Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 61


| PN | Help you Chase A Man | 61

Qi Chao returned to his room and had just sat down on the bed when he heard the system’s trembling electronic voice.

【Sorry, Host, I was just too shocked.】

Who could have anticipated that, while just checking in, it would witness that scene? Even now, thinking back on what it saw, the system still felt a lingering unease. 

However, on closer reflection, the system realized that the scene was likely just an accident, and its scream had inadvertently led to the host's close interaction with the villain.

Feeling a bit guilty, the system continued, 【I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.】

“It’s fine,” Qi Chao said, understanding that the previous scene could easily lead to misunderstandings. Since it happened, there was no need to dwell on it. Thinking about the aftermath, Qi Chao’s ears flushed slightly red. “It was just an accident. Don’t overthink it.”

The room was dimly lit, but the system’s night vision function was excellent, allowing it to clearly see the host’s reddened ears.

The system, after a moment of silence, realized that although Qi Chao was twenty-eight this year, he had been so focused on his career that he hadn't had much time for relationships. 

Perhaps this was Qi Chao's first time being that close to someone.

Hearing that people often form deep attachments to their firsts, the system worried that Qi Chao might end up developing feelings for the villain. The idea of the host potentially falling for the villain was troubling, as it could lead to manipulation and emotional distress.

The system frantically tried to think of ways to advise Qi Chao, but before it could organize its thoughts, it noticed that Qi Chao had already fallen asleep.

Well, perhaps it had overthought things.

Observing the sleeping host, the system concluded that Qi Chao's carefree demeanor didn't seem like someone who would fall for the villain, and it left the dimension with a sense of relief.

The next morning, Qi Chao woke up, he ran a hand through his slightly disheveled hair, and vaguely remembered falling asleep while chatting with the system. 

He hadn’t gotten drunk and hadn’t forgotten the incident with Shen Yuxi from the previous night. 

However, after a good night’s sleep, he found himself feeling more amused than embarrassed about the situation.

Thinking that the doctor and the two puppets would be leaving today, Qi Chao got out of bed and prepared to make some snacks for them in the kitchen. He knew they would be leaving through Moss's space vortex and didn't plan to make too much.

However, as soon as he reached the kitchen door, he heard a faint sound coming from inside. 

When he went in, he saw Shen Yuxi already cooking, seemingly having been in the kitchen for a while.

Qi Chao was momentarily taken aback.

Shen Yuxi, who was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, glanced toward the door when he heard the noise. Seeing Qi Chao, he smiled gently. His golden hair fell over his right shoulder, adding to his soft demeanor. “You’re awake?”

“Mm.” Qi Chao walked over to Shen Yuxi, took the knife from his hand, and said with a smile, “Why are you up so early? You went to bed so late last night; I thought you would sleep in a bit.”

Shen Yuxi stepped back and smiled gently at him. “Once I wake up, I can’t fall back asleep.”

Their interaction was familiar and natural, as if they had completely forgotten what had happened the night before.

"At what time will you be leaving later?" Qi Chao asked.

Shen Yuxi still wore his gentle smile. His peach blossom eyes looked at Qi Chao as he answered softly, “Around nine.”

“Mm.” Qi Chao nodded and continued, “Moss's ability has a limited number of uses per day, but it's quite convenient for one round trip. If you have the chance, you can come back often.”


Shen Yuxi's gaze lingered on Qi Chao’s well-defined fingers for a few seconds before he lowered his eyelashes. 

He had already decided to make Qi Chao his bed partner, but this wouldn’t make Shen Yuxi pause his plans. On the contrary, the timing of his departure was just right.

Shen Yuxi had never been intimately involved with anyone, but that didn’t mean he didn’t understand how to seduce a man. On the contrary, because he was well aware of human nature, Shen Yuxi was confident that he could get Qi Chao into his bed in the shortest time possible. He needed to handle his plans first.

Shen Yuxi thought that only by keeping their distance would their reunion seem even more precious.

