any pretense. Even if Ye Huaitang was staying here, he should be on equal footing with him, rather than being treated as a beneficiary of Lin Su's kindness.

“Deal,” Ye Huaitang said with relief, “Then let’s start teaching you right now.”

“You’re still sick,” Lin Su pointed out.

“I know my own body. I should be fine by today,” Ye Huaitang said as he attempted to get out of bed. He had a rough idea of his recovery progress; now that his emotional burden was lifted, full recovery was not far off.

But when he looked at the clothes he was wearing, he froze: “These aren’t my clothes, are they?”

In the rain, he had been so dazed that he not only hugged Lin Su but also had leaned against him, saying how warm he was. 

Later, when he was having his clothes removed, he refused to let go of his collar.

The ridiculousness of the previous events now seemed absurd to Ye Huaitang. He glanced at Lin Su and asked, “These clothes…?”

“I changed them for you. Is there something wrong with that?” Lin Su’s expression was very sincere, making Ye Huaitang feel like he might have been overthinking things.

“Let’s take today off. My head is still a bit dizzy, and I’m afraid I might teach you incorrectly,” Ye Huaitang said as he pulled the quilt up and lay down, covering his head. At that moment, he felt inexplicably embarrassed.

Lin Su patted his quilt and said, “You haven’t eaten the side dishes yet. Drinking only porridge isn’t enough for nutrition. You’re too skinny; you need to make up for it.”

His words were really quite sharp. Ye Huaitang, buried under the covers, muttered, “Skipping one meal won’t kill me.”

“But you haven’t brushed your teeth or washed your face,” Lin Su continued.

Even though missing out on brushing and washing wasn’t a big deal after a night, for someone like Ye Huaitang, who had a mild obsession with cleanliness, it was a bit intolerable. He sat up in bed and stared directly at Lin Su, “Are you asking for a beating?”

Lin Su looked back at him straight-faced and finally said two words, “I was wronged.”

Ye Huaitang’s expression shifted unpredictably. He was both inclined to hit him and to laugh, forcing himself to adopt a sarcastic tone, “Don’t talk!”

Lin Su stood up, made way, and gestured for him to leave, indeed falling silent.

Ye Huaitang's condition did not worsen; his low-grade fever subsided by the afternoon, and the remaining IV drip was no longer necessary. He only needed to take some medication to prevent a relapse, and he would be able to go back to school the next day.

With a new person in the house, some items were already in stock, while others needed to be purchased. Although Ye Huaitang had no objections to wearing Lin Su’s clothes, but he was not willing to wear someone else’s clothes himself.

Lin Su rummaged through the wardrobe and found a set of more formal clothes from his last visit to Ye Huaitang's house. “How about this set?”

Ye Huaitang did not like using things that had been used by others, including clothes and bedding. However, this habit seemed to dissolve in Lin Su's presence.

Perhaps it was the refreshing scent wrapped in the quilt, or the way everything, though seemingly disorganized, was spotlessly clean, with not a speck of dust even in the corners. Or maybe it was simply because Lin Su was the exception.

Ye Huaitang could not pinpoint the reason, but standing in front of the mirror in Lin Su's clothes, he inexplicably recalled the embrace in the rain. It felt as if Lin Su's warmth had seeped directly from his cold skin into his heart.

The collar had that person's scent, not sweet but refreshingly unique to that individual.

Ye Huaitang closed his eyes for a moment, patting his own cheeks in frustration. It was just a piece of clothing; after all, brother grew up wearing the same pants. What was this scent, this embrace? Ye Huaitang, are you out of your mind?

With this self-reproach, Ye Huaitang walked out. He wasn't short, but Lin Su was clearly a head taller, making the slight height difference more pronounced, like the difference between 178 and 180 centimeters.

Lin Su, sitting on the sofa in the foyer, glanced at Ye Huaitang as he heard the door open and commented, "It fits well. The class monitor looks better in this than I would."

Actually, it didn’t.

Ye Huaitang thought to himself. Lin Su looked good in that outfit as well; it was just that the two of them projected different vibes when wearing it.

This person might not have good grades, but he managed to live independently after leaving his parents and seems to be doing quite well. Perhaps he was also putting in effort in places Ye Huaitang didn’t see, and wasn’t as carefree as he appeared.

Ye Huaitang’s thoughts were speculative but certain. When a guy, or even a man, shows a dependable side, it adds to their aura.

