Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 69


| PN | How Terrible | 69

As the video connection was successfully established, the holographic projection of Qi Chao's upper body appeared in midair.

Shen Yuxi noticed the unfamiliar living room background behind him, his peach blossom eyes curved slightly, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

However, if one looked closely, they would see that the smile did not reach his eyes.

"Brother Shen, I've been busy all afternoon and had my lightbrain on silent. I just noticed you called me for a video chat," Qi Chao explained while adjusting the camera angle. When he looked up again after tidying up, Shen Yuxi had already concealed his previously exposed emotions.

"I see, I wasn't in a hurry. I was just a bit worried when you didn't answer the video call for a long time," Shen Yuxi said warmly, his peach blossom eyes filled with a smile, as if a burden had finally been lifted from his heart.

Feeling cared for and concerned about was heartwarming for Qi Chao. He replied, "I didn't expect this matter to take so long to handle."

"The items in the living room behind you look unfamiliar. Are you still busy outside?" Shen Yuxi's smile became even softer at the thought of the young man Li Bai had mentioned.

"Yes, there's still some work to be done."

As he spoke, Qi Chao paused and then briefly recounted the events from last night when he saw a post on the forum and his meeting with San Yue today.

"San Yue should wake up soon, Tu Zhuang should be able to calm down," Qi Chao said.

Hearing Qi Chao's words, Shen Yuxi nodded, his face showing concern, as if he were feeling sorry for Tu Zhuang, who sought help and was desperate enough to meet up with someone in a hotel room for help.

But in reality, there wasn't a single ripple of emotion in his heart. Shen Yuxi wouldn't expend feelings on irrelevant people.

Out of Qi Chao's sight, he lightly tapped the armrest with his fingers to calm his inner agitation.

So, this was Qi Chao's reason for not answering his video call?

Shen Yuxi had long known how soft-hearted and kind Qi Chao was. If not for this, Qi Chao wouldn't have caught his attention in the first place.

However, now that Shen Yuxi considered Qi Chao his possession, he felt a strong sense of displeasure seeing Qi Chao extend kindness to others, especially when those others were much younger than him.

Younger people always seemed to receive more affection from men.

Thinking this, Shen Yuxi's face remained unchanged. His lips curved slightly, betraying none of his thoughts: "So, San Yue should wake up soon."


Qi Chao wasn't sure, but Shen Yuxi's words reminded him that he should go up and check on their situation.

Just as Qi Chao was about to suggest temporarily ending the video call, Shen Yuxi, as if anticipating his intention, spoke first: "Can I go up with you to check on San Yue?"

"San Yue hasn't eaten any energy for a long time. Although you've supplemented his mental energy, there might still be some issues."

Qi Chao thought Brother Shen must want to help San Yue, so he didn't refuse and just said in a low voice, "Tu Zhuang thinks it was Shao Qi who repaired the puppet, so Brother Shen, remember not to let it slip."

Whether the story about Shao Qi is true or not might not matter much to Tu Zhuang if San Yue wakes up, but Qi Chao still didn't plan to tell him the truth. Publicizing his own unusual mental power might not be a good idea.

Shen Yuxi naturally understood Qi Chao's meaning. He chuckled lightly, "Got it."

Qi Chao considered Tu Zhuang an outsider. Knowing this, Shen Yuxi's previously displeased mood seemed to improve significantly.

Meanwhile, in the room upstairs, Tu Zhuang was tightly holding San Yue's hand. He was half-kneeling by the bed, staring at San Yue's face. 

Although the puppet was still lying in bed, Tu Zhuang could sense from the slight furrow in his brows that San Yue was no longer in a deep, unaware slumber.

Unable to contain his excitement, his eyes reddened. As he felt the hand he was holding grip tighter and tighter, Tu Zhuang lowered his head. Realizing something, he quickly turned around, and the next moment, he saw San Yue, lying in bed, slowly open his eyes.