On the other side, Li Bai had been in low spirits since learning that Moss, his godfather, and Agu were leaving. He hadn’t slept well the night before and had gone to Lan Luo’s room early in the morning, whining about his reluctance.

Lan Luo understood that Li Bai was emotionally rich. Although he didn’t see why Li Bai would be so upset about the departure of his brother and Agu, Lan Luo patiently comforted him, considering they were friends made by his master.

Lan Luo had always cherished his possessions, such as the little deer headband he wore on his head.

Li Bai was genuinely upset, but he was also easily comforted. After a few words of reassurance from Lan Luo, Li Bai perked up, and the two puppets went downstairs together. They were about to turn on the animation when Lan Luo noticed Agu hiding behind the kitchen door, seemingly up to something.

Moss was standing next to Agu, his dark eyes fixed intently on him, monitoring Agu's every move.

Noticing Lan Luo's gaze, Agu turned around and gave him a friendly wink.

Lan Luo ignored A gu's gesture. However, A gu, being somewhat annoying, moved closer, nonchalantly sitting on the sofa. His blue earrings, set against his tanned skin, looked particularly striking.

“Father really surprised me,” Agu remarked. Although there wasn’t anything outrageous in the kitchen, A Gu had gathered his father's thoughts from just a few words.

Yesterday, Agu had said those things just to irritate his father, but unexpectedly, not only did his father remain unfazed, but he also surprised Agu.

Indeed, as expected of his father—truly impressive.

Agu’s smile grew wider.

Lan Luo and Moss looked on as the eccentric Agu started humming again, their expressions unchanged. After all, it wasn’t the first time they had interacted with this eccentric character.

After finishing the meal, Shen Yuxi stood with the two puppets in front of the space vortex. Qi Chao handed the prepared snacks to the two children and patted Moss and Agu on the head.

It was A gu’s first time being patted on the head, and he was somewhat intrigued. A few seconds later, he eagerly asked Qi Chao to pat his head again, his green eyes sparkling with childlike excitement.


Although Qi Chao hadn’t spent much time with Agu, he found Agu to be a lively and cheerful child, with a temperament as pleasant as Lan Luo’s and Moss’s.

His dark brown eyes held a smile as he reached out to pat Agu’s head again. Feeling the warmth on his head, Agu nodded in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, the doctor was listening gently to Li Bai and Lan Luo’s reluctant goodbyes. Most of the time, it was Li Bai who spoke, while Lan Luo, each time he saw his father, was both fond and apprehensive, rarely saying much.

After Qi Chao said his goodbyes to the two children, Li Bai had also finished saying his farewells to his godfather.

Shen Yuxi watched as Qi Chao walked towards him, his peach blossom eyes curving into a crescent moon, appearing gentle and affectionate.

Qi Chao couldn’t shake the feeling that Shen Yuxi’s attitude towards him seemed to have changed, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint how.

“Brother Shen, remember to send me a message when you get there,” Qi Chao said with a smile.

“Alright,” Shen Yuxi responded with a smile of his own. Standing in front of the space vortex, his expression remained as gentle as ever. 

After a few seconds, seeming somewhat puzzled, Shen Yuxi asked, “Aren’t you going to give me a hug?”

Qi Chao was taken aback, finding the question a bit out of character for Shen Yuxi. However, he quickly recovered and smiled back at him. “Of course we should hug.”

With that, Qi Chao stepped forward and embraced Shen Yuxi. Shen Yuxi’s waist was so slim that Qi Chao felt as if he could break it with a little more force. The closeness triggered Qi Chao to recall the events of the previous night, and he could still faintly smell Shen Yuxi’s subtle fragrance.

Qi Chao’s ears reddened slightly as he awkwardly pushed Shen Yuxi away and said, “Alright.”

Seeing the smile in Shen Yuxi’s eyes, Qi Chao pressed down his discomfort and joked nonchalantly, “I usually take the initiative to hug you. This is the first time you’ve asked for one.”