"Everything looks good." Ye Huaitang borrowed Lin Su's shoes, and his ears turned slightly red as he looked down.

If Lin Su had always maintained his appearance from the day he visited his home, becoming a popular figure on campus would have been just a matter of time. 

However, Ye Huaitang inexplicably didn’t want him to reveal this special side to others. He enjoyed the feeling of having this as his own exclusive privilege and secret.

It was like discovering a raw gem that others mistook for a common stone, while he knew it was a precious jade. It brought a sense of satisfaction.

Unlike many girls who shop primarily for leisure, boys' shopping is usually more goal-oriented. 

Ye Huaitang's shopping trips had clear objectives. He followed a pre-made list and bought items one by one. Though the brands varied, he occasionally asked for Lin Su's opinion. He expected they would both agonize over household items, but Lin Su always managed to pick the most cost-effective options.

Including clothes and shoes, they had everything purchased within an hour.

"I didn’t expect you to have a homey quality," Ye Huaitang said as he placed the items in the trunk. "Whoever marries you in the future will be lucky."

Lin Su could cook, keep his home clean, looked good, earned money, was good at gaming without belittling beginners, and unknowingly revealed a side of him that was completely excellent. 

One shouldn’t judge a person by their surface or just their grades. Everyone shines in their own field. Judging someone solely based on one aspect is like denying the value of a fish simply because it can’t climb trees, as opposed to evaluating its true worth.

"Class monitor, are you praising me?" Lin Su said as he also put the items in the trunk. "Whoever marries the class monitor... or, um, whoever the class monitor marries will also be blessed."

It seemed like a slip of the tongue, but Ye Huaitang couldn’t help but blush. "What do you mean by that? I’m a man. Are you sure you’re not doing this on purpose?"

"Do you believe it was a slip of the tongue?" Lin Su said innocently.

"I don’t believe you at all!" Ye Huaitang felt he should be angry, but he didn’t seem to be very upset.

"Yes, yes, yes, I’m a terrible old man," Lin Su added.

The guest room that Ji Heng previously stayed in was cleaned up, and the wardrobe and other things were arranged by Lin Su. Even the messy game posters on the wall were taken down, turning the room into Ye Huaitang’s personal space.

In the house, Lin Su’s room was covered with posters, while Ye Huaitang’s room was neat and clean. Lin Su glanced in when he knocked and raised an eyebrow. "This really doesn’t look like my house."

Ye Huaitang stood at the door. "What’s wrong?"

"Dinner," Lin Su said. "I’ve already made it."

Given the white porridge he made in the morning, Ye Huaitang’s impression of Lin Su’s cooking was limited to home-style dishes. However, when he saw the chicken soup and garlic scallops on the table, he was stunned. "You made this?"

"Yes," Lin Su said as he sat down and picked up his chopsticks.

"And the auntie?" Ye Huaitang felt a bit skeptical about life, especially after taking a sip of the chicken soup. The delicious flavor almost made him swallow his tongue—it was really hard to believe.

"The cleaning lady will come every other day to clean the house, but she will only stay overnight if it's late. She’s not responsible for cooking; we’ll have to handle that ourselves," Lin Su said.

Previously, the cleaning lady used to cook, but Lin Su changed that rule. He didn’t like having his personal space excessively intruded upon by outsiders, and Ye Huaitang probably didn’t like it either.

"Then I’ll wash the dishes," Ye Huaitang said, actually relieved by this arrangement. "I... don’t know how to cook."

"That’s fine," Lin Su said.

The dinner made Ye Huaitang feel warm all over, and after taking his temperature again, he found he was perfectly fine.

Ye Huaitang struggled a bit with washing the dishes. The oil stains smeared on his fingers, and the greasy sensation made him frown. Lin Su handed him a pair of gloves and said, "Wear these while washing. We need to protect your piano-playing hands."

Ye Huaitang took the gloves, feeling that this task was a bit more manageable now. Lin Su didn’t plan to stand by idly and helped with the washing and tidying up.

"Actually..." Ye Huaitang hesitated.

Lin Su looked down and said, "Next time, I’ll cook, and you can help."

Ye Huaitang smiled. "Alright."

It seems that this is how friends should normally interact—without too much formality, but with mutual understanding.

If System 06 knew his thoughts, they would definitely clarify: This isn’t friendship; this is a relationship.