San Yue had really woken up.

His San Yue had truly woken up.

Tu Zhuang's emotions erupted suddenly. He directly hugged San Yue's shoulders, trembling all over, his eyes overflowing with tears. He cried silently, as if trying to release all the fear and despair he had experienced over the past month.

San Yue was Tu Zhuang's only family.

No one knew how a sixteen-year-old boy felt as he guarded his only family member in a warehouse, waiting for the countdown to death, his heart breaking and filled with despair.

Tu Zhuang was so focused on crying that he didn't notice the shock and confusion in San Yue's eyes when he opened them.

Waking from endless darkness, San Yue felt Tu Zhuang's warmth and was a bit dazed. His hand rested on Tu Zhuang, and when he confirmed that the person in his arms was truly alive, his eyes, which had once been filled with ferocity and despair, turned vacant, as if he didn't understand what was happening.

He remembered that the person in his arms was already dead.

And he, too, had been killed after avenging him.

But why had he awakened again?

San Yue couldn't comprehend what had happened.

San Yue was an A-level puppet without any special abilities. Shortly after his creation, he was sold at a high price by his father to a wealthy merchant in Ganfen District, where he served as the merchant's son's childhood companion.

In the wealthy merchant's home, San Yue never suffered any hardship or abuse like other puppets. But soon, everything changed.

The merchant faced an investment failure and committed suicide by jumping into the sea. His wife, upon hearing the news, followed him in death, leaving behind the helpless Tu Zhuang and a huge amount of debt.

To repay the debt, Tu Zhuang, who had been pampered all his life, worked tirelessly day and night. San Yue knew that his existence was just a burden to Tu Zhuang, with the monthly cost of energy stones alone being an enormous expense.

After his proposal to go out and earn money was rejected, San Yue survived on only three low-grade energy stones a day to maintain basic energy levels. Tu Zhuang, being a sheltered young master, believed San Yue when he said he wasn't hungry.

Over time, San Yue couldn't sustain himself and fell into a deep sleep.

Thinking about this, San Yue's heart skipped a beat as if recalling something terrifying. A blurry image of a skeletal Tu Zhuang appeared in his mind—the last time he saw Tu Zhuang after waking up.

To awaken San Yue, Tu Zhuang had traded his body for information, he was repeatedly deceived and was driven into deeper despair, becoming increasingly neurotic. His already frail body deteriorated further. 

After San Yue awoke, Tu Zhuang's suppressed emotions suddenly erupted, and his body completely gave out.

San Yue lost his human.

Under the arrangement of a female puppet with white hair and red eyes wearing a navy cap, San Yue killed the humans who deceived Tu Zhuang, only to be killed by a group of strangers in turn.

That was how it was supposed to be.

San Yue felt that his memories seemed to have discrepancies. It was as if something had split his mind in two. The impressions from before he fell asleep were clearer, while the memories of Tu Zhuang's death and the events that followed were shrouded in a fog, making it hard to distinguish truth from illusion.

"San Yue?"

Tu Zhuang noticed something was wrong with San Yue and lifted his head to look at him, his tone anxious. "Are you feeling unwell somewhere? I'll go get Brother Qi to help."

Brother Qi?

San Yue heard an unfamiliar name.

"He helped me contact your father, which is why you were saved." Tu Zhuang clenched his bandaged hand tightly. "If it weren't for him, you might still be in that deep sleep."

As he spoke, Tu Zhuang got up and started to run downstairs.

San Yue didn't stop Tu Zhuang. The memories in his mind didn't feel false. Although they were hazy and hard to discern, he knew from them that he shouldn't be awake at this time.

Before awakening, San Yue had faintly felt a warm current flow into his heart. It was a presence even warmer than his father's mental energy. The hazy memories emerged after this warm current.

San Yue touched his chest, still trying to understand when the door suddenly opened.

"Brother Qi, San Yue seems a bit off."