Brotherly hugs are mutual.

Qi Chao felt that his relationship with Shen Yuxi seemed to have improved.

“Mm.” Shen Yuxi nodded slightly, then tilted his head toward Qi Chao. His golden hair, tied to his right shoulder, swayed gently with his movement. His blue peach blossom eyes were warm and affectionate. “After all, our relationship is very good, isn’t it?”

The elegant and soft voice made one’s heart itch.

Qi Chao felt that having a good relationship was one thing, but having Shen Yuxi point it out was another. He didn’t think of himself as a person with a thin skin, but maybe Brother Shen’s behavior today was making him feel a bit off.

Qi Chao cleared his throat and calmly said, “Of course. Brother Shen is my best brother on Blue Star.”

After saying this, Qi Chao casually patted Li Bai’s head to ease his emotions.

Agu had been watching the scene with great interest. Unlike Lan Luo and Li Bai, who were confused and knew nothing about what was happening, Agu was enjoying the gossip.

Unfortunately, there were no other puppets with him to share the gossip. Agu sighed, noting that Moss didn’t count. 

Moss not only wouldn’t join him in gossiping but would also share the hard-won gossip with his father.

So lonely.

Agu thought, so this is what it’s like for smart people to be lonely? That’s wonderful! He wished he could increase his intelligence by a few more levels.

Shen Yuxi’s gaze fell on Agu, who seemed to be humming a little tune, before returning to look at Qi Chao. He smiled and said, “We’ll head off now. I’ll let you know once we get there.”

Qi Chao watched as the three figures entered the space vortex. The vortex slowly shrank and eventually disappeared. It was only at this moment that he truly felt the reality of their departure.

He looked down at Li Bai and Lan Luo, patted both of their heads, and smiled softly, “Let’s go. Let’s watch some animation.”

Meanwhile, as the three figures emerged from the space vortex, Agu cheerfully exclaimed, “Father, do you want Agu to help you chase a man?”

“Agu is very smart, I guarantee you can catch one for sure!”

Shen Yuxi’s footsteps paused slightly as he looked at the black-haired puppet with a gentle expression. Agu stiffened, put his hand at his mouth, and made a zipping motion, pledging, “Agu won’t say another word!”

With that, Agu quickly jumped up into a tree and vanished in a matter of moments.

They were in a deep, dark forest, with only the faint sounds of terrified human screams in the distance. There were no other animal sounds, creating an eerily silent atmosphere.

Moss followed closely behind Shen Yuxi and looked in the direction Agu had disappeared. He then asked in a raspy voice, “Father, do you need me to go after Agu?”

“No need.”

Shen Yuxi replied, “He knows what to do in the trial field.”

Moss nodded and kept a step behind his father, his dark eyes watching Shen Yuxi’s back. Moss didn’t understand his father as well as Agu did, but he had a vague idea of his father’s thoughts.

His father likely wanted to improve his relationship with Qi Chao.

Moss’s thin lips, hidden beneath his bandages, pressed together slightly. He felt somewhat relieved, thinking that this should be easy to achieve. But since they were already friends, what would be the next step if the relationship were to improve further? Moss pondered this with some confusion.

“What are you thinking about?”

Hearing his father’s question, Moss immediately shook his head and replied hoarsely, “Nothing.”

Shen Yuxi’s blue eyes lingered on Moss for a moment before he looked away. He didn’t press further but said, “Bring Ayu and Chi Yao here.”

Ayu and Chi Yao?

Moss paused, “Does Father want them to continue with their tasks?”

Shen Yuxi nodded.

His plans couldn’t be delayed any longer.

TL: Just a reminder for readers to never intentionally click on ads, pls and ty|・д・)ノ

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!! ✨

    Lighting candles for Shen Yuxi.🫡 I don’t think he’s gonna have as easy of a time seducing Qi Chao as he thinks. Especially since he’s in the ‘good brother’ box already.

  2. Ahh Shen Yuxi and Qi Chao are too cute!🥰


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