Between friends, aside from the critical moments when you stand by each other, most of the time, it’s about finding ways to slack off. Cooking and washing dishes are opportunities to be lazy, just like how the host would lock Ji Heng outside without a second thought.

But locking the class monitor outside... The host would probably end up with a disapproving spouse.

After dinner, there wasn’t much to do. Ye Huaitang wanted to study but found it hard to concentrate. He peeked out of his room and saw Lin Su playing a game at the computer.

"Want to join me?" Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang, unusually relaxed, said, "Play for an hour, then study."

His habits were always marked by self-discipline. He wouldn’t let himself become too engrossed or completely lose himself in indulgence.

Lin Su nodded. "Alright, come on."

Ye Huaitang walked over with a smile. The time spent playing games was very enjoyable. 

Although he felt a bit unsatisfied when it ended, at that moment, he realized he was not just missing the game but something else.

They continued studying until eleven o’clock. After saying goodnight to each other, they went to sleep. Ye Huaitang sank into the soft bed, trying a more relaxed sleeping position for the first time, and even fell asleep with a relaxed smile on his lips.

Living together meant going to school together. When they appeared in class during the early study period, it clearly drew the attention of their classmates, especially towards Ye Huaitang.

"Class monitor, have you recovered from your cold?" one classmate asked.

"With the weather getting cooler, make sure to dress warmly," another classmate expressed concern.

"Okay, thank you," Ye Huaitang replied with a smile.

Compared to the bustling attention Ye Huaitang received, Lin Su’s presence was noticeably more subdued. As Ye Huaitang sat down, he said, "Wear more layers."

Lin Su didn’t care much about the classmates' concern because the original impression of him as a slacker had already taken root in many people's minds. Instead of trying to force his way into a group that wasn’t welcoming, he preferred to be himself. Changing such perceptions took time and gradual effort.

However, the thoughtfulness and care from those around him were genuinely warm. He believed he would care, so he showed concern.

Love is reciprocal; giving warmth to the right person will also bring warmth back.

"Thank you for your concern, class monitor," Lin Su said with a smile.

When Lin Su was serious about studying, he wouldn’t let anyone worry about him. Although he had intentionally restrained himself, his progress still occasionally amazed Ye Huaitang, filling him with a sense of accomplishment.

"If you had studied hard before, you might be competing for the top spots now," Ye Huaitang said as he reviewed Lin Su’s workbook.

"If I surpass you, you’d better not get mad," Lin Su said, propping his head up as he looked at him.

"Am I really that petty?" Ye Huaitang asked with a smile.

A struggling student can be stubborn and draw attention from top students, but to be seen as reliable and have a future, one cannot always be at the bottom of the rankings.

Similar environments can shape similar values, with the same friends and future plans. 

However, geographical and capability differences can significantly widen the gap between people. Unless one’s family background is inherently advantageous, this gap is hard to bridge.

【Therefore, in many stories, only those who rise from being underachievers to top students can end up with the original top students as their significant others.】 System 06 concluded after analyzing data from many worlds.

Those who don’t succeed in rising often part ways when their values change.

【That’s correct.】 Lin Su smiled and said, 【Children can be taught.】

Lin Su’s progress was evident. When other students occasionally came to Ye Huaitang with questions, Lin Su only glanced at them and provided the answers, which surprised the other students.

"You must be just saying it casually," one classmate quickly reacted.

Ye Huaitang also took a look and casually listed a few vertical problems: "The answers he gave are correct."

This time, the surrounding students were truly astonished. Had the second-to-last student in their class become so impressive?

"Um, could you tell me how you did it?" the classmate asked awkwardly.

Ye Huaitang's expression shifted slightly as he smiled and said, "I’m busy right now. Could you let Lin Su teach you?"

The classmate hesitated and looked at Lin Su. Just as they thought Lin Su might refuse, he took the book and said, "Would you mind if I explain it to you?"

"I don’t mind." The classmate was genuinely seeking help and hadn’t expected this surprise.

Lin Su outlined the steps: "Follow this approach, and you should be able to handle the rest."

His explanation was concise, and the classmate had a moment of realization: "I really hadn’t thought of it that way. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Lin Su said with a smile. "Helping others is a pleasure."

The classmates who had seen his previously arrogant demeanor lowered their heads, thinking, "You weren’t like this before."