Tu Zhuang had just taken a few steps out the door when he saw Qi Chao, his face lighting up with joy. He hurriedly called out to Qi Chao for help, instinctively addressing him as "Brother." 

In Tu Zhuang's eyes, Qi Chao was the savior of both him and his puppet, and this respectful and grateful term of address came naturally.

However, on the other side of the video call, Shen Yuxi's expression remained gentle, though his fingers tapped anxiously under the table. His heart was filled with the displeasure of having his possession coveted.

Upon realizing something was wrong with San Yue, Qi Chao quickly followed Tu Zhuang back into the room and hurried to the bedside to check on San Yue's condition.

While Shen Yuxi seemed to be carefully observing San Yue, his peripheral vision was actually focused on Tu Zhuang. 

Tu Zhuang's figure was thin and frail, his face streaked with tears, and his skin in poor condition, though his delicate features could still be discerned.

Shen Yuxi soon shifted his gaze away, thinking that if Qi Chao wasn't blind, he would surely see that he was the best choice as a bedmate.

"Do you feel any discomfort?" Qi Chao asked as he examined San Yue's body.

"Just a bit tired," San Yue replied, gripping the bed sheet with his fingers. He realized he felt a strange sense of closeness to this man named Qi Chao. 

This feeling was like a gentle warmth, not intense, and if it weren't for his confused memories, he might not have even noticed this subconscious sense of familiarity.

San Yue thought that it was very likely this man who had awakened him, not the so-called father, but it was just a guess without any basis.

"It could be due to a lack of energy in the body," Qi Chao said, then looked down at the holographic screen. "What do you think, Brother Shen?"

"Lack of energy can indeed cause such issues in newly awakened puppets. At least two high-level energy stones are needed," Shen Yuxi responded seriously. His gaze fell on San Yue, his blue eyes lingering for a moment as he noted the puppet's unusual behavior.

Tu Zhuang had already noticed that Qi Chao was on a video call, but it didn't matter to him. 

Upon hearing that the puppet needed energy stones, he quickly said, "I'll go buy some right away."

"No need. I have a few high-level energy stones in my pocket," Qi Chao said, pulling out two or three energy stones. Ever since he had started taking care of puppets, Qi Chao had gotten into the habit of carrying energy stones with him. Although these stones were not large, they were sufficient to replenish San Yue's energy.

Seeing this, Tu Zhuang was even more grateful. San Yue glanced at the energy stones, then looked up at Qi Chao. After a few seconds, he softly said, "Thank you."

His mind was a bit chaotic at the moment. San Yue felt he needed to calm down. He pressed his lips together, took the energy stones, and lowered his head to eat.

Watching the puppet eat, Qi Chao turned to Tu Zhuang and said, "Normally, it takes a plate-sized low-level energy stone to fill a puppet. To maintain the puppet's energy levels, they need to eat regularly and in sufficient quantities."

Tu Zhuang responded with a hum. He clenched his fists, realizing how San Yue had been skimping on his rations to avoid being a burden.

If only he had been more observant or shown more concern for the puppet, such a situation could have been avoided.

Since San Yue had fallen into a deep sleep, Tu Zhuang had often blamed himself, feeling overwhelmed by guilt and loneliness.

San Yue heard their conversation and his back stiffened. He knew he had once again caused Tu Zhuang a lot of trouble.

Qi Chao noticed Tu Zhuang's self-reproach and comforted him, "From now on, eating on time will make everything better."

"Yes, thank you, Brother Qi." Although Tu Zhuang's guilt remained, he felt somewhat reassured and smiled at Qi Chao in gratitude.

Shen Yuxi, watching the harmonious interaction from the other side of the holographic screen, felt a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"San Yue should be fine now," Shen Yuxi said gently. "I'll hang up the call for now. We can talk more when there's time."

With that, Shen Yuxi politely smiled at Tu Zhuang.