In the past, if they mentioned that helping others was a virtue, Lin Su would surely retort, "Since helping others is a virtue, why don’t you help me?"

Maybe it was because he was sitting next to the class monitor and had been influenced by the virtue of helping others? The class monitor truly was an impressive person.

Getting to know someone anew always starts with a beginning. With this start, and since Lin Su had recently been well-behaved, not even arriving late or leaving early, the classmates who had been wary of him had begun to relax their vigilance.

After Lin Su played games with a few top students in the class and developed camaraderie, he was no longer the despised person he once was. 

Additionally, his excellent calligraphy and drawing skills had made him quite sought after for various reasons.

"Help write a love letter?" Lin Su looked at the boy in front of him with some surprise. "Aren’t you afraid I’ll spill the beans?"

"We’re close, and I trust your character," the boy said with a laugh as he scratched his head.

After all, when he was bad at the game and got criticized by other teammates, Lin Su never said a word against him or gave up on him.

"What's the reward?" Lin Su didn’t mind these small tasks.

The boy smiled and said, "How about a week’s worth of drinks?"

"Okay, you’re quite sincere, brother. What do you want written?" Lin Su asked.

The boy handed over a draft and requested, "Draw a small angel shooting a heart at the end."

"You’re quite sentimental," Lin Su said.

The boy laughed and replied, "I don’t have a girly heart. Isn’t that what girls like?"

"Alright, I’ll grant your wish." Lin Su copied the letter and drew a small angel in the corner. Its lively and cute appearance made the boy praise it repeatedly.

"With your drawing skills, I don’t think any girl could resist your charm," the boy said, admiring the work. "The writing is really good. Thanks, buddy."

What started as a single instance soon became a regular occurrence. After the boy successfully pursued the girl he liked with that love letter, Lin Su became the go-to person for similar requests.

"Brother, help me out. Whether I can win her over depends on you," someone asked Lin Su. "How about a month’s worth of drinks?"

Lin Su wasn’t really interested in the drinks, but… "Alright, since you’re so sincere."

Another love letter was written, and Lin Su’s supply of drinks remained steady.

Since it was done privately, Ye Huaitang was somewhat puzzled. "You’re not extorting your classmates, are you?"

"Am I that despicable?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

Ye Huaitang thought for a moment and said, "You used to be like that. I haven’t forgotten how you used to bully me on purpose."

Lin Su: "……"

System 06 remarked with a sigh: 【Already digging up old grievances before officially becoming a couple.】

"Not really; I obtained this through proper channels," Lin Su redirected the topic. "We're all decent people, we are not doing anything unscrupulous."

"What channels?" Ye Huaitang asked, curious.

Lin Su smiled and said, "That's a secret."

"Alright then," Ye Huaitang said, not pressing further. "So, where are we going to play this Sunday?"

"That's also a secret," Lin Su replied, tight-lipped.

Ye Huaitang had moved past his initial disappointment and wasn’t planning to back out of the reward he promised Lin Su, but sometimes, the mystery can be quite annoying.

"By the way, how do you solve this problem?" Lin Su asked, presenting a problem he had prepared.

Ye Huaitang took it, worked on it as usual, and when he couldn't solve it, he said, "That's a secret."

Lin Su: "……"

Why is this kid so vengeful?

System 06 responded: 【You've encouraged it, host.】

Ye Huaitang said it was a secret but still went on to research various problem-solving methods and similar types before declaring the end of the secrecy to Lin Su.

"Class monitor is really amazing," Lin Su said with genuine admiration.

Ye Huaitang, with a smile that held a bit of unintentional pride, replied, "Of course."

Then Lin Su presented another unsolvable problem. Ye Huaitang, for a moment, almost suspected that Lin Su was messing with him. But considering that Lin Su probably wasn’t petty to that extent, he proceeded with the usual process of keeping it a secret and tackled it on his own.

Without the added coursework, Ye Huaitang found his weekends quite relaxing. However, he didn’t like to waste time entirely, so he focused on his art courses and even enrolled in a drawing class for additional training.

About half an hour after Ye Huaitang left, Lin Su's door was knocked. He set aside his computer and peeked through the peephole, smiling when he saw a woman who resembled Ye Huaitang. 

【What do you think will happen next?】

System 06 analyzed: 【She will offer you five million to stay away from her son.】

TL: Just a reminder for readers to never intentionally click on ads, pls and ty|・д・)ノ

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