Seeing the blond man projected in the air, Tu Zhuang immediately stood up straight and nodded nervously. It was the first time he had seen such a beautiful person, even more so than when his family had money.

Qi Chao smiled at Shen Yuxi's words, "We'll chat more when I get back."

After ending the communication, the room fell silent again. Both San Yue and Tu Zhuang were not very talkative by nature.

Qi Chao thought for a moment and carefully explained the follow-up check schedule and the amount of ointment needed.

The ointment was used to repair the puppet's skin barrier. It was something Qi Chao had bought long ago when making puppets and had never used until now, which was perfect for helping San Yue.

"Brother Qi, um, how much is San Yue’s treatment going to cost?" Tu Zhuang asked anxiously. "You must have a lot of savings; I promise I won’t delay payment."

Qi Chao thought about the warehouse he had seen before and the young man's sense of pride. He smiled and said casually, "We’ll discuss the cost after the treatment is completed. It’s not done yet."

Tu Zhuang accepted this, believing that no one would refuse an opportunity for money. San Yue, however, observed Qi Chao in silence. This man seemed very mysterious.

San Yue’s mind was still a bit disoriented, and he struggled to distinguish between reality and illusion. He pursed his lips, deciding to observe Qi Chao further.

After about half an hour, Tu Zhuang decided it was time to leave. Since they were at Qi Chao’s home, Tu Zhuang was concerned that staying too long might annoy the puppet master.

Qi Chao didn’t object and escorted them back to the building. After watching the two figures enter the warehouse, he took the flying vehicle back home.

As soon as he arrived at the front door, Li Bai and Lan Luo, who had been lonely in Qi Chao’s absence, rushed to the entrance.

Qi Chao gently rubbed the heads of the two puppets and promised to take them to the amusement park the next day. Li Bai and Lan Luo both smiled.

“Daddy promised, so you can’t lie to us,” Li Bai said, looking up at Qi Chao with a serious expression. He didn’t know what an amusement park was, but he liked going out to play.

Qi Chao chuckled, “I won’t. Li Bai and Lan Luo will wake up early tomorrow morning, and Daddy will definitely take you out to play.”

With this promise, Li Bai and Lan Luo were both happy.

Lan Luo remembered the last time he went to the amusement park with Qi Chao and found that place very interesting. Thinking about going to the amusement park tomorrow made Lan Luo feel that spending the whole day today watching silly cartoons with Li Bai wasn’t so hard to bear.

That night, Qi Chao went to bed early. Lan Luo, however, was so excited that he tossed and turned in his room, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Just as he was calming down and about to close his eyes, he suddenly heard a faint noise in the darkness. Lan Luo’s hearing was very sharp. He knew someone had entered the villa.

Like his father, Lan Luo was stubborn and had a strong sense of territory. His blue eyes narrowed, and an expression of displeasure appeared in them. He did not allow anyone to intrude here.

Lan Luo got out of bed, followed the sound to open the window, and prepared to jump onto the nearby tree to check the situation. 

In the next moment, Lan Luo froze. 

Under the moonlight, a red-haired, red-eyed girl wielding a two-meter-long blade stood on the third-floor balcony, gazing at the night sky as if contemplating some grand plan. 

Noticing the movement at the second-floor window, Chi Yao looked down but hadn't spoken yet when Agu, crouched in the tree, pounced on Lan Luo.

"Hi, little brother, did you miss me?" Agu said with a smile.

Lan Luo, whose expression stiffened upon seeing Chi Yao, wondered: ...

Will he still be able to go to the amusement park tomorrow?

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!! 💕

    Ah, Shen Yuxi, you’re supposed to be a terrifying villain, not a vinegar chugging peacock! Can’t even stand a poor boy standing near your man, you troublemaker. But at least San Yue is healed and things are stabilized out! Hope they get a break tho when it comes to their debts.
    Also, once more, the best daughter has returned! Time to carry out her plan and bring her daddy home a man!


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